Module      : What4.Utils.IncrHash
Copyright   : (c) Galois Inc, 2019-2020
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : rdockins@galois.com

A basic datatype for incremental hashing which
supports a monoid instance.  Currently this is
simply implemented as bitwise xor for simplicity.

If we later wish to experiment with other incremenal hash
algorithms, this module abstracts over the implementation

module What4.Utils.IncrHash
( IncrHash
, mkIncrHash
, toIncrHash
, toIncrHashWithSalt
) where

import Data.Bits
import Data.Hashable

newtype IncrHash = IncrHash Int
 deriving (Eq,Ord)

instance Semigroup IncrHash where
  IncrHash x <> IncrHash y = IncrHash (x `xor` y)

instance Monoid IncrHash where
  mempty = IncrHash 0
  mappend = (<>)

mkIncrHash :: Int -> IncrHash
mkIncrHash = IncrHash

toIncrHash :: Hashable a => a -> IncrHash
toIncrHash = IncrHash . hash

toIncrHashWithSalt :: Hashable a => Int -> a -> IncrHash
toIncrHashWithSalt s a = IncrHash (hashWithSalt s a)

instance Hashable IncrHash where
  hashWithSalt s (IncrHash h) = hashWithSalt s h