Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- tsLength :: TSeries ts a => ts a -> Int
- tsRange :: TSeries ts a => ts a -> Maybe (UTime, UTime)
- tsTraversed :: (TSeries ts a, TSeries ts b) => IndexedTraversal UTime (ts a) (ts b) a b
- tsTraversedWithIndex :: (TSeries ts a, TSeries ts b) => IndexedTraversal Int (ts a) (ts b) (UTime, a) (UTime, b)
- toPairList :: TSeries ts a => ts a -> [(UTime, a)]
- tsSearch :: TSeries ts a => ts a -> UTime -> Int
- firstAfter :: TSeries ts a => ts a -> UTime -> Maybe (UTime, a)
- lastBefore :: TSeries ts a => ts a -> UTime -> Maybe (UTime, a)
- fromSortedPairList :: TSeries ts a => [(UTime, a)] -> ts a
- fromUnsortedPairList :: TSeries ts a => [(UTime, a)] -> ts a
- fromPeriodicData :: TSeries ts a => PeriodicSequence -> [a] -> ts a
- data TSInterpolate a = TSInterpolate {}
- interpolateAt :: TSeries ts a => TSInterpolate a -> ts a -> UTime -> Maybe (UTime, a)
- linearBetween :: Fractional a => UTime -> (UTime, a) -> (UTime, a) -> Maybe (UTime, a)
- tsiExtend :: UTime -> (UTime, a) -> Maybe (UTime, a)
- tsiNoExtend :: UTime -> (UTime, a) -> Maybe (UTime, a)
- interpolateLinear :: Fractional a => TSInterpolate a
- extendInterpolateLinear :: Fractional a => TSInterpolate a
- tsGet :: (Fractional a, TSeries ts a) => ts a -> UTime -> a
- tsSlice :: TSeries ts a => ts a -> UTime -> UTime -> ts a
- justAfter :: UTime -> UTime
- tsSliceByCount :: TSeries ts a => ts a -> Int -> Int -> ts a
- tsSplitAt :: TSeries ts a => UTime -> ts a -> (ts a, ts a)
- data TSMerge a b c = TSMerge {}
- tsMerge :: (TSeries ts a, TSeries ts b, TSeries ts c) => TSMerge a b c -> ts a -> ts b -> ts c
- tsMergeWith :: (TSeries ts a, TSeries ts b, TSeries ts c) => (UTime -> a -> b -> c) -> ts a -> ts b -> ts c
- tsMergeEnhance :: (TSeries ts a, TSeries ts b, TSeries ts c) => (Bool, TSInterpolate a) -> (Bool, TSInterpolate b) -> (UTime -> a -> b -> c) -> ts a -> ts b -> ts c
- tsResampleLocal :: TSeries ts a => Bool -> TSInterpolate a -> [UTime] -> ts a -> ts a
- extendForward :: TSeries ts a => Bool -> [UTime] -> ts a -> ts a
- extendBackward :: TSeries ts a => Bool -> [UTime] -> ts a -> ts a
- tsResampleGlobal :: TSeries ts a => (UTime -> ts a -> ts a -> Maybe (UTime, a)) -> [UTime] -> ts a -> ts a
- tsResampleMoving :: TSeries ts a => (UTime -> ts a -> Maybe a) -> Period -> [UTime] -> ts a -> ts a
- tsOffsetGeneral :: TSeries ts a => (UTime -> UTime) -> ts a -> ts a
- tsOffsetByPeriod :: TSeries ts a => Period -> ts a -> ts a
Simple accessors
tsRange :: TSeries ts a => ts a -> Maybe (UTime, UTime) Source
Returns the first and last time stamp of a time series.
tsTraversed :: (TSeries ts a, TSeries ts b) => IndexedTraversal UTime (ts a) (ts b) a b Source
Traversal of the values of a time series with access to the time stamp as index.
tsTraversedWithIndex :: (TSeries ts a, TSeries ts b) => IndexedTraversal Int (ts a) (ts b) (UTime, a) (UTime, b) Source
Traversal of (UTime
, value
) pairs of a time series with
access to a positional index.
The user of this traversal should guarantee to not reorder the events (ie. that the time stamps are modified in a monotonic way).
toPairList :: TSeries ts a => ts a -> [(UTime, a)] Source
Returns a list of (time stamp, value) pairs of a time series sorted by time stamps.
Lookup at time
Returns the lowest index i
such that all events after i
have time
stamp at least t.
Returns the first event that has time stamp not earlier than t
or Nothing
if there's no such event in the series.
Returns the last event that has time stamp not later than t
or Nothing
if there's no such event in the series.
fromSortedPairList :: TSeries ts a => [(UTime, a)] -> ts a Source
Construct a time series from a list of (time stamp, value) pairs
Precondition: the list have to be sorted by time stamps.
fromUnsortedPairList :: TSeries ts a => [(UTime, a)] -> ts a Source
Construct a time series from a list of (time stamp, value) pairs
The list is sorted by time stamps on construction.
fromPeriodicData :: TSeries ts a => PeriodicSequence -> [a] -> ts a Source
Zip a PeriodicSequence
with a list of values.
Lookup with interpolation
data TSInterpolate a Source
Data type used to set up interpolation functions like
, tsMergeEnhance
and tsResampleLocal
TSInterpolate | |
:: TSeries ts a | |
=> TSInterpolate a | Parameters to use during the interpolation. |
-> ts a | Input time series to interpolate from. |
-> UTime | Time stamp to interpolate at. |
-> Maybe (UTime, a) | The result of interpolation. |
linearBetween :: Fractional a => UTime -> (UTime, a) -> (UTime, a) -> Maybe (UTime, a) Source
Helper function to linearly interpolate a numeric value between two events.
Assumes that the two events are in order and the interpolating time is strictly between the two time stamps.
Useful as the tsiBetween
field of a TSInterpolate
tsiExtend :: UTime -> (UTime, a) -> Maybe (UTime, a) Source
Defines trivial extending of a time series: uses the the same value as the first/last item.
To be used as tsiBefore
or tsiAfter
field of a TSInterpolate
tsiNoExtend :: UTime -> (UTime, a) -> Maybe (UTime, a) Source
Defines non-extending time series.
To be used as tsiBefore
or tsiAfter
field of a TSInterpolate
interpolateLinear :: Fractional a => TSInterpolate a Source
Linearly interpolates within time series; does not extend.
extendInterpolateLinear :: Fractional a => TSInterpolate a Source
Linearly interpolates within time series; extends at the ends.
tsGet :: (Fractional a, TSeries ts a) => ts a -> UTime -> a Source
Access any time stamp in the given time series, with linear interpolation and trivial extension at the ends if needed.
Returns the slice of the time series within the provided time interval.
The time interval is interpreted as half-open, ie. the start time
is inclusive, but the end time is not. If you need different
behavior use the provided convenience function: justAfter
start time, to make it exclusive; for end time, to make it
Returns the slice of the time series within the provided index interval.
The index interval is half-open: start index is inclusive, end index is exclusive.
tsSplitAt :: TSeries ts a => UTime -> ts a -> (ts a, ts a) Source
Split the time series into two parts: everything strictly before the given time stamp, and everything after the given time stamp (including it).
Merging time series
Structure describing a recipe for a generic merge.
tsMerge :: (TSeries ts a, TSeries ts b, TSeries ts c) => TSMerge a b c -> ts a -> ts b -> ts c Source
Generic (non-interpolating) merge.
Every time stamp considered independently from all the other. Conversion or combination of values is made according to the provided recipe, based on whether the value is present in one or both time series.
tsMergeWith :: (TSeries ts a, TSeries ts b, TSeries ts c) => (UTime -> a -> b -> c) -> ts a -> ts b -> ts c Source
Simple (non-interpolating) merge, similar to zipWith.
Only the time stamps for which value is present in both series are considered. Values are combined by the user-supplied function.
tsMergeEnhance :: (TSeries ts a, TSeries ts b, TSeries ts c) => (Bool, TSInterpolate a) -> (Bool, TSInterpolate b) -> (UTime -> a -> b -> c) -> ts a -> ts b -> ts c Source
Merges two time series by extending/resampling them to match each other.
The two time series are extended/resampled with tsResampleLocal
using the provided interpolators; and then merged with
Resampling time series
:: TSeries ts a | |
=> Bool | extend? |
-> TSInterpolate a | interpolator |
-> [UTime] | time stamp sequence |
-> ts a | |
-> ts a |
Resample or extend a time series to have values at the provided time stamps.
Resampling is done by locally interpolating between the two
neighboring events (using the provided interpolator
If the extend?
argument is True
, the original time series is
extended; otherwise the result will have values only at the new
time stamps (and the elements of the original time series are
discarded if they don't appear in the provided time stamp
extendForward :: TSeries ts a => Bool -> [UTime] -> ts a -> ts a Source
Extend/resample a time series by copying values forward.
extendBackward :: TSeries ts a => Bool -> [UTime] -> ts a -> ts a Source
Extend/resample a time series by copying values backward.
tsResampleGlobal :: TSeries ts a => (UTime -> ts a -> ts a -> Maybe (UTime, a)) -> [UTime] -> ts a -> ts a Source
Resample a time series to have values at provided time stamps.
For every new time stamp a user supplied function is evaluated with that time stamp and two sub-series: one containing every event strictly before the time stamp, and one containing events at or after the time stamp. The results are collected to create the resulting time series.
Shifting time series in time
tsOffsetGeneral :: TSeries ts a => (UTime -> UTime) -> ts a -> ts a Source
Shift time series in time by applying the user provided function to all the time stamps.
Prerequisite: the provided time-modifying function has to be monotone.
tsOffsetByPeriod :: TSeries ts a => Period -> ts a -> ts a Source