Copyright | Copyright (c) Daan Leijen 2003, 2004 |
License | wxWindows |
Maintainer | |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
- Classes
- AcceleratorEntry
- AcceleratorTable
- ActivateEvent
- App
- ArrayString
- ArtProvider
- AuiDefaultTabArt
- AuiDefaultToolBarArt
- AuiDockArt
- AuiManager
- AuiManagerEvent
- AuiNotebook
- AuiNotebookEvent
- AuiNotebookPage
- AuiNotebookPageArray
- AuiPaneInfo
- AuiPaneInfoArray
- AuiSimpleTabArt
- AuiTabArt
- AuiTabContainer
- AuiTabContainerButton
- AuiTabCtrl
- AuiToolBar
- AuiToolBarArt
- AuiToolBarEvent
- AuiToolBarItem
- AuiToolBarItemArray
- AutoBufferedPaintDC
- AutomationObject
- Bitmap
- BitmapButton
- BitmapDataObject
- BitmapHandler
- BitmapToggleButton
- BookCtrlBase
- BookCtrlEvent
- BoolProperty
- BoxSizer
- Brush
- BrushList
- BufferedDC
- BufferedInputStream
- BufferedOutputStream
- BufferedPaintDC
- BusyCursor
- BusyInfo
- Button
- CSConv
- CalculateLayoutEvent
- CalendarCtrl
- CalendarDateAttr
- CalendarEvent
- Caret
- CbAntiflickerPlugin
- CbBarDragPlugin
- CbBarHintsPlugin
- CbBarInfo
- CbBarSpy
- CbCloseBox
- CbCollapseBox
- CbCommonPaneProperties
- CbCustomizeBarEvent
- CbCustomizeLayoutEvent
- CbDimHandlerBase
- CbDimInfo
- CbDockBox
- CbDockPane
- CbDrawBarDecorEvent
- CbDrawBarHandlesEvent
- CbDrawHintRectEvent
- CbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent
- CbDrawPaneDecorEvent
- CbDrawRowBkGroundEvent
- CbDrawRowDecorEvent
- CbDrawRowHandlesEvent
- CbDynToolBarDimHandler
- CbFinishDrawInAreaEvent
- CbFloatedBarWindow
- CbGCUpdatesMgr
- CbHintAnimationPlugin
- CbInsertBarEvent
- CbLayoutRowEvent
- CbLeftDClickEvent
- CbLeftDownEvent
- CbLeftUpEvent
- CbMiniButton
- CbMotionEvent
- CbPaneDrawPlugin
- CbPluginBase
- CbPluginEvent
- CbRemoveBarEvent
- CbResizeBarEvent
- CbResizeRowEvent
- CbRightDownEvent
- CbRightUpEvent
- CbRowDragPlugin
- CbRowInfo
- CbRowLayoutPlugin
- CbSimpleCustomizationPlugin
- CbSimpleUpdatesMgr
- CbSizeBarWndEvent
- CbStartBarDraggingEvent
- CbStartDrawInAreaEvent
- CbUpdatesManagerBase
- CheckBox
- CheckListBox
- Choice
- ClassInfo
- Client
- ClientBase
- ClientDC
- ClientData
- ClientDataContainer
- Clipboard
- CloseEvent
- Closure
- Colour
- ColourData
- ColourDatabase
- ColourDialog
- ColourPickerCtrl
- ComboBox
- Command
- CommandEvent
- CommandLineParser
- CommandProcessor
- Condition
- ConfigBase
- Connection
- ConnectionBase
- ContextHelp
- ContextHelpButton
- Control
- CountingOutputStream
- CriticalSection
- CriticalSectionLocker
- Cursor
- CustomDataObject
- DC
- DCClipper
- DDEClient
- DDEConnection
- DDEServer
- DataFormat
- DataInputStream
- DataObject
- DataObjectComposite
- DataObjectSimple
- DataOutputStream
- Database
- DateProperty
- DateTime
- Db
- DbColDef
- DbColFor
- DbColInf
- DbConnectInf
- DbInf
- DbSqlTypeInfo
- DbTable
- DbTableInfo
- DebugContext
- DialUpEvent
- DialUpManager
- Dialog
- DirDialog
- DirTraverser
- DocChildFrame
- DocMDIChildFrame
- DocMDIParentFrame
- DocManager
- DocParentFrame
- DocTemplate
- Document
- DragImage
- DrawControl
- DrawWindow
- DropFilesEvent
- DropSource
- DropTarget
- DynToolInfo
- DynamicLibrary
- DynamicSashWindow
- DynamicToolBar
- EditableListBox
- EncodingConverter
- EraseEvent
- Event
- EvtHandler
- ExprDatabase
- FFile
- FFileInputStream
- FFileOutputStream
- FSFile
- FileConfig
- FileDataObject
- FileDialog
- FileDropTarget
- FileHistory
- FileInputStream
- FileName
- FileOutputStream
- FileProperty
- FileSystem
- FileSystemHandler
- FileType
- FilterInputStream
- FilterOutputStream
- FindDialogEvent
- FindReplaceData
- FindReplaceDialog
- FlexGridSizer
- FloatProperty
- FocusEvent
- Font
- FontData
- FontDialog
- FontEnumerator
- FontList
- FontMapper
- Frame
- FrameLayout
- GDIObject
- GLCanvas
- GLContext
- Gauge
- Gauge95
- GaugeMSW
- GenericDirCtrl
- GenericDragImage
- GenericValidator
- GraphicsBrush
- GraphicsContext
- GraphicsFont
- GraphicsMatrix
- GraphicsObject
- GraphicsPath
- GraphicsPen
- GraphicsRenderer
- Grid
- GridCellAttr
- GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer
- GridCellBoolEditor
- GridCellBoolRenderer
- GridCellChoiceEditor
- GridCellCoordsArray
- GridCellEditor
- GridCellFloatEditor
- GridCellFloatRenderer
- GridCellNumberEditor
- GridCellNumberRenderer
- GridCellRenderer
- GridCellStringRenderer
- GridCellTextEditor
- GridCellTextEnterEditor
- GridCellWorker
- GridEditorCreatedEvent
- GridEvent
- GridRangeSelectEvent
- GridSizeEvent
- GridSizer
- GridTableBase
- HashMap
- HelpController
- HelpControllerBase
- HelpControllerHelpProvider
- HelpEvent
- HelpProvider
- HtmlCell
- HtmlColourCell
- HtmlContainerCell
- HtmlDCRenderer
- HtmlEasyPrinting
- HtmlFilter
- HtmlHelpController
- HtmlHelpData
- HtmlHelpFrame
- HtmlLinkInfo
- HtmlParser
- HtmlPrintout
- HtmlTag
- HtmlTagHandler
- HtmlTagsModule
- HtmlWidgetCell
- HtmlWinParser
- HtmlWinTagHandler
- HtmlWindow
- HyperlinkCtrl
- IPV4address
- Icon
- IconBundle
- IconizeEvent
- IdleEvent
- Image
- ImageHandler
- ImageList
- IndividualLayoutConstraint
- InitDialogEvent
- InputSink
- InputSinkEvent
- InputStream
- IntProperty
- Joystick
- JoystickEvent
- KeyEvent
- LEDNumberCtrl
- LayoutAlgorithm
- LayoutConstraints
- List
- ListBox
- ListCtrl
- ListEvent
- ListItem
- Locale
- Log
- LogChain
- LogGUI
- LogNull
- LogPassThrough
- LogStderr
- LogStream
- LogTextCtrl
- LogWindow
- LongLong
- MBConv
- MBConvFile
- MBConvUTF7
- MBConvUTF8
- MDIChildFrame
- MDIClientWindow
- MDIParentFrame
- Mask
- MaximizeEvent
- MediaCtrl
- MediaEvent
- MemoryBuffer
- MemoryDC
- MemoryFSHandler
- MemoryInputStream
- MemoryOutputStream
- Menu
- MenuBar
- MenuEvent
- MenuItem
- MessageDialog
- Metafile
- MetafileDC
- MimeTypesManager
- MiniFrame
- MirrorDC
- Module
- MouseCaptureChangedEvent
- MouseEvent
- MoveEvent
- MultiCellCanvas
- MultiCellItemHandle
- MultiCellSizer
- Mutex
- MutexLocker
- NavigationKeyEvent
- NewBitmapButton
- NodeBase
- Notebook
- NotebookEvent
- NotifyEvent
- ObjectRefData
- OutputStream
- PGProperty
- PageSetupDialog
- PageSetupDialogData
- PaintDC
- PaintEvent
- Palette
- PaletteChangedEvent
- Panel
- PathList
- Pen
- PenList
- PickerBase
- PlotCurve
- PlotEvent
- PlotOnOffCurve
- PlotWindow
- PopupTransientWindow
- PopupWindow
- PostScriptDC
- PostScriptPrintNativeData
- PreviewCanvas
- PreviewControlBar
- PreviewFrame
- PrintData
- PrintDialog
- PrintDialogData
- PrintPreview
- Printer
- PrinterDC
- Printout
- PrivateDropTarget
- Process
- ProcessEvent
- ProgressDialog
- PropertyCategory
- PropertyGrid
- PropertyGridEvent
- Protocol
- Quantize
- QueryCol
- QueryField
- QueryLayoutInfoEvent
- QueryNewPaletteEvent
- RadioBox
- RadioButton
- RealPoint
- RecordSet
- RegEx
- Region
- RegionIterator
- RemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl
- STCDoc
- SashEvent
- SashLayoutWindow
- SashWindow
- ScopedArray
- ScopedPtr
- ScreenDC
- ScrollBar
- ScrollEvent
- ScrollWinEvent
- ScrolledWindow
- Semaphore
- Server
- ServerBase
- SetCursorEvent
- ShowEvent
- SimpleHelpProvider
- SingleChoiceDialog
- SingleInstanceChecker
- SizeEvent
- Sizer
- SizerItem
- Slider
- Slider95
- SliderMSW
- SockAddress
- SocketBase
- SocketClient
- SocketEvent
- SocketInputStream
- SocketOutputStream
- SocketServer
- Sound
- SpinButton
- SpinCtrl
- SpinEvent
- SplashScreen
- SplitterEvent
- SplitterScrolledWindow
- SplitterWindow
- StaticBitmap
- StaticBox
- StaticBoxSizer
- StaticLine
- StaticText
- StatusBar
- StopWatch
- StreamBase
- StreamBuffer
- StreamToTextRedirector
- StringBuffer
- StringClientData
- StringList
- StringProperty
- StringTokenizer
- StyledTextCtrl
- StyledTextEvent
- SysColourChangedEvent
- SystemOptions
- SystemSettings
- TabCtrl
- TabEvent
- TablesInUse
- TaskBarIcon
- TempFile
- TextAttr
- TextCtrl
- TextDataObject
- TextDropTarget
- TextEntryDialog
- TextFile
- TextInputStream
- TextOutputStream
- TextValidator
- ThinSplitterWindow
- Thread
- Time
- TimeSpan
- Timer
- TimerBase
- TimerEvent
- TimerEx
- TimerRunner
- TipProvider
- TipWindow
- ToggleButton
- ToolBar
- ToolBarBase
- ToolLayoutItem
- ToolTip
- ToolWindow
- TopLevelWindow
- TreeCompanionWindow
- TreeCtrl
- TreeEvent
- TreeItemData
- TreeItemId
- TreeLayout
- TreeLayoutStored
- UpdateUIEvent
- Validator
- Variant
- VariantData
- View
- WXCApp
- WXCArtProv
- WXCClient
- WXCCommand
- WXCConnection
- WXCDragDataObject
- WXCDropTarget
- WXCFileDropTarget
- WXCGridTable
- WXCHtmlEvent
- WXCHtmlWindow
- WXCLocale
- WXCLog
- WXCMessageParameters
- WXCPlotCurve
- WXCPreviewControlBar
- WXCPreviewFrame
- WXCPrintEvent
- WXCPrintout
- WXCPrintoutHandler
- WXCServer
- WXCTextDropTarget
- WXCTextValidator
- WXCTreeItemData
- Window
- WindowCreateEvent
- WindowDC
- WindowDestroyEvent
- WindowDisabler
- Wizard
- WizardEvent
- WizardPage
- WizardPageSimple
- WxArray
- WxDllLoader
- WxExpr
- WxManagedPtr
- WxObject
- WxPoint
- WxRect
- WxSize
- WxString
- XmlResource
- XmlResourceHandler
- ZipInputStream
- ZlibInputStream
- ZlibOutputStream
Haskell class definitions for the wxWidgets C library (wxc.dll
Do not edit this file manually! This file was automatically generated by wxDirect.
From the files:
And contains 574 class definitions.
- type AcceleratorEntry a = Object (CAcceleratorEntry a)
- type TAcceleratorEntry a = CAcceleratorEntry a
- data CAcceleratorEntry a = CAcceleratorEntry
- type AcceleratorTable a = Object (CAcceleratorTable a)
- type TAcceleratorTable a = CAcceleratorTable a
- data CAcceleratorTable a = CAcceleratorTable
- type ActivateEvent a = Event (CActivateEvent a)
- type TActivateEvent a = TEvent (CActivateEvent a)
- data CActivateEvent a = CActivateEvent
- type App a = EvtHandler (CApp a)
- type TApp a = TEvtHandler (CApp a)
- data CApp a = CApp
- type ArrayString a = WxArray (CArrayString a)
- type TArrayString a = TWxArray (CArrayString a)
- data CArrayString a = CArrayString
- type ArtProvider a = WxObject (CArtProvider a)
- type TArtProvider a = TWxObject (CArtProvider a)
- data CArtProvider a = CArtProvider
- type AuiDefaultTabArt a = AuiTabArt (CAuiDefaultTabArt a)
- type TAuiDefaultTabArt a = TAuiTabArt (CAuiDefaultTabArt a)
- data CAuiDefaultTabArt a = CAuiDefaultTabArt
- type AuiDefaultToolBarArt a = AuiToolBarArt (CAuiDefaultToolBarArt a)
- type TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a = TAuiToolBarArt (CAuiDefaultToolBarArt a)
- data CAuiDefaultToolBarArt a = CAuiDefaultToolBarArt
- type AuiDockArt a = Object (CAuiDockArt a)
- type TAuiDockArt a = CAuiDockArt a
- data CAuiDockArt a = CAuiDockArt
- type AuiManager a = EvtHandler (CAuiManager a)
- type TAuiManager a = TEvtHandler (CAuiManager a)
- data CAuiManager a = CAuiManager
- type AuiManagerEvent a = EvtHandler (CAuiManagerEvent a)
- type TAuiManagerEvent a = TEvtHandler (CAuiManagerEvent a)
- data CAuiManagerEvent a = CAuiManagerEvent
- type AuiNotebook a = BookCtrlBase (CAuiNotebook a)
- type TAuiNotebook a = TBookCtrlBase (CAuiNotebook a)
- data CAuiNotebook a = CAuiNotebook
- type AuiNotebookEvent a = BookCtrlEvent (CAuiNotebookEvent a)
- type TAuiNotebookEvent a = TBookCtrlEvent (CAuiNotebookEvent a)
- data CAuiNotebookEvent a = CAuiNotebookEvent
- type AuiNotebookPage a = Object (CAuiNotebookPage a)
- type TAuiNotebookPage a = CAuiNotebookPage a
- data CAuiNotebookPage a = CAuiNotebookPage
- type AuiNotebookPageArray a = Object (CAuiNotebookPageArray a)
- type TAuiNotebookPageArray a = CAuiNotebookPageArray a
- data CAuiNotebookPageArray a = CAuiNotebookPageArray
- type AuiPaneInfo a = Object (CAuiPaneInfo a)
- type TAuiPaneInfo a = CAuiPaneInfo a
- data CAuiPaneInfo a = CAuiPaneInfo
- type AuiPaneInfoArray a = Object (CAuiPaneInfoArray a)
- type TAuiPaneInfoArray a = CAuiPaneInfoArray a
- data CAuiPaneInfoArray a = CAuiPaneInfoArray
- type AuiSimpleTabArt a = AuiTabArt (CAuiSimpleTabArt a)
- type TAuiSimpleTabArt a = TAuiTabArt (CAuiSimpleTabArt a)
- data CAuiSimpleTabArt a = CAuiSimpleTabArt
- type AuiTabArt a = Object (CAuiTabArt a)
- type TAuiTabArt a = CAuiTabArt a
- data CAuiTabArt a = CAuiTabArt
- type AuiTabContainer a = Object (CAuiTabContainer a)
- type TAuiTabContainer a = CAuiTabContainer a
- data CAuiTabContainer a = CAuiTabContainer
- type AuiTabContainerButton a = Object (CAuiTabContainerButton a)
- type TAuiTabContainerButton a = CAuiTabContainerButton a
- data CAuiTabContainerButton a = CAuiTabContainerButton
- type AuiTabCtrl a = Control (CAuiTabCtrl a)
- type TAuiTabCtrl a = TControl (CAuiTabCtrl a)
- data CAuiTabCtrl a = CAuiTabCtrl
- type AuiToolBar a = Control (CAuiToolBar a)
- type TAuiToolBar a = TControl (CAuiToolBar a)
- data CAuiToolBar a = CAuiToolBar
- type AuiToolBarArt a = Object (CAuiToolBarArt a)
- type TAuiToolBarArt a = CAuiToolBarArt a
- data CAuiToolBarArt a = CAuiToolBarArt
- type AuiToolBarEvent a = NotifyEvent (CAuiToolBarEvent a)
- type TAuiToolBarEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CAuiToolBarEvent a)
- data CAuiToolBarEvent a = CAuiToolBarEvent
- type AuiToolBarItem a = Object (CAuiToolBarItem a)
- type TAuiToolBarItem a = CAuiToolBarItem a
- data CAuiToolBarItem a = CAuiToolBarItem
- type AuiToolBarItemArray a = Object (CAuiToolBarItemArray a)
- type TAuiToolBarItemArray a = CAuiToolBarItemArray a
- data CAuiToolBarItemArray a = CAuiToolBarItemArray
- type AutoBufferedPaintDC a = DC (CAutoBufferedPaintDC a)
- type TAutoBufferedPaintDC a = TDC (CAutoBufferedPaintDC a)
- data CAutoBufferedPaintDC a = CAutoBufferedPaintDC
- type AutomationObject a = WxObject (CAutomationObject a)
- type TAutomationObject a = TWxObject (CAutomationObject a)
- data CAutomationObject a = CAutomationObject
- type Bitmap a = GDIObject (CBitmap a)
- type TBitmap a = TGDIObject (CBitmap a)
- data CBitmap a = CBitmap
- type BitmapButton a = Button (CBitmapButton a)
- type TBitmapButton a = TButton (CBitmapButton a)
- data CBitmapButton a = CBitmapButton
- type BitmapDataObject a = DataObjectSimple (CBitmapDataObject a)
- type TBitmapDataObject a = TDataObjectSimple (CBitmapDataObject a)
- data CBitmapDataObject a = CBitmapDataObject
- type BitmapHandler a = WxObject (CBitmapHandler a)
- type TBitmapHandler a = TWxObject (CBitmapHandler a)
- data CBitmapHandler a = CBitmapHandler
- type BitmapToggleButton a = ToggleButton (CBitmapToggleButton a)
- type TBitmapToggleButton a = TToggleButton (CBitmapToggleButton a)
- data CBitmapToggleButton a = CBitmapToggleButton
- type BookCtrlBase a = Control (CBookCtrlBase a)
- type TBookCtrlBase a = TControl (CBookCtrlBase a)
- data CBookCtrlBase a = CBookCtrlBase
- type BookCtrlEvent a = NotifyEvent (CBookCtrlEvent a)
- type TBookCtrlEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CBookCtrlEvent a)
- data CBookCtrlEvent a = CBookCtrlEvent
- type BoolProperty a = PGProperty (CBoolProperty a)
- type TBoolProperty a = TPGProperty (CBoolProperty a)
- data CBoolProperty a = CBoolProperty
- type BoxSizer a = Sizer (CBoxSizer a)
- type TBoxSizer a = TSizer (CBoxSizer a)
- data CBoxSizer a = CBoxSizer
- type Brush a = GDIObject (CBrush a)
- type TBrush a = TGDIObject (CBrush a)
- data CBrush a = CBrush
- type BrushList a = List (CBrushList a)
- type TBrushList a = TList (CBrushList a)
- data CBrushList a = CBrushList
- type BufferedDC a = DC (CBufferedDC a)
- type TBufferedDC a = TDC (CBufferedDC a)
- data CBufferedDC a = CBufferedDC
- type BufferedInputStream a = FilterInputStream (CBufferedInputStream a)
- type TBufferedInputStream a = TFilterInputStream (CBufferedInputStream a)
- data CBufferedInputStream a = CBufferedInputStream
- type BufferedOutputStream a = FilterOutputStream (CBufferedOutputStream a)
- type TBufferedOutputStream a = TFilterOutputStream (CBufferedOutputStream a)
- data CBufferedOutputStream a = CBufferedOutputStream
- type BufferedPaintDC a = DC (CBufferedPaintDC a)
- type TBufferedPaintDC a = TDC (CBufferedPaintDC a)
- data CBufferedPaintDC a = CBufferedPaintDC
- type BusyCursor a = Object (CBusyCursor a)
- type TBusyCursor a = CBusyCursor a
- data CBusyCursor a = CBusyCursor
- type BusyInfo a = Object (CBusyInfo a)
- type TBusyInfo a = CBusyInfo a
- data CBusyInfo a = CBusyInfo
- type Button a = Control (CButton a)
- type TButton a = TControl (CButton a)
- data CButton a = CButton
- type CSConv a = MBConv (CCSConv a)
- type TCSConv a = TMBConv (CCSConv a)
- data CCSConv a = CCSConv
- type CalculateLayoutEvent a = Event (CCalculateLayoutEvent a)
- type TCalculateLayoutEvent a = TEvent (CCalculateLayoutEvent a)
- data CCalculateLayoutEvent a = CCalculateLayoutEvent
- type CalendarCtrl a = Control (CCalendarCtrl a)
- type TCalendarCtrl a = TControl (CCalendarCtrl a)
- data CCalendarCtrl a = CCalendarCtrl
- type CalendarDateAttr a = Object (CCalendarDateAttr a)
- type TCalendarDateAttr a = CCalendarDateAttr a
- data CCalendarDateAttr a = CCalendarDateAttr
- type CalendarEvent a = CommandEvent (CCalendarEvent a)
- type TCalendarEvent a = TCommandEvent (CCalendarEvent a)
- data CCalendarEvent a = CCalendarEvent
- type Caret a = Object (CCaret a)
- type TCaret a = CCaret a
- data CCaret a = CCaret
- type CbAntiflickerPlugin a = CbPluginBase (CCbAntiflickerPlugin a)
- type TCbAntiflickerPlugin a = TCbPluginBase (CCbAntiflickerPlugin a)
- data CCbAntiflickerPlugin a = CCbAntiflickerPlugin
- type CbBarDragPlugin a = CbPluginBase (CCbBarDragPlugin a)
- type TCbBarDragPlugin a = TCbPluginBase (CCbBarDragPlugin a)
- data CCbBarDragPlugin a = CCbBarDragPlugin
- type CbBarHintsPlugin a = CbPluginBase (CCbBarHintsPlugin a)
- type TCbBarHintsPlugin a = TCbPluginBase (CCbBarHintsPlugin a)
- data CCbBarHintsPlugin a = CCbBarHintsPlugin
- type CbBarInfo a = WxObject (CCbBarInfo a)
- type TCbBarInfo a = TWxObject (CCbBarInfo a)
- data CCbBarInfo a = CCbBarInfo
- type CbBarSpy a = EvtHandler (CCbBarSpy a)
- type TCbBarSpy a = TEvtHandler (CCbBarSpy a)
- data CCbBarSpy a = CCbBarSpy
- type CbCloseBox a = CbMiniButton (CCbCloseBox a)
- type TCbCloseBox a = TCbMiniButton (CCbCloseBox a)
- data CCbCloseBox a = CCbCloseBox
- type CbCollapseBox a = CbMiniButton (CCbCollapseBox a)
- type TCbCollapseBox a = TCbMiniButton (CCbCollapseBox a)
- data CCbCollapseBox a = CCbCollapseBox
- type CbCommonPaneProperties a = WxObject (CCbCommonPaneProperties a)
- type TCbCommonPaneProperties a = TWxObject (CCbCommonPaneProperties a)
- data CCbCommonPaneProperties a = CCbCommonPaneProperties
- type CbCustomizeBarEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbCustomizeBarEvent a)
- type TCbCustomizeBarEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbCustomizeBarEvent a)
- data CCbCustomizeBarEvent a = CCbCustomizeBarEvent
- type CbCustomizeLayoutEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbCustomizeLayoutEvent a)
- type TCbCustomizeLayoutEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbCustomizeLayoutEvent a)
- data CCbCustomizeLayoutEvent a = CCbCustomizeLayoutEvent
- type CbDimHandlerBase a = WxObject (CCbDimHandlerBase a)
- type TCbDimHandlerBase a = TWxObject (CCbDimHandlerBase a)
- data CCbDimHandlerBase a = CCbDimHandlerBase
- type CbDimInfo a = WxObject (CCbDimInfo a)
- type TCbDimInfo a = TWxObject (CCbDimInfo a)
- data CCbDimInfo a = CCbDimInfo
- type CbDockBox a = CbMiniButton (CCbDockBox a)
- type TCbDockBox a = TCbMiniButton (CCbDockBox a)
- data CCbDockBox a = CCbDockBox
- type CbDockPane a = WxObject (CCbDockPane a)
- type TCbDockPane a = TWxObject (CCbDockPane a)
- data CCbDockPane a = CCbDockPane
- type CbDrawBarDecorEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbDrawBarDecorEvent a)
- type TCbDrawBarDecorEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbDrawBarDecorEvent a)
- data CCbDrawBarDecorEvent a = CCbDrawBarDecorEvent
- type CbDrawBarHandlesEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbDrawBarHandlesEvent a)
- type TCbDrawBarHandlesEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbDrawBarHandlesEvent a)
- data CCbDrawBarHandlesEvent a = CCbDrawBarHandlesEvent
- type CbDrawHintRectEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbDrawHintRectEvent a)
- type TCbDrawHintRectEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbDrawHintRectEvent a)
- data CCbDrawHintRectEvent a = CCbDrawHintRectEvent
- type CbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent a)
- type TCbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent a)
- data CCbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent a = CCbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent
- type CbDrawPaneDecorEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbDrawPaneDecorEvent a)
- type TCbDrawPaneDecorEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbDrawPaneDecorEvent a)
- data CCbDrawPaneDecorEvent a = CCbDrawPaneDecorEvent
- type CbDrawRowBkGroundEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbDrawRowBkGroundEvent a)
- type TCbDrawRowBkGroundEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbDrawRowBkGroundEvent a)
- data CCbDrawRowBkGroundEvent a = CCbDrawRowBkGroundEvent
- type CbDrawRowDecorEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbDrawRowDecorEvent a)
- type TCbDrawRowDecorEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbDrawRowDecorEvent a)
- data CCbDrawRowDecorEvent a = CCbDrawRowDecorEvent
- type CbDrawRowHandlesEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbDrawRowHandlesEvent a)
- type TCbDrawRowHandlesEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbDrawRowHandlesEvent a)
- data CCbDrawRowHandlesEvent a = CCbDrawRowHandlesEvent
- type CbDynToolBarDimHandler a = CbDimHandlerBase (CCbDynToolBarDimHandler a)
- type TCbDynToolBarDimHandler a = TCbDimHandlerBase (CCbDynToolBarDimHandler a)
- data CCbDynToolBarDimHandler a = CCbDynToolBarDimHandler
- type CbFinishDrawInAreaEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbFinishDrawInAreaEvent a)
- type TCbFinishDrawInAreaEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbFinishDrawInAreaEvent a)
- data CCbFinishDrawInAreaEvent a = CCbFinishDrawInAreaEvent
- type CbFloatedBarWindow a = ToolWindow (CCbFloatedBarWindow a)
- type TCbFloatedBarWindow a = TToolWindow (CCbFloatedBarWindow a)
- data CCbFloatedBarWindow a = CCbFloatedBarWindow
- type CbGCUpdatesMgr a = CbSimpleUpdatesMgr (CCbGCUpdatesMgr a)
- type TCbGCUpdatesMgr a = TCbSimpleUpdatesMgr (CCbGCUpdatesMgr a)
- data CCbGCUpdatesMgr a = CCbGCUpdatesMgr
- type CbHintAnimationPlugin a = CbPluginBase (CCbHintAnimationPlugin a)
- type TCbHintAnimationPlugin a = TCbPluginBase (CCbHintAnimationPlugin a)
- data CCbHintAnimationPlugin a = CCbHintAnimationPlugin
- type CbInsertBarEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbInsertBarEvent a)
- type TCbInsertBarEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbInsertBarEvent a)
- data CCbInsertBarEvent a = CCbInsertBarEvent
- type CbLayoutRowEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbLayoutRowEvent a)
- type TCbLayoutRowEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbLayoutRowEvent a)
- data CCbLayoutRowEvent a = CCbLayoutRowEvent
- type CbLeftDClickEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbLeftDClickEvent a)
- type TCbLeftDClickEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbLeftDClickEvent a)
- data CCbLeftDClickEvent a = CCbLeftDClickEvent
- type CbLeftDownEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbLeftDownEvent a)
- type TCbLeftDownEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbLeftDownEvent a)
- data CCbLeftDownEvent a = CCbLeftDownEvent
- type CbLeftUpEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbLeftUpEvent a)
- type TCbLeftUpEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbLeftUpEvent a)
- data CCbLeftUpEvent a = CCbLeftUpEvent
- type CbMiniButton a = WxObject (CCbMiniButton a)
- type TCbMiniButton a = TWxObject (CCbMiniButton a)
- data CCbMiniButton a = CCbMiniButton
- type CbMotionEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbMotionEvent a)
- type TCbMotionEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbMotionEvent a)
- data CCbMotionEvent a = CCbMotionEvent
- type CbPaneDrawPlugin a = CbPluginBase (CCbPaneDrawPlugin a)
- type TCbPaneDrawPlugin a = TCbPluginBase (CCbPaneDrawPlugin a)
- data CCbPaneDrawPlugin a = CCbPaneDrawPlugin
- type CbPluginBase a = EvtHandler (CCbPluginBase a)
- type TCbPluginBase a = TEvtHandler (CCbPluginBase a)
- data CCbPluginBase a = CCbPluginBase
- type CbPluginEvent a = Event (CCbPluginEvent a)
- type TCbPluginEvent a = TEvent (CCbPluginEvent a)
- data CCbPluginEvent a = CCbPluginEvent
- type CbRemoveBarEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbRemoveBarEvent a)
- type TCbRemoveBarEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbRemoveBarEvent a)
- data CCbRemoveBarEvent a = CCbRemoveBarEvent
- type CbResizeBarEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbResizeBarEvent a)
- type TCbResizeBarEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbResizeBarEvent a)
- data CCbResizeBarEvent a = CCbResizeBarEvent
- type CbResizeRowEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbResizeRowEvent a)
- type TCbResizeRowEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbResizeRowEvent a)
- data CCbResizeRowEvent a = CCbResizeRowEvent
- type CbRightDownEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbRightDownEvent a)
- type TCbRightDownEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbRightDownEvent a)
- data CCbRightDownEvent a = CCbRightDownEvent
- type CbRightUpEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbRightUpEvent a)
- type TCbRightUpEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbRightUpEvent a)
- data CCbRightUpEvent a = CCbRightUpEvent
- type CbRowDragPlugin a = CbPluginBase (CCbRowDragPlugin a)
- type TCbRowDragPlugin a = TCbPluginBase (CCbRowDragPlugin a)
- data CCbRowDragPlugin a = CCbRowDragPlugin
- type CbRowInfo a = WxObject (CCbRowInfo a)
- type TCbRowInfo a = TWxObject (CCbRowInfo a)
- data CCbRowInfo a = CCbRowInfo
- type CbRowLayoutPlugin a = CbPluginBase (CCbRowLayoutPlugin a)
- type TCbRowLayoutPlugin a = TCbPluginBase (CCbRowLayoutPlugin a)
- data CCbRowLayoutPlugin a = CCbRowLayoutPlugin
- type CbSimpleCustomizationPlugin a = CbPluginBase (CCbSimpleCustomizationPlugin a)
- type TCbSimpleCustomizationPlugin a = TCbPluginBase (CCbSimpleCustomizationPlugin a)
- data CCbSimpleCustomizationPlugin a = CCbSimpleCustomizationPlugin
- type CbSimpleUpdatesMgr a = CbUpdatesManagerBase (CCbSimpleUpdatesMgr a)
- type TCbSimpleUpdatesMgr a = TCbUpdatesManagerBase (CCbSimpleUpdatesMgr a)
- data CCbSimpleUpdatesMgr a = CCbSimpleUpdatesMgr
- type CbSizeBarWndEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbSizeBarWndEvent a)
- type TCbSizeBarWndEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbSizeBarWndEvent a)
- data CCbSizeBarWndEvent a = CCbSizeBarWndEvent
- type CbStartBarDraggingEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbStartBarDraggingEvent a)
- type TCbStartBarDraggingEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbStartBarDraggingEvent a)
- data CCbStartBarDraggingEvent a = CCbStartBarDraggingEvent
- type CbStartDrawInAreaEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbStartDrawInAreaEvent a)
- type TCbStartDrawInAreaEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbStartDrawInAreaEvent a)
- data CCbStartDrawInAreaEvent a = CCbStartDrawInAreaEvent
- type CbUpdatesManagerBase a = WxObject (CCbUpdatesManagerBase a)
- type TCbUpdatesManagerBase a = TWxObject (CCbUpdatesManagerBase a)
- data CCbUpdatesManagerBase a = CCbUpdatesManagerBase
- type CheckBox a = Control (CCheckBox a)
- type TCheckBox a = TControl (CCheckBox a)
- data CCheckBox a = CCheckBox
- type CheckListBox a = ListBox (CCheckListBox a)
- type TCheckListBox a = TListBox (CCheckListBox a)
- data CCheckListBox a = CCheckListBox
- type Choice a = Control (CChoice a)
- type TChoice a = TControl (CChoice a)
- data CChoice a = CChoice
- type ClassInfo a = Object (CClassInfo a)
- type TClassInfo a = CClassInfo a
- data CClassInfo a = CClassInfo
- type Client a = ClientBase (CClient a)
- type TClient a = TClientBase (CClient a)
- data CClient a = CClient
- type ClientBase a = WxObject (CClientBase a)
- type TClientBase a = TWxObject (CClientBase a)
- data CClientBase a = CClientBase
- type ClientDC a = WindowDC (CClientDC a)
- type TClientDC a = TWindowDC (CClientDC a)
- data CClientDC a = CClientDC
- type ClientData a = Object (CClientData a)
- type TClientData a = CClientData a
- data CClientData a = CClientData
- type ClientDataContainer a = Object (CClientDataContainer a)
- type TClientDataContainer a = CClientDataContainer a
- data CClientDataContainer a = CClientDataContainer
- type Clipboard a = WxObject (CClipboard a)
- type TClipboard a = TWxObject (CClipboard a)
- data CClipboard a = CClipboard
- type CloseEvent a = Event (CCloseEvent a)
- type TCloseEvent a = TEvent (CCloseEvent a)
- data CCloseEvent a = CCloseEvent
- type Closure a = WxObject (CClosure a)
- type TClosure a = TWxObject (CClosure a)
- data CClosure a = CClosure
- type Colour a = WxObject (CColour a)
- type TColour a = TWxObject (CColour a)
- data CColour a = CColour
- type ColourData a = WxObject (CColourData a)
- type TColourData a = TWxObject (CColourData a)
- data CColourData a = CColourData
- type ColourDatabase a = List (CColourDatabase a)
- type TColourDatabase a = TList (CColourDatabase a)
- data CColourDatabase a = CColourDatabase
- type ColourDialog a = Dialog (CColourDialog a)
- type TColourDialog a = TDialog (CColourDialog a)
- data CColourDialog a = CColourDialog
- type ColourPickerCtrl a = PickerBase (CColourPickerCtrl a)
- type TColourPickerCtrl a = TPickerBase (CColourPickerCtrl a)
- data CColourPickerCtrl a = CColourPickerCtrl
- type ComboBox a = Choice (CComboBox a)
- type TComboBox a = TChoice (CComboBox a)
- data CComboBox a = CComboBox
- type Command a = WxObject (CCommand a)
- type TCommand a = TWxObject (CCommand a)
- data CCommand a = CCommand
- type CommandEvent a = Event (CCommandEvent a)
- type TCommandEvent a = TEvent (CCommandEvent a)
- data CCommandEvent a = CCommandEvent
- type CommandLineParser a = Object (CCommandLineParser a)
- type TCommandLineParser a = CCommandLineParser a
- data CCommandLineParser a = CCommandLineParser
- type CommandProcessor a = WxObject (CCommandProcessor a)
- type TCommandProcessor a = TWxObject (CCommandProcessor a)
- data CCommandProcessor a = CCommandProcessor
- type Condition a = Object (CCondition a)
- type TCondition a = CCondition a
- data CCondition a = CCondition
- type ConfigBase a = Object (CConfigBase a)
- type TConfigBase a = CConfigBase a
- data CConfigBase a = CConfigBase
- type Connection a = ConnectionBase (CConnection a)
- type TConnection a = TConnectionBase (CConnection a)
- data CConnection a = CConnection
- type ConnectionBase a = WxObject (CConnectionBase a)
- type TConnectionBase a = TWxObject (CConnectionBase a)
- data CConnectionBase a = CConnectionBase
- type ContextHelp a = WxObject (CContextHelp a)
- type TContextHelp a = TWxObject (CContextHelp a)
- data CContextHelp a = CContextHelp
- type ContextHelpButton a = BitmapButton (CContextHelpButton a)
- type TContextHelpButton a = TBitmapButton (CContextHelpButton a)
- data CContextHelpButton a = CContextHelpButton
- type Control a = Window (CControl a)
- type TControl a = TWindow (CControl a)
- data CControl a = CControl
- type CountingOutputStream a = OutputStream (CCountingOutputStream a)
- type TCountingOutputStream a = TOutputStream (CCountingOutputStream a)
- data CCountingOutputStream a = CCountingOutputStream
- type CriticalSection a = Object (CCriticalSection a)
- type TCriticalSection a = CCriticalSection a
- data CCriticalSection a = CCriticalSection
- type CriticalSectionLocker a = Object (CCriticalSectionLocker a)
- type TCriticalSectionLocker a = CCriticalSectionLocker a
- data CCriticalSectionLocker a = CCriticalSectionLocker
- type Cursor a = Bitmap (CCursor a)
- type TCursor a = TBitmap (CCursor a)
- data CCursor a = CCursor
- type CustomDataObject a = DataObjectSimple (CCustomDataObject a)
- type TCustomDataObject a = TDataObjectSimple (CCustomDataObject a)
- data CCustomDataObject a = CCustomDataObject
- type DC a = WxObject (CDC a)
- type TDC a = TWxObject (CDC a)
- data CDC a = CDC
- type DCClipper a = Object (CDCClipper a)
- type TDCClipper a = CDCClipper a
- data CDCClipper a = CDCClipper
- type DDEClient a = ClientBase (CDDEClient a)
- type TDDEClient a = TClientBase (CDDEClient a)
- data CDDEClient a = CDDEClient
- type DDEConnection a = ConnectionBase (CDDEConnection a)
- type TDDEConnection a = TConnectionBase (CDDEConnection a)
- data CDDEConnection a = CDDEConnection
- type DDEServer a = ServerBase (CDDEServer a)
- type TDDEServer a = TServerBase (CDDEServer a)
- data CDDEServer a = CDDEServer
- type DataFormat a = Object (CDataFormat a)
- type TDataFormat a = CDataFormat a
- data CDataFormat a = CDataFormat
- type DataInputStream a = Object (CDataInputStream a)
- type TDataInputStream a = CDataInputStream a
- data CDataInputStream a = CDataInputStream
- type DataObject a = Object (CDataObject a)
- type TDataObject a = CDataObject a
- data CDataObject a = CDataObject
- type DataObjectComposite a = DataObject (CDataObjectComposite a)
- type TDataObjectComposite a = TDataObject (CDataObjectComposite a)
- data CDataObjectComposite a = CDataObjectComposite
- type DataObjectSimple a = DataObject (CDataObjectSimple a)
- type TDataObjectSimple a = TDataObject (CDataObjectSimple a)
- data CDataObjectSimple a = CDataObjectSimple
- type DataOutputStream a = Object (CDataOutputStream a)
- type TDataOutputStream a = CDataOutputStream a
- data CDataOutputStream a = CDataOutputStream
- type Database a = WxObject (CDatabase a)
- type TDatabase a = TWxObject (CDatabase a)
- data CDatabase a = CDatabase
- type DateProperty a = PGProperty (CDateProperty a)
- type TDateProperty a = TPGProperty (CDateProperty a)
- data CDateProperty a = CDateProperty
- type DateTime a = Object (CDateTime a)
- type TDateTime a = CDateTime a
- data CDateTime a = CDateTime
- type Db a = Object (CDb a)
- type TDb a = CDb a
- data CDb a = CDb
- type DbColDef a = Object (CDbColDef a)
- type TDbColDef a = CDbColDef a
- data CDbColDef a = CDbColDef
- type DbColFor a = Object (CDbColFor a)
- type TDbColFor a = CDbColFor a
- data CDbColFor a = CDbColFor
- type DbColInf a = Object (CDbColInf a)
- type TDbColInf a = CDbColInf a
- data CDbColInf a = CDbColInf
- type DbConnectInf a = Object (CDbConnectInf a)
- type TDbConnectInf a = CDbConnectInf a
- data CDbConnectInf a = CDbConnectInf
- type DbInf a = Object (CDbInf a)
- type TDbInf a = CDbInf a
- data CDbInf a = CDbInf
- type DbSqlTypeInfo a = Object (CDbSqlTypeInfo a)
- type TDbSqlTypeInfo a = CDbSqlTypeInfo a
- data CDbSqlTypeInfo a = CDbSqlTypeInfo
- type DbTable a = Object (CDbTable a)
- type TDbTable a = CDbTable a
- data CDbTable a = CDbTable
- type DbTableInfo a = Object (CDbTableInfo a)
- type TDbTableInfo a = CDbTableInfo a
- data CDbTableInfo a = CDbTableInfo
- type DebugContext a = Object (CDebugContext a)
- type TDebugContext a = CDebugContext a
- data CDebugContext a = CDebugContext
- type DialUpEvent a = Event (CDialUpEvent a)
- type TDialUpEvent a = TEvent (CDialUpEvent a)
- data CDialUpEvent a = CDialUpEvent
- type DialUpManager a = Object (CDialUpManager a)
- type TDialUpManager a = CDialUpManager a
- data CDialUpManager a = CDialUpManager
- type Dialog a = TopLevelWindow (CDialog a)
- type TDialog a = TTopLevelWindow (CDialog a)
- data CDialog a = CDialog
- type DirDialog a = Dialog (CDirDialog a)
- type TDirDialog a = TDialog (CDirDialog a)
- data CDirDialog a = CDirDialog
- type DirTraverser a = Object (CDirTraverser a)
- type TDirTraverser a = CDirTraverser a
- data CDirTraverser a = CDirTraverser
- type DocChildFrame a = Frame (CDocChildFrame a)
- type TDocChildFrame a = TFrame (CDocChildFrame a)
- data CDocChildFrame a = CDocChildFrame
- type DocMDIChildFrame a = MDIChildFrame (CDocMDIChildFrame a)
- type TDocMDIChildFrame a = TMDIChildFrame (CDocMDIChildFrame a)
- data CDocMDIChildFrame a = CDocMDIChildFrame
- type DocMDIParentFrame a = MDIParentFrame (CDocMDIParentFrame a)
- type TDocMDIParentFrame a = TMDIParentFrame (CDocMDIParentFrame a)
- data CDocMDIParentFrame a = CDocMDIParentFrame
- type DocManager a = EvtHandler (CDocManager a)
- type TDocManager a = TEvtHandler (CDocManager a)
- data CDocManager a = CDocManager
- type DocParentFrame a = Frame (CDocParentFrame a)
- type TDocParentFrame a = TFrame (CDocParentFrame a)
- data CDocParentFrame a = CDocParentFrame
- type DocTemplate a = WxObject (CDocTemplate a)
- type TDocTemplate a = TWxObject (CDocTemplate a)
- data CDocTemplate a = CDocTemplate
- type Document a = EvtHandler (CDocument a)
- type TDocument a = TEvtHandler (CDocument a)
- data CDocument a = CDocument
- type DragImage a = WxObject (CDragImage a)
- type TDragImage a = TWxObject (CDragImage a)
- data CDragImage a = CDragImage
- type DrawControl a = Control (CDrawControl a)
- type TDrawControl a = TControl (CDrawControl a)
- data CDrawControl a = CDrawControl
- type DrawWindow a = Window (CDrawWindow a)
- type TDrawWindow a = TWindow (CDrawWindow a)
- data CDrawWindow a = CDrawWindow
- type DropFilesEvent a = Event (CDropFilesEvent a)
- type TDropFilesEvent a = TEvent (CDropFilesEvent a)
- data CDropFilesEvent a = CDropFilesEvent
- type DropSource a = Object (CDropSource a)
- type TDropSource a = CDropSource a
- data CDropSource a = CDropSource
- type DropTarget a = Object (CDropTarget a)
- type TDropTarget a = CDropTarget a
- data CDropTarget a = CDropTarget
- type DynToolInfo a = ToolLayoutItem (CDynToolInfo a)
- type TDynToolInfo a = TToolLayoutItem (CDynToolInfo a)
- data CDynToolInfo a = CDynToolInfo
- type DynamicLibrary a = Object (CDynamicLibrary a)
- type TDynamicLibrary a = CDynamicLibrary a
- data CDynamicLibrary a = CDynamicLibrary
- type DynamicSashWindow a = Window (CDynamicSashWindow a)
- type TDynamicSashWindow a = TWindow (CDynamicSashWindow a)
- data CDynamicSashWindow a = CDynamicSashWindow
- type DynamicToolBar a = ToolBarBase (CDynamicToolBar a)
- type TDynamicToolBar a = TToolBarBase (CDynamicToolBar a)
- data CDynamicToolBar a = CDynamicToolBar
- type EditableListBox a = Panel (CEditableListBox a)
- type TEditableListBox a = TPanel (CEditableListBox a)
- data CEditableListBox a = CEditableListBox
- type EncodingConverter a = WxObject (CEncodingConverter a)
- type TEncodingConverter a = TWxObject (CEncodingConverter a)
- data CEncodingConverter a = CEncodingConverter
- type EraseEvent a = Event (CEraseEvent a)
- type TEraseEvent a = TEvent (CEraseEvent a)
- data CEraseEvent a = CEraseEvent
- type Event a = WxObject (CEvent a)
- type TEvent a = TWxObject (CEvent a)
- data CEvent a = CEvent
- type EvtHandler a = WxObject (CEvtHandler a)
- type TEvtHandler a = TWxObject (CEvtHandler a)
- data CEvtHandler a = CEvtHandler
- type ExprDatabase a = List (CExprDatabase a)
- type TExprDatabase a = TList (CExprDatabase a)
- data CExprDatabase a = CExprDatabase
- type FFile a = Object (CFFile a)
- type TFFile a = CFFile a
- data CFFile a = CFFile
- type FFileInputStream a = InputStream (CFFileInputStream a)
- type TFFileInputStream a = TInputStream (CFFileInputStream a)
- data CFFileInputStream a = CFFileInputStream
- type FFileOutputStream a = OutputStream (CFFileOutputStream a)
- type TFFileOutputStream a = TOutputStream (CFFileOutputStream a)
- data CFFileOutputStream a = CFFileOutputStream
- type FSFile a = WxObject (CFSFile a)
- type TFSFile a = TWxObject (CFSFile a)
- data CFSFile a = CFSFile
- type FTP a = Protocol (CFTP a)
- type TFTP a = TProtocol (CFTP a)
- data CFTP a = CFTP
- type FileConfig a = ConfigBase (CFileConfig a)
- type TFileConfig a = TConfigBase (CFileConfig a)
- data CFileConfig a = CFileConfig
- type FileDataObject a = DataObjectSimple (CFileDataObject a)
- type TFileDataObject a = TDataObjectSimple (CFileDataObject a)
- data CFileDataObject a = CFileDataObject
- type FileDialog a = Dialog (CFileDialog a)
- type TFileDialog a = TDialog (CFileDialog a)
- data CFileDialog a = CFileDialog
- type FileDropTarget a = DropTarget (CFileDropTarget a)
- type TFileDropTarget a = TDropTarget (CFileDropTarget a)
- data CFileDropTarget a = CFileDropTarget
- type FileHistory a = WxObject (CFileHistory a)
- type TFileHistory a = TWxObject (CFileHistory a)
- data CFileHistory a = CFileHistory
- type FileInputStream a = InputStream (CFileInputStream a)
- type TFileInputStream a = TInputStream (CFileInputStream a)
- data CFileInputStream a = CFileInputStream
- type FileName a = Object (CFileName a)
- type TFileName a = CFileName a
- data CFileName a = CFileName
- type FileOutputStream a = OutputStream (CFileOutputStream a)
- type TFileOutputStream a = TOutputStream (CFileOutputStream a)
- data CFileOutputStream a = CFileOutputStream
- type FileProperty a = PGProperty (CFileProperty a)
- type TFileProperty a = TPGProperty (CFileProperty a)
- data CFileProperty a = CFileProperty
- type FileSystem a = WxObject (CFileSystem a)
- type TFileSystem a = TWxObject (CFileSystem a)
- data CFileSystem a = CFileSystem
- type FileSystemHandler a = WxObject (CFileSystemHandler a)
- type TFileSystemHandler a = TWxObject (CFileSystemHandler a)
- data CFileSystemHandler a = CFileSystemHandler
- type FileType a = Object (CFileType a)
- type TFileType a = CFileType a
- data CFileType a = CFileType
- type FilterInputStream a = InputStream (CFilterInputStream a)
- type TFilterInputStream a = TInputStream (CFilterInputStream a)
- data CFilterInputStream a = CFilterInputStream
- type FilterOutputStream a = OutputStream (CFilterOutputStream a)
- type TFilterOutputStream a = TOutputStream (CFilterOutputStream a)
- data CFilterOutputStream a = CFilterOutputStream
- type FindDialogEvent a = CommandEvent (CFindDialogEvent a)
- type TFindDialogEvent a = TCommandEvent (CFindDialogEvent a)
- data CFindDialogEvent a = CFindDialogEvent
- type FindReplaceData a = WxObject (CFindReplaceData a)
- type TFindReplaceData a = TWxObject (CFindReplaceData a)
- data CFindReplaceData a = CFindReplaceData
- type FindReplaceDialog a = Dialog (CFindReplaceDialog a)
- type TFindReplaceDialog a = TDialog (CFindReplaceDialog a)
- data CFindReplaceDialog a = CFindReplaceDialog
- type FlexGridSizer a = GridSizer (CFlexGridSizer a)
- type TFlexGridSizer a = TGridSizer (CFlexGridSizer a)
- data CFlexGridSizer a = CFlexGridSizer
- type FloatProperty a = PGProperty (CFloatProperty a)
- type TFloatProperty a = TPGProperty (CFloatProperty a)
- data CFloatProperty a = CFloatProperty
- type FocusEvent a = Event (CFocusEvent a)
- type TFocusEvent a = TEvent (CFocusEvent a)
- data CFocusEvent a = CFocusEvent
- type Font a = GDIObject (CFont a)
- type TFont a = TGDIObject (CFont a)
- data CFont a = CFont
- type FontData a = WxObject (CFontData a)
- type TFontData a = TWxObject (CFontData a)
- data CFontData a = CFontData
- type FontDialog a = Dialog (CFontDialog a)
- type TFontDialog a = TDialog (CFontDialog a)
- data CFontDialog a = CFontDialog
- type FontEnumerator a = Object (CFontEnumerator a)
- type TFontEnumerator a = CFontEnumerator a
- data CFontEnumerator a = CFontEnumerator
- type FontList a = List (CFontList a)
- type TFontList a = TList (CFontList a)
- data CFontList a = CFontList
- type FontMapper a = Object (CFontMapper a)
- type TFontMapper a = CFontMapper a
- data CFontMapper a = CFontMapper
- type Frame a = TopLevelWindow (CFrame a)
- type TFrame a = TTopLevelWindow (CFrame a)
- data CFrame a = CFrame
- type FrameLayout a = EvtHandler (CFrameLayout a)
- type TFrameLayout a = TEvtHandler (CFrameLayout a)
- data CFrameLayout a = CFrameLayout
- type GCDC a = DC (CGCDC a)
- type TGCDC a = TDC (CGCDC a)
- data CGCDC a = CGCDC
- type GDIObject a = WxObject (CGDIObject a)
- type TGDIObject a = TWxObject (CGDIObject a)
- data CGDIObject a = CGDIObject
- type GLCanvas a = Window (CGLCanvas a)
- type TGLCanvas a = TWindow (CGLCanvas a)
- data CGLCanvas a = CGLCanvas
- type GLContext a = WxObject (CGLContext a)
- type TGLContext a = TWxObject (CGLContext a)
- data CGLContext a = CGLContext
- type Gauge a = Control (CGauge a)
- type TGauge a = TControl (CGauge a)
- data CGauge a = CGauge
- type Gauge95 a = Gauge (CGauge95 a)
- type TGauge95 a = TGauge (CGauge95 a)
- data CGauge95 a = CGauge95
- type GaugeMSW a = Gauge (CGaugeMSW a)
- type TGaugeMSW a = TGauge (CGaugeMSW a)
- data CGaugeMSW a = CGaugeMSW
- type GenericDirCtrl a = Control (CGenericDirCtrl a)
- type TGenericDirCtrl a = TControl (CGenericDirCtrl a)
- data CGenericDirCtrl a = CGenericDirCtrl
- type GenericDragImage a = DragImage (CGenericDragImage a)
- type TGenericDragImage a = TDragImage (CGenericDragImage a)
- data CGenericDragImage a = CGenericDragImage
- type GenericValidator a = Validator (CGenericValidator a)
- type TGenericValidator a = TValidator (CGenericValidator a)
- data CGenericValidator a = CGenericValidator
- type GraphicsBrush a = GraphicsObject (CGraphicsBrush a)
- type TGraphicsBrush a = TGraphicsObject (CGraphicsBrush a)
- data CGraphicsBrush a = CGraphicsBrush
- type GraphicsContext a = GraphicsObject (CGraphicsContext a)
- type TGraphicsContext a = TGraphicsObject (CGraphicsContext a)
- data CGraphicsContext a = CGraphicsContext
- type GraphicsFont a = GraphicsObject (CGraphicsFont a)
- type TGraphicsFont a = TGraphicsObject (CGraphicsFont a)
- data CGraphicsFont a = CGraphicsFont
- type GraphicsMatrix a = GraphicsObject (CGraphicsMatrix a)
- type TGraphicsMatrix a = TGraphicsObject (CGraphicsMatrix a)
- data CGraphicsMatrix a = CGraphicsMatrix
- type GraphicsObject a = WxObject (CGraphicsObject a)
- type TGraphicsObject a = TWxObject (CGraphicsObject a)
- data CGraphicsObject a = CGraphicsObject
- type GraphicsPath a = GraphicsObject (CGraphicsPath a)
- type TGraphicsPath a = TGraphicsObject (CGraphicsPath a)
- data CGraphicsPath a = CGraphicsPath
- type GraphicsPen a = GraphicsObject (CGraphicsPen a)
- type TGraphicsPen a = TGraphicsObject (CGraphicsPen a)
- data CGraphicsPen a = CGraphicsPen
- type GraphicsRenderer a = GraphicsObject (CGraphicsRenderer a)
- type TGraphicsRenderer a = TGraphicsObject (CGraphicsRenderer a)
- data CGraphicsRenderer a = CGraphicsRenderer
- type Grid a = ScrolledWindow (CGrid a)
- type TGrid a = TScrolledWindow (CGrid a)
- data CGrid a = CGrid
- type GridCellAttr a = Object (CGridCellAttr a)
- type TGridCellAttr a = CGridCellAttr a
- data CGridCellAttr a = CGridCellAttr
- type GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer a = GridCellStringRenderer (CGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer a)
- type TGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer a = TGridCellStringRenderer (CGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer a)
- data CGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer a = CGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer
- type GridCellBoolEditor a = GridCellEditor (CGridCellBoolEditor a)
- type TGridCellBoolEditor a = TGridCellEditor (CGridCellBoolEditor a)
- data CGridCellBoolEditor a = CGridCellBoolEditor
- type GridCellBoolRenderer a = GridCellRenderer (CGridCellBoolRenderer a)
- type TGridCellBoolRenderer a = TGridCellRenderer (CGridCellBoolRenderer a)
- data CGridCellBoolRenderer a = CGridCellBoolRenderer
- type GridCellChoiceEditor a = GridCellEditor (CGridCellChoiceEditor a)
- type TGridCellChoiceEditor a = TGridCellEditor (CGridCellChoiceEditor a)
- data CGridCellChoiceEditor a = CGridCellChoiceEditor
- type GridCellCoordsArray a = Object (CGridCellCoordsArray a)
- type TGridCellCoordsArray a = CGridCellCoordsArray a
- data CGridCellCoordsArray a = CGridCellCoordsArray
- type GridCellEditor a = GridCellWorker (CGridCellEditor a)
- type TGridCellEditor a = TGridCellWorker (CGridCellEditor a)
- data CGridCellEditor a = CGridCellEditor
- type GridCellFloatEditor a = GridCellTextEditor (CGridCellFloatEditor a)
- type TGridCellFloatEditor a = TGridCellTextEditor (CGridCellFloatEditor a)
- data CGridCellFloatEditor a = CGridCellFloatEditor
- type GridCellFloatRenderer a = GridCellStringRenderer (CGridCellFloatRenderer a)
- type TGridCellFloatRenderer a = TGridCellStringRenderer (CGridCellFloatRenderer a)
- data CGridCellFloatRenderer a = CGridCellFloatRenderer
- type GridCellNumberEditor a = GridCellTextEditor (CGridCellNumberEditor a)
- type TGridCellNumberEditor a = TGridCellTextEditor (CGridCellNumberEditor a)
- data CGridCellNumberEditor a = CGridCellNumberEditor
- type GridCellNumberRenderer a = GridCellStringRenderer (CGridCellNumberRenderer a)
- type TGridCellNumberRenderer a = TGridCellStringRenderer (CGridCellNumberRenderer a)
- data CGridCellNumberRenderer a = CGridCellNumberRenderer
- type GridCellRenderer a = GridCellWorker (CGridCellRenderer a)
- type TGridCellRenderer a = TGridCellWorker (CGridCellRenderer a)
- data CGridCellRenderer a = CGridCellRenderer
- type GridCellStringRenderer a = GridCellRenderer (CGridCellStringRenderer a)
- type TGridCellStringRenderer a = TGridCellRenderer (CGridCellStringRenderer a)
- data CGridCellStringRenderer a = CGridCellStringRenderer
- type GridCellTextEditor a = GridCellEditor (CGridCellTextEditor a)
- type TGridCellTextEditor a = TGridCellEditor (CGridCellTextEditor a)
- data CGridCellTextEditor a = CGridCellTextEditor
- type GridCellTextEnterEditor a = GridCellTextEditor (CGridCellTextEnterEditor a)
- type TGridCellTextEnterEditor a = TGridCellTextEditor (CGridCellTextEnterEditor a)
- data CGridCellTextEnterEditor a = CGridCellTextEnterEditor
- type GridCellWorker a = Object (CGridCellWorker a)
- type TGridCellWorker a = CGridCellWorker a
- data CGridCellWorker a = CGridCellWorker
- type GridEditorCreatedEvent a = CommandEvent (CGridEditorCreatedEvent a)
- type TGridEditorCreatedEvent a = TCommandEvent (CGridEditorCreatedEvent a)
- data CGridEditorCreatedEvent a = CGridEditorCreatedEvent
- type GridEvent a = NotifyEvent (CGridEvent a)
- type TGridEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CGridEvent a)
- data CGridEvent a = CGridEvent
- type GridRangeSelectEvent a = NotifyEvent (CGridRangeSelectEvent a)
- type TGridRangeSelectEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CGridRangeSelectEvent a)
- data CGridRangeSelectEvent a = CGridRangeSelectEvent
- type GridSizeEvent a = NotifyEvent (CGridSizeEvent a)
- type TGridSizeEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CGridSizeEvent a)
- data CGridSizeEvent a = CGridSizeEvent
- type GridSizer a = Sizer (CGridSizer a)
- type TGridSizer a = TSizer (CGridSizer a)
- data CGridSizer a = CGridSizer
- type GridTableBase a = WxObject (CGridTableBase a)
- type TGridTableBase a = TWxObject (CGridTableBase a)
- data CGridTableBase a = CGridTableBase
- type HTTP a = Protocol (CHTTP a)
- type THTTP a = TProtocol (CHTTP a)
- data CHTTP a = CHTTP
- type HashMap a = Object (CHashMap a)
- type THashMap a = CHashMap a
- data CHashMap a = CHashMap
- type HelpController a = HelpControllerBase (CHelpController a)
- type THelpController a = THelpControllerBase (CHelpController a)
- data CHelpController a = CHelpController
- type HelpControllerBase a = WxObject (CHelpControllerBase a)
- type THelpControllerBase a = TWxObject (CHelpControllerBase a)
- data CHelpControllerBase a = CHelpControllerBase
- type HelpControllerHelpProvider a = SimpleHelpProvider (CHelpControllerHelpProvider a)
- type THelpControllerHelpProvider a = TSimpleHelpProvider (CHelpControllerHelpProvider a)
- data CHelpControllerHelpProvider a = CHelpControllerHelpProvider
- type HelpEvent a = CommandEvent (CHelpEvent a)
- type THelpEvent a = TCommandEvent (CHelpEvent a)
- data CHelpEvent a = CHelpEvent
- type HelpProvider a = Object (CHelpProvider a)
- type THelpProvider a = CHelpProvider a
- data CHelpProvider a = CHelpProvider
- type HtmlCell a = WxObject (CHtmlCell a)
- type THtmlCell a = TWxObject (CHtmlCell a)
- data CHtmlCell a = CHtmlCell
- type HtmlColourCell a = HtmlCell (CHtmlColourCell a)
- type THtmlColourCell a = THtmlCell (CHtmlColourCell a)
- data CHtmlColourCell a = CHtmlColourCell
- type HtmlContainerCell a = HtmlCell (CHtmlContainerCell a)
- type THtmlContainerCell a = THtmlCell (CHtmlContainerCell a)
- data CHtmlContainerCell a = CHtmlContainerCell
- type HtmlDCRenderer a = WxObject (CHtmlDCRenderer a)
- type THtmlDCRenderer a = TWxObject (CHtmlDCRenderer a)
- data CHtmlDCRenderer a = CHtmlDCRenderer
- type HtmlEasyPrinting a = WxObject (CHtmlEasyPrinting a)
- type THtmlEasyPrinting a = TWxObject (CHtmlEasyPrinting a)
- data CHtmlEasyPrinting a = CHtmlEasyPrinting
- type HtmlFilter a = WxObject (CHtmlFilter a)
- type THtmlFilter a = TWxObject (CHtmlFilter a)
- data CHtmlFilter a = CHtmlFilter
- type HtmlHelpController a = HelpControllerBase (CHtmlHelpController a)
- type THtmlHelpController a = THelpControllerBase (CHtmlHelpController a)
- data CHtmlHelpController a = CHtmlHelpController
- type HtmlHelpData a = WxObject (CHtmlHelpData a)
- type THtmlHelpData a = TWxObject (CHtmlHelpData a)
- data CHtmlHelpData a = CHtmlHelpData
- type HtmlHelpFrame a = Frame (CHtmlHelpFrame a)
- type THtmlHelpFrame a = TFrame (CHtmlHelpFrame a)
- data CHtmlHelpFrame a = CHtmlHelpFrame
- type HtmlLinkInfo a = WxObject (CHtmlLinkInfo a)
- type THtmlLinkInfo a = TWxObject (CHtmlLinkInfo a)
- data CHtmlLinkInfo a = CHtmlLinkInfo
- type HtmlParser a = WxObject (CHtmlParser a)
- type THtmlParser a = TWxObject (CHtmlParser a)
- data CHtmlParser a = CHtmlParser
- type HtmlPrintout a = Printout (CHtmlPrintout a)
- type THtmlPrintout a = TPrintout (CHtmlPrintout a)
- data CHtmlPrintout a = CHtmlPrintout
- type HtmlTag a = WxObject (CHtmlTag a)
- type THtmlTag a = TWxObject (CHtmlTag a)
- data CHtmlTag a = CHtmlTag
- type HtmlTagHandler a = WxObject (CHtmlTagHandler a)
- type THtmlTagHandler a = TWxObject (CHtmlTagHandler a)
- data CHtmlTagHandler a = CHtmlTagHandler
- type HtmlTagsModule a = Module (CHtmlTagsModule a)
- type THtmlTagsModule a = TModule (CHtmlTagsModule a)
- data CHtmlTagsModule a = CHtmlTagsModule
- type HtmlWidgetCell a = HtmlCell (CHtmlWidgetCell a)
- type THtmlWidgetCell a = THtmlCell (CHtmlWidgetCell a)
- data CHtmlWidgetCell a = CHtmlWidgetCell
- type HtmlWinParser a = HtmlParser (CHtmlWinParser a)
- type THtmlWinParser a = THtmlParser (CHtmlWinParser a)
- data CHtmlWinParser a = CHtmlWinParser
- type HtmlWinTagHandler a = HtmlTagHandler (CHtmlWinTagHandler a)
- type THtmlWinTagHandler a = THtmlTagHandler (CHtmlWinTagHandler a)
- data CHtmlWinTagHandler a = CHtmlWinTagHandler
- type HtmlWindow a = ScrolledWindow (CHtmlWindow a)
- type THtmlWindow a = TScrolledWindow (CHtmlWindow a)
- data CHtmlWindow a = CHtmlWindow
- type HyperlinkCtrl a = Control (CHyperlinkCtrl a)
- type THyperlinkCtrl a = TControl (CHyperlinkCtrl a)
- data CHyperlinkCtrl a = CHyperlinkCtrl
- type IPV4address a = SockAddress (CIPV4address a)
- type TIPV4address a = TSockAddress (CIPV4address a)
- data CIPV4address a = CIPV4address
- type Icon a = Bitmap (CIcon a)
- type TIcon a = TBitmap (CIcon a)
- data CIcon a = CIcon
- type IconBundle a = Object (CIconBundle a)
- type TIconBundle a = CIconBundle a
- data CIconBundle a = CIconBundle
- type IconizeEvent a = Event (CIconizeEvent a)
- type TIconizeEvent a = TEvent (CIconizeEvent a)
- data CIconizeEvent a = CIconizeEvent
- type IdleEvent a = Event (CIdleEvent a)
- type TIdleEvent a = TEvent (CIdleEvent a)
- data CIdleEvent a = CIdleEvent
- type Image a = WxObject (CImage a)
- type TImage a = TWxObject (CImage a)
- data CImage a = CImage
- type ImageHandler a = WxObject (CImageHandler a)
- type TImageHandler a = TWxObject (CImageHandler a)
- data CImageHandler a = CImageHandler
- type ImageList a = WxObject (CImageList a)
- type TImageList a = TWxObject (CImageList a)
- data CImageList a = CImageList
- type IndividualLayoutConstraint a = WxObject (CIndividualLayoutConstraint a)
- type TIndividualLayoutConstraint a = TWxObject (CIndividualLayoutConstraint a)
- data CIndividualLayoutConstraint a = CIndividualLayoutConstraint
- type InitDialogEvent a = Event (CInitDialogEvent a)
- type TInitDialogEvent a = TEvent (CInitDialogEvent a)
- data CInitDialogEvent a = CInitDialogEvent
- type InputSink a = Thread (CInputSink a)
- type TInputSink a = TThread (CInputSink a)
- data CInputSink a = CInputSink
- type InputSinkEvent a = Event (CInputSinkEvent a)
- type TInputSinkEvent a = TEvent (CInputSinkEvent a)
- data CInputSinkEvent a = CInputSinkEvent
- type InputStream a = StreamBase (CInputStream a)
- type TInputStream a = TStreamBase (CInputStream a)
- data CInputStream a = CInputStream
- type IntProperty a = PGProperty (CIntProperty a)
- type TIntProperty a = TPGProperty (CIntProperty a)
- data CIntProperty a = CIntProperty
- type Joystick a = WxObject (CJoystick a)
- type TJoystick a = TWxObject (CJoystick a)
- data CJoystick a = CJoystick
- type JoystickEvent a = Event (CJoystickEvent a)
- type TJoystickEvent a = TEvent (CJoystickEvent a)
- data CJoystickEvent a = CJoystickEvent
- type KeyEvent a = Event (CKeyEvent a)
- type TKeyEvent a = TEvent (CKeyEvent a)
- data CKeyEvent a = CKeyEvent
- type LEDNumberCtrl a = Control (CLEDNumberCtrl a)
- type TLEDNumberCtrl a = TControl (CLEDNumberCtrl a)
- data CLEDNumberCtrl a = CLEDNumberCtrl
- type LayoutAlgorithm a = WxObject (CLayoutAlgorithm a)
- type TLayoutAlgorithm a = TWxObject (CLayoutAlgorithm a)
- data CLayoutAlgorithm a = CLayoutAlgorithm
- type LayoutConstraints a = WxObject (CLayoutConstraints a)
- type TLayoutConstraints a = TWxObject (CLayoutConstraints a)
- data CLayoutConstraints a = CLayoutConstraints
- type List a = WxObject (CList a)
- type TList a = TWxObject (CList a)
- data CList a = CList
- type ListBox a = Control (CListBox a)
- type TListBox a = TControl (CListBox a)
- data CListBox a = CListBox
- type ListCtrl a = Control (CListCtrl a)
- type TListCtrl a = TControl (CListCtrl a)
- data CListCtrl a = CListCtrl
- type ListEvent a = NotifyEvent (CListEvent a)
- type TListEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CListEvent a)
- data CListEvent a = CListEvent
- type ListItem a = WxObject (CListItem a)
- type TListItem a = TWxObject (CListItem a)
- data CListItem a = CListItem
- type Locale a = Object (CLocale a)
- type TLocale a = CLocale a
- data CLocale a = CLocale
- type Log a = Object (CLog a)
- type TLog a = CLog a
- data CLog a = CLog
- type LogChain a = Log (CLogChain a)
- type TLogChain a = TLog (CLogChain a)
- data CLogChain a = CLogChain
- type LogGUI a = Log (CLogGUI a)
- type TLogGUI a = TLog (CLogGUI a)
- data CLogGUI a = CLogGUI
- type LogNull a = Log (CLogNull a)
- type TLogNull a = TLog (CLogNull a)
- data CLogNull a = CLogNull
- type LogPassThrough a = LogChain (CLogPassThrough a)
- type TLogPassThrough a = TLogChain (CLogPassThrough a)
- data CLogPassThrough a = CLogPassThrough
- type LogStderr a = Log (CLogStderr a)
- type TLogStderr a = TLog (CLogStderr a)
- data CLogStderr a = CLogStderr
- type LogStream a = Log (CLogStream a)
- type TLogStream a = TLog (CLogStream a)
- data CLogStream a = CLogStream
- type LogTextCtrl a = Log (CLogTextCtrl a)
- type TLogTextCtrl a = TLog (CLogTextCtrl a)
- data CLogTextCtrl a = CLogTextCtrl
- type LogWindow a = LogPassThrough (CLogWindow a)
- type TLogWindow a = TLogPassThrough (CLogWindow a)
- data CLogWindow a = CLogWindow
- type LongLong a = Object (CLongLong a)
- type TLongLong a = CLongLong a
- data CLongLong a = CLongLong
- type MBConv a = Object (CMBConv a)
- type TMBConv a = CMBConv a
- data CMBConv a = CMBConv
- type MBConvFile a = MBConv (CMBConvFile a)
- type TMBConvFile a = TMBConv (CMBConvFile a)
- data CMBConvFile a = CMBConvFile
- type MBConvUTF7 a = MBConv (CMBConvUTF7 a)
- type TMBConvUTF7 a = TMBConv (CMBConvUTF7 a)
- data CMBConvUTF7 a = CMBConvUTF7
- type MBConvUTF8 a = MBConv (CMBConvUTF8 a)
- type TMBConvUTF8 a = TMBConv (CMBConvUTF8 a)
- data CMBConvUTF8 a = CMBConvUTF8
- type MDIChildFrame a = Frame (CMDIChildFrame a)
- type TMDIChildFrame a = TFrame (CMDIChildFrame a)
- data CMDIChildFrame a = CMDIChildFrame
- type MDIClientWindow a = Window (CMDIClientWindow a)
- type TMDIClientWindow a = TWindow (CMDIClientWindow a)
- data CMDIClientWindow a = CMDIClientWindow
- type MDIParentFrame a = Frame (CMDIParentFrame a)
- type TMDIParentFrame a = TFrame (CMDIParentFrame a)
- data CMDIParentFrame a = CMDIParentFrame
- type Mask a = WxObject (CMask a)
- type TMask a = TWxObject (CMask a)
- data CMask a = CMask
- type MaximizeEvent a = Event (CMaximizeEvent a)
- type TMaximizeEvent a = TEvent (CMaximizeEvent a)
- data CMaximizeEvent a = CMaximizeEvent
- type MediaCtrl a = Window (CMediaCtrl a)
- type TMediaCtrl a = TWindow (CMediaCtrl a)
- data CMediaCtrl a = CMediaCtrl
- type MediaEvent a = NotifyEvent (CMediaEvent a)
- type TMediaEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CMediaEvent a)
- data CMediaEvent a = CMediaEvent
- type MemoryBuffer a = Object (CMemoryBuffer a)
- type TMemoryBuffer a = CMemoryBuffer a
- data CMemoryBuffer a = CMemoryBuffer
- type MemoryDC a = DC (CMemoryDC a)
- type TMemoryDC a = TDC (CMemoryDC a)
- data CMemoryDC a = CMemoryDC
- type MemoryFSHandler a = FileSystemHandler (CMemoryFSHandler a)
- type TMemoryFSHandler a = TFileSystemHandler (CMemoryFSHandler a)
- data CMemoryFSHandler a = CMemoryFSHandler
- type MemoryInputStream a = InputStream (CMemoryInputStream a)
- type TMemoryInputStream a = TInputStream (CMemoryInputStream a)
- data CMemoryInputStream a = CMemoryInputStream
- type MemoryOutputStream a = OutputStream (CMemoryOutputStream a)
- type TMemoryOutputStream a = TOutputStream (CMemoryOutputStream a)
- data CMemoryOutputStream a = CMemoryOutputStream
- type Menu a = EvtHandler (CMenu a)
- type TMenu a = TEvtHandler (CMenu a)
- data CMenu a = CMenu
- type MenuBar a = EvtHandler (CMenuBar a)
- type TMenuBar a = TEvtHandler (CMenuBar a)
- data CMenuBar a = CMenuBar
- type MenuEvent a = Event (CMenuEvent a)
- type TMenuEvent a = TEvent (CMenuEvent a)
- data CMenuEvent a = CMenuEvent
- type MenuItem a = WxObject (CMenuItem a)
- type TMenuItem a = TWxObject (CMenuItem a)
- data CMenuItem a = CMenuItem
- type MessageDialog a = Dialog (CMessageDialog a)
- type TMessageDialog a = TDialog (CMessageDialog a)
- data CMessageDialog a = CMessageDialog
- type Metafile a = WxObject (CMetafile a)
- type TMetafile a = TWxObject (CMetafile a)
- data CMetafile a = CMetafile
- type MetafileDC a = DC (CMetafileDC a)
- type TMetafileDC a = TDC (CMetafileDC a)
- data CMetafileDC a = CMetafileDC
- type MimeTypesManager a = Object (CMimeTypesManager a)
- type TMimeTypesManager a = CMimeTypesManager a
- data CMimeTypesManager a = CMimeTypesManager
- type MiniFrame a = Frame (CMiniFrame a)
- type TMiniFrame a = TFrame (CMiniFrame a)
- data CMiniFrame a = CMiniFrame
- type MirrorDC a = DC (CMirrorDC a)
- type TMirrorDC a = TDC (CMirrorDC a)
- data CMirrorDC a = CMirrorDC
- type Module a = WxObject (CModule a)
- type TModule a = TWxObject (CModule a)
- data CModule a = CModule
- type MouseCaptureChangedEvent a = Event (CMouseCaptureChangedEvent a)
- type TMouseCaptureChangedEvent a = TEvent (CMouseCaptureChangedEvent a)
- data CMouseCaptureChangedEvent a = CMouseCaptureChangedEvent
- type MouseEvent a = Event (CMouseEvent a)
- type TMouseEvent a = TEvent (CMouseEvent a)
- data CMouseEvent a = CMouseEvent
- type MoveEvent a = Event (CMoveEvent a)
- type TMoveEvent a = TEvent (CMoveEvent a)
- data CMoveEvent a = CMoveEvent
- type MultiCellCanvas a = FlexGridSizer (CMultiCellCanvas a)
- type TMultiCellCanvas a = TFlexGridSizer (CMultiCellCanvas a)
- data CMultiCellCanvas a = CMultiCellCanvas
- type MultiCellItemHandle a = WxObject (CMultiCellItemHandle a)
- type TMultiCellItemHandle a = TWxObject (CMultiCellItemHandle a)
- data CMultiCellItemHandle a = CMultiCellItemHandle
- type MultiCellSizer a = Sizer (CMultiCellSizer a)
- type TMultiCellSizer a = TSizer (CMultiCellSizer a)
- data CMultiCellSizer a = CMultiCellSizer
- type Mutex a = Object (CMutex a)
- type TMutex a = CMutex a
- data CMutex a = CMutex
- type MutexLocker a = Object (CMutexLocker a)
- type TMutexLocker a = CMutexLocker a
- data CMutexLocker a = CMutexLocker
- type NavigationKeyEvent a = Event (CNavigationKeyEvent a)
- type TNavigationKeyEvent a = TEvent (CNavigationKeyEvent a)
- data CNavigationKeyEvent a = CNavigationKeyEvent
- type NewBitmapButton a = Panel (CNewBitmapButton a)
- type TNewBitmapButton a = TPanel (CNewBitmapButton a)
- data CNewBitmapButton a = CNewBitmapButton
- type NodeBase a = Object (CNodeBase a)
- type TNodeBase a = CNodeBase a
- data CNodeBase a = CNodeBase
- type Notebook a = Control (CNotebook a)
- type TNotebook a = TControl (CNotebook a)
- data CNotebook a = CNotebook
- type NotebookEvent a = NotifyEvent (CNotebookEvent a)
- type TNotebookEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CNotebookEvent a)
- data CNotebookEvent a = CNotebookEvent
- type NotifyEvent a = CommandEvent (CNotifyEvent a)
- type TNotifyEvent a = TCommandEvent (CNotifyEvent a)
- data CNotifyEvent a = CNotifyEvent
- type ObjectRefData a = Object (CObjectRefData a)
- type TObjectRefData a = CObjectRefData a
- data CObjectRefData a = CObjectRefData
- type OutputStream a = StreamBase (COutputStream a)
- type TOutputStream a = TStreamBase (COutputStream a)
- data COutputStream a = COutputStream
- type PGProperty a = WxObject (CPGProperty a)
- type TPGProperty a = TWxObject (CPGProperty a)
- data CPGProperty a = CPGProperty
- type PageSetupDialog a = Dialog (CPageSetupDialog a)
- type TPageSetupDialog a = TDialog (CPageSetupDialog a)
- data CPageSetupDialog a = CPageSetupDialog
- type PageSetupDialogData a = WxObject (CPageSetupDialogData a)
- type TPageSetupDialogData a = TWxObject (CPageSetupDialogData a)
- data CPageSetupDialogData a = CPageSetupDialogData
- type PaintDC a = WindowDC (CPaintDC a)
- type TPaintDC a = TWindowDC (CPaintDC a)
- data CPaintDC a = CPaintDC
- type PaintEvent a = Event (CPaintEvent a)
- type TPaintEvent a = TEvent (CPaintEvent a)
- data CPaintEvent a = CPaintEvent
- type Palette a = GDIObject (CPalette a)
- type TPalette a = TGDIObject (CPalette a)
- data CPalette a = CPalette
- type PaletteChangedEvent a = Event (CPaletteChangedEvent a)
- type TPaletteChangedEvent a = TEvent (CPaletteChangedEvent a)
- data CPaletteChangedEvent a = CPaletteChangedEvent
- type Panel a = Window (CPanel a)
- type TPanel a = TWindow (CPanel a)
- data CPanel a = CPanel
- type PathList a = List (CPathList a)
- type TPathList a = TList (CPathList a)
- data CPathList a = CPathList
- type Pen a = GDIObject (CPen a)
- type TPen a = TGDIObject (CPen a)
- data CPen a = CPen
- type PenList a = List (CPenList a)
- type TPenList a = TList (CPenList a)
- data CPenList a = CPenList
- type PickerBase a = Control (CPickerBase a)
- type TPickerBase a = TControl (CPickerBase a)
- data CPickerBase a = CPickerBase
- type PlotCurve a = WxObject (CPlotCurve a)
- type TPlotCurve a = TWxObject (CPlotCurve a)
- data CPlotCurve a = CPlotCurve
- type PlotEvent a = NotifyEvent (CPlotEvent a)
- type TPlotEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CPlotEvent a)
- data CPlotEvent a = CPlotEvent
- type PlotOnOffCurve a = WxObject (CPlotOnOffCurve a)
- type TPlotOnOffCurve a = TWxObject (CPlotOnOffCurve a)
- data CPlotOnOffCurve a = CPlotOnOffCurve
- type PlotWindow a = ScrolledWindow (CPlotWindow a)
- type TPlotWindow a = TScrolledWindow (CPlotWindow a)
- data CPlotWindow a = CPlotWindow
- type PopupTransientWindow a = PopupWindow (CPopupTransientWindow a)
- type TPopupTransientWindow a = TPopupWindow (CPopupTransientWindow a)
- data CPopupTransientWindow a = CPopupTransientWindow
- type PopupWindow a = Window (CPopupWindow a)
- type TPopupWindow a = TWindow (CPopupWindow a)
- data CPopupWindow a = CPopupWindow
- type PostScriptDC a = DC (CPostScriptDC a)
- type TPostScriptDC a = TDC (CPostScriptDC a)
- data CPostScriptDC a = CPostScriptDC
- type PostScriptPrintNativeData a = WxObject (CPostScriptPrintNativeData a)
- type TPostScriptPrintNativeData a = TWxObject (CPostScriptPrintNativeData a)
- data CPostScriptPrintNativeData a = CPostScriptPrintNativeData
- type PreviewCanvas a = ScrolledWindow (CPreviewCanvas a)
- type TPreviewCanvas a = TScrolledWindow (CPreviewCanvas a)
- data CPreviewCanvas a = CPreviewCanvas
- type PreviewControlBar a = Panel (CPreviewControlBar a)
- type TPreviewControlBar a = TPanel (CPreviewControlBar a)
- data CPreviewControlBar a = CPreviewControlBar
- type PreviewFrame a = Frame (CPreviewFrame a)
- type TPreviewFrame a = TFrame (CPreviewFrame a)
- data CPreviewFrame a = CPreviewFrame
- type PrintData a = WxObject (CPrintData a)
- type TPrintData a = TWxObject (CPrintData a)
- data CPrintData a = CPrintData
- type PrintDialog a = Dialog (CPrintDialog a)
- type TPrintDialog a = TDialog (CPrintDialog a)
- data CPrintDialog a = CPrintDialog
- type PrintDialogData a = WxObject (CPrintDialogData a)
- type TPrintDialogData a = TWxObject (CPrintDialogData a)
- data CPrintDialogData a = CPrintDialogData
- type PrintPreview a = WxObject (CPrintPreview a)
- type TPrintPreview a = TWxObject (CPrintPreview a)
- data CPrintPreview a = CPrintPreview
- type Printer a = WxObject (CPrinter a)
- type TPrinter a = TWxObject (CPrinter a)
- data CPrinter a = CPrinter
- type PrinterDC a = DC (CPrinterDC a)
- type TPrinterDC a = TDC (CPrinterDC a)
- data CPrinterDC a = CPrinterDC
- type Printout a = WxObject (CPrintout a)
- type TPrintout a = TWxObject (CPrintout a)
- data CPrintout a = CPrintout
- type PrivateDropTarget a = DropTarget (CPrivateDropTarget a)
- type TPrivateDropTarget a = TDropTarget (CPrivateDropTarget a)
- data CPrivateDropTarget a = CPrivateDropTarget
- type Process a = EvtHandler (CProcess a)
- type TProcess a = TEvtHandler (CProcess a)
- data CProcess a = CProcess
- type ProcessEvent a = Event (CProcessEvent a)
- type TProcessEvent a = TEvent (CProcessEvent a)
- data CProcessEvent a = CProcessEvent
- type ProgressDialog a = Frame (CProgressDialog a)
- type TProgressDialog a = TFrame (CProgressDialog a)
- data CProgressDialog a = CProgressDialog
- type PropertyCategory a = PGProperty (CPropertyCategory a)
- type TPropertyCategory a = TPGProperty (CPropertyCategory a)
- data CPropertyCategory a = CPropertyCategory
- type PropertyGrid a = Control (CPropertyGrid a)
- type TPropertyGrid a = TControl (CPropertyGrid a)
- data CPropertyGrid a = CPropertyGrid
- type PropertyGridEvent a = NotifyEvent (CPropertyGridEvent a)
- type TPropertyGridEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CPropertyGridEvent a)
- data CPropertyGridEvent a = CPropertyGridEvent
- type Protocol a = SocketClient (CProtocol a)
- type TProtocol a = TSocketClient (CProtocol a)
- data CProtocol a = CProtocol
- type Quantize a = WxObject (CQuantize a)
- type TQuantize a = TWxObject (CQuantize a)
- data CQuantize a = CQuantize
- type QueryCol a = WxObject (CQueryCol a)
- type TQueryCol a = TWxObject (CQueryCol a)
- data CQueryCol a = CQueryCol
- type QueryField a = WxObject (CQueryField a)
- type TQueryField a = TWxObject (CQueryField a)
- data CQueryField a = CQueryField
- type QueryLayoutInfoEvent a = Event (CQueryLayoutInfoEvent a)
- type TQueryLayoutInfoEvent a = TEvent (CQueryLayoutInfoEvent a)
- data CQueryLayoutInfoEvent a = CQueryLayoutInfoEvent
- type QueryNewPaletteEvent a = Event (CQueryNewPaletteEvent a)
- type TQueryNewPaletteEvent a = TEvent (CQueryNewPaletteEvent a)
- data CQueryNewPaletteEvent a = CQueryNewPaletteEvent
- type RadioBox a = Control (CRadioBox a)
- type TRadioBox a = TControl (CRadioBox a)
- data CRadioBox a = CRadioBox
- type RadioButton a = Control (CRadioButton a)
- type TRadioButton a = TControl (CRadioButton a)
- data CRadioButton a = CRadioButton
- type RealPoint a = Object (CRealPoint a)
- type TRealPoint a = CRealPoint a
- data CRealPoint a = CRealPoint
- type RecordSet a = WxObject (CRecordSet a)
- type TRecordSet a = TWxObject (CRecordSet a)
- data CRecordSet a = CRecordSet
- type RegEx a = Object (CRegEx a)
- type TRegEx a = CRegEx a
- data CRegEx a = CRegEx
- type Region a = GDIObject (CRegion a)
- type TRegion a = TGDIObject (CRegion a)
- data CRegion a = CRegion
- type RegionIterator a = WxObject (CRegionIterator a)
- type TRegionIterator a = TWxObject (CRegionIterator a)
- data CRegionIterator a = CRegionIterator
- type RemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl a = TreeCtrl (CRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl a)
- type TRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl a = TTreeCtrl (CRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl a)
- data CRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl a = CRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl
- type STCDoc a = Object (CSTCDoc a)
- type TSTCDoc a = CSTCDoc a
- data CSTCDoc a = CSTCDoc
- type SVGFileDC a = DC (CSVGFileDC a)
- type TSVGFileDC a = TDC (CSVGFileDC a)
- data CSVGFileDC a = CSVGFileDC
- type SashEvent a = Event (CSashEvent a)
- type TSashEvent a = TEvent (CSashEvent a)
- data CSashEvent a = CSashEvent
- type SashLayoutWindow a = SashWindow (CSashLayoutWindow a)
- type TSashLayoutWindow a = TSashWindow (CSashLayoutWindow a)
- data CSashLayoutWindow a = CSashLayoutWindow
- type SashWindow a = Window (CSashWindow a)
- type TSashWindow a = TWindow (CSashWindow a)
- data CSashWindow a = CSashWindow
- type ScopedArray a = Object (CScopedArray a)
- type TScopedArray a = CScopedArray a
- data CScopedArray a = CScopedArray
- type ScopedPtr a = Object (CScopedPtr a)
- type TScopedPtr a = CScopedPtr a
- data CScopedPtr a = CScopedPtr
- type ScreenDC a = DC (CScreenDC a)
- type TScreenDC a = TDC (CScreenDC a)
- data CScreenDC a = CScreenDC
- type ScrollBar a = Control (CScrollBar a)
- type TScrollBar a = TControl (CScrollBar a)
- data CScrollBar a = CScrollBar
- type ScrollEvent a = Event (CScrollEvent a)
- type TScrollEvent a = TEvent (CScrollEvent a)
- data CScrollEvent a = CScrollEvent
- type ScrollWinEvent a = Event (CScrollWinEvent a)
- type TScrollWinEvent a = TEvent (CScrollWinEvent a)
- data CScrollWinEvent a = CScrollWinEvent
- type ScrolledWindow a = Panel (CScrolledWindow a)
- type TScrolledWindow a = TPanel (CScrolledWindow a)
- data CScrolledWindow a = CScrolledWindow
- type Semaphore a = Object (CSemaphore a)
- type TSemaphore a = CSemaphore a
- data CSemaphore a = CSemaphore
- type Server a = ServerBase (CServer a)
- type TServer a = TServerBase (CServer a)
- data CServer a = CServer
- type ServerBase a = WxObject (CServerBase a)
- type TServerBase a = TWxObject (CServerBase a)
- data CServerBase a = CServerBase
- type SetCursorEvent a = Event (CSetCursorEvent a)
- type TSetCursorEvent a = TEvent (CSetCursorEvent a)
- data CSetCursorEvent a = CSetCursorEvent
- type ShowEvent a = Event (CShowEvent a)
- type TShowEvent a = TEvent (CShowEvent a)
- data CShowEvent a = CShowEvent
- type SimpleHelpProvider a = HelpProvider (CSimpleHelpProvider a)
- type TSimpleHelpProvider a = THelpProvider (CSimpleHelpProvider a)
- data CSimpleHelpProvider a = CSimpleHelpProvider
- type SingleChoiceDialog a = Dialog (CSingleChoiceDialog a)
- type TSingleChoiceDialog a = TDialog (CSingleChoiceDialog a)
- data CSingleChoiceDialog a = CSingleChoiceDialog
- type SingleInstanceChecker a = Object (CSingleInstanceChecker a)
- type TSingleInstanceChecker a = CSingleInstanceChecker a
- data CSingleInstanceChecker a = CSingleInstanceChecker
- type SizeEvent a = Event (CSizeEvent a)
- type TSizeEvent a = TEvent (CSizeEvent a)
- data CSizeEvent a = CSizeEvent
- type Sizer a = WxObject (CSizer a)
- type TSizer a = TWxObject (CSizer a)
- data CSizer a = CSizer
- type SizerItem a = WxObject (CSizerItem a)
- type TSizerItem a = TWxObject (CSizerItem a)
- data CSizerItem a = CSizerItem
- type Slider a = Control (CSlider a)
- type TSlider a = TControl (CSlider a)
- data CSlider a = CSlider
- type Slider95 a = Slider (CSlider95 a)
- type TSlider95 a = TSlider (CSlider95 a)
- data CSlider95 a = CSlider95
- type SliderMSW a = Slider (CSliderMSW a)
- type TSliderMSW a = TSlider (CSliderMSW a)
- data CSliderMSW a = CSliderMSW
- type SockAddress a = WxObject (CSockAddress a)
- type TSockAddress a = TWxObject (CSockAddress a)
- data CSockAddress a = CSockAddress
- type SocketBase a = WxObject (CSocketBase a)
- type TSocketBase a = TWxObject (CSocketBase a)
- data CSocketBase a = CSocketBase
- type SocketClient a = SocketBase (CSocketClient a)
- type TSocketClient a = TSocketBase (CSocketClient a)
- data CSocketClient a = CSocketClient
- type SocketEvent a = Event (CSocketEvent a)
- type TSocketEvent a = TEvent (CSocketEvent a)
- data CSocketEvent a = CSocketEvent
- type SocketInputStream a = InputStream (CSocketInputStream a)
- type TSocketInputStream a = TInputStream (CSocketInputStream a)
- data CSocketInputStream a = CSocketInputStream
- type SocketOutputStream a = OutputStream (CSocketOutputStream a)
- type TSocketOutputStream a = TOutputStream (CSocketOutputStream a)
- data CSocketOutputStream a = CSocketOutputStream
- type SocketServer a = SocketBase (CSocketServer a)
- type TSocketServer a = TSocketBase (CSocketServer a)
- data CSocketServer a = CSocketServer
- type Sound a = WxObject (CSound a)
- type TSound a = TWxObject (CSound a)
- data CSound a = CSound
- type SpinButton a = Control (CSpinButton a)
- type TSpinButton a = TControl (CSpinButton a)
- data CSpinButton a = CSpinButton
- type SpinCtrl a = Control (CSpinCtrl a)
- type TSpinCtrl a = TControl (CSpinCtrl a)
- data CSpinCtrl a = CSpinCtrl
- type SpinEvent a = NotifyEvent (CSpinEvent a)
- type TSpinEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CSpinEvent a)
- data CSpinEvent a = CSpinEvent
- type SplashScreen a = Frame (CSplashScreen a)
- type TSplashScreen a = TFrame (CSplashScreen a)
- data CSplashScreen a = CSplashScreen
- type SplitterEvent a = NotifyEvent (CSplitterEvent a)
- type TSplitterEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CSplitterEvent a)
- data CSplitterEvent a = CSplitterEvent
- type SplitterScrolledWindow a = ScrolledWindow (CSplitterScrolledWindow a)
- type TSplitterScrolledWindow a = TScrolledWindow (CSplitterScrolledWindow a)
- data CSplitterScrolledWindow a = CSplitterScrolledWindow
- type SplitterWindow a = Window (CSplitterWindow a)
- type TSplitterWindow a = TWindow (CSplitterWindow a)
- data CSplitterWindow a = CSplitterWindow
- type StaticBitmap a = Control (CStaticBitmap a)
- type TStaticBitmap a = TControl (CStaticBitmap a)
- data CStaticBitmap a = CStaticBitmap
- type StaticBox a = Control (CStaticBox a)
- type TStaticBox a = TControl (CStaticBox a)
- data CStaticBox a = CStaticBox
- type StaticBoxSizer a = BoxSizer (CStaticBoxSizer a)
- type TStaticBoxSizer a = TBoxSizer (CStaticBoxSizer a)
- data CStaticBoxSizer a = CStaticBoxSizer
- type StaticLine a = Control (CStaticLine a)
- type TStaticLine a = TControl (CStaticLine a)
- data CStaticLine a = CStaticLine
- type StaticText a = Control (CStaticText a)
- type TStaticText a = TControl (CStaticText a)
- data CStaticText a = CStaticText
- type StatusBar a = Window (CStatusBar a)
- type TStatusBar a = TWindow (CStatusBar a)
- data CStatusBar a = CStatusBar
- type StopWatch a = Object (CStopWatch a)
- type TStopWatch a = CStopWatch a
- data CStopWatch a = CStopWatch
- type StreamBase a = Object (CStreamBase a)
- type TStreamBase a = CStreamBase a
- data CStreamBase a = CStreamBase
- type StreamBuffer a = Object (CStreamBuffer a)
- type TStreamBuffer a = CStreamBuffer a
- data CStreamBuffer a = CStreamBuffer
- type StreamToTextRedirector a = Object (CStreamToTextRedirector a)
- type TStreamToTextRedirector a = CStreamToTextRedirector a
- data CStreamToTextRedirector a = CStreamToTextRedirector
- type StringBuffer a = Object (CStringBuffer a)
- type TStringBuffer a = CStringBuffer a
- data CStringBuffer a = CStringBuffer
- type StringClientData a = ClientData (CStringClientData a)
- type TStringClientData a = TClientData (CStringClientData a)
- data CStringClientData a = CStringClientData
- type StringList a = List (CStringList a)
- type TStringList a = TList (CStringList a)
- data CStringList a = CStringList
- type StringProperty a = PGProperty (CStringProperty a)
- type TStringProperty a = TPGProperty (CStringProperty a)
- data CStringProperty a = CStringProperty
- type StringTokenizer a = WxObject (CStringTokenizer a)
- type TStringTokenizer a = TWxObject (CStringTokenizer a)
- data CStringTokenizer a = CStringTokenizer
- type StyledTextCtrl a = Control (CStyledTextCtrl a)
- type TStyledTextCtrl a = TControl (CStyledTextCtrl a)
- data CStyledTextCtrl a = CStyledTextCtrl
- type StyledTextEvent a = CommandEvent (CStyledTextEvent a)
- type TStyledTextEvent a = TCommandEvent (CStyledTextEvent a)
- data CStyledTextEvent a = CStyledTextEvent
- type SysColourChangedEvent a = Event (CSysColourChangedEvent a)
- type TSysColourChangedEvent a = TEvent (CSysColourChangedEvent a)
- data CSysColourChangedEvent a = CSysColourChangedEvent
- type SystemOptions a = WxObject (CSystemOptions a)
- type TSystemOptions a = TWxObject (CSystemOptions a)
- data CSystemOptions a = CSystemOptions
- type SystemSettings a = WxObject (CSystemSettings a)
- type TSystemSettings a = TWxObject (CSystemSettings a)
- data CSystemSettings a = CSystemSettings
- type TabCtrl a = Control (CTabCtrl a)
- type TTabCtrl a = TControl (CTabCtrl a)
- data CTabCtrl a = CTabCtrl
- type TabEvent a = CommandEvent (CTabEvent a)
- type TTabEvent a = TCommandEvent (CTabEvent a)
- data CTabEvent a = CTabEvent
- type TablesInUse a = WxObject (CTablesInUse a)
- type TTablesInUse a = TWxObject (CTablesInUse a)
- data CTablesInUse a = CTablesInUse
- type TaskBarIcon a = EvtHandler (CTaskBarIcon a)
- type TTaskBarIcon a = TEvtHandler (CTaskBarIcon a)
- data CTaskBarIcon a = CTaskBarIcon
- type TempFile a = Object (CTempFile a)
- type TTempFile a = CTempFile a
- data CTempFile a = CTempFile
- type TextAttr a = Object (CTextAttr a)
- type TTextAttr a = CTextAttr a
- data CTextAttr a = CTextAttr
- type TextCtrl a = Control (CTextCtrl a)
- type TTextCtrl a = TControl (CTextCtrl a)
- data CTextCtrl a = CTextCtrl
- type TextDataObject a = DataObjectSimple (CTextDataObject a)
- type TTextDataObject a = TDataObjectSimple (CTextDataObject a)
- data CTextDataObject a = CTextDataObject
- type TextDropTarget a = DropTarget (CTextDropTarget a)
- type TTextDropTarget a = TDropTarget (CTextDropTarget a)
- data CTextDropTarget a = CTextDropTarget
- type TextEntryDialog a = Dialog (CTextEntryDialog a)
- type TTextEntryDialog a = TDialog (CTextEntryDialog a)
- data CTextEntryDialog a = CTextEntryDialog
- type TextFile a = Object (CTextFile a)
- type TTextFile a = CTextFile a
- data CTextFile a = CTextFile
- type TextInputStream a = Object (CTextInputStream a)
- type TTextInputStream a = CTextInputStream a
- data CTextInputStream a = CTextInputStream
- type TextOutputStream a = Object (CTextOutputStream a)
- type TTextOutputStream a = CTextOutputStream a
- data CTextOutputStream a = CTextOutputStream
- type TextValidator a = Validator (CTextValidator a)
- type TTextValidator a = TValidator (CTextValidator a)
- data CTextValidator a = CTextValidator
- type ThinSplitterWindow a = SplitterWindow (CThinSplitterWindow a)
- type TThinSplitterWindow a = TSplitterWindow (CThinSplitterWindow a)
- data CThinSplitterWindow a = CThinSplitterWindow
- type Thread a = Object (CThread a)
- type TThread a = CThread a
- data CThread a = CThread
- type Time a = WxObject (CTime a)
- type TTime a = TWxObject (CTime a)
- data CTime a = CTime
- type TimeSpan a = Object (CTimeSpan a)
- type TTimeSpan a = CTimeSpan a
- data CTimeSpan a = CTimeSpan
- type Timer a = WxObject (CTimer a)
- type TTimer a = TWxObject (CTimer a)
- data CTimer a = CTimer
- type TimerBase a = WxObject (CTimerBase a)
- type TTimerBase a = TWxObject (CTimerBase a)
- data CTimerBase a = CTimerBase
- type TimerEvent a = Event (CTimerEvent a)
- type TTimerEvent a = TEvent (CTimerEvent a)
- data CTimerEvent a = CTimerEvent
- type TimerEx a = Timer (CTimerEx a)
- type TTimerEx a = TTimer (CTimerEx a)
- data CTimerEx a = CTimerEx
- type TimerRunner a = Object (CTimerRunner a)
- type TTimerRunner a = CTimerRunner a
- data CTimerRunner a = CTimerRunner
- type TipProvider a = Object (CTipProvider a)
- type TTipProvider a = CTipProvider a
- data CTipProvider a = CTipProvider
- type TipWindow a = PopupTransientWindow (CTipWindow a)
- type TTipWindow a = TPopupTransientWindow (CTipWindow a)
- data CTipWindow a = CTipWindow
- type ToggleButton a = Control (CToggleButton a)
- type TToggleButton a = TControl (CToggleButton a)
- data CToggleButton a = CToggleButton
- type ToolBar a = ToolBarBase (CToolBar a)
- type TToolBar a = TToolBarBase (CToolBar a)
- data CToolBar a = CToolBar
- type ToolBarBase a = Control (CToolBarBase a)
- type TToolBarBase a = TControl (CToolBarBase a)
- data CToolBarBase a = CToolBarBase
- type ToolLayoutItem a = WxObject (CToolLayoutItem a)
- type TToolLayoutItem a = TWxObject (CToolLayoutItem a)
- data CToolLayoutItem a = CToolLayoutItem
- type ToolTip a = WxObject (CToolTip a)
- type TToolTip a = TWxObject (CToolTip a)
- data CToolTip a = CToolTip
- type ToolWindow a = Frame (CToolWindow a)
- type TToolWindow a = TFrame (CToolWindow a)
- data CToolWindow a = CToolWindow
- type TopLevelWindow a = Window (CTopLevelWindow a)
- type TTopLevelWindow a = TWindow (CTopLevelWindow a)
- data CTopLevelWindow a = CTopLevelWindow
- type TreeCompanionWindow a = Window (CTreeCompanionWindow a)
- type TTreeCompanionWindow a = TWindow (CTreeCompanionWindow a)
- data CTreeCompanionWindow a = CTreeCompanionWindow
- type TreeCtrl a = Control (CTreeCtrl a)
- type TTreeCtrl a = TControl (CTreeCtrl a)
- data CTreeCtrl a = CTreeCtrl
- type TreeEvent a = NotifyEvent (CTreeEvent a)
- type TTreeEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CTreeEvent a)
- data CTreeEvent a = CTreeEvent
- type TreeItemData a = ClientData (CTreeItemData a)
- type TTreeItemData a = TClientData (CTreeItemData a)
- data CTreeItemData a = CTreeItemData
- type TreeItemId a = Object (CTreeItemId a)
- type TTreeItemId a = CTreeItemId a
- data CTreeItemId a = CTreeItemId
- type TreeLayout a = WxObject (CTreeLayout a)
- type TTreeLayout a = TWxObject (CTreeLayout a)
- data CTreeLayout a = CTreeLayout
- type TreeLayoutStored a = TreeLayout (CTreeLayoutStored a)
- type TTreeLayoutStored a = TTreeLayout (CTreeLayoutStored a)
- data CTreeLayoutStored a = CTreeLayoutStored
- type URL a = WxObject (CURL a)
- type TURL a = TWxObject (CURL a)
- data CURL a = CURL
- type UpdateUIEvent a = Event (CUpdateUIEvent a)
- type TUpdateUIEvent a = TEvent (CUpdateUIEvent a)
- data CUpdateUIEvent a = CUpdateUIEvent
- type Validator a = EvtHandler (CValidator a)
- type TValidator a = TEvtHandler (CValidator a)
- data CValidator a = CValidator
- type Variant a = WxObject (CVariant a)
- type TVariant a = TWxObject (CVariant a)
- data CVariant a = CVariant
- type VariantData a = WxObject (CVariantData a)
- type TVariantData a = TWxObject (CVariantData a)
- data CVariantData a = CVariantData
- type View a = EvtHandler (CView a)
- type TView a = TEvtHandler (CView a)
- data CView a = CView
- type WXCApp a = App (CWXCApp a)
- type TWXCApp a = TApp (CWXCApp a)
- data CWXCApp a = CWXCApp
- type WXCArtProv a = ArtProvider (CWXCArtProv a)
- type TWXCArtProv a = TArtProvider (CWXCArtProv a)
- data CWXCArtProv a = CWXCArtProv
- type WXCClient a = Client (CWXCClient a)
- type TWXCClient a = TClient (CWXCClient a)
- data CWXCClient a = CWXCClient
- type WXCCommand a = Command (CWXCCommand a)
- type TWXCCommand a = TCommand (CWXCCommand a)
- data CWXCCommand a = CWXCCommand
- type WXCConnection a = Connection (CWXCConnection a)
- type TWXCConnection a = TConnection (CWXCConnection a)
- data CWXCConnection a = CWXCConnection
- type WXCDragDataObject a = Object (CWXCDragDataObject a)
- type TWXCDragDataObject a = CWXCDragDataObject a
- data CWXCDragDataObject a = CWXCDragDataObject
- type WXCDropTarget a = DropTarget (CWXCDropTarget a)
- type TWXCDropTarget a = TDropTarget (CWXCDropTarget a)
- data CWXCDropTarget a = CWXCDropTarget
- type WXCFileDropTarget a = FileDropTarget (CWXCFileDropTarget a)
- type TWXCFileDropTarget a = TFileDropTarget (CWXCFileDropTarget a)
- data CWXCFileDropTarget a = CWXCFileDropTarget
- type WXCGridTable a = GridTableBase (CWXCGridTable a)
- type TWXCGridTable a = TGridTableBase (CWXCGridTable a)
- data CWXCGridTable a = CWXCGridTable
- type WXCHtmlEvent a = CommandEvent (CWXCHtmlEvent a)
- type TWXCHtmlEvent a = TCommandEvent (CWXCHtmlEvent a)
- data CWXCHtmlEvent a = CWXCHtmlEvent
- type WXCHtmlWindow a = HtmlWindow (CWXCHtmlWindow a)
- type TWXCHtmlWindow a = THtmlWindow (CWXCHtmlWindow a)
- data CWXCHtmlWindow a = CWXCHtmlWindow
- type WXCLocale a = Locale (CWXCLocale a)
- type TWXCLocale a = TLocale (CWXCLocale a)
- data CWXCLocale a = CWXCLocale
- type WXCLog a = Log (CWXCLog a)
- type TWXCLog a = TLog (CWXCLog a)
- data CWXCLog a = CWXCLog
- type WXCMessageParameters a = Object (CWXCMessageParameters a)
- type TWXCMessageParameters a = CWXCMessageParameters a
- data CWXCMessageParameters a = CWXCMessageParameters
- type WXCPlotCurve a = PlotCurve (CWXCPlotCurve a)
- type TWXCPlotCurve a = TPlotCurve (CWXCPlotCurve a)
- data CWXCPlotCurve a = CWXCPlotCurve
- type WXCPreviewControlBar a = PreviewControlBar (CWXCPreviewControlBar a)
- type TWXCPreviewControlBar a = TPreviewControlBar (CWXCPreviewControlBar a)
- data CWXCPreviewControlBar a = CWXCPreviewControlBar
- type WXCPreviewFrame a = PreviewFrame (CWXCPreviewFrame a)
- type TWXCPreviewFrame a = TPreviewFrame (CWXCPreviewFrame a)
- data CWXCPreviewFrame a = CWXCPreviewFrame
- type WXCPrintEvent a = Event (CWXCPrintEvent a)
- type TWXCPrintEvent a = TEvent (CWXCPrintEvent a)
- data CWXCPrintEvent a = CWXCPrintEvent
- type WXCPrintout a = Printout (CWXCPrintout a)
- type TWXCPrintout a = TPrintout (CWXCPrintout a)
- data CWXCPrintout a = CWXCPrintout
- type WXCPrintoutHandler a = EvtHandler (CWXCPrintoutHandler a)
- type TWXCPrintoutHandler a = TEvtHandler (CWXCPrintoutHandler a)
- data CWXCPrintoutHandler a = CWXCPrintoutHandler
- type WXCServer a = Server (CWXCServer a)
- type TWXCServer a = TServer (CWXCServer a)
- data CWXCServer a = CWXCServer
- type WXCTextDropTarget a = TextDropTarget (CWXCTextDropTarget a)
- type TWXCTextDropTarget a = TTextDropTarget (CWXCTextDropTarget a)
- data CWXCTextDropTarget a = CWXCTextDropTarget
- type WXCTextValidator a = TextValidator (CWXCTextValidator a)
- type TWXCTextValidator a = TTextValidator (CWXCTextValidator a)
- data CWXCTextValidator a = CWXCTextValidator
- type WXCTreeItemData a = TreeItemData (CWXCTreeItemData a)
- type TWXCTreeItemData a = TTreeItemData (CWXCTreeItemData a)
- data CWXCTreeItemData a = CWXCTreeItemData
- type Window a = EvtHandler (CWindow a)
- type TWindow a = TEvtHandler (CWindow a)
- data CWindow a = CWindow
- type WindowCreateEvent a = CommandEvent (CWindowCreateEvent a)
- type TWindowCreateEvent a = TCommandEvent (CWindowCreateEvent a)
- data CWindowCreateEvent a = CWindowCreateEvent
- type WindowDC a = DC (CWindowDC a)
- type TWindowDC a = TDC (CWindowDC a)
- data CWindowDC a = CWindowDC
- type WindowDestroyEvent a = CommandEvent (CWindowDestroyEvent a)
- type TWindowDestroyEvent a = TCommandEvent (CWindowDestroyEvent a)
- data CWindowDestroyEvent a = CWindowDestroyEvent
- type WindowDisabler a = Object (CWindowDisabler a)
- type TWindowDisabler a = CWindowDisabler a
- data CWindowDisabler a = CWindowDisabler
- type Wizard a = Dialog (CWizard a)
- type TWizard a = TDialog (CWizard a)
- data CWizard a = CWizard
- type WizardEvent a = NotifyEvent (CWizardEvent a)
- type TWizardEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CWizardEvent a)
- data CWizardEvent a = CWizardEvent
- type WizardPage a = Panel (CWizardPage a)
- type TWizardPage a = TPanel (CWizardPage a)
- data CWizardPage a = CWizardPage
- type WizardPageSimple a = WizardPage (CWizardPageSimple a)
- type TWizardPageSimple a = TWizardPage (CWizardPageSimple a)
- data CWizardPageSimple a = CWizardPageSimple
- type WxArray a = Object (CWxArray a)
- type TWxArray a = CWxArray a
- data CWxArray a = CWxArray
- type WxDllLoader a = Object (CWxDllLoader a)
- type TWxDllLoader a = CWxDllLoader a
- data CWxDllLoader a = CWxDllLoader
- type WxExpr a = Object (CWxExpr a)
- type TWxExpr a = CWxExpr a
- data CWxExpr a = CWxExpr
- type WxManagedPtr a = Object (CWxManagedPtr a)
- type TWxManagedPtr a = CWxManagedPtr a
- data CWxManagedPtr a = CWxManagedPtr
- type WxObject a = Object (CWxObject a)
- type TWxObject a = CWxObject a
- data CWxObject a = CWxObject
- type WxPoint a = Object (CWxPoint a)
- type TWxPoint a = CWxPoint a
- data CWxPoint a = CWxPoint
- type WxRect a = Object (CWxRect a)
- type TWxRect a = CWxRect a
- data CWxRect a = CWxRect
- type WxSize a = Object (CWxSize a)
- type TWxSize a = CWxSize a
- data CWxSize a = CWxSize
- type WxString a = Object (CWxString a)
- type TWxString a = CWxString a
- data CWxString a = CWxString
- type XmlResource a = WxObject (CXmlResource a)
- type TXmlResource a = TWxObject (CXmlResource a)
- data CXmlResource a = CXmlResource
- type XmlResourceHandler a = WxObject (CXmlResourceHandler a)
- type TXmlResourceHandler a = TWxObject (CXmlResourceHandler a)
- data CXmlResourceHandler a = CXmlResourceHandler
- type ZipInputStream a = InputStream (CZipInputStream a)
- type TZipInputStream a = TInputStream (CZipInputStream a)
- data CZipInputStream a = CZipInputStream
- type ZlibInputStream a = FilterInputStream (CZlibInputStream a)
- type TZlibInputStream a = TFilterInputStream (CZlibInputStream a)
- data CZlibInputStream a = CZlibInputStream
- type ZlibOutputStream a = FilterOutputStream (CZlibOutputStream a)
- type TZlibOutputStream a = TFilterOutputStream (CZlibOutputStream a)
- data CZlibOutputStream a = CZlibOutputStream
type AcceleratorEntry a = Object (CAcceleratorEntry a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AcceleratorEntry
type TAcceleratorEntry a = CAcceleratorEntry a Source
Inheritance type of the AcceleratorEntry class.
data CAcceleratorEntry a Source
Abstract type of the AcceleratorEntry class.
CAcceleratorEntry |
type AcceleratorTable a = Object (CAcceleratorTable a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AcceleratorTable
type TAcceleratorTable a = CAcceleratorTable a Source
Inheritance type of the AcceleratorTable class.
data CAcceleratorTable a Source
Abstract type of the AcceleratorTable class.
CAcceleratorTable |
type ActivateEvent a = Event (CActivateEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ActivateEvent
, derived from Event
type TActivateEvent a = TEvent (CActivateEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the ActivateEvent class.
type App a = EvtHandler (CApp a) Source
Pointer to an object of type App
, derived from EvtHandler
type TApp a = TEvtHandler (CApp a) Source
Inheritance type of the App class.
type ArrayString a = WxArray (CArrayString a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ArrayString
, derived from WxArray
type TArrayString a = TWxArray (CArrayString a) Source
Inheritance type of the ArrayString class.
type ArtProvider a = WxObject (CArtProvider a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ArtProvider
, derived from WxObject
type TArtProvider a = TWxObject (CArtProvider a) Source
Inheritance type of the ArtProvider class.
type AuiDefaultTabArt a = AuiTabArt (CAuiDefaultTabArt a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiDefaultTabArt
, derived from AuiTabArt
type TAuiDefaultTabArt a = TAuiTabArt (CAuiDefaultTabArt a) Source
Inheritance type of the AuiDefaultTabArt class.
data CAuiDefaultTabArt a Source
Abstract type of the AuiDefaultTabArt class.
CAuiDefaultTabArt |
type AuiDefaultToolBarArt a = AuiToolBarArt (CAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiDefaultToolBarArt
, derived from AuiToolBarArt
type TAuiDefaultToolBarArt a = TAuiToolBarArt (CAuiDefaultToolBarArt a) Source
Inheritance type of the AuiDefaultToolBarArt class.
data CAuiDefaultToolBarArt a Source
Abstract type of the AuiDefaultToolBarArt class.
CAuiDefaultToolBarArt |
type AuiDockArt a = Object (CAuiDockArt a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiDockArt
type TAuiDockArt a = CAuiDockArt a Source
Inheritance type of the AuiDockArt class.
type AuiManager a = EvtHandler (CAuiManager a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiManager
, derived from EvtHandler
type TAuiManager a = TEvtHandler (CAuiManager a) Source
Inheritance type of the AuiManager class.
type AuiManagerEvent a = EvtHandler (CAuiManagerEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiManagerEvent
, derived from EvtHandler
type TAuiManagerEvent a = TEvtHandler (CAuiManagerEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the AuiManagerEvent class.
data CAuiManagerEvent a Source
Abstract type of the AuiManagerEvent class.
CAuiManagerEvent |
type AuiNotebook a = BookCtrlBase (CAuiNotebook a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiNotebook
, derived from BookCtrlBase
type TAuiNotebook a = TBookCtrlBase (CAuiNotebook a) Source
Inheritance type of the AuiNotebook class.
type AuiNotebookEvent a = BookCtrlEvent (CAuiNotebookEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiNotebookEvent
, derived from BookCtrlEvent
type TAuiNotebookEvent a = TBookCtrlEvent (CAuiNotebookEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the AuiNotebookEvent class.
data CAuiNotebookEvent a Source
Abstract type of the AuiNotebookEvent class.
CAuiNotebookEvent |
type AuiNotebookPage a = Object (CAuiNotebookPage a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiNotebookPage
type TAuiNotebookPage a = CAuiNotebookPage a Source
Inheritance type of the AuiNotebookPage class.
data CAuiNotebookPage a Source
Abstract type of the AuiNotebookPage class.
CAuiNotebookPage |
type AuiNotebookPageArray a = Object (CAuiNotebookPageArray a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiNotebookPageArray
type TAuiNotebookPageArray a = CAuiNotebookPageArray a Source
Inheritance type of the AuiNotebookPageArray class.
data CAuiNotebookPageArray a Source
Abstract type of the AuiNotebookPageArray class.
CAuiNotebookPageArray |
type AuiPaneInfo a = Object (CAuiPaneInfo a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiPaneInfo
type TAuiPaneInfo a = CAuiPaneInfo a Source
Inheritance type of the AuiPaneInfo class.
type AuiPaneInfoArray a = Object (CAuiPaneInfoArray a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiPaneInfoArray
type TAuiPaneInfoArray a = CAuiPaneInfoArray a Source
Inheritance type of the AuiPaneInfoArray class.
data CAuiPaneInfoArray a Source
Abstract type of the AuiPaneInfoArray class.
CAuiPaneInfoArray |
type AuiSimpleTabArt a = AuiTabArt (CAuiSimpleTabArt a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiSimpleTabArt
, derived from AuiTabArt
type TAuiSimpleTabArt a = TAuiTabArt (CAuiSimpleTabArt a) Source
Inheritance type of the AuiSimpleTabArt class.
data CAuiSimpleTabArt a Source
Abstract type of the AuiSimpleTabArt class.
CAuiSimpleTabArt |
type AuiTabArt a = Object (CAuiTabArt a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiTabArt
type TAuiTabArt a = CAuiTabArt a Source
Inheritance type of the AuiTabArt class.
type AuiTabContainer a = Object (CAuiTabContainer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiTabContainer
type TAuiTabContainer a = CAuiTabContainer a Source
Inheritance type of the AuiTabContainer class.
data CAuiTabContainer a Source
Abstract type of the AuiTabContainer class.
CAuiTabContainer |
type AuiTabContainerButton a = Object (CAuiTabContainerButton a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiTabContainerButton
type TAuiTabContainerButton a = CAuiTabContainerButton a Source
Inheritance type of the AuiTabContainerButton class.
data CAuiTabContainerButton a Source
Abstract type of the AuiTabContainerButton class.
CAuiTabContainerButton |
type AuiTabCtrl a = Control (CAuiTabCtrl a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiTabCtrl
, derived from Control
type TAuiTabCtrl a = TControl (CAuiTabCtrl a) Source
Inheritance type of the AuiTabCtrl class.
type AuiToolBar a = Control (CAuiToolBar a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiToolBar
, derived from Control
type TAuiToolBar a = TControl (CAuiToolBar a) Source
Inheritance type of the AuiToolBar class.
type AuiToolBarArt a = Object (CAuiToolBarArt a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiToolBarArt
type TAuiToolBarArt a = CAuiToolBarArt a Source
Inheritance type of the AuiToolBarArt class.
type AuiToolBarEvent a = NotifyEvent (CAuiToolBarEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiToolBarEvent
, derived from NotifyEvent
type TAuiToolBarEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CAuiToolBarEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the AuiToolBarEvent class.
data CAuiToolBarEvent a Source
Abstract type of the AuiToolBarEvent class.
CAuiToolBarEvent |
type AuiToolBarItem a = Object (CAuiToolBarItem a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiToolBarItem
type TAuiToolBarItem a = CAuiToolBarItem a Source
Inheritance type of the AuiToolBarItem class.
type AuiToolBarItemArray a = Object (CAuiToolBarItemArray a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AuiToolBarItemArray
type TAuiToolBarItemArray a = CAuiToolBarItemArray a Source
Inheritance type of the AuiToolBarItemArray class.
data CAuiToolBarItemArray a Source
Abstract type of the AuiToolBarItemArray class.
CAuiToolBarItemArray |
type AutoBufferedPaintDC a = DC (CAutoBufferedPaintDC a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AutoBufferedPaintDC
, derived from DC
type TAutoBufferedPaintDC a = TDC (CAutoBufferedPaintDC a) Source
Inheritance type of the AutoBufferedPaintDC class.
data CAutoBufferedPaintDC a Source
Abstract type of the AutoBufferedPaintDC class.
CAutoBufferedPaintDC |
type AutomationObject a = WxObject (CAutomationObject a) Source
Pointer to an object of type AutomationObject
, derived from WxObject
type TAutomationObject a = TWxObject (CAutomationObject a) Source
Inheritance type of the AutomationObject class.
data CAutomationObject a Source
Abstract type of the AutomationObject class.
CAutomationObject |
type TBitmap a = TGDIObject (CBitmap a) Source
Inheritance type of the Bitmap class.
type BitmapButton a = Button (CBitmapButton a) Source
Pointer to an object of type BitmapButton
, derived from Button
type TBitmapButton a = TButton (CBitmapButton a) Source
Inheritance type of the BitmapButton class.
type BitmapDataObject a = DataObjectSimple (CBitmapDataObject a) Source
Pointer to an object of type BitmapDataObject
, derived from DataObjectSimple
type TBitmapDataObject a = TDataObjectSimple (CBitmapDataObject a) Source
Inheritance type of the BitmapDataObject class.
data CBitmapDataObject a Source
Abstract type of the BitmapDataObject class.
CBitmapDataObject |
type BitmapHandler a = WxObject (CBitmapHandler a) Source
Pointer to an object of type BitmapHandler
, derived from WxObject
type TBitmapHandler a = TWxObject (CBitmapHandler a) Source
Inheritance type of the BitmapHandler class.
type BitmapToggleButton a = ToggleButton (CBitmapToggleButton a) Source
Pointer to an object of type BitmapToggleButton
, derived from ToggleButton
type TBitmapToggleButton a = TToggleButton (CBitmapToggleButton a) Source
Inheritance type of the BitmapToggleButton class.
data CBitmapToggleButton a Source
Abstract type of the BitmapToggleButton class.
CBitmapToggleButton |
type BookCtrlBase a = Control (CBookCtrlBase a) Source
Pointer to an object of type BookCtrlBase
, derived from Control
type TBookCtrlBase a = TControl (CBookCtrlBase a) Source
Inheritance type of the BookCtrlBase class.
type BookCtrlEvent a = NotifyEvent (CBookCtrlEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type BookCtrlEvent
, derived from NotifyEvent
type TBookCtrlEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CBookCtrlEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the BookCtrlEvent class.
type BoolProperty a = PGProperty (CBoolProperty a) Source
Pointer to an object of type BoolProperty
, derived from PGProperty
type TBoolProperty a = TPGProperty (CBoolProperty a) Source
Inheritance type of the BoolProperty class.
type TBrush a = TGDIObject (CBrush a) Source
Inheritance type of the Brush class.
type BrushList a = List (CBrushList a) Source
type TBrushList a = TList (CBrushList a) Source
Inheritance type of the BrushList class.
type BufferedDC a = DC (CBufferedDC a) Source
Pointer to an object of type BufferedDC
, derived from DC
type TBufferedDC a = TDC (CBufferedDC a) Source
Inheritance type of the BufferedDC class.
type BufferedInputStream a = FilterInputStream (CBufferedInputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type BufferedInputStream
, derived from FilterInputStream
type TBufferedInputStream a = TFilterInputStream (CBufferedInputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the BufferedInputStream class.
data CBufferedInputStream a Source
Abstract type of the BufferedInputStream class.
CBufferedInputStream |
type BufferedOutputStream a = FilterOutputStream (CBufferedOutputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type BufferedOutputStream
, derived from FilterOutputStream
type TBufferedOutputStream a = TFilterOutputStream (CBufferedOutputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the BufferedOutputStream class.
data CBufferedOutputStream a Source
Abstract type of the BufferedOutputStream class.
CBufferedOutputStream |
type BufferedPaintDC a = DC (CBufferedPaintDC a) Source
Pointer to an object of type BufferedPaintDC
, derived from DC
type TBufferedPaintDC a = TDC (CBufferedPaintDC a) Source
Inheritance type of the BufferedPaintDC class.
data CBufferedPaintDC a Source
Abstract type of the BufferedPaintDC class.
CBufferedPaintDC |
type BusyCursor a = Object (CBusyCursor a) Source
Pointer to an object of type BusyCursor
type TBusyCursor a = CBusyCursor a Source
Inheritance type of the BusyCursor class.
type CalculateLayoutEvent a = Event (CCalculateLayoutEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CalculateLayoutEvent
, derived from Event
type TCalculateLayoutEvent a = TEvent (CCalculateLayoutEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CalculateLayoutEvent class.
data CCalculateLayoutEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CalculateLayoutEvent class.
CCalculateLayoutEvent |
type CalendarCtrl a = Control (CCalendarCtrl a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CalendarCtrl
, derived from Control
type TCalendarCtrl a = TControl (CCalendarCtrl a) Source
Inheritance type of the CalendarCtrl class.
type CalendarDateAttr a = Object (CCalendarDateAttr a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CalendarDateAttr
type TCalendarDateAttr a = CCalendarDateAttr a Source
Inheritance type of the CalendarDateAttr class.
data CCalendarDateAttr a Source
Abstract type of the CalendarDateAttr class.
CCalendarDateAttr |
type CalendarEvent a = CommandEvent (CCalendarEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CalendarEvent
, derived from CommandEvent
type TCalendarEvent a = TCommandEvent (CCalendarEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CalendarEvent class.
type CbAntiflickerPlugin a = CbPluginBase (CCbAntiflickerPlugin a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbAntiflickerPlugin
, derived from CbPluginBase
type TCbAntiflickerPlugin a = TCbPluginBase (CCbAntiflickerPlugin a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbAntiflickerPlugin class.
data CCbAntiflickerPlugin a Source
Abstract type of the CbAntiflickerPlugin class.
CCbAntiflickerPlugin |
type CbBarDragPlugin a = CbPluginBase (CCbBarDragPlugin a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbBarDragPlugin
, derived from CbPluginBase
type TCbBarDragPlugin a = TCbPluginBase (CCbBarDragPlugin a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbBarDragPlugin class.
data CCbBarDragPlugin a Source
Abstract type of the CbBarDragPlugin class.
CCbBarDragPlugin |
type CbBarHintsPlugin a = CbPluginBase (CCbBarHintsPlugin a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbBarHintsPlugin
, derived from CbPluginBase
type TCbBarHintsPlugin a = TCbPluginBase (CCbBarHintsPlugin a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbBarHintsPlugin class.
data CCbBarHintsPlugin a Source
Abstract type of the CbBarHintsPlugin class.
CCbBarHintsPlugin |
type CbBarInfo a = WxObject (CCbBarInfo a) Source
type TCbBarInfo a = TWxObject (CCbBarInfo a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbBarInfo class.
type CbBarSpy a = EvtHandler (CCbBarSpy a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbBarSpy
, derived from EvtHandler
type TCbBarSpy a = TEvtHandler (CCbBarSpy a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbBarSpy class.
type CbCloseBox a = CbMiniButton (CCbCloseBox a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbCloseBox
, derived from CbMiniButton
type TCbCloseBox a = TCbMiniButton (CCbCloseBox a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbCloseBox class.
type CbCollapseBox a = CbMiniButton (CCbCollapseBox a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbCollapseBox
, derived from CbMiniButton
type TCbCollapseBox a = TCbMiniButton (CCbCollapseBox a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbCollapseBox class.
type CbCommonPaneProperties a = WxObject (CCbCommonPaneProperties a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbCommonPaneProperties
, derived from WxObject
type TCbCommonPaneProperties a = TWxObject (CCbCommonPaneProperties a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbCommonPaneProperties class.
data CCbCommonPaneProperties a Source
Abstract type of the CbCommonPaneProperties class.
CCbCommonPaneProperties |
type CbCustomizeBarEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbCustomizeBarEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbCustomizeBarEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbCustomizeBarEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbCustomizeBarEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbCustomizeBarEvent class.
data CCbCustomizeBarEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbCustomizeBarEvent class.
CCbCustomizeBarEvent |
type CbCustomizeLayoutEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbCustomizeLayoutEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbCustomizeLayoutEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbCustomizeLayoutEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbCustomizeLayoutEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbCustomizeLayoutEvent class.
data CCbCustomizeLayoutEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbCustomizeLayoutEvent class.
CCbCustomizeLayoutEvent |
type CbDimHandlerBase a = WxObject (CCbDimHandlerBase a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbDimHandlerBase
, derived from WxObject
type TCbDimHandlerBase a = TWxObject (CCbDimHandlerBase a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbDimHandlerBase class.
data CCbDimHandlerBase a Source
Abstract type of the CbDimHandlerBase class.
CCbDimHandlerBase |
type CbDimInfo a = WxObject (CCbDimInfo a) Source
type TCbDimInfo a = TWxObject (CCbDimInfo a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbDimInfo class.
type CbDockBox a = CbMiniButton (CCbDockBox a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbDockBox
, derived from CbMiniButton
type TCbDockBox a = TCbMiniButton (CCbDockBox a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbDockBox class.
type CbDockPane a = WxObject (CCbDockPane a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbDockPane
, derived from WxObject
type TCbDockPane a = TWxObject (CCbDockPane a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbDockPane class.
type CbDrawBarDecorEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbDrawBarDecorEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbDrawBarDecorEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbDrawBarDecorEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbDrawBarDecorEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbDrawBarDecorEvent class.
data CCbDrawBarDecorEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbDrawBarDecorEvent class.
CCbDrawBarDecorEvent |
type CbDrawBarHandlesEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbDrawBarHandlesEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbDrawBarHandlesEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbDrawBarHandlesEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbDrawBarHandlesEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbDrawBarHandlesEvent class.
data CCbDrawBarHandlesEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbDrawBarHandlesEvent class.
CCbDrawBarHandlesEvent |
type CbDrawHintRectEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbDrawHintRectEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbDrawHintRectEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbDrawHintRectEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbDrawHintRectEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbDrawHintRectEvent class.
data CCbDrawHintRectEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbDrawHintRectEvent class.
CCbDrawHintRectEvent |
type CbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent class.
data CCbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent class.
CCbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent |
type CbDrawPaneDecorEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbDrawPaneDecorEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbDrawPaneDecorEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbDrawPaneDecorEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbDrawPaneDecorEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbDrawPaneDecorEvent class.
data CCbDrawPaneDecorEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbDrawPaneDecorEvent class.
CCbDrawPaneDecorEvent |
type CbDrawRowBkGroundEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbDrawRowBkGroundEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbDrawRowBkGroundEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbDrawRowBkGroundEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbDrawRowBkGroundEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbDrawRowBkGroundEvent class.
data CCbDrawRowBkGroundEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbDrawRowBkGroundEvent class.
CCbDrawRowBkGroundEvent |
type CbDrawRowDecorEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbDrawRowDecorEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbDrawRowDecorEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbDrawRowDecorEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbDrawRowDecorEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbDrawRowDecorEvent class.
data CCbDrawRowDecorEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbDrawRowDecorEvent class.
CCbDrawRowDecorEvent |
type CbDrawRowHandlesEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbDrawRowHandlesEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbDrawRowHandlesEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbDrawRowHandlesEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbDrawRowHandlesEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbDrawRowHandlesEvent class.
data CCbDrawRowHandlesEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbDrawRowHandlesEvent class.
CCbDrawRowHandlesEvent |
type CbDynToolBarDimHandler a = CbDimHandlerBase (CCbDynToolBarDimHandler a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbDynToolBarDimHandler
, derived from CbDimHandlerBase
type TCbDynToolBarDimHandler a = TCbDimHandlerBase (CCbDynToolBarDimHandler a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbDynToolBarDimHandler class.
data CCbDynToolBarDimHandler a Source
Abstract type of the CbDynToolBarDimHandler class.
CCbDynToolBarDimHandler |
type CbFinishDrawInAreaEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbFinishDrawInAreaEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbFinishDrawInAreaEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbFinishDrawInAreaEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbFinishDrawInAreaEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbFinishDrawInAreaEvent class.
data CCbFinishDrawInAreaEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbFinishDrawInAreaEvent class.
CCbFinishDrawInAreaEvent |
type CbFloatedBarWindow a = ToolWindow (CCbFloatedBarWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbFloatedBarWindow
, derived from ToolWindow
type TCbFloatedBarWindow a = TToolWindow (CCbFloatedBarWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbFloatedBarWindow class.
data CCbFloatedBarWindow a Source
Abstract type of the CbFloatedBarWindow class.
CCbFloatedBarWindow |
type CbGCUpdatesMgr a = CbSimpleUpdatesMgr (CCbGCUpdatesMgr a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbGCUpdatesMgr
, derived from CbSimpleUpdatesMgr
type TCbGCUpdatesMgr a = TCbSimpleUpdatesMgr (CCbGCUpdatesMgr a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbGCUpdatesMgr class.
type CbHintAnimationPlugin a = CbPluginBase (CCbHintAnimationPlugin a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbHintAnimationPlugin
, derived from CbPluginBase
type TCbHintAnimationPlugin a = TCbPluginBase (CCbHintAnimationPlugin a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbHintAnimationPlugin class.
data CCbHintAnimationPlugin a Source
Abstract type of the CbHintAnimationPlugin class.
CCbHintAnimationPlugin |
type CbInsertBarEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbInsertBarEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbInsertBarEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbInsertBarEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbInsertBarEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbInsertBarEvent class.
data CCbInsertBarEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbInsertBarEvent class.
CCbInsertBarEvent |
type CbLayoutRowEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbLayoutRowEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbLayoutRowEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbLayoutRowEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbLayoutRowEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbLayoutRowEvent class.
data CCbLayoutRowEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbLayoutRowEvent class.
CCbLayoutRowEvent |
type CbLeftDClickEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbLeftDClickEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbLeftDClickEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbLeftDClickEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbLeftDClickEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbLeftDClickEvent class.
data CCbLeftDClickEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbLeftDClickEvent class.
CCbLeftDClickEvent |
type CbLeftDownEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbLeftDownEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbLeftDownEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbLeftDownEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbLeftDownEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbLeftDownEvent class.
data CCbLeftDownEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbLeftDownEvent class.
CCbLeftDownEvent |
type CbLeftUpEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbLeftUpEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbLeftUpEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbLeftUpEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbLeftUpEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbLeftUpEvent class.
type CbMiniButton a = WxObject (CCbMiniButton a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbMiniButton
, derived from WxObject
type TCbMiniButton a = TWxObject (CCbMiniButton a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbMiniButton class.
type CbMotionEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbMotionEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbMotionEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbMotionEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbMotionEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbMotionEvent class.
type CbPaneDrawPlugin a = CbPluginBase (CCbPaneDrawPlugin a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbPaneDrawPlugin
, derived from CbPluginBase
type TCbPaneDrawPlugin a = TCbPluginBase (CCbPaneDrawPlugin a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbPaneDrawPlugin class.
data CCbPaneDrawPlugin a Source
Abstract type of the CbPaneDrawPlugin class.
CCbPaneDrawPlugin |
type CbPluginBase a = EvtHandler (CCbPluginBase a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbPluginBase
, derived from EvtHandler
type TCbPluginBase a = TEvtHandler (CCbPluginBase a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbPluginBase class.
type CbPluginEvent a = Event (CCbPluginEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbPluginEvent
, derived from Event
type TCbPluginEvent a = TEvent (CCbPluginEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbPluginEvent class.
type CbRemoveBarEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbRemoveBarEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbRemoveBarEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbRemoveBarEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbRemoveBarEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbRemoveBarEvent class.
data CCbRemoveBarEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbRemoveBarEvent class.
CCbRemoveBarEvent |
type CbResizeBarEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbResizeBarEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbResizeBarEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbResizeBarEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbResizeBarEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbResizeBarEvent class.
data CCbResizeBarEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbResizeBarEvent class.
CCbResizeBarEvent |
type CbResizeRowEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbResizeRowEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbResizeRowEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbResizeRowEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbResizeRowEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbResizeRowEvent class.
data CCbResizeRowEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbResizeRowEvent class.
CCbResizeRowEvent |
type CbRightDownEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbRightDownEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbRightDownEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbRightDownEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbRightDownEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbRightDownEvent class.
data CCbRightDownEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbRightDownEvent class.
CCbRightDownEvent |
type CbRightUpEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbRightUpEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbRightUpEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbRightUpEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbRightUpEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbRightUpEvent class.
type CbRowDragPlugin a = CbPluginBase (CCbRowDragPlugin a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbRowDragPlugin
, derived from CbPluginBase
type TCbRowDragPlugin a = TCbPluginBase (CCbRowDragPlugin a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbRowDragPlugin class.
data CCbRowDragPlugin a Source
Abstract type of the CbRowDragPlugin class.
CCbRowDragPlugin |
type CbRowInfo a = WxObject (CCbRowInfo a) Source
type TCbRowInfo a = TWxObject (CCbRowInfo a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbRowInfo class.
type CbRowLayoutPlugin a = CbPluginBase (CCbRowLayoutPlugin a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbRowLayoutPlugin
, derived from CbPluginBase
type TCbRowLayoutPlugin a = TCbPluginBase (CCbRowLayoutPlugin a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbRowLayoutPlugin class.
data CCbRowLayoutPlugin a Source
Abstract type of the CbRowLayoutPlugin class.
CCbRowLayoutPlugin |
type CbSimpleCustomizationPlugin a = CbPluginBase (CCbSimpleCustomizationPlugin a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbSimpleCustomizationPlugin
, derived from CbPluginBase
type TCbSimpleCustomizationPlugin a = TCbPluginBase (CCbSimpleCustomizationPlugin a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbSimpleCustomizationPlugin class.
data CCbSimpleCustomizationPlugin a Source
Abstract type of the CbSimpleCustomizationPlugin class.
CCbSimpleCustomizationPlugin |
type CbSimpleUpdatesMgr a = CbUpdatesManagerBase (CCbSimpleUpdatesMgr a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbSimpleUpdatesMgr
, derived from CbUpdatesManagerBase
type TCbSimpleUpdatesMgr a = TCbUpdatesManagerBase (CCbSimpleUpdatesMgr a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbSimpleUpdatesMgr class.
data CCbSimpleUpdatesMgr a Source
Abstract type of the CbSimpleUpdatesMgr class.
CCbSimpleUpdatesMgr |
type CbSizeBarWndEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbSizeBarWndEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbSizeBarWndEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbSizeBarWndEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbSizeBarWndEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbSizeBarWndEvent class.
data CCbSizeBarWndEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbSizeBarWndEvent class.
CCbSizeBarWndEvent |
type CbStartBarDraggingEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbStartBarDraggingEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbStartBarDraggingEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbStartBarDraggingEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbStartBarDraggingEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbStartBarDraggingEvent class.
data CCbStartBarDraggingEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbStartBarDraggingEvent class.
CCbStartBarDraggingEvent |
type CbStartDrawInAreaEvent a = CbPluginEvent (CCbStartDrawInAreaEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbStartDrawInAreaEvent
, derived from CbPluginEvent
type TCbStartDrawInAreaEvent a = TCbPluginEvent (CCbStartDrawInAreaEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbStartDrawInAreaEvent class.
data CCbStartDrawInAreaEvent a Source
Abstract type of the CbStartDrawInAreaEvent class.
CCbStartDrawInAreaEvent |
type CbUpdatesManagerBase a = WxObject (CCbUpdatesManagerBase a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CbUpdatesManagerBase
, derived from WxObject
type TCbUpdatesManagerBase a = TWxObject (CCbUpdatesManagerBase a) Source
Inheritance type of the CbUpdatesManagerBase class.
data CCbUpdatesManagerBase a Source
Abstract type of the CbUpdatesManagerBase class.
CCbUpdatesManagerBase |
type CheckListBox a = ListBox (CCheckListBox a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CheckListBox
, derived from ListBox
type TCheckListBox a = TListBox (CCheckListBox a) Source
Inheritance type of the CheckListBox class.
type ClassInfo a = Object (CClassInfo a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ClassInfo
type TClassInfo a = CClassInfo a Source
Inheritance type of the ClassInfo class.
type Client a = ClientBase (CClient a) Source
Pointer to an object of type Client
, derived from ClientBase
type TClient a = TClientBase (CClient a) Source
Inheritance type of the Client class.
type ClientBase a = WxObject (CClientBase a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ClientBase
, derived from WxObject
type TClientBase a = TWxObject (CClientBase a) Source
Inheritance type of the ClientBase class.
type ClientData a = Object (CClientData a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ClientData
type TClientData a = CClientData a Source
Inheritance type of the ClientData class.
type ClientDataContainer a = Object (CClientDataContainer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ClientDataContainer
type TClientDataContainer a = CClientDataContainer a Source
Inheritance type of the ClientDataContainer class.
data CClientDataContainer a Source
Abstract type of the ClientDataContainer class.
CClientDataContainer |
type Clipboard a = WxObject (CClipboard a) Source
type TClipboard a = TWxObject (CClipboard a) Source
Inheritance type of the Clipboard class.
type CloseEvent a = Event (CCloseEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CloseEvent
, derived from Event
type TCloseEvent a = TEvent (CCloseEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CloseEvent class.
type ColourData a = WxObject (CColourData a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ColourData
, derived from WxObject
type TColourData a = TWxObject (CColourData a) Source
Inheritance type of the ColourData class.
type ColourDatabase a = List (CColourDatabase a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ColourDatabase
, derived from List
type TColourDatabase a = TList (CColourDatabase a) Source
Inheritance type of the ColourDatabase class.
type ColourDialog a = Dialog (CColourDialog a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ColourDialog
, derived from Dialog
type TColourDialog a = TDialog (CColourDialog a) Source
Inheritance type of the ColourDialog class.
type ColourPickerCtrl a = PickerBase (CColourPickerCtrl a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ColourPickerCtrl
, derived from PickerBase
type TColourPickerCtrl a = TPickerBase (CColourPickerCtrl a) Source
Inheritance type of the ColourPickerCtrl class.
data CColourPickerCtrl a Source
Abstract type of the ColourPickerCtrl class.
CColourPickerCtrl |
type CommandEvent a = Event (CCommandEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CommandEvent
, derived from Event
type TCommandEvent a = TEvent (CCommandEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the CommandEvent class.
type CommandLineParser a = Object (CCommandLineParser a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CommandLineParser
type TCommandLineParser a = CCommandLineParser a Source
Inheritance type of the CommandLineParser class.
data CCommandLineParser a Source
Abstract type of the CommandLineParser class.
CCommandLineParser |
type CommandProcessor a = WxObject (CCommandProcessor a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CommandProcessor
, derived from WxObject
type TCommandProcessor a = TWxObject (CCommandProcessor a) Source
Inheritance type of the CommandProcessor class.
data CCommandProcessor a Source
Abstract type of the CommandProcessor class.
CCommandProcessor |
type Condition a = Object (CCondition a) Source
Pointer to an object of type Condition
type TCondition a = CCondition a Source
Inheritance type of the Condition class.
type ConfigBase a = Object (CConfigBase a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ConfigBase
type TConfigBase a = CConfigBase a Source
Inheritance type of the ConfigBase class.
type Connection a = ConnectionBase (CConnection a) Source
Pointer to an object of type Connection
, derived from ConnectionBase
type TConnection a = TConnectionBase (CConnection a) Source
Inheritance type of the Connection class.
type ConnectionBase a = WxObject (CConnectionBase a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ConnectionBase
, derived from WxObject
type TConnectionBase a = TWxObject (CConnectionBase a) Source
Inheritance type of the ConnectionBase class.
type ContextHelp a = WxObject (CContextHelp a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ContextHelp
, derived from WxObject
type TContextHelp a = TWxObject (CContextHelp a) Source
Inheritance type of the ContextHelp class.
type ContextHelpButton a = BitmapButton (CContextHelpButton a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ContextHelpButton
, derived from BitmapButton
type TContextHelpButton a = TBitmapButton (CContextHelpButton a) Source
Inheritance type of the ContextHelpButton class.
data CContextHelpButton a Source
Abstract type of the ContextHelpButton class.
CContextHelpButton |
type CountingOutputStream a = OutputStream (CCountingOutputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CountingOutputStream
, derived from OutputStream
type TCountingOutputStream a = TOutputStream (CCountingOutputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the CountingOutputStream class.
data CCountingOutputStream a Source
Abstract type of the CountingOutputStream class.
CCountingOutputStream |
type CriticalSection a = Object (CCriticalSection a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CriticalSection
type TCriticalSection a = CCriticalSection a Source
Inheritance type of the CriticalSection class.
data CCriticalSection a Source
Abstract type of the CriticalSection class.
CCriticalSection |
type CriticalSectionLocker a = Object (CCriticalSectionLocker a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CriticalSectionLocker
type TCriticalSectionLocker a = CCriticalSectionLocker a Source
Inheritance type of the CriticalSectionLocker class.
data CCriticalSectionLocker a Source
Abstract type of the CriticalSectionLocker class.
CCriticalSectionLocker |
type CustomDataObject a = DataObjectSimple (CCustomDataObject a) Source
Pointer to an object of type CustomDataObject
, derived from DataObjectSimple
type TCustomDataObject a = TDataObjectSimple (CCustomDataObject a) Source
Inheritance type of the CustomDataObject class.
data CCustomDataObject a Source
Abstract type of the CustomDataObject class.
CCustomDataObject |
type DCClipper a = Object (CDCClipper a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DCClipper
type TDCClipper a = CDCClipper a Source
Inheritance type of the DCClipper class.
type DDEClient a = ClientBase (CDDEClient a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DDEClient
, derived from ClientBase
type TDDEClient a = TClientBase (CDDEClient a) Source
Inheritance type of the DDEClient class.
type DDEConnection a = ConnectionBase (CDDEConnection a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DDEConnection
, derived from ConnectionBase
type TDDEConnection a = TConnectionBase (CDDEConnection a) Source
Inheritance type of the DDEConnection class.
type DDEServer a = ServerBase (CDDEServer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DDEServer
, derived from ServerBase
type TDDEServer a = TServerBase (CDDEServer a) Source
Inheritance type of the DDEServer class.
type DataFormat a = Object (CDataFormat a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DataFormat
type TDataFormat a = CDataFormat a Source
Inheritance type of the DataFormat class.
type DataInputStream a = Object (CDataInputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DataInputStream
type TDataInputStream a = CDataInputStream a Source
Inheritance type of the DataInputStream class.
data CDataInputStream a Source
Abstract type of the DataInputStream class.
CDataInputStream |
type DataObject a = Object (CDataObject a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DataObject
type TDataObject a = CDataObject a Source
Inheritance type of the DataObject class.
type DataObjectComposite a = DataObject (CDataObjectComposite a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DataObjectComposite
, derived from DataObject
type TDataObjectComposite a = TDataObject (CDataObjectComposite a) Source
Inheritance type of the DataObjectComposite class.
data CDataObjectComposite a Source
Abstract type of the DataObjectComposite class.
CDataObjectComposite |
type DataObjectSimple a = DataObject (CDataObjectSimple a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DataObjectSimple
, derived from DataObject
type TDataObjectSimple a = TDataObject (CDataObjectSimple a) Source
Inheritance type of the DataObjectSimple class.
data CDataObjectSimple a Source
Abstract type of the DataObjectSimple class.
CDataObjectSimple |
type DataOutputStream a = Object (CDataOutputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DataOutputStream
type TDataOutputStream a = CDataOutputStream a Source
Inheritance type of the DataOutputStream class.
data CDataOutputStream a Source
Abstract type of the DataOutputStream class.
CDataOutputStream |
type DateProperty a = PGProperty (CDateProperty a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DateProperty
, derived from PGProperty
type TDateProperty a = TPGProperty (CDateProperty a) Source
Inheritance type of the DateProperty class.
type DbConnectInf a = Object (CDbConnectInf a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DbConnectInf
type TDbConnectInf a = CDbConnectInf a Source
Inheritance type of the DbConnectInf class.
type DbSqlTypeInfo a = Object (CDbSqlTypeInfo a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DbSqlTypeInfo
type TDbSqlTypeInfo a = CDbSqlTypeInfo a Source
Inheritance type of the DbSqlTypeInfo class.
type DbTableInfo a = Object (CDbTableInfo a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DbTableInfo
type TDbTableInfo a = CDbTableInfo a Source
Inheritance type of the DbTableInfo class.
type DebugContext a = Object (CDebugContext a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DebugContext
type TDebugContext a = CDebugContext a Source
Inheritance type of the DebugContext class.
type DialUpEvent a = Event (CDialUpEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DialUpEvent
, derived from Event
type TDialUpEvent a = TEvent (CDialUpEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the DialUpEvent class.
type DialUpManager a = Object (CDialUpManager a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DialUpManager
type TDialUpManager a = CDialUpManager a Source
Inheritance type of the DialUpManager class.
type Dialog a = TopLevelWindow (CDialog a) Source
Pointer to an object of type Dialog
, derived from TopLevelWindow
type TDialog a = TTopLevelWindow (CDialog a) Source
Inheritance type of the Dialog class.
type DirDialog a = Dialog (CDirDialog a) Source
type TDirDialog a = TDialog (CDirDialog a) Source
Inheritance type of the DirDialog class.
type DirTraverser a = Object (CDirTraverser a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DirTraverser
type TDirTraverser a = CDirTraverser a Source
Inheritance type of the DirTraverser class.
type DocChildFrame a = Frame (CDocChildFrame a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DocChildFrame
, derived from Frame
type TDocChildFrame a = TFrame (CDocChildFrame a) Source
Inheritance type of the DocChildFrame class.
type DocMDIChildFrame a = MDIChildFrame (CDocMDIChildFrame a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DocMDIChildFrame
, derived from MDIChildFrame
type TDocMDIChildFrame a = TMDIChildFrame (CDocMDIChildFrame a) Source
Inheritance type of the DocMDIChildFrame class.
data CDocMDIChildFrame a Source
Abstract type of the DocMDIChildFrame class.
CDocMDIChildFrame |
type DocMDIParentFrame a = MDIParentFrame (CDocMDIParentFrame a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DocMDIParentFrame
, derived from MDIParentFrame
type TDocMDIParentFrame a = TMDIParentFrame (CDocMDIParentFrame a) Source
Inheritance type of the DocMDIParentFrame class.
data CDocMDIParentFrame a Source
Abstract type of the DocMDIParentFrame class.
CDocMDIParentFrame |
type DocManager a = EvtHandler (CDocManager a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DocManager
, derived from EvtHandler
type TDocManager a = TEvtHandler (CDocManager a) Source
Inheritance type of the DocManager class.
type DocParentFrame a = Frame (CDocParentFrame a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DocParentFrame
, derived from Frame
type TDocParentFrame a = TFrame (CDocParentFrame a) Source
Inheritance type of the DocParentFrame class.
type DocTemplate a = WxObject (CDocTemplate a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DocTemplate
, derived from WxObject
type TDocTemplate a = TWxObject (CDocTemplate a) Source
Inheritance type of the DocTemplate class.
type Document a = EvtHandler (CDocument a) Source
Pointer to an object of type Document
, derived from EvtHandler
type TDocument a = TEvtHandler (CDocument a) Source
Inheritance type of the Document class.
type DragImage a = WxObject (CDragImage a) Source
type TDragImage a = TWxObject (CDragImage a) Source
Inheritance type of the DragImage class.
type DrawControl a = Control (CDrawControl a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DrawControl
, derived from Control
type TDrawControl a = TControl (CDrawControl a) Source
Inheritance type of the DrawControl class.
type DrawWindow a = Window (CDrawWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DrawWindow
, derived from Window
type TDrawWindow a = TWindow (CDrawWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the DrawWindow class.
type DropFilesEvent a = Event (CDropFilesEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DropFilesEvent
, derived from Event
type TDropFilesEvent a = TEvent (CDropFilesEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the DropFilesEvent class.
type DropSource a = Object (CDropSource a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DropSource
type TDropSource a = CDropSource a Source
Inheritance type of the DropSource class.
type DropTarget a = Object (CDropTarget a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DropTarget
type TDropTarget a = CDropTarget a Source
Inheritance type of the DropTarget class.
type DynToolInfo a = ToolLayoutItem (CDynToolInfo a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DynToolInfo
, derived from ToolLayoutItem
type TDynToolInfo a = TToolLayoutItem (CDynToolInfo a) Source
Inheritance type of the DynToolInfo class.
type DynamicLibrary a = Object (CDynamicLibrary a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DynamicLibrary
type TDynamicLibrary a = CDynamicLibrary a Source
Inheritance type of the DynamicLibrary class.
type DynamicSashWindow a = Window (CDynamicSashWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DynamicSashWindow
, derived from Window
type TDynamicSashWindow a = TWindow (CDynamicSashWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the DynamicSashWindow class.
data CDynamicSashWindow a Source
Abstract type of the DynamicSashWindow class.
CDynamicSashWindow |
type DynamicToolBar a = ToolBarBase (CDynamicToolBar a) Source
Pointer to an object of type DynamicToolBar
, derived from ToolBarBase
type TDynamicToolBar a = TToolBarBase (CDynamicToolBar a) Source
Inheritance type of the DynamicToolBar class.
type EditableListBox a = Panel (CEditableListBox a) Source
Pointer to an object of type EditableListBox
, derived from Panel
type TEditableListBox a = TPanel (CEditableListBox a) Source
Inheritance type of the EditableListBox class.
data CEditableListBox a Source
Abstract type of the EditableListBox class.
CEditableListBox |
type EncodingConverter a = WxObject (CEncodingConverter a) Source
Pointer to an object of type EncodingConverter
, derived from WxObject
type TEncodingConverter a = TWxObject (CEncodingConverter a) Source
Inheritance type of the EncodingConverter class.
data CEncodingConverter a Source
Abstract type of the EncodingConverter class.
CEncodingConverter |
type EraseEvent a = Event (CEraseEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type EraseEvent
, derived from Event
type TEraseEvent a = TEvent (CEraseEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the EraseEvent class.
type EvtHandler a = WxObject (CEvtHandler a) Source
Pointer to an object of type EvtHandler
, derived from WxObject
type TEvtHandler a = TWxObject (CEvtHandler a) Source
Inheritance type of the EvtHandler class.
type ExprDatabase a = List (CExprDatabase a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ExprDatabase
, derived from List
type TExprDatabase a = TList (CExprDatabase a) Source
Inheritance type of the ExprDatabase class.
type FFileInputStream a = InputStream (CFFileInputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FFileInputStream
, derived from InputStream
type TFFileInputStream a = TInputStream (CFFileInputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the FFileInputStream class.
data CFFileInputStream a Source
Abstract type of the FFileInputStream class.
CFFileInputStream |
type FFileOutputStream a = OutputStream (CFFileOutputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FFileOutputStream
, derived from OutputStream
type TFFileOutputStream a = TOutputStream (CFFileOutputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the FFileOutputStream class.
data CFFileOutputStream a Source
Abstract type of the FFileOutputStream class.
CFFileOutputStream |
type FileConfig a = ConfigBase (CFileConfig a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FileConfig
, derived from ConfigBase
type TFileConfig a = TConfigBase (CFileConfig a) Source
Inheritance type of the FileConfig class.
type FileDataObject a = DataObjectSimple (CFileDataObject a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FileDataObject
, derived from DataObjectSimple
type TFileDataObject a = TDataObjectSimple (CFileDataObject a) Source
Inheritance type of the FileDataObject class.
type FileDialog a = Dialog (CFileDialog a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FileDialog
, derived from Dialog
type TFileDialog a = TDialog (CFileDialog a) Source
Inheritance type of the FileDialog class.
type FileDropTarget a = DropTarget (CFileDropTarget a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FileDropTarget
, derived from DropTarget
type TFileDropTarget a = TDropTarget (CFileDropTarget a) Source
Inheritance type of the FileDropTarget class.
type FileHistory a = WxObject (CFileHistory a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FileHistory
, derived from WxObject
type TFileHistory a = TWxObject (CFileHistory a) Source
Inheritance type of the FileHistory class.
type FileInputStream a = InputStream (CFileInputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FileInputStream
, derived from InputStream
type TFileInputStream a = TInputStream (CFileInputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the FileInputStream class.
data CFileInputStream a Source
Abstract type of the FileInputStream class.
CFileInputStream |
type FileOutputStream a = OutputStream (CFileOutputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FileOutputStream
, derived from OutputStream
type TFileOutputStream a = TOutputStream (CFileOutputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the FileOutputStream class.
data CFileOutputStream a Source
Abstract type of the FileOutputStream class.
CFileOutputStream |
type FileProperty a = PGProperty (CFileProperty a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FileProperty
, derived from PGProperty
type TFileProperty a = TPGProperty (CFileProperty a) Source
Inheritance type of the FileProperty class.
type FileSystem a = WxObject (CFileSystem a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FileSystem
, derived from WxObject
type TFileSystem a = TWxObject (CFileSystem a) Source
Inheritance type of the FileSystem class.
type FileSystemHandler a = WxObject (CFileSystemHandler a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FileSystemHandler
, derived from WxObject
type TFileSystemHandler a = TWxObject (CFileSystemHandler a) Source
Inheritance type of the FileSystemHandler class.
data CFileSystemHandler a Source
Abstract type of the FileSystemHandler class.
CFileSystemHandler |
type FilterInputStream a = InputStream (CFilterInputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FilterInputStream
, derived from InputStream
type TFilterInputStream a = TInputStream (CFilterInputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the FilterInputStream class.
data CFilterInputStream a Source
Abstract type of the FilterInputStream class.
CFilterInputStream |
type FilterOutputStream a = OutputStream (CFilterOutputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FilterOutputStream
, derived from OutputStream
type TFilterOutputStream a = TOutputStream (CFilterOutputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the FilterOutputStream class.
data CFilterOutputStream a Source
Abstract type of the FilterOutputStream class.
CFilterOutputStream |
type FindDialogEvent a = CommandEvent (CFindDialogEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FindDialogEvent
, derived from CommandEvent
type TFindDialogEvent a = TCommandEvent (CFindDialogEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the FindDialogEvent class.
data CFindDialogEvent a Source
Abstract type of the FindDialogEvent class.
CFindDialogEvent |
type FindReplaceData a = WxObject (CFindReplaceData a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FindReplaceData
, derived from WxObject
type TFindReplaceData a = TWxObject (CFindReplaceData a) Source
Inheritance type of the FindReplaceData class.
data CFindReplaceData a Source
Abstract type of the FindReplaceData class.
CFindReplaceData |
type FindReplaceDialog a = Dialog (CFindReplaceDialog a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FindReplaceDialog
, derived from Dialog
type TFindReplaceDialog a = TDialog (CFindReplaceDialog a) Source
Inheritance type of the FindReplaceDialog class.
data CFindReplaceDialog a Source
Abstract type of the FindReplaceDialog class.
CFindReplaceDialog |
type FlexGridSizer a = GridSizer (CFlexGridSizer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FlexGridSizer
, derived from GridSizer
type TFlexGridSizer a = TGridSizer (CFlexGridSizer a) Source
Inheritance type of the FlexGridSizer class.
type FloatProperty a = PGProperty (CFloatProperty a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FloatProperty
, derived from PGProperty
type TFloatProperty a = TPGProperty (CFloatProperty a) Source
Inheritance type of the FloatProperty class.
type FocusEvent a = Event (CFocusEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FocusEvent
, derived from Event
type TFocusEvent a = TEvent (CFocusEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the FocusEvent class.
type TFont a = TGDIObject (CFont a) Source
Inheritance type of the Font class.
type FontDialog a = Dialog (CFontDialog a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FontDialog
, derived from Dialog
type TFontDialog a = TDialog (CFontDialog a) Source
Inheritance type of the FontDialog class.
type FontEnumerator a = Object (CFontEnumerator a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FontEnumerator
type TFontEnumerator a = CFontEnumerator a Source
Inheritance type of the FontEnumerator class.
type FontMapper a = Object (CFontMapper a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FontMapper
type TFontMapper a = CFontMapper a Source
Inheritance type of the FontMapper class.
type Frame a = TopLevelWindow (CFrame a) Source
Pointer to an object of type Frame
, derived from TopLevelWindow
type TFrame a = TTopLevelWindow (CFrame a) Source
Inheritance type of the Frame class.
type FrameLayout a = EvtHandler (CFrameLayout a) Source
Pointer to an object of type FrameLayout
, derived from EvtHandler
type TFrameLayout a = TEvtHandler (CFrameLayout a) Source
Inheritance type of the FrameLayout class.
type GDIObject a = WxObject (CGDIObject a) Source
type TGDIObject a = TWxObject (CGDIObject a) Source
Inheritance type of the GDIObject class.
type GLContext a = WxObject (CGLContext a) Source
type TGLContext a = TWxObject (CGLContext a) Source
Inheritance type of the GLContext class.
type GenericDirCtrl a = Control (CGenericDirCtrl a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GenericDirCtrl
, derived from Control
type TGenericDirCtrl a = TControl (CGenericDirCtrl a) Source
Inheritance type of the GenericDirCtrl class.
type GenericDragImage a = DragImage (CGenericDragImage a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GenericDragImage
, derived from DragImage
type TGenericDragImage a = TDragImage (CGenericDragImage a) Source
Inheritance type of the GenericDragImage class.
data CGenericDragImage a Source
Abstract type of the GenericDragImage class.
CGenericDragImage |
type GenericValidator a = Validator (CGenericValidator a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GenericValidator
, derived from Validator
type TGenericValidator a = TValidator (CGenericValidator a) Source
Inheritance type of the GenericValidator class.
data CGenericValidator a Source
Abstract type of the GenericValidator class.
CGenericValidator |
type GraphicsBrush a = GraphicsObject (CGraphicsBrush a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GraphicsBrush
, derived from GraphicsObject
type TGraphicsBrush a = TGraphicsObject (CGraphicsBrush a) Source
Inheritance type of the GraphicsBrush class.
type GraphicsContext a = GraphicsObject (CGraphicsContext a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GraphicsContext
, derived from GraphicsObject
type TGraphicsContext a = TGraphicsObject (CGraphicsContext a) Source
Inheritance type of the GraphicsContext class.
data CGraphicsContext a Source
Abstract type of the GraphicsContext class.
CGraphicsContext |
type GraphicsFont a = GraphicsObject (CGraphicsFont a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GraphicsFont
, derived from GraphicsObject
type TGraphicsFont a = TGraphicsObject (CGraphicsFont a) Source
Inheritance type of the GraphicsFont class.
type GraphicsMatrix a = GraphicsObject (CGraphicsMatrix a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GraphicsMatrix
, derived from GraphicsObject
type TGraphicsMatrix a = TGraphicsObject (CGraphicsMatrix a) Source
Inheritance type of the GraphicsMatrix class.
type GraphicsObject a = WxObject (CGraphicsObject a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GraphicsObject
, derived from WxObject
type TGraphicsObject a = TWxObject (CGraphicsObject a) Source
Inheritance type of the GraphicsObject class.
type GraphicsPath a = GraphicsObject (CGraphicsPath a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GraphicsPath
, derived from GraphicsObject
type TGraphicsPath a = TGraphicsObject (CGraphicsPath a) Source
Inheritance type of the GraphicsPath class.
type GraphicsPen a = GraphicsObject (CGraphicsPen a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GraphicsPen
, derived from GraphicsObject
type TGraphicsPen a = TGraphicsObject (CGraphicsPen a) Source
Inheritance type of the GraphicsPen class.
type GraphicsRenderer a = GraphicsObject (CGraphicsRenderer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GraphicsRenderer
, derived from GraphicsObject
type TGraphicsRenderer a = TGraphicsObject (CGraphicsRenderer a) Source
Inheritance type of the GraphicsRenderer class.
data CGraphicsRenderer a Source
Abstract type of the GraphicsRenderer class.
CGraphicsRenderer |
type Grid a = ScrolledWindow (CGrid a) Source
Pointer to an object of type Grid
, derived from ScrolledWindow
type TGrid a = TScrolledWindow (CGrid a) Source
Inheritance type of the Grid class.
type GridCellAttr a = Object (CGridCellAttr a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridCellAttr
type TGridCellAttr a = CGridCellAttr a Source
Inheritance type of the GridCellAttr class.
type GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer a = GridCellStringRenderer (CGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer
, derived from GridCellStringRenderer
type TGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer a = TGridCellStringRenderer (CGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer class.
data CGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer a Source
Abstract type of the GridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer class.
CGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer |
type GridCellBoolEditor a = GridCellEditor (CGridCellBoolEditor a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridCellBoolEditor
, derived from GridCellEditor
type TGridCellBoolEditor a = TGridCellEditor (CGridCellBoolEditor a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridCellBoolEditor class.
data CGridCellBoolEditor a Source
Abstract type of the GridCellBoolEditor class.
CGridCellBoolEditor |
type GridCellBoolRenderer a = GridCellRenderer (CGridCellBoolRenderer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridCellBoolRenderer
, derived from GridCellRenderer
type TGridCellBoolRenderer a = TGridCellRenderer (CGridCellBoolRenderer a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridCellBoolRenderer class.
data CGridCellBoolRenderer a Source
Abstract type of the GridCellBoolRenderer class.
CGridCellBoolRenderer |
type GridCellChoiceEditor a = GridCellEditor (CGridCellChoiceEditor a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridCellChoiceEditor
, derived from GridCellEditor
type TGridCellChoiceEditor a = TGridCellEditor (CGridCellChoiceEditor a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridCellChoiceEditor class.
data CGridCellChoiceEditor a Source
Abstract type of the GridCellChoiceEditor class.
CGridCellChoiceEditor |
type GridCellCoordsArray a = Object (CGridCellCoordsArray a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridCellCoordsArray
type TGridCellCoordsArray a = CGridCellCoordsArray a Source
Inheritance type of the GridCellCoordsArray class.
data CGridCellCoordsArray a Source
Abstract type of the GridCellCoordsArray class.
CGridCellCoordsArray |
type GridCellEditor a = GridCellWorker (CGridCellEditor a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridCellEditor
, derived from GridCellWorker
type TGridCellEditor a = TGridCellWorker (CGridCellEditor a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridCellEditor class.
type GridCellFloatEditor a = GridCellTextEditor (CGridCellFloatEditor a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridCellFloatEditor
, derived from GridCellTextEditor
type TGridCellFloatEditor a = TGridCellTextEditor (CGridCellFloatEditor a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridCellFloatEditor class.
data CGridCellFloatEditor a Source
Abstract type of the GridCellFloatEditor class.
CGridCellFloatEditor |
type GridCellFloatRenderer a = GridCellStringRenderer (CGridCellFloatRenderer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridCellFloatRenderer
, derived from GridCellStringRenderer
type TGridCellFloatRenderer a = TGridCellStringRenderer (CGridCellFloatRenderer a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridCellFloatRenderer class.
data CGridCellFloatRenderer a Source
Abstract type of the GridCellFloatRenderer class.
CGridCellFloatRenderer |
type GridCellNumberEditor a = GridCellTextEditor (CGridCellNumberEditor a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridCellNumberEditor
, derived from GridCellTextEditor
type TGridCellNumberEditor a = TGridCellTextEditor (CGridCellNumberEditor a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridCellNumberEditor class.
data CGridCellNumberEditor a Source
Abstract type of the GridCellNumberEditor class.
CGridCellNumberEditor |
type GridCellNumberRenderer a = GridCellStringRenderer (CGridCellNumberRenderer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridCellNumberRenderer
, derived from GridCellStringRenderer
type TGridCellNumberRenderer a = TGridCellStringRenderer (CGridCellNumberRenderer a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridCellNumberRenderer class.
data CGridCellNumberRenderer a Source
Abstract type of the GridCellNumberRenderer class.
CGridCellNumberRenderer |
type GridCellRenderer a = GridCellWorker (CGridCellRenderer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridCellRenderer
, derived from GridCellWorker
type TGridCellRenderer a = TGridCellWorker (CGridCellRenderer a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridCellRenderer class.
data CGridCellRenderer a Source
Abstract type of the GridCellRenderer class.
CGridCellRenderer |
type GridCellStringRenderer a = GridCellRenderer (CGridCellStringRenderer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridCellStringRenderer
, derived from GridCellRenderer
type TGridCellStringRenderer a = TGridCellRenderer (CGridCellStringRenderer a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridCellStringRenderer class.
data CGridCellStringRenderer a Source
Abstract type of the GridCellStringRenderer class.
CGridCellStringRenderer |
type GridCellTextEditor a = GridCellEditor (CGridCellTextEditor a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridCellTextEditor
, derived from GridCellEditor
type TGridCellTextEditor a = TGridCellEditor (CGridCellTextEditor a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridCellTextEditor class.
data CGridCellTextEditor a Source
Abstract type of the GridCellTextEditor class.
CGridCellTextEditor |
type GridCellTextEnterEditor a = GridCellTextEditor (CGridCellTextEnterEditor a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridCellTextEnterEditor
, derived from GridCellTextEditor
type TGridCellTextEnterEditor a = TGridCellTextEditor (CGridCellTextEnterEditor a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridCellTextEnterEditor class.
data CGridCellTextEnterEditor a Source
Abstract type of the GridCellTextEnterEditor class.
CGridCellTextEnterEditor |
type GridCellWorker a = Object (CGridCellWorker a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridCellWorker
type TGridCellWorker a = CGridCellWorker a Source
Inheritance type of the GridCellWorker class.
type GridEditorCreatedEvent a = CommandEvent (CGridEditorCreatedEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridEditorCreatedEvent
, derived from CommandEvent
type TGridEditorCreatedEvent a = TCommandEvent (CGridEditorCreatedEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridEditorCreatedEvent class.
data CGridEditorCreatedEvent a Source
Abstract type of the GridEditorCreatedEvent class.
CGridEditorCreatedEvent |
type GridEvent a = NotifyEvent (CGridEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridEvent
, derived from NotifyEvent
type TGridEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CGridEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridEvent class.
type GridRangeSelectEvent a = NotifyEvent (CGridRangeSelectEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridRangeSelectEvent
, derived from NotifyEvent
type TGridRangeSelectEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CGridRangeSelectEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridRangeSelectEvent class.
data CGridRangeSelectEvent a Source
Abstract type of the GridRangeSelectEvent class.
CGridRangeSelectEvent |
type GridSizeEvent a = NotifyEvent (CGridSizeEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridSizeEvent
, derived from NotifyEvent
type TGridSizeEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CGridSizeEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridSizeEvent class.
type GridSizer a = Sizer (CGridSizer a) Source
type TGridSizer a = TSizer (CGridSizer a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridSizer class.
type GridTableBase a = WxObject (CGridTableBase a) Source
Pointer to an object of type GridTableBase
, derived from WxObject
type TGridTableBase a = TWxObject (CGridTableBase a) Source
Inheritance type of the GridTableBase class.
type HelpController a = HelpControllerBase (CHelpController a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HelpController
, derived from HelpControllerBase
type THelpController a = THelpControllerBase (CHelpController a) Source
Inheritance type of the HelpController class.
type HelpControllerBase a = WxObject (CHelpControllerBase a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HelpControllerBase
, derived from WxObject
type THelpControllerBase a = TWxObject (CHelpControllerBase a) Source
Inheritance type of the HelpControllerBase class.
data CHelpControllerBase a Source
Abstract type of the HelpControllerBase class.
CHelpControllerBase |
type HelpControllerHelpProvider a = SimpleHelpProvider (CHelpControllerHelpProvider a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HelpControllerHelpProvider
, derived from SimpleHelpProvider
type THelpControllerHelpProvider a = TSimpleHelpProvider (CHelpControllerHelpProvider a) Source
Inheritance type of the HelpControllerHelpProvider class.
data CHelpControllerHelpProvider a Source
Abstract type of the HelpControllerHelpProvider class.
CHelpControllerHelpProvider |
type HelpEvent a = CommandEvent (CHelpEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HelpEvent
, derived from CommandEvent
type THelpEvent a = TCommandEvent (CHelpEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the HelpEvent class.
type HelpProvider a = Object (CHelpProvider a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HelpProvider
type THelpProvider a = CHelpProvider a Source
Inheritance type of the HelpProvider class.
type HtmlColourCell a = HtmlCell (CHtmlColourCell a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlColourCell
, derived from HtmlCell
type THtmlColourCell a = THtmlCell (CHtmlColourCell a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlColourCell class.
type HtmlContainerCell a = HtmlCell (CHtmlContainerCell a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlContainerCell
, derived from HtmlCell
type THtmlContainerCell a = THtmlCell (CHtmlContainerCell a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlContainerCell class.
data CHtmlContainerCell a Source
Abstract type of the HtmlContainerCell class.
CHtmlContainerCell |
type HtmlDCRenderer a = WxObject (CHtmlDCRenderer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlDCRenderer
, derived from WxObject
type THtmlDCRenderer a = TWxObject (CHtmlDCRenderer a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlDCRenderer class.
type HtmlEasyPrinting a = WxObject (CHtmlEasyPrinting a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlEasyPrinting
, derived from WxObject
type THtmlEasyPrinting a = TWxObject (CHtmlEasyPrinting a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlEasyPrinting class.
data CHtmlEasyPrinting a Source
Abstract type of the HtmlEasyPrinting class.
CHtmlEasyPrinting |
type HtmlFilter a = WxObject (CHtmlFilter a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlFilter
, derived from WxObject
type THtmlFilter a = TWxObject (CHtmlFilter a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlFilter class.
type HtmlHelpController a = HelpControllerBase (CHtmlHelpController a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlHelpController
, derived from HelpControllerBase
type THtmlHelpController a = THelpControllerBase (CHtmlHelpController a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlHelpController class.
data CHtmlHelpController a Source
Abstract type of the HtmlHelpController class.
CHtmlHelpController |
type HtmlHelpData a = WxObject (CHtmlHelpData a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlHelpData
, derived from WxObject
type THtmlHelpData a = TWxObject (CHtmlHelpData a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlHelpData class.
type HtmlHelpFrame a = Frame (CHtmlHelpFrame a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlHelpFrame
, derived from Frame
type THtmlHelpFrame a = TFrame (CHtmlHelpFrame a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlHelpFrame class.
type HtmlLinkInfo a = WxObject (CHtmlLinkInfo a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlLinkInfo
, derived from WxObject
type THtmlLinkInfo a = TWxObject (CHtmlLinkInfo a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlLinkInfo class.
type HtmlParser a = WxObject (CHtmlParser a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlParser
, derived from WxObject
type THtmlParser a = TWxObject (CHtmlParser a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlParser class.
type HtmlPrintout a = Printout (CHtmlPrintout a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlPrintout
, derived from Printout
type THtmlPrintout a = TPrintout (CHtmlPrintout a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlPrintout class.
type HtmlTagHandler a = WxObject (CHtmlTagHandler a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlTagHandler
, derived from WxObject
type THtmlTagHandler a = TWxObject (CHtmlTagHandler a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlTagHandler class.
type HtmlTagsModule a = Module (CHtmlTagsModule a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlTagsModule
, derived from Module
type THtmlTagsModule a = TModule (CHtmlTagsModule a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlTagsModule class.
type HtmlWidgetCell a = HtmlCell (CHtmlWidgetCell a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlWidgetCell
, derived from HtmlCell
type THtmlWidgetCell a = THtmlCell (CHtmlWidgetCell a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlWidgetCell class.
type HtmlWinParser a = HtmlParser (CHtmlWinParser a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlWinParser
, derived from HtmlParser
type THtmlWinParser a = THtmlParser (CHtmlWinParser a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlWinParser class.
type HtmlWinTagHandler a = HtmlTagHandler (CHtmlWinTagHandler a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlWinTagHandler
, derived from HtmlTagHandler
type THtmlWinTagHandler a = THtmlTagHandler (CHtmlWinTagHandler a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlWinTagHandler class.
data CHtmlWinTagHandler a Source
Abstract type of the HtmlWinTagHandler class.
CHtmlWinTagHandler |
type HtmlWindow a = ScrolledWindow (CHtmlWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HtmlWindow
, derived from ScrolledWindow
type THtmlWindow a = TScrolledWindow (CHtmlWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the HtmlWindow class.
type HyperlinkCtrl a = Control (CHyperlinkCtrl a) Source
Pointer to an object of type HyperlinkCtrl
, derived from Control
type THyperlinkCtrl a = TControl (CHyperlinkCtrl a) Source
Inheritance type of the HyperlinkCtrl class.
type IPV4address a = SockAddress (CIPV4address a) Source
Pointer to an object of type IPV4address
, derived from SockAddress
type TIPV4address a = TSockAddress (CIPV4address a) Source
Inheritance type of the IPV4address class.
type IconBundle a = Object (CIconBundle a) Source
Pointer to an object of type IconBundle
type TIconBundle a = CIconBundle a Source
Inheritance type of the IconBundle class.
type IconizeEvent a = Event (CIconizeEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type IconizeEvent
, derived from Event
type TIconizeEvent a = TEvent (CIconizeEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the IconizeEvent class.
type IdleEvent a = Event (CIdleEvent a) Source
type TIdleEvent a = TEvent (CIdleEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the IdleEvent class.
type ImageHandler a = WxObject (CImageHandler a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ImageHandler
, derived from WxObject
type TImageHandler a = TWxObject (CImageHandler a) Source
Inheritance type of the ImageHandler class.
type ImageList a = WxObject (CImageList a) Source
type TImageList a = TWxObject (CImageList a) Source
Inheritance type of the ImageList class.
type IndividualLayoutConstraint a = WxObject (CIndividualLayoutConstraint a) Source
Pointer to an object of type IndividualLayoutConstraint
, derived from WxObject
type TIndividualLayoutConstraint a = TWxObject (CIndividualLayoutConstraint a) Source
Inheritance type of the IndividualLayoutConstraint class.
data CIndividualLayoutConstraint a Source
Abstract type of the IndividualLayoutConstraint class.
CIndividualLayoutConstraint |
type InitDialogEvent a = Event (CInitDialogEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type InitDialogEvent
, derived from Event
type TInitDialogEvent a = TEvent (CInitDialogEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the InitDialogEvent class.
data CInitDialogEvent a Source
Abstract type of the InitDialogEvent class.
CInitDialogEvent |
type InputSink a = Thread (CInputSink a) Source
type TInputSink a = TThread (CInputSink a) Source
Inheritance type of the InputSink class.
type InputSinkEvent a = Event (CInputSinkEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type InputSinkEvent
, derived from Event
type TInputSinkEvent a = TEvent (CInputSinkEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the InputSinkEvent class.
type InputStream a = StreamBase (CInputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type InputStream
, derived from StreamBase
type TInputStream a = TStreamBase (CInputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the InputStream class.
type IntProperty a = PGProperty (CIntProperty a) Source
Pointer to an object of type IntProperty
, derived from PGProperty
type TIntProperty a = TPGProperty (CIntProperty a) Source
Inheritance type of the IntProperty class.
type JoystickEvent a = Event (CJoystickEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type JoystickEvent
, derived from Event
type TJoystickEvent a = TEvent (CJoystickEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the JoystickEvent class.
type LEDNumberCtrl a = Control (CLEDNumberCtrl a) Source
Pointer to an object of type LEDNumberCtrl
, derived from Control
type TLEDNumberCtrl a = TControl (CLEDNumberCtrl a) Source
Inheritance type of the LEDNumberCtrl class.
type LayoutAlgorithm a = WxObject (CLayoutAlgorithm a) Source
Pointer to an object of type LayoutAlgorithm
, derived from WxObject
type TLayoutAlgorithm a = TWxObject (CLayoutAlgorithm a) Source
Inheritance type of the LayoutAlgorithm class.
data CLayoutAlgorithm a Source
Abstract type of the LayoutAlgorithm class.
CLayoutAlgorithm |
type LayoutConstraints a = WxObject (CLayoutConstraints a) Source
Pointer to an object of type LayoutConstraints
, derived from WxObject
type TLayoutConstraints a = TWxObject (CLayoutConstraints a) Source
Inheritance type of the LayoutConstraints class.
data CLayoutConstraints a Source
Abstract type of the LayoutConstraints class.
CLayoutConstraints |
type ListEvent a = NotifyEvent (CListEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ListEvent
, derived from NotifyEvent
type TListEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CListEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the ListEvent class.
type LogPassThrough a = LogChain (CLogPassThrough a) Source
Pointer to an object of type LogPassThrough
, derived from LogChain
type TLogPassThrough a = TLogChain (CLogPassThrough a) Source
Inheritance type of the LogPassThrough class.
type LogStderr a = Log (CLogStderr a) Source
type TLogStderr a = TLog (CLogStderr a) Source
Inheritance type of the LogStderr class.
type LogStream a = Log (CLogStream a) Source
type TLogStream a = TLog (CLogStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the LogStream class.
type LogTextCtrl a = Log (CLogTextCtrl a) Source
Pointer to an object of type LogTextCtrl
, derived from Log
type TLogTextCtrl a = TLog (CLogTextCtrl a) Source
Inheritance type of the LogTextCtrl class.
type LogWindow a = LogPassThrough (CLogWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type LogWindow
, derived from LogPassThrough
type TLogWindow a = TLogPassThrough (CLogWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the LogWindow class.
type MBConvFile a = MBConv (CMBConvFile a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MBConvFile
, derived from MBConv
type TMBConvFile a = TMBConv (CMBConvFile a) Source
Inheritance type of the MBConvFile class.
type MBConvUTF7 a = MBConv (CMBConvUTF7 a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MBConvUTF7
, derived from MBConv
type TMBConvUTF7 a = TMBConv (CMBConvUTF7 a) Source
Inheritance type of the MBConvUTF7 class.
type MBConvUTF8 a = MBConv (CMBConvUTF8 a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MBConvUTF8
, derived from MBConv
type TMBConvUTF8 a = TMBConv (CMBConvUTF8 a) Source
Inheritance type of the MBConvUTF8 class.
type MDIChildFrame a = Frame (CMDIChildFrame a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MDIChildFrame
, derived from Frame
type TMDIChildFrame a = TFrame (CMDIChildFrame a) Source
Inheritance type of the MDIChildFrame class.
type MDIClientWindow a = Window (CMDIClientWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MDIClientWindow
, derived from Window
type TMDIClientWindow a = TWindow (CMDIClientWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the MDIClientWindow class.
data CMDIClientWindow a Source
Abstract type of the MDIClientWindow class.
CMDIClientWindow |
type MDIParentFrame a = Frame (CMDIParentFrame a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MDIParentFrame
, derived from Frame
type TMDIParentFrame a = TFrame (CMDIParentFrame a) Source
Inheritance type of the MDIParentFrame class.
type MaximizeEvent a = Event (CMaximizeEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MaximizeEvent
, derived from Event
type TMaximizeEvent a = TEvent (CMaximizeEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the MaximizeEvent class.
type MediaCtrl a = Window (CMediaCtrl a) Source
type TMediaCtrl a = TWindow (CMediaCtrl a) Source
Inheritance type of the MediaCtrl class.
type MediaEvent a = NotifyEvent (CMediaEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MediaEvent
, derived from NotifyEvent
type TMediaEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CMediaEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the MediaEvent class.
type MemoryBuffer a = Object (CMemoryBuffer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MemoryBuffer
type TMemoryBuffer a = CMemoryBuffer a Source
Inheritance type of the MemoryBuffer class.
type MemoryFSHandler a = FileSystemHandler (CMemoryFSHandler a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MemoryFSHandler
, derived from FileSystemHandler
type TMemoryFSHandler a = TFileSystemHandler (CMemoryFSHandler a) Source
Inheritance type of the MemoryFSHandler class.
data CMemoryFSHandler a Source
Abstract type of the MemoryFSHandler class.
CMemoryFSHandler |
type MemoryInputStream a = InputStream (CMemoryInputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MemoryInputStream
, derived from InputStream
type TMemoryInputStream a = TInputStream (CMemoryInputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the MemoryInputStream class.
data CMemoryInputStream a Source
Abstract type of the MemoryInputStream class.
CMemoryInputStream |
type MemoryOutputStream a = OutputStream (CMemoryOutputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MemoryOutputStream
, derived from OutputStream
type TMemoryOutputStream a = TOutputStream (CMemoryOutputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the MemoryOutputStream class.
data CMemoryOutputStream a Source
Abstract type of the MemoryOutputStream class.
CMemoryOutputStream |
type Menu a = EvtHandler (CMenu a) Source
Pointer to an object of type Menu
, derived from EvtHandler
type TMenu a = TEvtHandler (CMenu a) Source
Inheritance type of the Menu class.
type MenuBar a = EvtHandler (CMenuBar a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MenuBar
, derived from EvtHandler
type TMenuBar a = TEvtHandler (CMenuBar a) Source
Inheritance type of the MenuBar class.
type MenuEvent a = Event (CMenuEvent a) Source
type TMenuEvent a = TEvent (CMenuEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the MenuEvent class.
type MessageDialog a = Dialog (CMessageDialog a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MessageDialog
, derived from Dialog
type TMessageDialog a = TDialog (CMessageDialog a) Source
Inheritance type of the MessageDialog class.
type MetafileDC a = DC (CMetafileDC a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MetafileDC
, derived from DC
type TMetafileDC a = TDC (CMetafileDC a) Source
Inheritance type of the MetafileDC class.
type MimeTypesManager a = Object (CMimeTypesManager a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MimeTypesManager
type TMimeTypesManager a = CMimeTypesManager a Source
Inheritance type of the MimeTypesManager class.
data CMimeTypesManager a Source
Abstract type of the MimeTypesManager class.
CMimeTypesManager |
type MiniFrame a = Frame (CMiniFrame a) Source
type TMiniFrame a = TFrame (CMiniFrame a) Source
Inheritance type of the MiniFrame class.
type MouseCaptureChangedEvent a = Event (CMouseCaptureChangedEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MouseCaptureChangedEvent
, derived from Event
type TMouseCaptureChangedEvent a = TEvent (CMouseCaptureChangedEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the MouseCaptureChangedEvent class.
data CMouseCaptureChangedEvent a Source
Abstract type of the MouseCaptureChangedEvent class.
CMouseCaptureChangedEvent |
type MouseEvent a = Event (CMouseEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MouseEvent
, derived from Event
type TMouseEvent a = TEvent (CMouseEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the MouseEvent class.
type MoveEvent a = Event (CMoveEvent a) Source
type TMoveEvent a = TEvent (CMoveEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the MoveEvent class.
type MultiCellCanvas a = FlexGridSizer (CMultiCellCanvas a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MultiCellCanvas
, derived from FlexGridSizer
type TMultiCellCanvas a = TFlexGridSizer (CMultiCellCanvas a) Source
Inheritance type of the MultiCellCanvas class.
data CMultiCellCanvas a Source
Abstract type of the MultiCellCanvas class.
CMultiCellCanvas |
type MultiCellItemHandle a = WxObject (CMultiCellItemHandle a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MultiCellItemHandle
, derived from WxObject
type TMultiCellItemHandle a = TWxObject (CMultiCellItemHandle a) Source
Inheritance type of the MultiCellItemHandle class.
data CMultiCellItemHandle a Source
Abstract type of the MultiCellItemHandle class.
CMultiCellItemHandle |
type MultiCellSizer a = Sizer (CMultiCellSizer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MultiCellSizer
, derived from Sizer
type TMultiCellSizer a = TSizer (CMultiCellSizer a) Source
Inheritance type of the MultiCellSizer class.
type MutexLocker a = Object (CMutexLocker a) Source
Pointer to an object of type MutexLocker
type TMutexLocker a = CMutexLocker a Source
Inheritance type of the MutexLocker class.
type NavigationKeyEvent a = Event (CNavigationKeyEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type NavigationKeyEvent
, derived from Event
type TNavigationKeyEvent a = TEvent (CNavigationKeyEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the NavigationKeyEvent class.
data CNavigationKeyEvent a Source
Abstract type of the NavigationKeyEvent class.
CNavigationKeyEvent |
type NewBitmapButton a = Panel (CNewBitmapButton a) Source
Pointer to an object of type NewBitmapButton
, derived from Panel
type TNewBitmapButton a = TPanel (CNewBitmapButton a) Source
Inheritance type of the NewBitmapButton class.
data CNewBitmapButton a Source
Abstract type of the NewBitmapButton class.
CNewBitmapButton |
type NotebookEvent a = NotifyEvent (CNotebookEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type NotebookEvent
, derived from NotifyEvent
type TNotebookEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CNotebookEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the NotebookEvent class.
type NotifyEvent a = CommandEvent (CNotifyEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type NotifyEvent
, derived from CommandEvent
type TNotifyEvent a = TCommandEvent (CNotifyEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the NotifyEvent class.
type ObjectRefData a = Object (CObjectRefData a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ObjectRefData
type TObjectRefData a = CObjectRefData a Source
Inheritance type of the ObjectRefData class.
type OutputStream a = StreamBase (COutputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type OutputStream
, derived from StreamBase
type TOutputStream a = TStreamBase (COutputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the OutputStream class.
type PGProperty a = WxObject (CPGProperty a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PGProperty
, derived from WxObject
type TPGProperty a = TWxObject (CPGProperty a) Source
Inheritance type of the PGProperty class.
type PageSetupDialog a = Dialog (CPageSetupDialog a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PageSetupDialog
, derived from Dialog
type TPageSetupDialog a = TDialog (CPageSetupDialog a) Source
Inheritance type of the PageSetupDialog class.
data CPageSetupDialog a Source
Abstract type of the PageSetupDialog class.
CPageSetupDialog |
type PageSetupDialogData a = WxObject (CPageSetupDialogData a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PageSetupDialogData
, derived from WxObject
type TPageSetupDialogData a = TWxObject (CPageSetupDialogData a) Source
Inheritance type of the PageSetupDialogData class.
data CPageSetupDialogData a Source
Abstract type of the PageSetupDialogData class.
CPageSetupDialogData |
type PaintEvent a = Event (CPaintEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PaintEvent
, derived from Event
type TPaintEvent a = TEvent (CPaintEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the PaintEvent class.
type TPalette a = TGDIObject (CPalette a) Source
Inheritance type of the Palette class.
type PaletteChangedEvent a = Event (CPaletteChangedEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PaletteChangedEvent
, derived from Event
type TPaletteChangedEvent a = TEvent (CPaletteChangedEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the PaletteChangedEvent class.
data CPaletteChangedEvent a Source
Abstract type of the PaletteChangedEvent class.
CPaletteChangedEvent |
type TPen a = TGDIObject (CPen a) Source
Inheritance type of the Pen class.
type PickerBase a = Control (CPickerBase a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PickerBase
, derived from Control
type TPickerBase a = TControl (CPickerBase a) Source
Inheritance type of the PickerBase class.
type PlotCurve a = WxObject (CPlotCurve a) Source
type TPlotCurve a = TWxObject (CPlotCurve a) Source
Inheritance type of the PlotCurve class.
type PlotEvent a = NotifyEvent (CPlotEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PlotEvent
, derived from NotifyEvent
type TPlotEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CPlotEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the PlotEvent class.
type PlotOnOffCurve a = WxObject (CPlotOnOffCurve a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PlotOnOffCurve
, derived from WxObject
type TPlotOnOffCurve a = TWxObject (CPlotOnOffCurve a) Source
Inheritance type of the PlotOnOffCurve class.
type PlotWindow a = ScrolledWindow (CPlotWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PlotWindow
, derived from ScrolledWindow
type TPlotWindow a = TScrolledWindow (CPlotWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the PlotWindow class.
type PopupTransientWindow a = PopupWindow (CPopupTransientWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PopupTransientWindow
, derived from PopupWindow
type TPopupTransientWindow a = TPopupWindow (CPopupTransientWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the PopupTransientWindow class.
data CPopupTransientWindow a Source
Abstract type of the PopupTransientWindow class.
CPopupTransientWindow |
type PopupWindow a = Window (CPopupWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PopupWindow
, derived from Window
type TPopupWindow a = TWindow (CPopupWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the PopupWindow class.
type PostScriptDC a = DC (CPostScriptDC a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PostScriptDC
, derived from DC
type TPostScriptDC a = TDC (CPostScriptDC a) Source
Inheritance type of the PostScriptDC class.
type PostScriptPrintNativeData a = WxObject (CPostScriptPrintNativeData a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PostScriptPrintNativeData
, derived from WxObject
type TPostScriptPrintNativeData a = TWxObject (CPostScriptPrintNativeData a) Source
Inheritance type of the PostScriptPrintNativeData class.
data CPostScriptPrintNativeData a Source
Abstract type of the PostScriptPrintNativeData class.
CPostScriptPrintNativeData |
type PreviewCanvas a = ScrolledWindow (CPreviewCanvas a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PreviewCanvas
, derived from ScrolledWindow
type TPreviewCanvas a = TScrolledWindow (CPreviewCanvas a) Source
Inheritance type of the PreviewCanvas class.
type PreviewControlBar a = Panel (CPreviewControlBar a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PreviewControlBar
, derived from Panel
type TPreviewControlBar a = TPanel (CPreviewControlBar a) Source
Inheritance type of the PreviewControlBar class.
data CPreviewControlBar a Source
Abstract type of the PreviewControlBar class.
CPreviewControlBar |
type PreviewFrame a = Frame (CPreviewFrame a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PreviewFrame
, derived from Frame
type TPreviewFrame a = TFrame (CPreviewFrame a) Source
Inheritance type of the PreviewFrame class.
type PrintData a = WxObject (CPrintData a) Source
type TPrintData a = TWxObject (CPrintData a) Source
Inheritance type of the PrintData class.
type PrintDialog a = Dialog (CPrintDialog a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PrintDialog
, derived from Dialog
type TPrintDialog a = TDialog (CPrintDialog a) Source
Inheritance type of the PrintDialog class.
type PrintDialogData a = WxObject (CPrintDialogData a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PrintDialogData
, derived from WxObject
type TPrintDialogData a = TWxObject (CPrintDialogData a) Source
Inheritance type of the PrintDialogData class.
data CPrintDialogData a Source
Abstract type of the PrintDialogData class.
CPrintDialogData |
type PrintPreview a = WxObject (CPrintPreview a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PrintPreview
, derived from WxObject
type TPrintPreview a = TWxObject (CPrintPreview a) Source
Inheritance type of the PrintPreview class.
type TPrinterDC a = TDC (CPrinterDC a) Source
Inheritance type of the PrinterDC class.
type PrivateDropTarget a = DropTarget (CPrivateDropTarget a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PrivateDropTarget
, derived from DropTarget
type TPrivateDropTarget a = TDropTarget (CPrivateDropTarget a) Source
Inheritance type of the PrivateDropTarget class.
data CPrivateDropTarget a Source
Abstract type of the PrivateDropTarget class.
CPrivateDropTarget |
type Process a = EvtHandler (CProcess a) Source
Pointer to an object of type Process
, derived from EvtHandler
type TProcess a = TEvtHandler (CProcess a) Source
Inheritance type of the Process class.
type ProcessEvent a = Event (CProcessEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ProcessEvent
, derived from Event
type TProcessEvent a = TEvent (CProcessEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the ProcessEvent class.
type ProgressDialog a = Frame (CProgressDialog a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ProgressDialog
, derived from Frame
type TProgressDialog a = TFrame (CProgressDialog a) Source
Inheritance type of the ProgressDialog class.
type PropertyCategory a = PGProperty (CPropertyCategory a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PropertyCategory
, derived from PGProperty
type TPropertyCategory a = TPGProperty (CPropertyCategory a) Source
Inheritance type of the PropertyCategory class.
data CPropertyCategory a Source
Abstract type of the PropertyCategory class.
CPropertyCategory |
type PropertyGrid a = Control (CPropertyGrid a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PropertyGrid
, derived from Control
type TPropertyGrid a = TControl (CPropertyGrid a) Source
Inheritance type of the PropertyGrid class.
type PropertyGridEvent a = NotifyEvent (CPropertyGridEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type PropertyGridEvent
, derived from NotifyEvent
type TPropertyGridEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CPropertyGridEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the PropertyGridEvent class.
data CPropertyGridEvent a Source
Abstract type of the PropertyGridEvent class.
CPropertyGridEvent |
type Protocol a = SocketClient (CProtocol a) Source
Pointer to an object of type Protocol
, derived from SocketClient
type TProtocol a = TSocketClient (CProtocol a) Source
Inheritance type of the Protocol class.
type QueryField a = WxObject (CQueryField a) Source
Pointer to an object of type QueryField
, derived from WxObject
type TQueryField a = TWxObject (CQueryField a) Source
Inheritance type of the QueryField class.
type QueryLayoutInfoEvent a = Event (CQueryLayoutInfoEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type QueryLayoutInfoEvent
, derived from Event
type TQueryLayoutInfoEvent a = TEvent (CQueryLayoutInfoEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the QueryLayoutInfoEvent class.
data CQueryLayoutInfoEvent a Source
Abstract type of the QueryLayoutInfoEvent class.
CQueryLayoutInfoEvent |
type QueryNewPaletteEvent a = Event (CQueryNewPaletteEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type QueryNewPaletteEvent
, derived from Event
type TQueryNewPaletteEvent a = TEvent (CQueryNewPaletteEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the QueryNewPaletteEvent class.
data CQueryNewPaletteEvent a Source
Abstract type of the QueryNewPaletteEvent class.
CQueryNewPaletteEvent |
type RadioButton a = Control (CRadioButton a) Source
Pointer to an object of type RadioButton
, derived from Control
type TRadioButton a = TControl (CRadioButton a) Source
Inheritance type of the RadioButton class.
type RealPoint a = Object (CRealPoint a) Source
Pointer to an object of type RealPoint
type TRealPoint a = CRealPoint a Source
Inheritance type of the RealPoint class.
type RecordSet a = WxObject (CRecordSet a) Source
type TRecordSet a = TWxObject (CRecordSet a) Source
Inheritance type of the RecordSet class.
type TRegion a = TGDIObject (CRegion a) Source
Inheritance type of the Region class.
type RegionIterator a = WxObject (CRegionIterator a) Source
Pointer to an object of type RegionIterator
, derived from WxObject
type TRegionIterator a = TWxObject (CRegionIterator a) Source
Inheritance type of the RegionIterator class.
type RemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl a = TreeCtrl (CRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl a) Source
Pointer to an object of type RemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl
, derived from TreeCtrl
type TRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl a = TTreeCtrl (CRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl a) Source
Inheritance type of the RemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl class.
data CRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl a Source
Abstract type of the RemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl class.
CRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl |
type TSVGFileDC a = TDC (CSVGFileDC a) Source
Inheritance type of the SVGFileDC class.
type SashEvent a = Event (CSashEvent a) Source
type TSashEvent a = TEvent (CSashEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the SashEvent class.
type SashLayoutWindow a = SashWindow (CSashLayoutWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SashLayoutWindow
, derived from SashWindow
type TSashLayoutWindow a = TSashWindow (CSashLayoutWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the SashLayoutWindow class.
data CSashLayoutWindow a Source
Abstract type of the SashLayoutWindow class.
CSashLayoutWindow |
type SashWindow a = Window (CSashWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SashWindow
, derived from Window
type TSashWindow a = TWindow (CSashWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the SashWindow class.
type ScopedArray a = Object (CScopedArray a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ScopedArray
type TScopedArray a = CScopedArray a Source
Inheritance type of the ScopedArray class.
type ScopedPtr a = Object (CScopedPtr a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ScopedPtr
type TScopedPtr a = CScopedPtr a Source
Inheritance type of the ScopedPtr class.
type ScrollBar a = Control (CScrollBar a) Source
type TScrollBar a = TControl (CScrollBar a) Source
Inheritance type of the ScrollBar class.
type ScrollEvent a = Event (CScrollEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ScrollEvent
, derived from Event
type TScrollEvent a = TEvent (CScrollEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the ScrollEvent class.
type ScrollWinEvent a = Event (CScrollWinEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ScrollWinEvent
, derived from Event
type TScrollWinEvent a = TEvent (CScrollWinEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the ScrollWinEvent class.
type ScrolledWindow a = Panel (CScrolledWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ScrolledWindow
, derived from Panel
type TScrolledWindow a = TPanel (CScrolledWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the ScrolledWindow class.
type Semaphore a = Object (CSemaphore a) Source
Pointer to an object of type Semaphore
type TSemaphore a = CSemaphore a Source
Inheritance type of the Semaphore class.
type Server a = ServerBase (CServer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type Server
, derived from ServerBase
type TServer a = TServerBase (CServer a) Source
Inheritance type of the Server class.
type ServerBase a = WxObject (CServerBase a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ServerBase
, derived from WxObject
type TServerBase a = TWxObject (CServerBase a) Source
Inheritance type of the ServerBase class.
type SetCursorEvent a = Event (CSetCursorEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SetCursorEvent
, derived from Event
type TSetCursorEvent a = TEvent (CSetCursorEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the SetCursorEvent class.
type ShowEvent a = Event (CShowEvent a) Source
type TShowEvent a = TEvent (CShowEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the ShowEvent class.
type SimpleHelpProvider a = HelpProvider (CSimpleHelpProvider a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SimpleHelpProvider
, derived from HelpProvider
type TSimpleHelpProvider a = THelpProvider (CSimpleHelpProvider a) Source
Inheritance type of the SimpleHelpProvider class.
data CSimpleHelpProvider a Source
Abstract type of the SimpleHelpProvider class.
CSimpleHelpProvider |
type SingleChoiceDialog a = Dialog (CSingleChoiceDialog a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SingleChoiceDialog
, derived from Dialog
type TSingleChoiceDialog a = TDialog (CSingleChoiceDialog a) Source
Inheritance type of the SingleChoiceDialog class.
data CSingleChoiceDialog a Source
Abstract type of the SingleChoiceDialog class.
CSingleChoiceDialog |
type SingleInstanceChecker a = Object (CSingleInstanceChecker a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SingleInstanceChecker
type TSingleInstanceChecker a = CSingleInstanceChecker a Source
Inheritance type of the SingleInstanceChecker class.
data CSingleInstanceChecker a Source
Abstract type of the SingleInstanceChecker class.
CSingleInstanceChecker |
type SizeEvent a = Event (CSizeEvent a) Source
type TSizeEvent a = TEvent (CSizeEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the SizeEvent class.
type SizerItem a = WxObject (CSizerItem a) Source
type TSizerItem a = TWxObject (CSizerItem a) Source
Inheritance type of the SizerItem class.
type SliderMSW a = Slider (CSliderMSW a) Source
type TSliderMSW a = TSlider (CSliderMSW a) Source
Inheritance type of the SliderMSW class.
type SockAddress a = WxObject (CSockAddress a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SockAddress
, derived from WxObject
type TSockAddress a = TWxObject (CSockAddress a) Source
Inheritance type of the SockAddress class.
type SocketBase a = WxObject (CSocketBase a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SocketBase
, derived from WxObject
type TSocketBase a = TWxObject (CSocketBase a) Source
Inheritance type of the SocketBase class.
type SocketClient a = SocketBase (CSocketClient a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SocketClient
, derived from SocketBase
type TSocketClient a = TSocketBase (CSocketClient a) Source
Inheritance type of the SocketClient class.
type SocketEvent a = Event (CSocketEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SocketEvent
, derived from Event
type TSocketEvent a = TEvent (CSocketEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the SocketEvent class.
type SocketInputStream a = InputStream (CSocketInputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SocketInputStream
, derived from InputStream
type TSocketInputStream a = TInputStream (CSocketInputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the SocketInputStream class.
data CSocketInputStream a Source
Abstract type of the SocketInputStream class.
CSocketInputStream |
type SocketOutputStream a = OutputStream (CSocketOutputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SocketOutputStream
, derived from OutputStream
type TSocketOutputStream a = TOutputStream (CSocketOutputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the SocketOutputStream class.
data CSocketOutputStream a Source
Abstract type of the SocketOutputStream class.
CSocketOutputStream |
type SocketServer a = SocketBase (CSocketServer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SocketServer
, derived from SocketBase
type TSocketServer a = TSocketBase (CSocketServer a) Source
Inheritance type of the SocketServer class.
type SpinButton a = Control (CSpinButton a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SpinButton
, derived from Control
type TSpinButton a = TControl (CSpinButton a) Source
Inheritance type of the SpinButton class.
type SpinEvent a = NotifyEvent (CSpinEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SpinEvent
, derived from NotifyEvent
type TSpinEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CSpinEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the SpinEvent class.
type SplashScreen a = Frame (CSplashScreen a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SplashScreen
, derived from Frame
type TSplashScreen a = TFrame (CSplashScreen a) Source
Inheritance type of the SplashScreen class.
type SplitterEvent a = NotifyEvent (CSplitterEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SplitterEvent
, derived from NotifyEvent
type TSplitterEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CSplitterEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the SplitterEvent class.
type SplitterScrolledWindow a = ScrolledWindow (CSplitterScrolledWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SplitterScrolledWindow
, derived from ScrolledWindow
type TSplitterScrolledWindow a = TScrolledWindow (CSplitterScrolledWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the SplitterScrolledWindow class.
data CSplitterScrolledWindow a Source
Abstract type of the SplitterScrolledWindow class.
CSplitterScrolledWindow |
type SplitterWindow a = Window (CSplitterWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SplitterWindow
, derived from Window
type TSplitterWindow a = TWindow (CSplitterWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the SplitterWindow class.
type StaticBitmap a = Control (CStaticBitmap a) Source
Pointer to an object of type StaticBitmap
, derived from Control
type TStaticBitmap a = TControl (CStaticBitmap a) Source
Inheritance type of the StaticBitmap class.
type StaticBox a = Control (CStaticBox a) Source
type TStaticBox a = TControl (CStaticBox a) Source
Inheritance type of the StaticBox class.
type StaticBoxSizer a = BoxSizer (CStaticBoxSizer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type StaticBoxSizer
, derived from BoxSizer
type TStaticBoxSizer a = TBoxSizer (CStaticBoxSizer a) Source
Inheritance type of the StaticBoxSizer class.
type StaticLine a = Control (CStaticLine a) Source
Pointer to an object of type StaticLine
, derived from Control
type TStaticLine a = TControl (CStaticLine a) Source
Inheritance type of the StaticLine class.
type StaticText a = Control (CStaticText a) Source
Pointer to an object of type StaticText
, derived from Control
type TStaticText a = TControl (CStaticText a) Source
Inheritance type of the StaticText class.
type StatusBar a = Window (CStatusBar a) Source
type TStatusBar a = TWindow (CStatusBar a) Source
Inheritance type of the StatusBar class.
type StopWatch a = Object (CStopWatch a) Source
Pointer to an object of type StopWatch
type TStopWatch a = CStopWatch a Source
Inheritance type of the StopWatch class.
type StreamBase a = Object (CStreamBase a) Source
Pointer to an object of type StreamBase
type TStreamBase a = CStreamBase a Source
Inheritance type of the StreamBase class.
type StreamBuffer a = Object (CStreamBuffer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type StreamBuffer
type TStreamBuffer a = CStreamBuffer a Source
Inheritance type of the StreamBuffer class.
type StreamToTextRedirector a = Object (CStreamToTextRedirector a) Source
Pointer to an object of type StreamToTextRedirector
type TStreamToTextRedirector a = CStreamToTextRedirector a Source
Inheritance type of the StreamToTextRedirector class.
data CStreamToTextRedirector a Source
Abstract type of the StreamToTextRedirector class.
CStreamToTextRedirector |
type StringBuffer a = Object (CStringBuffer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type StringBuffer
type TStringBuffer a = CStringBuffer a Source
Inheritance type of the StringBuffer class.
type StringClientData a = ClientData (CStringClientData a) Source
Pointer to an object of type StringClientData
, derived from ClientData
type TStringClientData a = TClientData (CStringClientData a) Source
Inheritance type of the StringClientData class.
data CStringClientData a Source
Abstract type of the StringClientData class.
CStringClientData |
type StringList a = List (CStringList a) Source
Pointer to an object of type StringList
, derived from List
type TStringList a = TList (CStringList a) Source
Inheritance type of the StringList class.
type StringProperty a = PGProperty (CStringProperty a) Source
Pointer to an object of type StringProperty
, derived from PGProperty
type TStringProperty a = TPGProperty (CStringProperty a) Source
Inheritance type of the StringProperty class.
type StringTokenizer a = WxObject (CStringTokenizer a) Source
Pointer to an object of type StringTokenizer
, derived from WxObject
type TStringTokenizer a = TWxObject (CStringTokenizer a) Source
Inheritance type of the StringTokenizer class.
data CStringTokenizer a Source
Abstract type of the StringTokenizer class.
CStringTokenizer |
type StyledTextCtrl a = Control (CStyledTextCtrl a) Source
Pointer to an object of type StyledTextCtrl
, derived from Control
type TStyledTextCtrl a = TControl (CStyledTextCtrl a) Source
Inheritance type of the StyledTextCtrl class.
type StyledTextEvent a = CommandEvent (CStyledTextEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type StyledTextEvent
, derived from CommandEvent
type TStyledTextEvent a = TCommandEvent (CStyledTextEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the StyledTextEvent class.
data CStyledTextEvent a Source
Abstract type of the StyledTextEvent class.
CStyledTextEvent |
type SysColourChangedEvent a = Event (CSysColourChangedEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SysColourChangedEvent
, derived from Event
type TSysColourChangedEvent a = TEvent (CSysColourChangedEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the SysColourChangedEvent class.
data CSysColourChangedEvent a Source
Abstract type of the SysColourChangedEvent class.
CSysColourChangedEvent |
type SystemOptions a = WxObject (CSystemOptions a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SystemOptions
, derived from WxObject
type TSystemOptions a = TWxObject (CSystemOptions a) Source
Inheritance type of the SystemOptions class.
type SystemSettings a = WxObject (CSystemSettings a) Source
Pointer to an object of type SystemSettings
, derived from WxObject
type TSystemSettings a = TWxObject (CSystemSettings a) Source
Inheritance type of the SystemSettings class.
type TabEvent a = CommandEvent (CTabEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TabEvent
, derived from CommandEvent
type TTabEvent a = TCommandEvent (CTabEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the TabEvent class.
type TablesInUse a = WxObject (CTablesInUse a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TablesInUse
, derived from WxObject
type TTablesInUse a = TWxObject (CTablesInUse a) Source
Inheritance type of the TablesInUse class.
type TaskBarIcon a = EvtHandler (CTaskBarIcon a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TaskBarIcon
, derived from EvtHandler
type TTaskBarIcon a = TEvtHandler (CTaskBarIcon a) Source
Inheritance type of the TaskBarIcon class.
type TextDataObject a = DataObjectSimple (CTextDataObject a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TextDataObject
, derived from DataObjectSimple
type TTextDataObject a = TDataObjectSimple (CTextDataObject a) Source
Inheritance type of the TextDataObject class.
type TextDropTarget a = DropTarget (CTextDropTarget a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TextDropTarget
, derived from DropTarget
type TTextDropTarget a = TDropTarget (CTextDropTarget a) Source
Inheritance type of the TextDropTarget class.
type TextEntryDialog a = Dialog (CTextEntryDialog a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TextEntryDialog
, derived from Dialog
type TTextEntryDialog a = TDialog (CTextEntryDialog a) Source
Inheritance type of the TextEntryDialog class.
data CTextEntryDialog a Source
Abstract type of the TextEntryDialog class.
CTextEntryDialog |
type TextInputStream a = Object (CTextInputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TextInputStream
type TTextInputStream a = CTextInputStream a Source
Inheritance type of the TextInputStream class.
data CTextInputStream a Source
Abstract type of the TextInputStream class.
CTextInputStream |
type TextOutputStream a = Object (CTextOutputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TextOutputStream
type TTextOutputStream a = CTextOutputStream a Source
Inheritance type of the TextOutputStream class.
data CTextOutputStream a Source
Abstract type of the TextOutputStream class.
CTextOutputStream |
type TextValidator a = Validator (CTextValidator a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TextValidator
, derived from Validator
type TTextValidator a = TValidator (CTextValidator a) Source
Inheritance type of the TextValidator class.
type ThinSplitterWindow a = SplitterWindow (CThinSplitterWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ThinSplitterWindow
, derived from SplitterWindow
type TThinSplitterWindow a = TSplitterWindow (CThinSplitterWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the ThinSplitterWindow class.
data CThinSplitterWindow a Source
Abstract type of the ThinSplitterWindow class.
CThinSplitterWindow |
type TimerBase a = WxObject (CTimerBase a) Source
type TTimerBase a = TWxObject (CTimerBase a) Source
Inheritance type of the TimerBase class.
type TimerEvent a = Event (CTimerEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TimerEvent
, derived from Event
type TTimerEvent a = TEvent (CTimerEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the TimerEvent class.
type TimerRunner a = Object (CTimerRunner a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TimerRunner
type TTimerRunner a = CTimerRunner a Source
Inheritance type of the TimerRunner class.
type TipProvider a = Object (CTipProvider a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TipProvider
type TTipProvider a = CTipProvider a Source
Inheritance type of the TipProvider class.
type TipWindow a = PopupTransientWindow (CTipWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TipWindow
, derived from PopupTransientWindow
type TTipWindow a = TPopupTransientWindow (CTipWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the TipWindow class.
type ToggleButton a = Control (CToggleButton a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ToggleButton
, derived from Control
type TToggleButton a = TControl (CToggleButton a) Source
Inheritance type of the ToggleButton class.
type ToolBar a = ToolBarBase (CToolBar a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ToolBar
, derived from ToolBarBase
type TToolBar a = TToolBarBase (CToolBar a) Source
Inheritance type of the ToolBar class.
type ToolBarBase a = Control (CToolBarBase a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ToolBarBase
, derived from Control
type TToolBarBase a = TControl (CToolBarBase a) Source
Inheritance type of the ToolBarBase class.
type ToolLayoutItem a = WxObject (CToolLayoutItem a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ToolLayoutItem
, derived from WxObject
type TToolLayoutItem a = TWxObject (CToolLayoutItem a) Source
Inheritance type of the ToolLayoutItem class.
type ToolWindow a = Frame (CToolWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ToolWindow
, derived from Frame
type TToolWindow a = TFrame (CToolWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the ToolWindow class.
type TopLevelWindow a = Window (CTopLevelWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TopLevelWindow
, derived from Window
type TTopLevelWindow a = TWindow (CTopLevelWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the TopLevelWindow class.
type TreeCompanionWindow a = Window (CTreeCompanionWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TreeCompanionWindow
, derived from Window
type TTreeCompanionWindow a = TWindow (CTreeCompanionWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the TreeCompanionWindow class.
data CTreeCompanionWindow a Source
Abstract type of the TreeCompanionWindow class.
CTreeCompanionWindow |
type TreeEvent a = NotifyEvent (CTreeEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TreeEvent
, derived from NotifyEvent
type TTreeEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CTreeEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the TreeEvent class.
type TreeItemData a = ClientData (CTreeItemData a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TreeItemData
, derived from ClientData
type TTreeItemData a = TClientData (CTreeItemData a) Source
Inheritance type of the TreeItemData class.
type TreeItemId a = Object (CTreeItemId a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TreeItemId
type TTreeItemId a = CTreeItemId a Source
Inheritance type of the TreeItemId class.
type TreeLayout a = WxObject (CTreeLayout a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TreeLayout
, derived from WxObject
type TTreeLayout a = TWxObject (CTreeLayout a) Source
Inheritance type of the TreeLayout class.
type TreeLayoutStored a = TreeLayout (CTreeLayoutStored a) Source
Pointer to an object of type TreeLayoutStored
, derived from TreeLayout
type TTreeLayoutStored a = TTreeLayout (CTreeLayoutStored a) Source
Inheritance type of the TreeLayoutStored class.
data CTreeLayoutStored a Source
Abstract type of the TreeLayoutStored class.
CTreeLayoutStored |
type UpdateUIEvent a = Event (CUpdateUIEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type UpdateUIEvent
, derived from Event
type TUpdateUIEvent a = TEvent (CUpdateUIEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the UpdateUIEvent class.
type Validator a = EvtHandler (CValidator a) Source
Pointer to an object of type Validator
, derived from EvtHandler
type TValidator a = TEvtHandler (CValidator a) Source
Inheritance type of the Validator class.
type VariantData a = WxObject (CVariantData a) Source
Pointer to an object of type VariantData
, derived from WxObject
type TVariantData a = TWxObject (CVariantData a) Source
Inheritance type of the VariantData class.
type View a = EvtHandler (CView a) Source
Pointer to an object of type View
, derived from EvtHandler
type TView a = TEvtHandler (CView a) Source
Inheritance type of the View class.
type WXCArtProv a = ArtProvider (CWXCArtProv a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCArtProv
, derived from ArtProvider
type TWXCArtProv a = TArtProvider (CWXCArtProv a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCArtProv class.
type WXCClient a = Client (CWXCClient a) Source
type TWXCClient a = TClient (CWXCClient a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCClient class.
type WXCCommand a = Command (CWXCCommand a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCCommand
, derived from Command
type TWXCCommand a = TCommand (CWXCCommand a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCCommand class.
type WXCConnection a = Connection (CWXCConnection a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCConnection
, derived from Connection
type TWXCConnection a = TConnection (CWXCConnection a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCConnection class.
type WXCDragDataObject a = Object (CWXCDragDataObject a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCDragDataObject
type TWXCDragDataObject a = CWXCDragDataObject a Source
Inheritance type of the WXCDragDataObject class.
data CWXCDragDataObject a Source
Abstract type of the WXCDragDataObject class.
CWXCDragDataObject |
type WXCDropTarget a = DropTarget (CWXCDropTarget a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCDropTarget
, derived from DropTarget
type TWXCDropTarget a = TDropTarget (CWXCDropTarget a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCDropTarget class.
type WXCFileDropTarget a = FileDropTarget (CWXCFileDropTarget a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCFileDropTarget
, derived from FileDropTarget
type TWXCFileDropTarget a = TFileDropTarget (CWXCFileDropTarget a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCFileDropTarget class.
data CWXCFileDropTarget a Source
Abstract type of the WXCFileDropTarget class.
CWXCFileDropTarget |
type WXCGridTable a = GridTableBase (CWXCGridTable a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCGridTable
, derived from GridTableBase
type TWXCGridTable a = TGridTableBase (CWXCGridTable a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCGridTable class.
type WXCHtmlEvent a = CommandEvent (CWXCHtmlEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCHtmlEvent
, derived from CommandEvent
type TWXCHtmlEvent a = TCommandEvent (CWXCHtmlEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCHtmlEvent class.
type WXCHtmlWindow a = HtmlWindow (CWXCHtmlWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCHtmlWindow
, derived from HtmlWindow
type TWXCHtmlWindow a = THtmlWindow (CWXCHtmlWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCHtmlWindow class.
type WXCLocale a = Locale (CWXCLocale a) Source
type TWXCLocale a = TLocale (CWXCLocale a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCLocale class.
type WXCMessageParameters a = Object (CWXCMessageParameters a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCMessageParameters
type TWXCMessageParameters a = CWXCMessageParameters a Source
Inheritance type of the WXCMessageParameters class.
data CWXCMessageParameters a Source
Abstract type of the WXCMessageParameters class.
CWXCMessageParameters |
type WXCPlotCurve a = PlotCurve (CWXCPlotCurve a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCPlotCurve
, derived from PlotCurve
type TWXCPlotCurve a = TPlotCurve (CWXCPlotCurve a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCPlotCurve class.
type WXCPreviewControlBar a = PreviewControlBar (CWXCPreviewControlBar a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCPreviewControlBar
, derived from PreviewControlBar
type TWXCPreviewControlBar a = TPreviewControlBar (CWXCPreviewControlBar a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCPreviewControlBar class.
data CWXCPreviewControlBar a Source
Abstract type of the WXCPreviewControlBar class.
CWXCPreviewControlBar |
type WXCPreviewFrame a = PreviewFrame (CWXCPreviewFrame a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCPreviewFrame
, derived from PreviewFrame
type TWXCPreviewFrame a = TPreviewFrame (CWXCPreviewFrame a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCPreviewFrame class.
data CWXCPreviewFrame a Source
Abstract type of the WXCPreviewFrame class.
CWXCPreviewFrame |
type WXCPrintEvent a = Event (CWXCPrintEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCPrintEvent
, derived from Event
type TWXCPrintEvent a = TEvent (CWXCPrintEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCPrintEvent class.
type WXCPrintout a = Printout (CWXCPrintout a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCPrintout
, derived from Printout
type TWXCPrintout a = TPrintout (CWXCPrintout a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCPrintout class.
type WXCPrintoutHandler a = EvtHandler (CWXCPrintoutHandler a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCPrintoutHandler
, derived from EvtHandler
type TWXCPrintoutHandler a = TEvtHandler (CWXCPrintoutHandler a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCPrintoutHandler class.
data CWXCPrintoutHandler a Source
Abstract type of the WXCPrintoutHandler class.
CWXCPrintoutHandler |
type WXCServer a = Server (CWXCServer a) Source
type TWXCServer a = TServer (CWXCServer a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCServer class.
type WXCTextDropTarget a = TextDropTarget (CWXCTextDropTarget a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCTextDropTarget
, derived from TextDropTarget
type TWXCTextDropTarget a = TTextDropTarget (CWXCTextDropTarget a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCTextDropTarget class.
data CWXCTextDropTarget a Source
Abstract type of the WXCTextDropTarget class.
CWXCTextDropTarget |
type WXCTextValidator a = TextValidator (CWXCTextValidator a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCTextValidator
, derived from TextValidator
type TWXCTextValidator a = TTextValidator (CWXCTextValidator a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCTextValidator class.
data CWXCTextValidator a Source
Abstract type of the WXCTextValidator class.
CWXCTextValidator |
type WXCTreeItemData a = TreeItemData (CWXCTreeItemData a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WXCTreeItemData
, derived from TreeItemData
type TWXCTreeItemData a = TTreeItemData (CWXCTreeItemData a) Source
Inheritance type of the WXCTreeItemData class.
data CWXCTreeItemData a Source
Abstract type of the WXCTreeItemData class.
CWXCTreeItemData |
type Window a = EvtHandler (CWindow a) Source
Pointer to an object of type Window
, derived from EvtHandler
type TWindow a = TEvtHandler (CWindow a) Source
Inheritance type of the Window class.
Abstract type of the Window class.
CWindow |
type WindowCreateEvent a = CommandEvent (CWindowCreateEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WindowCreateEvent
, derived from CommandEvent
type TWindowCreateEvent a = TCommandEvent (CWindowCreateEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the WindowCreateEvent class.
data CWindowCreateEvent a Source
Abstract type of the WindowCreateEvent class.
CWindowCreateEvent |
type WindowDestroyEvent a = CommandEvent (CWindowDestroyEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WindowDestroyEvent
, derived from CommandEvent
type TWindowDestroyEvent a = TCommandEvent (CWindowDestroyEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the WindowDestroyEvent class.
data CWindowDestroyEvent a Source
Abstract type of the WindowDestroyEvent class.
CWindowDestroyEvent |
type WindowDisabler a = Object (CWindowDisabler a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WindowDisabler
type TWindowDisabler a = CWindowDisabler a Source
Inheritance type of the WindowDisabler class.
type WizardEvent a = NotifyEvent (CWizardEvent a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WizardEvent
, derived from NotifyEvent
type TWizardEvent a = TNotifyEvent (CWizardEvent a) Source
Inheritance type of the WizardEvent class.
type WizardPage a = Panel (CWizardPage a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WizardPage
, derived from Panel
type TWizardPage a = TPanel (CWizardPage a) Source
Inheritance type of the WizardPage class.
type WizardPageSimple a = WizardPage (CWizardPageSimple a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WizardPageSimple
, derived from WizardPage
type TWizardPageSimple a = TWizardPage (CWizardPageSimple a) Source
Inheritance type of the WizardPageSimple class.
data CWizardPageSimple a Source
Abstract type of the WizardPageSimple class.
CWizardPageSimple |
type WxDllLoader a = Object (CWxDllLoader a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WxDllLoader
type TWxDllLoader a = CWxDllLoader a Source
Inheritance type of the WxDllLoader class.
type WxManagedPtr a = Object (CWxManagedPtr a) Source
Pointer to an object of type WxManagedPtr
type TWxManagedPtr a = CWxManagedPtr a Source
Inheritance type of the WxManagedPtr class.
Abstract type of the WxObject class.
CWxObject |
type XmlResource a = WxObject (CXmlResource a) Source
Pointer to an object of type XmlResource
, derived from WxObject
type TXmlResource a = TWxObject (CXmlResource a) Source
Inheritance type of the XmlResource class.
type XmlResourceHandler a = WxObject (CXmlResourceHandler a) Source
Pointer to an object of type XmlResourceHandler
, derived from WxObject
type TXmlResourceHandler a = TWxObject (CXmlResourceHandler a) Source
Inheritance type of the XmlResourceHandler class.
data CXmlResourceHandler a Source
Abstract type of the XmlResourceHandler class.
CXmlResourceHandler |
type ZipInputStream a = InputStream (CZipInputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ZipInputStream
, derived from InputStream
type TZipInputStream a = TInputStream (CZipInputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the ZipInputStream class.
type ZlibInputStream a = FilterInputStream (CZlibInputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ZlibInputStream
, derived from FilterInputStream
type TZlibInputStream a = TFilterInputStream (CZlibInputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the ZlibInputStream class.
data CZlibInputStream a Source
Abstract type of the ZlibInputStream class.
CZlibInputStream |
type ZlibOutputStream a = FilterOutputStream (CZlibOutputStream a) Source
Pointer to an object of type ZlibOutputStream
, derived from FilterOutputStream
type TZlibOutputStream a = TFilterOutputStream (CZlibOutputStream a) Source
Inheritance type of the ZlibOutputStream class.
data CZlibOutputStream a Source
Abstract type of the ZlibOutputStream class.
CZlibOutputStream |