{- |
Copyright:  (c) 2020 Kowainik
SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
Maintainer: Kowainik <xrom.xkov@gmail.com>

Helpful combinators to work with 'Validation' data type.

module Validation.Combinators
    ( validateAll

      -- * When* functions
    , whenSuccess
    , whenFailure
    , whenSuccess_
    , whenFailure_
    , whenSuccessM
    , whenFailureM
    , whenSuccessM_
    , whenFailureM_

      -- * 'Maybe' conversion
    , failureToMaybe
    , successToMaybe
    , maybeToFailure
    , maybeToSuccess

    ) where

import Data.Foldable (foldl')

import {-# SOURCE #-} Validation (Validation (..), validation)

{- | Validate all given checks in a 'Foldable'. Returns the 'Success' of the
start element when all checks are successful.

A basic example of usage could look like this:

> __let__ validatePassword = 'validateAll'
        [ validateEmptyPassword
        , validateShortPassword

> 'validateAll' \"VeryStrongPassword\"
'Success' \"VeryStrongPassword\"

> 'validateAll' ""
'Failure' (EmptyPassword :| [ShortPassword])
    :: forall e b a f
    .  (Foldable f, Semigroup e)
    => f (a -> Validation e b)
    -> a
    -> Validation e a
validateAll fs a = foldl' (\res f -> res <* f a) (Success a) fs
{-# INLINE validateAll #-}

{- | Applies the given action to 'Validation' if it is 'Failure' and returns the
result. In case of 'Success' the default value is returned.

>>> whenFailure "bar" (Failure 42) (\a -> "foo" <$ print a)

>>> whenFailure "bar" (Success 42) (\a -> "foo" <$ print a)
whenFailure :: Applicative f => x -> Validation e a -> (e -> f x) -> f x
whenFailure _ (Failure e) f = f e
whenFailure a (Success _) _ = pure a
{-# INLINE whenFailure #-}

{- | Applies given action to the 'Validation' content if it is 'Failure'.

Similar to 'whenFailure' but the default value is @()@.

>>> whenFailure_ (Success 42) putStrLn
>>> whenFailure_ (Failure "foo") putStrLn
whenFailure_ :: Applicative f => Validation e a -> (e -> f ()) -> f ()
whenFailure_ = whenFailure ()
{-# INLINE whenFailure_ #-}

{- | Monadic version of 'whenFailure'.
Applies monadic action to the given 'Validation' in case of 'Failure'.
Returns the resulting value, or provided default.

>>> whenFailureM "bar" (pure $ Failure 42) (\a -> "foo" <$ print a)

>>> whenFailureM "bar" (pure $ Success 42) (\a -> "foo" <$ print a)
whenFailureM :: Monad m => x -> m (Validation e a) -> (e -> m x) -> m x
whenFailureM x mv f = mv >>= \v -> whenFailure x v f
{-# INLINE whenFailureM #-}

{- | Monadic version of 'whenFailure_'.
Applies monadic action to the given 'Validation' in case of 'Failure'.
Similar to 'whenFailureM' but the default is @()@.

>>> whenFailureM_ (pure $ Success 42) putStrLn
>>> whenFailureM_ (pure $ Failure "foo") putStrLn
whenFailureM_ :: Monad m => m (Validation e a) -> (e -> m ()) -> m ()
whenFailureM_ mv f = mv >>= \v -> whenFailure_ v f
{-# INLINE whenFailureM_ #-}

{- | Applies the given action to 'Validation' if it is 'Success' and returns the
result. In case of 'Failure' the default value is returned.

>>> whenSuccess "bar" (Failure "foo") (\a -> "success!" <$ print a)

>>> whenSuccess "bar" (Success 42) (\a -> "success!" <$ print a)
whenSuccess :: Applicative f => x -> Validation e a -> (a -> f x) -> f x
whenSuccess x (Failure  _) _ = pure x
whenSuccess _ (Success a) f  = f a
{-# INLINE whenSuccess #-}

{- | Applies given action to the 'Validation' content if it is 'Success'.

Similar to 'whenSuccess' but the default value is @()@.

>>> whenSuccess_ (Failure "foo") print
>>> whenSuccess_ (Success 42) print
whenSuccess_ :: Applicative f => Validation e a -> (a -> f ()) -> f ()
whenSuccess_ = whenSuccess ()
{-# INLINE whenSuccess_ #-}

{- | Monadic version of 'whenSuccess'.
Applies monadic action to the given 'Validation' in case of 'Success'.
Returns the resulting value, or provided default.

>>> whenSuccessM "bar" (pure $ Failure "foo") (\a -> "success!" <$ print a)

>>> whenSuccessM "bar" (pure $ Success 42) (\a -> "success!" <$ print a)
whenSuccessM :: Monad m => x -> m (Validation e a) -> (a -> m x) -> m x
whenSuccessM x mv f = mv >>= \v -> whenSuccess x v f
{-# INLINE whenSuccessM #-}

{- | Monadic version of 'whenSuccess_'.
Applies monadic action to the given 'Validation' in case of 'Success'.
Similar to 'whenSuccessM' but the default is @()@.

>>> whenSuccessM_ (pure $ Failure "foo") print
>>> whenSuccessM_ (pure $ Success 42) print
whenSuccessM_ :: Monad m => m (Validation e a) -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
whenSuccessM_ mv f = mv >>= \v -> whenSuccess_ v f
{-# INLINE whenSuccessM_ #-}

{- | Maps 'Failure' of 'Validation' to 'Just'.

>>> failureToMaybe (Failure True)
Just True
>>> failureToMaybe (Success "aba")
failureToMaybe :: Validation e a -> Maybe e
failureToMaybe = validation Just (const Nothing)
{-# INLINE failureToMaybe #-}

{- | Maps 'Success' of 'Validation' to 'Just'.

>>> successToMaybe (Failure True)
>>> successToMaybe (Success "aba")
Just "aba"
successToMaybe :: Validation e a -> Maybe a
successToMaybe = validation (const Nothing) Just
{-# INLINE successToMaybe #-}

{- | Maps 'Just' to 'Failure' In case of 'Nothing' it wraps the given default
value into 'Success'.

>>> maybeToFailure True (Just "aba")
Failure "aba"
>>> maybeToFailure True Nothing
Success True
maybeToFailure :: a -> Maybe e -> Validation e a
maybeToFailure a = maybe (Success a) Failure
{-# INLINE maybeToFailure #-}

{- | Maps 'Just' to 'Success'. In case of 'Nothing' it wraps the given default
value into 'Failure'

>>> maybeToSuccess True (Just "aba")
Success "aba"
>>> maybeToSuccess True Nothing
Failure True
maybeToSuccess :: e -> Maybe a -> Validation e a
maybeToSuccess e = maybe (Failure e) Success
{-# INLINE maybeToSuccess #-}