weigh: Measure allocations of a Haskell functions/values

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Versions [RSS] 0.0.0, 0.0.1, 0.0.2, 0.0.3, 0.0.4, 0.0.5, 0.0.6, 0.0.7, 0.0.8, 0.0.9, 0.0.10, 0.0.11, 0.0.12, 0.0.13, 0.0.14, 0.0.15, 0.0.16, 0.0.17, 0.0.18 (info)
Change log CHANGELOG
Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <5), criterion-measurement, deepseq, mtl, process, split, temporary [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright FP Complete
Author Chris Done
Maintainer chrisdone@fpcomplete.com
Category Web
Home page https://github.com/fpco/weigh#readme
Uploaded by psibi at 2024-11-01T15:57:20Z
Distributions Arch:0.0.17, Debian:0.0.16, LTSHaskell:0.0.18, NixOS:0.0.18, Stackage:0.0.18
Reverse Dependencies 3 direct, 1 indirect [details]
Downloads 14246 total (67 in the last 30 days)
Rating 2.25 (votes: 2) [estimated by Bayesian average]
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Last success reported on 2024-11-01 [all 1 reports]

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weigh Tests

Measures the memory usage of a Haskell value or function


  • ⚠️ Turn off the -threaded flag, otherwise it will cause inconsistent results.

Example use

import Weigh

main :: IO ()
main =
    (do func "integers count 0" count 0
        func "integers count 1" count 1
        func "integers count 10" count 10
        func "integers count 100" count 100)
    count :: Integer -> ()
    count 0 = ()
    count a = count (a - 1)

Output results:

Case Allocated GCs
integers count 0 16 0
integers count 1 88 0
integers count 10 736 0
integers count 100 7,216 0

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