{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-} {-| Module : Data.Char.Number.Egyptian Description : A module to generate ancient Egyptian numerals. Maintainer : hapytexeu+gh@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX One can make use of a <http://unicode.org/charts/PDF/U13000.pdf.pdf block of Unicode characters> to typeset ancient /Egyptian/ hieroglyphs. This module aims to make it more convenient to work with ancient Egyptian numerals. Ancient Egyptian numerals use a /sign-value system/ with radix 10. This means that there are hieroglyphs for 1 to 9, for 10, 20, ..., 90, for 100, 200, ..., 900, etc. With the /heh/ as largest value denoting one million. In Egyptian numerals, one could write numbers left-to-right and right-to-left (or even vertical). The human or animal figures always point to the /beginning/ of the line. Because in the Unicode standard the /heh/ (denoting one million) looks to the left, the values are written left-to-right. -} module Data.Char.Number.Egyptian ( -- * Ancient plus and minus plus, minus -- * Ancient Egyptian characters for powers of 10 , nfr, singleStroke, cattleHobble, coilOfRope, waterLily, bentFinger, tadpole, heh -- * Ancient Egyptian characters for numbers , singleStroke1, singleStroke2, singleStroke3, singleStroke4, singleStroke5, singleStroke6, singleStroke7, singleStroke8, singleStroke9, singleStroke5' , cattleHobble1, cattleHobble2, cattleHobble3, cattleHobble4, cattleHobble5, cattleHobble6, cattleHobble7, cattleHobble8, cattleHobble9, cattleHobble2', cattleHobble3', cattleHobble4', cattleHobble5' , coilOfRope1, coilOfRope2, coilOfRope3, coilOfRope4, coilOfRope5, coilOfRope6, coilOfRope7, coilOfRope8, coilOfRope9, coilOfRope5' , waterLily1, waterLily2, waterLily3, waterLily4, waterLily5, waterLily6, waterLily7, waterLily8, waterLily9 , bentFinger1, bentFinger2, bentFinger3, bentFinger4, bentFinger5, bentFinger6, bentFinger7, bentFinger8, bentFinger9, bentFinger5' -- * Generating ancient Egyptian numerals , egyptianNumber, egyptianNumber', egyptianNumber'' ) where import Data.Char(chr, ord) import Data.Char.Core(Ligate, PlusStyle, signValueSystem, splitLigate) import Data.Default(def) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text(Text, singleton, empty) -- | The single stroke character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /one/. This is hieroglyph Z015. singleStroke :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /one/. singleStroke = '\x133fa' -- | The single stroke character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /one/. This is hieroglyph Z015. singleStroke1 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /one/. singleStroke1 = singleStroke -- | The double stroke character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /two/. This is hieroglyph Z015A. singleStroke2 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /two/. singleStroke2 = '\x133fb' -- | The triple stroke character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /three/. This is hieroglyph Z015B. singleStroke3 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /three/. singleStroke3 = '\x133fc' -- | The quadruple stroke character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /four/. This is hieroglyph Z015C. singleStroke4 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /four/. singleStroke4 = '\x133fd' -- | The quintuple stroke character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /five/. This is hieroglyph Z015D. singleStroke5 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /five/. singleStroke5 = '\x133fe' -- | An alternative version of the quintuple stroke character, an ancient Egyptian character -- to denote /five/. This is hieroglyph Z015I. singleStroke5' :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /five/. singleStroke5' = '\x13403' -- | The sextuple stroke character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /six/. This is hieroglyph Z015E. singleStroke6 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /six/. singleStroke6 = '\x133ff' -- | The septuple stroke character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /seven/. This is hieroglyph Z015F. singleStroke7 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /seven/. singleStroke7 = '\x13400' -- | The octuple stroke character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /eight/. This is hieroglyph Z015G. singleStroke8 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /eight/. singleStroke8 = '\x13401' -- | The nonuple stroke character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /nine/. This is hieroglyph Z015H. singleStroke9 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /nine/. singleStroke9 = '\x13402' -- | The cattle hobble character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /ten/. This is hieroglyph V020. cattleHobble :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /ten/. cattleHobble = '\x13386' -- | The cattle hobble character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /ten/. cattleHobble1 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /ten/. This is hieroglyph V020. cattleHobble1 = cattleHobble -- | The two cattle hobble character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /twenty/. cattleHobble2 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /twenty/. This is hieroglyph V020A. cattleHobble2 = '\x13387' -- | An alternative version of the two cattle hobble character, an ancient Egyptian character -- to denote /twenty/. This is hieroglyph V020I. cattleHobble2' :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /twenty/. cattleHobble2' = '\x1338f' -- | The three cattle hobble character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /thirty/. This is hieroglyph V020B. cattleHobble3 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /thirty/. cattleHobble3 = '\x13388' -- | An alternative version of the three cattle hobble character, an ancient Egyptian character -- to denote /thirty/. This is hieroglyph V020J. cattleHobble3' :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /thirty/. cattleHobble3' = '\x13390' -- | The four cattle hobble character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /forty/. This is hieroglyph V020C. cattleHobble4 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /forty/. cattleHobble4 = '\x13389' -- | An alternative version of the four cattle hobble character, an ancient Egyptian character -- to denote /fourty/. This is hieroglyph V020K. cattleHobble4' :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /fourty/. cattleHobble4' = '\x13391' -- | The five cattle hobble character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /fifty/. cattleHobble5 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /fifty/. This is hieroglyph V020D. cattleHobble5 = '\x1338a' -- | An alternative version of the five cattle hobble character, an ancient Egyptian character -- to denote /fifty/. This is hieroglyph V020L. cattleHobble5' :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /fifty/. cattleHobble5' = '\x13392' -- | The six cattle hobble character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /sixty/. This is hieroglyph V020E. cattleHobble6 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /sixty/. cattleHobble6 = '\x1338b' -- | The seven cattle hobble character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /seventy/. This is hieroglyph V020F. cattleHobble7 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /seventy/. cattleHobble7 = '\x1338c' -- | The eight cattle hobble character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /eighty/. This is hieroglyph V020G. cattleHobble8 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /eighty/. cattleHobble8 = '\x1338d' -- | The nine cattle hobble character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /ninety/. This is hieroglyph V020H. cattleHobble9 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /ninety/. cattleHobble9 = '\x1338e' -- | The coil of rope character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /hundred/. This is hieroglyph V001. coilOfRope :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /hundred/. coilOfRope = '\x13362' -- | The coil of rope character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /hundred/. This is hieroglyph V001. coilOfRope1 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /hundred/. coilOfRope1 = coilOfRope1 -- | The double coil of rope character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /two hundred/. This is hieroglyph V001A. coilOfRope2 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /two hundred/. coilOfRope2 = '\x13363' -- | The tripple coil of rope character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /three hundred/. This is hieroglyph V001B. coilOfRope3 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /three hundred/. coilOfRope3 = '\x13364' -- | The quadruple coil of rope character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /four hundred/. This is hieroglyph V001C. coilOfRope4 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /four hundred/. coilOfRope4 = '\x13365' -- | The quintuple coil of rope character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /five hundred/. This is hieroglyph V001D. coilOfRope5 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /five hundred/. coilOfRope5 = '\x13366' -- | An alternative version of the quintuple coil of rope character, an ancient Egyptian character -- to denote /five hundred/. This is hieroglyph V001I. coilOfRope5' :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /five hundred/. coilOfRope5' = '\x1336b' -- | The sextuple coil of rope character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /six hundred/. This is hieroglyph V001E. coilOfRope6 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /six hundred/. coilOfRope6 = '\x13367' -- | The septuple coil of rope character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /seven hundred/. This is hieroglyph V001F. coilOfRope7 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /seven hundred/. coilOfRope7 = '\x13368' -- | The octuple coil of rope character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /eight hundred/. This is hieroglyph V001G. coilOfRope8 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /eight hundred/. coilOfRope8 = '\x13369' -- | The nonuple coil of rope character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /nine hundred/. This is hieroglyph V001H. coilOfRope9 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /nine hundred/. coilOfRope9 = '\x1336a' -- | The water lily character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /thousand/. This is hieroglyph M012. waterLily :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /thousand/. waterLily = '\x131bc' -- | The water lily character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /thousand/. This is hieroglyph M012. waterLily1 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /thousand/. waterLily1 = waterLily -- | The two water lilies character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /two thousand/. This is hieroglyph M012A. waterLily2 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /two thousand/. waterLily2 = '\x131bd' -- | The three water lilies character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /three thousand/. This is hieroglyph M012B. waterLily3 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /three thousand/. waterLily3 = '\x131be' -- | The four water lilies character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /four thousand/. This is hieroglyph M012C. waterLily4 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /four thousand/. waterLily4 = '\x131bf' -- | The five water lilies character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /five thousand/. This is hieroglyph M012D. waterLily5 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /five thousand/. waterLily5 = '\x131c0' -- | The six water lilies character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /six thousand/. This is hieroglyph M012E. waterLily6 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /six thousand/. waterLily6 = '\x131c1' -- | The seven water lilies character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /seven thousand/. This is hieroglyph M012F. waterLily7 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /seven thousand/. waterLily7 = '\x131c2' -- | The eight water lilies character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /eight thousand/. This is hieroglyph M012G. waterLily8 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /eight thousand/. waterLily8 = '\x131c3' -- | The nine water lilies character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /nine thousand/. This is hieroglyph M012H. waterLily9 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /nine thousand/. waterLily9 = '\x131c4' -- | The bent finger character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /ten thousand/. This is hieroglyph B050. bentFinger :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /ten thousand/. bentFinger = '\x130ad' -- | The bent finger character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /ten thousand/. This is hieroglyph B050. bentFinger1 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /ten thousand/. bentFinger1 = bentFinger -- | The two bent fingers character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /twenty thousand/. This is hieroglyph B050A. bentFinger2 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /twenty thousand/. bentFinger2 = '\x130ae' -- | The three bent fingers character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /thirty thousand/. This is hieroglyph B050B. bentFinger3 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /thirty thousand/. bentFinger3 = '\x130af' -- | The four bent fingers character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /fourty thousand/. This is hieroglyph B050C. bentFinger4 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /fourty thousand/. bentFinger4 = '\x130b0' -- | The five bent fingers character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /fifty thousand/. This is hieroglyph B050D. bentFinger5 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /fifty thousand/. bentFinger5 = '\x130b1' -- | An alternative version of the five bent fingers character, an ancient Egyptian character -- to denote /fifty thousand/. This is hieroglyph B050I. bentFinger5' :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /fifty thousand/. bentFinger5' = '\x130b6' -- | The six bent fingers character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /sixty thousand/. This is hieroglyph B050E. bentFinger6 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /sixty thousand/. bentFinger6 = '\x130b2' -- | The seven bent fingers character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /seventy thousand/. This is hieroglyph B050F. bentFinger7 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /seventy thousand/. bentFinger7 = '\x130b3' -- | The eight bent fingers character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /eighty thousand/. This is hieroglyph B050G. bentFinger8 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /eighty thousand/. bentFinger8 = '\x130b4' -- | The nine bent fingers character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /ninety thousand/. This is hieroglyph B050H. bentFinger9 :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /ninety thousand/. bentFinger9 = '\x130b5' -- | The tadpole character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /hundred thousand/. This is hieroglyph I008. tadpole :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /hundred thousand/. tadpole = '\x13190' -- | The heh character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /one million/, or /many/. This is hieroglyph C011. heh :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /one million/, or /many/. heh = '\x13068' -- | The nfr character, an ancient Egyptian character to denote /zero/, it also -- means /beautiful/. This is hieroglyph F035. nfr :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /zero/. nfr = '\x13124' _normalizeCount :: Int -> Int -> Int _normalizeCount n | n < 6 = id | otherwise = (*) (10^(n-6)) _toTranslate :: Int -> Char _toTranslate 0 = singleStroke _toTranslate 1 = cattleHobble _toTranslate 2 = coilOfRope _toTranslate 3 = waterLily _toTranslate 4 = bentFinger _toTranslate 5 = tadpole _toTranslate _ = heh _ligateDigit :: Int -> Char -> Char _ligateDigit k = chr . (+) (k-1) . ord _noLigate :: Int -> Int -> Text _noLigate _ 0 = empty _noLigate k i = T.replicate (_normalizeCount k i) (singleton (_toTranslate k)) _withLigate :: Int -> Int -> Text _withLigate _ 0 = empty _withLigate 5 k = T.replicate k (singleton tadpole) _withLigate n k | n < 5 = singleton ( _ligateDigit k (_toTranslate n)) | otherwise = T.replicate (10^(n-6) *k) (singleton heh) -- | Obtain digits :: Ligate -> Int -> Int -> Text digits = splitLigate _withLigate _noLigate -- | The hieroglyph used as a /plus/ sign. This character is used for /addition/. This is hieroglyph D055. plus :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /addition/. plus = '\x130bd' -- | The hieroglyph used as a /minus/ sign. This character is used for -- /subtraction/. This is hieroglyph D054. minus :: Char -- ^ The ancient Egyptian character to denote /subtraction/. minus = '\x130bb' -- | Construct an ancient Egyptian numeral with the given 'Ligate' style and -- 'PlusStyle' for the given number. egyptianNumber :: Integral i => Ligate -- ^ The given ligation style to use. -> PlusStyle -- ^ The given 'PlusStyle' to use. -> i -- ^ The given number to convert to an ancient Egyptian numeral. -> Text -- ^ A sequence of characters that is the ancient Egytian equivalent of the given number. egyptianNumber l = signValueSystem 10 (digits l) (singleton nfr) plus minus -- | Construct an acient Egyptian ligated numeral with the given 'PlusStyle' for -- the given number. egyptianNumber' :: Integral i => PlusStyle -- ^ The given 'PlusStyle' to use. -> i -- ^ The given number to convert to an ancient Egyptian numeral. -> Text -- ^ A sequence of characters that is the ancient Egytian equivalent of the given number. egyptianNumber' = egyptianNumber def -- | Construct an ancient Egyptian ligated numeral with the default 'PlusStyle. egyptianNumber'' :: Integral i => i -- ^ The given number to convert to an ancient Egyptian numeral. -> Text -- ^ A sequence of characters that is the ancient Egytian equivalent of the given number. egyptianNumber'' = egyptianNumber' def