Packages tagged tensors

12 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: ai (12), bsd3 (12), library (12), machine-learning (12), ffi (5), program (2), code-generation (1), ffi-tools (1)

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
hasktorch-codegen70.00Code generation tools for Hasktorch (ai, bsd3, code-generation, ffi-tools, library, machine-learning, program, tensors)2018-11-
hasktorch-ffi-tests40.01Testing library for Hasktorch's FFI bindings (ai, bsd3, ffi, library, machine-learning, tensors)2018-11-
hasktorch-ffi-th40.02Bindings to Torch (ai, bsd3, ffi, library, machine-learning, tensors)2018-11-
hasktorch-ffi-thc20.00Bindings to Cutorch (ai, bsd3, ffi, library, machine-learning, tensors)2018-11-
hasktorch-indef30.00Core Hasktorch abstractions wrapping FFI bindings (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning, tensors)2018-11-
hasktorch-signatures50.01Backpack signatures for Tensor operations (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning, program, tensors)2018-11-
hasktorch-signatures-partial50.01Functions to partially satisfy tensor signatures (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning, tensors)2018-11-
hasktorch-signatures-support50.02Signatures for support tensors in hasktorch (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning, tensors)2018-11-
hasktorch-signatures-types70.03Core types for Hasktorch backpack signatures (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning, tensors)2018-11-
hasktorch-types-th70.09C-types for Torch (ai, bsd3, ffi, library, machine-learning, tensors)2018-11-
hasktorch-types-thc80.04C-types for Cutorch (ai, bsd3, ffi, library, machine-learning, tensors)2018-11-
hasktorch-zoo40.00Neural architectures in hasktorch (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning, tensors)2018-11-