{-# language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# language NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# language ViewPatterns #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language RecursiveDo #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language RankNTypes #-}
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language PolyKinds #-}
{-# language GADTs #-}
{-# language CPP #-}
module CodeGen.X86.CodeGen where

import Numeric
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import Data.Bits
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Tardis
import Debug.Trace

import CodeGen.X86.Asm

------------------------------------------------------- utils

takes [] _ = []
takes (i: is) xs = take i xs: takes is (drop i xs)

iff b a = if b then a else mempty

indicator :: Integral a => Bool -> a
indicator False = 0x0
indicator True  = 0x1

pattern FJust a = First (Just a)
pattern FNothing = First Nothing

integralToBytes :: (Bits a, Integral a) => Bool{-signed-} -> Size -> a -> Maybe Bytes
integralToBytes False S64 w = toBytes <$> (toIntegralSized w :: Maybe Word64)
integralToBytes False S32 w = toBytes <$> (toIntegralSized w :: Maybe Word32)
integralToBytes False S16 w = toBytes <$> (toIntegralSized w :: Maybe Word16)
integralToBytes False S8  w = toBytes <$> (toIntegralSized w :: Maybe Word8)
integralToBytes True  S64 w = toBytes <$> (toIntegralSized w :: Maybe Int64)
integralToBytes True  S32 w = toBytes <$> (toIntegralSized w :: Maybe Int32)
integralToBytes True  S16 w = toBytes <$> (toIntegralSized w :: Maybe Int16)
integralToBytes True  S8  w = toBytes <$> (toIntegralSized w :: Maybe Int8)

------------------------------------------------------- register packed with its size

data SReg where
  SReg :: IsSize s => Reg s -> SReg

phisicalReg :: SReg -> Reg S64
phisicalReg (SReg (HighReg x)) = NormalReg x
phisicalReg (SReg (NormalReg x)) = NormalReg x

isHigh (SReg HighReg{}) = True
isHigh _ = False

regs :: IsSize s => Operand r s -> [SReg]
regs = \case
  MemOp (Addr r _ i) -> foldMap (pure . SReg) r ++ case i of NoIndex -> []; IndexReg _ x -> [SReg x]
  RegOp r -> [SReg r]
  _ -> mempty

isRex (SReg x@(NormalReg r)) = r .&. 0x8 /= 0 || size x == S8 && r `shiftR` 2 == 1
isRex _ = False

noHighRex r = not $ any isHigh r && any isRex r

no64 S64 = S32
no64 s = s

------------------------------------------------------- code builder

type CodeBuilderRes = [Either Int (Int, Word8)]

type CodeBuilderTardis = Tardis (Int, [Int]) (Int, [Int], LabelState)

data CodeBuilder = CodeBuilder
  { minLen, maxLen :: Int
  , getCodeBuilder :: WriterT CodeBuilderRes CodeBuilderTardis ()

codeBuilderLength (CodeBuilder a b _) | a == b = a

type LabelState = [[(Size, Int, Int)]]

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
instance Semigroup CodeBuilder where
  CodeBuilder mi ma a <> CodeBuilder mi' ma' b = CodeBuilder (min mi mi') (max ma ma') $ a >> b

instance Monoid CodeBuilder where
  mempty = CodeBuilder 0 0 $ return ()
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
  CodeBuilder mi ma a `mappend` CodeBuilder mi' ma' b = CodeBuilder (min mi mi') (max ma ma') $ a >> b

codeBytes :: [Word8] -> CodeBuilder
codeBytes bs = CodeBuilder n n $ do
  c <- lift $ mdo
    (c, ls, ps) <- getPast
    sendFuture (c + n, ls, ps)
    sendPast (ma + n, mls)
    ~(ma, mls) <- getFuture
    return c
  tell $ Right <$> zip [c..] bs
  n = length bs

codeByte :: Word8 -> CodeBuilder
codeByte = codeBytes . (:[])

mkRef :: Size -> Int -> Label -> CodeBuilder
mkRef s@(sizeLen -> sn) offset (Label l_) = CodeBuilder sn sn $ do
  bs <- lift $ mdo
    (n, ls, ps) <- getPast
    sendFuture (n + sn, ls, ps')
    sendPast (ma + sn, mls)
    ~(ma, mls) <- getFuture
    let i = ls !! (- l - 1)
        vx = i - n - offset
        z = case s of
          S8  -> case vx of
            Integral j -> toBytes (j :: Int8)
            _ -> error $ show vx ++ " does not fit into an Int8"
          S32  -> case vx of
            Integral j -> toBytes (j :: Int32)
            _ -> error $ show vx ++ " does not fit into an Int32"
        ~(bs, ps')
          | l < 0 = (z, ps)
          | otherwise = ([], ins l (s, n, - n - offset) ps)
        l = l_ - length ls
    return $ zip [n..] bs
  tell $ Right <$> bs

ins :: Int -> a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
ins 0 a [] = [[a]]
ins 0 a (as:ass) = (a:as): ass
ins n a [] = []: ins (n-1) a []
ins n a (as: ass) = as: ins (n-1) a ass

mkAutoRef :: [(Size, Bytes)] -> Label -> CodeBuilder
mkAutoRef ss (Label l_) = CodeBuilder (minimum sizes) (maximum sizes) $ do
  bs <- lift $ mdo
    (n, ls, ps) <- getPast
    sendFuture (n + sn, ls, ps')
    sendPast (ma + maximum sizes, mls)
    ~(ma, mls) <- getFuture
    let i = ls !! (- l - 1)
        vx = i - n
        z = g ss

        g [] = error $ show vx ++ " does not fit into auto size"
        g ((s, c): ss) = case (s, vx - length c - sizeLen s) of
          (S8,  Integral j) -> c <> toBytes (j :: Int8)
          (S32, Integral j) -> c <> toBytes (j :: Int32)
          _ -> g ss

        ~(sn, bs, ps')
          | l < 0 = (length z, z, ps)
          | otherwise = (nz, z', ins l (s, n + length z', - n - nz) ps)

        nz = length z' + sizeLen s
        ma' = mls !! l
        vx' = ma - ma'
        (z', s) = g' ss

        g' [] = error $ show vx' ++ " does not fit into auto size"
        g' ((s, c): ss) = case (s, vx') of
          (S8,  Integral (j :: Int8)) -> (c, s)
          (S32, Integral (j :: Int32)) -> (c, s)
          _ -> g' ss

        l = l_ - length ls
    return $ zip [n..] bs
  tell $ Right <$> bs
  sizes = map (\(s, c) -> sizeLen s + length c) ss

-- prebuild code
preBuild :: Code -> Code
preBuild c = CodeM $ tell $ Prebuilt (compactCode (buildCode lc)) lc
  lc = withLabels c

------------------------------------------------------- code to code builder

instance Show Code where
  show = show . withLabels

instance Show LCode where
  show c = unlines $ zipWith3 showLine is (takes (zipWith (-) (tail is ++ [s]) is) bs) ss where
    ss = snd . runWriter . flip evalStateT 0 . showCode $ c
    (x, s) = buildCode c
    bs = V.toList $ compactCode (x, s)
    is = [i | Left i <- x]

    showLine addr [] s = s
    showLine addr bs s = [showNibble i addr | i <- [5,4..0]] ++ " " ++ pad (2 * maxbytes) (concatMap showByte bs) ++ " " ++ s

    pad i xs = xs ++ replicate (i - length xs) ' '

    maxbytes = 12

compactCode :: (CodeBuilderRes, Int) -> V.Vector Word8
compactCode (x, s) = V.replicate s 0 V.// [p | Right p <- x]

buildTheCode :: Code -> (CodeBuilderRes, Int)
buildTheCode = buildCode . withLabels

buildCode :: LCode -> (CodeBuilderRes, Int)
buildCode x = (r, len)
  ((_, r), (_, (len, _, _))) = flip runTardis ((0, []), (0, [], [])) . runWriterT . getCodeBuilder . mkCodeBuilder $ x

mkCodeBuilder :: LCode -> CodeBuilder
mkCodeBuilder = \case
  CodeLine x _ -> x
  Prebuilt v _ -> mkCodeBuilder' (Align_ 4) <> codeBytes (V.toList v)
  AppendCode x _ _ -> x
  EmptyCode -> mempty

newtype CodeM a = CodeM {unCodeM :: StateT Int (Writer LCode) a}
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix)

type Code = CodeM ()

withLabels :: Code -> LCode
withLabels =
  snd . runWriter . flip evalStateT 0 . unCodeM

-- multi-byte nop operations
nops :: Int -> Bytes
nops = \case
  0 -> []
  1 -> [0x90]
  2 -> [0x66, 0x90]
  3 -> [0x0f, 0x1f, 0x00]
  4 -> [0x0f, 0x1f, 0x40, 0x00]
  5 -> [0x0f, 0x1f, 0x44, 0x00, 0x00]
  6 -> [0x66, 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x44, 0x00, 0x00]
  7 -> [0x0f, 0x1f, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
  8 -> [0x0f, 0x1f, 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
  9 -> [0x66, 0x0f, 0x1f, 0x84, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
  ((+(-2)) -> Integral x) -> [0xeb] ++ toBytes (x :: Int8) ++ replicate (fromIntegral x) 0x00
  ((+(-5)) -> Integral x) -> [0xe9] ++ toBytes (x :: Int32) ++ replicate (fromIntegral x) 0x00

mkCodeBuilder' :: CodeLine -> CodeBuilder
mkCodeBuilder' = \case
  Add_  a b -> op2 0x0 a b
  Or_   a b -> op2 0x1 a b
  Adc_  a b -> op2 0x2 a b
  Sbb_  a b -> op2 0x3 a b
  And_  a b -> op2 0x4 a b
  Sub_  a b -> op2 0x5 a b
  Xor_  a b -> op2 0x6 a b
  Cmp_  a b -> op2 0x7 a b

  Rol_ a b -> shiftOp 0x0 a b
  Ror_ a b -> shiftOp 0x1 a b
  Rcl_ a b -> shiftOp 0x2 a b
  Rcr_ a b -> shiftOp 0x3 a b
  Shl_ a b -> shiftOp 0x4 a b -- sal
  Shr_ a b -> shiftOp 0x5 a b
  Sar_ a b -> shiftOp 0x7 a b

  Xchg_ x@RegA r -> xchg_a r
  Xchg_ r x@RegA -> xchg_a r
  Xchg_ dest src -> op2' 0x43 dest' src where
    (dest', src') = if isMemOp src then (src, dest) else (dest, src)

  Test_ dest (mkImmNo64 (size dest) -> FJust (_, im)) -> case dest of
    RegA -> regprefix'' dest 0x54 mempty im
    _ -> regprefix'' dest 0x7b (reg8 0x0 dest) im
  Test_ dest (noImm "" -> src) -> op2' 0x42 dest' src' where
    (dest', src') = if isMemOp src then (src, dest) else (dest, src)

  Mov_ dest@(RegOp r) ((if size dest == S64 then mkImmU S32 <> mkImm S64 else mkImm (size dest)) -> FJust ((se, si), im))
    | (se, si, size dest) /= (True, S32, S64) -> regprefix si dest (oneReg (0x16 .|. indicator (size dest /= S8)) r) im
    | otherwise -> regprefix'' dest 0x63 (reg8 0x0 dest) im
  Mov_ dest@(size -> s) (mkImmNo64 s -> FJust (_, im)) -> regprefix'' dest 0x63 (reg8 0x0 dest) im
  Mov_ dest src -> op2' 0x44 dest $ noImm (show (dest, src)) src

  Cmov_ (Condition c) dest src | size dest /= S8 -> regprefix2 src dest $ codeByte 0x0f <> codeByte (0x40 .|. c) <> reg2x8 dest src
  Bsf dest src | size dest /= S8 -> regprefix2 src dest $ codeByte 0x0f <> codeByte 0xbc <> reg2x8 dest src
  Bsr dest src | size dest /= S8 -> regprefix2 src dest $ codeByte 0x0f <> codeByte 0xbd <> reg2x8 dest src
  Bt  src dest | size dest /= S8 -> regprefix2 src dest $ codeByte 0x0f <> codeByte 0xa3 <> reg2x8 dest src

  Lea_ dest src | size dest /= S8 -> regprefix2' (resizeOperand' dest src) dest 0x46 $ reg2x8 dest src where
    resizeOperand' :: IsSize s1 => Operand x s1 -> Operand RW s2 -> Operand RW s1
    resizeOperand' _ = resizeOperand

  Not_  a -> op1 0x7b 0x2 a
  Neg_  a -> op1 0x7b 0x3 a
  Inc_  a -> op1 0x7f 0x0 a
  Dec_  a -> op1 0x7f 0x1 a
  Bswap a@RegOp{} | size a >= S32 -> op1 0x07 0x1 a
  Bswap a  -> error $ "wrong bswap operand: " ++ show a

  Call_ (ImmOp (LabelRelValue S32 l)) -> codeByte 0xe8 <> mkRef S32 4 l
  Call_ a -> op1' 0xff 0x2 a

  Movd_ a@OpXMM b -> sse 0x6e a b
  Movd_ b a@OpXMM -> sse 0x7e a b
  Movq_ b a@OpXMM -> sse 0xd6 a b
  Movdqa_ a@OpXMM b -> sse 0x6f a b
  Movdqa_ b a@OpXMM -> sse 0x7f a b
  Paddb_  a b -> sse 0xfc a b
  Paddw_  a b -> sse 0xfd a b
  Paddd_  a b -> sse 0xfe a b
  Paddq_  a b -> sse 0xd4 a b
  Psubb_  a b -> sse 0xf8 a b
  Psubw_  a b -> sse 0xf9 a b
  Psubd_  a b -> sse 0xfa a b
  Psubq_  a b -> sse 0xfb a b
  Pxor_   a b -> sse 0xef a b
  Psllw_  a b -> sseShift 0x71 0x2 0xd1 a b
  Pslld_  a b -> sseShift 0x72 0x2 0xd2 a b
  Psllq_  a b -> sseShift 0x73 0x2 0xd3 a b
  Pslldq_ a b -> sseShift 0x73 0x7 undefined a b
  Psrlw_  a b -> sseShift 0x71 0x6 0xf1 a b
  Psrld_  a b -> sseShift 0x72 0x6 0xf2 a b
  Psrlq_  a b -> sseShift 0x73 0x6 0xf3 a b
  Psrldq_ a b -> sseShift 0x73 0x3 undefined a b
  Psraw_  a b -> sseShift 0x71 0x4 0xe1 a b
  Psrad_  a b -> sseShift 0x72 0x4 0xe2 a b

  Pop_ dest@(RegOp r) -> regprefix S32 dest (oneReg 0x0b r) mempty
  Pop_ dest -> regprefix S32 dest (codeByte 0x8f <> reg8 0x0 dest) mempty

  Push_ (mkImmS S8 -> FJust (_, im)) -> codeByte 0x6a <> im
  Push_ (mkImm S32 -> FJust (_, im)) -> codeByte 0x68 <> im
  Push_ dest@(RegOp r) -> regprefix S32 dest (oneReg 0x0a r) mempty
  Push_ dest -> regprefix S32 dest (codeByte 0xff <> reg8 0x6 dest) mempty

  Ret_   -> codeByte 0xc3
  Nop_   -> codeByte 0x90
  PushF_ -> codeByte 0x9c
  PopF_  -> codeByte 0x9d
  Cmc_   -> codeByte 0xf5
  Clc_   -> codeByte 0xf8
  Stc_   -> codeByte 0xf9
  Cli_   -> codeByte 0xfa
  Sti_   -> codeByte 0xfb
  Cld_   -> codeByte 0xfc
  Std_   -> codeByte 0xfd

  J_ (Condition c) (Just S8)  l -> codeByte (0x70 .|. c) <> mkRef S8 1 l
  J_ (Condition c) (Just S32) l -> codeByte 0x0f <> codeByte (0x80 .|. c) <> mkRef S32 4 l
  J_ (Condition c) Nothing  l -> mkAutoRef [(S8, [0x70 .|. c]), (S32, [0x0f, 0x80 .|. c])] l

  Jmp_ (Just S8)  l -> codeByte 0xeb <> mkRef S8 1 l
  Jmp_ (Just S32) l -> codeByte 0xe9 <> mkRef S32 4 l
  Jmp_ Nothing  l -> mkAutoRef [(S8, [0xeb]), (S32, [0xe9])] l

  Jmpq_ (ImmOp (LabelRelValue S32 l)) -> mkAutoRef [(S8, [0xeb]), (S32, [0xe9])] l
  Jmpq_ a -> op1' 0xff 0x4 a

  Label_ -> CodeBuilder 0 0 $ do
    bs <- lift $ mdo
      (n, ls, ps) <- getPast
      sendFuture (n, n: ls, ps')
      sendPast (ma, ma: mls)
      ~(ma, mls) <- getFuture
      let (bs, ps') = case ps of
            [] -> ([], [])
            corr: ps -> (concatMap g corr, ps)
          g (size, p, v) = zip [p..] $ case (size, v + n) of
            (S8, Integral v) -> toBytes (v :: Int8)
            (S32, Integral v) -> toBytes (v :: Int32)
            (s, i) -> error $ show i ++ " doesn't fit into " ++ show s
      return bs
    tell $ Right <$> bs

  Data_ x -> codeBytes x

  Align_ s -> CodeBuilder 0 (s-1) $ do
    bs <- lift $ mdo
      (n, ls, ps) <- getPast
      sendFuture (n', ls, ps)
      sendPast (ma + s-1, mls)
      ~(ma, mls) <- getFuture
      let n' = fromIntegral $ ((fromIntegral n - 1 :: Int64) .|. (fromIntegral s - 1)) + 1
      return $ zip [n..] $ nops $ n' - n
    tell $ Right <$> bs

  convertImm :: Bool{-signed-} -> Size -> Operand r s -> First ((Bool, Size), CodeBuilder)
  convertImm a b (ImmOp (Immediate c)) = First $ (,) (a, b) . codeBytes <$> integralToBytes a b c
  convertImm True b (ImmOp (LabelRelValue s d)) | b == s = FJust $ (,) (True, b) $ mkRef s (sizeLen s) d
  convertImm _ _ _ = FNothing

  mkImmS, mkImmU, mkImm, mkImmNo64 :: Size -> Operand r s -> First ((Bool, Size), CodeBuilder)
  mkImmS = convertImm True
  mkImmU = convertImm False
  mkImm s = mkImmS s <> mkImmU s
  mkImmNo64 s = mkImm (no64 s)

  xchg_a :: IsSize s => Operand r s -> CodeBuilder
  xchg_a dest@(RegOp r) | size dest /= S8 = regprefix (size dest) dest (oneReg 0x12 r) mempty
  xchg_a dest = regprefix'' dest 0x43 (reg8 0x0 dest) mempty

  toCode :: HasBytes a => a -> CodeBuilder
  toCode = codeBytes . toBytes

  sizePrefix_ :: [SReg] -> Size -> Operand r s -> Word8 -> CodeBuilder -> CodeBuilder -> CodeBuilder
  sizePrefix_ rs s r x c im
    | noHighRex rs = pre <> c <> displacement r <> im
    | otherwise = error "cannot use high register in rex instruction"
      pre = case s of
        S8  -> mem32pre r <> maybePrefix40
        S16 -> codeByte 0x66 <> mem32pre r <> prefix40 x
        S32 -> mem32pre r <> prefix40 x
        S64 -> mem32pre r <> prefix40 (0x8 .|. x)
        S128 -> mem32pre r <> codeByte 0x66 <> maybePrefix40

      mem32pre :: Operand r s -> CodeBuilder
      mem32pre (MemOp r@Addr{}) | size r == S32 = codeByte 0x67
      mem32pre _ = mempty

      prefix40 x = iff (x /= 0) $ prefix40_ x
      prefix40_ x = codeByte $ 0x40 .|. x

      maybePrefix40 = iff (any isRex rs || x /= 0) (prefix40_ x)

      displacement :: Operand r s -> CodeBuilder
      displacement (IPMemOp (Immediate d)) = toCode d
      displacement (IPMemOp (LabelRelValue s@S32 d)) = mkRef s (sizeLen s + fromIntegral (codeBuilderLength im)) d
      displacement (MemOp (Addr b d i)) = mkSIB b i <> dispVal b d
          mkSIB _ (IndexReg s (NormalReg 0x4)) = error "sp cannot be used as index"
          mkSIB _ (IndexReg s i) = f s $ reg8_ i
          mkSIB Nothing _ = f s1 0x4
          mkSIB (Just (reg8_ -> 0x4)) _ = f s1 0x4
          mkSIB _ _ = mempty

          f (Scale s) i = codeByte $ s `shiftL` 6 .|. i `shiftL` 3 .|. maybe 0x5 reg8_ b

          dispVal Just{} (Disp (Integral (d :: Int8))) = toCode d
          dispVal _ (Disp d) = toCode d
          dispVal Nothing _ = toCode (0 :: Int32)    -- [rbp] --> [rbp + 0]
          dispVal (Just (reg8_ -> 0x5)) _ = codeByte 0    -- [rbp] --> [rbp + 0]
          dispVal _ _ = mempty
      displacement _ = mempty

  reg8_ :: Reg t -> Word8
  reg8_ (NormalReg r) = r .&. 0x7
  reg8_ (HighReg r) = r .|. 0x4
  reg8_ (XMM r) = r .&. 0x7

  regprefix :: IsSize s => Size -> Operand r s -> CodeBuilder -> CodeBuilder -> CodeBuilder
  regprefix s r = sizePrefix_ (regs r) s r (extbits r)

  regprefix2 :: (IsSize s1, IsSize s) => Operand r1 s1 -> Operand r s -> CodeBuilder -> CodeBuilder
  regprefix2 r r' c = sizePrefix_ (regs r <> regs r') (size r) r (extbits r' `shiftL` 2 .|. extbits r) c mempty

  regprefix'' :: IsSize s => Operand r s -> Word8 -> CodeBuilder -> CodeBuilder -> CodeBuilder
  regprefix'' r p c = regprefix (size r) r $ extension r p <> c

  regprefix2' :: (IsSize s1, IsSize s) => Operand r1 s1 -> Operand r s -> Word8 -> CodeBuilder -> CodeBuilder
  regprefix2' r r' p c = regprefix2 r r' $ extension r p <> c

  sse :: IsSize s => Word8 -> Operand r S128 -> Operand r' s -> CodeBuilder
  sse op a@OpXMM b = regprefix S128 b (codeByte 0x0f <> codeByte op <> reg2x8 a b) mempty

  sseShift :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Operand RW S128 -> Operand r S8 -> CodeBuilder
  sseShift op x op' a@OpXMM b@(mkImmU S8 -> FJust (_, i)) = regprefix S128 b (codeByte 0x0f <> codeByte op <> reg8 x a) i
  -- TODO: xmm argument

  extension :: HasSize a => a -> Word8 -> CodeBuilder
  extension x p = codeByte $ p `shiftL` 1 .|. indicator (size x /= S8)

  extbits :: Operand r s -> Word8
  extbits = \case
    MemOp (Addr b _ i) -> maybe 0 indexReg b .|. case i of NoIndex -> 0; IndexReg _ x -> indexReg x `shiftL` 1
    RegOp r -> indexReg r
    _ -> 0
      indexReg (NormalReg r) = r `shiftR` 3 .&. 1
      indexReg _ = 0

  reg8 :: Word8 -> Operand r s -> CodeBuilder
  reg8 w x = codeByte $ operMode x `shiftL` 6 .|. w `shiftL` 3 .|. rc x
      operMode :: Operand r s -> Word8
      operMode (MemOp (Addr (Just (reg8_ -> 0x5)) NoDisp _)) = 0x1   -- [rbp] --> [rbp + 0]
      operMode (MemOp (Addr Nothing _ _)) = 0x0
      operMode (MemOp (Addr _ NoDisp _))  = 0x0
      operMode (MemOp (Addr _ (Disp (Integral (_ :: Int8))) _))  = 0x1
      operMode (MemOp (Addr _ Disp{} _))  = 0x2
      operMode IPMemOp{}          = 0x0
      operMode _              = 0x3

      rc :: Operand r s -> Word8
      rc (MemOp (Addr (Just r) _ NoIndex)) = reg8_ r
      rc MemOp{}   = 0x04    -- SIB byte
      rc IPMemOp{} = 0x05
      rc (RegOp r) = reg8_ r

  op2 :: IsSize s => Word8 -> Operand RW s -> Operand r s -> CodeBuilder
  op2 op dest@RegA src@(mkImmNo64 (size dest) -> FJust (_, im)) | size dest == S8 || isNothing (getFirst $ mkImmS S8 src)
    = regprefix'' dest (op `shiftL` 2 .|. 0x2) mempty im
  op2 op dest (mkImmS S8 <> mkImmNo64 (size dest) -> FJust ((_, k), im))
    = regprefix'' dest (0x40 .|. indicator (size dest /= S8 && k == S8)) (reg8 op dest) im
  op2 op dest src = op2' (op `shiftL` 2) dest $ noImm "1" src

  noImm :: String -> Operand r s -> Operand RW s
  noImm _ (RegOp r) = RegOp r
  noImm _ (MemOp a) = MemOp a
  noImm _ (IPMemOp a) = IPMemOp a
  noImm er _ = error $ "immediate value of this size is not supported: " ++ er

  op2' :: IsSize s => Word8 -> Operand RW s -> Operand RW s -> CodeBuilder
  op2' op dest src@RegOp{} = op2g op dest src
  op2' op dest@RegOp{} src = op2g (op .|. 0x1) src dest

  op2g :: (IsSize t, IsSize s) => Word8 -> Operand r s -> Operand r' t -> CodeBuilder
  op2g op dest src = regprefix2' dest src op $ reg2x8 src dest

  reg2x8 :: (IsSize s, IsSize s') => Operand r s -> Operand r' s' -> CodeBuilder
  reg2x8 (RegOp r) = reg8 (reg8_ r)

  op1_ :: IsSize s => Word8 -> Word8 -> Operand r s -> CodeBuilder -> CodeBuilder
  op1_ r1 r2 dest = regprefix'' dest r1 (reg8 r2 dest)

  op1 :: IsSize s => Word8 -> Word8 -> Operand r s -> CodeBuilder
  op1 a b c = op1_ a b c mempty

  op1' :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Operand r S64 -> CodeBuilder
  op1' r1 r2 dest = regprefix S32 dest (codeByte r1 <> reg8 r2 dest) mempty

  shiftOp :: IsSize s => Word8 -> Operand RW s -> Operand r S8 -> CodeBuilder
  shiftOp c dest (ImmOp (Immediate 1)) = op1 0x68 c dest
  shiftOp c dest (mkImmU S8 -> FJust (_, i)) = op1_ 0x60 c dest i
  shiftOp c dest RegCl = op1 0x69 c dest
  shiftOp _ _ _ = error "invalid shift operands"

  oneReg :: Word8 -> Reg t -> CodeBuilder
  oneReg x r = codeByte $ x `shiftL` 3 .|. reg8_ r

pattern OpXMM <- RegOp XMM{}

-------------------------------------------------------------- asm codes

data LCode where
  Prebuilt   :: V.Vector Word8 -> LCode -> LCode
  EmptyCode  :: LCode
  AppendCode :: CodeBuilder -> LCode -> LCode -> LCode
  CodeLine   :: CodeBuilder -> CodeLine -> LCode

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
instance Semigroup LCode where
  a <> b = AppendCode (mkCodeBuilder a <> mkCodeBuilder b) a b

instance Monoid LCode where
  mempty  = EmptyCode

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
  mappend a b = AppendCode (mkCodeBuilder a <> mkCodeBuilder b) a b

ret        = mkCodeLine Ret_
nop        = mkCodeLine Nop_
pushf      = mkCodeLine PushF_
popf       = mkCodeLine PopF_
cmc        = mkCodeLine Cmc_
clc        = mkCodeLine Clc_
stc        = mkCodeLine Stc_
cli        = mkCodeLine Cli_
sti        = mkCodeLine Sti_
cld        = mkCodeLine Cld_
std        = mkCodeLine Std_
inc a      = mkCodeLine (Inc_ a)
dec a      = mkCodeLine (Dec_ a)
not_ a     = mkCodeLine (Not_ a)
neg a      = mkCodeLine (Neg_ a)
bswap a    = mkCodeLine (Bswap a)
bsf a b    = mkCodeLine (Bsf a b)
bsr a b    = mkCodeLine (Bsr a b)
bt a b     = mkCodeLine (Bt  a b)
add a b    = mkCodeLine (Add_ a b)
or_  a b   = mkCodeLine (Or_  a b)
adc a b    = mkCodeLine (Adc_ a b)
sbb a b    = mkCodeLine (Sbb_ a b)
and_ a b   = mkCodeLine (And_ a b)
sub a b    = mkCodeLine (Sub_ a b)
xor_ a b   = mkCodeLine (Xor_ a b)
cmp a b    = mkCodeLine (Cmp_ a b)
test a b   = mkCodeLine (Test_ a b)
mov a b    = mkCodeLine (Mov_ a b)
cmov c a b = mkCodeLine (Cmov_ c a b)
rol a b    = mkCodeLine (Rol_ a b)
ror a b    = mkCodeLine (Ror_ a b)
rcl a b    = mkCodeLine (Rcl_ a b)
rcr a b    = mkCodeLine (Rcr_ a b)
shl a b    = mkCodeLine (Shl_ a b)
shr a b    = mkCodeLine (Shr_ a b)
sar a b    = mkCodeLine (Sar_ a b)
xchg a b   = mkCodeLine (Xchg_ a b)
movd   a b = mkCodeLine (Movd_   a b)
movq   a b = mkCodeLine (Movq_   a b)
movdqa a b = mkCodeLine (Movdqa_ a b)
paddb  a b = mkCodeLine (Paddb_  a b)
paddw  a b = mkCodeLine (Paddw_  a b)
paddd  a b = mkCodeLine (Paddd_  a b)
paddq  a b = mkCodeLine (Paddq_  a b)
psubb  a b = mkCodeLine (Psubb_  a b)
psubw  a b = mkCodeLine (Psubw_  a b)
psubd  a b = mkCodeLine (Psubd_  a b)
psubq  a b = mkCodeLine (Psubq_  a b)
pxor   a b = mkCodeLine (Pxor_   a b)
psllw  a b = mkCodeLine (Psllw_  a b)
pslld  a b = mkCodeLine (Pslld_  a b)
psllq  a b = mkCodeLine (Psllq_  a b)
pslldq a b = mkCodeLine (Pslldq_ a b)
psrlw  a b = mkCodeLine (Psrlw_  a b)
psrld  a b = mkCodeLine (Psrld_  a b)
psrlq  a b = mkCodeLine (Psrlq_  a b)
psrldq a b = mkCodeLine (Psrldq_ a b)
psraw  a b = mkCodeLine (Psraw_  a b)
psrad  a b = mkCodeLine (Psrad_  a b)
lea a b    = mkCodeLine (Lea_ a b)
j a c      = mkCodeLine (J_ a Nothing c)
pop a      = mkCodeLine (Pop_ a)
push a     = mkCodeLine (Push_ a)
call a     = mkCodeLine (Call_ a)
jmpq a     = mkCodeLine (Jmpq_ a)
jmp b      = mkCodeLine (Jmp_ Nothing b)
db a       = mkCodeLine (Data_ a)
align a    = mkCodeLine (Align_ a)

label :: CodeM Label
label = do
  i <- CodeM get
  CodeM $ put $ i+1
  mkCodeLine Label_
  return $ Label i

mkCodeLine :: CodeLine -> Code
mkCodeLine x = CodeM $ tell $ CodeLine (tellAddr <> mkCodeBuilder' x) x

tellAddr = CodeBuilder 0 0 $ do
  (c, _, _) <- lift getPast
  tell [Left c]

showCode = \case
  EmptyCode  -> return ()
  AppendCode _ a b -> showCode a >> showCode b
  Prebuilt _ c -> showCodeLine (Align_ 4) >> codeLine "{" >> showCode c >> codeLine "}"
  CodeLine _ x -> showCodeLine x