{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses,
UndecidableInstances, PatternGuards #-}
module XMonad.Layout.Combo (
) where
import Data.List ( delete, intersect, (\\) )
import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
import XMonad hiding (focus)
import XMonad.StackSet ( integrate', Workspace (..), Stack(..) )
import XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation ( MoveWindowToWindow(..) )
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W ( differentiate )
data CombineTwo l l1 l2 a = C2 [a] [a] l (l1 a) (l2 a)
deriving (Read, Show)
combineTwo :: (Read a, Eq a, LayoutClass super (), LayoutClass l1 a, LayoutClass l2 a) =>
super () -> l1 a -> l2 a -> CombineTwo (super ()) l1 l2 a
combineTwo = C2 [] []
instance (LayoutClass l (), LayoutClass l1 a, LayoutClass l2 a, Read a, Show a, Eq a, Typeable a)
=> LayoutClass (CombineTwo (l ()) l1 l2) a where
runLayout (Workspace _ (C2 f w2 super l1 l2) s) rinput = arrange (integrate' s)
where arrange [] = do l1' <- maybe l1 id `fmap` handleMessage l1 (SomeMessage ReleaseResources)
l2' <- maybe l2 id `fmap` handleMessage l2 (SomeMessage ReleaseResources)
super' <- maybe super id `fmap`
handleMessage super (SomeMessage ReleaseResources)
return ([], Just $ C2 [] [] super' l1' l2')
arrange [w] = do l1' <- maybe l1 id `fmap` handleMessage l1 (SomeMessage ReleaseResources)
l2' <- maybe l2 id `fmap` handleMessage l2 (SomeMessage ReleaseResources)
super' <- maybe super id `fmap`
handleMessage super (SomeMessage ReleaseResources)
return ([(w,rinput)], Just $ C2 [w] [w] super' l1' l2')
arrange origws =
do let w2' = case origws `intersect` w2 of [] -> [head origws]
[x] -> [x]
x -> case origws \\ x of
[] -> init x
_ -> x
superstack = Stack { focus=(), up=[], down=[()] }
s1 = differentiate f' (origws \\ w2')
s2 = differentiate f' w2'
f' = case s of (Just s') -> focus s':delete (focus s') f
Nothing -> f
([((),r1),((),r2)], msuper') <- runLayout (Workspace "" super (Just superstack)) rinput
(wrs1, ml1') <- runLayout (Workspace "" l1 s1) r1
(wrs2, ml2') <- runLayout (Workspace "" l2 s2) r2
return (wrs1++wrs2, Just $ C2 f' w2'
(maybe super id msuper') (maybe l1 id ml1') (maybe l2 id ml2'))
handleMessage (C2 f ws2 super l1 l2) m
| Just (MoveWindowToWindow w1 w2) <- fromMessage m,
w1 `notElem` ws2,
w2 `elem` ws2 = do l1' <- maybe l1 id `fmap` handleMessage l1 m
l2' <- maybe l2 id `fmap` handleMessage l2 m
return $ Just $ C2 f (w1:ws2) super l1' l2'
| Just (MoveWindowToWindow w1 w2) <- fromMessage m,
w1 `elem` ws2,
w2 `notElem` ws2 = do l1' <- maybe l1 id `fmap` handleMessage l1 m
l2' <- maybe l2 id `fmap` handleMessage l2 m
let ws2' = case delete w1 ws2 of [] -> [w2]
x -> x
return $ Just $ C2 f ws2' super l1' l2'
| otherwise = do ml1' <- broadcastPrivate m [l1]
ml2' <- broadcastPrivate m [l2]
msuper' <- broadcastPrivate m [super]
if isJust msuper' || isJust ml1' || isJust ml2'
then return $ Just $ C2 f ws2
(maybe super head msuper')
(maybe l1 head ml1')
(maybe l2 head ml2')
else return Nothing
description (C2 _ _ super l1 l2) = "combining "++ description l1 ++" and "++
description l2 ++" with "++ description super
differentiate :: Eq q => [q] -> [q] -> Maybe (Stack q)
differentiate (z:zs) xs | z `elem` xs = Just $ Stack { focus=z
, up = reverse $ takeWhile (/=z) xs
, down = tail $ dropWhile (/=z) xs }
| otherwise = differentiate zs xs
differentiate [] xs = W.differentiate xs
broadcastPrivate :: LayoutClass l b => SomeMessage -> [l b] -> X (Maybe [l b])
broadcastPrivate a ol = do nml <- mapM f ol
if any isJust nml
then return $ Just $ zipWith ((flip maybe) id) ol nml
else return Nothing
where f l = handleMessage l a `catchX` return Nothing