second-transfer- Second Transfer HTTP/2 web server

Safe HaskellNone




data BadPrefaceException Source

Thrown when the HTTP/2 connection prefix doesn't match the expected prefix.

http2Attendant :: SessionsContext -> CoherentWorker -> Attendant Source

The type of this function is equivalent to:

     http2Attendant :: CoherentWorker -> PushAction -> PullAction -> CloseAction ->  IO ()

Given a CoherentWorker, this function wraps it with flow control, multiplexing, and state maintenance needed to run an HTTP/2 session.

defaultSessionsConfig :: SessionsConfig Source

Creates a default sessions context. Modify as needed using the lenses interfaces

Configuration information

data SessionsConfig Source

Configuration information you can provide to the session maker.

Context. You need to use makeSessionsContext to instance one of this.

data SessionsContext Source

Contains information that applies to all sessions created in the program. Use the lenses interface to access members of this struct.

data SessionsCallbacks Source

Callbacks that you can provide your sessions to notify you of interesting things happening in the server.

type ErrorCallback = (SessionComponent, SessionCoordinates, SomeException) -> IO () Source

Used by this session engine to report an error at some component, in a particular session.

sessionsCallbacks :: Lens' SessionsConfig SessionsCallbacks Source

Lens to access sessionsCallbacks in the SessionsConfig object.

Lens to access the error callback.