-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Metrology.TH
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2014 Richard Eisenberg
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Richard Eisenberg (rae@cs.brynmawr.edu)
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- This module exports Template Haskell functions to make working with
-- @units@ a little more convenient.

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, CPP #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-}

module Data.Metrology.TH (
  declareDimension, declareCanonicalUnit, declareDerivedUnit, declareMonoUnit,

  -- for internal use only
  ) where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar         ( dsType, sweeten )
import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar.Expand  ( expandUnsoundly )
import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar.Lift ()   -- need Lift Rational

import Data.Metrology.Dimensions
import Data.Metrology.Units
import Data.Metrology.LCSU
import Data.Metrology.Poly

-- | "Evaluates" a type as far as it can. This is useful, say, in instance
-- declarations:
-- > instance Show $(evalType [t| Length |]) where ...
-- Without the 'evalType', the instance declaration fails because @Length@
-- mentions type families, which can't be used in instance declarations.
-- This function is somewhat experimental, and will likely not work with
-- more polymorphic types. (If it doesn't work, not all of the type families
-- will be evaluated, and the instance declaration will fail. This function
-- should never cause /incorrect/ behavior.)
evalType :: Q Type -> Q Type
evalType qty = do
  ty <- qty
  dty <- dsType ty
  ex_dty <- expandUnsoundly dty
    -- NB: No units type families branch on kind variables, so this is safe here.
  return $ sweeten ex_dty

-- Checks to make sure the given name names a /type/, not a /data constructor/.
-- Reports a compile-time error if the name is not a type.
checkIsType :: Name -> Q ()
checkIsType n = do
  info <- reify n
  case info of
    ClassOpI {} -> generic_error
    DataConI {} -> datacon_error
    VarI {} -> generic_error
    _ -> return ()
    generic_error = reportError $ "The name " ++ show n ++ " does not describe a type.\n    A type is expected here."
    datacon_error = reportError $ "The name " ++ show n ++ " describes a data constructor.\n    Did you perhaps mean to say ''" ++ nameBase n ++ "? Note the two quotes."

-- | Declare a new dimension of the given name:
-- > $(declareDimension "Length")
-- produces
-- > data Length = Length
-- > instance Dimension Length
declareDimension :: String -> Q [Dec]
declareDimension str =
  return [ mkEmptyDataD name
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 711
         , InstanceD Nothing [] (ConT ''Dimension `AppT` ConT name) []
         , InstanceD [] (ConT ''Dimension `AppT` ConT name) []
    name = mkName str

-- | Conditionally generates a @Show@ instance
maybeMkShowInstance :: Name -> Maybe String -> Q [Dec]
maybeMkShowInstance name (Just abbrev) =
  [d| instance Show $(return $ ConT name) where { show _ = abbrev } |]
maybeMkShowInstance _ Nothing = return []

-- | @declareCanonicalUnit unit_name dim (Just abbrev)@ creates a new
-- canonical unit (that is, it is not defined in terms of other known units)
-- named @unit_name@, measuring dimension @dim@. @abbrev@ will be the
-- abbreviation in the unit's @Show@ instance. If no abbraviation is supplied,
-- then no @Show@ instance will be generated.
-- Example usage:
-- > $(declareCanonicalUnit "Meter" [t| Length |] (Just "m"))
declareCanonicalUnit :: String -> Q Type -> Maybe String -> Q [Dec]
declareCanonicalUnit unit_name_str dim m_abbrev = do
  show_instance <- maybeMkShowInstance unit_name m_abbrev
  unit_instance <- [d| instance Unit $unit_type where
                         type BaseUnit $unit_type = Canonical
                         type DimOfUnit $unit_type = $dim |]
  return $ (mkEmptyDataD unit_name)
           : unit_instance ++ show_instance
    unit_name = mkName unit_name_str
    unit_type = return $ ConT unit_name

-- | @declareDerivedUnit unit_name base_unit_type ratio (Just abbrev)@ creates
-- a new derived unit, expressed in terms of @base_unit_type@. @ratio@ says
-- how many base units are in the derived unit. (Thus, if @unit_name@ is
-- @"Minute"@ and @base_unit_type@ is @''Second@, then @ratio@ would be @60@.)
-- @abbrev@, if supplied, becomes the string produced in the derived unit's
-- @Show@ instance. If no abbreviation is supplied, no @Show@ instance is
-- generated.
-- Example usage:
-- > $(declareDerivedUnit "Minute" [t| Second |] 60 (Just "min"))
declareDerivedUnit :: String -> Q Type -> Rational -> Maybe String -> Q [Dec]
declareDerivedUnit unit_name_str base_unit ratio m_abbrev = do
  show_instance <- maybeMkShowInstance unit_name m_abbrev
  unit_instance <- [d| instance Unit $unit_type where
                         type BaseUnit $unit_type = $base_unit
                         conversionRatio _ = ratio |]
  return $ (mkEmptyDataD unit_name)
           : unit_instance ++ show_instance
    unit_name = mkName unit_name_str
    unit_type = return $ ConT unit_name

-- | @declareMonoUnit unit_name (Just abbrev)@ creates a new derived unit,
-- intended for use without unit polymorphism. The same type stands for both
-- the unit and dimension, and the instance of 'DefaultUnitOfDim' is set up
-- accordingly. Use this function (with the 'Data.Metrology' imports) if you
-- don't want to bother with LCSUs and just want to get to work. The @abbrev@,
-- if supplied, creates an appropriate @Show@ instance.
-- > $(declareMonoUnit "Meter" (Just "m"))
-- produces all of the following
-- > data Meter = Meter
-- > instance Dimension Meter
-- > instance Unit Meter where
-- >   type BaseUnit Meter = Canonical
-- >   type DimOfUnit Meter = Meter
-- > type instance DefaultUnitOfDim Meter = Meter
-- > instance Show Meter where
-- >   show _ = "m"
-- After a declaration like this, you probably want
-- > type Length = MkQu_U Meter
-- This last line is /not/ generated, as it is easy enough for you to write,
-- and it involves a new name (@Length@).
declareMonoUnit :: String -> Maybe String -> Q [Dec]
declareMonoUnit unit_name_str m_abbrev = do
  show_instance <- maybeMkShowInstance unit_name m_abbrev
  dim_instance <- [d| instance Dimension $unit_type |]
  unit_instance <- [d| instance Unit $unit_type where
                         type BaseUnit $unit_type = Canonical
                         type DimOfUnit $unit_type = $unit_type |]
  default_instance <- [d| type instance DefaultUnitOfDim $unit_type = $unit_type |]
  return $ (mkEmptyDataD unit_name)
           : show_instance ++ dim_instance ++ unit_instance ++ default_instance
    unit_name = mkName unit_name_str
    unit_type = return $ ConT unit_name

-- | @declareConstant const_name value unit_type@ creates a new numerical
-- constant, named @const_name@. Its numerical value is @value@ expressed
-- in units given by @unit_type@. The constant is polymorphic in both its
-- LCSU and numerical representation. For example,
-- > declareConstant "gravity_g" 9.80665 [t| Meter :/ Second :^ Two |]
-- yields
-- > gravity_g :: ( Fractional n
-- >              , CompatibleUnit lcsu (Meter :/ Second :^ Two) )
-- >           => MkQu_ULN (Meter :/ Second :^ Two) lcsu n
-- > gravity_g = 9.80665 % (undefined :: Meter :/ Second :^ Two)
declareConstant :: String -> Rational -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
declareConstant name value q_unit_type = do
  unit_type <- q_unit_type
  lcsu_name <- newName "lcsu"
  n_name <- newName "n"
  let lcsu = VarT lcsu_name
      n    = VarT n_name
      const_name = mkName name
      const_type = ForallT [PlainTV lcsu_name, PlainTV n_name]
                           [ mkClassP ''Fractional [n]
                           , mkClassP ''CompatibleUnit [lcsu, unit_type] ] $
                   ConT ''MkQu_ULN `AppT` unit_type `AppT` lcsu `AppT` n
      ty_sig = SigD const_name const_type
      dec    = ValD (VarP const_name) (NormalB $
                                       VarE '(%) `AppE` LitE (RationalL value)
                                                 `AppE` SigE (VarE 'undefined)
                                                             unit_type) []
  return [ty_sig, dec]
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
    mkClassP = ClassP
    mkClassP n tys = foldl AppT (ConT n) tys

-- Make a DataD like `data <name> = <name>`.
mkEmptyDataD :: Name -> Dec
mkEmptyDataD name
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 801
  = DataD [] name [] Nothing [con] []
#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 711
  = DataD [] name [] Nothing [con] []
  = DataD [] name [] [con] []
    con = NormalC name []