module XMonad.Hooks.Place (
, placeHook
, Placement
, smart
, simpleSmart
, fixed
, underMouse
, inBounds
, withGaps
, purePlaceWindow ) where
import XMonad
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as S
import XMonad.Layout.WindowArranger
import XMonad.Actions.FloatKeys
import XMonad.Util.XUtils
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import Data.List (sortBy, minimumBy, partition)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid (Endo(..))
import Control.Monad (guard, join)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
data Placement = Smart (Rational, Rational)
| Fixed (Rational, Rational)
| UnderMouse (Rational, Rational)
| Bounds (Dimension, Dimension, Dimension, Dimension) Placement
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
smart :: (Rational, Rational)
-> Placement
smart = Smart
simpleSmart :: Placement
simpleSmart = inBounds $ smart (0,0)
fixed :: (Rational, Rational)
-> Placement
fixed = Fixed
underMouse :: (Rational, Rational)
-> Placement
underMouse = UnderMouse
inBounds :: Placement -> Placement
inBounds = Bounds (0,0,0,0)
withGaps :: (Dimension, Dimension, Dimension, Dimension)
-> Placement -> Placement
withGaps = Bounds
placeFocused :: Placement -> X ()
placeFocused p = withFocused $ \window -> do
info <- gets $ screenInfo . S.current . windowset
floats <- gets $ M.keys . S.floating . windowset
r'@(Rectangle x' y' _ _) <- placeWindow p window info floats
case elem window floats of
True -> keysMoveWindowTo (x', y') (0, 0) window
False -> sendMessage $ SetGeometry r'
placeHook :: Placement -> ManageHook
placeHook p = do window <- ask
r <- Query $ lift $ getWindowRectangle window
allRs <- Query $ lift $ getAllRectangles
pointer <- Query $ lift $ getPointer window
return $ Endo $ \theWS -> fromMaybe theWS $
do let currentRect = screenRect $ S.screenDetail $ S.current theWS
floats = M.keys $ S.floating theWS
guard(window `elem` floats )
let infos = filter ((window `elem`) . stackContents . S.stack . fst)
$ [screenInfo $ S.current theWS]
++ (map screenInfo $ S.visible theWS)
++ zip (S.hidden theWS) (repeat currentRect)
guard(not $ null infos)
let (workspace, screen) = head infos
rs = catMaybes $ map (flip M.lookup allRs)
$ organizeClients workspace window floats
r' = purePlaceWindow p screen rs pointer r
newRect = r2rr screen r'
newFloats = M.insert window newRect (S.floating theWS)
return $ theWS { S.floating = newFloats }
placeWindow :: Placement -> Window
-> (S.Workspace WorkspaceId (Layout Window) Window, Rectangle)
-> [Window]
-> X Rectangle
placeWindow p window (ws, s) floats
= do (r, rs, pointer) <- getNecessaryData window ws floats
return $ purePlaceWindow p s rs pointer r
purePlaceWindow :: Placement
-> Rectangle
-> [Rectangle]
-> (Position, Position)
-> Rectangle
-> Rectangle
purePlaceWindow (Bounds (t,r,b,l) p') (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) rs p w
= let s' = (Rectangle (sx + fi l) (sy + fi t) (sw - l - r) (sh - t - b))
in checkBounds s' $ purePlaceWindow p' s' rs p w
purePlaceWindow (Fixed ratios) s _ _ w = placeRatio ratios s w
purePlaceWindow (UnderMouse (rx, ry)) _ _ (px, py) (Rectangle _ _ w h)
= Rectangle (px - truncate (rx * fi w)) (py - truncate (ry * fi h)) w h
purePlaceWindow (Smart ratios) s rs _ w
= placeSmart ratios s rs (rect_width w) (rect_height w)
placeRatio :: (Rational, Rational) -> Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
placeRatio (rx, ry) (Rectangle x1 y1 w1 h1) (Rectangle _ _ w2 h2)
= Rectangle (scale rx x1 (x1 + fi w1 - fi w2))
(scale ry y1 (y1 + fi h1 - fi h2))
w2 h2
checkBounds :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
checkBounds (Rectangle x1 y1 w1 h1) (Rectangle x2 y2 w2 h2)
= Rectangle (max x1 (min (x1 + fi w1 - fi w2) x2))
(max y1 (min (y1 + fi h1 - fi h2) y2))
w2 h2
scale :: (RealFrac a, Integral b) => a -> b -> b -> b
scale r n1 n2 = truncate $ r * fi n2 + (1 - r) * fi n1
r2rr :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> S.RationalRect
r2rr (Rectangle x0 y0 w0 h0) (Rectangle x y w h)
= S.RationalRect ((fi x-fi x0) % fi w0)
((fi y-fi y0) % fi h0)
(fi w % fi w0)
(fi h % fi h0)
stackContents :: Maybe (S.Stack w) -> [w]
stackContents = maybe [] S.integrate
screenInfo :: S.Screen i l a sid ScreenDetail -> (S.Workspace i l a, Rectangle)
screenInfo (S.Screen { S.workspace = ws, S.screenDetail = (SD s)}) = (ws, s)
getWindowRectangle :: Window -> X Rectangle
getWindowRectangle window
= do d <- asks display
(_, x, y, w, h, _, _) <- io $ getGeometry d window
b <- asks $ borderWidth . config
return $ Rectangle x y (w + 2*b) (h + 2*b)
getAllRectangles :: X (M.Map Window Rectangle)
getAllRectangles = do ws <- gets windowset
let allWindows = join $ map (stackContents . S.stack)
$ (S.workspace . S.current) ws
: (map S.workspace . S.visible) ws
++ S.hidden ws
allRects <- mapM getWindowRectangle allWindows
return $ M.fromList $ zip allWindows allRects
organizeClients :: S.Workspace a b Window -> Window -> [Window] -> [Window]
organizeClients ws w floats
= let (floatCs, layoutCs) = partition (`elem` floats) $ filter (/= w)
$ stackContents $ S.stack ws
in reverse layoutCs ++ reverse floatCs
getPointer :: Window -> X (Position, Position)
getPointer window = do d <- asks display
(_,_,_,x,y,_,_,_) <- io $ queryPointer d window
return (fi x,fi y)
getNecessaryData :: Window
-> S.Workspace WorkspaceId (Layout Window) Window
-> [Window]
-> X (Rectangle, [Rectangle], (Position, Position))
getNecessaryData window ws floats
= do r <- getWindowRectangle window
rs <- return (organizeClients ws window floats)
>>= mapM getWindowRectangle
pointer <- getPointer window
return (r, rs, pointer)
data SmartRectangle a = SR
{ sr_x0, sr_y0 :: a
, sr_x1, sr_y1 :: a
} deriving (Show, Eq)
r2sr :: Rectangle -> SmartRectangle Position
r2sr (Rectangle x y w h) = SR x y (x + fi w) (y + fi h)
sr2r :: SmartRectangle Position -> Rectangle
sr2r (SR x0 y0 x1 y1) = Rectangle x0 y0 (fi $ x1 - x0) (fi $ y1 - y0)
width :: Num a => SmartRectangle a -> a
width r = sr_x1 r - sr_x0 r
height :: Num a => SmartRectangle a -> a
height r = sr_y1 r - sr_y0 r
isEmpty :: Real a => SmartRectangle a -> Bool
isEmpty r = (width r <= 0) || (height r <= 0)
contains :: Real a => SmartRectangle a -> SmartRectangle a -> Bool
contains r1 r2 = sr_x0 r1 <= sr_x0 r2
&& sr_y0 r1 <= sr_y0 r2
&& sr_x1 r1 >= sr_x1 r2
&& sr_y1 r1 >= sr_y1 r2
placeSmart :: (Rational, Rational)
-> Rectangle
-> [Rectangle]
-> Dimension
-> Dimension
-> Rectangle
placeSmart (rx, ry) s@(Rectangle sx sy sw sh) rs w h
= let free = map sr2r $ findSpace (r2sr s) (map r2sr rs) (fi w) (fi h)
in position free (scale rx sx (sx + fi sw - fi w))
(scale ry sy (sy + fi sh - fi h))
w h
position :: [Rectangle]
-> Position -> Position
-> Dimension -> Dimension
-> Rectangle
position rs x y w h = minimumBy distanceOrder $ map closest rs
where distanceOrder r1 r2
= compare (distance (rect_x r1,rect_y r1) (x,y) :: Dimension)
(distance (rect_x r2,rect_y r2) (x,y) :: Dimension)
distance (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = truncate $ (sqrt :: Double -> Double)
$ fi $ (x1 - x2)^(2::Int)
+ (y1 - y2)^(2::Int)
closest r = checkBounds r (Rectangle x y w h)
findSpace :: Real a =>
SmartRectangle a
-> [SmartRectangle a]
-> a
-> a
-> [SmartRectangle a]
findSpace total [] _ _ = [total]
findSpace total rs@(_:rs') w h
= case filter largeEnough $ cleanup $ subtractRects total rs of
[] -> findSpace total rs' w h
as -> as
where largeEnough r = width r >= w && height r >= h
subtractRects :: Real a => SmartRectangle a
-> [SmartRectangle a] -> [SmartRectangle a]
subtractRects total [] = [total]
subtractRects total (r:rs)
= do total' <- subtractRects total rs
filter (not . isEmpty)
[ total' {sr_y1 = min (sr_y1 total') (sr_y0 r)}
, total' {sr_x0 = max (sr_x0 total') (sr_x1 r)}
, total' {sr_y0 = max (sr_y0 total') (sr_y1 r)}
, total' {sr_x1 = min (sr_x1 total') (sr_x0 r)}
cleanup :: Real a => [SmartRectangle a] -> [SmartRectangle a]
cleanup rs = foldr dropIfContained [] $ sortBy sizeOrder rs
sizeOrder :: Real a => SmartRectangle a -> SmartRectangle a -> Ordering
sizeOrder r1 r2 | w1 < w2 = LT
| w1 == w2 && h1 < h2 = LT
| w1 == w2 && h1 == h2 = EQ
| otherwise = GT
where w1 = width r1
w2 = width r2
h1 = height r1
h2 = height r2
dropIfContained :: Real a => SmartRectangle a
-> [SmartRectangle a] -> [SmartRectangle a]
dropIfContained r rs = if any (`contains` r) rs
then rs
else r:rs