module XMonad.Prompt.Ssh
) where
import XMonad
import XMonad.Util.Run
import XMonad.Prompt
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List(elemIndex)
econst :: Monad m => a -> IOException -> m a
econst = const . return
data Ssh = Ssh
instance XPrompt Ssh where
showXPrompt Ssh = "SSH to: "
commandToComplete _ c = maybe c (\(_u,h) -> h) (parseHost c)
nextCompletion _t c l = maybe next (\(u,_h) -> u ++ "@" ++ next) hostPared
hostPared = parseHost c
next = getNextCompletion (maybe c (\(_u,h) -> h) hostPared) l
sshPrompt :: XPConfig -> X ()
sshPrompt c = do
sc <- io sshComplList
mkXPrompt Ssh c (mkComplFunFromList sc) ssh
ssh :: String -> X ()
ssh = runInTerm "" . ("ssh " ++ )
sshComplList :: IO [String]
sshComplList = uniqSort `fmap` liftM2 (++) sshComplListLocal sshComplListGlobal
sshComplListLocal :: IO [String]
sshComplListLocal = do
h <- getEnv "HOME"
s1 <- sshComplListFile $ h ++ "/.ssh/known_hosts"
s2 <- sshComplListConf $ h ++ "/.ssh/config"
return $ s1 ++ s2
sshComplListGlobal :: IO [String]
sshComplListGlobal = do
env <- getEnv "SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS" `E.catch` econst "/nonexistent"
fs <- mapM fileExists [ env
, "/usr/local/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts"
, "/usr/local/etc/ssh_known_hosts"
, "/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts"
, "/etc/ssh_known_hosts"
case catMaybes fs of
[] -> return []
(f:_) -> sshComplListFile' f
sshComplListFile :: String -> IO [String]
sshComplListFile kh = do
f <- doesFileExist kh
if f then sshComplListFile' kh
else return []
sshComplListFile' :: String -> IO [String]
sshComplListFile' kh = do
l <- readFile kh
return $ map (getWithPort . takeWhile (/= ',') . concat . take 1 . words)
$ filter nonComment
$ lines l
sshComplListConf :: String -> IO [String]
sshComplListConf kh = do
f <- doesFileExist kh
if f then sshComplListConf' kh
else return []
sshComplListConf' :: String -> IO [String]
sshComplListConf' kh = do
l <- readFile kh
return $ map (!!1)
$ filter isHost
$ map words
$ lines l
isHost ws = take 1 ws == ["Host"] && length ws > 1
fileExists :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
fileExists kh = do
f <- doesFileExist kh
if f then return $ Just kh
else return Nothing
nonComment :: String -> Bool
nonComment [] = False
nonComment ('#':_) = False
nonComment ('|':_) = False
nonComment _ = True
getWithPort :: String -> String
getWithPort ('[':str) = host ++ " -p " ++ port
where (host,p) = break (==']') str
port = case p of
']':':':x -> x
_ -> "22"
getWithPort str = str
parseHost :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
parseHost a = elemIndex '@' a >>= (\c-> Just ( (take c a), (drop (c+1) a) ) )