xleb: A simple monadic language for parsing XML structures.

[ bsd3, library, xml ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]

A simple monadic language designed for easily describing and parsing XML structures.

The library in general has a small surface area and should be easy to pick up just given the Haddock documentation, but slightly more involved documentation can be found at the Xleb github page along with some examples.

Please report bugs and suggest features at the Xleb issue tracker.

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Versions [RSS] 0.1.0
Change log CHANGELOG.md
Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <5), containers (>=0.5.10 && <0.6), mtl (>=2.2 && <2.3), pretty-show (>=1.6 && <1.7), xleb, xml (>=1.3 && <1.4) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright ©2017 Getty Ritter
Author Getty Ritter <xleb@infinitenegativeutility.com>
Maintainer Getty Ritter <xleb@infinitenegativeutility.com>
Revised Revision 1 made by gdritter at 2017-10-19T01:03:35Z
Category XML
Home page https://github.com/aisamanra/xleb
Bug tracker https://github.com/aisamanra/xleb/issues
Source repo head: git clone git://github.com/aisamanra/xleb.git
Uploaded by gdritter at 2017-10-19T00:58:33Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables atom
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Status Docs available [build log]
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Readme for xleb-0.1.0

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The xleb library defines a simple monadic language for easily parsing XML structures. It does not parse the XML itself, relying on the xml library to define the underlying types and parser, but rather exposes a simple monad with helper functions to make defining XML-based structures quick and straightforward, of roughly equal complexity to defining a fromJSON instance for aeson.

Basic Usage

The Xleb monad describes both parsing and traversing a given XML structure: several of the functions to produce Xleb computations take other Xleb computations, which are run on various sub-parts of the XML tree. Consequently, instead of decomposing an XML structure and passing it around to various functions, the Xleb language treats "the current location in the tree" as an implicit piece of data in the Xleb monad.

You will generally want to identify your root note with the elem function to ensure that your root note has the tag you expect. Children of that node can be accessed using the child or children function to either unambiguously find a specific child element, or to find all child elements that match a given selector and apply a Xleb computation to each of them.

  a <- X.child (X.byTag "a") parseA
  b <- X.children (X.byTag "b") parseB

Leaf data tends to come in two forms in XML: attribute values (like <tag attr="value">) or tag content (like <tag>value</tag>). In both cases, the Xleb functions allow you to parse that content however you'd like by providing an arbitrary function of type String -> Either String a. The xleb library provides several built-in functions of this type for common situations.

  c <- X.attr "index" X.number
  d <- X.contents X.string

Finally, the Xleb monad has Alternative instances which allow for concise expression of optional values or multiple possibilities.

  e <- X.children X.any (parseA <|> parseB)
  f <- optional (X.attr "total" X.number)

Simple Example

Say we want to parse a simple XML feed format that looks like the following, with the extra caveat that we'd like the author field to be optional:

  <title>Feed Name</title>
  <author>Pierre Menard</author>
  <entry title="Entry 01">First Post</entry>
  <entry title="Entry 02">Second Post Post</entry>

We can write a Xleb computation which is capable of parsing this structure in a handful of lines, here written in a slightly unusual way in order to show off some features of the library:

import           Control.Applicative (optional)
import qualified Text.XML.Xleb as X

feed :: X.Xleb (String, Maybe String, [(String, String)])
feed = X.elem "feed" $ do
  feedTitle   <- X.child (X.byTag "title") $
                   X.contents X.string
  feedAuthor  <- optional $ X.child (X.byTag "author") $
                              X.contents X.string
  feedEntries <- X.children (X.byTag "entry") entry
  return (feedTitle, feedAuthor, feedEntries)

entry :: X.Xleb (String, String)
entry = (,) <$> X.attr "title" X.string <*> X.contents X.string

For a larger example, look at the Atom-parsing example, which is both more idiomatic and more complete.