unagi-chan- Fast concurrent queues with a Chan-like API, and more

Safe HaskellNone





General-purpose concurrent FIFO queue. If you are trying to send messages of a primitive unboxed type, you may wish to use Control.Concurrent.Chan.Unagi.Unboxed which should be slightly faster and perform better when a queue grows very large. If you need a bounded queue, see Control.Concurrent.Chan.Unagi.Bounded. And if your application doesn't require blocking reads, or is single-producer or single-consumer, then Control.Concurrent.Chan.Unagi.NoBlocking will offer lowest latency.

Creating channels

newChan :: IO (InChan a, OutChan a) Source

Create a new channel, returning its write and read ends.

data InChan a Source

The write end of a channel created with newChan.


Eq (InChan a) 
Typeable (* -> *) InChan 

data OutChan a Source

The read end of a channel created with newChan.


Eq (OutChan a) 
Typeable (* -> *) OutChan 

Channel operations


readChan :: OutChan a -> IO a Source

Read an element from the chan, blocking if the chan is empty.

Note re. exceptions: When an async exception is raised during a readChan the message that the read would have returned is likely to be lost, even when the read is known to be blocked on an empty queue. If you need to handle this scenario, you can use readChanOnException.

readChanOnException :: OutChan a -> (IO a -> IO ()) -> IO a Source

Like readChan but allows recovery of the queue element which would have been read, in the case that an async exception is raised during the read. To be precise exceptions are raised, and the handler run, only when readChanOnException is blocking.

The second argument is a handler that takes a blocking IO action returning the element, and performs some recovery action. When the handler is called, the passed IO a is the only way to access the element.

tryReadChan :: OutChan a -> IO (Element a, IO a) Source

Returns immediately with:

  • an Element a future, which returns one unique element when it becomes available via tryRead.
  • a blocking IO action that returns the element when it becomes available.

If you're using this function exclusively you might find the implementation in Control.Concurrent.Chan.Unagi.NoBlocking is faster.

Note re. exceptions: When an async exception is raised during a tryReadChan the message that the read would have returned is likely to be lost, just as it would be when raised directly after this function returns.

newtype Element a Source

An IO action that returns a particular enqueued element when and if it becomes available.

Each Element corresponds to a particular enqueued element, i.e. a returned Element always offers the only means to access one particular enqueued item. The value returned by tryRead moves monotonically from Nothing to Just a when and if an element becomes available, and is idempotent at that point.




tryRead :: IO (Maybe a)

getChanContents :: OutChan a -> IO [a] Source

Return a lazy list representing the contents of the supplied OutChan, much like System.IO.hGetContents.


writeChan :: InChan a -> a -> IO () Source

Write a value to the channel.

writeList2Chan :: InChan a -> [a] -> IO () Source

Write an entire list of items to a chan type. Writes here from multiple threads may be interleaved, and infinite lists are supported.


dupChan :: InChan a -> IO (OutChan a) Source

Duplicate a chan: the returned OutChan begins empty, but data written to the argument InChan from then on will be available from both the original OutChan and the one returned here, creating a kind of broadcast channel.