{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Zinza.Check (check) where
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..))
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT (..), evalStateT, put, get)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Zinza.Class
import Zinza.Errors
import Zinza.Expr
import Zinza.Indexing
import Zinza.Node
import Zinza.Pos
import Zinza.Type
import Zinza.Value
import Zinza.Var
type Check v m = StateT (M.Map Var (v Value -> m ShowS)) (Either CompileError)
check :: forall a m. (Zinza a, ThrowRuntime m) => Nodes Var -> Either CompileError (a -> m String)
check nodes = case toType (Proxy :: Proxy a) of
rootTy@(TyRecord env) -> do
nodes' <- flip (traverse . traverseWithLoc) nodes $ \loc var ->
case M.lookup var env of
Nothing -> Left (UnboundTopLevelVar loc var)
Just _ -> Right (EField (L loc (EVar (L loc (Identity rootTy)))) (L loc var))
run <- evalStateT (checkNodes (map (>>== id) nodes')) M.empty
return $ fmap ($ "") . run . Identity . toValue
rootTy -> throwRuntime (NotRecord zeroLoc rootTy)
:: (Indexing v i, ThrowRuntime m)
=> Nodes (i Ty)
-> Check v m (v Value -> m ShowS)
checkNodes nodes = do
nodes' <- traverse checkNode nodes
return $ \val -> do
ss <- traverse ($ val) nodes'
return (foldr (.) id ss)
:: (Indexing v i, ThrowRuntime m)
=> Node (i Ty)
-> Check v m (v Value -> m ShowS)
checkNode NComment = return $ \_val -> return id
checkNode (NRaw s) = return $ \_val -> return (showString s)
checkNode (NIf expr xs ys) = do
b' <- checkBool expr
xs' <- resetingState $ checkNodes xs
ys' <- resetingState $ checkNodes ys
return $ \ctx -> do
b'' <- b' ctx
if b''
then xs' ctx
else ys' ctx
checkNode (NExpr e) = do
e' <- checkString e
return $ \ctx -> do
s <- e' ctx
return $ showString s
checkNode (NFor _v expr nodes) = do
(expr', ty) <- checkList expr
blocks <- get
nodes' <- lift $ evalStateT
(checkNodes (fmap (fmap (maybe (Here ty) There)) nodes))
(M.map (\f (_ ::: xs) -> f xs) blocks)
return $ \ctx -> do
xs <- expr' ctx
pieces <- for xs $ \x -> nodes' (x ::: ctx)
return $ foldr (.) id pieces
checkNode (NDefBlock l n nodes) = do
blocks <- get
if M.member n blocks
then lift (Left (ShadowingBlock l n))
else do
nodes' <- checkNodes nodes
put $ M.insert n nodes' blocks
return $ \_ -> return id
checkNode (NUseBlock l n) = do
blocks <- get
case M.lookup n blocks of
Nothing -> lift (Left (UnboundUseBlock l n))
Just block -> return block
resetingState :: Monad m => StateT s m a -> StateT s m a
resetingState m = do
s <- get
x <- m
put s
return x
checkList :: (Indexing v i, ThrowRuntime m) => LExpr (i Ty) -> Check v m (v Value -> m [Value], Ty)
checkList e@(L l _) = do
(e', ty) <- checkType e
case ty of
TyList _ ty' -> return (e' >=> go, ty')
_ -> throwRuntime (NotList l ty)
go (VList xs) = return xs
go x = throwRuntime (NotList l (valueType x))
checkBool :: (Indexing v i, ThrowRuntime m) => LExpr (i Ty) -> Check v m (v Value -> m Bool)
checkBool e@(L l _) = do
(e', ty) <- checkType e
case ty of
TyBool -> return (e' >=> go)
_ -> throwRuntime (NotBool l ty)
go (VBool b) = return b
go x = throwRuntime (NotBool l (valueType x))
checkString :: (Indexing v i, ThrowRuntime m) => LExpr (i Ty) -> Check v m (v Value -> m String)
checkString e@(L l _) = do
(e', ty) <- checkType e
case ty of
TyString _ -> return (e' >=> go)
_ -> throwRuntime (NotString l ty)
go (VString b) = return b
go x = throwRuntime (NotString l (valueType x))
checkType :: (Indexing v i, ThrowRuntime m) => LExpr (i Ty) -> Check v m (v Value -> m Value, Ty)
checkType (L _ (EVar (L _ i))) =
return (\v -> return (fst (index v i)), extract i)
checkType (L eLoc (EField e (L nameLoc name))) = do
(e', ty) <- checkType e
case ty of
TyRecord tym -> case M.lookup name tym of
Just (_sel, tyf) -> return (e' >=> go, tyf)
Nothing -> throwRuntime (FieldNotInRecord nameLoc name ty)
_ -> throwRuntime (NotRecord eLoc ty)
go x@(VRecord r) = case M.lookup name r of
Just y -> return y
Nothing -> throwRuntime (FieldNotInRecord nameLoc name (valueType x))
go x = throwRuntime (NotRecord eLoc (valueType x))
checkType (L eLoc (EApp f@(L fLoc _) x)) = do
(f', fTy) <- checkType f
(x', xTy) <- checkType x
case fTy of
TyFun xTy' yTy | xTy == xTy' -> do
return (go f' x', yTy)
TyFun xTy' _ -> throwRuntime (FunArgDontMatch fLoc xTy xTy')
_ -> throwRuntime (NotFunction eLoc fTy)
go f' x' ctx = do
f2 <- f' ctx
x2 <- x' ctx
case f2 of
VFun f3 -> either throwRuntime return $ f3 x2
_ -> throwRuntime (NotFunction eLoc (valueType f2))