{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module XMonad.Hooks.DebugEvents (debugEventsHook) where
import Prelude
import XMonad hiding (windowEvent
import XMonad.Hooks.DebugKeyEvents (debugKeyEvents)
import XMonad.Util.DebugWindow (debugWindow)
import Control.Exception.Extensible as E
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.List (genericIndex
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.Types
import Numeric (showHex)
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.Process
import Control.Applicative
debugEventsHook :: Event -> X All
debugEventsHook e = debugEventsHook' e >> return (All True)
debugEventsHook' :: Event -> X ()
debugEventsHook' (ConfigureRequestEvent {ev_window = w
,ev_parent = p
,ev_x = x
,ev_y = y
,ev_width = wid
,ev_height = ht
,ev_border_width = bw
,ev_above = above
,ev_detail = place
,ev_value_mask = msk
}) = do
windowEvent "ConfigureRequest" w
windowEvent " parent" p
s <- quickFormat [x,y,wid,ht,bw,fromIntegral above,place] $
dumpListByMask' msk [("x" ,dump32 ,cARDINAL)
,("y" ,dump32 ,cARDINAL)
,("width" ,dump32 ,cARDINAL)
,("height" ,dump32 ,cARDINAL)
,("border_width",dump32 ,cARDINAL)
,("sibling" ,dumpWindow ,wINDOW )
,("detail" ,dumpEnum wmPlacement,cARDINAL)
say " requested" s
debugEventsHook' (ConfigureEvent {ev_window = w
,ev_above = above
}) = do
windowEvent "Configure" w
when (above /= none) $ debugWindow above >>= say " above"
debugEventsHook' (MapRequestEvent {ev_window = w
,ev_parent = p
}) =
windowEvent "MapRequest" w >>
windowEvent " parent" p
debugEventsHook' e@(KeyEvent {ev_event_type = t})
| t == keyPress =
io (hPutStr stderr "KeyPress ") >>
debugKeyEvents e >>
return ()
debugEventsHook' (ButtonEvent {ev_window = w
,ev_state = s
,ev_button = b
}) = do
windowEvent "Button" w
nl <- gets numberlockMask
let msk | s == 0 = ""
| otherwise = "modifiers " ++ vmask nl s
say " button" $ show b ++ msk
debugEventsHook' (DestroyWindowEvent {ev_window = w
}) =
windowEvent "DestroyWindow" w
debugEventsHook' (UnmapEvent {ev_window = w
}) =
windowEvent "Unmap" w
debugEventsHook' (MapNotifyEvent {ev_window = w
}) =
windowEvent "MapNotify" w
debugEventsHook' (CrossingEvent {}) =
return ()
debugEventsHook' (SelectionRequest {ev_requestor = rw
,ev_owner = ow
,ev_selection = a
}) =
windowEvent "SelectionRequest" rw >>
windowEvent " owner" ow >>
atomEvent " atom" a
debugEventsHook' (PropertyEvent {ev_window = w
,ev_atom = a
,ev_propstate = s
}) = do
a' <- atomName a
if a' `elem` ["_NET_WM_USER_TIME"
] then return () else do
windowEvent "Property on" w
s' <- case s of
1 -> return "deleted"
0 -> dumpProperty a a' w (7 + length a')
_ -> error "Illegal propState; Xlib corrupted?"
say " atom" $ a' ++ s'
debugEventsHook' (ExposeEvent {ev_window = w
}) =
windowEvent "Expose" w
debugEventsHook' (ClientMessageEvent {ev_window = w
,ev_message_type = a
,ev_data = vs'
}) = do
windowEvent "ClientMessage on" w
n <- atomName a
(ta,b,l) <- case lookup n clientMessages of
Nothing -> return (a,32,length vs')
Just (ta',b,l) -> do
ta <- getAtom ta'
return (ta,b,l)
let wl = bytes b
vs <- io $ take (l * wl) `fmap` splitCInt vs'
s <- dumpProperty' w a n ta b vs 0 (10 + length n)
say " message" $ n ++ s
debugEventsHook' _ = return ()
atomName :: Atom -> X String
atomName a = withDisplay $ \d ->
io $ fromMaybe ("(unknown atom " ++ show a ++ ")") `fmap` getAtomName d a
atomEvent :: String -> Atom -> X ()
atomEvent l a = atomName a >>= say l
windowEvent :: String -> Window -> X ()
windowEvent l w = debugWindow w >>= say l
say :: String -> String -> X ()
say l s = trace $ l ++ ' ':s
splitCInt :: [CInt] -> IO Raw
splitCInt vs = io $ withArray vs $ \p ->
peekArray (4 * length vs) (castPtr p :: Ptr CUChar)
clientMessages :: [(String,(String,Int,Int))]
clientMessages = [("_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW",("_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW",32,1))
,("WM_CHANGE_STATE" ,("WM_STATE" ,32,2))
,("WM_COMMAND" ,("STRING" , 8,0))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 707
finiteBitSize :: Bits a => a -> Int
finiteBitSize x = bitSize x
vmask :: KeyMask -> KeyMask -> String
vmask numLockMask msk = unwords $
reverse $
fst $
foldr vmask' ([],msk) masks
masks = map (\m -> (m,show m)) [0..toEnum (finiteBitSize msk - 1)] ++
[(numLockMask,"num" )
,( lockMask,"lock" )
,(controlMask,"ctrl" )
,( shiftMask,"shift")
,( mod5Mask,"mod5" )
,( mod4Mask,"mod4" )
,( mod3Mask,"mod3" )
,( mod2Mask,"mod2" )
,( mod1Mask,"mod1" )
vmask' _ a@( _,0) = a
vmask' (m,s) (ss,v) | v .&. m == m = (s : ss,v .&. complement m)
vmask' _ r = r
type Raw = [CUChar]
data Decode = Decode {property :: Atom
,pName :: String
,pType :: Atom
,width :: Int
,window :: Window
,indent :: Int
,limit :: Int
data DecodeState = DecS {value :: Raw
,accum :: String
,joint :: String
newtype Decoder a = Decoder (ReaderT Decode (StateT DecodeState X) a)
#ifndef __HADDOCK__
deriving (Functor
,MonadState DecodeState
,MonadReader Decode
dumpProperty :: Atom -> String -> Window -> Int -> X String
dumpProperty a n w i = do
prop <- withDisplay $ \d ->
io $
alloca $ \fmtp ->
alloca $ \szp ->
alloca $ \lenp ->
alloca $ \ackp ->
alloca $ \vsp -> do
rc <- xGetWindowProperty
case rc of
0 -> do
fmt <- fromIntegral `fmap` peek fmtp
vs' <- peek vsp
sz <- fromIntegral `fmap` peek szp
case () of
() | fmt == none -> xFree vs' >> return (Left "(property deleted)" )
| sz < 0 -> xFree vs' >> return (Left $ "(illegal bit size " ++
show sz ++
")" )
| sz `mod` 8 /= 0 -> xFree vs' >> return (Left $ "(illegal bit size " ++
show sz ++
")" )
| otherwise -> do
len <- fromIntegral `fmap` peek lenp
ack <- fromIntegral `fmap` peek ackp
vs <- peekArray (len * bytes sz) vs'
_ <- xFree vs'
return $ Right (fmt,sz,ack,vs)
e -> return $ Left $ "getWindowProperty failed: " ++ show e
case prop of
Left _ -> return ""
Right (fmt,sz,ack,vs) -> dumpProperty' w a n fmt sz vs ack i
dumpProperty' :: Window
-> Atom
-> String
-> Atom
-> Int
-> Raw
-> CULong
-> Int
-> X String
dumpProperty' w a n fmt sz vs ack i = do
ptn <- atomName fmt
let dec = Decode {property = a
,pName = n
,pType = fmt
,width = sz
,indent = i + length ptn + 6
,window = w
,limit = 96
dec' = dec {pType = cARDINAL
,width = 8
ds = DecS {value = vs
,accum = " (" ++ ptn ++ ") "
,joint = "= "
(_,ds') <- runDecode dec ds $ dumpProp a n
let fin = length (value ds')
len = length vs
lost = if ack == 0 then "" else "and " ++ show ack ++ " lost bytes"
unk = case () of
() | fin == len -> "undecodeable "
| fin == 0 -> "."
| otherwise -> "and remainder (" ++ show (len - fin) ++ '/':show len ++ ")"
(_,ds'') <- if fin == 0
then return (True,ds')
else runDecode dec' (withJoint' unk ds' ) $ dumpArray dump8
(_,ds''') <- if ack == 0
then return (True,ds'')
else runDecode dec' (withJoint' " " ds'') $ propSimple lost
return $ accum ds'''
quickFormat :: (Storable i, Integral i) => [i] -> Decoder Bool -> X String
quickFormat v f = do
let vl = length v
vs <- io $
allocaArray vl $
\p -> pokeArray p (map fromIntegral v :: [CULong]) >>
peekArray (4 * vl) (castPtr p :: Ptr CUChar)
let dec = Decode {property = none
,pName = ""
,pType = cARDINAL
,width = 32
,indent = 0
,window = none
,limit = maxBound
ds = DecS {value = vs
,accum = ""
,joint = ""
(r,ds') <- runDecode dec ds f
return $ accum ds' ++ if r then "" else "?"
runDecode :: Decode -> DecodeState -> Decoder Bool -> X (Bool,DecodeState)
runDecode c s (Decoder p) = runStateT (runReaderT p c) s
bytes :: Int -> Int
bytes w = w `div` 8
dumpProp :: Atom -> String -> Decoder Bool
dumpProp _ "CLIPBOARD" = dumpSelection
dumpProp _ "_NET_SUPPORTED" = dumpArray dumpAtom
dumpProp _ "_NET_CLIENT_LIST" = dumpArray dumpWindow
dumpProp _ "_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING" = dumpArray dumpWindow
dumpProp _ "_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS" = dump32
dumpProp _ "_NET_VIRTUAL_ROOTS" = dumpArray dumpWindow
dumpProp _ "_NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY" = dumpArray dump32
dumpProp _ "_NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT" = dumpList [("w",dump32)
dumpProp _ "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP" = dump32
dumpProp _ "_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES" = dumpArray dumpUTF
dumpProp _ "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW" = dumpActiveWindow
dumpProp _ "_NET_WORKAREA" = dumpList [("start"
,dumpList [("x",dump32)
,dumpList [("w",dump32)
dumpProp _ "_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK" = dumpWindow
dumpProp _ "_NET_DESKTOP_LAYOUT" = dumpList [("orientation"
,dumpEnum nwmOrientation
,dumpList [("cols",dump32)
,dumpEnum nwmOrigin
dumpProp _ "_NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP" = dump32
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_NAME" = dumpUTF
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME" = dumpUTF
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_ICON_NAME" = dumpUTF
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_VISIBLE_ICON_NAME" = dumpUTF
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_DESKTOP" = dumpExcept [(0xFFFFFFFF,"all")]
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE" = dumpArray dumpAtom
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_STATE" = dumpArray dumpAtom
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_ALLOWED_ACTIONS" = dumpArray dumpAtom
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_STRUT" = dumpList [("left gap" ,dump32)
,("right gap" ,dump32)
,("top gap" ,dump32)
,("bottom gap",dump32)
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL" = dumpList [("left gap" ,dump32)
,("right gap" ,dump32)
,("top gap" ,dump32)
,("bottom gap" ,dump32)
,("left start" ,dump32)
,("left end" ,dump32)
,("right start" ,dump32)
,("right end" ,dump32)
,("top start" ,dump32)
,("top end" ,dump32)
,("bottom start",dump32)
,("bottom end" ,dump32)
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_ICON_GEOMETRY" = dumpList [("x",dump32)
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_ICON" = propSimple "(icon)"
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_PID" = dumpPid
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_HANDLED_ICONS" = propSimple "(defined)"
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_USER_TIME" = dumpExcept [(0,"do not map initially")]
dumpProp _ "_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS" = dumpList [("left" ,dump32)
,("right" ,dump32)
,("top" ,dump32)
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST_COUNTER" = dumpExcept [(0,"illegal value 0")]
dumpProp _ "_NET_STARTUP_ID" = dumpUTF
dumpProp _ "WM_PROTOCOLS" = dumpArray dumpAtom
dumpProp _ "WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS" = dumpArray dumpWindow
dumpProp _ "WM_STATE" = dumpState
dumpProp _ "WM_LOCALE_NAME" = dumpString
dumpProp _ "WM_CLIENT_LEADER" = dumpWindow
dumpProp _ "_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY" = dumpPercent
dumpProp _ "XdndAware" = dumpArray dumpAtom
dumpProp _ "_XKLAVIER_TRANSPARENT" = dumpInteger 32
dumpProp _ "_XKLAVIER_STATE" = dumpList [("state" ,dumpInteger 32)
dumpProp _ "_MOTIF_DRAG_RECEIVER_INFO" = dumpMotifDragReceiver
dumpProp _ "_OL_WIN_ATTR" = dumpOLAttrs
dumpProp _ "_OL_DECOR_ADD" = dumpArray dumpAtom
dumpProp _ "_OL_DECOR_DEL" = dumpArray dumpAtom
dumpProp _ "_MOTIF_WM_HINTS" = dumpMwmHints
dumpProp _ "_MOTIF_WM_INFO" = dumpMwmInfo
dumpProp _ "_XMONAD_DECORATED_BY" = dumpWindow
dumpProp _ "_XMONAD_DECORATION_FOR" = dumpWindow
dumpProp a _ | a == wM_NAME = dumpString
| a == pRIMARY = dumpSelection
| a == sECONDARY = dumpSelection
| a == wM_TRANSIENT_FOR = do
root <- fromIntegral `fmap` inX (asks theRoot)
w <- asks window
WMHints {wmh_window_group = group} <-
inX $ asks display >>= io . flip getWMHints w
dumpExcept [(0 ,"window group " ++ show group)
,(root,"window group " ++ show group)
| a == rESOURCE_MANAGER = dumpString
| a == wM_COMMAND = dumpString
| a == wM_HINTS = dumpWmHints
| a == wM_CLIENT_MACHINE = dumpString
| a == wM_ICON_NAME = dumpString
| a == wM_ICON_SIZE = dumpList [("min size"
,dumpList [("w",dump32)
,("max size"
,dumpList [("w",dump32)
,dumpList [("w",dump32)
| a == wM_NORMAL_HINTS = (...)
| a == wM_ZOOM_HINTS = (...)
| a == rGB_DEFAULT_MAP = (...)
| a == rGB_BEST_MAP = (...)
| a == rGB_RED_MAP = (...)
| a == rGB_GREEN_MAP = (...)
| a == rGB_BLUE_MAP = (...)
| a == rGB_GRAY_MAP = (...)
| a == wM_CLASS = dumpList [("name" ,dumpString)
dumpProp _ s | s `isCountOf` "WM_S" = dumpSelection
| s `isCountOf` "_NET_WM_CM_S" = dumpSelection
| s `isCountOf` "_NET_DESKTOP_LAYOUT_S" = dumpSelection
| s `isCountOf` "CUT_BUFFER" = dumpString
| otherwise = return False
withJoint :: String -> Decoder a -> Decoder a
withJoint j = ((modify $ withJoint' j) >>)
withJoint' :: String -> DecodeState -> DecodeState
withJoint' j s = s {joint = j}
inX :: X a -> Decoder a
inX = Decoder . lift . lift
isCountOf :: String -> String -> Bool
s `isCountOf` pfx = null $
dropWhile isDigit $
map fst $
dropWhile (uncurry (==)) $
zip s $
pfx ++ repeat '\NUL'
withIndent :: Int -> Decoder a -> Decoder a
withIndent w = local (\r -> r {indent = indent r + w})
dumpArray :: Decoder Bool -> Decoder Bool
dumpArray item = do
withIndent 1 $ append "[" >> withJoint "" (dumpArray' item "")
dumpArray' :: Decoder Bool -> String -> Decoder Bool
dumpArray' item pfx = do
vs <- gets value
if vs == []
then append "]"
else append pfx >> whenD item (dumpArray' item ",")
whenD :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
whenD p f = p >>= \b -> if b then f else return False
guardR :: (MonadReader r m, Eq v)
=> (r -> v)
-> v
-> (v -> v -> m a)
-> m a
-> m a
guardR sel val err good = do
v <- asks sel
if v == val then good else err v val
fi :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
fi p n y = if p then y else n
guardSize :: Int -> Decoder Bool -> Decoder Bool
guardSize 64 = guardR width 32 propSizeErr . guardSize' 8 propShortErr
guardSize w = guardR width w propSizeErr . guardSize' (bytes w) propShortErr
guardSize' :: Int -> Decoder a -> Decoder a -> Decoder a
guardSize' l n y = gets value >>= \vs -> fi (length vs >= l) n y
guardType :: Atom -> Decoder Bool -> Decoder Bool
guardType t = guardR pType t propTypeErr
dumpList :: [(String,Decoder Bool)] -> Decoder Bool
dumpList proto = do
a <- asks pType
dumpList'' (maxBound :: CULong) (map (\(s,d) -> (s,d,a)) proto) "("
dumpList' :: [(String,Decoder Bool,Atom)] -> Decoder Bool
dumpList' proto = dumpList'' (maxBound :: CULong) proto "("
dumpListByMask :: CULong -> [(String,Decoder Bool)] -> Decoder Bool
dumpListByMask m p = do
a <- asks pType
dumpList'' m (map (\(s,d) -> (s,d,a)) p) "("
dumpListByMask' :: CULong -> [(String,Decoder Bool,Atom)] -> Decoder Bool
dumpListByMask' m p = dumpList'' m p "("
dumpList'' :: CULong -> [(String,Decoder Bool,Atom)] -> String -> Decoder Bool
dumpList'' _ [] _ = append ")" >> return True
dumpList'' 0 _ _ = append ")" >> return True
dumpList'' m ((l,p,t):ps) sep = do
(e,sep') <- if m .&. 1 == 0
then do
st <- get
e <- local (\r -> r {pType = t}) p
v' <- gets value
put $ st {value = v'}
return (e,sep)
else do
let label = sep ++ l ++ " = "
append label
e <- withJoint "" $ do
local (\r -> r {pType = t
,indent = indent r + length label
return (e,",")
if e then dumpList'' (m `shiftR` 1) ps sep' else return e
dumpString :: Decoder Bool
dumpString = do
fmt <- asks pType
case () of
() | fmt == cOMPOUND_TEXT -> guardSize 16 (...)
| fmt == sTRING -> guardSize 8 $ do
vs <- gets value
modify (\r -> r {value = []})
let ss = flip unfoldr (map twiddle vs) $
\s -> if null s
then Nothing
else let (w,s'') = break (== '\NUL') s
s' = if null s''
then s''
else tail s''
in Just (w,s')
case ss of
[s] -> append $ show s
ss' -> let go (s:ss'') c = append c >>
append (show s) >>
go ss'' ","
go [] _ = append "]"
in append "[" >> go ss' ""
| fmt == uTF8_STRING -> dumpUTF
| otherwise -> (inX $ atomName fmt) >>=
failure . ("unrecognized string type " ++)
dumpSelection :: Decoder Bool
dumpSelection = do
a <- asks property
owner <- inX $ withDisplay $ \d -> io $ xGetSelectionOwner d a
if owner == none
then append "unowned"
else do
w <- inX $ debugWindow owner
append $ "owned by " ++ w
dumpXKlInds :: Decoder Bool
dumpXKlInds = guardType iNTEGER $ do
n <- fmap fromIntegral `fmap` getInt' 32
case n of
Nothing -> propShortErr
Just is -> append $ "indicators " ++ unwords (dumpInds is 1 1 [])
dumpInds :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Int -> [String] -> [String]
dumpInds n bt c bs | n == 0 && c == 1 = ["none"]
| n == 0 = bs
| n .&. bt /= 0 = dumpInds (n .&. complement bt)
(bt `shiftL` 1)
(c + 1)
((show c):bs)
| otherwise = dumpInds n
(bt `shiftL` 1)
(c + 1)
dumpAtom :: Decoder Bool
dumpAtom =
guardType aTOM $ do
a <- getInt' 32
case a of
Nothing -> return False
Just a' -> do
an <- inX $ atomName $ fromIntegral a'
append an
dumpWindow :: Decoder Bool
dumpWindow = guardSize 32 $ guardType wINDOW $ do
w <- getInt' 32
case w of
Nothing -> return False
Just w' -> inX (debugWindow (fromIntegral w')) >>= append
dumpActiveWindow :: Decoder Bool
dumpActiveWindow = guardSize 32 $ do
t <- asks pType
nAW <- inX $ getAtom "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW"
case () of
() | t == wINDOW -> dumpWindow
| t == nAW -> dumpList' [("source" ,dumpEnum awSource,cARDINAL)
,("timestamp" ,dumpTime ,cARDINAL)
,("active window",dumpWindow ,wINDOW )
_ -> do
t' <- inX $ atomName t
failure $ concat ["(bad type "
,"; expected WINDOW or _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW"
dumpInt :: Int -> Decoder Bool
dumpInt w = guardSize w $ guardType cARDINAL $ getInt w show
dumpInteger :: Int -> Decoder Bool
dumpInteger w = guardSize w $ guardType iNTEGER $ getInt w (show . signed w)
signed :: Int -> Integer -> Integer
signed w i = bit (w + 1) - i
dump64 :: Decoder Bool
dump64 = dumpInt 64
dump32 :: Decoder Bool
dump32 = dumpInt 32
dump8 :: Decoder Bool
dump8 = dumpInt 8
dumpUTF :: Decoder Bool
dumpUTF = do
uTF8_STRING <- inX $ getAtom "UTF8_STRING"
guardType uTF8_STRING $ guardSize 8 $ do
s <- gets value
modify (\r -> r {value = []})
append . show . decode . map fromIntegral $ s
return True
dumpEnum' :: [String] -> Atom -> Decoder Bool
dumpEnum' ss fmt = guardType fmt $
getInt 32 $
\r -> case () of
() | r < 0 -> "undefined value " ++ show r
| r >= genericLength ss -> "undefined value " ++ show r
| otherwise -> genericIndex ss r
dumpPixmap :: Decoder Bool
dumpPixmap = guardType pIXMAP $ do
p' <- getInt' 32
case p' of
Nothing -> return False
Just p -> do
append $ "pixmap " ++ showHex p ""
g' <- inX $ withDisplay $ \d -> io $
Just `fmap` getGeometry d (fromIntegral p)
\e -> case fromException e of
Just x -> throw e `const` (x `asTypeOf` ExitSuccess)
_ -> return Nothing
case g' of
Nothing -> append " (deleted)"
Just (_,x,y,wid,ht,bw,dp) ->
append $ concat
[" ("
,show wid
,'x':show ht
,'x':show dp
,')':if bw == 0 then "" else '+':show bw
,show x
,',':show y
dumpOLAttrs :: Decoder Bool
dumpOLAttrs = do
pt <- inX $ getAtom "_OL_WIN_ATTR"
guardType pt $ do
msk <- getInt' 32
case msk of
Nothing -> propShortErr
Just msk' -> dumpListByMask (fromIntegral msk') [("window type" ,dumpAtom )
,("menu" ,dump32 )
,("pushpin" ,dumpEnum bool)
,("limited menu",dump32 )
dumpMwmHints :: Decoder Bool
dumpMwmHints = do
ta <- asks property
guardType ta $ do
msk <- getInt' 32
case msk of
Nothing -> propShortErr
Just msk' -> dumpListByMask (fromIntegral msk') [("functions" ,dumpBits mwmFuncs )
,("decorations",dumpBits mwmDecos )
,("input mode" ,dumpEnum mwmInputMode)
,("status" ,dumpBits mwmState )
dumpMwmInfo :: Decoder Bool
dumpMwmInfo = do
ta <- asks property
guardType ta $ dumpList' [("flags" ,dumpBits mwmHints,cARDINAL)
,("window",dumpWindow ,wINDOW )
dumpEnum :: [String] -> Decoder Bool
dumpEnum ss = dumpEnum' ss cARDINAL
dumpExcept :: [(Integer,String)] -> Decoder Bool -> Decoder Bool
dumpExcept xs item = do
sp <- get
rc <- item
if not rc then return False else do
that <- get
vs <- gets value
let w = (length (value sp) - length vs) * 8
put sp
Just v <- getInt' w
dumpExcept' xs that v
dumpExcept' :: [(Integer,String)]
-> DecodeState
-> Integer
-> Decoder Bool
dumpExcept' [] that _ = put that >> return True
dumpExcept' ((exc,str):xs) that val | exc == val = append str
| otherwise = dumpExcept' xs that val
dumpPid :: Decoder Bool
dumpPid = guardType cARDINAL $ do
n <- getInt' 32
case n of
Nothing -> return False
Just pid' -> do
let pid = show pid'
ps = (proc "/bin/ps" ["-fp" ++ pid]) {std_out = CreatePipe}
(_,o,_,_) <- io $ createProcess ps
case o of
Nothing -> append $ "pid " ++ pid
Just p' -> do
prc <- io $ lines `fmap` hGetContents p'
append $ if length prc < 2
then "pid " ++ pid
else prc !! 1
dumpTime :: Decoder Bool
dumpTime = append "server event # " >> dump32
dumpState :: Decoder Bool
dumpState = do
wM_STATE <- inX $ getAtom "WM_STATE"
guardType wM_STATE $ dumpList' [("state" ,dumpEnum wmState,cARDINAL)
,("icon window",dumpWindow ,wINDOW )
dumpMotifDragReceiver :: Decoder Bool
dumpMotifDragReceiver = do
ta <- inX $ getAtom "_MOTIF_DRAG_RECEIVER_INFO"
guardType ta $ dumpList' [("endian" ,dumpMotifEndian,cARDINAL)
,("version" ,dump8 ,cARDINAL)
,("style" ,dumpMDropStyle ,cARDINAL)
dumpMDropStyle :: Decoder Bool
dumpMDropStyle = do
d <- getInt' 8
pad 1 $ case d of
Nothing -> propShortErr
Just ps | ps == 0 -> pad 12 $ append "none"
| ps == 1 -> pad 12 $ append "drop only"
| ps == 2 -> append "prefer preregister " >> dumpMDPrereg
| ps == 3 -> append "preregister " >> dumpMDPrereg
| ps == 4 -> pad 12 $ append "prefer dynamic"
| ps == 5 -> pad 12 $ append "dynamic"
| ps == 6 -> pad 12 $ append "prefer receiver"
| otherwise -> failure $ "unknown drop style " ++ show ps
dumpMDPrereg :: Decoder Bool
dumpMDPrereg = do
append ","
append "proxy window = "
withIndent 15 dumpWindow
append ","
append "drop sites = "
dsc' <- getInt' 16
case dsc' of
Nothing -> propShortErr
Just dsc -> do
withIndent 13 $ append (show dsc)
pad 2 $ do
append ","
append "total size = "
withIndent 13 dump32
dumpMDBlocks $ fromIntegral dsc
dumpMDBlocks :: Int -> Decoder Bool
dumpMDBlocks _ = propSimple "(drop site info)"
dumpMotifEndian :: Decoder Bool
dumpMotifEndian = guardType cARDINAL $ guardSize 8 $ do
c <- map twiddle `fmap` eat 1
case c of
['l'] -> append "little"
['B'] -> append "big"
_ -> failure "bad endian flag"
pad :: Int -> Decoder Bool -> Decoder Bool
pad n p = do
vs <- gets value
if length vs < n
then propShortErr
else modify (\r -> r {value = drop n vs}) >> p
dumpPercent :: Decoder Bool
dumpPercent = guardType cARDINAL $ do
n <- getInt' 32
case n of
Nothing -> return False
Just n' ->
let pct = 100 * fromIntegral n' / fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word32)
pct :: Double
in append $ show (round pct :: Integer) ++ "%"
dumpWmHints :: Decoder Bool
dumpWmHints =
guardType wM_HINTS $ do
msk <- getInt' 32
case msk of
Nothing -> return False
Just msk' -> dumpListByMask' (fromIntegral msk')
[("input" ,dumpEnum bool ,cARDINAL)
,("initial_state",dumpEnum wmState,cARDINAL)
,("icon_pixmap" ,dumpPixmap ,pIXMAP )
,("icon_window" ,dumpWindow ,wINDOW )
,("icon_x" ,dump32 ,cARDINAL)
,("icon_y" ,dump32 ,cARDINAL)
,("icon_mask" ,dumpPixmap ,pIXMAP )
,("window_group" ,dumpWindow ,wINDOW )
dumpBits :: [String] -> Decoder Bool
dumpBits bs = guardType cARDINAL $ do
n <- getInt' 32
case n of
Nothing -> return False
Just n' -> dumpBits' bs 1 (fromIntegral n') ""
dumpBits' :: [String] -> Int -> Int -> String -> Decoder Bool
dumpBits' [] _ n p = if n == 0 then return True else append (p ++ show n)
dumpBits' (s:ss) b n p = do
p' <- if n .&. b /= 0
then append (p ++ s) >> return "|"
else return p
dumpBits' ss (b `shiftL` 1) (n .&. complement b) p'
mwmFuncs :: [String]
mwmFuncs = ["all except"
mwmDecos :: [String]
mwmDecos = ["all except"
,"resize handle"
,"menu button"
,"maximize button"
,"minimize button"
mwmInputMode :: [String]
mwmInputMode = ["modeless"
,"application modal"
,"system model"
,"full application modal"
mwmState :: [String]
mwmState = ["tearoff window"
mwmHints :: [String]
mwmHints = ["standard startup"
,"custom startup"
awSource :: [String]
awSource = ["unspecified"
,"pager/task list"
wmPlacement :: [String]
wmPlacement = ["Above"
bool :: [String]
bool = ["False","True"]
nwmOrientation :: [String]
nwmOrientation = nwmEnum (Just "ORIENTATION") ["HORZ","VERT"]
nwmOrigin :: [String]
wmState :: [String]
wmState = ["Withdrawn","Normal","Zoomed (obsolete)","Iconified","Inactive"]
nwmEnum :: Maybe String
-> [String]
-> [String]
nwmEnum Nothing vs = map ( "_NET_WM_" ++) vs
nwmEnum (Just prefix) vs = map (("_NET_WM_" ++ prefix ++ "_") ++) vs
getInt' :: Int -> Decoder (Maybe Integer)
getInt' 64 = guardR width 32 (\a e -> propSizeErr a e >> return Nothing) $
guardSize' 8 (propShortErr >> return Nothing) $ do
lo <- inhale 32
hi <- inhale 32
return $ Just $ lo + hi * (fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word32) + 1)
getInt' w = guardR width w (\a e -> propSizeErr a e >> return Nothing) $
guardSize' (bytes w) (propShortErr >> return Nothing) $
Just `fmap` inhale w
getInt :: Int -> (Integer -> String) -> Decoder Bool
getInt w f = getInt' w >>= maybe (return False) (append . f)
inhale :: Int -> Decoder Integer
inhale 8 = do
[b] <- eat 1
return $ fromIntegral b
inhale 16 = do
[b0,b1] <- eat 2
io $ allocaArray 2 $ \p -> do
pokeArray p [b0,b1]
[v] <- peekArray 1 (castPtr p :: Ptr Word16)
return $ fromIntegral v
inhale 32 = do
[b0,b1,b2,b3] <- eat 4
io $ allocaArray 4 $ \p -> do
pokeArray p [b0,b1,b2,b3]
[v] <- peekArray 1 (castPtr p :: Ptr Word32)
return $ fromIntegral v
inhale b = error $ "inhale " ++ show b
eat :: Int -> Decoder Raw
eat n = do
(bs,rest) <- splitAt n `fmap` gets value
modify (\r -> r {value = rest})
return bs
append :: String -> Decoder Bool
append = append' True
failure :: String -> Decoder Bool
failure = append' False
append' :: Bool -> String -> Decoder Bool
append' b s = do
j <- gets joint
modify (\r -> r {accum = accum r ++ j ++ s})
return b
propSimple :: String -> Decoder Bool
propSimple s = modify (\r -> r {value = []}) >> append s
propShortErr :: Decoder Bool
propShortErr = failure "(property ended prematurely)"
propSizeErr :: Int -> Int -> Decoder Bool
propSizeErr e a = failure $ "(bad bit width " ++
show a ++
"; expected " ++
show e ++
propTypeErr :: Atom -> Atom -> Decoder Bool
propTypeErr a e = do
e' <- inX $ atomName e
a' <- inX $ atomName a
failure $ "(bad type " ++ a' ++"; expected " ++ e' ++ ")"
(...) :: Decoder Bool
(...) = do
fmt <- asks pType >>= inX . atomName
propSimple $ "(unimplemented type " ++ fmt ++ ")"
twiddle :: (Enum a, Enum b) => a -> b
twiddle = toEnum . fromEnum