{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module URI.ByteString.Lens where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)

import URI.ByteString.Types
import Prelude



schemeBSL ::
  Lens' Scheme ByteString
schemeBSL :: Lens' Scheme ByteString
schemeBSL =
  (Scheme -> ByteString)
-> (Scheme -> ByteString -> Scheme) -> Lens' Scheme ByteString
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens Scheme -> ByteString
schemeBS (\Scheme
a ByteString
b -> Scheme
a {schemeBS = b})
{-# INLINE schemeBSL #-}

hostBSL ::
  Lens' Host ByteString
hostBSL :: Lens' Host ByteString
hostBSL =
  (Host -> ByteString)
-> (Host -> ByteString -> Host) -> Lens' Host ByteString
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens Host -> ByteString
hostBS (\Host
a ByteString
b -> Host
a {hostBS = b})
{-# INLINE hostBSL #-}

portNumberL ::
  Lens' Port Int
portNumberL :: Lens' Port Int
portNumberL =
  (Port -> Int) -> (Port -> Int -> Port) -> Lens' Port Int
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens Port -> Int
portNumber (\Port
a Int
b -> Port
a {portNumber = b})
{-# INLINE portNumberL #-}

authorityUserInfoL ::
  Lens' Authority (Maybe UserInfo)
authorityUserInfoL :: Lens' Authority (Maybe UserInfo)
authorityUserInfoL =
  (Authority -> Maybe UserInfo)
-> (Authority -> Maybe UserInfo -> Authority)
-> Lens' Authority (Maybe UserInfo)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens Authority -> Maybe UserInfo
authorityUserInfo (\Authority
a Maybe UserInfo
b -> Authority
a {authorityUserInfo = b})
{-# INLINE authorityUserInfoL #-}

authorityHostL ::
  Lens' Authority Host
authorityHostL :: Lens' Authority Host
authorityHostL =
  (Authority -> Host)
-> (Authority -> Host -> Authority) -> Lens' Authority Host
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens Authority -> Host
authorityHost (\Authority
a Host
b -> Authority
a {authorityHost = b})
{-# INLINE authorityHostL #-}

authorityPortL ::
  Lens' Authority (Maybe Port)
authorityPortL :: Lens' Authority (Maybe Port)
authorityPortL =
  (Authority -> Maybe Port)
-> (Authority -> Maybe Port -> Authority)
-> Lens' Authority (Maybe Port)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens Authority -> Maybe Port
authorityPort (\Authority
a Maybe Port
b -> Authority
a {authorityPort = b})
{-# INLINE authorityPortL #-}

uiUsernameL ::
  Lens' UserInfo ByteString
uiUsernameL :: Lens' UserInfo ByteString
uiUsernameL =
  (UserInfo -> ByteString)
-> (UserInfo -> ByteString -> UserInfo)
-> Lens' UserInfo ByteString
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens UserInfo -> ByteString
uiUsername (\UserInfo
a ByteString
b -> UserInfo
a {uiUsername = b})
{-# INLINE uiUsernameL #-}

uiPasswordL ::
  Lens' UserInfo ByteString
uiPasswordL :: Lens' UserInfo ByteString
uiPasswordL =
  (UserInfo -> ByteString)
-> (UserInfo -> ByteString -> UserInfo)
-> Lens' UserInfo ByteString
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens UserInfo -> ByteString
uiPassword (\UserInfo
a ByteString
b -> UserInfo
a {uiPassword = b})
{-# INLINE uiPasswordL #-}

queryPairsL ::
  Lens' Query [(ByteString, ByteString)]
queryPairsL :: Lens' Query [(ByteString, ByteString)]
queryPairsL =
  (Query -> [(ByteString, ByteString)])
-> (Query -> [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> Query)
-> Lens' Query [(ByteString, ByteString)]
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens Query -> [(ByteString, ByteString)]
queryPairs (\Query
a [(ByteString, ByteString)]
b -> Query
a {queryPairs = b})
{-# INLINE queryPairsL #-}

uriAuthorityL :: Lens' URI (Maybe Authority)
uriAuthorityL :: Lens' URI (Maybe Authority)
uriAuthorityL =
  (URI -> Maybe Authority)
-> (URI -> Maybe Authority -> URI) -> Lens' URI (Maybe Authority)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens URI -> Maybe Authority
uriAuthority (\URI
a Maybe Authority
b -> URI
a {uriAuthority = b})
{-# INLINE uriAuthorityL #-}
{-# DEPRECATED uriAuthorityL "Use 'authorityL' instead" #-}

uriPathL :: Lens' URI ByteString
uriPathL :: Lens' URI ByteString
uriPathL =
  (URI -> ByteString)
-> (URI -> ByteString -> URI) -> Lens' URI ByteString
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens URI -> ByteString
uriPath (\URI
a ByteString
b -> URI
a {uriPath = b})
{-# INLINE uriPathL #-}
{-# DEPRECATED uriPathL "Use 'pathL' instead" #-}

uriQueryL :: Lens' URI Query
uriQueryL :: Lens' URI Query
uriQueryL =
  (URI -> Query) -> (URI -> Query -> URI) -> Lens' URI Query
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens URI -> Query
uriQuery (\URI
a Query
b -> URI
a {uriQuery = b})
{-# INLINE uriQueryL #-}
{-# DEPRECATED uriQueryL "Use 'queryL' instead" #-}

uriFragmentL :: Lens' URI (Maybe ByteString)
uriFragmentL :: Lens' URI (Maybe ByteString)
uriFragmentL =
  (URI -> Maybe ByteString)
-> (URI -> Maybe ByteString -> URI) -> Lens' URI (Maybe ByteString)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens URI -> Maybe ByteString
uriFragment (\URI
a Maybe ByteString
b -> URI
a {uriFragment = b})
{-# INLINE uriFragmentL #-}
{-# DEPRECATED uriFragmentL "Use 'fragmentL' instead" #-}

rrAuthorityL :: Lens' RelativeRef (Maybe Authority)
rrAuthorityL :: Lens' RelativeRef (Maybe Authority)
rrAuthorityL =
  (RelativeRef -> Maybe Authority)
-> (RelativeRef -> Maybe Authority -> RelativeRef)
-> Lens' RelativeRef (Maybe Authority)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens RelativeRef -> Maybe Authority
rrAuthority (\RelativeRef
a Maybe Authority
b -> RelativeRef
a {rrAuthority = b})
{-# INLINE rrAuthorityL #-}
{-# DEPRECATED rrAuthorityL "Use 'authorityL' instead" #-}

rrPathL :: Lens' RelativeRef ByteString
rrPathL :: Lens' RelativeRef ByteString
rrPathL =
  (RelativeRef -> ByteString)
-> (RelativeRef -> ByteString -> RelativeRef)
-> Lens' RelativeRef ByteString
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens RelativeRef -> ByteString
rrPath (\RelativeRef
a ByteString
b -> RelativeRef
a {rrPath = b})
{-# INLINE rrPathL #-}
{-# DEPRECATED rrPathL "Use 'pathL' instead" #-}

rrQueryL :: Lens' RelativeRef Query
rrQueryL :: Lens' RelativeRef Query
rrQueryL =
  (RelativeRef -> Query)
-> (RelativeRef -> Query -> RelativeRef) -> Lens' RelativeRef Query
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens RelativeRef -> Query
rrQuery (\RelativeRef
a Query
b -> RelativeRef
a {rrQuery = b})
{-# INLINE rrQueryL #-}
{-# DEPRECATED rrQueryL "Use 'queryL' instead" #-}

rrFragmentL :: Lens' RelativeRef (Maybe ByteString)
rrFragmentL :: Lens' RelativeRef (Maybe ByteString)
rrFragmentL =
  (RelativeRef -> Maybe ByteString)
-> (RelativeRef -> Maybe ByteString -> RelativeRef)
-> Lens' RelativeRef (Maybe ByteString)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens RelativeRef -> Maybe ByteString
rrFragment (\RelativeRef
a Maybe ByteString
b -> RelativeRef
a {rrFragment = b})
{-# INLINE rrFragmentL #-}
{-# DEPRECATED rrFragmentL "Use 'fragmentL' instead" #-}

uriSchemeL :: Lens' (URIRef Absolute) Scheme
uriSchemeL :: Lens' URI Scheme
uriSchemeL = (URI -> Scheme) -> (URI -> Scheme -> URI) -> Lens' URI Scheme
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens URI -> Scheme
uriScheme URI -> Scheme -> URI
    setter :: URIRef Absolute -> Scheme -> URIRef Absolute
    setter :: URI -> Scheme -> URI
setter (URI Scheme
_ Maybe Authority
b ByteString
c Query
d Maybe ByteString
e) Scheme
a' = Scheme
-> Maybe Authority
-> ByteString
-> Query
-> Maybe ByteString
-> URI
URI Scheme
a' Maybe Authority
b ByteString
c Query
d Maybe ByteString
{-# INLINE uriSchemeL #-}

authorityL :: Lens' (URIRef a) (Maybe Authority)
authorityL :: forall a (f :: * -> *).
Functor f =>
(Maybe Authority -> f (Maybe Authority))
-> URIRef a -> f (URIRef a)
authorityL = (URIRef a -> Maybe Authority)
-> (URIRef a -> Maybe Authority -> URIRef a)
-> Lens (URIRef a) (URIRef a) (Maybe Authority) (Maybe Authority)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens URIRef a -> Maybe Authority
forall a. URIRef a -> Maybe Authority
getter URIRef a -> Maybe Authority -> URIRef a
forall a. URIRef a -> Maybe Authority -> URIRef a
    getter :: URIRef a -> Maybe Authority
    getter :: forall a. URIRef a -> Maybe Authority
getter (URI {Maybe ByteString
Maybe Authority
uriAuthority :: URI -> Maybe Authority
uriPath :: URI -> ByteString
uriQuery :: URI -> Query
uriFragment :: URI -> Maybe ByteString
uriScheme :: URI -> Scheme
uriScheme :: Scheme
uriAuthority :: Maybe Authority
uriPath :: ByteString
uriQuery :: Query
uriFragment :: Maybe ByteString
..}) = Maybe Authority
    getter (RelativeRef {Maybe ByteString
Maybe Authority
rrAuthority :: RelativeRef -> Maybe Authority
rrPath :: RelativeRef -> ByteString
rrQuery :: RelativeRef -> Query
rrFragment :: RelativeRef -> Maybe ByteString
rrAuthority :: Maybe Authority
rrPath :: ByteString
rrQuery :: Query
rrFragment :: Maybe ByteString
..}) = Maybe Authority
    setter :: URIRef a -> Maybe Authority -> URIRef a
    setter :: forall a. URIRef a -> Maybe Authority -> URIRef a
setter (URI Scheme
a Maybe Authority
_ ByteString
c Query
d Maybe ByteString
e) Maybe Authority
b' = Scheme
-> Maybe Authority
-> ByteString
-> Query
-> Maybe ByteString
-> URI
URI Scheme
a Maybe Authority
b' ByteString
c Query
d Maybe ByteString
    setter (RelativeRef Maybe Authority
_ ByteString
c Query
d Maybe ByteString
e) Maybe Authority
b' = Maybe Authority
-> ByteString -> Query -> Maybe ByteString -> RelativeRef
RelativeRef Maybe Authority
b' ByteString
c Query
d Maybe ByteString
{-# INLINE authorityL #-}

pathL :: Lens' (URIRef a) ByteString
pathL :: forall a (f :: * -> *).
Functor f =>
(ByteString -> f ByteString) -> URIRef a -> f (URIRef a)
pathL = (URIRef a -> ByteString)
-> (URIRef a -> ByteString -> URIRef a)
-> Lens (URIRef a) (URIRef a) ByteString ByteString
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens URIRef a -> ByteString
forall a. URIRef a -> ByteString
getter URIRef a -> ByteString -> URIRef a
forall a. URIRef a -> ByteString -> URIRef a
    getter :: URIRef a -> ByteString
    getter :: forall a. URIRef a -> ByteString
getter (URI {Maybe ByteString
Maybe Authority
uriAuthority :: URI -> Maybe Authority
uriPath :: URI -> ByteString
uriQuery :: URI -> Query
uriFragment :: URI -> Maybe ByteString
uriScheme :: URI -> Scheme
uriScheme :: Scheme
uriAuthority :: Maybe Authority
uriPath :: ByteString
uriQuery :: Query
uriFragment :: Maybe ByteString
..}) = ByteString
    getter (RelativeRef {Maybe ByteString
Maybe Authority
rrAuthority :: RelativeRef -> Maybe Authority
rrPath :: RelativeRef -> ByteString
rrQuery :: RelativeRef -> Query
rrFragment :: RelativeRef -> Maybe ByteString
rrAuthority :: Maybe Authority
rrPath :: ByteString
rrQuery :: Query
rrFragment :: Maybe ByteString
..}) = ByteString
    setter :: URIRef a -> ByteString -> URIRef a
    setter :: forall a. URIRef a -> ByteString -> URIRef a
setter (URI Scheme
a Maybe Authority
b ByteString
_ Query
d Maybe ByteString
e) ByteString
c' = Scheme
-> Maybe Authority
-> ByteString
-> Query
-> Maybe ByteString
-> URI
URI Scheme
a Maybe Authority
b ByteString
c' Query
d Maybe ByteString
    setter (RelativeRef Maybe Authority
b ByteString
_ Query
d Maybe ByteString
e) ByteString
c' = Maybe Authority
-> ByteString -> Query -> Maybe ByteString -> RelativeRef
RelativeRef Maybe Authority
b ByteString
c' Query
d Maybe ByteString
{-# INLINE pathL #-}

queryL :: Lens' (URIRef a) Query
queryL :: forall a (f :: * -> *).
Functor f =>
(Query -> f Query) -> URIRef a -> f (URIRef a)
queryL = (URIRef a -> Query)
-> (URIRef a -> Query -> URIRef a)
-> Lens (URIRef a) (URIRef a) Query Query
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens URIRef a -> Query
forall a. URIRef a -> Query
getter URIRef a -> Query -> URIRef a
forall a. URIRef a -> Query -> URIRef a
    getter :: URIRef a -> Query
    getter :: forall a. URIRef a -> Query
getter (URI {Maybe ByteString
Maybe Authority
uriAuthority :: URI -> Maybe Authority
uriPath :: URI -> ByteString
uriQuery :: URI -> Query
uriFragment :: URI -> Maybe ByteString
uriScheme :: URI -> Scheme
uriScheme :: Scheme
uriAuthority :: Maybe Authority
uriPath :: ByteString
uriQuery :: Query
uriFragment :: Maybe ByteString
..}) = Query
    getter (RelativeRef {Maybe ByteString
Maybe Authority
rrAuthority :: RelativeRef -> Maybe Authority
rrPath :: RelativeRef -> ByteString
rrQuery :: RelativeRef -> Query
rrFragment :: RelativeRef -> Maybe ByteString
rrAuthority :: Maybe Authority
rrPath :: ByteString
rrQuery :: Query
rrFragment :: Maybe ByteString
..}) = Query
    setter :: URIRef a -> Query -> URIRef a
    setter :: forall a. URIRef a -> Query -> URIRef a
setter (URI Scheme
a Maybe Authority
b ByteString
c Query
_ Maybe ByteString
e) Query
d' = Scheme
-> Maybe Authority
-> ByteString
-> Query
-> Maybe ByteString
-> URI
URI Scheme
a Maybe Authority
b ByteString
c Query
d' Maybe ByteString
    setter (RelativeRef Maybe Authority
b ByteString
c Query
_ Maybe ByteString
e) Query
d' = Maybe Authority
-> ByteString -> Query -> Maybe ByteString -> RelativeRef
RelativeRef Maybe Authority
b ByteString
c Query
d' Maybe ByteString
{-# INLINE queryL #-}

fragmentL :: Lens' (URIRef a) (Maybe ByteString)
fragmentL :: forall a (f :: * -> *).
Functor f =>
(Maybe ByteString -> f (Maybe ByteString))
-> URIRef a -> f (URIRef a)
fragmentL = (URIRef a -> Maybe ByteString)
-> (URIRef a -> Maybe ByteString -> URIRef a)
-> Lens (URIRef a) (URIRef a) (Maybe ByteString) (Maybe ByteString)
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens URIRef a -> Maybe ByteString
forall a. URIRef a -> Maybe ByteString
getter URIRef a -> Maybe ByteString -> URIRef a
forall a. URIRef a -> Maybe ByteString -> URIRef a
    getter :: URIRef a -> Maybe ByteString
    getter :: forall a. URIRef a -> Maybe ByteString
getter (URI {Maybe ByteString
Maybe Authority
uriAuthority :: URI -> Maybe Authority
uriPath :: URI -> ByteString
uriQuery :: URI -> Query
uriFragment :: URI -> Maybe ByteString
uriScheme :: URI -> Scheme
uriScheme :: Scheme
uriAuthority :: Maybe Authority
uriPath :: ByteString
uriQuery :: Query
uriFragment :: Maybe ByteString
..}) = Maybe ByteString
    getter (RelativeRef {Maybe ByteString
Maybe Authority
rrAuthority :: RelativeRef -> Maybe Authority
rrPath :: RelativeRef -> ByteString
rrQuery :: RelativeRef -> Query
rrFragment :: RelativeRef -> Maybe ByteString
rrAuthority :: Maybe Authority
rrPath :: ByteString
rrQuery :: Query
rrFragment :: Maybe ByteString
..}) = Maybe ByteString
    setter :: URIRef a -> Maybe ByteString -> URIRef a
    setter :: forall a. URIRef a -> Maybe ByteString -> URIRef a
setter (URI Scheme
a Maybe Authority
b ByteString
c Query
d Maybe ByteString
_) Maybe ByteString
e' = Scheme
-> Maybe Authority
-> ByteString
-> Query
-> Maybe ByteString
-> URI
URI Scheme
a Maybe Authority
b ByteString
c Query
d Maybe ByteString
    setter (RelativeRef Maybe Authority
b ByteString
c Query
d Maybe ByteString
_) Maybe ByteString
e' = Maybe Authority
-> ByteString -> Query -> Maybe ByteString -> RelativeRef
RelativeRef Maybe Authority
b ByteString
c Query
d Maybe ByteString
{-# INLINE fragmentL #-}

upoValidQueryCharL :: Lens' URIParserOptions Bool
upoValidQueryCharL :: Lens' URIParserOptions Bool
upoValidQueryCharL =
  (URIParserOptions -> Bool)
-> (URIParserOptions -> Bool -> URIParserOptions)
-> Lens' URIParserOptions Bool
forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens URIParserOptions -> Bool
upoLaxQueryParsing (\URIParserOptions
a Bool
b -> URIParserOptions
a {upoLaxQueryParsing = b})
{-# INLINE upoValidQueryCharL #-}

-- Lens machinery
-- Unexported type aliases to clean up the documentation
type Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t

type Lens' s a = Lens s s a a

lens :: (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens :: forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens s -> a
sa s -> b -> t
sbt a -> f b
afb s
s = s -> b -> t
sbt s
s (b -> t) -> f b -> f t
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> a -> f b
afb (s -> a
sa s
{-# INLINE lens #-}