{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp, PatternGuards #-}
module XMonad.Layout.LayoutHints
, layoutHintsWithPlacement
, layoutHintsToCenter
, LayoutHints
, LayoutHintsToCenter
, hintsEventHook
) where
import XMonad(LayoutClass(runLayout), mkAdjust, Window,
Dimension, Position, Rectangle(Rectangle), D,
X, refresh, Event(..), propertyNotify, wM_NORMAL_HINTS,
(<&&>), io, applySizeHints, whenX, isClient, withDisplay,
getWindowAttributes, getWMNormalHints, WindowAttributes(..))
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Layout.Decoration(isInStack)
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier(ModifiedLayout(..),
LayoutModifier(modifyLayout, redoLayout, modifierDescription))
import XMonad.Util.Types(Direction2D(..))
import Control.Applicative((<$>))
import Control.Arrow(Arrow((***), first, second))
import Control.Monad(join)
import Data.Function(on)
import Data.List(sortBy)
import Data.Monoid(All(..))
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe(fromJust)
layoutHints :: (LayoutClass l a) => l a -> ModifiedLayout LayoutHints l a
layoutHints = ModifiedLayout (LayoutHints (0, 0))
layoutHintsWithPlacement :: (LayoutClass l a) => (Double, Double)
-> l a -> ModifiedLayout LayoutHints l a
layoutHintsWithPlacement rs = ModifiedLayout (LayoutHints rs)
layoutHintsToCenter :: (LayoutClass l a) => l a -> ModifiedLayout LayoutHintsToCenter l a
layoutHintsToCenter = ModifiedLayout LayoutHintsToCenter
data LayoutHints a = LayoutHints (Double, Double)
deriving (Read, Show)
instance LayoutModifier LayoutHints Window where
modifierDescription _ = "Hinted"
redoLayout _ _ Nothing xs = return (xs, Nothing)
redoLayout (LayoutHints al) _ (Just s) xs
= do xs' <- mapM (\x@(_, r) -> second (placeRectangle al r) <$> applyHint x) xs
return (xs', Nothing)
applyHint (w,r@(Rectangle a b c d)) = do
adj <- mkAdjust w
let (c',d') = adj (c,d)
return (w, if isInStack s w then Rectangle a b c' d' else r)
placeRectangle :: RealFrac r => (r, r) -> Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
placeRectangle (rx, ry) (Rectangle x0 y0 w h) (Rectangle _ _ dx dy)
= Rectangle (align x0 dx w rx) (align y0 dy h ry) dx dy
where align :: RealFrac r => Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> r -> Position
align z0 dz d r = z0 + truncate (fromIntegral (d - dz) * r)
fitting :: [Rectangle] -> Int
fitting rects = sum $ do
r <- rects
return $ length $ filter (touching r) rects
applyOrder :: Rectangle -> [((Window, Rectangle),t)] -> [[((Window, Rectangle),t)]]
applyOrder root wrs = do
f <- [maximum, minimum, sum, sum . map sq]
return $ sortBy (compare `on` (f . distance)) wrs
where distFC = uncurry ((+) `on` sq) . pairWise (-) (center root)
distance = map distFC . corners . snd . fst
pairWise f (a,b) (c,d) = (f a c, f b d)
sq = join (*)
data LayoutHintsToCenter a = LayoutHintsToCenter deriving (Read, Show)
instance LayoutModifier LayoutHintsToCenter Window where
modifyLayout _ ws@(W.Workspace _ _ Nothing) r = runLayout ws r
modifyLayout _ ws@(W.Workspace _ _ (Just st)) r = do
(arrs,ol) <- runLayout ws r
flip (,) ol
. changeOrder (W.focus st : (filter (/= W.focus st) $ map fst arrs))
. head . reverse . sortBy (compare `on` (fitting . map snd))
. map (applyHints st r) . applyOrder r
<$> mapM (\x -> fmap ((,) x) $ mkAdjust (fst x)) arrs
changeOrder :: [Window] -> [(Window, Rectangle)] -> [(Window, Rectangle)]
changeOrder w wr = zip w' $ map (fromJust . flip lookup wr) w'
where w' = filter (`elem` map fst wr) w
applyHints :: W.Stack Window -> Rectangle -> [((Window, Rectangle),(D -> D))] -> [(Window, Rectangle)]
applyHints _ _ [] = []
applyHints s root (((w,lrect@(Rectangle a b c d)),adj):xs) =
let (c',d') = adj (c,d)
redr = placeRectangle (centerPlacement root lrect :: (Double,Double)) lrect
$ if isInStack s w then Rectangle a b c' d' else lrect
ds = (fromIntegral c - fromIntegral c',fromIntegral d - fromIntegral d')
growOther' r = growOther ds lrect (freeDirs root lrect) r
mapSnd f = map (first $ second f)
next = applyHints s root $ mapSnd growOther' xs
in (w,redr):next
growOther :: (Position, Position) -> Rectangle -> Set Direction2D -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
growOther ds lrect fds r
| dirs <- flipDir <$> Set.toList (Set.intersection adj fds)
, not $ any (uncurry opposite) $ cross dirs =
foldr (flip grow ds) r dirs
| otherwise = r
adj = adjacent lrect r
cross xs = [ (a,b) | a <- xs, b <- xs ]
flipDir :: Direction2D -> Direction2D
flipDir d = case d of { L -> R; U -> D; R -> L; D -> U }
opposite :: Direction2D -> Direction2D -> Bool
opposite x y = flipDir x == y
grow :: Direction2D -> (Position,Position) -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
grow L (px,_ ) (Rectangle x y w h) = Rectangle (x-px) y (w+fromIntegral px) h
grow U (_ ,py) (Rectangle x y w h) = Rectangle x (y-py) w (h+fromIntegral py)
grow R (px,_ ) (Rectangle x y w h) = Rectangle x y (w+fromIntegral px) h
grow D (_ ,py) (Rectangle x y w h) = Rectangle x y w (h+fromIntegral py)
comparingEdges :: ([Position] -> [Position] -> Bool) -> Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Set Direction2D
comparingEdges surrounds r1 r2 = Set.fromList $ map fst $ filter snd [ (\k -> (dir,k)) $
any and [[dir `elem` [R,L], allEq [a,c,w,y], [b,d] `surrounds` [x,z]]
,[dir `elem` [U,D], allEq [b,d,x,z], [a,c] `surrounds` [w,y]]]
| ((a,b),(c,d)) <- edge $ corners r1
| ((w,x),(y,z)) <- edge $ delay 2 $ corners r2
| dir <- [U,R,D,L]]
where edge (x:xs) = zip (x:xs) (xs ++ [x])
edge [] = []
delay n xs = drop n xs ++ take n xs
allEq = all (uncurry (==)) . edge
adjacent :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Set Direction2D
adjacent = comparingEdges (all . onClosedInterval)
touching :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Bool
touching a b = not . Set.null $ comparingEdges c a b
where c x y = any (onClosedInterval x) y || any (onClosedInterval y) x
onClosedInterval :: Ord a => [a] -> a -> Bool
onClosedInterval bds x = minimum bds <= x && maximum bds >= x
corners :: Rectangle -> [(Position, Position)]
corners (Rectangle x y w h) = [(x,y)
,(x+fromIntegral w, y)
,(x+fromIntegral w, y+fromIntegral h)
,(x, y+fromIntegral h)]
center :: Rectangle -> (Position, Position)
center (Rectangle x y w h) = (avg x w, avg y h)
where avg a b = a + fromIntegral b `div` 2
centerPlacement :: RealFrac r => Rectangle -> Rectangle -> (r, r)
centerPlacement = centerPlacement' clamp
where clamp n = case signum n of
0 -> 0.5
1 -> 1
_ -> 0
freeDirs :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Set Direction2D
freeDirs root = Set.fromList . uncurry (++) . (lr *** ud)
. centerPlacement' signum root
lr 1 = [L]
lr (-1) = [R]
lr _ = [L,R]
ud 1 = [U]
ud (-1) = [D]
ud _ = [U,D]
centerPlacement' :: (Position -> r) -> Rectangle -> Rectangle -> (r, r)
centerPlacement' cf root assigned
= (cf $ cx - cwx, cf $ cy - cwy)
where (cx,cy) = center root
(cwx,cwy) = center assigned
hintsEventHook :: Event -> X All
hintsEventHook (PropertyEvent { ev_event_type = t, ev_atom = a, ev_window = w })
| t == propertyNotify && a == wM_NORMAL_HINTS = do
whenX (isClient w <&&> hintsMismatch w) $ refresh
return (All True)
hintsEventHook _ = return (All True)
hintsMismatch :: Window -> X Bool
hintsMismatch w = withDisplay $ \d -> io $ do
wa <- getWindowAttributes d w
sh <- getWMNormalHints d w
let dim = (fromIntegral $ wa_width wa, fromIntegral $ wa_height wa)
return $ dim /= applySizeHints 0 sh dim