{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, PatternGuards #-}
module XMonad.Layout.BorderResize
, BorderResize (..)
, RectWithBorders, BorderInfo,
) where
import XMonad
import XMonad.Layout.Decoration
import XMonad.Layout.WindowArranger
import XMonad.Util.XUtils
import Control.Monad(when)
import qualified Data.Map as M
type BorderBlueprint = (Rectangle, Glyph, BorderType)
data BorderType = RightSideBorder
| LeftSideBorder
| TopSideBorder
| BottomSideBorder
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
data BorderInfo = BI { bWin :: Window,
bRect :: Rectangle,
bType :: BorderType
} deriving (Show, Read)
type RectWithBorders = (Rectangle, [BorderInfo])
data BorderResize a = BR (M.Map Window RectWithBorders) deriving (Show, Read)
brBorderSize :: Dimension
brBorderSize = 2
borderResize :: l a -> ModifiedLayout BorderResize l a
borderResize = ModifiedLayout (BR M.empty)
instance LayoutModifier BorderResize Window where
redoLayout _ _ Nothing wrs = return (wrs, Nothing)
redoLayout (BR wrsLastTime) _ _ wrs = do
let correctOrder = map fst wrs
wrsCurrent = M.fromList wrs
wrsGone = M.difference wrsLastTime wrsCurrent
wrsAppeared = M.difference wrsCurrent wrsLastTime
wrsStillThere = M.intersectionWith testIfUnchanged wrsLastTime wrsCurrent
handleGone wrsGone
wrsCreated <- handleAppeared wrsAppeared
let wrsChanged = handleStillThere wrsStillThere
wrsThisTime = M.union wrsChanged wrsCreated
return (compileWrs wrsThisTime correctOrder, Just $ BR wrsThisTime)
testIfUnchanged entry@(rLastTime, _) rCurrent =
if rLastTime == rCurrent
then (Nothing, entry)
else (Just rCurrent, entry)
handleMess (BR wrsLastTime) m
| Just e <- fromMessage m :: Maybe Event =
handleResize (createBorderLookupTable wrsLastTime) e >> return Nothing
| Just _ <- fromMessage m :: Maybe LayoutMessages =
handleGone wrsLastTime >> return (Just $ BR M.empty)
handleMess _ _ = return Nothing
compileWrs :: M.Map Window RectWithBorders -> [Window] -> [(Window, Rectangle)]
compileWrs wrsThisTime correctOrder = let wrs = reorder (M.toList wrsThisTime) correctOrder
in concat $ map compileWr wrs
compileWr :: (Window, RectWithBorders) -> [(Window, Rectangle)]
compileWr (w, (r, borderInfos)) =
let borderWrs = for borderInfos $ \bi -> (bWin bi, bRect bi)
in borderWrs ++ [(w, r)]
handleGone :: M.Map Window RectWithBorders -> X ()
handleGone wrsGone = mapM_ deleteWindow borderWins
borderWins = map bWin . concat . map snd . M.elems $ wrsGone
handleAppeared :: M.Map Window Rectangle -> X (M.Map Window RectWithBorders)
handleAppeared wrsAppeared = do
let wrs = M.toList wrsAppeared
wrsCreated <- mapM handleSingleAppeared wrs
return $ M.fromList wrsCreated
handleSingleAppeared :: (Window, Rectangle) -> X (Window, RectWithBorders)
handleSingleAppeared (w, r) = do
let borderBlueprints = prepareBorders r
borderInfos <- mapM createBorder borderBlueprints
return (w, (r, borderInfos))
handleStillThere :: M.Map Window (Maybe Rectangle, RectWithBorders) -> M.Map Window RectWithBorders
handleStillThere wrsStillThere = M.map handleSingleStillThere wrsStillThere
handleSingleStillThere :: (Maybe Rectangle, RectWithBorders) -> RectWithBorders
handleSingleStillThere (Nothing, entry) = entry
handleSingleStillThere (Just rCurrent, (_, borderInfos)) = (rCurrent, updatedBorderInfos)
changedBorderBlueprints = prepareBorders rCurrent
updatedBorderInfos = map updateBorderInfo . zip borderInfos $ changedBorderBlueprints
updateBorderInfo :: (BorderInfo, BorderBlueprint) -> BorderInfo
updateBorderInfo (borderInfo, (r, _, _)) = borderInfo { bRect = r }
createBorderLookupTable :: M.Map Window RectWithBorders -> [(Window, (BorderType, Window, Rectangle))]
createBorderLookupTable wrsLastTime = concat $ map processSingleEntry $ M.toList wrsLastTime
processSingleEntry :: (Window, RectWithBorders) -> [(Window, (BorderType, Window, Rectangle))]
processSingleEntry (w, (r, borderInfos)) = for borderInfos $ \bi -> (bWin bi, (bType bi, w, r))
prepareBorders :: Rectangle -> [BorderBlueprint]
prepareBorders (Rectangle x y wh ht) =
[((Rectangle (x + fi wh - fi brBorderSize) y brBorderSize ht), xC_right_side , RightSideBorder),
((Rectangle x y brBorderSize ht) , xC_left_side , LeftSideBorder),
((Rectangle x y wh brBorderSize) , xC_top_side , TopSideBorder),
((Rectangle x (y + fi ht - fi brBorderSize) wh brBorderSize), xC_bottom_side, BottomSideBorder)
handleResize :: [(Window, (BorderType, Window, Rectangle))] -> Event -> X ()
handleResize borders ButtonEvent { ev_window = ew, ev_event_type = et }
| et == buttonPress, Just edge <- lookup ew borders =
case edge of
(RightSideBorder, hostWin, (Rectangle hx hy _ hht)) ->
mouseDrag (\x _ -> do
let nwh = max 1 $ fi (x - hx)
rect = Rectangle hx hy nwh hht
focus hostWin
when (x - hx > 0) $ sendMessage (SetGeometry rect)) (focus hostWin)
(LeftSideBorder, hostWin, (Rectangle hx hy hwh hht)) ->
mouseDrag (\x _ -> do
let nx = max 0 $ min (hx + fi hwh) $ x
nwh = max 1 $ hwh + fi (hx - x)
rect = Rectangle nx hy nwh hht
focus hostWin
when (x < hx + fi hwh) $ sendMessage (SetGeometry rect)) (focus hostWin)
(TopSideBorder, hostWin, (Rectangle hx hy hwh hht)) ->
mouseDrag (\_ y -> do
let ny = max 0 $ min (hy + fi hht) $ y
nht = max 1 $ hht + fi (hy - y)
rect = Rectangle hx ny hwh nht
focus hostWin
when (y < hy + fi hht) $ sendMessage (SetGeometry rect)) (focus hostWin)
(BottomSideBorder, hostWin, (Rectangle hx hy hwh _)) ->
mouseDrag (\_ y -> do
let nht = max 1 $ fi (y - hy)
rect = Rectangle hx hy hwh nht
focus hostWin
when (y - hy > 0) $ sendMessage (SetGeometry rect)) (focus hostWin)
handleResize _ _ = return ()
createBorder :: BorderBlueprint -> X (BorderInfo)
createBorder (borderRect, borderCursor, borderType) = do
borderWin <- createInputWindow borderCursor borderRect
return BI { bWin = borderWin, bRect = borderRect, bType = borderType }
createInputWindow :: Glyph -> Rectangle -> X Window
createInputWindow cursorGlyph r = withDisplay $ \d -> do
win <- mkInputWindow d r
io $ selectInput d win (exposureMask .|. buttonPressMask)
cursor <- io $ createFontCursor d cursorGlyph
io $ defineCursor d win cursor
io $ freeCursor d cursor
showWindow win
return win
mkInputWindow :: Display -> Rectangle -> X Window
mkInputWindow d (Rectangle x y w h) = do
rw <- asks theRoot
let screen = defaultScreenOfDisplay d
visual = defaultVisualOfScreen screen
attrmask = cWOverrideRedirect
io $ allocaSetWindowAttributes $
\attributes -> do
set_override_redirect attributes True
createWindow d rw x y w h 0 0 inputOnly visual attrmask attributes
for :: [a] -> (a -> b) -> [b]
for = flip map
reorder :: (Eq a) => [(a, b)] -> [a] -> [(a, b)]
reorder wrs order =
let ordered = concat $ map (pickElem wrs) order
rest = filter (\(w, _) -> not (w `elem` order)) wrs
in ordered ++ rest
pickElem list e = case (lookup e list) of
Just result -> [(e, result)]
Nothing -> []