{-# language CPP #-}
-- | = Name
-- VK_NV_coverage_reduction_mode - device extension
-- == VK_NV_coverage_reduction_mode
-- [__Name String__]
--     @VK_NV_coverage_reduction_mode@
-- [__Extension Type__]
--     Device extension
-- [__Registered Extension Number__]
--     251
-- [__Revision__]
--     1
-- [__Extension and Version Dependencies__]
--     -   Requires Vulkan 1.0
--     -   Requires @VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples@
-- [__Contact__]
--     -   Kedarnath Thangudu
--         <https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs/issues/new?title=VK_NV_coverage_reduction_mode:%20&body=@kthangudu%20 >
-- == Other Extension Metadata
-- [__Last Modified Date__]
--     2019-01-29
-- [__Contributors__]
--     -   Kedarnath Thangudu, NVIDIA
--     -   Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA
-- == Description
-- When using a framebuffer with mixed samples, a per-fragment coverage
-- reduction operation is performed which generates color sample coverage
-- from the pixel coverage. This extension defines the following modes to
-- control how this reduction is performed.
-- -   Merge: When there are more samples in the pixel coverage than color
--     samples, there is an implementation dependent association of each
--     pixel coverage sample to a color sample. In the merge mode, the
--     color sample coverage is computed such that only if any associated
--     sample in the pixel coverage is covered, the color sample is
--     covered. This is the default mode.
-- -   Truncate: When there are more raster samples (N) than color
--     samples(M), there is one to one association of the first M raster
--     samples to the M color samples; other raster samples are ignored.
-- When the number of raster samples is equal to the color samples, there
-- is a one to one mapping between them in either of the above modes.
-- The new command
-- 'getPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV' can be
-- used to query the various raster, color, depth\/stencil sample count and
-- reduction mode combinations that are supported by the implementation.
-- This extension would allow an implementation to support the behavior of
-- both @VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples@ and
-- @VK_AMD_mixed_attachment_samples@ extensions simultaneously.
-- == New Commands
-- -   'getPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV'
-- == New Structures
-- -   'FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV'
-- -   Extending
--     'Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_From_VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2.PhysicalDeviceFeatures2',
--     'Vulkan.Core10.Device.DeviceCreateInfo':
--     -   'PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV'
-- -   Extending
--     'Vulkan.Core10.Pipeline.PipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo':
--     -   'PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV'
-- == New Enums
-- -   'CoverageReductionModeNV'
-- == New Bitmasks
-- -   'PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV'
-- == New Enum Constants
-- -   Extending 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType.StructureType':
-- == Version History
-- -   Revision 1, 2019-01-29 (Kedarnath Thangudu)
--     -   Internal revisions
-- = See Also
-- 'CoverageReductionModeNV', 'FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV',
-- 'PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV',
-- 'PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV',
-- 'PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV',
-- 'getPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV'
-- = Document Notes
-- For more information, see the
-- <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#VK_NV_coverage_reduction_mode Vulkan Specification>
-- This page is a generated document. Fixes and changes should be made to
-- the generator scripts, not directly.
module Vulkan.Extensions.VK_NV_coverage_reduction_mode  ( getPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV
                                                        , PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV(..)
                                                        , PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV(..)
                                                        , FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV(..)
                                                        , PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV(..)
                                                        , CoverageReductionModeNV( COVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_MERGE_NV
                                                                                 , COVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_TRUNCATE_NV
                                                                                 , ..
                                                        , NV_COVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_SPEC_VERSION
                                                        , pattern NV_COVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_SPEC_VERSION
                                                        , NV_COVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_EXTENSION_NAME
                                                        , pattern NV_COVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_EXTENSION_NAME
                                                        ) where

import Vulkan.Internal.Utils (enumReadPrec)
import Vulkan.Internal.Utils (enumShowsPrec)
import Vulkan.Internal.Utils (traceAroundEvent)
import Control.Exception.Base (bracket)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytesAligned)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (callocBytes)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (free)
import GHC.Base (when)
import GHC.IO (throwIO)
import GHC.Ptr (nullFunPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (nullPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (plusPtr)
import GHC.Show (showString)
import GHC.Show (showsPrec)
import Numeric (showHex)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont (evalContT)
import Data.Vector (generateM)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Data.Bits (Bits)
import Data.Bits (FiniteBits)
import Data.String (IsString)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable(peek))
import Foreign.Storable (Storable(poke))
import qualified Foreign.Storable (Storable(..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(..))
import GHC.IO.Exception (IOException(..))
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Foreign.Ptr (FunPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
import GHC.Read (Read(readPrec))
import GHC.Show (Show(showsPrec))
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont (ContT(..))
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Vulkan.CStruct.Utils (advancePtrBytes)
import Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes (bool32ToBool)
import Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes (boolToBool32)
import Vulkan.NamedType ((:::))
import Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes (Bool32)
import Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes (Flags)
import Vulkan.CStruct (FromCStruct)
import Vulkan.CStruct (FromCStruct(..))
import Vulkan.Dynamic (InstanceCmds(pVkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV))
import Vulkan.Core10.Handles (PhysicalDevice)
import Vulkan.Core10.Handles (PhysicalDevice(..))
import Vulkan.Core10.Handles (PhysicalDevice_T)
import Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result (Result)
import Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result (Result(..))
import Vulkan.Core10.Enums.SampleCountFlagBits (SampleCountFlagBits)
import Vulkan.Core10.Enums.SampleCountFlagBits (SampleCountFlags)
import Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType (StructureType)
import Vulkan.CStruct (ToCStruct)
import Vulkan.CStruct (ToCStruct(..))
import Vulkan.Exception (VulkanException(..))
import Vulkan.Zero (Zero)
import Vulkan.Zero (Zero(..))
import Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType (StructureType(STRUCTURE_TYPE_FRAMEBUFFER_MIXED_SAMPLES_COMBINATION_NV))
import Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result (Result(SUCCESS))
foreign import ccall
#if !defined(SAFE_FOREIGN_CALLS)
  "dynamic" mkVkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV
  :: FunPtr (Ptr PhysicalDevice_T -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> IO Result) -> Ptr PhysicalDevice_T -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> IO Result

-- | vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV -
-- Query supported sample count combinations
-- = Description
-- If @pCombinations@ is @NULL@, then the number of supported combinations
-- for the given @physicalDevice@ is returned in @pCombinationCount@.
-- Otherwise, @pCombinationCount@ /must/ point to a variable set by the
-- user to the number of elements in the @pCombinations@ array, and on
-- return the variable is overwritten with the number of values actually
-- written to @pCombinations@. If the value of @pCombinationCount@ is less
-- than the number of combinations supported for the given
-- @physicalDevice@, at most @pCombinationCount@ values will be written
-- @pCombinations@ and 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result.INCOMPLETE' will be
-- returned instead of 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result.SUCCESS' to indicate
-- that not all the supported values were returned.
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   #VUID-vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV-physicalDevice-parameter#
--     @physicalDevice@ /must/ be a valid
--     'Vulkan.Core10.Handles.PhysicalDevice' handle
-- -   #VUID-vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV-pCombinationCount-parameter#
--     @pCombinationCount@ /must/ be a valid pointer to a @uint32_t@ value
-- -   #VUID-vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV-pCombinations-parameter#
--     If the value referenced by @pCombinationCount@ is not @0@, and
--     @pCombinations@ is not @NULL@, @pCombinations@ /must/ be a valid
--     pointer to an array of @pCombinationCount@
--     'FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV' structures
-- == Return Codes
-- [<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#fundamentals-successcodes Success>]
--     -   'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result.SUCCESS'
--     -   'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result.INCOMPLETE'
-- [<https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#fundamentals-errorcodes Failure>]
--     -   'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result.ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY'
--     -   'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result.ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY'
-- = See Also
-- 'FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV',
-- 'Vulkan.Core10.Handles.PhysicalDevice'
getPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV :: forall io
                                                                 . (MonadIO io)
                                                                => -- | @physicalDevice@ is the physical device from which to query the set of
                                                                   -- combinations.
                                                                -> io (Result, ("combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
getPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV :: PhysicalDevice
-> io
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
getPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV physicalDevice :: PhysicalDevice
physicalDevice = IO
   "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> io
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO
    "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
 -> io
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> (ContT
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
    -> IO
          "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> io
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ContT
   "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
   "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall (m :: * -> *) r. Monad m => ContT r m r -> m r
evalContT (ContT
    "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
    "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
 -> io
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> io
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
  let vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNVPtr :: FunPtr
  (Ptr PhysicalDevice_T
   -> ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
   -> ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
   -> IO Result)
vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNVPtr = InstanceCmds
-> FunPtr
     (Ptr PhysicalDevice_T
      -> ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
      -> ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
      -> IO Result)
pVkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV (PhysicalDevice -> InstanceCmds
instanceCmds (PhysicalDevice
physicalDevice :: PhysicalDevice))
  IO ()
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift (IO ()
 -> ContT
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO ()
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
unless (FunPtr
  (Ptr PhysicalDevice_T
   -> ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
   -> ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
   -> IO Result)
vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNVPtr FunPtr
  (Ptr PhysicalDevice_T
   -> ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
   -> ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
   -> IO Result)
-> FunPtr
     (Ptr PhysicalDevice_T
      -> ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
      -> ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
      -> IO Result)
-> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= FunPtr
  (Ptr PhysicalDevice_T
   -> ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
   -> ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
   -> IO Result)
forall a. FunPtr a
nullFunPtr) (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    IOException -> IO ()
forall e a. Exception e => e -> IO a
throwIO (IOException -> IO ()) -> IOException -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Maybe Handle
-> IOErrorType
-> String
-> String
-> Maybe CInt
-> Maybe String
-> IOException
IOError Maybe Handle
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing IOErrorType
InvalidArgument "" "The function pointer for vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV is null" Maybe CInt
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing Maybe String
forall a. Maybe a
  let vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV' :: Ptr PhysicalDevice_T
-> ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
-> ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO Result
vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV' = FunPtr
  (Ptr PhysicalDevice_T
   -> ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
   -> ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
   -> IO Result)
-> Ptr PhysicalDevice_T
-> ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
-> ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO Result
mkVkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV FunPtr
  (Ptr PhysicalDevice_T
   -> ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
   -> ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
   -> IO Result)
  let physicalDevice' :: Ptr PhysicalDevice_T
physicalDevice' = PhysicalDevice -> Ptr PhysicalDevice_T
physicalDeviceHandle (PhysicalDevice
  "pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32
pPCombinationCount <- ((("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
  -> IO
        "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
 -> IO
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
     ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
forall k (r :: k) (m :: k -> *) a.
((a -> m r) -> m r) -> ContT r m a
ContT (((("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
   -> IO
         "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
  -> IO
        "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
 -> ContT
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
      ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32))
-> ((("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
     -> IO
           "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
    -> IO
          "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
     ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ IO ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
-> (("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32) -> IO ())
-> (("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
    -> IO
          "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> IO
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a b c. IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> IO c) -> IO c
bracket (Int -> IO ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
forall a. Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBytes @Word32 4) ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32) -> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
r <- IO Result
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift (IO Result
 -> ContT
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO Result
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> IO Result -> IO Result
forall a. String -> IO a -> IO a
traceAroundEvent "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV" (Ptr PhysicalDevice_T
-> ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
-> ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO Result
vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV' Ptr PhysicalDevice_T
physicalDevice' ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32
pPCombinationCount) ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
forall a. Ptr a
  IO ()
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift (IO ()
 -> ContT
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO ()
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when (Result
r Result -> Result -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Result
SUCCESS) (VulkanException -> IO ()
forall e a. Exception e => e -> IO a
throwIO (Result -> VulkanException
VulkanException Result
pCombinationCount <- IO Word32
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift (IO Word32
 -> ContT
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO Word32
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32) -> IO Word32
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @Word32 "pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32
  "pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
pPCombinations <- ((("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
  -> IO
        "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
 -> IO
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
     ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall k (r :: k) (m :: k -> *) a.
((a -> m r) -> m r) -> ContT r m a
ContT (((("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
   -> IO
         "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
  -> IO
        "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
 -> ContT
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
      ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> ((("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
     -> IO
           "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
    -> IO
          "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
     ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ IO ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
    -> IO ())
-> (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
    -> IO
          "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> IO
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a b c. IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> IO c) -> IO c
bracket (Int
-> IO
     ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a. Int -> IO (Ptr a)
callocBytes @FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV ((Word32 -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Word32
pCombinationCount)) Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* 32)) ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO ()
forall a. Ptr a -> IO ()
_ <- (Int
 -> ContT
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> [Int]
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall (t :: * -> *) (f :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)
traverse (\i :: Int
i -> ((()
  -> IO
        "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
 -> IO
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall k (r :: k) (m :: k -> *) a.
((a -> m r) -> m r) -> ContT r m a
ContT (((()
   -> IO
         "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
  -> IO
        "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
 -> ContT
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> ((()
     -> IO
           "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
    -> IO
          "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a b. ToCStruct a => Ptr a -> IO b -> IO b
pokeZeroCStruct ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
pPCombinations ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int
-> "pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
forall a. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr a
`advancePtrBytes` (Int
i Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* 32) :: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV) (IO
    "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
 -> IO
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> ((()
     -> IO
           "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
    -> IO
          "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> (()
    -> IO
          "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> IO
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ((()
 -> IO
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> ()
-> IO
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ())) [0..(Word32 -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Word32
pCombinationCount)) Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- 1]
r' <- IO Result
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift (IO Result
 -> ContT
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO Result
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String -> IO Result -> IO Result
forall a. String -> IO a -> IO a
traceAroundEvent "vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV" (Ptr PhysicalDevice_T
-> ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32)
-> ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO Result
vkGetPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV' Ptr PhysicalDevice_T
physicalDevice' ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32
pPCombinationCount) (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
  IO ()
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift (IO ()
 -> ContT
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO ()
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bool -> IO () -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when (Result
r' Result -> Result -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Result
SUCCESS) (VulkanException -> IO ()
forall e a. Exception e => e -> IO a
throwIO (Result -> VulkanException
VulkanException Result
pCombinationCount' <- IO Word32
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift (IO Word32
 -> ContT
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO Word32
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ("pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32) -> IO Word32
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @Word32 "pCombinationCount" ::: Ptr Word32
  "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
pCombinations' <- IO ("combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
     ("combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall (t :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadTrans t, Monad m) =>
m a -> t m a
lift (IO
   ("combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
 -> ContT
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
      ("combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> IO
     ("combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
     ("combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int
-> (Int -> IO FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO
     ("combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
Int -> (Int -> m a) -> m (Vector a)
generateM (Word32 -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Word32
pCombinationCount')) (\i :: Int
i -> ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
forall a. FromCStruct a => Ptr a -> IO a
peekCStruct @FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV ((("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
pPCombinations) ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int
-> "pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
forall a. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr a
`advancePtrBytes` (32 Int -> Int -> Int
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* (Int
i)) :: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)))
 "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ((Result,
  "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
 -> ContT
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
       "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV))
-> (Result,
    "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> ContT
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
      "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Result
r'), "combinations" ::: Vector FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV

-- | VkPhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV - Structure describing
-- the coverage reduction mode features that can be supported by an
-- implementation
-- = Members
-- The members of the 'PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV'
-- structure describe the following features:
-- = Description
-- If the 'PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV' structure is
-- included in the @pNext@ chain of
-- 'Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_From_VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2.PhysicalDeviceFeatures2',
-- it is filled with values indicating whether the feature is supported.
-- 'PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV' /can/ also be included
-- in the @pNext@ chain of 'Vulkan.Core10.Device.DeviceCreateInfo' to
-- enable the feature.
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- = See Also
-- 'Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes.Bool32',
-- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType.StructureType'
data PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV = PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
  { -- | #features-coverageReductionMode# @coverageReductionMode@ indicates
    -- whether the implementation supports coverage reduction modes. See
    -- <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#fragops-coverage-reduction Coverage Reduction>.
    PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> Bool
coverageReductionMode :: Bool }
  deriving (Typeable, PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> Bool
 -> PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> Bool)
-> (PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
    -> PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> Bool)
-> Eq PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> Bool
$c/= :: PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> Bool
== :: PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> Bool
$c== :: PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> Bool
deriving instance Generic (PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV)
deriving instance Show PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV

instance ToCStruct PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV where
  withCStruct :: PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> (Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> IO b)
-> IO b
withCStruct x :: PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
x f :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> IO b
f = Int
-> Int
-> (Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> IO b)
-> IO b
forall a b. Int -> Int -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
allocaBytesAligned 24 8 ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> IO b)
 -> IO b)
-> (Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> IO b)
-> IO b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \p :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
p -> Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> IO b -> IO b
forall a b. ToCStruct a => Ptr a -> a -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
p PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
x (Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> IO b
f Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
  pokeCStruct :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct p :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
p PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV{..} f :: IO b
f = do
    Ptr StructureType -> StructureType -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> Int -> Ptr StructureType
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (StructureType
    Ptr (Ptr ()) -> Ptr () -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> Int -> Ptr (Ptr ())
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (Ptr ()
forall a. Ptr a
    Ptr Bool32 -> Bool32 -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr Bool32)) (Bool -> Bool32
boolToBool32 (Bool
    IO b
  cStructSize :: Int
cStructSize = 24
  cStructAlignment :: Int
cStructAlignment = 8
  pokeZeroCStruct :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> IO b -> IO b
pokeZeroCStruct p :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
p f :: IO b
f = do
    Ptr StructureType -> StructureType -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> Int -> Ptr StructureType
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (StructureType
    Ptr (Ptr ()) -> Ptr () -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> Int -> Ptr (Ptr ())
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (Ptr ()
forall a. Ptr a
    Ptr Bool32 -> Bool32 -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr Bool32)) (Bool -> Bool32
boolToBool32 (Bool
forall a. Zero a => a
    IO b

instance FromCStruct PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV where
  peekCStruct :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> IO PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
peekCStruct p :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
p = do
coverageReductionMode <- Ptr Bool32 -> IO Bool32
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @Bool32 ((Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
p Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> Int -> Ptr Bool32
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr Bool32))
-> IO PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
 -> IO PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV)
-> PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> IO PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Bool -> PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
             (Bool32 -> Bool
bool32ToBool Bool32

instance Storable PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV where
  sizeOf :: PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> Int
sizeOf ~PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
_ = 24
  alignment :: PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> Int
alignment ~PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
_ = 8
  peek :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> IO PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
peek = Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> IO PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
forall a. FromCStruct a => Ptr a -> IO a
  poke :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> IO ()
poke ptr :: Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
ptr poked :: PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
poked = Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
-> PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. ToCStruct a => Ptr a -> a -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct Ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
ptr PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
poked (() -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ())

instance Zero PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV where
  zero :: PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
zero = Bool -> PhysicalDeviceCoverageReductionModeFeaturesNV
forall a. Zero a => a

-- | VkPipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV - Structure specifying
-- parameters controlling coverage reduction
-- = Description
-- If this structure is not present, or if the extension is not enabled,
-- the default coverage reduction mode is inferred as follows:
-- -   If the @VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples@ extension is enabled, then
--     it is as if the @coverageReductionMode@ is
-- -   If the @VK_AMD_mixed_attachment_samples@ extension is enabled, then
--     it is as if the @coverageReductionMode@ is
-- -   If both @VK_NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples@ and
--     @VK_AMD_mixed_attachment_samples@ are enabled, then the default
--     coverage reduction mode is implementation-dependent.
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- -   #VUID-VkPipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV-sType-sType#
--     @sType@ /must/ be
-- -   #VUID-VkPipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV-flags-zerobitmask#
--     @flags@ /must/ be @0@
-- -   #VUID-VkPipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV-coverageReductionMode-parameter#
--     @coverageReductionMode@ /must/ be a valid 'CoverageReductionModeNV'
--     value
-- = See Also
-- 'CoverageReductionModeNV',
-- 'PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV',
-- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType.StructureType'
data PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV = PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
  { -- | @flags@ is reserved for future use.
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
flags :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
  , -- | @coverageReductionMode@ is a 'CoverageReductionModeNV' value controlling
    -- how color sample coverage is generated from pixel coverage.
-> CoverageReductionModeNV
coverageReductionMode :: CoverageReductionModeNV
  deriving (Typeable, PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> Bool
 -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> Bool)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
    -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> Bool)
-> Eq PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> Bool
$c/= :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> Bool
== :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> Bool
$c== :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> Bool
deriving instance Generic (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV)
deriving instance Show PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV

instance ToCStruct PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV where
  withCStruct :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> (Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> IO b) -> IO b
withCStruct x :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
x f :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> IO b
f = Int
-> Int
-> (Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> IO b)
-> IO b
forall a b. Int -> Int -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
allocaBytesAligned 24 8 ((Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> IO b) -> IO b)
-> (Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> IO b) -> IO b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \p :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
p -> Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> IO b -> IO b
forall a b. ToCStruct a => Ptr a -> a -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
p PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
x (Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> IO b
f Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
  pokeCStruct :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct p :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
p PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV{..} f :: IO b
f = do
    Ptr StructureType -> StructureType -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
p Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> Int -> Ptr StructureType
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (StructureType
    Ptr (Ptr ()) -> Ptr () -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
p Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> Int -> Ptr (Ptr ())
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (Ptr ()
forall a. Ptr a
    Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
p Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> Int -> Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)) (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
p Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> Int -> Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV)) (CoverageReductionModeNV
    IO b
  cStructSize :: Int
cStructSize = 24
  cStructAlignment :: Int
cStructAlignment = 8
  pokeZeroCStruct :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> IO b -> IO b
pokeZeroCStruct p :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
p f :: IO b
f = do
    Ptr StructureType -> StructureType -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
p Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> Int -> Ptr StructureType
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (StructureType
    Ptr (Ptr ()) -> Ptr () -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
p Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> Int -> Ptr (Ptr ())
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (Ptr ()
forall a. Ptr a
    Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke ((Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
p Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> Int -> Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV)) (CoverageReductionModeNV
forall a. Zero a => a
    IO b

instance FromCStruct PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV where
  peekCStruct :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
peekCStruct p :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
p = do
flags <- Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV ((Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
p Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> Int -> Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV))
coverageReductionMode <- Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO CoverageReductionModeNV
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @CoverageReductionModeNV ((Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
p Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> Int -> Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV))
-> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
 -> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV)
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> CoverageReductionModeNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
flags CoverageReductionModeNV

instance Storable PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV where
  sizeOf :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> Int
sizeOf ~PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
_ = 24
  alignment :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> Int
alignment ~PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
_ = 8
  peek :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
peek = Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
forall a. FromCStruct a => Ptr a -> IO a
  poke :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> IO ()
poke ptr :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
ptr poked :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
poked = Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. ToCStruct a => Ptr a -> a -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
poked (() -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ())

instance Zero PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV where
  zero :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
zero = PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> CoverageReductionModeNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV
forall a. Zero a => a
forall a. Zero a => a

-- | VkFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV - Structure specifying a
-- supported sample count combination
-- == Valid Usage (Implicit)
-- = See Also
-- 'CoverageReductionModeNV',
-- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.SampleCountFlagBits.SampleCountFlagBits',
-- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.SampleCountFlagBits.SampleCountFlags',
-- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType.StructureType',
-- 'getPhysicalDeviceSupportedFramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationsNV'
data FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV = FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
  { -- | @coverageReductionMode@ is a 'CoverageReductionModeNV' value specifying
    -- the coverage reduction mode.
    FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV
coverageReductionMode :: CoverageReductionModeNV
  , -- | @rasterizationSamples@ specifies the number of rasterization samples in
    -- the supported combination.
    FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> SampleCountFlagBits
rasterizationSamples :: SampleCountFlagBits
  , -- | @depthStencilSamples@ specifies the number of samples in the depth
    -- stencil attachment in the supported combination. A value of 0 indicates
    -- the combination does not have a depth stencil attachment.
    FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> SampleCountFlagBits
depthStencilSamples :: SampleCountFlags
  , -- | @colorSamples@ specifies the number of color samples in a color
    -- attachment in the supported combination. A value of 0 indicates the
    -- combination does not have a color attachment.
    FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> SampleCountFlagBits
colorSamples :: SampleCountFlags
  deriving (Typeable, FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
-> FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> Bool
 -> FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> Bool)
-> (FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
    -> FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> Bool)
-> Eq FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
-> FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> Bool
$c/= :: FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
-> FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> Bool
== :: FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
-> FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> Bool
$c== :: FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
-> FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> Bool
deriving instance Generic (FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
deriving instance Show FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV

instance ToCStruct FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV where
  withCStruct :: FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
-> (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
    -> IO b)
-> IO b
withCStruct x :: FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
x f :: ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO b
f = Int
-> Int
-> (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
    -> IO b)
-> IO b
forall a b. Int -> Int -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
allocaBytesAligned 32 8 ((("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
  -> IO b)
 -> IO b)
-> (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
    -> IO b)
-> IO b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \p :: "pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p -> ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> IO b -> IO b
forall a b. ToCStruct a => Ptr a -> a -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct "pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
x (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO b
f "pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
  pokeCStruct :: ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct p :: "pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV{..} f :: IO b
f = do
    Ptr StructureType -> StructureType -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int -> Ptr StructureType
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (StructureType
    Ptr (Ptr ()) -> Ptr () -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int -> Ptr (Ptr ())
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (Ptr ()
forall a. Ptr a
    Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int -> Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV)) (CoverageReductionModeNV
    Ptr SampleCountFlagBits -> SampleCountFlagBits -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int -> Ptr SampleCountFlagBits
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr SampleCountFlagBits)) (SampleCountFlagBits
    Ptr SampleCountFlagBits -> SampleCountFlagBits -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int -> Ptr SampleCountFlagBits
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 24 :: Ptr SampleCountFlags)) (SampleCountFlagBits
    Ptr SampleCountFlagBits -> SampleCountFlagBits -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int -> Ptr SampleCountFlagBits
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 28 :: Ptr SampleCountFlags)) (SampleCountFlagBits
    IO b
  cStructSize :: Int
cStructSize = 32
  cStructAlignment :: Int
cStructAlignment = 8
  pokeZeroCStruct :: ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO b -> IO b
pokeZeroCStruct p :: "pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p f :: IO b
f = do
    Ptr StructureType -> StructureType -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int -> Ptr StructureType
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (StructureType
    Ptr (Ptr ()) -> Ptr () -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int -> Ptr (Ptr ())
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (Ptr ()
forall a. Ptr a
    Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int -> Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV)) (CoverageReductionModeNV
forall a. Zero a => a
    Ptr SampleCountFlagBits -> SampleCountFlagBits -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int -> Ptr SampleCountFlagBits
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr SampleCountFlagBits)) (SampleCountFlagBits
forall a. Zero a => a
    Ptr SampleCountFlagBits -> SampleCountFlagBits -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int -> Ptr SampleCountFlagBits
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 24 :: Ptr SampleCountFlags)) (SampleCountFlagBits
forall a. Zero a => a
    Ptr SampleCountFlagBits -> SampleCountFlagBits -> IO ()
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> a -> IO ()
poke (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int -> Ptr SampleCountFlagBits
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 28 :: Ptr SampleCountFlags)) (SampleCountFlagBits
forall a. Zero a => a
    IO b

instance FromCStruct FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV where
  peekCStruct :: ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
peekCStruct p :: "pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p = do
coverageReductionMode <- Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO CoverageReductionModeNV
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @CoverageReductionModeNV (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int -> Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV))
rasterizationSamples <- Ptr SampleCountFlagBits -> IO SampleCountFlagBits
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @SampleCountFlagBits (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int -> Ptr SampleCountFlagBits
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr SampleCountFlagBits))
depthStencilSamples <- Ptr SampleCountFlagBits -> IO SampleCountFlagBits
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @SampleCountFlags (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int -> Ptr SampleCountFlagBits
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 24 :: Ptr SampleCountFlags))
colorSamples <- Ptr SampleCountFlagBits -> IO SampleCountFlagBits
forall a. Storable a => Ptr a -> IO a
peek @SampleCountFlags (("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
p ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> Int -> Ptr SampleCountFlagBits
forall a b. Ptr a -> Int -> Ptr b
`plusPtr` 28 :: Ptr SampleCountFlags))
-> IO FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
 -> IO FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
-> IO FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CoverageReductionModeNV
-> SampleCountFlagBits
-> SampleCountFlagBits
-> SampleCountFlagBits
-> FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
coverageReductionMode SampleCountFlagBits
rasterizationSamples SampleCountFlagBits
depthStencilSamples SampleCountFlagBits

instance Storable FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV where
  sizeOf :: FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> Int
sizeOf ~FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
_ = 32
  alignment :: FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> Int
alignment ~FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
_ = 8
  peek :: ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
peek = ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> IO FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
forall a. FromCStruct a => Ptr a -> IO a
  poke :: ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> IO ()
poke ptr :: "pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
ptr poked :: FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
poked = ("pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV)
-> FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV -> IO () -> IO ()
forall a b. ToCStruct a => Ptr a -> a -> IO b -> IO b
pokeCStruct "pCombinations" ::: Ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
ptr FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
poked (() -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ())

instance Zero FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV where
  zero :: FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
zero = CoverageReductionModeNV
-> SampleCountFlagBits
-> SampleCountFlagBits
-> SampleCountFlagBits
-> FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV
forall a. Zero a => a
forall a. Zero a => a
forall a. Zero a => a
forall a. Zero a => a

-- | VkPipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV - Reserved for future use
-- = Description
-- 'PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV' is a bitmask type for
-- setting a mask, but is currently reserved for future use.
-- = See Also
-- 'PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV'
newtype PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV = PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV Flags
  deriving newtype (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
 -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool)
-> Eq PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
$c/= :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
== :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
$c== :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
Eq, Eq PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
Eq PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV =>
 -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Ordering)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> Ord PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Ordering
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
forall a.
Eq a =>
(a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
min :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$cmin :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
max :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$cmax :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
>= :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
$c>= :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
> :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
$c> :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
<= :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
$c<= :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
< :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
$c< :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
compare :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Ordering
$ccompare :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: Eq PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
Ord, Ptr b -> Int -> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
Ptr b
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> IO ()
Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> IO ()
Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> IO ()
PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
(PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int)
-> (Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> Int -> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> IO ())
-> (forall b.
    Ptr b -> Int -> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (forall b.
    Ptr b
    -> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> IO ())
-> (Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> IO ())
-> Storable PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
forall b.
Ptr b -> Int -> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
forall b.
Ptr b
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> IO ()
forall a.
(a -> Int)
-> (a -> Int)
-> (Ptr a -> Int -> IO a)
-> (Ptr a -> Int -> a -> IO ())
-> (forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> IO a)
-> (forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> a -> IO ())
-> (Ptr a -> IO a)
-> (Ptr a -> a -> IO ())
-> Storable a
poke :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> IO ()
$cpoke :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> IO ()
peek :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$cpeek :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
pokeByteOff :: Ptr b
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> IO ()
$cpokeByteOff :: forall b.
Ptr b
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> IO ()
peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$cpeekByteOff :: forall b.
Ptr b -> Int -> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
pokeElemOff :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> IO ()
$cpokeElemOff :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> IO ()
peekElemOff :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$cpeekElemOff :: Ptr PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> IO PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
alignment :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
$calignment :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
sizeOf :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
$csizeOf :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
Storable, PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Zero PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
forall a. a -> Zero a
zero :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$czero :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
Zero, Eq PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
Eq PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV =>
 -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
 -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> (Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int -> Bool)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Maybe Int)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
    -> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int)
-> Bits PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Maybe Int
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int -> Bool
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
forall a.
Eq a =>
(a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a)
-> (a -> Int -> a)
-> (a -> Int -> a)
-> a
-> (Int -> a)
-> (a -> Int -> a)
-> (a -> Int -> a)
-> (a -> Int -> a)
-> (a -> Int -> Bool)
-> (a -> Maybe Int)
-> (a -> Int)
-> (a -> Bool)
-> (a -> Int -> a)
-> (a -> Int -> a)
-> (a -> Int -> a)
-> (a -> Int -> a)
-> (a -> Int -> a)
-> (a -> Int -> a)
-> (a -> Int)
-> Bits a
popCount :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
$cpopCount :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
rotateR :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$crotateR :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
rotateL :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$crotateL :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
unsafeShiftR :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$cunsafeShiftR :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
shiftR :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$cshiftR :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
unsafeShiftL :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$cunsafeShiftL :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
shiftL :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$cshiftL :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
isSigned :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
$cisSigned :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Bool
bitSize :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
$cbitSize :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
bitSizeMaybe :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Maybe Int
$cbitSizeMaybe :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Maybe Int
testBit :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int -> Bool
$ctestBit :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int -> Bool
complementBit :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$ccomplementBit :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
clearBit :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$cclearBit :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
setBit :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$csetBit :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
bit :: Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$cbit :: Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
zeroBits :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$czeroBits :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
rotate :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$crotate :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
shift :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$cshift :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
complement :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$ccomplement :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
xor :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$cxor :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
.|. :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$c.|. :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
.&. :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$c.&. :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
$cp1Bits :: Eq PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
Bits, Bits PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
Bits PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV =>
(PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int)
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int)
-> FiniteBits PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
forall b.
Bits b =>
(b -> Int) -> (b -> Int) -> (b -> Int) -> FiniteBits b
countTrailingZeros :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
$ccountTrailingZeros :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
countLeadingZeros :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
$ccountLeadingZeros :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
finiteBitSize :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
$cfiniteBitSize :: PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Int
$cp1FiniteBits :: Bits PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV

conNamePipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV :: String
conNamePipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV :: String
conNamePipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV = "PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV"

enumPrefixPipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV :: String
enumPrefixPipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV :: String
enumPrefixPipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV = ""

showTablePipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV :: [(PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV, String)]
showTablePipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV :: [(PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV, String)]
showTablePipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV = []

instance Show PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV where
  showsPrec :: Int -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> ShowS
showsPrec = String
-> [(PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV, String)]
-> String
-> (PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV -> Word32)
-> (Word32 -> ShowS)
-> Int
-> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
-> ShowS
forall a i.
Eq a =>
-> [(a, String)]
-> String
-> (a -> i)
-> (i -> ShowS)
-> Int
-> a
-> ShowS
enumShowsPrec String
                            [(PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV, String)]
                            (\(PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV x :: Word32
x) -> Word32
                            (\x :: Word32
x -> String -> ShowS
showString "0x" ShowS -> ShowS -> ShowS
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Word32 -> ShowS
forall a. (Integral a, Show a) => a -> ShowS
showHex Word32

instance Read PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV where
  readPrec :: ReadPrec PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
readPrec = String
-> [(PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV, String)]
-> String
-> (Word32 -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV)
-> ReadPrec PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV
forall i a.
Read i =>
String -> [(a, String)] -> String -> (i -> a) -> ReadPrec a
enumReadPrec String
                          [(PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV, String)]
                          Word32 -> PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateFlagsNV

-- | VkCoverageReductionModeNV - Specify the coverage reduction mode
-- = See Also
-- 'FramebufferMixedSamplesCombinationNV',
-- 'PipelineCoverageReductionStateCreateInfoNV'
newtype CoverageReductionModeNV = CoverageReductionModeNV Int32
  deriving newtype (CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool
(CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool)
-> (CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool)
-> Eq CoverageReductionModeNV
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool
$c/= :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool
== :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool
$c== :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool
Eq, Eq CoverageReductionModeNV
Eq CoverageReductionModeNV =>
(CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Ordering)
-> (CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool)
-> (CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool)
-> (CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool)
-> (CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool)
-> (CoverageReductionModeNV
    -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV)
-> (CoverageReductionModeNV
    -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV)
-> Ord CoverageReductionModeNV
CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool
CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Ordering
-> CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV
forall a.
Eq a =>
(a -> a -> Ordering)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> Bool)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> (a -> a -> a)
-> Ord a
min :: CoverageReductionModeNV
-> CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV
$cmin :: CoverageReductionModeNV
-> CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV
max :: CoverageReductionModeNV
-> CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV
$cmax :: CoverageReductionModeNV
-> CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV
>= :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool
$c>= :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool
> :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool
$c> :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool
<= :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool
$c<= :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool
< :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool
$c< :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Bool
compare :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Ordering
$ccompare :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> Ordering
$cp1Ord :: Eq CoverageReductionModeNV
Ord, Ptr b -> Int -> IO CoverageReductionModeNV
Ptr b -> Int -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ()
Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO CoverageReductionModeNV
Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV -> Int -> IO CoverageReductionModeNV
Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV
-> Int -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ()
Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ()
CoverageReductionModeNV -> Int
(CoverageReductionModeNV -> Int)
-> (CoverageReductionModeNV -> Int)
-> (Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV
    -> Int -> IO CoverageReductionModeNV)
-> (Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV
    -> Int -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ())
-> (forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> IO CoverageReductionModeNV)
-> (forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ())
-> (Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO CoverageReductionModeNV)
-> (Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV
    -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ())
-> Storable CoverageReductionModeNV
forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> IO CoverageReductionModeNV
forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ()
forall a.
(a -> Int)
-> (a -> Int)
-> (Ptr a -> Int -> IO a)
-> (Ptr a -> Int -> a -> IO ())
-> (forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> IO a)
-> (forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> a -> IO ())
-> (Ptr a -> IO a)
-> (Ptr a -> a -> IO ())
-> Storable a
poke :: Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ()
$cpoke :: Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ()
peek :: Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO CoverageReductionModeNV
$cpeek :: Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO CoverageReductionModeNV
pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ()
$cpokeByteOff :: forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ()
peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO CoverageReductionModeNV
$cpeekByteOff :: forall b. Ptr b -> Int -> IO CoverageReductionModeNV
pokeElemOff :: Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV
-> Int -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ()
$cpokeElemOff :: Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV
-> Int -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> IO ()
peekElemOff :: Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV -> Int -> IO CoverageReductionModeNV
$cpeekElemOff :: Ptr CoverageReductionModeNV -> Int -> IO CoverageReductionModeNV
alignment :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> Int
$calignment :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> Int
sizeOf :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> Int
$csizeOf :: CoverageReductionModeNV -> Int
Storable, CoverageReductionModeNV
CoverageReductionModeNV -> Zero CoverageReductionModeNV
forall a. a -> Zero a
zero :: CoverageReductionModeNV
$czero :: CoverageReductionModeNV

-- | 'COVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_MERGE_NV' specifies that each color sample will
-- be associated with an implementation-dependent subset of samples in the
-- pixel coverage. If any of those associated samples are covered, the
-- color sample is covered.
pattern $bCOVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_MERGE_NV :: CoverageReductionModeNV
CoverageReductionModeNV -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
-- | 'COVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_TRUNCATE_NV' specifies that for color samples
-- present in the color attachments, a color sample is covered if the pixel
-- coverage sample with the same
-- <https://www.khronos.org/registry/vulkan/specs/1.2-extensions/html/vkspec.html#primsrast-multisampling-coverage-mask sample index>
-- i is covered; other pixel coverage samples are discarded.
pattern $bCOVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_TRUNCATE_NV :: CoverageReductionModeNV
CoverageReductionModeNV -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r
             COVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_TRUNCATE_NV :: CoverageReductionModeNV #-}

conNameCoverageReductionModeNV :: String
conNameCoverageReductionModeNV :: String
conNameCoverageReductionModeNV = "CoverageReductionModeNV"

enumPrefixCoverageReductionModeNV :: String
enumPrefixCoverageReductionModeNV :: String
enumPrefixCoverageReductionModeNV = "COVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_"

showTableCoverageReductionModeNV :: [(CoverageReductionModeNV, String)]
showTableCoverageReductionModeNV :: [(CoverageReductionModeNV, String)]
showTableCoverageReductionModeNV =

instance Show CoverageReductionModeNV where
  showsPrec :: Int -> CoverageReductionModeNV -> ShowS
showsPrec = String
-> [(CoverageReductionModeNV, String)]
-> String
-> (CoverageReductionModeNV -> Int32)
-> (Int32 -> ShowS)
-> Int
-> CoverageReductionModeNV
-> ShowS
forall a i.
Eq a =>
-> [(a, String)]
-> String
-> (a -> i)
-> (i -> ShowS)
-> Int
-> a
-> ShowS
enumShowsPrec String
                            [(CoverageReductionModeNV, String)]
                            (\(CoverageReductionModeNV x :: Int32
x) -> Int32
                            (Int -> Int32 -> ShowS
forall a. Show a => Int -> a -> ShowS
showsPrec 11)

instance Read CoverageReductionModeNV where
  readPrec :: ReadPrec CoverageReductionModeNV
readPrec = String
-> [(CoverageReductionModeNV, String)]
-> String
-> (Int32 -> CoverageReductionModeNV)
-> ReadPrec CoverageReductionModeNV
forall i a.
Read i =>
String -> [(a, String)] -> String -> (i -> a) -> ReadPrec a
enumReadPrec String
                          [(CoverageReductionModeNV, String)]
                          Int32 -> CoverageReductionModeNV


-- No documentation found for TopLevel "VK_NV_COVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_SPEC_VERSION"
pattern NV_COVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_SPEC_VERSION :: forall a . Integral a => a
$mNV_COVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_SPEC_VERSION :: forall r a. Integral a => a -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r

type NV_COVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_EXTENSION_NAME = "VK_NV_coverage_reduction_mode"

-- No documentation found for TopLevel "VK_NV_COVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_EXTENSION_NAME"
pattern NV_COVERAGE_REDUCTION_MODE_EXTENSION_NAME :: forall a . (Eq a, IsString a) => a
(Eq a, IsString a) =>
a -> (Void# -> r) -> (Void# -> r) -> r