Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
: bidirectional JSON (de)serialization with strong error
reporting capabilities and automatic documentation generation.
- single definition for serialization and deserialization
- parse and update mode
- exact error reporting
- required, optional and fields with default values
- first class object, array and tuple support
- lifting of Aeson instances
- automatic documentation generation
data Example = Example { exampleName :: Text.Text, exampleArray :: [Int], exampleOptional :: Maybe Bool } unjsonExample :: UnjsonDef Example unjsonExample = objectOf $ pure Example <*> field "name" exampleName "Name used for example" <*> fieldDefBy "array_of_ints" [] exampleArray "Array of integers, optional, defaults to empty list" arrayOf <*> fieldOpt "optional_bool" exampleOptional "Optional boolean"
Rendered documentation:
name (req): Name used for example Text array_of_ints (def): Array of integers, optional, defaults to empty list array of: Int optional_bool (opt): Optional boolean Bool
Documentation has some colors that could not be reproduced in haddock.
let Result val iss = parse unjsonExample (Anchored mempty $ object [ "name" .= 123, "array_of_ints" .= [toJSON 123, toJSON "abc"], "optional_bool" .= True ])
Error reporting:
mapM_ print iss > name: "when expecting a Text, encountered Number instead" > array_of_ints[1]: "when expecting a Integral, encountered String instead"
Partial results:
print (exampleOptional val) > Just True
Bottom errors in partial results:
print (exampleName val) > "*** Exception: name: "when expecting a Text, encountered Number instead"
Note: if list of issues is empty then there are not bottoms, guaranteed.
For more examples have a look at Unjson
, parse
, update
, unjsonToByteStringLazy
and render
- unjsonToJSON :: UnjsonDef a -> a -> Value
- unjsonToJSON' :: Options -> UnjsonDef a -> a -> Value
- unjsonToByteStringLazy :: UnjsonDef a -> a -> ByteString
- unjsonToByteStringLazy' :: Options -> UnjsonDef a -> a -> ByteString
- unjsonToByteStringBuilder :: UnjsonDef a -> a -> Builder
- unjsonToByteStringBuilder' :: Options -> UnjsonDef a -> a -> Builder
- unjsonToByteStringBuilder'' :: Int -> Options -> UnjsonDef a -> a -> Builder
- data Options = Options {}
- class Unjson a where
- data UnjsonDef a where
- SimpleUnjsonDef :: Text -> (Value -> Result k) -> (k -> Value) -> UnjsonDef k
- ArrayUnjsonDef :: Typeable k => Maybe (PrimaryKeyExtraction k) -> ArrayMode -> ([k] -> Result v) -> (v -> [k]) -> UnjsonDef k -> UnjsonDef v
- ObjectUnjsonDef :: Ap (FieldDef k) (Result k) -> UnjsonDef k
- TupleUnjsonDef :: Ap (TupleFieldDef k) (Result k) -> UnjsonDef k
- DisjointUnjsonDef :: Text -> [(Text, k -> Bool, Ap (FieldDef k) (Result k))] -> UnjsonDef k
- UnionUnjsonDef :: [(k -> Bool, Ap (FieldDef k) (Result k))] -> UnjsonDef k
- MapUnjsonDef :: Typeable k => UnjsonDef k -> (HashMap Text k -> Result v) -> (v -> HashMap Text k) -> UnjsonDef v
- objectOf :: Ap (FieldDef a) a -> UnjsonDef a
- field :: (Unjson a, Typeable a) => Text -> (s -> a) -> Text -> Ap (FieldDef s) a
- fieldBy :: Typeable a => Text -> (s -> a) -> Text -> UnjsonDef a -> Ap (FieldDef s) a
- fieldOpt :: (Unjson a, Typeable a) => Text -> (s -> Maybe a) -> Text -> Ap (FieldDef s) (Maybe a)
- fieldOptBy :: Typeable a => Text -> (s -> Maybe a) -> Text -> UnjsonDef a -> Ap (FieldDef s) (Maybe a)
- fieldDef :: (Unjson a, Typeable a) => Text -> a -> (s -> a) -> Text -> Ap (FieldDef s) a
- fieldDefBy :: Typeable a => Text -> a -> (s -> a) -> Text -> UnjsonDef a -> Ap (FieldDef s) a
- fieldReadonly :: (Unjson a, Typeable a) => Text -> (s -> a) -> Text -> Ap (FieldDef s) ()
- fieldReadonlyBy :: Typeable a => Text -> (s -> a) -> Text -> UnjsonDef a -> Ap (FieldDef s) ()
- data FieldDef s a where
- FieldReqDef :: Typeable a => Text -> Text -> (s -> a) -> UnjsonDef a -> FieldDef s a
- FieldOptDef :: Typeable a => Text -> Text -> (s -> Maybe a) -> UnjsonDef a -> FieldDef s (Maybe a)
- FieldDefDef :: Typeable a => Text -> Text -> a -> (s -> a) -> UnjsonDef a -> FieldDef s a
- FieldRODef :: Typeable a => Text -> Text -> (s -> a) -> UnjsonDef a -> FieldDef s ()
- arrayOf :: Typeable a => UnjsonDef a -> UnjsonDef [a]
- arrayWithModeOf :: Typeable a => ArrayMode -> UnjsonDef a -> UnjsonDef [a]
- arrayWithModeOf' :: (FromJSON a, ToJSON a, Typeable a) => ArrayMode -> UnjsonDef [a]
- arrayWithPrimaryKeyOf :: (Ord pk, Typeable a) => (a -> pk) -> UnjsonDef pk -> UnjsonDef a -> UnjsonDef [a]
- arrayWithModeAndPrimaryKeyOf :: (Ord pk, Typeable a) => ArrayMode -> (a -> pk) -> UnjsonDef pk -> UnjsonDef a -> UnjsonDef [a]
- data ArrayMode
- mapOf :: Typeable x => UnjsonDef x -> UnjsonDef (HashMap Text x)
- enumOf :: Eq k => Text -> [(Text, k)] -> UnjsonDef k
- enumUnjsonDef :: forall a. (Eq a, Typeable a, Enum a, Bounded a, Data a) => UnjsonDef a
- disjointUnionOf :: Text -> [(Text, k -> Bool, Ap (FieldDef k) k)] -> UnjsonDef k
- unionOf :: [(k -> Bool, Ap (FieldDef k) k)] -> UnjsonDef k
- unjsonAeson :: forall a. (FromJSON a, ToJSON a, Typeable a) => UnjsonDef a
- unjsonAesonWithDoc :: (FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => Text -> UnjsonDef a
- render :: UnjsonDef a -> String
- renderForPath :: (Functor m, Monad m) => Path -> UnjsonDef a -> m String
- renderDoc :: UnjsonDef a -> Doc
- renderDocForPath :: Monad m => Path -> UnjsonDef a -> m Doc
- parse :: UnjsonDef a -> Value -> Result a
- update :: a -> UnjsonDef a -> Value -> Result a
- data Result a = Result a Problems
- data Anchored a = Anchored Path a
- type Problem = Anchored Text
- type Problems = [Problem]
- newtype Path = Path [PathElem]
- data PathElem
- unjsonInvmapR :: (a -> Result b) -> (b -> a) -> UnjsonDef a -> UnjsonDef b
- unjsonIsConstrByName :: Data a => String -> a -> Bool
- unjsonIPv4AsWord32 :: UnjsonDef Word32
Serialization to JSON
unjsonToJSON :: UnjsonDef a -> a -> Value Source #
Given a definition of a value and a value produce a
let v = Thing { ... } let json = unjsonToJSON unjsonThing v
unjsonToByteStringLazy :: UnjsonDef a -> a -> ByteString Source #
Given a definition of a value and a value produce a ByteString
let v = Thing { ... } let utf8bsrep = unjsonToByteStringLazy unjsonThing v
unjsonToByteStringLazy' :: Options -> UnjsonDef a -> a -> ByteString Source #
Given a definition of a value and a value produce a
. Also takes formatting Options
let v = Thing { ... } let utf8bsrep = unjsonToByteStringLazy' options unjsonThing v
unjsonToByteStringBuilder :: UnjsonDef a -> a -> Builder Source #
Given a definition of a value and a value produce a
. Functionally it is the same as
but useful if json serialization is a part
of some bigger serialization function.
unjsonToByteStringBuilder' :: Options -> UnjsonDef a -> a -> Builder Source #
Given a definition of a value and a value produce a
. Functionally it is the same as
but useful if json serialization is a part
of some bigger serialization function. Also takes formatting
unjsonToByteStringBuilder'' :: Int -> Options -> UnjsonDef a -> a -> Builder Source #
Given a definition of a value and a value produce a
. Useful when JSON serialization is
a part of a bigger serialization function.
Formatting options when serializing to JSON. Used in
, unjsonToByteStringLazy'
Options | |
Data definitions
typeclass describes all types that can be parsed from
JSON and JSON generated from their values.
Example declaration:
instance Unjson Thing where unjsonDef = objectOf $ pure Thing <*> field "key1" thingField1 "Required field of type with Unjson instance" <*> fieldBy "key2" thingField2 "Required field with parser given below" unjsonForKey2 <*> fieldOpt "key4" thingField4 "Optional field of type with Unjson instance" <*> fieldOptBy "key5" thingField5 "Optional field with parser given below" unjsonForKey5 <*> fieldDef "key7" thingField7 "Optional field with default of type with Unjson instance" <*> fieldDefBy "key8" thingField8 "Optional field with default with parser given below" unjsonForKey8
Minimal complete definition
data UnjsonDef a where Source #
Opaque UnjsonDef
defines a bidirectional JSON parser.
SimpleUnjsonDef :: Text -> (Value -> Result k) -> (k -> Value) -> UnjsonDef k | |
ArrayUnjsonDef :: Typeable k => Maybe (PrimaryKeyExtraction k) -> ArrayMode -> ([k] -> Result v) -> (v -> [k]) -> UnjsonDef k -> UnjsonDef v | |
ObjectUnjsonDef :: Ap (FieldDef k) (Result k) -> UnjsonDef k | |
TupleUnjsonDef :: Ap (TupleFieldDef k) (Result k) -> UnjsonDef k | |
DisjointUnjsonDef :: Text -> [(Text, k -> Bool, Ap (FieldDef k) (Result k))] -> UnjsonDef k | |
UnionUnjsonDef :: [(k -> Bool, Ap (FieldDef k) (Result k))] -> UnjsonDef k | |
MapUnjsonDef :: Typeable k => UnjsonDef k -> (HashMap Text k -> Result v) -> (v -> HashMap Text k) -> UnjsonDef v |
objectOf :: Ap (FieldDef a) a -> UnjsonDef a Source #
Declare an object as bidirectional mapping from JSON object to Haskell record and back.
unjsonThing :: UnjsonDef Thing unjsonThing = objectOf $ pure Thing ...field definitions go here
Use field functions to specify fields of an object: field
, fieldOpt
, fieldOptBy
or fieldDefBy
field :: (Unjson a, Typeable a) => Text -> (s -> a) -> Text -> Ap (FieldDef s) a Source #
Declare a required field with definition from Unjson
unjsonThing :: UnjsonDef Thing unjsonThing = objectOf $ pure Thing <*> field "credentials" thingCredentials "Credentials to use" data Thing = Thing { thingCredentials :: Credentials, ... } instance Unjson Credentials where ...
fieldBy :: Typeable a => Text -> (s -> a) -> Text -> UnjsonDef a -> Ap (FieldDef s) a Source #
Declare a required field with definition given inline by valuedef.
unjsonThing :: UnjsonDef Thing unjsonThing = objectOf $ pure Thing <*> fieldBy "credentials" thingCredentials "Credentials to use" unjsonCredentials data Thing = Thing { thingCredentials :: Credentials, ... } unjsonCredentials :: UnjsonDef Credentials
fieldOpt :: (Unjson a, Typeable a) => Text -> (s -> Maybe a) -> Text -> Ap (FieldDef s) (Maybe a) Source #
Declare an optional field and definition by Unjson
unjsonThing :: UnjsonDef Thing unjsonThing = objectOf $ pure Thing <*> fieldOpt "credentials" thingCredentials "Optional credentials to use" data Thing = Thing { thingCredentials :: Credentials, ... } instance Unjson Credentials where ...
fieldOptBy :: Typeable a => Text -> (s -> Maybe a) -> Text -> UnjsonDef a -> Ap (FieldDef s) (Maybe a) Source #
Declare an optional field and definition by valuedef.
unjsonThing :: UnjsonDef Thing unjsonThing = objectOf $ pure Thing <*> fieldOptBy "credentials" thingCredentials "Optional credentials to use" unjsonCredentials data Thing = Thing { thingCredentials :: Credentials, ... } unjsonCredentials :: UnjsonDef Credentials
fieldDef :: (Unjson a, Typeable a) => Text -> a -> (s -> a) -> Text -> Ap (FieldDef s) a Source #
Declare a field with default value and definition by Unjson
unjsonThing :: UnjsonDef Thing unjsonThing = objectOf $ pure Thing <*> fieldDef "port" 80 thingPort "Port to listen on, defaults to 80" data Thing = Thing { thingPort :: Int, ... }
fieldDefBy :: Typeable a => Text -> a -> (s -> a) -> Text -> UnjsonDef a -> Ap (FieldDef s) a Source #
Declare a field with default value and definition by valuedef.
unjsonThing :: UnjsonDef Thing unjsonThing = objectOf $ pure Thing <*> fieldDefBy "credentials" defaultCredentials thingCredentials "Credentials to use, defaults to defaultCredentials" unjsonCredentials data Thing = Thing { thingCredentials :: Credentials, ... } unjsonCredentials :: UnjsonDef Credentials
fieldReadonly :: (Unjson a, Typeable a) => Text -> (s -> a) -> Text -> Ap (FieldDef s) () Source #
Declare a field that is readonly from the point of view of Haskell structures, it will be serialized to JSON but never read from JSON.
unjsonThing :: UnjsonDef Thing unjsonThing = objectOf $ pure (\s -> Thing 59123 s) <* fieldReadonly "port" thingPort "Random port the server is listening on" <*> field "string" thingString "Additional string" data Thing = Thing { thingPort :: Int, thingString :: String, ... }
fieldReadonlyBy :: Typeable a => Text -> (s -> a) -> Text -> UnjsonDef a -> Ap (FieldDef s) () Source #
Declare a field that is readonly from the point of view of Haskell structures, it will be serialized to JSON but never read from JSON. Accepts unjson parser as a parameter.
unjsonThing :: UnjsonDef Thing unjsonThing = objectOf $ pure (\s -> Thing 59123 s) <* fieldReadonlyBy "port" thingPort "Random port the server is listening on" unjsonPort <*> field "string" thingString "Additional string" data Thing = Thing { thingPort :: Port, thingString :: String, ... }
data FieldDef s a where Source #
Define a relation between a field of an object in JSON and a
field in a Haskell record structure. FieldDef
holds information
about a documentation string, key name, Haskell data accessor and
parsing definition. FieldDef
has three cases for fields that are
required, optional (via Maybe
) or jave default value.
FieldReqDef :: Typeable a => Text -> Text -> (s -> a) -> UnjsonDef a -> FieldDef s a | |
FieldOptDef :: Typeable a => Text -> Text -> (s -> Maybe a) -> UnjsonDef a -> FieldDef s (Maybe a) | |
FieldDefDef :: Typeable a => Text -> Text -> a -> (s -> a) -> UnjsonDef a -> FieldDef s a | |
FieldRODef :: Typeable a => Text -> Text -> (s -> a) -> UnjsonDef a -> FieldDef s () |
arrayOf :: Typeable a => UnjsonDef a -> UnjsonDef [a] Source #
Declare array of values where each of them is described by
valuedef. Use unjsonAeson
to parse.
unjsonArrayOfThings :: UnjsonDef [Thing] unjsonArrayOfThings = arrayOf unjsonThing unjsonThing :: UnjsonDef Thing unjsonThing = ...
arrayWithModeOf :: Typeable a => ArrayMode -> UnjsonDef a -> UnjsonDef [a] Source #
Declare array of values where each of them is described by valuedef. Accepts mode specifier.
unjsonArrayOfThings :: UnjsonDef [Thing] unjsonArrayOfThings = arrayOf unjsonThing unjsonThing :: UnjsonDef Thing unjsonThing = ...
arrayWithModeOf' :: (FromJSON a, ToJSON a, Typeable a) => ArrayMode -> UnjsonDef [a] Source #
Declare array of primitive values lifed from Aeson
. Accepts
mode specifier.
unjsonArrayOfIntOrSimpleInt :: UnjsonDef [Int] unjsonArrayOfIntOrSimpleInt = arrayWithModeOf'
arrayWithPrimaryKeyOf :: (Ord pk, Typeable a) => (a -> pk) -> UnjsonDef pk -> UnjsonDef a -> UnjsonDef [a] Source #
Declare array of objects with given parsers that should be
matched by a primary key. Uses ArrayModeStrict
Primary key:
Primary keys are used to match objects in update
mode. When a
request to update array is issued and array has primary key
specification then the following steps are used:
- primary keys from old array elements are extracted and a mapping from primary key to element is created. Mapping is left biased meaning that first element with specific primary key in array is used
- for each object in json array primary key is extracted and is looked up in old elements mapping
- if mapping is found then element is
d, if mapping is not found then element isparse
d - in all cases the order of elements in the *new* array is respected
unjsonArrayOfIntToInt :: UnjsonDef [(Int,Int)] unjsonArrayOfIntToInt = arrayWithPrimaryKeyOf (fst) (objectOf $ pure id <*> field "key" id "Key in mapping") (objectOf $ pure (,) <*> field "key" fst "Key in mapping" <*> field "value" fst "Value in mapping")
arrayWithModeAndPrimaryKeyOf :: (Ord pk, Typeable a) => ArrayMode -> (a -> pk) -> UnjsonDef pk -> UnjsonDef a -> UnjsonDef [a] Source #
Declare array of objects with given parsers that should be matched by a primary key and accepts mode specifier.
For discussion of primary key see arrayWithPrimaryKeyOf
. For
discussion of array modes see ArrayMode
unjsonArrayOfIntToInt :: UnjsonDef [(Int,Int)] unjsonArrayOfIntToInt = arrayWithPrimaryKeyOf ArrayModeParseSingle (fst) (objectOf $ pure id <*> field "key" id "Key in mapping") (objectOf $ pure (,) <*> field "key" fst "Key in mapping" <*> field "value" fst "Value in mapping")
Specify how arrays should be handled. Default is
that does not do anything special with
is used in arrayWithModeAndPrimaryKeyOf
ArrayModeStrict | Require JSON array. On output always output array. |
ArrayModeParseSingle | Allow non-array element, in that case it will be treated as a single element array. On output always output array. |
ArrayModeParseAndOutputSingle | Allow non-array element, in that case it will be treated as a single element array. On output output single element if array has one element. |
Maps, enums, sums
mapOf :: Typeable x => UnjsonDef x -> UnjsonDef (HashMap Text x) Source #
Gather all keys with respective values in a map.
data X = X { xMap :: LazyHashMap.HashMap Text.Text x } objectOf $ pure X <*> fieldBy "xmap" xMap "Map string to Y value" (mapOf unjsonY)
Note that overloading allows for automatic conversion to more map types, for example:
data X = X { xMap :: Map.Map String x } objectOf $ pure X <*> field "xmap" xMap "Map string to Y value"
enumOf :: Eq k => Text -> [(Text, k)] -> UnjsonDef k Source #
Provide sum type support for parameterless constructors.
For related functionality see disjointUnionOf
data X = A | B unjsonX = enumOf "type_thing" [("a_thing", A), ("b_thing", B)]
enumUnjsonDef :: forall a. (Eq a, Typeable a, Enum a, Bounded a, Data a) => UnjsonDef a Source #
Automatic sum type conversion with parameterless constructors.
Basically an automatic version of enumOf
data X = A | B deriving (Eq, Data, Enum, Bounded) instance Unjson X where unjsonDef = enumUnjsonDef
disjointUnionOf :: Text -> [(Text, k -> Bool, Ap (FieldDef k) k)] -> UnjsonDef k Source #
Provide sum type support. Bidirectional case matching in Haskell is not good, so some obvious information needs to be given manually.
For related functionality see enumOf
data X = A { aString :: String } | B { bInt :: Int } deriving (Data,Typeable) unjsonX = disjointUnionOf "type" [("a_thing", unjsonIsConstrByName "A", pure A <*> field "string" "A string value"), ("b_thing", unjsonIsConstrByName "B", pure B <*> field "string" "An int value")]
Note that each case in list must be able to discriminate between constructors in a data type and ti has to be able to this both ways: to find out based on json contents which constructor applies and also based on data contructor which of serialization cases to use.
Note that unjsonIsConstrByName
is helpful, but you may use usual
case ... of
if you do not like the Data
unionOf :: [(k -> Bool, Ap (FieldDef k) k)] -> UnjsonDef k Source #
Provide sum type support, non-disjoin version. Bidirectional case matching in Haskell is not good, so some obvious information needs to be given manually.
For related functionality see enumOf
data X = A { aString :: String } | B { bInt :: Int } deriving (Data,Typeable) unjsonX = unionOf [(unjsonIsConstrByName "A", pure A <*> field "string" "A string value"), (unjsonIsConstrByName "B", pure B <*> field "int" "An int value")]
Note that each case in list must be able to discriminate between constructors in a data type and ti has to be able to this both ways: to find out based on json contents which constructor applies and also based on data contructor which of serialization cases to use. To know what constructor to use at parsing time unjson looks at fields present in json object and on list of field names required to satisfy. First constructor for which all fields are present is chosen.
Note that unjsonIsConstrByName
is helpful, but you may use usual
case ... of
if you do not like the Data
unjsonAeson :: forall a. (FromJSON a, ToJSON a, Typeable a) => UnjsonDef a Source #
Use fromJSON
and toJSON
to create a
. This function is useful when lifted type is one of the
primitives. Although it can be used to lift user defined instances,
it is not advisable as there is too much information lost in the
process and proper error infomation is not possible. Use full
instance whenever possible.
instance FromJSON MyType where ... instance ToJSON MyType where ... instance Unjson MyType where unjsonDef = unjsonAeson
unjsonAesonWithDoc :: (FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => Text -> UnjsonDef a Source #
Like unjsonAeson
but accepts docstring as additional parameter
that should identify type.
Documentation rendering
render :: UnjsonDef a -> String Source #
Renders documentation for a parser into a multiline string. It is expected that this string is a human readable representation that can go directly to console.
Example rendering:
hostname (req): The hostname this service is visible as Text port (def): Port to listen on, defaults to 80 Int credentials (req): User admin credentials username (req): Name of the user Text password (req): Password for the user Text domain (opt): Domain for user credentials Text comment (opt): Optional comment, free text Text options (def): Additional options, defaults to empty array of: Text alternates (opt): Alternate names for this server tuple of size 2 with elements: 0: Text 1: username (req): Name of the user Text password (req): Password for the user Text domain (opt): Domain for user credentials Text
renderForPath :: (Functor m, Monad m) => Path -> UnjsonDef a -> m String Source #
Render only selected part of structure documentation. Path should point to a subtree, if it does not then Nothing is returned.
renderDocForPath :: Monad m => Path -> UnjsonDef a -> m Doc Source #
Render only selected part of structure documentation as
. Path should point to a subtree, if it does not then
Nothing is returned.
Parsing and updating
parse :: UnjsonDef a -> Value -> Result a Source #
Parse JSON according to unjson definition.
let json = Aeson.object [ ... ] let Result val iss = parse unjsonThing (Anchored [] json) if null iss then putStrLn ("Parsed: " ++ show val) else putStrLn ("Not parsed, issues: " ++ show iss)
Error reporting is a strong side of Unjson, see Result
For parsing of fields the following rules apply:
- required fields generate an error if json key is missing
- for optional fields Nothing is returned if json key is missing, Just value otherwise
- for fields with default value, the default value is returned if key is missing, otherwise the parsed value is returned
Note that Unjson makes strong difference between missing keys and values that result in parse errors.
For discussion of update mode see update
update :: a -> UnjsonDef a -> Value -> Result a Source #
Update object with JSON according to unjson definition.
let original = Thing { ... } let json = Aeson.object [ ... ] let Result val iss = update original unjsonThing (Anchored [] json) if null iss then putStrLn ("Updated: " ++ show val) else putStrLn ("Not updated, issues: " ++ show iss)
Error reporting is a strong side of Unjson, see Result
For updating of fields the following rules apply:
- required fields take the original value if json key is missing
- optional fields take the original value if json key is missing
unless the value is
, then Nothing is returned (reset to Nothing) - fields with default value take the original value if json key is
missing unless the value is
, then the default value is returned (reset to default)
Note that Unjson makes strong difference between missing keys and values that result in parse errors.
For discussion of parse mode see parse
Parsing result. The value a
is only reliable when Problems
an empty list.
is list of issues encountered while parsing. Unjson
parsers continue forward and are able to find many problems at
Note that problems are anchored to specific elements of JSON so it should be easy to find and spot an error.
Even if list of problems is not empty, the returned value may be partially usable.
Examples of list of problems:
[Anchored [PathElemKey "credentials",PathElemKey "password"] "missing key", Anchored [PathElemKey "tuple"] "cannot parse array of length 3 into tuple of size 4", Anchored [PathElemKey "text_array",PathElemIndex 0.PathElemKey "value"] "when expecting a Text, encountered Boolean instead"]
conveniently rendered as:
"credentials.password": "missing key" "tuple": "cannot parse array of length 3 into tuple of size 4" "text_array[0].value": "when expecting a Text, encountered Boolean instead"
A value at a specific position in JSON object.
type Problem = Anchored Text Source #
Problem information is represented as a Text
attached to a
specific point in the JSON represenation tree.
type Problems = [Problem] Source #
In general JSON deserialization may result in many problems. Unjson reports all the problems at once.
s are rendered in a nice way. For example: key.key2[34]
indexes into "key", then into "key2" then into index 34 of an
Describe a path from root JSON element to a specific
position. JSON has only two types of containers: objects and
arrays, so there are only two types of keys needed to index into
those containers: Int
and Text
. See Path
PathElemKey Text | |
PathElemIndex Int |
unjsonIsConstrByName :: Data a => String -> a -> Bool Source #
Useful in DisjointUnjsonDef
as second element in tuples list to
check out if constructor is matching.
data X = A | B | C unjsonIsConstrByName "B" B => True