{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
module Data.Tuple.Ops
  ( -- * Selection
  , selN
    -- ** convenience functions 
  , sel1
  , sel2
  , sel3
  , sel4
  , sel5
  , sel6
  , sel7
  , sel8
  , sel9
  , sel10
  , lastT
  -- * Application
  , app
  , appPoly
  , appN
  , mapT
  , mapPolyT
  -- ** convenience functions 
  , app1
  , app2
  , app3
  , app4
  , app5
  , app6
  , app7
  , app8
  , app9
  , app10
  -- * Constructing tuples
  , consT
  , snocT
  , appendT
  , initT
  , tailT
  -- * Deletion
  , del
  , delN
  -- ** convenience functions
  , del1
  , del2
  , del3
  , del4
  , del5
  , del6
  , del7
  , del8
  , del9
  , del10
  -- * Currying
  , uncurryT
  , curryT) where

import Generics.SOP
import GHC.Exts
import GHC.TypeLits

class Select s t where
  -- | Takes an n-ary tuple and returns the first element of the requested type
  -- >>> sel (1,'d','c') :: Char
  -- 'd'
  sel :: s -> t

instance (GenericNP s, GSelect (RepNP s) t) => Select s t where
  sel s = gsel (from_np s)

class GSelect s t where
  gsel :: s -> t

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} GSelect (NP I (t ': xs)) t where
  gsel = unI . hd

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} GSelect (NP I xs) t => GSelect (NP I (a ': xs)) t where
  gsel = gsel . tl

class SelectN s (n :: Nat) t | s n -> t where
  -- | Takes an n-ary tuple and a `Proxy` carrying a `Nat`, returns the element with the index specified by the @Nat@
  -- >>> selN (1,'d',False,'c') (Proxy :: Proxy 2)
  -- False
  selN :: s -> Proxy n -> t

instance (GenericNP s, GSelectN (RepNP s) (Lit n) t) => SelectN s n t where
  selN s Proxy = gselN (from_np s) (Proxy :: Proxy (Lit n))

class GSelectN s (n :: Nat') t | s n -> t where
  gselN :: s -> Proxy n -> t

instance GSelectN (NP I (t ': xs)) Z' t where
  gselN np _ = unI $ hd np

instance GSelectN (NP I xs) n t => GSelectN (NP I (a ': xs)) (S' n) t where
  gselN np _ = gselN (tl np) (Proxy :: Proxy n)

-- | Selects the first element in an n-ary tuple
-- >>> sel1 (0,'d','c')
-- 0
sel1 :: SelectN s 0 t => s -> t
sel1 s = selN s (Proxy :: Proxy 0)
sel2 :: SelectN s 1 t => s -> t
sel2 s = selN s (Proxy :: Proxy 1)
sel3 :: SelectN s 2 t => s -> t
sel3 s = selN s (Proxy :: Proxy 2)
sel4 :: SelectN s 3 t => s -> t
sel4 s = selN s (Proxy :: Proxy 3)
sel5 :: SelectN s 4 t => s -> t
sel5 s = selN s (Proxy :: Proxy 4)
sel6 :: SelectN s 5 t => s -> t
sel6 s = selN s (Proxy :: Proxy 5)
sel7 :: SelectN s 6 t => s -> t
sel7 s = selN s (Proxy :: Proxy 6)
sel8 :: SelectN s 7 t => s -> t
sel8 s = selN s (Proxy :: Proxy 7)
sel9 :: SelectN s 8 t => s -> t
sel9 s = selN s (Proxy :: Proxy 8)
sel10 :: SelectN s 9 t => s -> t
sel10 s = selN s (Proxy :: Proxy 9)

-- | Selects the last element of any n-ary tuple
-- >>> lastT (1,2,3,4)
-- 4
-- >>> lastT (1,2,3)
-- 3
lastT :: forall s n t. (LengthT s ~ n, SelectN s (n - 1) t) => s -> t
lastT s = selN s (Proxy :: Proxy (n - 1))

class TailT s t where
  -- | Takes an n-ary tuple and returns the same tuple minus the first element.
  -- >>> tailT (1,2,3,4)
  -- (2,3,4)
  -- Works only only tuples of size at least 3
  -- >>> tailT (1,2)
  -- Couldn't match type `2 ':<= 3' with `2 ':>= 3'
  tailT :: s -> t

instance (GenericNP s, GenericNP t, LEQ (LengthT s) 3, GTailT (RepNP s) (RepNP t)) => TailT s t where
  tailT = to_np . gtailT . from_np
class GTailT s t | s -> t where
  gtailT :: s -> t

instance GTailT (NP I (a ': xs)) (NP I xs) where
  gtailT (_ :* xs) = xs

class InitT s t where
  -- | Takes an n-ary tuple and returns the same tuple minus the first element.
  -- >>> initT (1,2,3,4)
  -- (1,2,3)
  -- Works only only tuples of size at least 3
  -- >>> initT (1,2)
  -- Couldn't match type `2 ':<= 3' with `2 ':>= 3'
  initT :: s -> t

instance (GenericNP s, GenericNP t, LEQ (LengthT s) 3, GInitT (RepNP s) (RepNP t)) => InitT s t where
  initT = to_np . ginitT . from_np

class GInitT s t | s -> t where
  ginitT :: s -> t

instance GInitT (NP I '[c]) (NP I '[]) where
  ginitT _ = Nil :: NP I '[]

instance GInitT (NP I (b ': xs)) (NP I xs') => GInitT (NP I (a ': b ': xs)) (NP I (a ': xs')) where
  ginitT (a :* b :* xs) = a :* ginitT (b :* xs)

class App f s t where
  -- | Applies a monomorphic function to the first element of an n-ary tuple that matches the type of the argument of the function.
  -- >>> app not ('d',True)
  -- ('d',False)
  -- Sometimes it is necessary to specify the result type, such that the function becomes monomorphic
  -- >>> app (+1) (True,5) :: (Bool,Integer)
  -- (True,6)
  -- One may also use `appPoly`, which doesn't require specifying the result type. However it can only apply functions
  -- to the first element of an n-ary tuple. For application to other elements use `appPolyN` or one of its derivatives.
  app :: f -> s -> t

instance (GenericNP s, GenericNP t, Applicable f (RepNP s) ~ app, GApp f app (RepNP s) (RepNP t)) => App f s t where
  app f s = to_np $ gapp f (Proxy :: Proxy app) (from_np s)

class GApp f (app :: [Bool]) s t | f s app -> t where
  gapp :: f -> Proxy app -> s -> t

instance (a ~ a', b ~ b') => GApp (Poly a b) ('True ': app) (NP I (a' ': xs)) (NP I (b' ': xs)) where
  gapp (Poly f) _ (I t :* xs) = I (f t) :* xs

instance GApp (a -> b) ('True ': app) (NP I (a ': xs)) (NP I (b ': xs)) where
  gapp f _ (I t :* xs) = I (f t) :* xs

instance GApp f app (NP I xs) (NP I xs') => GApp f ('False ': app) (NP I (c ': xs)) (NP I (c ': xs')) where
  gapp f _ (c :* xs) = c :* gapp f (Proxy :: Proxy app) xs

-- | Applies a polymorphic function to the first element of an n-ary tuple. Since the function is polymorphic in its argument it can always be applied to the first element of a tuple.
-- >>> appPoly show (5,False)
-- ("5",False)
appPoly :: App (Poly a b) s t => (a -> b) -> s -> t
appPoly f s = app (poly f) s
class AppN f s (n :: Nat) t where
  -- | Applies a function to the element at index @n@ in an n-ary tuple.
  -- >>> appN not (Proxy 2) (False,True,False)
  -- (False,True,True)
  -- `appN` also works for polymorphic functions
  -- >>> appN show (5,'c',False) (Proxy :: Proxy 2)
  -- (5,'c',"False")
  appN :: f -> s -> Proxy n -> t

instance (GenericNP s, GenericNP t, GAppN (Poly a b) (RepNP s) (Lit n) (RepNP t)) => AppN (a -> b) s n t where
  appN f s Proxy = to_np $ gappN (poly f) (from_np s) (Proxy :: Proxy (Lit n))

class GAppN f s (n :: Nat') t | f s n -> t where
  gappN :: f -> s -> Proxy n -> t

instance (a ~ a', b ~ b') => GAppN (Poly a b) (NP I (a' ': xs)) Z' (NP I (b' ': xs)) where
  gappN (Poly f) (I a :* xs) _ = I (f a) :* xs

instance GAppN f (NP I xs) n (NP I xs') => GAppN f (NP I (c ': xs)) (S' n) (NP I (c ': xs')) where
  gappN f (c :* xs) _ = c :* gappN f xs (Proxy :: Proxy n)

-- | Applies a function to the first element of an n-ary tuple
-- >>> app1 (+1) (5,6,7)
-- (6,6,7)
app1 :: AppN f s 0 t => f -> s -> t
app1 f s = appN f s (Proxy :: Proxy 0)
app2 :: AppN f s 1 t => f -> s -> t
app2 f s = appN f s (Proxy :: Proxy 1)
app3 :: AppN f s 2 t => f -> s -> t
app3 f s = appN f s (Proxy :: Proxy 2)
app4 :: AppN f s 3 t => f -> s -> t
app4 f s = appN f s (Proxy :: Proxy 3)
app5 :: AppN f s 4 t => f -> s -> t
app5 f s = appN f s (Proxy :: Proxy 4)
app6 :: AppN f s 5 t => f -> s -> t
app6 f s = appN f s (Proxy :: Proxy 5)
app7 :: AppN f s 6 t => f -> s -> t
app7 f s = appN f s (Proxy :: Proxy 6)
app8 :: AppN f s 7 t => f -> s -> t
app8 f s = appN f s (Proxy :: Proxy 7)
app9 :: AppN f s 8 t => f -> s -> t
app9 f s = appN f s (Proxy :: Proxy 8)
app10 :: AppN f s 9 t => f -> s -> t
app10 f s = appN f s (Proxy :: Proxy 9)

class MapT f s t where
  -- | Maps a monomorphic function over each element in an n-ary tuple that matches the type of the argument of the function
  -- >>> map not (True,5,'c',False)
  -- (False,5,'c',True)
  -- Sometimes it is necessary to specify the result type.
  -- >>> map (+1) (5,6,7,False) :: (Integer,Integer,Integer,Bool)
  -- (6,7,8,False)
  -- Using `mapPolyT` this is not necessary, but this comes with a limitation.
  mapT :: f -> s -> t

instance (GenericNP s, GenericNP t, Applicable f (RepNP s) ~ app, GMapT f app (RepNP s) (RepNP t)) => MapT f s t where
  mapT f s = to_np $ gmapT f (Proxy :: Proxy app) (from_np s)

class GMapT f (app :: [Bool]) s t | f app s -> t where
  gmapT :: f -> Proxy app -> s -> t

instance GMapT f '[] (NP I '[]) (NP I '[]) where
  gmapT _ _ = id

instance GMapT (a -> b) apps (NP I xs) (NP I xs') => GMapT (a -> b) ('True ': apps) (NP I (a ': xs)) (NP I (b ': xs')) where
  gmapT f _ (I a :* xs) = I (f a) :* gmapT f (Proxy :: Proxy apps) xs

instance (a ~ a', b ~ b', GMapT (Poly a b) apps (NP I xs) (NP I xs')) => GMapT (Poly a b) ('True ': apps) (NP I (a' ': xs)) (NP I (b' ': xs')) where
  gmapT p@(Poly f) _ (I a :* xs) = I (f a) :* gmapT p (Proxy :: Proxy apps) xs

instance GMapT f apps (NP I xs) (NP I xs') => GMapT f ('False ': apps) (NP I (c ': xs)) (NP I (c ': xs')) where
  gmapT f _ (c :* xs) = c :* gmapT f (Proxy :: Proxy apps) xs

-- | Applies a polymorphic function to each element in an n-ary tuple. Requires all elements in the tuple to be of the same type.
-- >>> mapPolyT (+1) (5,6,7,8)
-- (6,7,8,9)
-- >>> mapPolyT (+1) (5,6,7,False)
-- No instance for (Num Bool) arising from the literal `5'
mapPolyT :: MapT (Poly a b) s t => (a -> b) -> s -> t
mapPolyT f s = mapT (poly f) s

class ConsT a s t where
  -- | Adds an element to the head of an n-ary tuple
  -- >>> consT 5 (True,'c')
  -- (5,True,'c')
  consT :: a -> s -> t

instance (GenericNP s, GenericNP t, GConsT a (RepNP s) (RepNP t)) => ConsT a s t where
  consT a s = to_np $ gconsT a (from_np s)

class GConsT a s t | a s -> t where
  gconsT :: a -> s -> t

instance GConsT a (NP I xs) (NP I (a ': xs)) where
  gconsT a xs = I a :* xs

class SnocT a s t where
  -- | Adds an element to the back of an n-ary tuple
  -- >>> snocT 5 (True,'c')
  -- (True,'c',5)
  snocT :: a -> s -> t

instance (GenericNP s, GenericNP t, GSnocT a (RepNP s) (RepNP t)) => SnocT a s t where
  snocT a s = to_np $ gsnocT a (from_np s)

class GSnocT a s t | a s -> t where
  gsnocT :: a -> s -> t

instance GSnocT a (NP I '[]) (NP I '[a]) where
  gsnocT a Nil = I a :* Nil

instance GSnocT a (NP I xs) (NP I xs') => GSnocT a (NP I (b ': xs)) (NP I (b ': xs')) where
  gsnocT a (b :* xs) = b :* gsnocT a xs

class Delete s t where
  -- | Deletes the first element in an n-ary tuple whose type does not exist in the target type
  -- >>> del ('c',False,5) :: (Char,Bool)
  -- ('c',False)
  del :: s -> t

instance (GenericNP s, GenericNP t, LEQ (LengthT s) 3, GDelete (RepNP s) (RepNP t)) => Delete s t where
  del = to_np . gdel . from_np

class GDelete s t where
  gdel :: s -> t

instance GDelete (NP I (a ': xs)) (NP I xs) where
  gdel (a :* xs) = xs

instance GDelete (NP I xs) (NP I xs') => GDelete (NP I (a ': xs)) (NP I (a ': xs')) where
  gdel (a :* xs) = a :* gdel xs

class DeleteN s (n :: Nat) t where
  -- | Deletes an element specified by an index in an n-ary tuple
  -- >>> delN ('c',False,5) (Proxy :: Proxy 1)
  -- ('c',5)
  delN :: s -> Proxy n -> t

instance (GenericNP s, GenericNP t, LEQ (LengthT s) 3, GDeleteN (RepNP s) (Lit n) (RepNP t)) => DeleteN s n t where
  delN s Proxy = to_np $ gdelN (from_np s) (Proxy :: Proxy (Lit n))

class GDeleteN s (n :: Nat') t | s n -> t where
  gdelN :: s -> Proxy n -> t

instance GDeleteN (NP I (t ': xs)) Z' (NP I xs) where
  gdelN (_ :* xs) _ = xs

instance GDeleteN (NP I xs) n (NP I xs') => GDeleteN (NP I (a ': xs)) (S' n) (NP I (a ': xs')) where
  gdelN (a :* xs) _ = a :* gdelN xs (Proxy :: Proxy n) 

-- | Deletes the first element of an n-ary tuple
-- >>> del1 ('c',False,5)
-- (False,5)
del1 :: DeleteN s 0 t => s -> t
del1 s = delN s (Proxy :: Proxy 0)
del2 :: DeleteN s 1 t => s -> t
del2 s = delN s (Proxy :: Proxy 1)
del3 :: DeleteN s 2 t => s -> t
del3 s = delN s (Proxy :: Proxy 2)
del4 :: DeleteN s 3 t => s -> t
del4 s = delN s (Proxy :: Proxy 3)
del5 :: DeleteN s 4 t => s -> t
del5 s = delN s (Proxy :: Proxy 4)
del6 :: DeleteN s 5 t => s -> t
del6 s = delN s (Proxy :: Proxy 5)
del7 :: DeleteN s 6 t => s -> t
del7 s = delN s (Proxy :: Proxy 6)
del8 :: DeleteN s 7 t => s -> t
del8 s = delN s (Proxy :: Proxy 7)
del9 :: DeleteN s 8 t => s -> t
del9 s = delN s (Proxy :: Proxy 8)
del10 :: DeleteN s 9 t => s -> t
del10 s = delN s (Proxy :: Proxy 9)

-- Currently broken. So not exported until I can properly fix it.
class FlattenT s t where
  -- | Compresses sub-tuples into their paren-tuples
  -- >>> flattenT (5,6,(1,2,(3,4)))
  flattenT :: s -> t

instance (GenericNP s, GenericNP t, GFlattenT (AreProducts (RepNP s)) (RepNP s) (RepNP t)) => FlattenT s t where
  flattenT = to_np . gflattenT (Proxy :: Proxy (AreProducts (RepNP s))) . from_np
class GFlattenT (ps :: [Bool]) s t | ps s -> t where
  gflattenT :: Proxy ps -> s -> t

instance GFlattenT '[] (NP I '[]) (NP I '[]) where
  gflattenT _ = id

instance (GenericNP x, GFlattenT (AreProducts (RepNP x)) (RepNP x) x', GFlattenT ps (NP I xs) (NP I xs'), GAppendT x' (NP I xs') (NP I xss)) => GFlattenT ('True ': ps) (NP I (x ': xs)) (NP I xss) where
  gflattenT _ (I x :* xs) = case (gflattenT (Proxy :: Proxy (AreProducts (RepNP x))) $ from_np x, gflattenT (Proxy :: Proxy ps) xs) of
    (x', xs') -> gappendT x' xs'

instance GFlattenT ps (NP I xs) (NP I xs') => GFlattenT ('False ': ps) (NP I (x ': xs)) (NP I (x ': xs')) where
  gflattenT _ (x :* xs) = x :* gflattenT (Proxy :: Proxy ps) xs

class AppendT s r t where
  -- | Appends two n-ary tuple into one larger tuple
  -- >>> appendT (5,'c') ('d',False)
  -- (5,'c','d',False)
  appendT :: s -> r -> t

instance (GenericNP s, GenericNP r, GenericNP t, GAppendT (RepNP s) (RepNP r) (RepNP t)) => AppendT s r t where
  appendT s r = to_np $ gappendT (from_np s) (from_np r)

class GAppendT s r t | s r -> t where
  gappendT :: s -> r -> t

instance GAppendT (NP I '[]) ys ys where
  gappendT _ = id

instance GAppendT (NP I xs) ys (NP I zs) => GAppendT (NP I (x ': xs)) ys (NP I (x ': zs)) where
  gappendT (x :* xs) ys = x :* gappendT xs ys

class UnCurryT s t b | s -> b where
  -- | Converts a curried function to a function that works on n-ary tuples
  -- >>> uncurryT (\a b c -> a + b + c) (1,2,3)
  -- 6
  uncurryT :: s -> t -> b

instance (GenericNP t, GUnCurryT s (RepNP t) b) => UnCurryT s t b where
  uncurryT f t = guncurryT f (from_np t)

class GUnCurryT s t b | s -> b where
  guncurryT :: s -> t -> b

instance b ~ b' => GUnCurryT b (NP I '[]) b' where
  guncurryT f Nil = f

instance (a ~ a', GUnCurryT c (NP I xs) b') => GUnCurryT (a -> c) (NP I (a' ': xs)) b' where
  guncurryT f (I x :* xs) = guncurryT (f x) xs

class CurryT s t | s -> t where
  -- | Converts a function that works on n-ary tuples to a curried function
  -- >>> curryT (\(a,b,c) -> a + b + c) 1 2 3 :: Integer
  -- 6
  -- Currently, type inference is partially broken for this function
  curryT :: s -> t 

instance (FuncToGen s (NP I xs -> b), ToFun xs b ~ t, GCurryT (NP I xs -> b) (NP I '[]) xs t) => CurryT s t where
  curryT s = gcurryT (funcToGen s) (Nil :: NP I '[]) (Proxy :: Proxy xs)

class GCurryT s d (p :: [*]) t | s d p -> t where
  gcurryT :: s -> d -> Proxy p -> t 

instance (b ~ b', ys ~ Reverse xs '[], GReverse (NP I xs) (NP I '[]) (NP I ys)) => GCurryT (NP I ys -> b) (NP I xs) '[] b' where
  gcurryT f d _ = f $ greverse d (Nil :: NP I '[])

instance (f ~ (NP I ys -> c), Head (Diff ys (Reverse xs '[])) ~ a, ToFun (Tail (Diff ys (Reverse xs '[]))) c ~ b, GCurryT f (NP I (a ': xs)) ps b) => GCurryT f (NP I xs) (a ': ps) (a -> b) where
  gcurryT t xs _ = \a -> gcurryT t (I a :* xs) (Proxy :: Proxy ps)

class GenericNP s where
  type RepNP s :: *
  from_np :: s -> RepNP s
  to_np :: RepNP s -> s

instance (Generic s, Rep s ~ SOP I '[xs], ToTuple (RepNP s) ~ s) => GenericNP s where
  type RepNP s = ToNP (Rep s)
  from_np s = gtoNP $ from s
  to_np p = to $ gfromNP p

type family ToNP s where
  ToNP (SOP I '[xs]) = NP I xs

gtoNP :: (SOP I '[xs]) -> NP I xs
gtoNP (SOP (Z np)) = np

gfromNP :: NP I xs -> SOP I '[xs]
gfromNP np = SOP $ Z np

class FuncToGen s t | s -> t where
  funcToGen :: s -> t

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} b ~ b' => FuncToGen b b' where
  funcToGen = id

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (GenericNP a, RepNP a ~ g, FuncToGen b b') => FuncToGen (a -> b) (g -> b') where
  funcToGen f = \s -> funcToGen (f $ to_np s)

class GReverse s d t | s d -> t where
  greverse :: s -> d -> t

instance GReverse (NP I '[]) (NP I ys) (NP I ys) where
  greverse _ = id

instance GReverse (NP I xs) (NP I (a ': ys)) t => GReverse (NP I (a ': xs)) (NP I ys) t where
  greverse (a :* xs) ys = greverse xs (a :* ys)

data Nat' = Z' | S' Nat'

type family Lit (n :: Nat) :: Nat' where
  Lit 0 = Z'
  Lit n = S' (Lit (n - 1))

type family IsProductType' s where
  IsProductType' (SOP I '[xs]) = 'True
  IsProductType' _ = False

type family AreProducts s where
  AreProducts (NP I '[]) = '[]
  AreProducts (NP I (x ': xs)) = IsProductType' (Rep x) ': AreProducts (NP I xs)

type family LengthT s where
  LengthT s = GLengthT (RepNP s)

type family GLengthT s where
  GLengthT (NP I '[]) = 0
  GLengthT (NP I (a ': xs)) = 1 + GLengthT (NP I xs)

type family Applicable f s where
  Applicable f (NP I '[]) = '[]
  Applicable (a -> b)     (NP I (a ': xs)) = 'True  ': Applicable (a -> b)     (NP I xs)
  Applicable (Poly a b)   (NP I (d ': xs)) = 'True  ': Applicable (Poly a b) (NP I xs)
  Applicable (a -> b)     (NP I (c ': xs)) = 'False ': Applicable (a -> b)     (NP I xs)

type family ApplicableN f s n where
  ApplicableN (a -> b)     (NP I (a ': xs)) Z'     = '[ 'True ]
  ApplicableN (Poly a b)   (NP I (d ': xs)) Z'     = '[ 'True ]
  ApplicableN f            (NP I (a ': xs)) (S' n) = 'False ': ApplicableN f (NP I xs) n

data Poly a b where
  Poly :: (a -> b) -> Poly a b

poly :: (a -> b) -> Poly a b
poly = Poly

type family Head xs where
  Head (x ': xs) = x

type family Tail xs where
  Tail (x ': xs) = xs

type family Diff xs ys where
  Diff (x ': xs) (x ': ys) = Diff xs ys
  Diff (x ': xs) (y ': ys) = x ': xs
  Diff xs '[] = xs

type family Reverse xs ys where
  Reverse (x ': xs) ys = Reverse xs (x ': ys)
  Reverse '[] ys = ys

type family ToFun xs r where
  ToFun (a ': xs) f = a -> ToFun xs f
  ToFun '[] (a -> b) = a -> ToFun '[] b
  ToFun '[] b = b

data Rel = Nat :<= Nat | Nat :>= Nat

type family LEQ n m :: Constraint where
  LEQ n m = Relation n m ~ (n :>= m)

type family Relation n m where
  Relation n m = Relation' n m n m

type family Relation' n m i j where
  Relation' n m i 0 = n :>= m
  Relation' n m 0 j = n :<= m
  Relation' n m i j = Relation' n m (i - 1) (j - 1)

type family ToTuple s = t | t -> s where
  ToTuple (NP I '[a, b]) = (a,b)
  ToTuple (NP I '[a, b, c]) = (a,b,c)
  ToTuple (NP I '[a, b, c, d]) = (a,b,c,d)
  ToTuple (NP I '[a, b, c, d, e]) = (a,b,c,d,e)
  ToTuple (NP I '[a, b, c, d, e, f]) = (a,b,c,d,e,f)
  ToTuple (NP I '[a, b, c, d, e, f, g]) = (a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
  ToTuple (NP I '[a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]) = (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
  ToTuple (NP I '[a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i]) = (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i)
  ToTuple (NP I '[a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j]) = (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j)
  ToTuple (NP I '[a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k]) = (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k)