{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
module Data.Vector.Unboxed.Deriving
) where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as M
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base (MVector (..), Vector (..), Unbox)
import Language.Haskell.TH
newPatExp :: String -> Q (Pat, Exp)
newPatExp = fmap (VarP &&& VarE) . newName
data Common = Common
{ mvName, vName :: Name
, i, n, mv, mv', v :: (Pat, Exp) }
common :: String -> Q Common
common name = do
let valid c = c == '_' || c == '\'' || c == '#' || isAlphaNum c
unless (all valid name) $ do
fail (show name ++ " is not a valid constructor suffix!")
let mvName = mkName ("MV_" ++ name)
let vName = mkName ("V_" ++ name)
i <- newPatExp "idx"
n <- newPatExp "len"
mv <- first (ConP mvName . (:[])) <$> newPatExp "mvec"
mv' <- first (ConP mvName . (:[])) <$> newPatExp "mvec'"
v <- first (ConP vName . (:[])) <$> newPatExp "vec"
return Common {..}
capture :: Name -> Name
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ == 704
capture = mkName . nameBase
capture = id
liftE :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
liftE e = InfixE (Just e) (VarE 'liftM) . Just
-- Create a wrapper for the given function with the same 'nameBase', given
-- a list of argument bindings and expressions in terms of said bindings.
-- A final coercion (@Exp → Exp@) is applied to the body of the function.
-- Complimentary @INLINE@ pragma included.
wrap :: Name -> [(Pat, Exp)] -> (Exp -> Exp) -> [Dec]
wrap fun (unzip -> (pats, exps)) coerce = [inline, method] where
name = capture fun
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
inline = PragmaD (InlineP name Inline FunLike AllPhases)
inline = PragmaD ( InlineP name (InlineSpec True False Nothing) )
body = coerce $ foldl AppE (VarE fun) exps
method = FunD name [Clause pats (NormalB body) []]
{-| Let's consider a more complex example: suppose we want an @Unbox@
instance for @Maybe a@. We could encode this using the pair @(Bool, a)@,
with the boolean indicating whether we have @Nothing@ or @Just@ something.
This encoding requires a dummy value in the @Nothing@ case, necessitating an
additional <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-default/docs/Data-Default.html#t:Default Default>
constraint. Thus:
>derivingUnbox "Maybe"
> [t| ∀ a. (Default a, Unbox a) ⇒ Maybe a → (Bool, a) |]
> [| maybe (False, def) (\ x → (True, x)) |]
> [| \ (b, x) → if b then Just x else Nothing |]
:: String -- ^ Unique constructor suffix for the MVector and Vector data families
-> TypeQ -- ^ Quotation of the form @[t| /ctxt/ ⇒ src → rep |]@
-> ExpQ -- ^ Quotation of an expression of type @src → rep@
-> ExpQ -- ^ Quotation of an expression of type @rep → src@
-> DecsQ -- ^ Declarations to be spliced for the derived Unbox instance
derivingUnbox name argsQ toRepQ fromRepQ = do
Common {..} <- common name
toRep <- toRepQ
fromRep <- fromRepQ
a <- second (AppE toRep) <$> newPatExp "val"
args <- argsQ
(cxts, typ, rep) <- case args of
ForallT _ cxts (ArrowT `AppT` typ `AppT` rep) -> return (cxts, typ, rep)
ArrowT `AppT` typ `AppT` rep -> return ([], typ, rep)
_ -> fail "Expecting a type of the form: cxts => typ -> rep"
let s = VarT (mkName "s")
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
let lazy = Bang NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness
# define MAYBE_KIND Nothing
# define MAYBE_OVERLAP Nothing
let lazy = NotStrict
# define MAYBE_KIND
let newtypeMVector = NewtypeInstD [] ''MVector [s, typ] MAYBE_KIND
(NormalC mvName [(lazy, ConT ''MVector `AppT` s `AppT` rep)]) []
let mvCon = ConE mvName
let instanceMVector = InstanceD MAYBE_OVERLAP cxts
(ConT ''M.MVector `AppT` ConT ''MVector `AppT` typ) $ concat
[ wrap 'M.basicLength [mv] id
, wrap 'M.basicUnsafeSlice [i, n, mv] (AppE mvCon)
, wrap 'M.basicOverlaps [mv, mv'] id
, wrap 'M.basicUnsafeNew [n] (liftE mvCon)
#if MIN_VERSION_vector(0,11,0)
, wrap 'M.basicInitialize [mv] id
, wrap 'M.basicUnsafeReplicate [n, a] (liftE mvCon)
, wrap 'M.basicUnsafeRead [mv, i] (liftE fromRep)
, wrap 'M.basicUnsafeWrite [mv, i, a] id
, wrap 'M.basicClear [mv] id
, wrap 'M.basicSet [mv, a] id
, wrap 'M.basicUnsafeCopy [mv, mv'] id
, wrap 'M.basicUnsafeMove [mv, mv'] id
, wrap 'M.basicUnsafeGrow [mv, n] (liftE mvCon) ]
let newtypeVector = NewtypeInstD [] ''Vector [typ] MAYBE_KIND
(NormalC vName [(lazy, ConT ''Vector `AppT` rep)]) []
let vCon = ConE vName
let instanceVector = InstanceD MAYBE_OVERLAP cxts
(ConT ''G.Vector `AppT` ConT ''Vector `AppT` typ) $ concat
[ wrap 'G.basicUnsafeFreeze [mv] (liftE vCon)
, wrap 'G.basicUnsafeThaw [v] (liftE mvCon)
, wrap 'G.basicLength [v] id
, wrap 'G.basicUnsafeSlice [i, n, v] (AppE vCon)
, wrap 'G.basicUnsafeIndexM [v, i] (liftE fromRep)
, wrap 'G.basicUnsafeCopy [mv, v] id
, wrap 'G.elemseq [v, a] id ]
return [ InstanceD MAYBE_OVERLAP cxts (ConT ''Unbox `AppT` typ) []
, newtypeMVector, instanceMVector
, newtypeVector, instanceVector ]
Writing @Unbox@ instances for new data types is tedious and formulaic. More
often than not, there is a straightforward mapping of the new type onto some
existing one already imbued with an @Unbox@ instance. The
<http://hackage.haskell.org/package/vector/docs/Data-Vector-Unboxed.html example>
from the @vector@ package represents @Complex a@ as pairs @(a, a)@. Using
'derivingUnbox', we can define the same instances much more succinctly:
>derivingUnbox "Complex"
> [t| ∀ a. (Unbox a) ⇒ Complex a → (a, a) |]
> [| \ (r :+ i) → (r, i) |]
> [| \ (r, i) → r :+ i |]
Requires the @MultiParamTypeClasses@, @TemplateHaskell@, @TypeFamilies@ and
probably the @FlexibleInstances@ @LANGUAGE@ extensions. Note that GHC 7.4
(but not earlier nor later) needs the 'G.Vector' and 'M.MVector' class
method names to be in scope in order to define the appropriate instances:
>#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ == 704
>import qualified Data.Vector.Generic
>import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable
Consult the <https://github.com/liyang/vector-th-unbox/blob/master/tests/sanity.hs sanity test>
for a working example.