{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module What4.Solver.Yices
, newConnection
, SMTWriter.assume
, sendCheck
, sendCheckExistsForall
, eval
, push
, pop
, inNewFrame
, setParam
, setYicesParams
, HandleReader
, startHandleReader
, yicesType
, assertForall
, efSolveCommand
, YicesException(..)
, yicesEvalBool
, SMTWriter.addCommand
, yicesAdapter
, runYicesInOverride
, writeYicesFile
, yicesPath
, yicesOptions
, yicesDefaultFeatures
, yicesEnableMCSat
, yicesEnableInteractive
, yicesGoalTimeout
) where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import Control.Monad.Fail( MonadFail )
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
(assert, SomeException(..), tryJust, throw, displayException, Exception(..))
import Control.Lens ((^.), folded)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Identity
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Atto
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BV
import Data.IORef
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import Data.Parameterized.NatRepr
import Data.Parameterized.Some
import Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int (decimal)
import Numeric (readOct)
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams
import qualified System.IO.Streams.Attoparsec.Text as Streams
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as PP
import What4.BaseTypes
import What4.Config
import What4.Solver.Adapter
import What4.Concrete
import What4.Interface
import What4.ProblemFeatures
import What4.SatResult
import qualified What4.Expr.Builder as B
import What4.Expr.GroundEval
import What4.Expr.VarIdentification
import What4.Protocol.SExp
import What4.Protocol.SMTLib2 (writeDefaultSMT2)
import What4.Protocol.SMTWriter as SMTWriter
import What4.Protocol.Online
import qualified What4.Protocol.PolyRoot as Root
import What4.Utils.HandleReader
import What4.Utils.Process
import Prelude
import GHC.Stack
data Connection = Connection
{ yicesEarlyUnsat :: IORef (Maybe Int)
, yicesTimeout :: Integer
, yicesUnitDeclared :: IORef Bool
asYicesConfigValue :: ConcreteVal tp -> Maybe Builder
asYicesConfigValue v = case v of
ConcreteBool x ->
return (if x then "true" else "false")
ConcreteReal x ->
return $ decimal (numerator x) <> "/" <> decimal (denominator x)
ConcreteInteger x ->
return $ decimal x
ConcreteString (UnicodeLiteral x) ->
return $ Builder.fromText x
_ ->
newtype YicesTerm = T { renderTerm :: Builder }
term_app :: Builder -> [YicesTerm] -> YicesTerm
term_app o args = T (app o (renderTerm <$> args))
bin_app :: Builder -> YicesTerm -> YicesTerm -> YicesTerm
bin_app o x y = term_app o [x,y]
type Expr = YicesTerm
instance Num YicesTerm where
(+) = bin_app "+"
(-) = bin_app "-"
(*) = bin_app "*"
negate x = term_app "-" [x]
abs x = ite (bin_app ">=" x 0) x (negate x)
signum x = ite (bin_app "=" x 0) 0 $ ite (bin_app ">" x 0) 1 (negate 1)
fromInteger i = T (decimal i)
decimal_term :: Integral a => a -> YicesTerm
decimal_term i = T (decimal i)
width_term :: NatRepr n -> YicesTerm
width_term w = decimal_term (widthVal w)
varBinding :: Text -> Some TypeMap -> Builder
varBinding nm tp = Builder.fromText nm <> "::" <> unType (viewSome yicesType tp)
letBinding :: Text -> YicesTerm -> Builder
letBinding nm t = app (Builder.fromText nm) [renderTerm t]
binder_app :: Builder -> [Builder] -> YicesTerm -> YicesTerm
binder_app _ [] t = t
binder_app nm (h:r) t = T (app nm [app_list h r, renderTerm t])
yicesLambda :: [(Text, Some TypeMap)] -> YicesTerm -> YicesTerm
yicesLambda [] t = t
yicesLambda args t = T $ app "lambda" [ builder_list (uncurry varBinding <$> args), renderTerm t ]
instance SupportTermOps YicesTerm where
boolExpr b = T $ if b then "true" else "false"
notExpr x = term_app "not" [x]
andAll [] = T "true"
andAll [x] = x
andAll xs = term_app "and" xs
orAll [] = T "false"
orAll [x] = x
orAll xs = term_app "or" xs
(.==) = bin_app "="
(./=) = bin_app "/="
ite c x y = term_app "if" [c, x, y]
letExpr vars t = binder_app "let" (uncurry letBinding <$> vars) t
sumExpr [] = 0
sumExpr [e] = e
sumExpr l = term_app "+" l
termIntegerToReal = id
termRealToInteger = id
integerTerm i = T $ decimal i
intDiv x y = term_app "div" [x,y]
intMod x y = term_app "mod" [x,y]
intAbs x = term_app "abs" [x]
intDivisible x 0 = x .== integerTerm 0
intDivisible x k = term_app "divides" [integerTerm (toInteger k), x]
rationalTerm r | d == 1 = T $ decimal n
| otherwise = T $ app "/" [decimal n, decimal d]
where n = numerator r
d = denominator r
(.<) = bin_app "<"
(.<=) = bin_app "<="
(.>) = bin_app ">"
(.>=) = bin_app ">="
bvTerm w u = term_app "mk-bv" [width_term w, decimal_term d]
where d = BV.asUnsigned u
bvNeg x = term_app "bv-neg" [x]
bvAdd = bin_app "bv-add"
bvSub = bin_app "bv-sub"
bvMul = bin_app "bv-mul"
bvSLe = bin_app "bv-sle"
bvULe = bin_app "bv-le"
bvSLt = bin_app "bv-slt"
bvULt = bin_app "bv-lt"
bvUDiv = bin_app "bv-div"
bvURem = bin_app "bv-rem"
bvSDiv = bin_app "bv-sdiv"
bvSRem = bin_app "bv-srem"
bvAnd = bin_app "bv-and"
bvOr = bin_app "bv-or"
bvXor = bin_app "bv-xor"
bvNot x = term_app "bv-not" [x]
bvShl = bin_app "bv-shl"
bvLshr = bin_app "bv-lshr"
bvAshr = bin_app "bv-ashr"
bvConcat x y = bin_app "bv-concat" x y
bvExtract _ b n x = assert (n > 0) $
end = decimal_term (b+n-1)
begin = decimal_term b
in term_app "bv-extract" [end, begin, x]
realIsInteger x = term_app "is-int" [x]
realDiv x y = term_app "/" [x, y]
realSin = errorComputableUnsupported
realCos = errorComputableUnsupported
realATan2 = errorComputableUnsupported
realSinh = errorComputableUnsupported
realCosh = errorComputableUnsupported
realExp = errorComputableUnsupported
realLog = errorComputableUnsupported
smtFnApp nm args = term_app (renderTerm nm) args
smtFnUpdate = Nothing
lambdaTerm = Just yicesLambda
floatPZero _ = floatFail
floatNZero _ = floatFail
floatNaN _ = floatFail
floatPInf _ = floatFail
floatNInf _ = floatFail
floatNeg _ = floatFail
floatAbs _ = floatFail
floatSqrt _ _ = floatFail
floatAdd _ _ _ = floatFail
floatSub _ _ _ = floatFail
floatMul _ _ _ = floatFail
floatDiv _ _ _ = floatFail
floatRem _ _ = floatFail
floatMin _ _ = floatFail
floatMax _ _ = floatFail
floatFMA _ _ _ _ = floatFail
floatEq _ _ = floatFail
floatFpEq _ _ = floatFail
floatLe _ _ = floatFail
floatLt _ _ = floatFail
floatIsNaN _ = floatFail
floatIsInf _ = floatFail
floatIsZero _ = floatFail
floatIsPos _ = floatFail
floatIsNeg _ = floatFail
floatIsSubnorm _ = floatFail
floatIsNorm _ = floatFail
floatCast _ _ _ = floatFail
floatRound _ _ = floatFail
floatFromBinary _ _ = floatFail
bvToFloat _ _ _ = floatFail
sbvToFloat _ _ _ = floatFail
realToFloat _ _ _ = floatFail
floatToBV _ _ _ = floatFail
floatToSBV _ _ _ = floatFail
floatToReal _ = floatFail
fromText t = T (Builder.fromText t)
floatFail :: HasCallStack => a
floatFail = error "Yices does not support IEEE-754 floating-point numbers"
stringFail :: HasCallStack => a
stringFail = error "Yices does not support strings"
errorComputableUnsupported :: a
errorComputableUnsupported = error "computable functions are not supported."
newtype YicesType = YicesType { unType :: Builder }
tupleType :: [YicesType] -> YicesType
tupleType [] = YicesType "unit-type"
tupleType flds = YicesType (app "tuple" (unType <$> flds))
boolType :: YicesType
boolType = YicesType "bool"
intType :: YicesType
intType = YicesType "int"
realType :: YicesType
realType = YicesType "real"
fnType :: [YicesType] -> YicesType -> YicesType
fnType [] tp = tp
fnType args tp = YicesType $ app "->" (unType `fmap` (args ++ [tp]))
yicesType :: TypeMap tp -> YicesType
yicesType BoolTypeMap = boolType
yicesType NatTypeMap = intType
yicesType IntegerTypeMap = intType
yicesType RealTypeMap = realType
yicesType (BVTypeMap w) = YicesType (app "bitvector" [fromString (show w)])
yicesType (FloatTypeMap _) = floatFail
yicesType Char8TypeMap = stringFail
yicesType ComplexToStructTypeMap = tupleType [realType, realType]
yicesType ComplexToArrayTypeMap = fnType [boolType] realType
yicesType (PrimArrayTypeMap i r) = fnType (toListFC yicesType i) (yicesType r)
yicesType (FnArrayTypeMap i r) = fnType (toListFC yicesType i) (yicesType r)
yicesType (StructTypeMap f) = tupleType (toListFC yicesType f)
assertForallCommand :: [(Text,YicesType)] -> Expr -> Command Connection
assertForallCommand vars e = const $ unsafeCmd $ app "assert" [renderTerm res]
where res = binder_app "forall" (uncurry mkBinding <$> vars) e
mkBinding nm tp = Builder.fromText nm <> "::" <> unType tp
efSolveCommand :: Command Connection
efSolveCommand _ = safeCmd "(ef-solve)"
evalCommand :: Term Connection -> Command Connection
evalCommand v _ = safeCmd $ app "eval" [renderTerm v]
exitCommand :: Command Connection
exitCommand _ = safeCmd "(exit)"
showModelCommand :: Command Connection
showModelCommand _ = safeCmd "(show-model)"
checkExistsForallCommand :: Command Connection
checkExistsForallCommand _ = safeCmd "(ef-solve)"
setParamCommand :: Text -> Builder -> Command Connection
setParamCommand nm v _ = safeCmd $ app "set-param" [ Builder.fromText nm, v ]
setTimeoutCommand :: Command Connection
setTimeoutCommand conn = unsafeCmd $
app "set-timeout" [ Builder.fromString (show (yicesTimeout conn)) ]
declareUnitTypeCommand :: Command Connection
declareUnitTypeCommand _conn = safeCmd $
app "define-type" [ Builder.fromString "unit-type", app "scalar" [ Builder.fromString "unit-value" ] ]
declareUnitType :: WriterConn t Connection -> IO ()
declareUnitType conn =
do done <- atomicModifyIORef (yicesUnitDeclared (connState conn)) (\x -> (True, x))
unless done $ addCommand conn declareUnitTypeCommand
resetUnitType :: WriterConn t Connection -> IO ()
resetUnitType conn =
writeIORef (yicesUnitDeclared (connState conn)) False
newConnection ::
Streams.OutputStream Text ->
Streams.InputStream Text ->
(IORef (Maybe Int) -> AcknowledgementAction t Connection) ->
ProblemFeatures ->
Integer ->
B.SymbolVarBimap t ->
IO (WriterConn t Connection)
newConnection stream in_stream ack reqFeatures timeout bindings = do
let efSolver = reqFeatures `hasProblemFeature` useExistForall
let nlSolver = reqFeatures `hasProblemFeature` useNonlinearArithmetic
let features | efSolver = useLinearArithmetic
| nlSolver = useNonlinearArithmetic .|. useIntegerArithmetic
| otherwise = reqFeatures
let nm | efSolver = "Yices ef-solver"
| nlSolver = "Yices nl-solver"
| otherwise = "Yices"
let featureIf True f = f
featureIf False _ = noFeatures
let features' = features
.|. featureIf efSolver useExistForall
.|. useStructs
.|. (reqFeatures .&. (useUnsatCores .|. useUnsatAssumptions))
earlyUnsatRef <- newIORef Nothing
unitRef <- newIORef False
let c = Connection { yicesEarlyUnsat = earlyUnsatRef
, yicesTimeout = timeout
, yicesUnitDeclared = unitRef
conn <- newWriterConn stream in_stream (ack earlyUnsatRef) nm features' bindings c
return $! conn { supportFunctionDefs = True
, supportFunctionArguments = True
, supportQuantifiers = efSolver
data YicesCommand = YicesCommand
{ cmdEarlyUnsatSafe :: Bool
, cmdCmd :: Builder
safeCmd :: Builder -> YicesCommand
safeCmd txt = YicesCommand { cmdEarlyUnsatSafe = True, cmdCmd = txt }
unsafeCmd :: Builder -> YicesCommand
unsafeCmd txt = YicesCommand { cmdEarlyUnsatSafe = False, cmdCmd = txt }
type instance Term Connection = YicesTerm
type instance Command Connection = Connection -> YicesCommand
instance SMTWriter Connection where
forallExpr vars t = binder_app "forall" (uncurry varBinding <$> vars) t
existsExpr vars t = binder_app "exists" (uncurry varBinding <$> vars) t
arraySelect = smtFnApp
arrayUpdate a i v =
T $ app "update" [ renderTerm a, builder_list (renderTerm <$> i), renderTerm v ]
commentCommand _ b = const $ safeCmd (";; " <> b)
pushCommand _ = const $ safeCmd "(push)"
popCommand _ = const $ safeCmd "(pop)"
resetCommand _ = const $ safeCmd "(reset)"
checkCommands _ =
[ setTimeoutCommand, const $ safeCmd "(check)" ]
checkWithAssumptionsCommands _ nms =
[ setTimeoutCommand
, const $ safeCmd $ app_list "check-assuming" (map Builder.fromText nms)
getUnsatAssumptionsCommand _ = const $ safeCmd "(show-unsat-assumptions)"
getUnsatCoreCommand _ = const $ safeCmd "(show-unsat-core)"
setOptCommand _ x o = setParamCommand x (Builder.fromText o)
assertCommand _ (T nm) = const $ unsafeCmd $ app "assert" [nm]
assertNamedCommand _ (T tm) nm = const $ unsafeCmd $ app "assert" [tm, Builder.fromText nm]
declareCommand _ v args rtp =
const $ safeCmd $
app "define" [Builder.fromText v <> "::"
<> unType (fnType (toListFC yicesType args) (yicesType rtp))
defineCommand _ v args rtp t =
const $ safeCmd $
app "define" [Builder.fromText v <> "::"
<> unType (fnType ((\(_,tp) -> viewSome yicesType tp) <$> args) (yicesType rtp))
, renderTerm (yicesLambda args t)
resetDeclaredStructs conn = resetUnitType conn
structProj _n i s = term_app "select" [s, fromIntegral (Ctx.indexVal i + 1)]
structCtor _tps [] = T "unit-value"
structCtor _tps args = term_app "mk-tuple" args
stringTerm _ = stringFail
stringLength _ = stringFail
stringAppend _ = stringFail
stringContains _ _ = stringFail
stringIndexOf _ _ _ = stringFail
stringIsPrefixOf _ _ = stringFail
stringIsSuffixOf _ _ = stringFail
stringSubstring _ _ _ = stringFail
declareStructDatatype conn Ctx.Empty = declareUnitType conn
declareStructDatatype _ _ = return ()
writeCommand conn cmdf =
do isEarlyUnsat <- readIORef (yicesEarlyUnsat (connState conn))
unless (isJust isEarlyUnsat && not earlyUnsatSafe) $ do
Streams.write (Just cmdout) (connHandle conn)
Streams.write (Just "") (connHandle conn)
cmd = cmdf (connState conn)
earlyUnsatSafe = cmdEarlyUnsatSafe cmd
cmdBuilder = cmdCmd cmd
cmdout = Lazy.toStrict (Builder.toLazyText cmdBuilder) <> "\n"
instance SMTReadWriter Connection where
smtEvalFuns conn resp =
SMTEvalFunctions { smtEvalBool = yicesEvalBool conn resp
, smtEvalBV = \w -> yicesEvalBV w conn resp
, smtEvalReal = yicesEvalReal conn resp
, smtEvalFloat = \_ _ -> fail "Yices does not support floats."
, smtEvalBvArray = Nothing
, smtEvalString = \_ -> fail "Yices does not support strings."
smtSatResult _ = getSatResponse
smtUnsatAssumptionsResult _ s =
do mb <- tryJust filterAsync (Streams.parseFromStream (parseSExp parseYicesString) s)
let cmd = safeCmd "(show-unsat-assumptions)"
case mb of
Right (asNegAtomList -> Just as) -> return as
Right (SApp [SAtom "error", SString msg]) -> throw (YicesError cmd msg)
Right res -> throw (YicesParseError cmd (Text.pack (show res)))
Left (SomeException e) -> throw $ YicesParseError cmd $ Text.pack $
unlines [ "Could not parse unsat assumptions result."
, "*** Exception: " ++ displayException e
smtUnsatCoreResult _ s =
do mb <- tryJust filterAsync (Streams.parseFromStream (parseSExp parseYicesString) s)
let cmd = safeCmd "(show-unsat-core)"
case mb of
Right (asAtomList -> Just nms) -> return nms
Right (SApp [SAtom "error", SString msg]) -> throw (YicesError cmd msg)
Right res -> throw (YicesParseError cmd (Text.pack (show res)))
Left (SomeException e) -> throw $ YicesParseError cmd $ Text.pack $
unlines [ "Could not parse unsat core result."
, "*** Exception: " ++ displayException e
data YicesException
= YicesUnsupported YicesCommand
| YicesError YicesCommand Text
| YicesParseError YicesCommand Text
instance Show YicesException where
show (YicesUnsupported (YicesCommand _ cmd)) =
[ "unsupported command:"
, " " ++ Lazy.unpack (Builder.toLazyText cmd)
show (YicesError (YicesCommand _ cmd) msg) =
[ "Solver reported an error:"
, " " ++ Text.unpack msg
, "in response to command:"
, " " ++ Lazy.unpack (Builder.toLazyText cmd)
show (YicesParseError (YicesCommand _ cmd) msg) =
[ "Could not parse solver response:"
, " " ++ Text.unpack msg
, "in response to command:"
, " " ++ Lazy.unpack (Builder.toLazyText cmd)
instance Exception YicesException
instance OnlineSolver Connection where
startSolverProcess = yicesStartSolver
shutdownSolverProcess = yicesShutdownSolver
yicesShutdownSolver :: SolverProcess s Connection -> IO (ExitCode, Lazy.Text)
yicesShutdownSolver p =
do addCommandNoAck (solverConn p) exitCommand
Streams.write Nothing (solverStdin p)
txt <- readAllLines (solverStderr p)
stopHandleReader (solverStderr p)
ec <- solverCleanupCallback p
return (ec,txt)
yicesAck ::
IORef (Maybe Int) ->
AcknowledgementAction s Connection
yicesAck earlyUnsatRef = AckAction $ \conn cmdf ->
do isEarlyUnsat <- readIORef earlyUnsatRef
let cmd = cmdf (connState conn)
earlyUnsatSafe = cmdEarlyUnsatSafe cmd
cmdBuilder = cmdCmd cmd
if isJust isEarlyUnsat && not earlyUnsatSafe
then return ()
else do
x <- getAckResponse (connInputHandle conn)
case x of
Nothing ->
return ()
Just "unsat" ->
do i <- entryStackHeight conn
writeIORef earlyUnsatRef $! (Just $! if i > 0 then 1 else 0)
Just txt ->
fail $ unlines
[ "Unexpected response from solver while awaiting acknowledgement"
, "*** result:" ++ show txt
, "in response to command"
, "***: " ++ Lazy.unpack (Builder.toLazyText cmdBuilder)
yicesStartSolver ::
ProblemFeatures ->
Maybe Handle ->
B.ExprBuilder t st fs ->
IO (SolverProcess t Connection)
yicesStartSolver features auxOutput sym = do
let cfg = getConfiguration sym
yices_path <- findSolverPath yicesPath cfg
enableMCSat <- getOpt =<< getOptionSetting yicesEnableMCSat cfg
enableInteractive <- getOpt =<< getOptionSetting yicesEnableInteractive cfg
goalTimeout <- getOpt =<< getOptionSetting yicesGoalTimeout cfg
let modeFlag | enableInteractive || goalTimeout /= 0 = "--mode=interactive"
| otherwise = "--mode=push-pop"
args = modeFlag : "--print-success" :
if enableMCSat then ["--mcsat"] else []
hasNamedAssumptions = features `hasProblemFeature` useUnsatCores ||
features `hasProblemFeature` useUnsatAssumptions
when (enableMCSat && hasNamedAssumptions) $
fail "Unsat cores and named assumptions are incompatible with MC-SAT in Yices."
hdls@(in_h,out_h,err_h,ph) <- startProcess yices_path args Nothing
(in_stream, out_stream, err_reader) <-
demuxProcessHandles in_h out_h err_h
(fmap (\x -> ("; ", x)) auxOutput)
in_stream' <- Streams.atEndOfOutput (hClose in_h) in_stream
conn <- newConnection in_stream' out_stream yicesAck features goalTimeout B.emptySymbolVarBimap
setYicesParams conn cfg
return $! SolverProcess { solverConn = conn
, solverCleanupCallback = cleanupProcess hdls
, solverStdin = in_stream'
, solverStderr = err_reader
, solverHandle = ph
, solverResponse = out_stream
, solverErrorBehavior = ContinueOnError
, solverEvalFuns = smtEvalFuns conn out_stream
, solverLogFn = logSolverEvent sym
, solverName = "Yices"
, solverEarlyUnsat = yicesEarlyUnsat (connState conn)
, solverSupportsResetAssertions = True
sendCheck :: WriterConn t Connection -> IO ()
sendCheck c = addCommands c (checkCommands c)
sendCheckExistsForall :: WriterConn t Connection -> IO ()
sendCheckExistsForall c = addCommandNoAck c checkExistsForallCommand
assertForall :: WriterConn t Connection -> [(Text, YicesType)] -> Expr -> IO ()
assertForall c vars e = addCommand c (assertForallCommand vars e)
setParam :: WriterConn t Connection -> ConfigValue -> IO ()
setParam c (ConfigValue o val) =
case configOptionNameParts o of
[yicesName, nm] | yicesName == "yices" ->
case asYicesConfigValue val of
Just v ->
addCommand c (setParamCommand nm v)
Nothing ->
fail $ unwords ["Unknown Yices parameter type:", show nm]
_ -> fail $ unwords ["not a Yices parameter", configOptionName o]
setYicesParams :: WriterConn t Connection -> Config -> IO ()
setYicesParams conn cfg = do
params <- getConfigValues "yices" cfg
forM_ params $ setParam conn
eval :: WriterConn t Connection -> Term Connection -> IO ()
eval c e = addCommandNoAck c (evalCommand e)
sendShowModel :: WriterConn t Connection -> IO ()
sendShowModel c = addCommandNoAck c showModelCommand
getAckResponse :: Streams.InputStream Text -> IO (Maybe Text)
getAckResponse resps =
do mb <- tryJust filterAsync (Streams.parseFromStream (parseSExp parseYicesString) resps)
case mb of
Right (SAtom "ok") -> return Nothing
Right (SAtom txt) -> return (Just txt)
Right res -> fail $
unlines [ "Could not parse acknowledgement result."
, " " ++ show res
Left (SomeException e) -> fail $
unlines [ "Could not parse acknowledgement result."
, "*** Exception: " ++ displayException e
getSatResponse :: Streams.InputStream Text -> IO (SatResult () ())
getSatResponse resps =
do mb <- tryJust filterAsync (Streams.parseFromStream (parseSExp parseYicesString) resps)
case mb of
Right (SAtom "unsat") -> return (Unsat ())
Right (SAtom "sat") -> return (Sat ())
Right (SAtom "unknown") -> return Unknown
Right (SAtom "interrupted") -> return Unknown
Right res -> fail $
unlines [ "Could not parse sat result."
, " " ++ show res
Left (SomeException e) -> fail $
unlines [ "Could not parse sat result."
, "*** Exception: " ++ displayException e
type Eval scope ty =
WriterConn scope Connection ->
Streams.InputStream Text ->
Term Connection ->
IO ty
yicesEvalReal :: Eval s Rational
yicesEvalReal conn resp tm =
do eval conn tm
mb <- tryJust filterAsync (Streams.parseFromStream (skipSpaceOrNewline *> Root.parseYicesRoot) resp)
case mb of
Left (SomeException ex) ->
fail $ unlines
[ "Could not parse real value returned by yices: "
, displayException ex
Right r -> pure $ Root.approximate r
parseYicesString :: Atto.Parser Text
parseYicesString = Atto.char '\"' >> go
isStringChar '\"' = False
isStringChar '\\' = False
isStringChar '\n' = False
isStringChar _ = True
octalDigit = Atto.satisfy (Atto.inClass "01234567")
octalEscape =
do ds <- Atto.choice [ Atto.count i octalDigit | i <- [ 3, 2, 1] ]
case readOct ds of
(c,""):_ -> return (Text.singleton (toEnum c))
_ -> mzero
escape = Atto.choice
[ octalEscape
, Atto.char 'n' >> return "\n"
, Atto.char 't' >> return "\t"
, Text.singleton <$> Atto.anyChar
go = do xs <- Atto.takeWhile isStringChar
(Atto.char '\"' >> return xs)
<|> (do _ <- Atto.char '\\'
e <- escape
ys <- go
return (xs <> e <> ys))
boolValue :: Atto.Parser Bool
boolValue =
[ Atto.string "true" *> pure True
, Atto.string "false" *> pure False
yicesEvalBool :: Eval s Bool
yicesEvalBool conn resp tm =
do eval conn tm
mb <- tryJust filterAsync (Streams.parseFromStream (skipSpaceOrNewline *> boolValue) resp)
case mb of
Left (SomeException ex) ->
fail $ unlines
[ "Could not parse boolean value returned by yices: "
, displayException ex
Right b -> pure b
yicesBV :: Int -> Atto.Parser Integer
yicesBV w =
do _ <- Atto.string "0b"
digits <- Atto.takeWhile (`elem` ("01"::String))
readBit w (Text.unpack digits)
yicesEvalBV :: NatRepr w -> Eval s (BV.BV w)
yicesEvalBV w conn resp tm =
do eval conn tm
mb <- tryJust filterAsync (Streams.parseFromStream (skipSpaceOrNewline *> yicesBV (widthVal w)) resp)
case mb of
Left (SomeException ex) ->
fail $ unlines
[ "Could not parse bitvector value returned by yices: "
, displayException ex
Right b -> pure (BV.mkBV w b)
readBit :: MonadFail m => Int -> String -> m Integer
readBit w0 = go 0 0
where go n v "" = do
when (n /= w0) $ fail "Value has a different number of bits than we expected."
return v
go n v (c:r) = do
case c of
'0' -> go (n+1) (v `shiftL` 1) r
'1' -> go (n+1) ((v `shiftL` 1) + 1) r
_ -> fail "Not a bitvector."
yicesSMT2Features :: ProblemFeatures
= useComputableReals
.|. useIntegerArithmetic
.|. useBitvectors
.|. useQuantifiers
yicesDefaultFeatures :: ProblemFeatures
= useIntegerArithmetic
.|. useBitvectors
.|. useStructs
yicesAdapter :: SolverAdapter t
yicesAdapter =
{ solver_adapter_name = "yices"
, solver_adapter_config_options = yicesOptions
, solver_adapter_check_sat = \sym logData ps cont ->
runYicesInOverride sym logData ps
(cont . runIdentity . traverseSatResult (\x -> pure (x,Nothing)) pure)
, solver_adapter_write_smt2 =
writeDefaultSMT2 () "YICES" yicesSMT2Features
yicesPath :: ConfigOption (BaseStringType Unicode)
yicesPath = configOption knownRepr "yices_path"
yicesEnableMCSat :: ConfigOption BaseBoolType
yicesEnableMCSat = configOption knownRepr "yices_enable-mcsat"
yicesEnableInteractive :: ConfigOption BaseBoolType
yicesEnableInteractive = configOption knownRepr "yices_enable-interactive"
yicesGoalTimeout :: ConfigOption BaseIntegerType
yicesGoalTimeout = configOption knownRepr "yices_goal-timeout"
yicesOptions :: [ConfigDesc]
yicesOptions =
[ mkOpt
(Just (PP.text "Yices executable path"))
(Just (ConcreteString "yices"))
, mkOpt
(Just (PP.text "Enable the Yices MCSAT solving engine"))
(Just (ConcreteBool False))
, mkOpt
(Just (PP.text "Enable Yices interactive mode (needed to support timeouts)"))
(Just (ConcreteBool False))
, mkOpt
(Just (PP.text "Set a per-goal timeout"))
(Just (ConcreteInteger 0))
++ yicesInternalOptions
yicesBranchingChoices :: Set Text
yicesBranchingChoices = Set.fromList
[ "default"
, "negative"
, "positive"
, "theory"
, "th-pos"
, "th-neg"
yicesEFGenModes :: Set Text
yicesEFGenModes = Set.fromList
[ "auto"
, "none"
, "substitution"
, "projection"
booleanOpt :: String -> ConfigDesc
booleanOpt nm = booleanOpt' (configOption BaseBoolRepr ("yices."++nm))
booleanOpt' :: ConfigOption BaseBoolType -> ConfigDesc
booleanOpt' o =
mkOpt o
floatWithRangeOpt :: String -> Rational -> Rational -> ConfigDesc
floatWithRangeOpt nm lo hi =
mkOpt (configOption BaseRealRepr $ "yices."++nm)
(realWithRangeOptSty (Inclusive lo) (Inclusive hi))
floatWithMinOpt :: String -> Bound Rational -> ConfigDesc
floatWithMinOpt nm lo =
mkOpt (configOption BaseRealRepr $ "yices."++nm)
(realWithMinOptSty lo)
intWithRangeOpt :: String -> Integer -> Integer -> ConfigDesc
intWithRangeOpt nm lo hi =
mkOpt (configOption BaseIntegerRepr $ "yices."++nm)
(integerWithRangeOptSty (Inclusive lo) (Inclusive hi))
enumOpt :: String -> Set Text -> ConfigDesc
enumOpt nm xs =
mkOpt (configOption (BaseStringRepr UnicodeRepr) $ "yices."++nm)
(enumOptSty xs)
yicesInternalOptions :: [ConfigDesc]
yicesInternalOptions =
[ booleanOpt "var-elim"
, booleanOpt "arith-elim"
, booleanOpt "flatten"
, booleanOpt "learn-eq"
, booleanOpt "keep-ite"
, booleanOpt "fast-restarts"
, intWithRangeOpt "c-threshold" 1 (2^(30::Int)-1)
, floatWithMinOpt "c-factor" (Inclusive 1)
, intWithRangeOpt "d-threshold" 1 (2^(30::Int)-1)
, floatWithRangeOpt "d-factor" 1 1.5
, intWithRangeOpt "r-threshold" 1 (2^(30::Int)-1)
, floatWithRangeOpt "r-fraction" 0 1
, floatWithMinOpt "r-factor" (Inclusive 1)
, floatWithRangeOpt "var-decay" 0 1
, floatWithRangeOpt "randomness" 0 1
, intWithRangeOpt "random-seed" (negate (2^(30::Int)-1)) (2^(30::Int)-1)
, enumOpt "branching" yicesBranchingChoices
, floatWithRangeOpt "clause-decay" 0 1
, booleanOpt "cache-tclauses"
, intWithRangeOpt "tclause-size" 1 (2^(30::Int)-1)
, booleanOpt "dyn-ack"
, booleanOpt "dyn-bool-ack"
, intWithRangeOpt "max-ack" 1 (2^(30::Int)-1)
, intWithRangeOpt "max-bool-ack" 1 (2^(30::Int)-1)
, intWithRangeOpt "aux-eq-quota" 1 (2^(30::Int)-1)
, floatWithMinOpt "aux-eq-ratio" (Exclusive 0)
, intWithRangeOpt "dyn-ack-threshold" 1 (2^(16::Int)-1)
, intWithRangeOpt "dyn-bool-ack-threshold" 1 (2^(16::Int)-1)
, intWithRangeOpt "max-interface-eqs" 1 (2^(30::Int)-1)
, booleanOpt "eager-lemmas"
, booleanOpt "simplex-prop"
, intWithRangeOpt "prop-threshold" 1 (2^(30::Int)-1)
, booleanOpt "simplex-adjust"
, intWithRangeOpt "bland-threshold" 1 (2^(30::Int)-1)
, booleanOpt "icheck"
, intWithRangeOpt "icheck-period" 1 (2^(30::Int)-1)
, intWithRangeOpt "max-update-conflicts" 1 (2^(30::Int)-1)
, intWithRangeOpt "max-extensionality" 1 (2^(30::Int)-1)
, booleanOpt "bvarith-elim"
, booleanOpt "optimistic-fcheck"
, booleanOpt "ef-flatten-iff"
, booleanOpt "ef-flatten-ite"
, enumOpt "ef-gen-mode" yicesEFGenModes
, intWithRangeOpt "ef-max-iters" 1 (2^(30::Int)-1)
, intWithRangeOpt "ef-max-samples" 0 (2^(30::Int)-1)
checkSupportedByYices :: B.BoolExpr t -> IO ProblemFeatures
checkSupportedByYices p = do
let varInfo = predicateVarInfo p
let errors = toList (varInfo^.varErrors)
when (not (null errors)) $ do
fail $ show $ PP.text "This formula is not supported by yices:" PP.<$$>
PP.indent 2 (PP.vcat errors)
return $! varInfo^.problemFeatures
writeYicesFile :: B.ExprBuilder t st fs
-> FilePath
-> B.BoolExpr t
-> IO ()
writeYicesFile sym path p = do
withFile path WriteMode $ \h -> do
let cfg = getConfiguration sym
let varInfo = predicateVarInfo p
let features = varInfo^.problemFeatures
let efSolver = features `hasProblemFeature` useExistForall
bindings <- B.getSymbolVarBimap sym
str <- Streams.encodeUtf8 =<< Streams.handleToOutputStream h
in_str <- Streams.nullInput
c <- newConnection str in_str (const nullAcknowledgementAction) features 0 bindings
setYicesParams c cfg
assume c p
if efSolver then
addCommandNoAck c efSolveCommand
sendCheck c
sendShowModel c
runYicesInOverride :: B.ExprBuilder t st fs
-> LogData
-> [B.BoolExpr t]
-> (SatResult (GroundEvalFn t) () -> IO a)
-> IO a
runYicesInOverride sym logData conditions resultFn = do
let cfg = getConfiguration sym
yices_path <- findSolverPath yicesPath cfg
condition <- andAllOf sym folded conditions
logCallbackVerbose logData 2 "Calling Yices to check sat"
logSolverEvent sym
{ satQuerySolverName = "Yices"
, satQueryReason = logReason logData
features <- checkSupportedByYices condition
enableMCSat <- getOpt =<< getOptionSetting yicesEnableMCSat cfg
let efSolver = features `hasProblemFeature` useExistForall
let nlSolver = features `hasProblemFeature` useNonlinearArithmetic
let args0 | efSolver = ["--mode=ef"]
| nlSolver = ["--logic=QF_NRA"]
| otherwise = ["--mode=one-shot"]
let args = args0 ++ if enableMCSat then ["--mcsat"] else []
hasNamedAssumptions = features `hasProblemFeature` useUnsatCores ||
features `hasProblemFeature` useUnsatAssumptions
when (enableMCSat && hasNamedAssumptions) $
fail "Unsat cores and named assumptions are incompatible with MC-SAT in Yices."
withProcessHandles yices_path args Nothing $ \hdls@(in_h, out_h, err_h, ph) -> do
(in_stream, out_stream, err_reader) <-
demuxProcessHandles in_h out_h err_h
(fmap (\x -> ("; ",x)) $ logHandle logData)
bindings <- B.getSymbolVarBimap sym
c <- newConnection in_stream out_stream (const nullAcknowledgementAction) features 0 bindings
setYicesParams c cfg
assume c condition
logCallbackVerbose logData 2 "Running check sat"
if efSolver then
addCommandNoAck c efSolveCommand
sendCheck c
let yp = SolverProcess { solverConn = c
, solverCleanupCallback = cleanupProcess hdls
, solverHandle = ph
, solverStdin = in_stream
, solverResponse = out_stream
, solverErrorBehavior = ImmediateExit
, solverStderr = err_reader
, solverEvalFuns = smtEvalFuns c out_stream
, solverName = "Yices"
, solverLogFn = logSolverEvent sym
, solverEarlyUnsat = yicesEarlyUnsat (connState c)
, solverSupportsResetAssertions = True
sat_result <- getSatResult yp
logSolverEvent sym
{ satQueryResult = sat_result
, satQueryError = Nothing
r <-
case sat_result of
Sat () -> resultFn . Sat =<< getModel yp
Unsat x -> resultFn (Unsat x)
Unknown -> resultFn Unknown
_ <- yicesShutdownSolver yp
return r