Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
is a very general purpose plugin system for web applications.
It provides facilities for loading multiple plugins and a single
theme. In the future, the web-plugins-dynamic
library will allow
plugins and themes to be loaded and unloaded at runtime.
A key aspect of web-plugins
is that all plugins for a particular system
have the same type signature. This is what makes it possible to load
new plugins at runtime.
This plugin system is not tied to any particular web server framework or template engine.
There are four steps to using web-plugins
- initialize the plugins system
- initialize the individual plugins
- set the theme
- route incoming requests to the correct plugin
To use web-plugins
, you first initialize a Plugins
The Plugins
handle is heavily parameterized:
newtype Plugins theme m hook config st = ...
- is (not suprisingly) the type for you theme.
- is the monad that your plugin handlers will run in. (e.g.,
) hook
- is additional actions that should be called after the plugins have been initialized
- provides read-only configuration information
- provides mutable state that is shared between all plugins. (There is a separate mechanism for plugin-local state.)
The plugin system is typically started by using withPlugins
. Though,
if needed, you can call initPlugins
and destroyPlugins
The Plugin
record is used to create a plugin:
data Plugin url theme n hook config st = Plugin { pluginName :: PluginName , pluginInit :: Plugins theme n hook config st -> IO (Maybe Text) , pluginDepends :: [PluginName] -- ^ plugins which much be initialized before this one can be , pluginToPathSegments :: url -> Text , pluginPostHook :: hook }
You will note that it has the same type parameters as Plugins
plus an additional url
- is a simple
value which should uniquely identify the plugin. pluginInit
- will be called automatically when the plugin is loaded.
- is a list of plugins which must be loaded before this plugin can be initialized.
- is the function that is used to convert the
type to the URL path segments pluginPostHook
- is the hook that you want called after the system has been initialized.
A Plugin
is initialized using the initPlugin
function (which calls the pluginInit
field among other things).
-- | initialize a plugin initPlugin :: (Typeable url) => Plugins theme n hook config st -- ^Plugins
handle -> Text -- ^ base URI to prepend to generated URLs -> Plugin url theme n hook config st -- ^Plugin
to initialize -> IO (Maybe Text) -- ^ possible error message
A lot of the magic happens in the pluginInit
function in the
record. Let's look at a simple example. We will use the
following type aliases to parameterize the Plugins
and Plugin
type ExamplePlugins = Plugins Theme (ServerPart Response) (IO ()) () () type ExamplePlugin url = Plugin url Theme (ServerPart Response) (IO ()) () ()
Here is the initialization function for myPlugin
myInit :: ExamplePlugins -> IO (Maybe Text) myInit plugins = do (Just clckShowFn) <- getPluginRouteFn plugins (pluginName clckPlugin) (Just myShowFn) <- getPluginRouteFn plugins (pluginName myPlugin) acid <- liftIO $ openLocalState MyState addCleanup plugins OnNormal (putStrLn "myPlugin: normal shutdown" >> createCheckpointAndClose acid) addCleanup plugins OnFailure (putStrLn "myPlugin: failure shutdown" >> closeAcidState acid) addHandler plugins (pluginName myPlugin) (myPluginHandler acid clckShowFn myShowFn) putStrLn "myInit completed." return Nothing
There are a few things to note here:
is used to retrieve the the URL route showing
function for various plugins. In this case, the plugin needs to
generate routes for itself and also routes in the clckPlugin
Next it opens up an AcidState
. It then registers two different
cleanup functions. The OnNormal
cleanup will only be called if the
system is shutdown normally. The OnFailure
will be called if the
system is shutdown due to some error condition. If we wanted to
perform the same shutdown procedure regardless of termination cause,
we could use the Always
condition instead.
the addHandler
then registers the function which route requests for
this plugin:
addHandler :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> PluginName -- plugin name / prefix -> (Plugins theme n hook config st -> [Text] -> n) -> m ()
Each plugin should be registered using a unique prefix. When
the handler is called it will be passed the Plugins
handle and a
list of Text
values. In practice, the list Text
values is
typically the unconsumed path segments from the URL.
Setting the theme is done by calling the setTheme
-- | set the current theme
setTheme :: (MonadIO m) =>
Plugins theme n hook config st
-> Maybe theme
-> m ()
Setting the theme to Nothing
will unload the theme but not load a new one.
Incoming requests are routed to the various plugins via the serve
-- | serve requests using thePlugins
handle serve :: Plugins theme n hook config st -- ^Plugins
handle -> PluginName -- ^ name of the plugin to handle this request -> [Text] -- ^ unconsume path segments to pass to handler -> IO (Either String n)
The expected usage is that you are going to have request with a url such as:
The code will treat the first path segment as the plugin to be called and pass in the remaining segments as the [Text]
serve plugins "my" ["extra","path","segments"]
the serve
function itself knows nothing about the web -- it is
framework agnostic. Here is a simple main
function that shows how to
tie everything together:
main :: IO () main = withPlugins () () $ \plugins -> do initPlugin plugins "" clckPlugin initPlugin plugins "" myPlugin setTheme plugins (Just theme) hooks <- getPostHooks plugins sequence_ hooks simpleHTTP nullConf $ path $ \p -> do ps <- fmap rqPaths askRq r <- liftIO $ serve plugins p (map Text.pack ps) case r of (Left e) -> internalServerError $ toResponse e (Right sp) -> sp
In this example, we do not use the config
or st
parameters so we just set them to ()
Note that we are responsible for calling the hooks after we have initialized all the plugins.
- data When
- data Cleanup = Cleanup When (IO ())
- type PluginName = Text
- data PluginsState theme n hook config st = PluginsState {
- pluginsHandler :: Map PluginName (Plugins theme n hook config st -> [Text] -> n)
- pluginsOnShutdown :: [Cleanup]
- pluginsRouteFn :: Map PluginName (Text, Dynamic)
- pluginsPluginState :: Map PluginName (TVar Dynamic)
- pluginsTheme :: Maybe theme
- pluginsPostHooks :: [hook]
- pluginsConfig :: config
- pluginsState :: st
- pluginsRewrite :: Maybe (RewriteIncoming, RewriteOutgoing)
- newtype Plugins theme m hook config st = Plugins {
- ptv :: TVar (PluginsState theme m hook config st)
- data Rewrite
- type RewriteIncoming = IO ([Text] -> [(Text, Maybe Text)] -> Maybe (Rewrite, [Text], [(Text, Maybe Text)]))
- type RewriteOutgoing = IO ([Text] -> [(Text, Maybe Text)] -> Maybe ([Text], [(Text, Maybe Text)]))
- initPlugins :: config -> st -> IO (Plugins theme n hook config st)
- destroyPlugins :: When -> Plugins theme m hook config st -> IO ()
- withPlugins :: config -> st -> (Plugins theme m hook config st -> IO a) -> IO a
- getPluginsSt :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> m st
- putPluginsSt :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> st -> m ()
- addPluginState :: (MonadIO m, Typeable state) => Plugins theme n hook config st -> PluginName -> state -> m ()
- getPluginState :: (MonadIO m, Typeable state) => Plugins theme n hook config st -> Text -> m (Maybe state)
- modifyPluginsSt :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> (st -> st) -> m ()
- addHandler :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> PluginName -> (Plugins theme n hook config st -> [Text] -> n) -> m ()
- addCleanup :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> When -> IO () -> m ()
- addPostHook :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> hook -> m ()
- getPostHooks :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> m [hook]
- addPluginRouteFn :: (MonadIO m, Typeable url) => Plugins theme n hook config st -> PluginName -> Text -> (url -> [Text]) -> m ()
- getPluginRouteFn :: (MonadIO m, Typeable url) => Plugins theme n hook config st -> PluginName -> m (Maybe (url -> [(Text, Maybe Text)] -> Text))
- getRewriteFn :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> m (Maybe (RewriteIncoming, RewriteOutgoing))
- setRewriteFn :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> Maybe (RewriteIncoming, RewriteOutgoing) -> m ()
- setTheme :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> Maybe theme -> m ()
- getTheme :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> m (Maybe theme)
- getConfig :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> m config
- data Plugin url theme n hook config st = Plugin {
- pluginName :: PluginName
- pluginInit :: Plugins theme n hook config st -> IO (Maybe Text)
- pluginDepends :: [PluginName]
- pluginToPathSegments :: url -> [Text]
- pluginPostHook :: hook
- initPlugin :: Typeable url => Plugins theme n hook config st -> Text -> Plugin url theme n hook config st -> IO (Maybe Text)
- serve :: Plugins theme n hook config st -> PluginName -> [Text] -> IO (Either String n)
indicates when a clean up action should be run
Always | always run this action when |
OnFailure | only run this action if |
OnNormal | only run this action when |
type PluginName = Text Source #
The PluginName
should uniquely identify a plugin -- though we
currently have no way to enforce that.
data PluginsState theme n hook config st Source #
The PluginsState
record holds all the record keeping
information needed for loading, unloading, and invoking plugins. In
theory you should not be modifying or inspecting this structure
directly -- only calling the helper functions that modify or read
PluginsState | |
newtype Plugins theme m hook config st Source #
The Plugins
type is the handle to the plugins system. Generally
you will have exactly one Plugins
value in your app.
see also withPlugins
Plugins | |
Rewrite or Redirect
Rewrite | rewrite the URL internally -- does not affect the URL displayed to the user |
Redirect (Maybe Text) | perform a 303 redirect to a different URL |
Eq Rewrite Source # | |
Data Rewrite Source # | |
Defined in Web.Plugins.Core Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Rewrite -> c Rewrite # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Rewrite # toConstr :: Rewrite -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: Rewrite -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c Rewrite) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c Rewrite) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Rewrite -> Rewrite # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Rewrite -> r # gmapQr :: (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Rewrite -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Rewrite -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Rewrite -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Rewrite -> m Rewrite # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Rewrite -> m Rewrite # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Rewrite -> m Rewrite # | |
Ord Rewrite Source # | |
Read Rewrite Source # | |
Show Rewrite Source # | |
type RewriteIncoming = IO ([Text] -> [(Text, Maybe Text)] -> Maybe (Rewrite, [Text], [(Text, Maybe Text)])) Source #
rewrite the URL from a Request before routing it
type RewriteOutgoing = IO ([Text] -> [(Text, Maybe Text)] -> Maybe ([Text], [(Text, Maybe Text)])) Source #
rewrite a URL that is going to end up in a HTML document or other output
:: config | initial value for the |
-> st | initial value for the |
-> IO (Plugins theme n hook config st) |
initialize the plugins system
see also withPlugins
shutdown the plugins system
see also withPlugins
:: config | initial config value |
-> st | initial state value |
-> (Plugins theme m hook config st -> IO a) | |
-> IO a |
a bracketed combination of initPlugins
and destroyPlugins
. Takes care of passing the correct termination condition.
getPluginsSt :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> m st Source #
get the current st
value from Plugins
putPluginsSt :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> st -> m () Source #
put the current st value from Plugins
addPluginState :: (MonadIO m, Typeable state) => Plugins theme n hook config st -> PluginName -> state -> m () Source #
add a new plugin-local state
getPluginState :: (MonadIO m, Typeable state) => Plugins theme n hook config st -> Text -> m (Maybe state) Source #
Get the state for a particular plugin
per-plugin state is optional. This will return Nothing
if the
plugin did not register any local state.
modifyPluginsSt :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> (st -> st) -> m () Source #
modify the current st value from Plugins
:: MonadIO m | |
=> Plugins theme n hook config st | |
-> PluginName | prefix which this route handles |
-> (Plugins theme n hook config st -> [Text] -> n) | |
-> m () |
add a new route handler
addCleanup :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> When -> IO () -> m () Source #
add a new cleanup action to the top of the stack
addPostHook :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> hook -> m () Source #
add a new post initialization hook
getPostHooks :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> m [hook] Source #
get all the post initialization hooks
:: (MonadIO m, Typeable url) | |
=> Plugins theme n hook config st | |
-> PluginName | |
-> Text | baseURI |
-> (url -> [Text]) | url to path segments |
-> m () |
add the routing function for a plugin
see also: getPluginRouteFn
:: (MonadIO m, Typeable url) | |
=> Plugins theme n hook config st | |
-> PluginName | name of plugin |
-> m (Maybe (url -> [(Text, Maybe Text)] -> Text)) |
get the plugin routing function for the named plugin
see also: addPluginRouteFn
getRewriteFn :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> m (Maybe (RewriteIncoming, RewriteOutgoing)) Source #
setRewriteFn :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> Maybe (RewriteIncoming, RewriteOutgoing) -> m () Source #
setTheme :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> Maybe theme -> m () Source #
set the current theme
getTheme :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> m (Maybe theme) Source #
get the current theme
getConfig :: MonadIO m => Plugins theme n hook config st -> m config Source #
get the config
value from the Plugins
data Plugin url theme n hook config st Source #
NOTE: it is possible to set the URL type incorrectly here and not get a type error. How can we fix that ?
Plugin | |