Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- emptyUTF8B :: c -> Enc '["r-UTF8"] c ByteString
- text2ByteStringS :: Enc ys c Text -> Enc ("r-UTF8" ': ys) c ByteString
- byteString2TextS :: Enc ("r-UTF8" ': ys) c ByteString -> Enc ys c Text
- txtBsSIdProp :: Proxy (ys :: [Symbol]) -> Enc ys c Text -> Enc ys c Text
- bsTxtIdProp :: Proxy (ys :: [Symbol]) -> Enc ("r-UTF8" ': ys) c ByteString -> Enc ("r-UTF8" ': ys) c ByteString
- text2ByteStringL :: Enc ys c Text -> Enc ("r-UTF8" ': ys) c ByteString
- byteString2TextL :: Enc ("r-UTF8" ': ys) c ByteString -> Enc ys c Text
- prxyUtf8 :: Proxy "r-UTF8"
- verEncoding :: ByteString -> Either err ByteString -> Bool
:set -XScopedTypeVariables -XKindSignatures -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XDataKinds -XPolyKinds -XPartialTypeSignatures -XFlexibleInstances
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Text()
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.ByteString()
import Data.TypedEncoding.Internal.Utils (proxiedId)
let prxyArb = Proxy :: Proxy (Either EncodeEx (Enc '["r-UTF8"] () B.ByteString))
instance Arbitrary (Enc '["r-UTF8"] () B.ByteString) where
arbitrary = fmap (fromRight (emptyUTF8B ())) . flip suchThat isRight . fmap (proxiedId prxyArb . encodeFAll . toEncoding ()) $ arbitrary :}
emptyUTF8B :: c -> Enc '["r-UTF8"] c ByteString Source #
empty string is valid utf8
text2ByteStringS :: Enc ys c Text -> Enc ("r-UTF8" ': ys) c ByteString Source #
Type-safer version of Data.Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8
displ $ text2ByteStringS $ toEncoding () ("text" :: T.Text)
"MkEnc '[r-UTF8] () (ByteString text)"
byteString2TextS :: Enc ("r-UTF8" ': ys) c ByteString -> Enc ys c Text Source #
Type-safer version of Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8
let Right tst = encodeFAll . toEncoding () $ "Hello World" :: Either EncodeEx (Enc '["r-UTF8"] () B.ByteString)
displ $ byteString2TextS tst
"MkEnc '[] () (Text Hello World)"
txtBsSIdProp :: Proxy (ys :: [Symbol]) -> Enc ys c Text -> Enc ys c Text Source #
Identity property "byteString2TextS . text2ByteStringS == id" prop> t -> t == (fromEncoding . txtBsSIdProp (Proxy :: Proxy '[]) . toEncoding () $ t)
bsTxtIdProp :: Proxy (ys :: [Symbol]) -> Enc ("r-UTF8" ': ys) c ByteString -> Enc ("r-UTF8" ': ys) c ByteString Source #
Identity property "text2ByteStringS . byteString2TextS == id".
\(t :: Enc '["r-UTF8"] () B.ByteString) -> t == (bsTxtIdProp (Proxy :: Proxy '[]) $ t)
text2ByteStringL :: Enc ys c Text -> Enc ("r-UTF8" ': ys) c ByteString Source #
byteString2TextL :: Enc ("r-UTF8" ': ys) c ByteString -> Enc ys c Text Source #
verEncoding :: ByteString -> Either err ByteString -> Bool Source #
helper function checks that given ByteString, if is encoded as Left is must be not Utf8 decodable is is encoded as Right is must be Utf8 encodable
Orphan instances
(RecreateErr f, Applicative f) => RecreateF (f :: Type -> Type) (Enc xs c ByteString :: Type) (Enc ("r-UTF8" ': xs) c ByteString) Source # | |
Methods checkPrevF :: Enc ("r-UTF8" ': xs) c ByteString -> f (Enc xs c ByteString) Source # | |
(RecreateErr f, Applicative f) => RecreateF (f :: Type -> Type) (Enc xs c ByteString :: Type) (Enc ("r-UTF8" ': xs) c ByteString) Source # | |
Methods checkPrevF :: Enc ("r-UTF8" ': xs) c ByteString -> f (Enc xs c ByteString) Source # | |
Applicative f => DecodeF (f :: Type -> Type) (Enc ("r-UTF8" ': xs) c ByteString) (Enc xs c ByteString :: Type) Source # | |
Methods decodeF :: Enc ("r-UTF8" ': xs) c ByteString -> f (Enc xs c ByteString) Source # | |
Applicative f => DecodeF (f :: Type -> Type) (Enc ("r-UTF8" ': xs) c ByteString) (Enc xs c ByteString :: Type) Source # | |
Methods decodeF :: Enc ("r-UTF8" ': xs) c ByteString -> f (Enc xs c ByteString) Source # | |
EncodeF (Either EncodeEx) (Enc xs c ByteString) (Enc ("r-UTF8" ': xs) c ByteString :: Type) Source # | |
Methods encodeF :: Enc xs c ByteString -> Either EncodeEx (Enc ("r-UTF8" ': xs) c ByteString) Source # | |
EncodeF (Either EncodeEx) (Enc xs c ByteString) (Enc ("r-UTF8" ': xs) c ByteString :: Type) Source # | UTF8 encodings are defined for ByteString only as that would not make much sense for Text
Following test uses \(b :: B.ByteString) -> verEncoding b (fmap (fromEncoding . decodeAll . proxiedId (Proxy :: Proxy (Enc '["r-UTF8"] _ _))) . (encodeFAll :: _ -> Either EncodeEx _). toEncoding () $ b) |
Methods encodeF :: Enc xs c ByteString -> Either EncodeEx (Enc ("r-UTF8" ': xs) c ByteString) Source # |