Module      : Language.Grammars.AspectAG
Description : Main module, First-class attribute grammars
Copyright   : (c) Juan García Garland, Marcos Viera, 2019
License     : GPL
Maintainer  : jpgarcia@fing.edu.uy
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX


{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes       #-}

module Language.Grammars.AspectAG (
              module Language.Grammars.AspectAG,
              module Language.Grammars.AspectAG.HList,
              module Language.Grammars.AspectAG.GenRecord,
              module Language.Grammars.AspectAG.RecordInstances,
              module Language.Grammars.AspectAG.TPrelude
            ) where

import Language.Grammars.AspectAG.HList
import Data.Kind
import Language.Grammars.AspectAG.TPrelude
import Data.Proxy

import Language.Grammars.AspectAG.RecordInstances
import Language.Grammars.AspectAG.Require
import Language.Grammars.AspectAG.GenRecord
import GHC.TypeLits

import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Types
import Data.Type.Equality
import Control.Monad.Reader

class SemLit a where
  sem_Lit :: a -> Attribution ('[] :: [(Att,Type)])
               -> Attribution '[ '( 'Att "term" a , a)]
  lit     :: Label ('Att "term" a)
instance SemLit a where
  sem_Lit a _ = (Label =. a) *. emptyAtt
  lit         = Label @ ('Att "term" a)

-- * Families and Rules

-- | In each node of the grammar, the "Fam" contains a single attribution
-- for the parent, and a collection (Record) of attributions for the children:
data Fam (prd :: Prod)
         (c :: [(Child, [(Att, Type)])])
         (p :: [(Att, Type)]) :: Type
  Fam :: ChAttsRec prd c -> Attribution p -> Fam prd c p

-- | Getters
chi :: Fam prd c p -> ChAttsRec prd c
chi (Fam c p) = c

par :: Fam prd c p -> Attribution p
par (Fam c p) = p

prd :: Fam prd c p -> Label prd
prd (Fam c p) = Label

-- | Rules are a function from the input family to the output family.
-- They are indexed by a production.
type Rule
  (prd  :: Prod)
  (sc   :: [(Child, [(Att, Type)])])
  (ip   :: [(Att,       Type)])
  (ic   :: [(Child, [(Att, Type)])])
  (sp   :: [(Att,       Type)])
  (ic'  :: [(Child, [(Att, Type)])])
  (sp'  :: [(Att,       Type)])
  = Fam prd sc ip -> Fam prd ic sp -> Fam prd ic' sp'

-- | Rules with context.
newtype CRule (ctx :: [ErrorMessage]) prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp'
  = CRule { mkRule :: (Proxy ctx -> Rule prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp')}

-- * Aspects

-- | Context tagged aspects.
newtype CAspect (ctx :: [ErrorMessage]) (asp :: [(Prod, Type)] )
  = CAspect { mkAspect :: Proxy ctx -> Aspect asp}

-- | Empty Aspect.
emptyAspect :: CAspect ctx '[]
emptyAspect  = CAspect $ const EmptyRec

-- | combination of Aspects
comAspect ::
 ( Require (OpComAsp al ar) ctx
 , ReqR (OpComAsp al ar) ~ Aspect asp)
 =>  CAspect ctx al -> CAspect ctx ar -> CAspect ctx asp
comAspect al ar
  = CAspect $ \ctx -> req ctx (OpComAsp (mkAspect al ctx) (mkAspect ar ctx))

-- * Trace utils

-- | |traceAspect| adds context to an aspect.
traceAspect (_ :: Proxy (e::ErrorMessage))
  = mapCAspect $ \(_ :: Proxy ctx) -> Proxy @ ((Text "aspect ":<>: e) : ctx)

traceRule (_ :: Proxy (e::ErrorMessage))
  = mapCRule $ \(_ :: Proxy ctx) -> Proxy @ ((Text "rule ":<>: e) : ctx)

mapCRule :: (Proxy ctx -> Proxy ctx')
          -> CRule ctx' prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp'
          -> CRule ctx  prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp'
mapCRule fctx (CRule frule) = CRule $ frule . fctx

mapCAspect fctx (CAspect fasp) = CAspect $
       mapCtxRec fctx . fasp . fctx

class MapCtxAsp (r :: [(Prod,Type)]) (ctx :: [ErrorMessage])
                                     (ctx' :: [ErrorMessage])  where
  type ResMapCtx r ctx ctx' :: [(Prod,Type)]
  mapCtxRec :: (Proxy ctx -> Proxy ctx')
            -> Aspect r -> Aspect (ResMapCtx r ctx ctx')

instance ( MapCtxAsp r ctx ctx'
         , ResMapCtx r ctx ctx' ~ r'
         , LabelSetF ('(l, CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp') : r')
         ~ True) =>
  MapCtxAsp ( '(l, CRule ctx' prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp') ': r) ctx ctx' where
  type ResMapCtx ( '(l, CRule ctx' prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp') ': r) ctx ctx'
     =  '(l, CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp') ':  ResMapCtx r ctx ctx'
  mapCtxRec fctx (ConsRec (TagField c l r) rs) = (ConsRec (TagField c l
                                                            (mapCRule fctx r))
                                                          (mapCtxRec fctx rs))

instance MapCtxAsp ('[] :: [(Prod,Type)]) ctx ctx' where
  type ResMapCtx ('[] :: [(Prod,Type)]) ctx ctx'
     =  '[]
  mapCtxRec _ EmptyRec = EmptyRec

  :: RequireR (OpComRA ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp' a) ctx (Aspect asp)
  => CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp'
     -> CAspect ctx a -> CAspect ctx asp
extAspect rule (CAspect fasp)
  = CAspect $ \ctx -> req ctx (OpComRA rule (fasp ctx))

(.+:) = extAspect
infixr 3 .+:

(.:+.) = flip extAspect
infixl 3 .:+.

(.:+:) = comAspect
infixr 4 .:+:

data OpComAsp  (al :: [(Prod, Type)])
               (ar :: [(Prod, Type)]) where
  OpComAsp :: Aspect al -> Aspect ar -> OpComAsp al ar

instance Require (OpComAsp al '[]) ctx where
  type ReqR (OpComAsp al '[]) = Aspect al
  req ctx (OpComAsp al _) = al

  ( RequireR (OpComAsp al ar) ctx  (Aspect ar')
  , Require  (OpComRA ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp' ar') ctx
  => Require (OpComAsp al
       ( '(prd, CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp') ': ar)) ctx where
  type ReqR (OpComAsp al
       ( '(prd, CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp') ': ar))
    = ReqR (OpComRA ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp'
            (UnWrap (ReqR (OpComAsp al ar))))
  req ctx (OpComAsp al (ConsRec prdrule ar))
   = req ctx (OpComRA (untagField prdrule)
                      (req ctx (OpComAsp al ar)))

data OpComRA  (ctx  :: [ErrorMessage])
              (prd  :: Prod)
              (sc   :: [(Child, [(Att, Type)])])
              (ip   :: [(Att, Type)])
              (ic   :: [(Child, [(Att, Type)])])
              (sp   :: [(Att, Type)])
              (ic'  :: [(Child, [(Att, Type)])])
              (sp'  :: [(Att, Type)])
              (a     :: [(Prod, Type)])  where
  OpComRA :: CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp'
          -> Aspect a -> OpComRA ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp' a

data OpComRA' (b :: Bool)
              (ctx  :: [ErrorMessage])
              (prd  :: Prod)
              (sc   :: [(Child, [(Att, Type)])])
              (ip   :: [(Att, Type)])
              (ic   :: [(Child, [(Att, Type)])])
              (sp   :: [(Att, Type)])
              (ic'  :: [(Child, [(Att, Type)])])
              (sp'  :: [(Att, Type)])
              (a     :: [(Prod, Type)])  where
  OpComRA' :: Proxy b -> CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp'
          -> Aspect a -> OpComRA' b ctx  prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp' a

 (Require (OpComRA' (HasLabel prd a) ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp' a) ctx)
  => Require (OpComRA ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp' a) ctx where
  type ReqR (OpComRA ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp' a)
     = ReqR (OpComRA' (HasLabel prd a) ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp' a)
  req ctx (OpComRA rule a)
     = req ctx (OpComRA' (Proxy @ (HasLabel prd a)) rule a)

  (Require (OpExtend PrdReco prd (CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp') a)) ctx
  => Require (OpComRA' 'False ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp' a) ctx where
  type ReqR (OpComRA' 'False ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp' a)
    = ReqR (OpExtend PrdReco prd (CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp') a)
  req ctx (OpComRA' _ (rule :: CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp') asp)
    = req ctx (OpExtend (Label @ prd) rule asp)

 ( Require (OpUpdate PrdReco prd (CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic'' sp'') a) ctx
 , RequireR (OpLookup PrdReco prd a) ctx (CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp')
 , (IC (ReqR (OpLookup PrdReco prd a))) ~ ic
 , (SP (ReqR (OpLookup PrdReco prd a))) ~ sp
 ) =>
  Require (OpComRA' 'True ctx prd sc ip ic' sp' ic'' sp'' a) ctx where
  type ReqR (OpComRA' 'True ctx prd sc ip ic' sp' ic'' sp'' a)
    = ReqR (OpUpdate PrdReco prd
           (CRule ctx prd sc ip
             (IC (ReqR (OpLookup PrdReco prd a)))
             (SP (ReqR (OpLookup PrdReco prd a)))
            ic'' sp'') a)
  req ctx (OpComRA' _ rule asp)
    = let prd     = Label @ prd
          oldRule = req ctx (OpLookup prd asp)
          newRule = rule `ext` oldRule
      in  req ctx (OpUpdate prd newRule asp)

type family IC (rule :: Type) where
  IC (Rule prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp') = ic
  IC (CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp') = ic
type family SP (rule :: Type) where
  SP (Rule prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp') = sp
  SP (CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp') = sp

  :: ( RequireEq t t' ctx'
     , RequireR (OpExtend AttReco ('Att att t) t sp) ctx (Attribution sp')
     , ctx'
         ~ ((Text "syndef("
             :<>: ShowT ('Att att t) :<>: Text ", "
             :<>: ShowT prd :<>: Text ")") ': ctx)
     => Label ('Att att t)
     -> Label prd
     -> (Proxy ctx' -> Fam prd sc ip -> t')
     -> CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic sp'
syndef att prd f
  = CRule $ \ctx inp (Fam ic sp)
   ->  Fam ic $ req ctx (OpExtend att (f Proxy inp) sp)

  :: ( RequireEq t t' ctx'
     , RequireR (OpExtend AttReco ('Att att t) t sp) ctx (Attribution sp')
     , ctx'
         ~ ((Text "syndef("
             :<>: ShowT ('Att att t) :<>: Text ", "
             :<>: ShowT prd :<>: Text ")") ': ctx)
     => Label ('Att att t)
     -> Label prd
     -> Reader (Proxy ctx', Fam prd sc ip) t'
     -> CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic sp'
syndefM att prd = syndef att prd . def

syn = syndefM
inh = inhdefM

  :: RequireR (OpUpdate AttReco ('Att att t) t r) ctx (Attribution sp')
  => Label ('Att att t)
     -> Label prd
     -> (Proxy
           ((('Text "synmod(" ':<>: ShowT ('Att att t)) :<>: Text ", "
                              ':<>: ShowT prd :<>: Text ")")
              : ctx)
         -> Fam prd sc ip -> t)
     -> CRule ctx prd sc ip ic' r ic' sp'
synmod att prd f
  = CRule $ \ctx  inp (Fam ic sp)
           -> Fam ic $ req ctx (OpUpdate att (f Proxy inp) sp)

  :: RequireR (OpUpdate AttReco ('Att att t) t r) ctx (Attribution sp')
  => Label ('Att att t)
     -> Label prd
     -> Reader ( Proxy ((('Text "synmod(" ':<>: ShowT ('Att att t)) :<>: Text ", "
                                          ':<>: ShowT prd :<>: Text ")")
                       : ctx)
               , Fam prd sc ip)
     -> CRule ctx prd sc ip ic' r ic' sp'
synmodM att prd = synmod att prd . def

  :: ( RequireEq t t' ctx'
     , RequireR  (OpExtend AttReco ('Att att t) t r) ctx (Attribution v2)
     , RequireR (OpUpdate (ChiReco ('Prd prd nt))
                ('Chi chi ('Prd prd nt) ntch) v2 ic) ctx
                (ChAttsRec ('Prd prd nt) ic')
     , RequireR (OpLookup (ChiReco ('Prd prd nt))
                ('Chi chi ('Prd prd nt) ntch) ic) ctx
                (Attribution r)
     , RequireEq ntch ('Left n) ctx'
     , ctx' ~ ((Text "inhdef("
                :<>: ShowT ('Att att t)  :<>: Text ", "
                :<>: ShowT ('Prd prd nt) :<>: Text ", "
                :<>: ShowT ('Chi chi ('Prd prd nt) ntch) :<>: Text ")")
                ': ctx))
     Label ('Att att t)
     -> Label ('Prd prd nt)
     -> Label ('Chi chi ('Prd prd nt) ntch)
     -> (Proxy ctx' -> Fam ('Prd prd nt) sc ip -> t')
     -> CRule ctx ('Prd prd nt) sc ip ic sp ic' sp
inhdef  att prd chi f
  = CRule $ \ctx inp (Fam ic sp)
       -> let ic'   = req ctx (OpUpdate chi catts' ic)
              catts = req ctx (OpLookup chi ic)
              catts'= req ctx (OpExtend  att (f Proxy inp) catts)
          in  Fam ic' sp

  :: ( RequireEq t t' ctx'
     -- , RequireR  (OpExtend AttReco ('Att att t) t r) ctx (Attribution v2)
     , RequireR  (OpExtend' (LabelSetF ('( 'Att att t, t) : r)) AttReco ('Att att t) t r) ctx (Attribution v2)
     , RequireR (OpUpdate (ChiReco ('Prd prd nt))
                ('Chi chi ('Prd prd nt) ntch) v2 ic) ctx
                (ChAttsRec ('Prd prd nt) ic')
     , RequireR (OpLookup (ChiReco ('Prd prd nt))
                ('Chi chi ('Prd prd nt) ntch) ic) ctx
                (Attribution r)
     , RequireEq ntch ('Left n) ctx'
     , ctx' ~ ((Text "inhdef("
                :<>: ShowT ('Att att t')  :<>: Text ", "
                :<>: ShowT ('Prd prd nt) :<>: Text ", "
                :<>: ShowT ('Chi chi ('Prd prd nt) ntch) :<>: Text ")")
                ': ctx))
     Label ('Att att t)
     -> Label ('Prd prd nt)
     -> Label ('Chi chi ('Prd prd nt) ntch)
     -> Reader (Proxy ctx', Fam ('Prd prd nt) sc ip) t'
     -> CRule ctx ('Prd prd nt) sc ip ic sp ic' sp
inhdefM att prd chi = inhdef att prd chi . def

  :: ( RequireEq t t' ctx'
     , RequireR (OpUpdate AttReco ('Att att t) t r) ctx
                (Attribution v2)
     , RequireR (OpUpdate (ChiReco ('Prd prd nt))
                ('Chi chi ('Prd prd nt) ntch) v2 ic) ctx
                (ChAttsRec ('Prd prd nt) ic')
     , RequireR (OpLookup (ChiReco ('Prd prd nt))
                ('Chi chi ('Prd prd nt) ntch) ic) ctx
                (Attribution r)
     , RequireEq ntch ('Left n) ctx'
     , ctx' ~ ((Text "inhmod("
                :<>: ShowT ('Att att t)  :<>: Text ", "
                :<>: ShowT ('Prd prd nt) :<>: Text ", "
                :<>: ShowT ('Chi chi ('Prd prd nt) ntch) :<>: Text ")")
                ': ctx))
     Label ('Att att t)
     -> Label ('Prd prd nt)
     -> Label ('Chi chi ('Prd prd nt) ntch)
     -> (Proxy ctx' -> Fam ('Prd prd nt) sc ip -> t')
     -> CRule ctx ('Prd prd nt) sc ip ic sp ic' sp
inhmod att prd chi f
  = CRule $ \ctx inp (Fam ic sp)
       -> let ic'   = req ctx (OpUpdate chi catts' ic)
              catts = req ctx (OpLookup  chi ic)
              catts'= req ctx (OpUpdate  att (f Proxy inp) catts)
          in  Fam ic' sp

  :: ( RequireEq t t' ctx'
     , RequireR (OpUpdate AttReco ('Att att t) t r) ctx
                (Attribution v2)
     , RequireR (OpUpdate (ChiReco ('Prd prd nt))
                ('Chi chi ('Prd prd nt) ntch) v2 ic) ctx
                (ChAttsRec ('Prd prd nt) ic')
     , RequireR (OpLookup (ChiReco ('Prd prd nt))
                ('Chi chi ('Prd prd nt) ntch) ic) ctx
                (Attribution r)
     , RequireEq ntch ('Left n) ctx'
     , ctx' ~ ((Text "inhmod("
                :<>: ShowT ('Att att t)  :<>: Text ", "
                :<>: ShowT ('Prd prd nt) :<>: Text ", "
                :<>: ShowT ('Chi chi ('Prd prd nt) ntch) :<>: Text ")")
                ': ctx))
     Label ('Att att t)
     -> Label ('Prd prd nt)
     -> Label ('Chi chi ('Prd prd nt) ntch)
     -> Reader (Proxy ctx', Fam ('Prd prd nt) sc ip) t'
     -> CRule ctx ('Prd prd nt) sc ip ic sp ic' sp
inhmodM att prd chi = inhmod att prd chi . def

ext' ::  CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp'
     ->  CRule ctx prd sc ip a b ic sp
     ->  CRule ctx prd sc ip a b ic' sp'
(CRule f) `ext'` (CRule g)
 = CRule $ \ctx input -> f ctx input . g ctx input

ext ::  RequireEq prd prd' (Text "ext":ctx)
     => CRule ctx prd sc ip ic sp ic' sp'
     -> CRule ctx prd' sc ip a b ic sp
     -> CRule ctx prd sc ip a b ic' sp'
ext = ext'

infixr 6 .+.
(.+.) = ext

data Lhs
lhs :: Label Lhs
lhs = Label

class At pos att m  where
 type ResAt pos att m
 at :: Label pos -> Label att -> m (ResAt pos att m)

instance ( RequireR (OpLookup (ChiReco prd) ('Chi ch prd nt) chi) ctx
                    (Attribution r)
         , RequireR (OpLookup AttReco ('Att att t) r) ctx t'
         , RequireEq prd prd' ctx
         , RequireEq t t' ctx
         , RequireEq ('Chi ch prd nt) ('Chi ch prd ('Left ('NT n)))  ctx
      => At ('Chi ch prd nt) ('Att att t)
            (Reader (Proxy ctx, Fam prd' chi par))  where
 type ResAt ('Chi ch prd nt) ('Att att t) (Reader (Proxy ctx, Fam prd' chi par))
         = t
 at ch att
  = liftM (\(ctx, Fam chi _)  -> let atts = req ctx (OpLookup ch chi)
                                 in  req ctx (OpLookup att atts))

         ( RequireR (OpLookup AttReco ('Att att t) par) ctx t'
         , RequireEq t t' ctx
 => At Lhs ('Att att t) (Reader (Proxy ctx, Fam prd chi par))  where
 type ResAt Lhs ('Att att t) (Reader (Proxy ctx, Fam prd chi par))
    = t
 at lhs att
  = liftM (\(ctx, Fam _ par) -> req ctx (OpLookup att par)) ask

def :: Reader (Proxy ctx, Fam prd chi par) a
    -> (Proxy ctx -> (Fam prd chi par) -> a)
def = curry . runReader

ter :: ( RequireR (OpLookup (ChiReco prd) pos chi) ctx
                  (Attribution r)
       , RequireR (OpLookup AttReco ('Att "term" t) r) ctx t'
       , RequireEq prd prd' ctx
       , RequireEq t t' ctx
       , RequireEq pos ('Chi ch prd (Right ('T t))) ctx
       , m ~ Reader (Proxy ctx, Fam prd' chi par) )
    =>  Label pos -> m (ResAt pos ('Att "term" t) m)
 -- ter (ch :: Label ('Chi ch prd (Right ('T a))))  = at ch (lit @ a)
ter (ch :: Label ('Chi ch prd (Right ('T t))))
  = liftM (\(ctx, Fam chi _)  -> let atts = req ctx (OpLookup ch chi)
                                 in  req ctx (OpLookup (lit @ t) atts))

class Kn (fcr :: [(Child, Type)]) (prd :: Prod) where
  type ICh fcr :: [(Child, [(Att, Type)])]
  type SCh fcr :: [(Child, [(Att, Type)])]
  kn :: Record fcr -> ChAttsRec prd (ICh fcr) -> ChAttsRec prd (SCh fcr)

instance Kn '[] prod where
  type ICh '[] = '[]
  type SCh '[] = '[]
  kn _ _ = emptyCh

instance ( lch ~ 'Chi l prd nt
         , Kn fc prd
         , LabelSet ('(lch, sch) : SCh fc)
         , LabelSet ('(lch, ich) : ICh fc)
         ) =>
  Kn ( '(lch , Attribution ich -> Attribution sch) ': fc) prd where
  type ICh ( '(lch , Attribution ich -> Attribution sch) ': fc)
    = '(lch , ich) ': ICh fc
  type SCh ( '(lch , Attribution ich -> Attribution sch) ': fc)
    = '(lch , sch) ': SCh fc
  kn ((ConsRec (TagField _ lch fch) (fcr :: Record fc)))
   = \((ConsCh pich icr) :: ChAttsRec prd ( '(lch, ich) ': ICh fc))
   -> let scr = kn fcr icr
          ich = unTaggedChAttr pich
      in ConsCh (TaggedChAttr lch
               (fch ich)) scr

emptyCtx = Proxy @ '[]

knit' :: ( Kn fc prd
        , Empties fc prd)
 => CRule '[] prd (SCh fc) ip (EmptiesR fc) '[] (ICh fc) sp
  -> Record fc -> Attribution ip -> Attribution sp
knit' (rule :: CRule '[] prd (SCh fc) ip
              (EmptiesR fc) '[] (ICh fc) sp)
              (fc :: Record fc) ip
  = let (Fam ic sp) = mkRule rule emptyCtx
                       (Fam sc ip) (Fam ec emptyAtt)
        sc          = kn fc ic
        ec          = empties fc
    in  sp

class Empties (fc :: [(Child,Type)]) (prd :: Prod) where
  type EmptiesR fc :: [(Child, [(Att, Type)])]
  empties :: Record fc -> ChAttsRec prd (EmptiesR fc)

instance Empties '[] prd where
  type EmptiesR '[] = '[]
  empties _ = emptyCh

instance ( Empties fcr prd
         , chi ~ 'Chi ch prd nt
         , LabelSet ( '(chi, '[]) ': EmptiesR fcr))
 => Empties ( '(chi, Attribution e -> Attribution a) ': fcr) prd where
  type EmptiesR ( '(chi, Attribution e -> Attribution a) ': fcr)
    = '(chi, '[]) ': EmptiesR fcr
  empties (ConsRec pch fcr)
    = let lch = labelTChAtt pch
      in  (lch .= emptyAtt) .* (empties fcr)

knit (ctx  :: Proxy ctx)
     (rule :: CRule ctx prd (SCh fc) ip (EmptiesR fc) '[] (ICh fc) sp)
     (fc   :: Record fc)
     (ip   :: Attribution ip)
  = let (Fam ic sp) = mkRule rule ctx
                       (Fam sc ip) (Fam ec emptyAtt)
        sc          = kn fc ic
        ec          = empties fc
    in  sp

knitAspect (prd :: Label prd) asp fc ip
  = let ctx  = Proxy @ '[]
        ctx' = Proxy @ '[Text "knit" :<>: ShowT prd]
    in  knit ctx (req ctx' (OpLookup prd ((mkAspect asp) ctx))) fc ip

class Use (att :: Att) (prd :: Prod) (nts :: [NT]) (a :: Type) sc
  usechi :: Label att -> Label prd -> KList nts -> (a -> a -> a) -> ChAttsRec prd sc
         -> Maybe a

class Use' (mnts :: Bool) (att :: Att) (prd :: Prod) (nts :: [NT])
           (a :: Type) sc
  usechi' :: Proxy mnts -> Label att -> Label prd -> KList nts
   -> (a -> a -> a)
   -> ChAttsRec prd sc -> Maybe a

instance Use prd att nts a '[] where
  usechi _ _ _ _ _ = Nothing

instance( HMember' nt nts
        , HMemberRes' nt nts ~ mnts
        , Use' mnts att prd nts a ( '( 'Chi ch prd ('Left nt), attr) ': cs))
  => Use att prd nts a ( '( 'Chi ch prd ('Left nt), attr) ': cs) where
  usechi att prd nts op ch
    = usechi' (Proxy @ mnts) att prd nts op ch

instance ( LabelSet ( '( 'Chi ch prd ('Left nt), attr) : cs)
         , Use att prd nts a cs)
  => Use' False att prd nts a ( '( 'Chi ch prd ('Left nt), attr) ': cs)
  usechi' _ att prd nts op (ConsCh _ cs) = usechi att prd nts op cs

instance ( Require (OpLookup AttReco att attr)
           '[('Text "looking up attribute " ':<>: ShowT att)
              ':$$: ('Text "on " ':<>: ShowT attr)]
         , ReqR (OpLookup AttReco att attr) ~ a
         , Use att prd nts a cs
         , LabelSet ( '( 'Chi ch prd ('Left nt), attr) : cs)
         , WrapField (ChiReco prd) attr ~ Attribution attr)  --ayudín
  => Use' True att prd nts a ( '( 'Chi ch prd ('Left nt), attr) : cs) where
  usechi' _ att prd nts op (ConsCh lattr scr)
    = let attr = unTaggedChAttr lattr
          val  = attr #. att
      in  Just $ maybe val (op val) $ usechi att prd nts op scr

use att prd nts op unit
  = singAsp $ syndef att prd $ \_ fam -> maybe unit id (usechi att prd nts op $ chi fam)

singAsp r = r .+: emptyAspect

tyAppAtt :: (forall b. Label ('Att name b)) -> Proxy a -> Label ('Att name a)
att `tyAppAtt` Proxy = att

tyAppChi :: (forall b. Label ('Chi name prd b)) -> Proxy a -> Label ('Chi name prd a)
att `tyAppChi` Proxy = att