Description: Test module to be sure the generic 'Session' is sane
module TsWeb.Tables.Session.Test where

import TsWeb.Session
import TsWeb.Tables.Session

import Data.Pool (Pool)
import Database.Beam
import TsWeb.Types.Db (ReadOnlyConn, ReadWriteConn)
import Web.Spock.Config
import Web.Spock.Internal.SessionManager as SM (Session(..))

-- | Some sample user info
data UsersMixin f = Address
  { loginid :: C f Int
  , masqid :: C f Int
  , remember :: C f Bool
  } deriving (Generic)

-- | Concrete type for users
type Users = UsersMixin Identity

instance Beamable UsersMixin
instance UserData Users where
  rememberMe = remember

-- | Spock session alias to use our User
type Sess conn st = SM.Session conn Users st

-- | Beam database definition to hold our session
data Db f = Db
  { session :: f (TableEntity (SessionT UsersMixin))
  } deriving (Generic)

instance Database be Db

-- | Beam database instance
db :: DatabaseSettings be Db
db = defaultDbSettings

-- | Sample of patch to be sure that all the types work enough to make a spock
-- config wrapper
patch ::
     Pool ReadOnlyConn
  -> Pool ReadWriteConn
  -> SpockCfg conn Users st
  -> SpockCfg conn Users st
patch = patchConfig (session db)