Safe Haskell | Trustworthy |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Main module that reexports all functionality allowed to use
without importing any other modules. Just add next lines to your
module to replace default Prelude
with better one.
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} import Universum
This documentation section contains description of internal module structure to help navigate between modules, search for interesting functionalities and understand where you need to put your new changes.
Functions and types are distributed across multiple modules and grouped by
meaning or theme. Name of the module should give you hints regarding what
this module contains. Some themes contain a great amount of both reexported
functions and functions of our own. To make it easier to understand these huge
chunks of functions, all reexported stuff is moved into separate module with
name Universum.SomeTheme.Reexport
and our own functions and types are in
. For example, see modules
Universum.Container.Class and Universum.Container.Reexport.
Below is a short description of what you can find under different modules:
- Universum.Applicative: reexports from Control.Applicative and some general-purpose applicative combinators.
- Universum.Base: different general types and type classes from
package (Int
, etc.) not exported by other modules. - Universum.Bool:
data type with different predicates and combinators. - Universum.Container:
replacement, types fromcontainers
packages. - Universum.Debug:
-like debugging functions with compile-time warnings (so you don't forget to remove them) - Universum.DeepSeq: reexports from Control.DeepSeq module and functions to evaluate expressions to weak-head normal form or normal form.
- Universum.Exception: reexports Control.Exception.Safe from
as bettererror
pattern synonym for convenient pattern-matching on exceptions. - Universum.Function: almost everything from Data.Function module.
- Universum.Functor: reexports from Data.Functor, Data.Bifunctor,
other useful
combinators. - Universum.Lifted: lifted to
functions to work with console, files,IORef
s, etc. - Universum.List: big chunk of Data.List,
type and functions for this type (head
). - Universum.Monad: monad transormers, combinators for
. - Universum.Monoid: reexports from Data.Monoid and Data.Semigroup.
- Universum.Nub: better versions of
function for list. - Universum.Print: polymorphic
function and functions to printText
. - Universum.String: reexports from
packages with conversion functions between different textual types. - Universum.TypeOps: convenient and fancy type-level operators.
- Universum.Unsafe: unsafe functions (produce
). Not exported by Universum module by default. - Universum.VarArg: variadic composition operator
- module Universum.Applicative
- module Universum.Base
- module Universum.Bool
- module Universum.Container
- module Universum.Debug
- module Universum.DeepSeq
- module Universum.Exception
- module Universum.Function
- module Universum.Functor
- module Universum.Lifted
- module Universum.List
- module Universum.Monad
- module Universum.Monoid
- module Universum.Nub
- module Universum.Print
- module Universum.String
- module Universum.TypeOps
- module Universum.VarArg
- (&) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
- (<&>) :: Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
- (^?) :: s -> Getting (First a) s a -> Maybe a
- (^..) :: s -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> [a]
- (^.) :: s -> Getting a s a -> a
- set :: ASetter s t a b -> b -> s -> t
- (.~) :: ASetter s t a b -> b -> s -> t
- over :: ASetter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
- (%~) :: ASetter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
- _1 :: Field1 s t a b => Lens s t a b
- _2 :: Field2 s t a b => Lens s t a b
- _3 :: Field3 s t a b => Lens s t a b
- _4 :: Field4 s t a b => Lens s t a b
- _5 :: Field5 s t a b => Lens s t a b
- type Lens s t a b = forall (f :: Type -> Type). Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
- type Lens' s a = Lens s s a a
- type Traversal s t a b = forall (f :: Type -> Type). Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
- type Traversal' s a = Traversal s s a a
- preuse :: MonadState s m => Getting (First a) s a -> m (Maybe a)
- use :: MonadState s m => Getting a s a -> m a
- preview :: MonadReader s m => Getting (First a) s a -> m (Maybe a)
- view :: MonadReader s m => Getting a s a -> m a
Reexports from base and from modules in this repo
module Universum.Applicative
module Universum.Base
module Universum.Bool
module Universum.Container
module Universum.Debug
module Universum.DeepSeq
module Universum.Exception
module Universum.Function
module Universum.Functor
module Universum.Lifted
module Universum.List
module Universum.Monad
module Universum.Monoid
module Universum.Nub
module Universum.Print
module Universum.String
module Universum.TypeOps
module Universum.VarArg
(^?) :: s -> Getting (First a) s a -> Maybe a infixl 8 #
s ^? t
returns the 1st element t
returns, or Nothing
if t
doesn't return anything. It's trivially implemented by passing the First
monoid to the getter.
Safe head
[] ^? each
[1..3] ^? each
Just 1
Left 1 ^? _Right
Right 1 ^? _Right
Just 1
A non-operator version of (^?
) is called preview
, and – like view
– it's a bit more general than (^?
) (it works in MonadReader
). If you need the general version, you can get it from microlens-mtl; otherwise there's preview
available in Lens.Micro.Extras.
(^..) :: s -> Getting (Endo [a]) s a -> [a] infixl 8 #
s ^.. t
returns the list of all values that t
gets from s
A Maybe
contains either 0 or 1 values:
Just 3 ^.. _Just
Gathering all values in a list of tuples:
[(1,2),(3,4)] ^.. each.each
(^.) :: s -> Getting a s a -> a infixl 8 #
) applies a getter to a value; in other words, it gets a value out of a structure using a getter (which can be a lens, traversal, fold, etc.).
Getting 1st field of a tuple:
) :: (a, b) -> a (^.
) =fst
When (^.
) is used with a traversal, it combines all results using the Monoid
instance for the resulting type. For instance, for lists it would be simple concatenation:
("str","ing") ^. each
The reason for this is that traversals use Applicative
, and the Applicative
instance for Const
uses monoid concatenation to combine “effects” of Const
A non-operator version of (^.
) is called view
, and it's a bit more general than (^.
) (it works in MonadReader
). If you need the general version, you can get it from microlens-mtl; otherwise there's view
available in Lens.Micro.Extras.
over :: ASetter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t #
Getting fmap
in a roundabout way:
f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f bover
Applying a function to both components of a pair:
:: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)over
= \f t -> (f (fst t), f (snd t))
as a replacement for over
over _2 show (10,20)
(%~) :: ASetter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t infixr 4 #
) applies a function to the target; an alternative explanation is that it is an inverse of sets
, which turns a setter into an ordinary function.
is the same thing as mapped
See over
if you want a non-operator synonym.
Negating the 1st element of a pair:
(1,2) & _1 %~ negate
Turning all Left
s in a list to upper case:
(mapped._Left.mapped %~ toUpper) [Left "foo", Right "bar"]
[Left "FOO",Right "bar"]
_1 :: Field1 s t a b => Lens s t a b #
Gives access to the 1st field of a tuple (up to 5-tuples).
Getting the 1st component:
(1,2,3,4,5) ^. _1
Setting the 1st component:
(1,2,3) & _1 .~ 10
Note that this lens is lazy, and can set fields even of undefined
set _1 10 undefined :: (Int, Int)
(10,*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
This is done to avoid violating a lens law stating that you can get back what you put:
view _1 . set _1 10 $ (undefined :: (Int, Int))
The implementation (for 2-tuples) is:
f t = (,)<$>
f (fst
or, alternatively,
f ~(a,b) = (\a' -> (a',b))<$>
f a
(where ~
means a lazy pattern).
type Lens s t a b = forall (f :: Type -> Type). Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t #
Lens s t a b
is the lowest common denominator of a setter and a getter, something that has the power of both; it has a Functor
constraint, and since both Const
and Identity
are functors, it can be used whenever a getter or a setter is needed.
is the type of the value inside of structureb
is the type of the replaced values
is the type of the whole structuret
is the type of the structure after replacinga
in it withb
type Lens' s a = Lens s s a a #
This is a type alias for monomorphic lenses which don't change the type of the container (or of the value inside).
type Traversal s t a b = forall (f :: Type -> Type). Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t #
Traversal s t a b
is a generalisation of Lens
which allows many targets (possibly 0). It's achieved by changing the constraint to Applicative
instead of Functor
– indeed, the point of Applicative
is that you can combine effects, which is just what we need to have many targets.
Ultimately, traversals should follow 2 laws:
t pure ≡ pure fmap (t f) . t g ≡ getCompose . t (Compose . fmap f . g)
The 1st law states that you can't change the shape of the structure or do anything funny with elements (traverse elements which aren't in the structure, create new elements out of thin air, etc.). The 2nd law states that you should be able to fuse 2 identical traversals into one. For a more detailed explanation of the laws, see this blog post (if you prefer rambling blog posts), or The Essence Of The Iterator Pattern (if you prefer papers).
Traversing any value twice is a violation of traversal laws. You can, however, traverse values in any order.
type Traversal' s a = Traversal s s a a #
This is a type alias for monomorphic traversals which don't change the type of the container (or of the values inside).
use :: MonadState s m => Getting a s a -> m a #
is (^.
) (or view
) which implicitly operates on the state; for instance, if your state is a record containing a field foo
, you can write
x <- use
to extract foo
from the state. In other words, use
is the same as gets
, but for getters instead of functions.
The implementation of use
is straightforward:
l =gets
If you need to extract something with a fold or traversal, you need preuse
preview :: MonadReader s m => Getting (First a) s a -> m (Maybe a) #
is a synonym for (^?
), generalised for MonadReader
(just like view
, which is a synonym for (^.
preview each [1..5]
Just 1
view :: MonadReader s m => Getting a s a -> m a #
is a synonym for (^.
), generalised for MonadReader
(we are able to use it instead of (^.
) since functions are instances of the MonadReader
view _1 (1, 2)
When you're using Reader
for config and your config type has lenses generated for it, most of the time you'll be using view
instead of asks
doSomething :: (MonadReader
Config m) => m Int doSomething = do thingy <-view
setting1 -- same as “asks
setting1)” anotherThingy <-view
setting2 ...