work-time: A library for parsing a chat-based work hour reporting scheme.

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Parses a certain format for hour and task reporting in chat/Slack form. See README for format.

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License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2018 Rickard Andersson
Author Rickard Andersson
Category Business
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Readme for work-time-

[back to package description]


A library for extracting work hours from an ad-hoc work hour reporting format in (for example) Slack.

Reason for existing

We had already established an ad-hoc format for reporting work hours and tasks and parsing these manually was getting tedious. Hence this library.

Example entry

An entire entry will look as follows:

Rickard Andersson [11:16 PM]
[28.02] 8.5h
worked on missile guidance system
cleaned up parsing code

The first part is represented by a MessageLine and what follows is one Workday in this example.

An entry can also look as follows:

steve [9:42 PM]
[01.03] 9h
fixed session management

Rickard Andersson [11:16 PM]
[28.02] 8.5h
worked on missile guidance system
cleaned up parsing code
[01.03] 6h
fixed critical bug in missile guidance system
removed half of parsing code

In this example we have several Workday in one WorkTime.

Example report functionality

> hoursFromText testData
Right [("RickardAndersson",14.5),("steve",9.0)]

In the case of a Left being returned this will contain a more or less informative error message from the parsing stage of the process.