{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Data.Vector.Algorithms.Tim
( sort
, sortBy
) where
import Prelude hiding (length, reverse)
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable
import Data.Vector.Algorithms.Search ( gallopingSearchRightPBounds
, gallopingSearchLeftPBounds
import Data.Vector.Algorithms.Insertion (sortByBounds', Comparison)
sort :: (PrimMonad m, MVector v e, Ord e) => v (PrimState m) e -> m ()
sort = sortBy compare
{-# INLINABLE sort #-}
sortBy :: (PrimMonad m, MVector v e)
=> Comparison e -> v (PrimState m) e -> m ()
sortBy cmp vec
| mr == len = iter [0] 0 (error "no merge buffer needed!")
| otherwise = new 256 >>= iter [] 0
len = length vec
mr = minrun len
iter s i tmpBuf
| i >= len = performRemainingMerges s tmpBuf
| otherwise = do (order, runLen) <- nextRun cmp vec i len
when (order == Descending) $
reverse $ unsafeSlice i runLen vec
let runEnd = min len (i + max runLen mr)
sortByBounds' cmp vec i (i+runLen) runEnd
(s', tmpBuf') <- performMerges (i : s) runEnd tmpBuf
iter s' runEnd tmpBuf'
runLengthInvariantBroken a b c i = (b - a <= i - b) || (c - b <= i - c)
performMerges [b,a] i tmpBuf
| i - b >= b - a = merge cmp vec a b i tmpBuf >>= performMerges [a] i
performMerges (c:b:a:ss) i tmpBuf
| runLengthInvariantBroken a b c i =
if i - c <= b - a
then merge cmp vec b c i tmpBuf >>= performMerges (b:a:ss) i
else do tmpBuf' <- merge cmp vec a b c tmpBuf
(ass', tmpBuf'') <- performMerges (a:ss) c tmpBuf'
performMerges (c:ass') i tmpBuf''
performMerges s _ tmpBuf = return (s, tmpBuf)
performRemainingMerges (b:a:ss) tmpBuf =
merge cmp vec a b len tmpBuf >>= performRemainingMerges (a:ss)
performRemainingMerges _ _ = return ()
{-# INLINE sortBy #-}
minrun :: Int -> Int
minrun n0 = (n0 `unsafeShiftR` extra) + if (lowMask .&. n0) > 0 then 1 else 0
!n1 = n0 .|. unsafeShiftR n0 1
!n2 = n1 .|. unsafeShiftR n1 2
!n3 = n2 .|. unsafeShiftR n2 4
!n4 = n3 .|. unsafeShiftR n3 8
!n5 = n4 .|. unsafeShiftR n4 16
!n6 = n5 .|. unsafeShiftR n5 32
!lowMask = n6 `unsafeShiftR` 6
!extra = popCount lowMask
{-# INLINE minrun #-}
data Order = Ascending | Descending deriving (Eq, Show)
nextRun :: (PrimMonad m, MVector v e)
=> Comparison e
-> v (PrimState m) e
-> Int
-> Int
-> m (Order, Int)
nextRun _ _ i len | i+1 >= len = return (Ascending, 1)
nextRun cmp vec i len = do x <- unsafeRead vec i
y <- unsafeRead vec (i+1)
if x `gt` y then desc y 2 else asc y 2
gt a b = cmp a b == GT
desc _ !k | i + k >= len = return (Descending, k)
desc x !k = do y <- unsafeRead vec (i+k)
if x `gt` y then desc y (k+1) else return (Descending, k)
asc _ !k | i + k >= len = return (Ascending, k)
asc x !k = do y <- unsafeRead vec (i+k)
if x `gt` y then return (Ascending, k) else asc y (k+1)
{-# INLINE nextRun #-}
ensureCapacity :: (PrimMonad m, MVector v e)
=> Int -> v (PrimState m) e -> m (v (PrimState m) e)
ensureCapacity l tmpBuf
| l <= length tmpBuf = return tmpBuf
| otherwise = new (2*l)
{-# INLINE ensureCapacity #-}
cloneSlice :: (PrimMonad m, MVector v e)
=> Int
-> Int
-> v (PrimState m) e
-> v (PrimState m) e
-> m (v (PrimState m) e)
cloneSlice i len vec tmpBuf = do
tmpBuf' <- ensureCapacity len tmpBuf
unsafeCopy (unsafeSlice 0 len tmpBuf') (unsafeSlice i len vec)
return tmpBuf'
{-# INLINE cloneSlice #-}
minGallop :: Int
minGallop = 7
{-# INLINE minGallop #-}
mergeLo :: (PrimMonad m, MVector v e)
=> Comparison e
-> v (PrimState m) e
-> Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> v (PrimState m) e
-> m (v (PrimState m) e)
mergeLo cmp vec l m u tempBuf' = do
tmpBuf <- cloneSlice l tmpBufLen vec tempBuf'
vi <- unsafeRead tmpBuf 0
vj <- unsafeRead vec m
iter tmpBuf 0 m l vi vj minGallop minGallop
return tmpBuf
gt a b = cmp a b == GT
gte a b = cmp a b /= LT
tmpBufLen = m - l
iter _ i _ _ _ _ _ _ | i >= tmpBufLen = return ()
iter tmpBuf i j k _ _ _ _ | j >= u = do
let from = unsafeSlice i (tmpBufLen-i) tmpBuf
to = unsafeSlice k (tmpBufLen-i) vec
unsafeCopy to from
iter tmpBuf i j k _ vj 0 _ = do
i' <- gallopingSearchLeftPBounds (`gt` vj) tmpBuf i tmpBufLen
let gallopLen = i' - i
from = unsafeSlice i gallopLen tmpBuf
to = unsafeSlice k gallopLen vec
unsafeCopy to from
vi' <- unsafeRead tmpBuf i'
iter tmpBuf i' j (k+gallopLen) vi' vj minGallop minGallop
iter tmpBuf i j k vi _ _ 0 = do
j' <- gallopingSearchLeftPBounds (`gte` vi) vec j u
let gallopLen = j' - j
from = slice j gallopLen vec
to = slice k gallopLen vec
unsafeMove to from
vj' <- unsafeRead vec j'
iter tmpBuf i j' (k+gallopLen) vi vj' minGallop minGallop
iter tmpBuf i j k vi vj ga gb
| vj `gte` vi = do unsafeWrite vec k vi
vi' <- unsafeRead tmpBuf (i+1)
iter tmpBuf (i+1) j (k+1) vi' vj (ga-1) minGallop
| otherwise = do unsafeWrite vec k vj
vj' <- unsafeRead vec (j+1)
iter tmpBuf i (j+1) (k+1) vi vj' minGallop (gb-1)
{-# INLINE mergeLo #-}
mergeHi :: (PrimMonad m, MVector v e)
=> Comparison e
-> v (PrimState m) e
-> Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> v (PrimState m) e
-> m (v (PrimState m) e)
mergeHi cmp vec l m u tmpBuf' = do
tmpBuf <- cloneSlice m tmpBufLen vec tmpBuf'
vi <- unsafeRead vec (m-1)
vj <- unsafeRead tmpBuf (tmpBufLen-1)
iter tmpBuf (m-1) (tmpBufLen-1) (u-1) vi vj minGallop minGallop
return tmpBuf
gt a b = cmp a b == GT
gte a b = cmp a b /= LT
tmpBufLen = u - m
iter _ _ j _ _ _ _ _ | j < 0 = return ()
iter tmpBuf i j _ _ _ _ _ | i < l = do
let from = unsafeSlice 0 (j+1) tmpBuf
to = unsafeSlice l (j+1) vec
unsafeCopy to from
iter tmpBuf i j k _ vj 0 _ = do
i' <- gallopingSearchRightPBounds (`gt` vj) vec l i
let gallopLen = i - i'
from = slice (i'+1) gallopLen vec
to = slice (k-gallopLen+1) gallopLen vec
unsafeMove to from
vi' <- unsafeRead vec i'
iter tmpBuf i' j (k-gallopLen) vi' vj minGallop minGallop
iter tmpBuf i j k vi _ _ 0 = do
j' <- gallopingSearchRightPBounds (`gte` vi) tmpBuf 0 j
let gallopLen = j - j'
from = slice (j'+1) gallopLen tmpBuf
to = slice (k-gallopLen+1) gallopLen vec
unsafeCopy to from
vj' <- unsafeRead tmpBuf j'
iter tmpBuf i j' (k-gallopLen) vi vj' minGallop minGallop
iter tmpBuf i j k vi vj ga gb
| vi `gt` vj = do unsafeWrite vec k vi
vi' <- unsafeRead vec (i-1)
iter tmpBuf (i-1) j (k-1) vi' vj (ga-1) minGallop
| otherwise = do unsafeWrite vec k vj
vj' <- unsafeRead tmpBuf (j-1)
iter tmpBuf i (j-1) (k-1) vi vj' minGallop (gb-1)
{-# INLINE mergeHi #-}
merge :: (PrimMonad m, MVector v e)
=> Comparison e
-> v (PrimState m) e
-> Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> v (PrimState m) e
-> m (v (PrimState m) e)
merge cmp vec l m u tmpBuf = do
vm <- unsafeRead vec m
l' <- gallopingSearchLeftPBounds (`gt` vm) vec l m
if l' >= m
then return tmpBuf
else do
vn <- unsafeRead vec (m-1)
u' <- gallopingSearchRightPBounds (`gte` vn) vec m u
if u' <= m
then return tmpBuf
else (if (m-l') <= (u'-m) then mergeLo else mergeHi) cmp vec l' m u' tmpBuf
gt a b = cmp a b == GT
gte a b = cmp a b /= LT
{-# INLINE merge #-}