{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, PatternGuards, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, CPP #-}
-- |
-- Module       : XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
-- Copyright    : (c) Joachim Breitner <mail@joachim-breitner.de>
-- License      : BSD
-- Maintainer   : Joachim Breitner <mail@joachim-breitner.de>
-- Stability    : unstable
-- Portability  : unportable
-- This module provides tools to automatically manage 'dock' type programs,
-- such as gnome-panel, kicker, dzen, and xmobar.

module XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks (
    -- * Usage
    -- $usage
    docks, manageDocks, checkDock, AvoidStruts, avoidStruts, avoidStrutsOn,
    docksEventHook, docksStartupHook,
    module XMonad.Util.Types,

#ifdef TESTING

    -- for XMonad.Actions.FloatSnap
    ) where

import XMonad
import Foreign.C.Types (CLong)
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier
import XMonad.Util.Types
import XMonad.Util.WindowProperties (getProp32s)
import XMonad.Util.XUtils (fi)
import qualified XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState as XS
import Data.Monoid (All(..), mempty)
import Data.Functor((<$>))

import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad (when, forM_, filterM)

-- $usage
-- To use this module, add the following import to @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@:
-- > import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks
-- Wrap your xmonad config with a call to 'docks', like so:
-- > main = xmonad $ docks def
-- Then add 'avoidStruts' or 'avoidStrutsOn' layout modifier to your layout
-- to prevent windows from overlapping these windows.
-- > layoutHook = avoidStruts (tall ||| mirror tall ||| ...)
-- >                   where  tall = Tall 1 (3/100) (1/2)
-- 'AvoidStruts' also supports toggling the dock gaps; add a keybinding
-- similar to:
-- > ,((modm, xK_b     ), sendMessage ToggleStruts)
-- If you have multiple docks, you can toggle their gaps individually.
-- For example, to toggle only the top gap:
-- > ,((modm .|. controlMask, xK_t), sendMessage $ ToggleStrut U)
-- Similarly, you can use 'D', 'L', and 'R' to individually toggle
-- gaps on the bottom, left, or right.
-- If you want certain docks to be avoided but others to be covered by
-- default, you can manually specify the sides of the screen on which
-- docks should be avoided, using 'avoidStrutsOn'.  For example:
-- > layoutHook = avoidStrutsOn [U,L] (tall ||| mirror tall ||| ...)
-- For detailed instructions on editing your key bindings, see
-- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_key_bindings".

-- | Add docks functionality to the given config.  See above for an example.
docks :: XConfig a -> XConfig a
docks c = c { startupHook     = docksStartupHook <+> startupHook c
            , handleEventHook = docksEventHook <+> handleEventHook c
            , manageHook      = manageDocks <+> manageHook c }

newtype StrutCache = StrutCache { fromStrutCache :: M.Map Window [Strut] }
    deriving (Eq, Typeable)

data UpdateDocks = UpdateDocks deriving Typeable
instance Message UpdateDocks

refreshDocks :: X ()
refreshDocks = sendMessage UpdateDocks

instance ExtensionClass StrutCache where
  initialValue = StrutCache M.empty

updateStrutCache :: Window -> [Strut] -> X Bool
updateStrutCache w strut = do
  XS.modified $ StrutCache . M.insert w strut . fromStrutCache

deleteFromStructCache :: Window -> X Bool
deleteFromStructCache w = do
  XS.modified $ StrutCache . M.delete w . fromStrutCache

-- | Detects if the given window is of type DOCK and if so, reveals
--   it, but does not manage it.
manageDocks :: ManageHook
manageDocks = checkDock --> (doIgnore <+> setDocksMask)
    where setDocksMask = do
            ask >>= \win -> liftX $ withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
                io $ selectInput dpy win (propertyChangeMask .|. structureNotifyMask)

-- | Checks if a window is a DOCK or DESKTOP window
checkDock :: Query Bool
checkDock = ask >>= \w -> liftX $ do
    dock <- getAtom "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK"
    desk <- getAtom "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP"
    mbr <- getProp32s "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE" w
    case mbr of
        Just rs -> return $ any (`elem` [dock,desk]) (map fromIntegral rs)
        _       -> return False

-- | Whenever a new dock appears, refresh the layout immediately to avoid the
-- new dock.
docksEventHook :: Event -> X All
docksEventHook (MapNotifyEvent { ev_window = w }) = do
    whenX (runQuery checkDock w <&&> (not <$> isClient w)) $ do
        strut <- getStrut w
        whenX (updateStrutCache w strut) refreshDocks
    return (All True)
docksEventHook (PropertyEvent { ev_window = w
                              , ev_atom = a }) = do
    nws <- getAtom "_NET_WM_STRUT"
    nwsp <- getAtom "_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL"
    when (a == nws || a == nwsp) $ do
        strut <- getStrut w
        whenX (updateStrutCache w strut) refreshDocks
    return (All True)
docksEventHook (DestroyWindowEvent {ev_window = w}) = do
    whenX (deleteFromStructCache w) refreshDocks
    return (All True)
docksEventHook _ = return (All True)

docksStartupHook :: X ()
docksStartupHook = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
    rootw <- asks theRoot
    (_,_,wins) <- io $ queryTree dpy rootw
    docks <- filterM (runQuery checkDock) wins
    forM_ docks $ \win -> do
        strut <- getStrut win
        updateStrutCache win strut

-- | Gets the STRUT config, if present, in xmonad gap order
getStrut :: Window -> X [Strut]
getStrut w = do
    msp <- getProp32s "_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL" w
    case msp of
        Just sp -> return $ parseStrutPartial sp
        Nothing -> fmap (maybe [] parseStrut) $ getProp32s "_NET_WM_STRUT" w
    parseStrut xs@[_, _, _, _] = parseStrutPartial . take 12 $ xs ++ cycle [minBound, maxBound]
    parseStrut _ = []

    parseStrutPartial [l, r, t, b, ly1, ly2, ry1, ry2, tx1, tx2, bx1, bx2]
     = filter (\(_, n, _, _) -> n /= 0)
        [(L, l, ly1, ly2), (R, r, ry1, ry2), (U, t, tx1, tx2), (D, b, bx1, bx2)]
    parseStrutPartial _ = []

-- | Goes through the list of windows and find the gap so that all
--   STRUT settings are satisfied.
calcGap :: S.Set Direction2D -> X (Rectangle -> Rectangle)
calcGap ss = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
    rootw <- asks theRoot
    struts <- (filter careAbout . concat) `fmap` XS.gets (M.elems . fromStrutCache)

    -- we grab the window attributes of the root window rather than checking
    -- the width of the screen because xlib caches this info and it tends to
    -- be incorrect after RAndR
    wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes dpy rootw
    let screen = r2c $ Rectangle (fi $ wa_x wa) (fi $ wa_y wa) (fi $ wa_width wa) (fi $ wa_height wa)
    return $ \r -> c2r $ foldr (reduce screen) (r2c r) struts
  where careAbout (s,_,_,_) = s `S.member` ss

-- | Adjust layout automagically: don't cover up any docks, status
--   bars, etc.
avoidStruts :: LayoutClass l a => l a -> ModifiedLayout AvoidStruts l a
avoidStruts = avoidStrutsOn [U,D,L,R]

-- | Adjust layout automagically: don't cover up docks, status bars,
--   etc. on the indicated sides of the screen.  Valid sides are U
--   (top), D (bottom), R (right), or L (left).
avoidStrutsOn :: LayoutClass l a =>
              -> l a
              -> ModifiedLayout AvoidStruts l a
avoidStrutsOn ss = ModifiedLayout $ AvoidStruts (S.fromList ss)

data AvoidStruts a = AvoidStruts (S.Set Direction2D) deriving ( Read, Show )

-- | Message type which can be sent to an 'AvoidStruts' layout
--   modifier to alter its behavior.
data ToggleStruts = ToggleStruts
                  | ToggleStrut Direction2D
  deriving (Read,Show,Typeable)

instance Message ToggleStruts

-- | SetStruts is a message constructor used to set or unset specific struts,
-- regardless of whether or not the struts were originally set. Here are some
-- example bindings:
-- Show all gaps:
-- >   ,((modm .|. shiftMask  ,xK_b),sendMessage $ SetStruts [minBound .. maxBound] [])
-- Hide all gaps:
-- >   ,((modm .|. controlMask,xK_b),sendMessage $ SetStruts [] [minBound .. maxBound])
-- Show only upper and left gaps:
-- >   ,((modm .|. controlMask .|. shiftMask,xK_b),sendMessage $ SetStruts [U,L] [minBound .. maxBound])
-- Hide the bottom keeping whatever the other values were:
-- >   ,((modm .|. controlMask .|. shiftMask,xK_g),sendMessage $ SetStruts [] [D])
data SetStruts = SetStruts { addedStruts   :: [Direction2D]
                           , removedStruts :: [Direction2D] -- ^ These are removed from the currently set struts before 'addedStruts' are added.
  deriving (Read,Show,Typeable)

instance Message SetStruts

instance LayoutModifier AvoidStruts a where
    modifyLayout (AvoidStruts ss) w r = do
        srect <- fmap ($ r) (calcGap ss)
        -- Ensure _NET_WORKAREA is not set.
        -- See: https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/pull/79
        runLayout w srect

    pureMess as@(AvoidStruts ss) m
        | Just ToggleStruts    <- fromMessage m = Just $ AvoidStruts (toggleAll ss)
        | Just (ToggleStrut s) <- fromMessage m = Just $ AvoidStruts (toggleOne s ss)
        | Just (SetStruts n k) <- fromMessage m
        , let newSS = S.fromList n `S.union` (ss S.\\ S.fromList k)
        , newSS /= ss = Just $ AvoidStruts newSS
        | Just UpdateDocks <- fromMessage m = Just as
        | otherwise = Nothing
      where toggleAll x | S.null x = S.fromList [minBound .. maxBound]
                        | otherwise = S.empty
            toggleOne x xs | x `S.member` xs = S.delete x xs
                           | otherwise   = x `S.insert` xs

rmWorkarea :: X ()
rmWorkarea = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
    a <- getAtom "_NET_WORKAREA"
    r <- asks theRoot
    io (deleteProperty dpy r a)

-- | (Direction, height\/width, initial pixel, final pixel).

type Strut = (Direction2D, CLong, CLong, CLong)

-- | (Initial x pixel, initial y pixel,
--    final x pixel, final y pixel).

newtype RectC = RectC (CLong, CLong, CLong, CLong) deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | Invertible conversion.

r2c :: Rectangle -> RectC
r2c (Rectangle x y w h) = RectC (fi x, fi y, fi x + fi w - 1, fi y + fi h - 1)

-- | Invertible conversion.

c2r :: RectC -> Rectangle
c2r (RectC (x1, y1, x2, y2)) = Rectangle (fi x1) (fi y1) (fi $ x2 - x1 + 1) (fi $ y2 - y1 + 1)

reduce :: RectC -> Strut -> RectC -> RectC
reduce (RectC (sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1)) (s, n, l, h) (RectC (x0, y0, x1, y1)) =
 RectC $ case s of
    L | p (y0, y1) && qh x1     -> (mx x0 sx0, y0       , x1       , y1       )
    R | p (y0, y1) && qv sx1 x0 -> (x0       , y0       , mn x1 sx1, y1       )
    U | p (x0, x1) && qh y1     -> (x0       , mx y0 sy0, x1       , y1       )
    D | p (x0, x1) && qv sy1 y0 -> (x0       , y0       , x1       , mn y1 sy1)
    _                           -> (x0       , y0       , x1       , y1       )
    mx a b = max a (b + n)
    mn a b = min a (b - n)
    p r = r `overlaps` (l, h)
    -- Filter out struts that cover the entire rectangle:
    qh d1 = n <= d1
    qv sd1 d0 = sd1 - n >= d0

-- | Do the two ranges overlap?
-- Precondition for every input range @(x, y)@: @x '<=' y@.
-- A range @(x, y)@ is assumed to include every pixel from @x@ to @y@.

overlaps :: Ord a => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> Bool
(a, b) `overlaps` (x, y) =
  inRange (a, b) x || inRange (a, b) y || inRange (x, y) a
  inRange (i, j) k = i <= k && k <= j