Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
The HList library
(C) 2004-2006, Oleg Kiselyov, Ralf Laemmel, Keean Schupke
Extensible records
The three-ish models of labels that go with this module;
These used to work:
- module Data.Tagged
- (.=.) :: Label l -> v -> Tagged l v
- newtype Record r = Record (HList r)
- mkRecord :: HRLabelSet r => HList r -> Record r
- emptyRecord :: Record []
- hEndR :: Record a -> Record a
- hEndP :: Proxy (xs :: [k]) -> Proxy xs
- hListRecord :: (HLabelSet [*] (LabelsOf r), HAllTaggedLV r, Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Record r) (f (Record t)) -> p (HList r) (f (HList t))
- hListRecord' :: (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Record r) (f (Record r)) -> p (HList r) (f (HList r))
- type family LabelsOf ls :: [*]
- labelsOf :: hlistOrRecord l -> Proxy (LabelsOf l)
- asLabelsOf :: (HAllTaggedLV x, SameLabels x y, SameLength x y) => r x -> s y -> r x
- class SameLength r (RecordValuesR r) => RecordValues r where
- type RecordValuesR r :: [*]
- recordValues' :: HList r -> HList (RecordValuesR r)
- recordValues :: RecordValues r => Record r -> HList (RecordValuesR r)
- hMapTaggedFn :: HMapTaggedFn a b => HList a -> Record b
- unlabeled0 :: (RecordValues y, RecordValues x, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR y) y, SameLabels [*] [*] x y, Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (HList (RecordValuesR x)) (f (HList (RecordValuesR y))) -> p (Record x) (f (Record y))
- type Unlabeled x y = (HMapCxt HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR y) y, RecordValues x, RecordValues y, SameLength (RecordValuesR x) (RecordValuesR y), SameLength x y, SameLabels x y, HAllTaggedLV x, HAllTaggedLV y)
- unlabeled :: (Unlabeled x y, Profunctor p, Functor f) => (HList (RecordValuesR x) `p` f (HList (RecordValuesR y))) -> Record x `p` f (Record y)
- type Unlabeled' x = Unlabeled x x
- unlabeled' :: (Unlabeled' x, Profunctor p, Functor f) => (HList (RecordValuesR x) `p` f (HList (RecordValuesR x))) -> Record x `p` f (Record x)
- class ShowComponents l where
- showComponents :: String -> HList l -> String
- class ShowLabel l where
- (.*.) :: HExtend e l => e -> l -> HExtendR e l
- (.-.) :: HDeleteAtLabel r l xs xs' => r xs -> Label l -> r xs'
- class HDeleteLabels ks r r' | ks r -> r' where
- hDeleteLabels :: proxy (ks :: [*]) -> Record r -> Record r'
- class HLensCxt x r s t a b => HLens x r s t a b | x s b -> t, x t a -> s, x s -> a, x t -> b where
- class HasField l r v | l r -> v where
- hLookupByLabel :: Label l -> r -> v
- class HasFieldM l r v | l r -> v where
- hLookupByLabelM :: Label l -> r -> t -> DemoteMaybe t v
- (.!.) :: HasField l r v => r -> Label l -> v
- (.@.) :: (HUpdateAtLabel k record l v r r', SameLength' * * r' r, SameLength' * * r r') => Tagged k l v -> record r -> record r'
- class HUpdateAtLabel record l v r r' | l v r -> r', l r' -> v where
- hUpdateAtLabel :: SameLength r r' => Label l -> v -> record r -> record r'
- (.<.) :: (HUpdateAtLabel k record l v r r, SameLength' * * r r) => Tagged k l v -> record r -> record r
- type HTPupdateAtLabel record l v r = (HUpdateAtLabel record l v r r, SameLength' r r)
- hTPupdateAtLabel :: HTPupdateAtLabel record l v r => Label l -> v -> record r -> record r
- hRenameLabel :: (HasField k l (r v) v1, HExtend (Tagged k1 l1 v1) (r v'), HDeleteAtLabel k r l v v') => Label k l -> Label k1 l1 -> r v -> HExtendR (Tagged k1 l1 v1) (r v')
- type family Labels xs :: *
- hProjectByLabels :: (HRLabelSet a, H2ProjectByLabels ls t a b) => proxy ls -> Record t -> Record a
- hProjectByLabels' :: (HLabelSet [*] (LabelsOf l), HLabelSet [*] (LabelsOf r), H2ProjectByLabels (LabelsOf l) t r b, HRearrange3 (LabelsOf l) r l, SameLength' * * (LabelsOf l) r, SameLength' * * l r, SameLength' * * r (LabelsOf l), SameLength' * * r l, HAllTaggedLV r) => Record t -> Record l
- hProjectByLabels2 :: (H2ProjectByLabels ls t t1 t2, HRLabelSet t1, HRLabelSet t2) => Proxy ls -> Record t -> (Record t1, Record t2)
- class HLeftUnion r r' r'' | r r' -> r'' where
- hLeftUnion :: Record r -> Record r' -> Record r''
- (.<++.) :: HLeftUnion r r' r'' => Record r -> Record r' -> Record r''
- class UnionSymRec r1 r2 ru | r1 r2 -> ru where
- hRearrange :: (HLabelSet ls, HRearrange ls r r') => Proxy ls -> Record r -> Record r'
- hRearrange' :: (HLabelSet [*] (LabelsOf l), HRearrange3 (LabelsOf l) r l, SameLength' * * (LabelsOf l) r, SameLength' * * l r, SameLength' * * r (LabelsOf l), SameLength' * * r l) => Record r -> Record l
- class Rearranged r s t a b where
- rearranged :: (Profunctor p, Functor f) => (r a `p` f (r b)) -> r s `p` f (r t)
- rearranged' :: (Rearranged k r s s b b, Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (r b) (f (r b)) -> p (r s) (f (r s))
- hMapR :: (HMapAux HList (HFmap f) x y, SameLength' * * y x, SameLength' * * x y) => f -> Record x -> Record y
- newtype HMapR f = HMapR f
- class Relabeled r where
- relabeled :: forall p f s t a b. (HMapTaggedFn (RecordValuesR s) a, HMapTaggedFn (RecordValuesR b) t, SameLengths `[s, a, t, b]`, RecordValuesR t ~ RecordValuesR b, RecordValuesR s ~ RecordValuesR a, RecordValues b, RecordValues s, Profunctor p, Functor f) => (r a `p` f (r b)) -> r s `p` f (r t)
- relabeled' :: (Relabeled r, RecordValues b, RecordValues a, RecordValues s, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR s) a, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR s) s, SameLength' * * (RecordValuesR s) a, SameLength' * * b s, SameLength' * * a (RecordValuesR s), SameLength' * * a s, SameLength' * * s b, SameLength' * * s a, Profunctor p, Functor f, (~) [*] (RecordValuesR b) (RecordValuesR s), (~) [*] (RecordValuesR a) (RecordValuesR s)) => p (r a) (f (r b)) -> p (r s) (f (r s))
- data DuplicatedLabel l
- data ExtraField l
- data FieldNotFound l
- zipTagged :: (MapLabel ts ~ lts, HZip Proxy lts vs tvs) => Proxy ts -> proxy vs -> Proxy tvs
- class HasField' b l r v | b l r -> v where
- hLookupByLabel' :: Proxy b -> Label l -> HList r -> v
- type family DemoteMaybe d v :: *
- class HasFieldM1 b l r v | b l r -> v where
- hLookupByLabelM1 :: Proxy b -> Label l -> r -> t -> DemoteMaybe t v
- class H2ProjectByLabels ls r rin rout | ls r -> rin rout where
- h2projectByLabels :: proxy ls -> HList r -> (HList rin, HList rout)
- class H2ProjectByLabels' b ls r rin rout | b ls r -> rin rout where
- h2projectByLabels' :: Proxy b -> proxy ls -> HList r -> (HList rin, HList rout)
- class HLabelSet ls
- class HLabelSet' l1 l2 leq r
- class (HLabelSet (LabelsOf ps), HAllTaggedLV ps) => HRLabelSet ps
- class HAllTaggedLV ps
- class (HRearrange3 ls r r', LabelsOf r' ~ ls, SameLength ls r, SameLength r r') => HRearrange ls r r' | ls r -> r', r' -> ls where
- hRearrange2 :: proxy ls -> HList r -> HList r'
- class HRearrange3 ls r r' | ls r -> r' where
- hRearrange3 :: proxy ls -> HList r -> HList r'
- class HRearrange4 l ls rin rout r' | l ls rin rout -> r' where
- hRearrange4 :: proxy l -> Proxy ls -> HList rin -> HList rout -> HList r'
- class UnionSymRec' b r1 f2 r2' ru | b r1 f2 r2' -> ru where
- type HFindLabel l ls n = HFind l (UnLabel l (LabelsOf ls)) n
- labelLVPair :: Tagged l v -> Label l
- newLVPair :: Label l -> v -> Tagged l v
- type family UnLabel proxy ls :: [k]
- type HMemberLabel l r b = HMember l (UnLabel l (LabelsOf r)) b
- data TaggedFn = TaggedFn
- data ReadComponent
- type HMapTaggedFn l r = (HMapCxt HList TaggedFn l r, RecordValuesR r ~ l, RecordValues r)
- type HLensCxt x r s t a b = (HasField x (r s) a, HUpdateAtLabel r x b s t, HasField x (r t) b, HUpdateAtLabel r x a t s, SameLength s t, SameLabels s t)
- class HZipRecord x y xy | x y -> xy, xy -> x y where
- hZipRecord :: Record x -> Record y -> Record xy
- hUnzipRecord :: Record xy -> (Record x, Record y)
- hZipRecord2 :: (RecordValues y1, RecordValues y, RecordValues x, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR x) x, HZipList (RecordValuesR y1) (RecordValuesR y) (RecordValuesR x), SameLength' * * y1 x, SameLength' * * y x, SameLength' * * x y1, SameLength' * * x y, SameLabels [*] [*] x y1, SameLabels [*] [*] x y, HAllTaggedLV x) => Record y1 -> Record y -> Record x
- hUnzipRecord2 :: (RecordValues y, RecordValues x1, RecordValues x, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR x) x, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR x1) x1, HZipList (RecordValuesR x) (RecordValuesR x1) (RecordValuesR y), SameLength' * * y x1, SameLength' * * y x, SameLength' * * x1 y, SameLength' * * x y, SameLabels [*] [*] x1 y, SameLabels [*] [*] x y, HAllTaggedLV x1, HAllTaggedLV x) => Record y -> (Record x, Record x1)
labels used for doctests
let x = Label :: Label "x"
let y = Label :: Label "y"
let z = Label :: Label "z"
Record types as label-value pairs, where label is purely phantom. Thus the run-time representation of a field is the same as that of its value, and the record, at run-time, is indistinguishable from the HList of field values. At run-time, all information about the labels is erased.
The type from Data.Tagged is used.
module Data.Tagged
Relabeled Record | |
TypeIndexed Record TIP | |
(HZipRecord x y xy, SameLengths * ((:) [*] x ((:) [*] y ((:) [*] xy ([] [*]))))) => HZip Record x y xy |
(HZipRecord x y xy, SameLengths * ((:) [*] x ((:) [*] y ((:) [*] xy ([] [*]))))) => HUnzip Record x y xy | |
HMapAux HList (HFmap f) x y => HMapAux Record f x y | |
H2ProjectByLabels ((:) * (Label k l) ([] *)) v t1 v' => HDeleteAtLabel k Record l v v' | |
(H2ProjectByLabels (LabelsOf a) s a_ _s_minus_a, HRLabelSet a_, HRLabelSet a, HRearrange (LabelsOf a) a_ a, HLeftUnion b s bs, HRLabelSet bs, HRearrange (LabelsOf t) bs t, HRLabelSet t) => Projected Record s t a b | Lens rs rt ra rb where |
(HUpdateAtLabel2 k l v r r', HasField k l (Record r') v) => HUpdateAtLabel k Record l v r r' | |
HLens k x Record s t a b => Labelable k x Record s t a b | make a |
(HEqK k k1 l l1 b, HasField' k b l ((:) * (Tagged k1 l1 v1) r) v) => HasField k l (Record ((:) * (Tagged k l1 v1) r)) v | |
H2ProjectByLabels (LabelsOf r2) r1 r2 rout => SubType * * (Record r1) (Record r2) | Subtyping for records |
Fail * (FieldNotFound k l) => HasField k l (Record ([] *)) (FieldNotFound k l) | |
HRLabelSet ((:) * t r) => HExtend t (Record r) | |
(HReverse l lRev, HMapTaggedFn lRev l') => HBuild' l (Record l') | This instance allows creating Record with hBuild 3 |
(HLeftUnion lv x lvx, HRLabelSet x, HLabelSet [*] (LabelsOf x), HRearrange (LabelsOf x) lvx x) => HUpdateMany lv (Record x) | implementation in terms of |
Bounded (HList r) => Bounded (Record r) | |
Eq (HList r) => Eq (Record r) | |
DataRecordCxt a => Data (Record a) | |
Ord (HList r) => Ord (Record r) | |
(HMapCxt HList ReadComponent (AddProxy [*] rs) bs, ApplyAB ReadComponent (Proxy * r) readP_r, HProxies rs, HSequence ReadP ((:) * readP_r bs) ((:) * r rs)) => Read (Record ((:) * r rs)) | |
ShowComponents r => Show (Record r) | |
Ix (HList r) => Ix (Record r) | |
Monoid (HList r) => Monoid (Record r) | |
TypeRepsList (HList xs) => TypeRepsList (Record xs) | |
((~) [*] la (LabelsOf a), (~) [*] lt (LabelsOf t), HRearrange la s a, HRearrange lt b t, HLabelSet [*] la, HLabelSet [*] lt) => Rearranged [*] Record s t a b | Iso (Record s) (Record t) (Record a) (Record b) where An alternative implementation: rearranged x = iso hRearrange' hRearrange' x |
(HRLabelSet (HAppendListR * r1 r2), HAppend (HList r1) (HList r2)) => HAppend (Record r1) (Record r2) |
record .*. field1 .*. field2 |
Typeable ([*] -> *) Record | |
type LabelableTy Record = LabelableLens | |
type HExtendR t (Record r) = Record ((:) * t r) | |
type HAppendR * (Record r1) (Record r2) = Record (HAppendListR * r1 r2) |
mkRecord :: HRLabelSet r => HList r -> Record r Source
Build a record
emptyRecord :: Record [] Source
Build an empty record
hEndP :: Proxy (xs :: [k]) -> Proxy xs Source
label1 label2
is one way to make a Proxy of labels (for use with asLabelsOf
for example). Another way is
label1 .*. label2 .*. emptyProxy
hListRecord :: (HLabelSet [*] (LabelsOf r), HAllTaggedLV r, Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Record r) (f (Record t)) -> p (HList r) (f (HList t)) Source
HRLabelSet t => Iso (HList s) (HList t) (Record s) (Record t)
hListRecord' :: (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Record r) (f (Record r)) -> p (HList r) (f (HList r)) Source
Iso' (HList s) (Record s)
Getting Labels
type family LabelsOf ls :: [*] Source
Construct the (phantom) list of labels of a record, or list of Label.
asLabelsOf :: (HAllTaggedLV x, SameLabels x y, SameLength x y) => r x -> s y -> r x Source
similar to asTypeOf
let s0 = Proxy :: Proxy '["x", "y"]
let s1 = Proxy :: Proxy '[Label "x", Label "y"]
let s2 = Proxy :: Proxy '[Tagged "x" Int, Tagged "y" Char]
let f0 r = () where _ = r `asLabelsOf` s0
let f1 r = () where _ = r `asLabelsOf` s1
let f2 r = () where _ = r `asLabelsOf` s2
:t f0
f0 :: r '[Tagged "x" v, Tagged "y" v1] -> ()
:t f1
f1 :: r '[Tagged "x" v, Tagged "y" v1] -> ()
:t f2
f2 :: r '[Tagged "x" v, Tagged "y" v1] -> ()
Getting Values
class SameLength r (RecordValuesR r) => RecordValues r where Source
Construct the HList of values of the record.
type RecordValuesR r :: [*] Source
recordValues' :: HList r -> HList (RecordValuesR r) Source
RecordValues ([] *) | |
RecordValues r => RecordValues ((:) * (Tagged k l v) r) |
recordValues :: RecordValues r => Record r -> HList (RecordValuesR r) Source
hMapTaggedFn :: HMapTaggedFn a b => HList a -> Record b Source
"inverse" to recordValues
unlabeled0 :: (RecordValues y, RecordValues x, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR y) y, SameLabels [*] [*] x y, Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (HList (RecordValuesR x)) (f (HList (RecordValuesR y))) -> p (Record x) (f (Record y)) Source
Iso (Record s) (Record t) (HList a) (HList b)
view unlabeled == recordValues
type Unlabeled x y = (HMapCxt HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR y) y, RecordValues x, RecordValues y, SameLength (RecordValuesR x) (RecordValuesR y), SameLength x y, SameLabels x y, HAllTaggedLV x, HAllTaggedLV y) Source
unlabeled :: (Unlabeled x y, Profunctor p, Functor f) => (HList (RecordValuesR x) `p` f (HList (RecordValuesR y))) -> Record x `p` f (Record y) Source
type Unlabeled' x = Unlabeled x x Source
unlabeled' :: (Unlabeled' x, Profunctor p, Functor f) => (HList (RecordValuesR x) `p` f (HList (RecordValuesR x))) -> Record x `p` f (Record x) Source
Unlabeled' x => Iso' (Record x) (HList (RecordValuesR x))
A corresponding Show
instance exists as
show x = "Record {" ++ showComponents "" x ++ "}"
class ShowComponents l where Source
showComponents :: String -> HList l -> String Source
ShowComponents ([] *) | |
(ShowLabel k l, Show v, ShowComponents r) => ShowComponents ((:) * (Tagged k l v) r) |
, hAppend
label record
(.-.) :: HDeleteAtLabel r l xs xs' => r xs -> Label l -> r xs' infixl 2 Source
Remove a field from a record. At the same
level as other record modification options (.*.
). Analagous
to (\\
) in lists.
record1 .-. label1
label1 .=. value1 .*. label2 .=. value2 .-. label2 .*. emptyRecord
label1 .=. value1 .-. label1 .*. label2 .=. value2 .*. emptyRecord
record1 .*. label1 .=. record2 .!. label1 .*. label2 .=. record2 .!. label2 .-. label1
class HDeleteLabels ks r r' | ks r -> r' where Source
HDeleteLabels ks ([] *) ([] *) | |
(HMember * (Label k l) ks b, HCond b (Record r2) (Record ((:) * (Tagged k l v) r2)) (Record r3), HDeleteLabels ks r1 r2) => HDeleteLabels ks ((:) * (Tagged k l v) r1) r3 |
Lens-based setters/getters are popular. hLens packages up
and hLookupByLabel
Refer to examples/lens.hs
and examples/labelable.hs
for examples.
class HLensCxt x r s t a b => HLens x r s t a b | x s b -> t, x t a -> s, x s -> a, x t -> b where Source
class HasField l r v | l r -> v where Source
This is a baseline implementation. We use a helper class, HasField, to abstract from the implementation.
Because hLookupByLabel
is so frequent and important, we implement
it separately, more efficiently. The algorithm is familiar assq, only
the comparison operation is done at compile-time
hLookupByLabel :: Label l -> r -> v Source
((~) * e e', HasField * e (Record l) e') => HasField * e (TIP l) e' | |
(HEqK k k1 l l1 b, HasField' k b l ((:) * (Tagged k1 l1 v1) r) v) => HasField k l (Record ((:) * (Tagged k l1 v1) r)) v | |
(IArray UArray v, (~) * v (GetElemTy ls), HFindLabel k l ls n, HNat2Integral n) => HasField k l (RecordU ls) v | |
(HFindLabel k l r n, HLookupByHNatUS n u (Tagged k l v), HasField k l (Record r) v, RecordUSCxt r u) => HasField k l (RecordUS r) v | works expected. See examples attached to |
HasField * o (Variant l) (Maybe o) => HasField * o (TIC l) (Maybe o) | Public destructor (or, open union's projection function) |
(HasField k x (Record vs) a, HFindLabel k x vs n, HNat2Integral n) => HasField k x (Variant vs) (Maybe a) | |
Fail * (FieldNotFound k l) => HasField k l (Record ([] *)) (FieldNotFound k l) |
class HasFieldM l r v | l r -> v where Source
a version of HasField
returns a default value when the label is not in the record:
let r = x .=. "the x value" .*. emptyRecord
hLookupByLabelM y r ()
hLookupByLabelM x r ()
"the x value"
:: Label l | |
-> r | Record (or Variant,TIP,TIC) |
-> t | default value |
-> DemoteMaybe t v |
(HMemberM * (Label k l) (LabelsOf xs) b, HasFieldM1 k b l (r xs) v) => HasFieldM k l (r xs) v |
(.!.) :: HasField l r v => r -> Label l -> v infixr 9 Source
Lookup a value in a record by its label. Analagous to (!!), the
list indexing operation. Highest fixity, like (!!
let record1 = x .=. 3 .*. y .=. 'y' .*. emptyRecord :}
record1 .!. x
record1 .!. y
let r2 = y .=. record1 .!. x .*. z .=. record1 .!. y .*. emptyRecord :}
Note that labels made following Data.HList.Labelable allow using "Control.Lens.^." instead.
(.@.) :: (HUpdateAtLabel k record l v r r', SameLength' * * r' r, SameLength' * * r r') => Tagged k l v -> record r -> record r' infixr 2 Source
Update a field with a particular value. Same fixity as (.*.) so that extensions and updates can be chained. There is no real list analogue, since there is no Prelude defined update.
label1 .=. value1 .@. record1
class HUpdateAtLabel record l v r r' | l v r -> r', l r' -> v where Source
label value record
hUpdateAtLabel :: SameLength r r' => Label l -> v -> record r -> record r' Source
(HUpdateAtLabel * Record e' e r r', HTypeIndexed r', (~) * e e') => HUpdateAtLabel * TIP e' e r r' | |
(HUpdateAtLabel2 k l v r r', HasField k l (Record r') v) => HUpdateAtLabel k Record l v r r' | |
HUpdateVariantAtLabelCxt k l e v v' n _e => HUpdateAtLabel k Variant l e v v' | hUpdateAtLabel x e' (mkVariant x e proxy) == mkVariant x e' proxy hUpdateAtLabel y e' (mkVariant x e proxy) == mkVariant x e proxy |
((~) [*] r r', (~) * v (GetElemTy r), HFindLabel k l r n, HNat2Integral n, IArray UArray v, HasField k l (Record r') v) => HUpdateAtLabel k RecordU l v r r' |
type-preserving versions
Note: these restrict the resulting record type to be the same as in input record type, which can help reduce the number of type annotations needed
(.<.) :: (HUpdateAtLabel k record l v r r, SameLength' * * r r) => Tagged k l v -> record r -> record r infixr 2 Source
The same as .@.
, except type preserving. It has the same fixity as (.@.).
type HTPupdateAtLabel record l v r = (HUpdateAtLabel record l v r r, SameLength' r r) Source
hTPupdateAtLabel :: HTPupdateAtLabel record l v r => Label l -> v -> record r -> record r Source
We could also say:
hTPupdateAtLabel l v r = hUpdateAtLabel l v r `asTypeOf` r
Then we were taking a dependency on Haskell's type equivalence. This would also constrain the actual implementation of hUpdateAtLabel.
A variation on hUpdateAtLabel
: type-preserving update.
Rename Label
hRenameLabel :: (HasField k l (r v) v1, HExtend (Tagged k1 l1 v1) (r v'), HDeleteAtLabel k r l v v') => Label k l -> Label k1 l1 -> r v -> HExtendR (Tagged k1 l1 v1) (r v') Source
Rename the label of record
hRenameLabel x y (x .=. () .*. emptyRecord)
type family Labels xs :: * Source
A helper to make the Proxy needed by hProjectByLabels, and similar functions which accept a list of kind [*].
For example:
(rin,rout) = hProjectByLabels2
(Proxy :: Labels ["x","y"]) r
behaves like
rin = r .!. (Label :: Label "x") .*. r .!. (Label :: Label "y") .*. emptyRecord rout = r .-. (Label :: Label "x") .-. (Label :: Label "y")
type Labels k xs |
It is also an important operation: the basis of many deconstructors -- so we try to implement it efficiently.
hProjectByLabels :: (HRLabelSet a, H2ProjectByLabels ls t a b) => proxy ls -> Record t -> Record a Source
hProjectByLabels ls r
returns r
with only the labels in ls
hProjectByLabels' :: (HLabelSet [*] (LabelsOf l), HLabelSet [*] (LabelsOf r), H2ProjectByLabels (LabelsOf l) t r b, HRearrange3 (LabelsOf l) r l, SameLength' * * (LabelsOf l) r, SameLength' * * l r, SameLength' * * r (LabelsOf l), SameLength' * * r l, HAllTaggedLV r) => Record t -> Record l Source
hProjectByLabels2 :: (H2ProjectByLabels ls t t1 t2, HRLabelSet t1, HRLabelSet t2) => Proxy ls -> Record t -> (Record t1, Record t2) Source
a lens for projection
see Data.HList.Labelable.Projected
class HLeftUnion r r' r'' | r r' -> r'' where Source
hLeftUnion :: Record r -> Record r' -> Record r'' Source
(HDeleteLabels (LabelsOf l) r r', HAppend (Record l) (Record r'), (~) * (HAppendR * (Record l) (Record r')) (Record lr)) => HLeftUnion l r lr |
(.<++.) :: HLeftUnion r r' r'' => Record r -> Record r' -> Record r'' infixl 1 Source
Similar to list append, so give this slightly lower fixity than (.*.), so we can write:
field1 .=. value .*. record1 .<++. record2
Compute the symmetric union of two records r1 and r2 and return the pair of records injected into the union (ru1, ru2).
To be more precise, we compute the symmetric union type ru
of two record types r1
and r2
. The emphasis on types is important.
The two records (ru1,ru2) in the result of unionSR
have the same
type ru, but they are generally different values.
Here the simple example: suppose
r1 = (Label .=. True) .*. emptyRecord r2 = (Label .=. False) .*. emptyRecord
Then unionSR
r1 r2 will return (r1,r2). Both components of the result
are different records of the same type.
To project from the union ru, use hProjectByLabels
It is possible to project from the union obtaining a record
that was not used at all when creating the union.
We do assure however that if unionSR r1 r2
gave (r1u,r2u)
then projecting r1u onto the type of r1 gives the value identical
to r1. Ditto for r2.
class UnionSymRec r1 r2 ru | r1 r2 -> ru where Source
(~) [*] r1 r1' => UnionSymRec r1 ([] *) r1' | |
(HMemberLabel k l r1 b, UnionSymRec' b r1 (Tagged k l v) r2' ru) => UnionSymRec r1 ((:) * (Tagged k l v) r2') ru |
Reorder Labels
hRearrange :: (HLabelSet ls, HRearrange ls r r') => Proxy ls -> Record r -> Record r' Source
Rearranges a record by labels. Returns the record r, rearranged such that the labels are in the order given by ls. (LabelsOf r) must be a permutation of ls.
hRearrange' :: (HLabelSet [*] (LabelsOf l), HRearrange3 (LabelsOf l) r l, SameLength' * * (LabelsOf l) r, SameLength' * * l r, SameLength' * * r (LabelsOf l), SameLength' * * r l) => Record r -> Record l Source
is hRearrange
where ordering specified by the Proxy
argument is determined by the result type.
With built-in haskell records, these e1
and e2
have the same type:
data R = R { x, y :: Int } e1 = R{ x = 1, y = 2} e2 = R{ y = 2, x = 1}
can be used to allow either ordering to be accepted:
h1, h2 :: Record [ Tagged "x" Int, Tagged "y" Int ] h1 = hRearrange' $ x .=. 1 .*. y .=. 2 .*. emptyRecord h2 = hRearrange' $ y .=. 2 .*. x .=. 1 .*. emptyRecord
isos using hRearrange
class Rearranged r s t a b where Source
rearranged :: (Profunctor p, Functor f) => (r a `p` f (r b)) -> r s `p` f (r t) Source
((~) [*] la (LabelsOf a), (~) [*] lt (LabelsOf t), HRearrange la s a, HRearrange lt b t, HLabelSet [*] la, HLabelSet [*] lt) => Rearranged [*] Record s t a b | Iso (Record s) (Record t) (Record a) (Record b) where An alternative implementation: rearranged x = iso hRearrange' hRearrange' x |
(SameLength * * s a, ExtendsVariant s a, SameLength * * b t, ExtendsVariant b t) => Rearranged [*] Variant s t a b |
rearranged' :: (Rearranged k r s s b b, Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (r b) (f (r b)) -> p (r s) (f (r s)) Source
Iso' (r s) (r a)
where s
is a permutation of a
Apply a function to all values
hMapR :: (HMapAux HList (HFmap f) x y, SameLength' * * y x, SameLength' * * x y) => f -> Record x -> Record y Source
map over the values of a record. This is a shortcut for
\ f (Record a) -> Record (hMap (HFmap f) a)
suppose we have a function that should be applied to every element of a record:
let circSucc_ x | x == maxBound = minBound | otherwise = succ x
:t circSucc_
circSucc_ :: (Eq a, Enum a, Bounded a) => a -> a
Use a shortcut (Fun
) to create a value that has an appropriate ApplyAB
let circSucc = Fun circSucc_ :: Fun '[Eq,Enum,Bounded] '()
Confirm that we got Fun right:
:t applyAB circSucc
applyAB circSucc :: (Bounded b, Enum b, Eq b) => b -> b
applyAB circSucc True
define the actual record:
let r = x .=. 'a' .*. y .=. False .*. emptyRecord
hMapR circSucc r
HMapR f |
cast labels
class Relabeled r where Source
Iso (Record s) (Record t) (Record a) (Record b)
, such that
relabeled = unlabeled . from unlabeled
in other words, pretend a record has different labels, but the same values.
relabeled :: forall p f s t a b. (HMapTaggedFn (RecordValuesR s) a, HMapTaggedFn (RecordValuesR b) t, SameLengths `[s, a, t, b]`, RecordValuesR t ~ RecordValuesR b, RecordValuesR s ~ RecordValuesR a, RecordValues b, RecordValues s, Profunctor p, Functor f) => (r a `p` f (r b)) -> r s `p` f (r t) Source
relabeled' :: (Relabeled r, RecordValues b, RecordValues a, RecordValues s, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR s) a, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR s) s, SameLength' * * (RecordValuesR s) a, SameLength' * * b s, SameLength' * * a (RecordValuesR s), SameLength' * * a s, SameLength' * * s b, SameLength' * * s a, Profunctor p, Functor f, (~) [*] (RecordValuesR b) (RecordValuesR s), (~) [*] (RecordValuesR a) (RecordValuesR s)) => p (r a) (f (r b)) -> p (r s) (f (r s)) Source
Iso' (Record s) (Record a)
such that RecordValuesR s ~ RecordValuesR a
Hints for type errors
data DuplicatedLabel l Source
Property of a proper label set for a record: no duplication of labels,
and every element of the list is Tagged label value
data ExtraField l Source
data FieldNotFound l Source
Fail * (FieldNotFound k l) => HasField k l (Record ([] *)) (FieldNotFound k l) |
Probably internals, that may not be useful
zipTagged :: (MapLabel ts ~ lts, HZip Proxy lts vs tvs) => Proxy ts -> proxy vs -> Proxy tvs Source
a variation on hZip
for Proxy
, where
the list of labels does not have to include Label
(as in ts'
let ts = Proxy :: Proxy ["x","y"]
let ts' = Proxy :: Proxy [Label "x",Label "y"]
let vs = Proxy :: Proxy [Int,Char]
:t zipTagged ts Proxy
zipTagged ts Proxy :: Proxy '[Tagged "x" y, Tagged "y" y1]
:t zipTagged ts vs
zipTagged ts vs :: Proxy '[Tagged "x" Int, Tagged "y" Char]
And and the case when hZip does the same thing:
:t zipTagged ts' vs
zipTagged ts' vs :: Proxy '[Tagged "x" Int, Tagged "y" Char]
:t hZip ts' vs
hZip ts' vs :: Proxy '[Tagged "x" Int, Tagged "y" Char]
class HasField' b l r v | b l r -> v where Source
hLookupByLabel' :: Proxy b -> Label l -> HList r -> v Source
type family DemoteMaybe d v :: * Source
type DemoteMaybe d (Nothing *) = d | |
type DemoteMaybe d (Just * a) = a |
class HasFieldM1 b l r v | b l r -> v where Source
hLookupByLabelM1 :: Proxy b -> Label l -> r -> t -> DemoteMaybe t v Source
HasFieldM1 k (Nothing [*]) l r (Nothing *) | |
HasField k l r v => HasFieldM1 k (Just [*] b) l r (Just * v) |
class H2ProjectByLabels ls r rin rout | ls r -> rin rout where Source
r === rin `disjoint-union` rout labels rin === ls where (rin,rout) = hProjectByLabels ls r
h2projectByLabels :: proxy ls -> HList r -> (HList rin, HList rout) Source
H2ProjectByLabels ([] *) r ([] *) r | |
H2ProjectByLabels ((:) * l ls) ([] *) ([] *) ([] *) | |
(HMemberM * (Label k l1) ((:) * l ls) b, H2ProjectByLabels' b ((:) * l ls) ((:) * (Tagged k l1 v1) r1) rin rout) => H2ProjectByLabels ((:) * l ls) ((:) * (Tagged k l1 v1) r1) rin rout |
class H2ProjectByLabels' b ls r rin rout | b ls r -> rin rout where Source
H2ProjectByLabels ls r rin rout => H2ProjectByLabels' (Nothing [*]) ls ((:) * f r) rin ((:) * f rout) | |
H2ProjectByLabels ls1 r rin rout => H2ProjectByLabels' (Just [*] ls1) ls ((:) * f r) ((:) * f rin) rout |
Relation between HLabelSet and HRLabelSet
instance HLabelSet (LabelsOf ps) => HRLabelSet ps
see also HSet
HLabelSet [k] ([] k) | |
(HEqK k k l1 l2 leq, HLabelSet' k k [k] l1 l2 leq r) => HLabelSet [k] ((:) k l1 ((:) k l2 r)) | |
HLabelSet [k] ((:) k x ([] k)) |
class HLabelSet' l1 l2 leq r Source
Fail * (DuplicatedLabel k l1) => HLabelSet' k k k l1 l2 True r | |
(HLabelSet [k] ((:) k l2 r), HLabelSet [k] ((:) k l1 r)) => HLabelSet' k k [k] l1 l2 False r |
class (HLabelSet (LabelsOf ps), HAllTaggedLV ps) => HRLabelSet ps Source
(HLabelSet [*] (LabelsOf ps), HAllTaggedLV ps) => HRLabelSet ps |
class HAllTaggedLV ps Source
The Record
, Variant
type constructors only make
sense when they are applied to an instance of this class
HAllTaggedLV ([] *) | |
(HAllTaggedLV xs, (~) * x (Tagged k t v)) => HAllTaggedLV ((:) * x xs) |
class (HRearrange3 ls r r', LabelsOf r' ~ ls, SameLength ls r, SameLength r r') => HRearrange ls r r' | ls r -> r', r' -> ls where Source
Helper class for hRearrange
hRearrange2 :: proxy ls -> HList r -> HList r' Source
(HRearrange3 ls r r', (~) [*] (LabelsOf r') ls, SameLength * * ls r, SameLength * * r r') => HRearrange ls r r' |
class HRearrange3 ls r r' | ls r -> r' where Source
same as HRearrange, except no backwards FD
hRearrange3 :: proxy ls -> HList r -> HList r' Source
HRearrange3 ([] *) ([] *) ([] *) | |
Fail * (ExtraField k l) => HRearrange3 ([] *) ((:) * (Tagged k l v) a) ([] *) | For improved error messages |
(H2ProjectByLabels ((:) * l ([] *)) r rin rout, HRearrange4 l ls rin rout r', (~) * l (Label k ll)) => HRearrange3 ((:) * l ls) r r' |
class HRearrange4 l ls rin rout r' | l ls rin rout -> r' where Source
Helper class 2 for hRearrange
Fail * (FieldNotFound * l) => HRearrange4 l ls ([] *) rout ([] *) | For improved error messages |
(HRearrange3 ls rout r', (~) [*] r'' ((:) * (Tagged k l v) r'), (~) * ll (Label k l)) => HRearrange4 ll ls ((:) * (Tagged k l v) ([] *)) rout r'' |
class UnionSymRec' b r1 f2 r2' ru | b r1 f2 r2' -> ru where Source
(UnionSymRec r1 r2' ru, HExtend f2 (Record ru), (~) * (Record f2ru) (HExtendR f2 (Record ru))) => UnionSymRec' False r1 f2 r2' f2ru | |
(UnionSymRec r1 r2' ru, HTPupdateAtLabel k Record l2 v2 ru, (~) * f2 (Tagged k l2 v2)) => UnionSymRec' True r1 f2 r2' ru | Field f2 is already in r1, so it will be in the union of r1 with the rest of r2. To inject (HCons f2 r2) in that union, we should replace the field f2 |
type HFindLabel l ls n = HFind l (UnLabel l (LabelsOf ls)) n Source
labelLVPair :: Tagged l v -> Label l Source
Label accessor
type family UnLabel proxy ls :: [k] Source
remove the Label type constructor. The proxy
argument is
supplied to make it easier to fix the kind variable k
type HMemberLabel l r b = HMember l (UnLabel l (LabelsOf r)) b Source
data ReadComponent Source
type HMapTaggedFn l r = (HMapCxt HList TaggedFn l r, RecordValuesR r ~ l, RecordValues r) Source
type HLensCxt x r s t a b = (HasField x (r s) a, HUpdateAtLabel r x b s t, HasField x (r t) b, HUpdateAtLabel r x a t s, SameLength s t, SameLabels s t) Source
constraints needed to implement HLens
use the more general HZip
class instead
class HZipRecord x y xy | x y -> xy, xy -> x y where Source
hZipRecord :: Record x -> Record y -> Record xy Source
hUnzipRecord :: Record xy -> (Record x, Record y) Source
HZipRecord ([] *) ([] *) ([] *) | |
HZipRecord as bs abss => HZipRecord ((:) * (Tagged k x a) as) ((:) * (Tagged k x b) bs) ((:) * (Tagged k x (a, b)) abss) |
alternative implementation
hZipRecord2 :: (RecordValues y1, RecordValues y, RecordValues x, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR x) x, HZipList (RecordValuesR y1) (RecordValuesR y) (RecordValuesR x), SameLength' * * y1 x, SameLength' * * y x, SameLength' * * x y1, SameLength' * * x y, SameLabels [*] [*] x y1, SameLabels [*] [*] x y, HAllTaggedLV x) => Record y1 -> Record y -> Record x Source
hUnzipRecord2 :: (RecordValues y, RecordValues x1, RecordValues x, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR x) x, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR x1) x1, HZipList (RecordValuesR x) (RecordValuesR x1) (RecordValuesR y), SameLength' * * y x1, SameLength' * * y x, SameLength' * * x1 y, SameLength' * * x y, SameLabels [*] [*] x1 y, SameLabels [*] [*] x y, HAllTaggedLV x1, HAllTaggedLV x) => Record y -> (Record x, Record x1) Source