{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, ConstraintKinds, DataKinds, EmptyCase,
FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, GADTs,
KindSignatures, MultiParamTypeClasses, PolyKinds,
RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators,
UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Vinyl.CoRec where
import Data.Maybe(fromJust)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Vinyl
import Data.Vinyl.Functor (Compose(..), (:.), Identity(..), Const(..))
import Data.Vinyl.TypeLevel
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
import GHC.Prim (Constraint)
import Data.Kind (Constraint)
data CoRec :: (k -> *) -> [k] -> * where
CoRec :: RElem a ts (RIndex a ts) => !(f a) -> CoRec f ts
foldCoRec :: (forall a. RElem a ts (RIndex a ts) => f a -> b) -> CoRec f ts -> b
foldCoRec f (CoRec x) = f x
type Field = CoRec Identity
newtype Op b a = Op { runOp :: a -> b }
instance forall ts. (RPureConstrained Show ts, RecApplicative ts)
=> Show (CoRec Identity ts) where
show (CoRec (Identity x)) = "(Col "++show' x++")"
where shower :: Rec (Op String) ts
shower = rpureConstrained @Show (Op show)
show' = runOp (rget shower)
instance forall ts. (RecApplicative ts, RecordToList ts,
RZipWith ts, ReifyConstraint Eq Maybe ts, RMap ts)
=> Eq (CoRec Identity ts) where
crA == crB = and . recordToList
$ rzipWith f (toRec crA) (coRecToRec' crB)
f :: forall a. (Dict Eq :. Maybe) a -> Maybe a -> Const Bool a
f (Compose (Dict a)) b = Const $ a == b
toRec = reifyConstraint @Eq . coRecToRec'
coRecToRec :: forall f ts. RecApplicative ts
=> CoRec f ts -> Rec (Maybe :. f) ts
coRecToRec (CoRec x) = rput (Compose (Just x)) (rpure (Compose Nothing))
coRecToRec' :: (RecApplicative ts, RMap ts)
=> CoRec Identity ts -> Rec Maybe ts
coRecToRec' = rmap (fmap getIdentity . getCompose) . coRecToRec
class FoldRec ss ts where
foldRec :: (CoRec f ss -> CoRec f ss -> CoRec f ss)
-> CoRec f ss
-> Rec f ts
-> CoRec f ss
instance FoldRec ss '[] where foldRec _ z _ = z
instance (t ∈ ss, FoldRec ss ts) => FoldRec ss (t ': ts) where
foldRec f z (x :& xs) = foldRec f (f z (CoRec x)) xs
coRecMap :: (forall x. f x -> g x) -> CoRec f ts -> CoRec g ts
coRecMap nt (CoRec x) = CoRec (nt x)
coRecTraverse :: Functor h
=> (forall x. f x -> h (g x)) -> CoRec f ts -> h (CoRec g ts)
coRecTraverse f (CoRec x) = fmap CoRec (f x)
foldRec1 :: FoldRec (t ': ts) ts
=> (CoRec f (t ': ts) -> CoRec f (t ': ts) -> CoRec f (t ': ts))
-> Rec f (t ': ts)
-> CoRec f (t ': ts)
foldRec1 f (x :& xs) = foldRec f (CoRec x) xs
firstField :: FoldRec ts ts
=> Rec (Maybe :. f) ts -> Maybe (CoRec f ts)
firstField RNil = Nothing
firstField v@(x :& _) = coRecTraverse getCompose $ foldRec aux (CoRec x) v
where aux :: CoRec (Maybe :. f) (t ': ts)
-> CoRec (Maybe :. f) (t ': ts)
-> CoRec (Maybe :. f) (t ': ts)
aux c@(CoRec (Compose (Just _))) _ = c
aux _ c = c
lastField :: FoldRec ts ts
=> Rec (Maybe :. f) ts -> Maybe (CoRec f ts)
lastField RNil = Nothing
lastField v@(x :& _) = coRecTraverse getCompose $ foldRec aux (CoRec x) v
where aux :: CoRec (Maybe :. f) (t ': ts)
-> CoRec (Maybe :. f) (t ': ts)
-> CoRec (Maybe :. f) (t ': ts)
aux _ c@(CoRec (Compose (Just _))) = c
aux c _ = c
onCoRec :: forall (cs :: [* -> Constraint]) f ts b.
(AllAllSat cs ts, Functor f, RecApplicative ts)
=> Proxy cs
-> (forall a. AllSatisfied cs a => a -> b)
-> CoRec f ts -> f b
onCoRec p f (CoRec x) = fmap meth x
where meth = runOp $ rget (reifyDicts p (Op f) :: Rec (Op b) ts)
onField :: forall cs ts b.
(AllAllSat cs ts, RecApplicative ts)
=> Proxy cs
-> (forall a. AllSatisfied cs a => a -> b)
-> Field ts -> b
onField p f x = getIdentity (onCoRec p f x)
reifyDicts :: forall cs f proxy (ts :: [*]). (AllAllSat cs ts, RecApplicative ts)
=> proxy cs -> (forall a. AllSatisfied cs a => f a) -> Rec f ts
reifyDicts _ f = go (rpure Nothing)
where go :: AllAllSat cs ts' => Rec Maybe ts' -> Rec f ts'
go RNil = RNil
go (_ :& xs) = f :& go xs
asA :: (t ∈ ts, RecApplicative ts, RMap ts)
=> CoRec Identity ts -> Maybe t
asA c@(CoRec _) = rget $ coRecToRec' c
asA' :: (t ∈ ts, RecApplicative ts, RMap ts)
=> CoRec f ts -> (Maybe :. f) t
asA' c@(CoRec _) = rget $ coRecToRec c
match :: forall ts b. CoRec Identity ts -> Handlers ts b -> b
match (CoRec (Identity t)) hs = aux t
where aux :: forall a. RElem a ts (RIndex a ts) => a -> b
aux x = case rget @a hs of
H f -> f x
class RIndex t ts ~ i => Match1 t ts i where
match1' :: Handler r t -> Rec Maybe ts -> Either r (Rec Maybe (RDelete t ts))
instance Match1 t (t ': ts) 'Z where
match1' _ (Nothing :& xs) = Right xs
match1' (H h) (Just x :& _) = Left (h x)
instance (Match1 t ts i, RIndex t (s ': ts) ~ 'S i,
RDelete t (s ': ts) ~ (s ': RDelete t ts))
=> Match1 t (s ': ts) ('S i) where
match1' h (x :& xs) = (x :&) <$> match1' h xs
match1 :: (Match1 t ts (RIndex t ts),
RecApplicative ts,
RMap ts, RMap (RDelete t ts),
FoldRec (RDelete t ts) (RDelete t ts))
=> Handler r t
-> CoRec Identity ts
-> Either r (CoRec Identity (RDelete t ts))
match1 h = fmap (fromJust . firstField . rmap (Compose . fmap Identity))
. match1' h
. coRecToRec'
matchNil :: CoRec f '[] -> r
matchNil (CoRec x) = case x of _ -> error "matchNil: impossible"
newtype Handler b a = H (a -> b)
type Handlers ts b = Rec (Handler b) ts
restrictCoRec :: forall t ts f. (RecApplicative ts, FoldRec ts ts)
=> CoRec f (t ': ts) -> Either (f t) (CoRec f ts)
restrictCoRec = go . coRecToRec
where go :: Rec (Maybe :. f) (t ': ts) -> Either (f t) (CoRec f ts)
go (Compose Nothing :& xs) = Right (fromJust (firstField xs))
go (Compose (Just x) :& _) = Left x
weakenCoRec :: (RecApplicative ts, FoldRec (t ': ts) (t ': ts))
=> CoRec f ts -> CoRec f (t ': ts)
weakenCoRec = fromJust . firstField . (Compose Nothing :&) . coRecToRec