{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module UnliftIO.IO.File.Posix
( withBinaryFileDurable
, withBinaryFileDurableAtomic
, withBinaryFileAtomic
, ensureFileDurable
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (forM_, guard, unless, void, when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
import Data.Bits (Bits, (.|.))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Typeable (cast)
import Foreign (allocaBytes)
import Foreign.C (CInt(..), throwErrnoIfMinus1, throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry,
import GHC.IO.Device (IODeviceType(RegularFile))
import qualified GHC.IO.Device as Device
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(UnsupportedOperation))
import qualified GHC.IO.FD as FD
import qualified GHC.IO.Handle.FD as HandleFD
import qualified GHC.IO.Handle.Types as HandleFD (Handle(..), Handle__(..))
import System.Directory (removeFile)
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, takeFileName)
import System.IO (Handle, IOMode(..), SeekMode(..), hGetBuf, hPutBuf,
import System.IO.Error (ioeGetErrorType, isAlreadyExistsError,
import qualified System.Posix.Files as Posix
import System.Posix.Internals (CFilePath, c_close, c_safe_open, withFilePath)
import System.Posix.Types (CMode(..), Fd(..), FileMode)
import UnliftIO.Exception
import UnliftIO.IO
import UnliftIO.MVar
newtype CFlag =
CFlag CInt
deriving (Eq, Show, Bits)
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_rdonly" o_RDONLY :: CFlag
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_wronly" o_WRONLY :: CFlag
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_rdwr" o_RDWR :: CFlag
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_append" o_APPEND :: CFlag
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_creat" o_CREAT :: CFlag
foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_o_noctty" o_NOCTTY :: CFlag
foreign import ccall unsafe "file-posix.c unliftio_o_tmpfile" o_TMPFILE :: CFlag
o_TMPFILE_not_supported :: CFlag
o_TMPFILE_not_supported = CFlag 0
newtype CAt = CAt
{ unCAt :: CInt
} deriving (Eq, Show, Bits)
foreign import ccall unsafe "file-posix.c unliftio_at_fdcwd" at_FDCWD :: CAt
foreign import ccall unsafe "file-posix.c unliftio_at_symlink_follow" at_SYMLINK_FOLLOW :: CAt
foreign import ccall unsafe "file-posix.c unliftio_s_irusr" s_IRUSR :: CMode
foreign import ccall unsafe "file-posix.c unliftio_s_iwusr" s_IWUSR :: CMode
c_open :: CFilePath -> CFlag -> CMode -> IO CInt
c_open fp (CFlag flags) = c_safe_open fp flags
foreign import ccall safe "fcntl.h openat"
c_safe_openat :: CInt -> CFilePath -> CInt -> CMode -> IO CInt
c_openat :: DirFd -> CFilePath -> CFlag -> CMode -> IO CInt
c_openat (DirFd (Fd fd)) fp (CFlag flags) = c_safe_openat fd fp flags
foreign import ccall safe "fcntl.h renameat"
c_safe_renameat :: CInt -> CFilePath -> CInt -> CFilePath -> IO CInt
c_renameat :: DirFd -> CFilePath -> DirFd -> CFilePath -> IO CInt
c_renameat (DirFd (Fd fdFrom)) cFpFrom (DirFd (Fd fdTo)) cFpTo =
c_safe_renameat fdFrom cFpFrom fdTo cFpTo
foreign import ccall safe "unistd.h fsync"
c_safe_fsync :: CInt -> IO CInt
c_fsync :: Fd -> IO CInt
c_fsync (Fd fd) = c_safe_fsync fd
foreign import ccall safe "unistd.h linkat"
c_safe_linkat :: CInt -> CFilePath -> CInt -> CFilePath -> CInt -> IO CInt
c_linkat :: CAt -> CFilePath -> Either DirFd CAt -> CFilePath -> CAt -> IO CInt
c_linkat cat oldPath eNewDir newPath (CAt flags) =
c_safe_linkat (unCAt cat) oldPath newDir newPath flags
unFd (Fd fd) = fd
newDir = either (unFd . unDirFd) unCAt eNewDir
std_flags, output_flags, read_flags, write_flags, rw_flags,
append_flags :: CFlag
std_flags = o_NOCTTY
output_flags = std_flags .|. o_CREAT
read_flags = std_flags .|. o_RDONLY
write_flags = output_flags .|. o_WRONLY
rw_flags = output_flags .|. o_RDWR
append_flags = write_flags .|. o_APPEND
ioModeToFlags :: IOMode -> CFlag
ioModeToFlags iomode =
case iomode of
ReadMode -> read_flags
WriteMode -> write_flags
ReadWriteMode -> rw_flags
AppendMode -> append_flags
newtype DirFd = DirFd
{ unDirFd :: Fd
openDir :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m Fd
openDir fp
liftIO $
withFilePath fp $ \cFp ->
Fd <$>
(c_open cFp (ioModeToFlags ReadMode) 0o660)
closeDirectory :: MonadIO m => DirFd -> m ()
closeDirectory (DirFd (Fd dirFd)) =
liftIO $
throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "closeDirectory" $ c_close dirFd
:: MonadIO m
=> String
-> Fd
-> m ()
fsyncFileDescriptor name fd =
liftIO $ void $ throwErrnoIfMinus1 ("fsync - " ++ name) $ c_fsync fd
fsyncFileHandle :: String -> Handle -> IO ()
fsyncFileHandle fname hdl = withHandleFd hdl (fsyncFileDescriptor (fname ++ "/File"))
fsyncDirectoryFd :: String -> DirFd -> IO ()
fsyncDirectoryFd fname = fsyncFileDescriptor (fname ++ "/Directory") . unDirFd
openFileFromDir :: MonadIO m => DirFd -> FilePath -> IOMode -> m Handle
openFileFromDir dirFd filePath@(takeFileName -> fileName) iomode =
liftIO $
withFilePath fileName $ \cFileName ->
(do fileFd <-
throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry "openFileFromDir" $
c_openat dirFd cFileName (ioModeToFlags iomode) 0o666
c_close fileFd)
(liftIO . Device.close . fst)
(\(fD, fd_type)
-> do
when (iomode == WriteMode && fd_type == RegularFile) $
Device.setSize fD 0
HandleFD.mkHandleFromFD fD fd_type filePath iomode False Nothing)
openAnonymousTempFileFromDir ::
MonadIO m =>
Maybe DirFd
-> FilePath
-> IOMode
-> m Handle
openAnonymousTempFileFromDir mDirFd filePath iomode =
liftIO $
case mDirFd of
Just dirFd -> withFilePath "." (openAnonymousWith . c_openat dirFd)
Nothing ->
withFilePath (takeDirectory filePath) (openAnonymousWith . c_open)
fdName = "openAnonymousTempFileFromDir - " ++ filePath
ioModeToTmpFlags :: IOMode -> CFlag
ioModeToTmpFlags =
ReadMode -> o_RDWR
ReadWriteMode -> o_RDWR
_ -> o_WRONLY
openAnonymousWith fopen =
(do fileFd <-
throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry "openAnonymousTempFileFromDir" $
fopen (o_TMPFILE .|. ioModeToTmpFlags iomode) (s_IRUSR .|. s_IWUSR)
c_close fileFd)
(liftIO . Device.close . fst)
(\(fD, fd_type) ->
HandleFD.mkHandleFromFD fD fd_type fdName iomode False Nothing)
atomicDurableTempFileRename ::
DirFd -> Maybe FileMode -> Handle -> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
atomicDurableTempFileRename dirFd mFileMode tmpFileHandle mTmpFilePath filePath = do
fsyncFileHandle "atomicDurableTempFileCreate" tmpFileHandle
let eTmpFile = maybe (Left tmpFileHandle) Right mTmpFilePath
atomicTempFileRename (Just dirFd) mFileMode eTmpFile filePath
hClose tmpFileHandle
fsyncDirectoryFd "atomicDurableTempFileCreate" dirFd
atomicTempFileCreate ::
Maybe DirFd
-> Maybe FileMode
-> Handle
-> FilePath
-> IO ()
atomicTempFileCreate mDirFd mFileMode tmpFileHandle filePath =
withHandleFd tmpFileHandle $ \fd@(Fd cFd) ->
withFilePath ("/proc/self/fd/" ++ show cFd) $ \cFromFilePath ->
withFilePath filePathName $ \cToFilePath -> do
let fileMode = fromMaybe Posix.stdFileMode mFileMode
Posix.setFdMode fd fileMode
let safeLink which to =
("atomicFileCreate - c_safe_linkat - " ++ which) $
c_linkat at_FDCWD cFromFilePath cDirFd to at_SYMLINK_FOLLOW
eExc <-
tryJust (guard . isAlreadyExistsError) $
safeLink "anonymous" cToFilePath
case eExc of
Right () -> pure ()
Left () ->
withBinaryTempFileFor filePath $ \visTmpFileName visTmpFileHandle -> do
hClose visTmpFileHandle
removeFile visTmpFileName
case mDirFd of
Nothing -> do
withFilePath visTmpFileName (safeLink "visible")
Posix.rename visTmpFileName filePath
Just dirFd ->
withFilePath (takeFileName visTmpFileName) $ \cVisTmpFile -> do
safeLink "visible" cVisTmpFile
"atomicFileCreate - c_safe_renameat" $
c_renameat dirFd cVisTmpFile dirFd cToFilePath
(cDirFd, filePathName) =
case mDirFd of
Nothing -> (Right at_FDCWD, filePath)
Just dirFd -> (Left dirFd, takeFileName filePath)
atomicTempFileRename ::
Maybe DirFd
-> Maybe FileMode
-> Either Handle FilePath
-> FilePath
-> IO ()
atomicTempFileRename mDirFd mFileMode eTmpFile filePath =
case eTmpFile of
Left tmpFileHandle ->
atomicTempFileCreate mDirFd mFileMode tmpFileHandle filePath
Right tmpFilePath -> do
forM_ mFileMode $ \fileMode -> Posix.setFileMode tmpFilePath fileMode
case mDirFd of
Nothing -> Posix.rename tmpFilePath filePath
Just dirFd ->
withFilePath (takeFileName filePath) $ \cToFilePath ->
withFilePath (takeFileName tmpFilePath) $ \cTmpFilePath ->
throwErrnoIfMinus1Retry_ "atomicFileCreate - c_safe_renameat" $
c_renameat dirFd cTmpFilePath dirFd cToFilePath
withDirectory :: MonadUnliftIO m => FilePath -> (DirFd -> m a) -> m a
withDirectory dirPath = bracket (DirFd <$> openDir dirPath) closeDirectory
withFileInDirectory ::
MonadUnliftIO m => DirFd -> FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> m a) -> m a
withFileInDirectory dirFd filePath iomode =
bracket (openFileFromDir dirFd filePath iomode) hClose
withBinaryTempFileFor ::
MonadUnliftIO m
=> FilePath
-> (FilePath -> Handle -> m a)
-> m a
withBinaryTempFileFor filePath action =
(liftIO (openBinaryTempFile dirPath tmpFileName))
(\(tmpFilePath, tmpFileHandle) ->
hClose tmpFileHandle >> liftIO (tryIO (removeFile tmpFilePath)))
(uncurry action)
dirPath = takeDirectory filePath
fileName = takeFileName filePath
tmpFileName = "." ++ fileName ++ ".tmp"
withAnonymousBinaryTempFileFor ::
MonadUnliftIO m
=> Maybe DirFd
-> FilePath
-> IOMode
-> (Handle -> m a)
-> m (Maybe a)
withAnonymousBinaryTempFileFor mDirFd filePath iomode action
| o_TMPFILE == o_TMPFILE_not_supported = pure Nothing
| otherwise =
trySupported $
bracket (openAnonymousTempFileFromDir mDirFd filePath iomode) hClose action
trySupported m =
tryIO m >>= \case
Right res -> pure $ Just res
Left exc
| ioeGetErrorType exc == UnsupportedOperation -> pure Nothing
Left exc -> throwIO exc
withNonAnonymousBinaryTempFileFor ::
MonadUnliftIO m
=> Maybe DirFd
-> FilePath
-> IOMode
-> (FilePath -> Handle -> m a)
-> m a
withNonAnonymousBinaryTempFileFor mDirFd filePath iomode action =
withBinaryTempFileFor filePath $ \tmpFilePath tmpFileHandle -> do
hClose tmpFileHandle
case mDirFd of
Nothing -> withBinaryFile tmpFilePath iomode (action tmpFilePath)
Just dirFd -> withFileInDirectory dirFd tmpFilePath iomode (action tmpFilePath)
copyFileHandle ::
MonadUnliftIO f => IOMode -> FilePath -> Handle -> f (Maybe FileMode)
copyFileHandle iomode fromFilePath toHandle =
either (const Nothing) Just <$>
(guard . isDoesNotExistError)
(do fileStatus <- liftIO $ Posix.getFileStatus fromFilePath
unless (iomode == WriteMode) $ do
withBinaryFile fromFilePath ReadMode (`copyHandleData` toHandle)
unless (iomode == AppendMode) $ hSeek toHandle AbsoluteSeek 0
pure $ Posix.fileMode fileStatus)
copyHandleData :: MonadIO m => Handle -> Handle -> m ()
copyHandleData hFrom hTo = liftIO $ allocaBytes bufferSize go
bufferSize = 131072
go buffer = do
count <- hGetBuf hFrom buffer bufferSize
when (count > 0) $ do
hPutBuf hTo buffer count
go buffer
withHandleFd :: Handle -> (Fd -> IO a) -> IO a
withHandleFd h cb =
case h of
HandleFD.FileHandle _ mv ->
withMVar mv $ \HandleFD.Handle__{HandleFD.haDevice = dev} ->
case cast dev of
Just fd -> cb $ Fd $ FD.fdFD fd
Nothing -> error "withHandleFd: not a file handle"
HandleFD.DuplexHandle {} -> error "withHandleFd: not a file handle"
ensureFileDurable :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m ()
ensureFileDurable filePath =
liftIO $
withDirectory (takeDirectory filePath) $ \dirFd ->
withFileInDirectory dirFd filePath ReadMode $ \fileHandle ->
liftIO $ do
fsyncFileHandle "ensureFileDurablePosix" fileHandle
fsyncDirectoryFd "ensureFileDurablePosix" dirFd
withBinaryFileDurable ::
MonadUnliftIO m => FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> m r) -> m r
withBinaryFileDurable filePath iomode action =
case iomode of
-> withBinaryFile filePath iomode action
withDirectory (takeDirectory filePath) $ \dirFd ->
withFileInDirectory dirFd filePath iomode $ \tmpFileHandle -> do
res <- action tmpFileHandle
liftIO $ do
fsyncFileHandle "withBinaryFileDurablePosix" tmpFileHandle
fsyncDirectoryFd "withBinaryFileDurablePosix" dirFd
pure res
withBinaryFileDurableAtomic ::
MonadUnliftIO m => FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> m r) -> m r
withBinaryFileDurableAtomic filePath iomode action =
case iomode of
-> withBinaryFile filePath iomode action
withDirectory (takeDirectory filePath) $ \dirFd -> do
mRes <- withAnonymousBinaryTempFileFor (Just dirFd) filePath iomode $
durableAtomicAction dirFd Nothing
case mRes of
Just res -> pure res
Nothing ->
withNonAnonymousBinaryTempFileFor (Just dirFd) filePath iomode $ \tmpFilePath ->
durableAtomicAction dirFd (Just tmpFilePath)
durableAtomicAction dirFd mTmpFilePath tmpFileHandle = do
mFileMode <- copyFileHandle iomode filePath tmpFileHandle
res <- action tmpFileHandle
liftIO $
pure res
withBinaryFileAtomic ::
MonadUnliftIO m => FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> m r) -> m r
withBinaryFileAtomic filePath iomode action =
case iomode of
-> withBinaryFile filePath iomode action
-> do
mRes <-
withAnonymousBinaryTempFileFor Nothing filePath iomode $
atomicAction Nothing
case mRes of
Just res -> pure res
Nothing ->
withNonAnonymousBinaryTempFileFor Nothing filePath iomode $ \tmpFilePath ->
atomicAction (Just tmpFilePath)
atomicAction mTmpFilePath tmpFileHandle = do
let eTmpFile = maybe (Left tmpFileHandle) Right mTmpFilePath
mFileMode <- copyFileHandle iomode filePath tmpFileHandle
res <- action tmpFileHandle
liftIO $ atomicTempFileRename Nothing mFileMode eTmpFile filePath
pure res