{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable, PatternSynonyms, Safe #-} {-| Module : Data.Char.Domino Description : A module that defines domino values, and their unicode equivalent. Maintainer : hapytexeu+gh@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX A module that defines values for domino pieces, and converts these to unicode characters of the <https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U1F030.pdf 1F030 unicode block>. -} module Data.Char.Domino ( -- * Data types to represent domino values Domino(Domino, Back, leftTop, rightBottom), pattern (:|) , OrientedDomino, SimpleDomino, ComplexDomino -- * Render domino values , dominoH, dominoH' , dominoV, dominoV' , domino , domino' ) where import Data.Char(chr) import Data.Char.Core(Orientation(Horizontal, Vertical), Oriented(Oriented)) import Data.Char.Dice(DieValue) import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary(Arbitrary(arbitrary), Arbitrary1(liftArbitrary), arbitrary1) import Test.QuickCheck.Gen(frequency) -- | A domino piece, which has two items. Depending on the orientation, the -- items are located at the /top/ and /bottom/; or /left/ and /right/. data Domino a = Domino -- ^ The front side of the domino piece. { leftTop :: a -- ^ The part that is located at the /left/ side in case the piece is located /horizontally/, or at the /top/ in case the piece is located /vertically/. , rightBottom :: a -- ^ The part that is located at the /right/ side in case the piece is located /horizontally/, or at the /bottom/ in case the piece is located /vertically/. } | Back -- ^ The back side of the domino piece. deriving (Eq, Foldable, Functor, Ord, Read, Show, Traversable) -- | A pattern synonym that makes it more convenient to write expressions that -- look like domino's like for example @II :| IV@. pattern (:|) :: a -- ^ The item that is located at the left, or the top. -> a -- ^ The item that is located at the right, or the bottom. -> Domino a -- ^ The domino that is constructed. pattern (:|) x y = Domino x y -- | A type alias that specifies that 'OrientedDomino' is an 'Oriented' type -- that wraps a 'Domino' item. type OrientedDomino a = Oriented (Domino a) -- | A 'SimpleDomino' is a 'Domino' that contains 'DieValue' objects, it thus -- can not have an "empty" value. type SimpleDomino = Domino DieValue -- | A 'ComplexDomino' is a 'Domino' that contains 'Maybe' values wrapping a -- 'DieValue'. In case of a 'Nothing', that side is considered /empty/. type ComplexDomino = Domino (Maybe DieValue) instance Applicative Domino where pure x = Domino x x Domino fa fb <*> Domino a b = Domino (fa a) (fb b) _ <*> _ = Back instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Domino a) where arbitrary = arbitrary1 instance Arbitrary1 Domino where liftArbitrary arb = frequency [(1, pure Back), (3, Domino <$> arb <*> arb)] _domino :: Int -> ComplexDomino -> Char _domino n = go where go Back = chr n go (Domino a b) = chr (7 * _val a + _val b + n + 1) _val Nothing = 0 _val (Just x) = 1 + fromEnum x -- | Convert a 'ComplexDomino' value to a unicode character rendering the domino -- value /horizontally/. dominoH :: ComplexDomino -- ^ The 'ComplexDomino' object to render horizontally. -> Char -- ^ The unicode character that represents the given 'ComplexDomino' value in a horizontal manner. dominoH = _domino 0x1f030 -- | Convert a 'SimpleDomino' value to a unicode character rendering the domino -- value /horizontally/. dominoH' :: SimpleDomino -- ^ The 'SimpleDomino' object to render horizontally. -> Char -- ^ The unicode character that represents the given 'SimpleDomino' value in a horizontal manner. dominoH' = dominoH . fmap Just -- | Convert a 'ComplexDomino' value to a unicode character rendering the domino -- value /vertically/. dominoV :: ComplexDomino -- ^ The 'ComplexDomino' object to render vertically. -> Char -- ^ The unicode character that represents the given 'ComplexDomino' value in a vertical manner. dominoV = _domino 0x1f062 -- | Convert a 'SimpleDomino' value to a unicode character rendering the domino -- value /vertically/. dominoV' :: SimpleDomino -- ^ The 'SimpleDomino' object to render vertically. -> Char -- ^ The unicode character that represents the given 'SimpleDomino' value in vertical manner. dominoV' = dominoV . fmap Just -- | Convert an 'OrientedDomino' to its unicode equivalent, where the sides of -- the domino can be empty. domino :: OrientedDomino (Maybe DieValue) -- ^ The 'OrientedDomino' to render. -> Char -- ^ The unicode characters that represents the 'OrientedDomino' value. domino (Oriented d Horizontal) = dominoH d domino (Oriented d Vertical) = dominoV d -- | Convert an 'OrientedDomino' to its unicode equivalent, where the sides of -- the domino can /not/ be empty. domino' :: OrientedDomino DieValue -- ^ The 'OrientedDomino' to render. -> Char -- ^ The unicode characters that represents the 'OrientedDomino' value. domino' = domino . fmap (fmap Just)