{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP2.Types where

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import Network.HTTP2
import qualified Network.HTTP2.Server as H2

import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Imports
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Types


isHTTP2 :: Transport -> Bool
isHTTP2 TCP = False
isHTTP2 tls = useHTTP2
    useHTTP2 = case tlsNegotiatedProtocol tls of
        Nothing    -> False
        Just proto -> "h2" `BS.isPrefixOf` proto


-- | HTTP/2 specific data.
--   Since: 3.2.7
data HTTP2Data = HTTP2Data {
    -- | Accessor for 'PushPromise' in 'HTTP2Data'.
    --   Since: 3.2.7
      http2dataPushPromise :: [PushPromise]
    -- | Accessor for 'H2.TrailersMaker' in 'HTTP2Data'.
    --   Since: 3.2.8 but the type changed in 3.3.0
    , http2dataTrailers :: H2.TrailersMaker

-- | Default HTTP/2 specific data.
--   Since: 3.2.7
defaultHTTP2Data :: HTTP2Data
defaultHTTP2Data = HTTP2Data [] H2.defaultTrailersMaker

-- | HTTP/2 push promise or sever push.
--   This allows files only for backward-compatibility
--   while the HTTP/2 library supports other types.
--   Since: 3.2.7
data PushPromise = PushPromise {
    -- | Accessor for a URL path in 'PushPromise'.
    --   E.g. \"\/style\/default.css\".
    --   Since: 3.2.7
      promisedPath            :: ByteString
    -- | Accessor for 'FilePath' in 'PushPromise'.
    --   E.g. \"FILE_PATH/default.css\".
    --   Since: 3.2.7
    , promisedFile            :: FilePath
    -- | Accessor for 'H.ResponseHeaders' in 'PushPromise'
    --   \"content-type\" must be specified.
    --   Default value: [].
    --   Since: 3.2.7
    , promisedResponseHeaders :: H.ResponseHeaders
    -- | Accessor for 'Weight' in 'PushPromise'.
    --    Default value: 16.
    --   Since: 3.2.7
    , promisedWeight          :: Weight
    } deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

-- | Default push promise.
--   Since: 3.2.7
defaultPushPromise :: PushPromise
defaultPushPromise = PushPromise "" "" [] 16