Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
OOHaskell (C) 2004, Oleg Kiselyov, Ralf Laemmel, Keean Schupke
This module gathers the API that we need for OOP in Haskell. We basically select a certain configuration of the HList library, and we also import modules that are needed for mutable data and monads. Note on overlapping: Needed for the chosen model of labels. Other models can be used instead, but the chosen look better in types.
- class Semigroup a => Monoid a where
- type family Any :: k where ...
- data ErrorMessage
- asProxyTypeOf :: a -> proxy a -> a
- data Proxy (t :: k) = Proxy
- data KProxy t = KProxy
- reproxy :: forall k1 k2 proxy (a :: k1) (b :: k2). proxy a -> Proxy b
- tagWith :: forall k proxy (s :: k) a. proxy s -> a -> Tagged s a
- unproxy :: forall k (s :: k) a. (Proxy s -> a) -> Tagged s a
- proxy :: forall k (s :: k) a proxy. Tagged s a -> proxy s -> a
- untagSelf :: Tagged a a -> a
- witness :: Tagged a b -> a -> b
- asTaggedTypeOf :: forall k s tagged (b :: k). s -> tagged s b -> s
- tagSelf :: a -> Tagged a a
- untag :: forall k (s :: k) b. Tagged s b -> b
- retag :: forall k1 k2 (s :: k1) b (t :: k2). Tagged s b -> Tagged t b
- newtype Tagged (s :: k) b = Tagged {
- unTagged :: b
- type family ZipTagged (ts :: [k]) (vs :: [*]) :: [*]
- class HAllTaggedLV (ps :: [*])
- class SameLabels (x :: k) (y :: m)
- type family SameLengths (xs :: [[k]]) :: Constraint
- class (SameLength' x y, SameLength' y x) => SameLength (x :: [k]) (y :: [m]) where
- sameLength :: (r x `p` f (q y)) -> r x `p` f (q y)
- class SameLength' (es1 :: [k]) (es2 :: [m])
- type TypeablePolyK (a :: k) = Typeable a
- type ExtraField x = ErrText "extra field" :<>: ErrShowType x
- type HNatIndexTooLarge (nat :: HNat) (r :: [k] -> *) (xs :: [k]) = ((ErrText "0-based index" :<>: ErrShowType (HNat2Nat nat)) :<>: ErrText "is too large for collection") :$$: ErrShowType (r xs)
- type ExcessFieldFound key collection = (ErrText "found field" :<>: ErrShowType key) :$$: (ErrText "when it should be absent from" :<>: ErrShowType collection)
- type FieldNotFound key collection = (ErrText "key" :<>: ErrShowType key) :$$: (ErrText "could not be found in" :<>: ErrShowType collection)
- type ErrShowType x = ShowType x
- type ErrText x = Text x
- class Fail (x :: k)
- class HCast1 (b :: Bool) x y where
- class HCast x y where
- class ArityRev (f :: *) (n :: HNat)
- class ArityFwd (f :: *) (n :: HNat) | f -> n
- type Arity f n = (ArityFwd f n, ArityRev f n)
- class HEqByFn f
- class HEqByFn f => HEqBy (f :: t) (x :: k) (y :: k) (b :: Bool) | f x y -> b
- type HEqK (x :: k1) (y :: k2) (b :: Bool) = HEq (Proxy x) (Proxy y) b
- class HEq (x :: k) (y :: k) (b :: Bool) | x y -> b
- newtype HJust x = HJust x
- data HNothing = HNothing
- type family HDiv2 (x :: HNat) :: HNat
- type family HLe (x :: HNat) (y :: HNat) :: Bool
- type family HLt (x :: HNat) (y :: HNat) :: Bool
- type family HNatEq (t1 :: HNat) (t2 :: HNat) :: Bool
- class HNats2Integrals (ns :: [HNat]) where
- hNats2Integrals :: Integral i => Proxy ns -> [i]
- type family HNat2Nat (n :: HNat) :: Nat
- class HNat2Integral (n :: HNat) where
- hNat2Integral :: Integral i => Proxy n -> i
- data HNat
- type family HBoolEQ (t1 :: Bool) (t2 :: Bool) :: Bool
- class HCond (t :: Bool) x y z | t x y -> z where
- class HNotFD (b :: Bool) (nb :: Bool) | b -> nb, nb -> b
- type family HNot (x :: Bool) :: Bool
- type family HOr (t1 :: Bool) (t2 :: Bool) :: Bool
- type family HAnd (t1 :: Bool) (t2 :: Bool) :: Bool
- class ShowLabel l where
- data Label l = Label
- data HUntag = HUntag
- newtype LiftA2 f = LiftA2 f
- newtype HFmap f = HFmap f
- data HFlip = HFlip
- newtype HSeq x = HSeq x
- data Comp = Comp
- data HComp g f = HComp g f
- data HShow = HShow
- data HRead = HRead
- data HPrint = HPrint
- type family FunCxt (cxts :: k) a :: Constraint
- type family FunApp (fns :: k) a
- data Fun' (cxt :: k1) (geta :: k2) = Fun' (forall b. FunCxt cxt b => FunApp geta b -> b)
- data Fun (cxt :: k1) (getb :: k2) = Fun (forall a. FunCxt cxt a => a -> FunApp getb a)
- class ApplyAB f a b where
- applyAB :: f -> a -> b
- class Apply f a where
- labelToProxy :: Label l -> Proxy l
- hTrue :: Proxy True
- hFalse :: Proxy False
- hAnd :: Proxy t1 -> Proxy t2 -> Proxy (HAnd t1 t2)
- hOr :: Proxy t1 -> Proxy t2 -> Proxy (HOr t1 t2)
- hNot :: HNotFD a notA => Proxy a -> Proxy notA
- hZero :: Proxy HZero
- hSucc :: Proxy (n :: HNat) -> Proxy (HSucc n)
- hPred :: Proxy (HSucc n) -> Proxy n
- hLt :: Proxy x -> Proxy y -> Proxy (HLt x y)
- hLe :: Proxy x -> Proxy y -> Proxy (HLe x y)
- hEq :: HEq x y b => x -> y -> Proxy b
- asLengthOf :: SameLength x y => r x -> s y -> r x
- sameLabels :: SameLabels x y => p (r x) (f (q y)) -> p (r x) (f (q y))
- class HUnzip r x y xy => HZip (r :: [*] -> *) x y xy where
- hZip :: r x -> r y -> r xy
- class SameLengths [x, y, xy] => HUnzip (r :: [*] -> *) x y xy | x y -> xy, xy -> x y where
- hUnzip :: r xy -> (r x, r y)
- class HDeleteAtLabel (r :: [*] -> *) (l :: k) v v' | l v -> v' where
- hDeleteAtLabel :: Label l -> r v -> r v'
- class HTypes2HNats es l (ns :: [HNat]) | es l -> ns
- class HType2HNat (e :: k) (l :: [k]) (n :: HNat) | e l -> n
- class HProject l l' where
- hProject :: l -> l'
- class HOccursNot (e :: k) (l :: [k])
- class HOccurs e l where
- hOccurs :: l -> e
- type family HAppendR (l1 :: k) (l2 :: k) :: k
- class HAppend l1 l2 where
- class SubType l l'
- class HExtend e l where
- emptyProxy :: Proxy ('[] :: [Type])
- type family AddLabel (x :: k) :: * where ...
- data Lbl (x :: HNat) (ns :: *) (desc :: *)
- firstLabel :: ns -> desc -> Label (Lbl HZero ns desc)
- nextLabel :: Label (Lbl x ns desc) -> desc' -> Label (Lbl (HSucc x) ns desc')
- class IsKeyFN (t :: *) (flag :: Bool) | t -> flag
- class TupleType (t :: *) (b :: Bool) | t -> b
- data UncurrySappend = UncurrySappend
- data UncurryMappend = UncurryMappend
- data ConstMempty = ConstMempty
- class HZipList x y l | x y -> l, l -> x y where
- class HSpanEqBy2 (b :: Bool) (f :: t) (x :: *) (y :: *) (ys :: [*]) (i :: [*]) (o :: [*]) | b f x y ys -> i o where
- class HSpanEqBy1 (f :: t) (x :: *) (y :: [*]) (i :: [*]) (o :: [*]) | f x y -> i o where
- hSpanEqBy1 :: Proxy f -> x -> HList y -> (HList i, HList o)
- class HSpanEqBy (f :: t) (x :: *) (y :: [*]) (fst :: [*]) (snd :: [*]) | f x y -> fst snd, fst snd -> y where
- class HGroupBy (f :: t) (as :: [*]) (gs :: [*]) | f as -> gs, gs -> as where
- class HPartitionEq1 (b :: Bool) f x1 x xs xi xo | b f x1 x xs -> xi xo where
- class HPartitionEq f x1 xs xi xo | f x1 xs -> xi xo where
- type family HMapTail (xxs :: [*]) :: [*]
- type family HMapCons (x :: *) (xxs :: [*]) :: [*]
- data FHCons2 x = FHCons2 x
- class HInits1 a b | a -> b, b -> a where
- class HInits a b | a -> b, b -> a where
- class HTails a b | a -> b, b -> a where
- class HTuple v t | v -> t, t -> v where
- hToTuple :: HList v -> t
- hFromTuple :: t -> HList v
- class HDrop (n :: HNat) xs ys | n xs -> ys where
- class HTake (n :: HNat) xs ys | n xs -> ys where
- class HStripPrefix xs xsys ys | xs xsys -> ys
- class HStripPrefix xs xsys ys => HAppendList1 (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) (xsys :: [k]) | xs ys -> xsys, xs xsys -> ys
- class HLengthGe (xs :: [*]) (n :: HNat)
- class HLengthEq2 (xs :: [*]) n | xs -> n
- class HLengthEq1 (xs :: [*]) n
- class (SameLength' (HReplicateR n ()) xs, HLengthEq1 xs n, HLengthEq2 xs n) => HLengthEq (xs :: [*]) (n :: HNat) | xs -> n
- class HSplitAt1 accum (n :: HNat) xsys xs ys | accum n xsys -> xs ys where
- class (HLengthEq xs n, HAppendList1 xs ys xsys) => HSplitAt (n :: HNat) xsys xs ys | n xsys -> xs ys, xs ys -> xsys, xs -> n where
- class HSplit l where
- data HRmTag = HRmTag
- data HAddTag t = HAddTag t
- data HFromJust = HFromJust
- class FromHJustR (ToHJustR l) ~ l => FromHJust l where
- type FromHJustR l :: [*]
- fromHJust :: HList l -> HList (FromHJustR l)
- class FromHJustR (ToHJustR l) ~ l => ToHJust l where
- class HList2List l e | l -> e where
- hList2List :: HList l -> [e]
- list2HListSuffix :: [e] -> Maybe (HList l, [e])
- class HTIntersectBool (b :: Bool) h t l1 l2 | b h t l1 -> l2 where
- hTIntersectBool :: Proxy b -> h -> HList t -> HList l1 -> HList l2
- class HTIntersect l1 l2 l3 | l1 l2 -> l3 where
- hTIntersect :: HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList l3
- class HTMember e (l :: [*]) (b :: Bool) | e l -> b
- class HFind2 (b :: Bool) (e :: k) (l :: [k]) (l0 :: [k]) (n :: HNat) | b e l -> n
- class HFind1 (e :: k) (l :: [k]) (l0 :: [k]) (n :: HNat) | e l -> n
- class HFind1 e l l n => HFind (e :: k) (l :: [k]) (n :: HNat) | e l -> n
- class HMemberM2 (b :: Maybe [k]) (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (r :: Maybe [k]) | b e1 l -> r
- class HMemberM1 (b :: Bool) (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (r :: Maybe [k]) | b e1 l -> r
- class HMemberM (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (r :: Maybe [k]) | e1 l -> r
- type family HMemberP' pred e1 (l :: [*]) pb :: Bool
- type family HMemberP pred e1 (l :: [*]) :: Bool
- class HMember' (b0 :: Bool) (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (b :: Bool) | b0 e1 l -> b
- class HMember (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (b :: Bool) | e1 l -> b
- type family HNats (l :: [*]) :: [HNat]
- type HMapOut f l e = HFoldr (Mapcar f) [e] l [e]
- newtype Mapcar f = Mapcar f
- class (Applicative m, SameLength a b) => HSequence m a b | a -> b, m b -> a where
- class HMapAux (r :: [*] -> *) f (x :: [*]) (y :: [*])
- class (SameLength a b, HMapAux r f a b) => HMapCxt r f a b
- newtype HMapL f = HMapL f
- newtype HMap f = HMap f
- class HAppendFD a b ab | a b -> ab where
- class HConcatFD xxs xs | xxs -> xs where
- type family UnHList a :: [*]
- type family HConcatR (a :: [*]) :: [*]
- type HConcat xs = HConcatFD xs (HConcatR xs)
- class HLengthEq r n => HIterate n f z r where
- class HLengthEq r n => HReplicateF (n :: HNat) f z r | r -> n where
- hReplicateF :: HLengthEq r n => Proxy n -> f -> z -> HList r
- type family HReplicateR (n :: HNat) (e :: k) :: [k]
- type HReplicate n e = HReplicateFD n e (HReplicateR n e)
- class HLengthEq es n => HReplicateFD (n :: HNat) e es | n e -> es, es -> n where
- hReplicate :: Proxy n -> e -> HList es
- class HUnfoldFD p res z | p res -> z where
- type HUnfold' p res = HUnfoldFD p (ApplyR p res) (HUnfold p res)
- type family HUnfoldR p res :: [*]
- type HUnfold p s = HUnfoldR p (ApplyR p s)
- class HFoldl f (z :: *) xs (r :: *) where
- class HFoldr1 f (l :: [*]) r where
- class HScanr f z ls rs where
- class HFoldr f v (l :: [*]) r where
- class HBuild' l r where
- class HReverse xs sx | xs -> sx, sx -> xs where
- class HRevApp l1 l2 l3 | l1 l2 -> l3 where
- type family HRevAppR (l1 :: [k]) (l2 :: [k]) :: [k]
- class HAppendList l1 l2 where
- hAppendList :: HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList (HAppendListR l1 l2)
- type family HAppendListR (l1 :: [k]) (l2 :: [k]) :: [k]
- type family HLength (x :: [k]) :: HNat
- class HInit xs where
- data ReadElement = ReadElement
- type family DropProxy (xs :: k) :: k
- type family AddProxy (xs :: k) :: k
- type HProxies xs = HProxiesFD xs (AddProxy xs)
- class HProxiesFD (xs :: [*]) pxs | pxs -> xs, xs -> pxs where
- data family HList (l :: [*])
- hHead :: HList (e ': l) -> e
- hTail :: HList (e ': l) -> HList l
- hLast :: forall (l1 :: [Type]) e (l :: [Type]). HRevApp l1 ('[] :: [Type]) (e ': l) => HList l1 -> e
- hLength :: HLengthEq l n => HList l -> Proxy n
- hReverse_ :: forall (l1 :: [Type]) (l3 :: [Type]). HRevApp l1 ('[] :: [Type]) l3 => HList l1 -> HList l3
- hEnd :: HList l -> HList l
- hBuild :: HBuild' '[] r => r
- hUnfold :: forall f a (z :: [Type]). (HUnfoldFD f (ApplyR f a) z, Apply f a) => f -> a -> HList z
- hConcat :: HConcat xs => HList xs -> HList (HConcatR xs)
- hMap :: forall (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) r f. (SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r f a b) => f -> r a -> r b
- hMapL :: forall (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) f. (SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux HList f a b) => f -> HList a -> HList b
- hComposeList :: HFoldr Comp (a -> a) l (t -> a) => HList l -> t -> a
- hMapOut :: forall f e l. HMapOut f l e => f -> HList l -> [e]
- hMapM :: (Monad m, HMapOut f l (m e)) => f -> HList l -> [m e]
- hMapM_ :: (Monad m, HMapOut f l (m ())) => f -> HList l -> m ()
- hNats :: HList l -> Proxy (HNats l)
- hMember :: HMember e l b => Proxy e -> Proxy l -> Proxy b
- hTMember :: HTMember e l b => e -> HList l -> Proxy b
- list2HList :: HList2List l e => [e] -> Maybe (HList l)
- listAsHList :: forall (l1 :: [Type]) e1 (l2 :: [Type]) e2 p f. (HList2List l1 e1, HList2List l2 e2, Choice p, Applicative f) => p (HList l2) (f (HList l1)) -> p [e2] (f [e1])
- listAsHList' :: forall (l :: [Type]) e p f. (HList2List l e, Choice p, Applicative f) => p (HList l) (f (HList l)) -> p [e] (f [e])
- toHJust2 :: (HMapCxt r (HJust ()) a b, ToHJust a, b ~ ToHJustR a) => r a -> r b
- fromHJust2 :: HMapCxt r HFromJust a b => r a -> r b
- hAddTag :: forall (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) r t. (SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r (HAddTag t) a b) => t -> r a -> r b
- hRmTag :: forall (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) r. (SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r HRmTag a b) => r a -> r b
- hFlag :: forall (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) r. (SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r (HAddTag (Proxy 'True)) a b) => r a -> r b
- hTuple :: forall p f (v1 :: [Type]) a (v2 :: [Type]) t. (Profunctor p, Functor f, HTuple v1 a, HTuple v2 t) => p a (f t) -> p (HList v1) (f (HList v2))
- hTuple' :: forall p f (v :: [Type]) a. (Profunctor p, Functor f, HTuple v a) => p a (f a) -> p (HList v) (f (HList v))
- class HZipRecord x y xy | x y -> xy, xy -> x y where
- hZipRecord :: Record x -> Record y -> Record xy
- hUnzipRecord :: Record xy -> (Record x, Record y)
- newtype HMapR f = HMapR f
- class HLensCxt x r s t a b => HLens x r s t a b | x s b -> t, x t a -> s, x s -> a, x t -> b where
- type HLensCxt x r s t a b = (HasField x (r s) a, HUpdateAtLabel r x b s t, HasField x (r t) b, HUpdateAtLabel r x a t s, SameLength s t, SameLabels s t)
- class HRearrange4 (l :: *) (ls :: [*]) rin rout r' | l ls rin rout -> r' where
- hRearrange4 :: proxy l -> Proxy ls -> HList rin -> HList rout -> HList r'
- class HRearrange3 (ls :: [*]) r r' | ls r -> r' where
- hRearrange3 :: proxy ls -> HList r -> HList r'
- class (HRearrange3 ls r r', LabelsOf r' ~ ls, SameLength ls r, SameLength r r') => HRearrange (ls :: [*]) r r' | ls r -> r', r' -> ls where
- hRearrange2 :: proxy ls -> HList r -> HList r'
- class Rearranged r s t a b where
- rearranged :: (Profunctor p, Functor f) => (r a `p` f (r b)) -> r s `p` f (r t)
- class UnionSymRec' (b :: Bool) r1 f2 r2' ru | b r1 f2 r2' -> ru where
- class UnionSymRec r1 r2 ru | r1 r2 -> ru where
- class HLeftUnion r r' r'' | r r' -> r'' where
- hLeftUnion :: Record r -> Record r' -> Record r''
- class HDeleteLabels ks r r' | ks r -> r' where
- hDeleteLabels :: proxy (ks :: [*]) -> Record r -> Record r'
- type HMemberLabel l r b = HMember l (UnLabel l (LabelsOf r)) b
- type HTPupdateAtLabel record l v r = (HUpdateAtLabel record l v r r, SameLength' r r)
- class H2ProjectByLabels' (b :: Maybe [*]) (ls :: [*]) r rin rout | b ls r -> rin rout where
- h2projectByLabels' :: Proxy b -> proxy ls -> HList r -> (HList rin, HList rout)
- class H2ProjectByLabels (ls :: [*]) r rin rout | ls r -> rin rout where
- h2projectByLabels :: proxy ls -> HList r -> (HList rin, HList rout)
- type family Labels (xs :: [k]) :: *
- class HUpdateAtLabel record (l :: k) (v :: *) (r :: [*]) (r' :: [*]) | l v r -> r', l r' -> v where
- hUpdateAtLabel :: SameLength r r' => Label l -> v -> record r -> record r'
- class HasField' (b :: Bool) (l :: k) (r :: [*]) v | b l r -> v where
- hLookupByLabel' :: Proxy b -> Label l -> HList r -> v
- class HasFieldM1 (b :: Maybe [*]) (l :: k) r v | b l r -> v where
- hLookupByLabelM1 :: Proxy b -> Label l -> r -> t -> DemoteMaybe t v
- type family DemoteMaybe (d :: *) (v :: Maybe *) :: *
- class HasFieldM (l :: k) r (v :: Maybe *) | l r -> v where
- hLookupByLabelM :: Label l -> r -> t -> DemoteMaybe t v
- class HasField (l :: k) r v | l r -> v where
- hLookupByLabel :: Label l -> r -> v
- data ReadComponent
- class ShowComponents l where
- showComponents :: String -> HList l -> String
- class SameLength r (RecordValuesR r) => RecordValues (r :: [*]) where
- type RecordValuesR r :: [*]
- recordValues' :: HList r -> HList (RecordValuesR r)
- type HFindLabel (l :: k) (ls :: [*]) (n :: HNat) = HFind l (UnLabel l (LabelsOf ls)) n
- type family UnLabel (proxy :: k) (ls :: [*]) :: [k]
- type family LabelsOf (ls :: [*]) :: [*]
- class HLabelSet' l1 l2 (leq :: Bool) r
- class HLabelSet ls
- class (HLabelSet (LabelsOf ps), HAllTaggedLV ps) => HRLabelSet (ps :: [*])
- data DuplicatedLabel l
- type HMapTaggedFn l r = (HMapCxt HList TaggedFn l r, RecordValuesR r ~ l, RecordValues r)
- data TaggedFn = TaggedFn
- class Relabeled r where
- relabeled :: forall p f s t a b. (HMapTaggedFn (RecordValuesR s) a, HMapTaggedFn (RecordValuesR b) t, SameLengths '[s, a, t, b], RecordValuesR t ~ RecordValuesR b, RecordValuesR s ~ RecordValuesR a, RecordValues b, RecordValues s, Profunctor p, Functor f) => (r a `p` f (r b)) -> r s `p` f (r t)
- type Unlabeled' x = Unlabeled x x
- type Unlabeled x y = (HMapCxt HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR y) y, RecordValues x, RecordValues y, SameLength (RecordValuesR x) (RecordValuesR y), SameLength x y, SameLabels x y, HAllTaggedLV x, HAllTaggedLV y)
- newtype Record (r :: [*]) = Record (HList r)
- labelLVPair :: Tagged l v -> Label l
- newLVPair :: Label l -> v -> Tagged l v
- (.=.) :: Label l -> v -> Tagged l v
- mkRecord :: HRLabelSet r => HList r -> Record r
- hListRecord :: forall p f (r1 :: [Type]) (r2 :: [Type]). (Profunctor p, Functor f, HLabelSet (LabelsOf r1), HAllTaggedLV r1) => p (Record r1) (f (Record r2)) -> p (HList r1) (f (HList r2))
- hListRecord' :: forall p f (r :: [Type]). (Profunctor p, Functor f, HLabelSet (LabelsOf r), HAllTaggedLV r) => p (Record r) (f (Record r)) -> p (HList r) (f (HList r))
- emptyRecord :: Record '[]
- unlabeled0 :: forall f p (x :: [Type]) (y :: [Type]). (Functor f, Profunctor p, SameLabels x y, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR y) y, RecordValues x, RecordValues y) => p (HList (RecordValuesR x)) (f (HList (RecordValuesR y))) -> p (Record x) (f (Record y))
- unlabeled :: (Unlabeled x y, Profunctor p, Functor f) => (HList (RecordValuesR x) `p` f (HList (RecordValuesR y))) -> Record x `p` f (Record y)
- unlabeled' :: (Unlabeled' x, Profunctor p, Functor f) => (HList (RecordValuesR x) `p` f (HList (RecordValuesR x))) -> Record x `p` f (Record x)
- relabeled' :: forall r (t :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) p f. (Relabeled r, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR t) b, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR b) t, RecordValues b, RecordValues t, SameLength' (RecordValuesR t) b, SameLength' (RecordValuesR b) t, SameLength' t (RecordValuesR b), SameLength' t b, SameLength' b (RecordValuesR t), SameLength' b t, Profunctor p, Functor f, RecordValuesR t ~ RecordValuesR b) => p (r b) (f (r b)) -> p (r t) (f (r t))
- hMapTaggedFn :: HMapTaggedFn a b => HList a -> Record b
- labelsOf :: hlistOrRecord l -> Proxy (LabelsOf l)
- recordValues :: RecordValues r => Record r -> HList (RecordValuesR r)
- (.!.) :: HasField l r v => r -> Label l -> v
- (.-.) :: HDeleteAtLabel r l xs xs' => r xs -> Label l -> r xs'
- (.@.) :: forall k record (l :: k) v (r :: [Type]) (r' :: [Type]). (HUpdateAtLabel record l v r r', SameLength' r r', SameLength' r' r) => Tagged l v -> record r -> record r'
- hProjectByLabels :: (HRLabelSet a, H2ProjectByLabels ls t a b) => proxy ls -> Record t -> Record a
- hProjectByLabels2 :: (H2ProjectByLabels ls t t1 t2, HRLabelSet t1, HRLabelSet t2) => Proxy ls -> Record t -> (Record t1, Record t2)
- hProjectByLabels' :: forall (l :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]) (t :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]). (HRearrange3 (LabelsOf l) r l, SameLength' (LabelsOf l) r, SameLength' r (LabelsOf l), SameLength' r l, SameLength' l r, HLabelSet (LabelsOf l), HLabelSet (LabelsOf r), HAllTaggedLV r, H2ProjectByLabels (LabelsOf l) t r b) => Record t -> Record l
- hRenameLabel :: forall k1 k2 r (l1 :: k1) (v1 :: [Type]) (v' :: [Type]) v2 (l2 :: k2). (HDeleteAtLabel r l1 v1 v', HasField l1 (r v1) v2, HExtend (Tagged l2 v2) (r v')) => Label l1 -> Label l2 -> r v1 -> HExtendR (Tagged l2 v2) (r v')
- hTPupdateAtLabel :: HTPupdateAtLabel record l v r => Label l -> v -> record r -> record r
- (.<.) :: forall k record (l :: k) v (r :: [Type]). (HUpdateAtLabel record l v r r, SameLength' r r) => Tagged l v -> record r -> record r
- (.<++.) :: HLeftUnion r r' r'' => Record r -> Record r' -> Record r''
- hRearrange :: (HLabelSet ls, HRearrange ls r r') => Proxy ls -> Record r -> Record r'
- hRearrange' :: forall (l :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]). (HLabelSet (LabelsOf l), HRearrange3 (LabelsOf l) r l, SameLength' (LabelsOf l) r, SameLength' r (LabelsOf l), SameLength' r l, SameLength' l r) => Record r -> Record l
- rearranged' :: forall k r (t :: k) (b :: k) p f. (Rearranged r t t b b, Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (r b) (f (r b)) -> p (r t) (f (r t))
- hMapR :: forall (x :: [Type]) (y :: [Type]) f. (SameLength' x y, SameLength' y x, HMapAux HList (HFmap f) x y) => f -> Record x -> Record y
- hEndR :: Record a -> Record a
- hEndP :: Proxy (xs :: [k]) -> Proxy xs
- zipTagged :: (MapLabel ts ~ lts, HZip Proxy lts vs tvs) => Proxy ts -> proxy vs -> Proxy tvs
- hZipRecord2 :: forall (x :: [Type]) (y1 :: [Type]) (y2 :: [Type]). (SameLabels x y1, SameLabels x y2, HAllTaggedLV x, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR x) x, HZipList (RecordValuesR y1) (RecordValuesR y2) (RecordValuesR x), RecordValues x, RecordValues y1, RecordValues y2, SameLength' x y1, SameLength' x y2, SameLength' y2 x, SameLength' y1 x) => Record y1 -> Record y2 -> Record x
- hUnzipRecord2 :: forall (x1 :: [Type]) (y :: [Type]) (x2 :: [Type]). (SameLabels x1 y, SameLabels x2 y, HAllTaggedLV x1, HAllTaggedLV x2, HZipList (RecordValuesR x2) (RecordValuesR x1) (RecordValuesR y), HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR x2) x2, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR x1) x1, RecordValues x2, RecordValues y, RecordValues x1, SameLength' x2 y, SameLength' x1 y, SameLength' y x1, SameLength' y x2) => Record y -> (Record x2, Record x1)
- asLabelsOf :: (HAllTaggedLV x, SameLabels x y, SameLength x y) => r x -> s y -> r x
- pun :: QuasiQuoter
- class Kw (fn :: *) (arg_def :: [*]) r where
- data K s (c :: *)
- data ErrUnexpectedKW x
- data ErrReqdArgNotFound x
- recToKW :: forall a b. (HMapCxt HList TaggedToKW a b, HConcat b) => Record a -> HList (HConcatR b)
- data HZipF = HZipF
- class HZip3 x y l | x y -> l, l -> x y where
- type family Snd a
- type family Fst a
- type family HZipR (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]) :: [*]
- class HZipR (MapFst z) (MapSnd z) ~ z => HUnZip z where
- hTranspose :: forall (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) (c :: [Type]) (es :: [Type]) (l :: [Type]) (n :: HNat). (HZip3 a b c, HFoldr HZipF (HList es) l (HList b), HReplicateFD n (HList ('[] :: [Type])) es, SameLength' (HReplicateR n ()) a, HLengthEq1 a n, HLengthEq2 a n) => HList (HList a ': l) -> HList c
- class HEqByFn le => HAscList le (ps :: [*])
- class HEqByFn lt => HIsSetBy lt (ps :: [*]) (b :: Bool) | lt ps -> b
- class HIsSet (ps :: [*]) (b :: Bool) | ps -> b
- class HSetBy (HNeq HLeFn) ps => HSet (ps :: [*])
- class HEqByFn lt => HSetBy lt (ps :: [*])
- type HSort x y = HSortBy HLeFn x y
- class (SameLength a b, HEqByFn le) => HSortBy le (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]) | le a -> b where
- class HEqByFn le => HIsAscList le (xs :: [*]) (b :: Bool) | le xs -> b
- data HDown a
- data HLeFn
- hSort :: HSort x y => HList x -> HList y
- class HOccursNot2 (b :: Bool) e (l :: [k]) (l0 :: [k])
- class HOccursNot1 (e :: k) (xs :: [k]) (xs0 :: [k])
- class HOccursOpt' e l where
- hOccursOpt' :: HList l -> Maybe e
- class HOccurs' e l (l0 :: [*]) where
- data TypeNotFound e
- class HOccursMany' e l where
- hOccursMany' :: HList l -> [e]
- class HOccursMany e (l :: [*]) where
- hOccursMany :: HList l -> [e]
- class HOccurrence' (b :: Bool) (e1 :: *) (l :: [*]) (l' :: [*]) | b e1 l -> l' where
- hOccurrence' :: Proxy b -> Proxy e1 -> HList l -> HList l'
- class HOccurrence (e1 :: *) (l :: [*]) (l' :: [*]) | e1 l -> l' where
- hOccurrence :: Proxy e1 -> HList l -> HList l'
- hOccursMany1 :: forall e l l'. (HOccurrence e l (e ': l'), HOccursMany e l') => HList l -> (e, [e])
- hOccursFst :: forall e l l'. HOccurrence e l (e ': l') => HList l -> e
- hOccursRest :: forall l r (v :: [Type]) (v' :: [Type]). (HOccurs l (r v), HDeleteAtLabel r l v v') => r v -> (l, r v')
- hOccursOpt :: forall e l l'. (HOccurrence e l l', HOccursOpt' e l') => HList l -> Maybe e
- tipyTuple :: forall b r (v1 :: [Type]) (v2 :: [Type]) a (v3 :: [Type]) (v'1 :: [Type]) (v'2 :: [Type]). (HOccurs b (r v1), HOccurs b (r v2), HOccurs a (r v2), HOccurs a (r v3), HDeleteAtLabel r b v1 v'1, HDeleteAtLabel r b v2 v3, HDeleteAtLabel r a v2 v1, HDeleteAtLabel r a v3 v'2) => r v2 -> (a, b)
- tipyTuple3 :: forall b r (v1 :: [Type]) (v2 :: [Type]) (v3 :: [Type]) c (v4 :: [Type]) (v5 :: [Type]) a (v6 :: [Type]) (v7 :: [Type]) (v'1 :: [Type]) (v'2 :: [Type]) (v'3 :: [Type]). (HOccurs b (r v1), HOccurs b (r v2), HOccurs b (r v3), HOccurs c (r v4), HOccurs c (r v3), HOccurs c (r v5), HOccurs a (r v3), HOccurs a (r v6), HOccurs a (r v7), HDeleteAtLabel r b v1 v4, HDeleteAtLabel r b v2 v'1, HDeleteAtLabel r b v3 v5, HDeleteAtLabel r c v4 v'2, HDeleteAtLabel r c v3 v6, HDeleteAtLabel r c v5 v7, HDeleteAtLabel r a v3 v1, HDeleteAtLabel r a v6 v2, HDeleteAtLabel r a v7 v'3) => r v3 -> (a, b, c)
- tipyTuple4 :: forall b r (v1 :: [Type]) (v2 :: [Type]) (v3 :: [Type]) (v4 :: [Type]) c (v5 :: [Type]) (v6 :: [Type]) (v7 :: [Type]) d (v8 :: [Type]) (v9 :: [Type]) (v10 :: [Type]) a (v11 :: [Type]) (v12 :: [Type]) (v13 :: [Type]) (v'1 :: [Type]) (v'2 :: [Type]) (v'3 :: [Type]) (v'4 :: [Type]). (HOccurs b (r v1), HOccurs b (r v2), HOccurs b (r v3), HOccurs b (r v4), HOccurs c (r v5), HOccurs c (r v6), HOccurs c (r v4), HOccurs c (r v7), HOccurs d (r v8), HOccurs d (r v4), HOccurs d (r v9), HOccurs d (r v10), HOccurs a (r v4), HOccurs a (r v11), HOccurs a (r v12), HOccurs a (r v13), HDeleteAtLabel r b v1 v5, HDeleteAtLabel r b v2 v6, HDeleteAtLabel r b v3 v'1, HDeleteAtLabel r b v4 v7, HDeleteAtLabel r c v5 v8, HDeleteAtLabel r c v6 v'2, HDeleteAtLabel r c v4 v9, HDeleteAtLabel r c v7 v10, HDeleteAtLabel r d v8 v'3, HDeleteAtLabel r d v4 v11, HDeleteAtLabel r d v9 v12, HDeleteAtLabel r d v10 v13, HDeleteAtLabel r a v4 v1, HDeleteAtLabel r a v11 v2, HDeleteAtLabel r a v12 v3, HDeleteAtLabel r a v13 v'4) => r v4 -> (a, b, c, d)
- tipyTuple5 :: forall b r (v1 :: [Type]) (v2 :: [Type]) (v3 :: [Type]) (v4 :: [Type]) (v5 :: [Type]) c (v6 :: [Type]) (v7 :: [Type]) (v8 :: [Type]) (v9 :: [Type]) d (v10 :: [Type]) (v11 :: [Type]) (v12 :: [Type]) (v13 :: [Type]) e (v14 :: [Type]) (v15 :: [Type]) (v16 :: [Type]) (v17 :: [Type]) a (v18 :: [Type]) (v19 :: [Type]) (v20 :: [Type]) (v21 :: [Type]) (v'1 :: [Type]) (v'2 :: [Type]) (v'3 :: [Type]) (v'4 :: [Type]) (v'5 :: [Type]). (HOccurs b (r v1), HOccurs b (r v2), HOccurs b (r v3), HOccurs b (r v4), HOccurs b (r v5), HOccurs c (r v6), HOccurs c (r v7), HOccurs c (r v8), HOccurs c (r v5), HOccurs c (r v9), HOccurs d (r v10), HOccurs d (r v11), HOccurs d (r v5), HOccurs d (r v12), HOccurs d (r v13), HOccurs e (r v14), HOccurs e (r v5), HOccurs e (r v15), HOccurs e (r v16), HOccurs e (r v17), HOccurs a (r v5), HOccurs a (r v18), HOccurs a (r v19), HOccurs a (r v20), HOccurs a (r v21), HDeleteAtLabel r b v1 v6, HDeleteAtLabel r b v2 v7, HDeleteAtLabel r b v3 v8, HDeleteAtLabel r b v4 v'1, HDeleteAtLabel r b v5 v9, HDeleteAtLabel r c v6 v10, HDeleteAtLabel r c v7 v11, HDeleteAtLabel r c v8 v'2, HDeleteAtLabel r c v5 v12, HDeleteAtLabel r c v9 v13, HDeleteAtLabel r d v10 v14, HDeleteAtLabel r d v11 v'3, HDeleteAtLabel r d v5 v15, HDeleteAtLabel r d v12 v16, HDeleteAtLabel r d v13 v17, HDeleteAtLabel r e v14 v'4, HDeleteAtLabel r e v5 v18, HDeleteAtLabel r e v15 v19, HDeleteAtLabel r e v16 v20, HDeleteAtLabel r e v17 v21, HDeleteAtLabel r a v5 v1, HDeleteAtLabel r a v18 v2, HDeleteAtLabel r a v19 v3, HDeleteAtLabel r a v20 v4, HDeleteAtLabel r a v21 v'5) => r v5 -> (a, b, c, d, e)
- class HLengthEq xs n => HCurry' (n :: HNat) f xs r | f xs -> r, r xs -> f, n f -> xs, xs -> n where
- hUncurry :: forall (n :: HNat) f (xs :: [Type]) r. (HCurry' n f xs r, ArityFwd f n, ArityRev f n) => f -> HList xs -> r
- hCurry :: forall (n :: HNat) f (xs :: [Type]) r. (HCurry' n f xs r, ArityFwd f n, ArityRev f n) => (HList xs -> r) -> f
- hCompose :: forall (xs1 :: [Type]) (xs2 :: [Type]) (xsys :: [Type]) (n1 :: HNat) f1 r (n2 :: HNat) b (n3 :: HNat) f2 x. (HAppendList1 xs1 xs2 xsys, HCurry' n1 f1 xsys r, HCurry' n2 b xs2 r, HCurry' n3 f2 xs1 x, ArityFwd b n2, ArityFwd f2 n3, ArityRev b n2, ArityRev f2 n3, HSplitAt1 ('[] :: [Type]) n3 xsys xs1 xs2) => (x -> b) -> f2 -> f1
- type HProjectAwayByHNatsCtx ns l = (Apply (FHUProj False ns) (HList l, Proxy 'HZero), HUnfold' (FHUProj False ns) (HList l, Proxy 'HZero))
- type HProjectAwayByHNatsR (ns :: [HNat]) (l :: [*]) = HUnfold (FHUProj False ns) (HList l, Proxy 'HZero)
- type HProjectByHNatsCtx ns l = (Apply (FHUProj True ns) (HList l, Proxy 'HZero), HUnfold' (FHUProj True ns) (HList l, Proxy 'HZero))
- type HProjectByHNatsR (ns :: [HNat]) (l :: [*]) = HUnfold (FHUProj True ns) (HList l, Proxy 'HZero)
- type family KMember (n :: HNat) (ns :: [HNat]) :: Bool
- data FHUProj (sel :: Bool) (ns :: [HNat]) = FHUProj
- newtype FHLookupByHNat (l :: [*]) = FHLookupByHNat (HList l)
- class HUpdateAtHNat' (n :: HNat) e (l :: [*]) (l0 :: [*]) where
- type HUpdateAtHNatR (n :: HNat) e (l :: [*]) :: [*]
- hUpdateAtHNat' :: Proxy l0 -> Proxy n -> e -> HList l -> HList (HUpdateAtHNatR n e l)
- class HUpdateAtHNat' n e l l => HUpdateAtHNat n e l where
- hUpdateAtHNat :: Proxy n -> e -> HList l -> HList (HUpdateAtHNatR n e l)
- class HDeleteAtHNat (n :: HNat) (l :: [*]) where
- type HDeleteAtHNatR (n :: HNat) (l :: [*]) :: [*]
- hDeleteAtHNat :: Proxy n -> HList l -> HList (HDeleteAtHNatR n l)
- class HLookupByHNat (n :: HNat) (l :: [*]) where
- type HLookupByHNatR (n :: HNat) (l :: [*]) :: *
- hLookupByHNat :: Proxy n -> HList l -> HLookupByHNatR n l
- hProjectByHNats' :: forall (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) r (l :: [Type]). (SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r (FHLookupByHNat l) a b) => r a -> HList l -> r b
- hProjectByHNats :: forall (ns :: [HNat]) a (z :: [Type]). (HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'True ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'True ns) (a, Proxy 'HZero)) z, Apply (FHUProj 'True ns) (a, Proxy 'HZero)) => Proxy ns -> a -> HList z
- hProjectAwayByHNats :: forall (ns :: [HNat]) a (z :: [Type]). (HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'False ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'False ns) (a, Proxy 'HZero)) z, Apply (FHUProj 'False ns) (a, Proxy 'HZero)) => Proxy ns -> a -> HList z
- hSplitByHNats :: forall (ns :: [HNat]) a (z1 :: [Type]) (z2 :: [Type]). (HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'True ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'True ns) (a, Proxy 'HZero)) z1, HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'False ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'False ns) (a, Proxy 'HZero)) z2, Apply (FHUProj 'True ns) (a, Proxy 'HZero), Apply (FHUProj 'False ns) (a, Proxy 'HZero)) => Proxy ns -> a -> (HList z1, HList z2)
- data HMaybiedToVariantFs
- class VariantToHMaybied v r | v -> r, r -> v where
- variantToHMaybied :: Variant v -> Record r
- class (HAllTaggedLV y, HAllTaggedLV x) => ExtendsVariant x y where
- extendsVariant :: Variant x -> Variant y
- class (ProjectVariant x yin, ProjectVariant x yout) => SplitVariant x yin yout where
- splitVariant :: Variant x -> Either (Variant yin) (Variant yout)
- class HAllTaggedLV y => ProjectExtendVariant x y where
- projectExtendVariant :: Variant x -> Maybe (Variant y)
- class ProjectVariant x y where
- projectVariant :: Variant x -> Maybe (Variant y)
- class (SameLength v v', SameLabels v v') => ZipVR fs v v' | fs v -> v' where
- class ZipVariant x y xy | x y -> xy, xy -> x y where
- zipVariant :: Variant x -> Variant y -> Maybe (Variant xy)
- class Unvariant v e | v -> e where
- class Unvariant' v e | v -> e where
- unvariant' :: Variant v -> e
- newtype HMapV f = HMapV f
- class (SameLength s t, SameLabels s t) => HPrism x s t a b | x s -> a, x t -> b, x s b -> t, x t a -> s where
- mkVariant :: MkVariant x v vs => Label x -> v -> proxy vs -> Variant vs
- data Variant (vs :: [*])
- castVariant :: (RecordValuesR v ~ RecordValuesR v', SameLength v v') => Variant v -> Variant v'
- mkVariant1 :: forall k (l :: k) e. Label l -> e -> Variant '[Tagged l e]
- splitVariant1 :: Variant (Tagged s x ': xs) -> Either x (Variant xs)
- splitVariant1' :: Variant (x ': xs) -> Either x (Variant xs)
- extendVariant :: Variant l -> Variant (e ': l)
- hMapV :: forall f (x :: [Type]) (y :: [Type]). (HMapAux Variant (HFmap f) x y, SameLength' x y, SameLength' y x) => f -> Variant x -> Variant y
- hMapOutV :: forall x y z f. (SameLength x y, HMapAux Variant (HFmap f) x y, Unvariant y z, HMapOutV_gety x z ~ y) => f -> Variant x -> z
- unvarianted :: (Unvariant' s a, Unvariant' t b, SameLabels s t, SameLength s t, Functor f) => (a -> f b) -> Variant s -> f (Variant t)
- unvarianted' :: forall (b :: Bool) (t :: [Type]) a f. (Unvariant1 b t a, HAllEqVal' (Tagged () a ': t), HAllEqVal t b, HAllEqVal (Tagged () a ': t) b, SameLabels t t, SameLength' t t, Functor f) => (a -> f a) -> Variant t -> f (Variant t)
- zipVR :: (SameLabels fs v, SameLength fs v, ZipVR fs v v', ZipVRCxt fs v v') => Record fs -> Variant v -> Variant v'
- hMaybied :: forall (x :: [Type]) (v1 :: [Type]) (v2 :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]) p f. (HFoldr HMaybiedToVariantFs [Variant ('[] :: [Type])] x [Variant v1], VariantToHMaybied v2 r, VariantToHMaybied v1 x, SameLength' x r, SameLength' r x, HMapAux HList (HFmap HCastF) x r, Choice p, Applicative f) => p (Variant v1) (f (Variant v2)) -> p (Record x) (f (Record r))
- hMaybied' :: forall (x :: [Type]) (v :: [Type]) p f. (HFoldr HMaybiedToVariantFs [Variant ('[] :: [Type])] x [Variant v], VariantToHMaybied v x, SameLength' x x, HMapAux HList (HFmap HCastF) x x, Choice p, Applicative f) => p (Variant v) (f (Variant v)) -> p (Record x) (f (Record x))
- hMaybiedToVariants :: (HFoldr HMaybiedToVariantFs [Variant '[]] r [Variant v], VariantToHMaybied v r) => Record r -> [Variant v]
- class HDeleteManyCase (b :: Bool) e1 e l l1 | b e1 e l -> l1 where
- hDeleteManyCase :: Proxy b -> Proxy e1 -> e -> HList l -> HList l1
- class HType2HNatCase (b :: Bool) (e :: *) (l :: [*]) (n :: HNat) | b e l -> n
- hType2HNat :: HType2HNat e l n => proxy1 e -> proxy l -> Proxy n
- hTypes2HNats :: HTypes2HNats es l ns => Proxy (es :: [*]) -> hlist l -> Proxy (ns :: [HNat])
- hDeleteAt :: forall (n :: HNat) (l :: [Type]) e proxy1. (HDeleteAtHNat n l, HType2HNat e l n) => proxy1 e -> HList l -> HList (HDeleteAtHNatR n l)
- hUpdateAt :: forall (n :: HNat) e (l :: [Type]). (HUpdateAtHNat' n e l l, HType2HNat e l n) => e -> HList l -> HList (HUpdateAtHNatR n e l)
- hProjectBy :: forall k (ns :: [HNat]) hlist (l :: k) (z :: [Type]) (es :: [Type]). (HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'True ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'True ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero)) z, Apply (FHUProj 'True ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero), HTypes2HNats es l ns) => Proxy es -> hlist l -> HList z
- hSplitBy :: forall k (ns :: [HNat]) hlist (l :: k) (z1 :: [Type]) (z2 :: [Type]) (es :: [Type]). (HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'True ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'True ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero)) z1, HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'False ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'False ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero)) z2, Apply (FHUProj 'True ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero), Apply (FHUProj 'False ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero), HTypes2HNats es l ns) => Proxy es -> hlist l -> (HList z1, HList z2)
- class Monad m => TransTIPM m op db where
- class TransTIP op db where
- type family TagR (a :: [*]) :: [*]
- type TagUntag xs = TagUntagFD xs (TagR xs)
- class SameLength a ta => TagUntagFD a ta | a -> ta, ta -> a where
- class HAllTaggedEq (l :: [*])
- data TIP (l :: [*])
- emptyTIP :: TIP '[]
- tipyUpdate :: forall record v (r :: [Type]). (HUpdateAtLabel record v v r r, SameLength' r r) => v -> record r -> record r
- tipyProject :: forall (l :: [Type]) (ls :: [Type]) (t :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) proxy. (HAllTaggedEq l, HLabelSet (LabelsOf l), HAllTaggedLV l, H2ProjectByLabels ls t l b) => proxy ls -> TIP t -> TIP l
- tipyLens' :: forall a (t :: [Type]) f. (HasField a (Record t) a, HUpdateAtLabel2 a a t t, HAllTaggedEq t, HLabelSet (LabelsOf t), HAllTaggedLV t, SameLength' t t, SameLabels t t, Functor f) => (a -> f a) -> TIP t -> f (TIP t)
- tipyLens :: forall (n :: HNat) x (xs1 :: [Type]) (l1 :: [Type]) a1 (xs2 :: [Type]) (b :: Bool) a2 f. (HSplitAt1 ('[] :: [Type]) n (Tagged x x ': xs1) l1 (Tagged a1 a1 ': xs2), HAppendList1 l1 (Tagged a1 a1 ': xs2) (Tagged x x ': xs1), SameLength' (HReplicateR n ()) l1, HLengthEq1 l1 n, HLengthEq2 l1 n, HEq (Label a1) (Label x) b, HFind2 b (Label a1) (LabelsOf xs1) (Label x ': LabelsOf xs1) n, HAllTaggedEq (HAppendListR l1 (Tagged a2 a2 ': xs2)), HLabelSet (LabelsOf (HAppendListR l1 (Tagged a2 a2 ': xs2))), HAllTaggedLV (HAppendListR l1 (Tagged a2 a2 ': xs2)), HAppendList l1 (Tagged a2 a2 ': xs2), Functor f) => (a1 -> f a2) -> TIP (Tagged x x ': xs1) -> f (TIP (HAppendListR l1 (Tagged a2 a2 ': xs2)))
- tipyProject2 :: forall (ls :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]) (l1 :: [Type]) (l2 :: [Type]) proxy. (H2ProjectByLabels ls r l1 l2, HAllTaggedEq l1, HAllTaggedEq l2, HLabelSet (LabelsOf l1), HLabelSet (LabelsOf l2), HAllTaggedLV l1, HAllTaggedLV l2) => proxy ls -> TIP r -> (TIP l1, TIP l2)
- tipHList :: forall p f (a1 :: [Type]) (ta :: [Type]) (a2 :: [Type]) (l :: [Type]). (Profunctor p, Functor f, TagUntagFD a1 ta, TagUntagFD a2 l) => p (HList a1) (f (HList a2)) -> p (TIP ta) (f (TIP l))
- tipHList' :: forall p f (a :: [Type]) (l :: [Type]). (Profunctor p, Functor f, TagUntagFD a l) => p (HList a) (f (HList a)) -> p (TIP l) (f (TIP l))
- tipRecord :: forall p f (r :: [Type]) (l :: [Type]). (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Record r) (f (Record l)) -> p (TIP r) (f (TIP l))
- tipRecord' :: forall p f (l :: [Type]). (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Record l) (f (Record l)) -> p (TIP l) (f (TIP l))
- ticPrism :: (TICPrism s t a b, SameLength s t, Choice p, Applicative f) => (a `p` f b) -> TIC s `p` f (TIC t)
- class TypeIndexed r tr | r -> tr, tr -> r where
- typeIndexed :: forall p f s t a b. (TypeIndexedCxt s t a b, Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (tr (TagR a)) (f (tr (TagR b))) -> p (r s) (f (r t))
- data TIC (l :: [*])
- ticVariant :: forall p f (l1 :: [Type]) (l2 :: [Type]). (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Variant l1) (f (Variant l2)) -> p (TIC l1) (f (TIC l2))
- ticVariant' :: forall p f (l :: [Type]). (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Variant l) (f (Variant l)) -> p (TIC l) (f (TIC l))
- typeIndexed' :: forall r tr (t :: [Type]) p f. (TypeIndexed r tr, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR t) t, RecordValues t, SameLabels t t, HAllTaggedLV t, HLabelSet (LabelsOf t), TagUntagFD (RecordValuesR t) (TagR (RecordValuesR t)), Profunctor p, Functor f, SameLength' t t, SameLength' (RecordValuesR t) (RecordValuesR t), Coercible (TagR (RecordValuesR t)) t) => p (tr (TagR (RecordValuesR t))) (f (tr (TagR (RecordValuesR t)))) -> p (r t) (f (r t))
- mkTIC' :: forall i l proxy. (HTypeIndexed l, MkVariant i i l) => i -> proxy l -> TIC l
- mkTIC1 :: forall i. MkVariant i i '[Tagged i i] => i -> TIC '[Tagged i i]
- mkTIC :: forall i (l :: [Type]) (n :: HNat). (HFind1 i (UnLabel i (LabelsOf l)) (UnLabel i (LabelsOf l)) n, HasField i (Record l) i, KnownNat (HNat2Nat n), HAllTaggedLV l, HLabelSet (LabelsOf l), HAllTaggedEq l) => i -> TIC l
- ticPrism' :: forall s t a b. (HPrism a s t a b, a ~ b, s ~ t) => forall f p. (Applicative f, Choice p) => (a `p` f b) -> TIC s `p` f (TIC t)
- class Projected r s t a b where
- projected :: (ty ~ LabelableTy r, LabeledOpticP ty p, LabeledOpticF ty f) => (r a `p` f (r b)) -> r s `p` f (r t)
- toLabel :: EnsureLabel x y => x -> y
- class SameLength s t => Labelable (x :: k) (r :: [*] -> *) s t a b | x s -> a, x t -> b, x s b -> t, x t a -> s where
- type LabelableTy r :: LabeledOpticType
- hLens' :: Label x -> LabeledOptic x r s t a b
- type LabeledOptic (x :: k) (r :: [*] -> *) (s :: [*]) (t :: [*]) (a :: *) (b :: *) = forall ty to p f. (ty ~ LabelableTy r, LabeledOpticF ty f, LabeledOpticP ty p, LabeledOpticTo ty x to) => (a `p` f b) `to` (r s `p` f (r t))
- (.==.) :: forall k x (l :: k) v. EnsureLabel x (Label l) => x -> v -> Tagged l v
- projected' :: forall r p f (t :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]). (LabeledOpticP (LabelableTy r) p, LabeledOpticF (LabelableTy r) f, Projected r t t b b) => p (r b) (f (r b)) -> p (r t) (f (r t))
- data BoxF
- data UnboxF
- class RecordUToRecord x
- class RecordToRecordU x
- class HFindMany (ls :: [k]) (r :: [k]) (ns :: [HNat]) | ls r -> ns
- class HUpdateMany lv rx where
- hUpdateMany :: Record lv -> rx -> rx
- class ElemTyEq (xs :: [*])
- type family HSubtract (n1 :: HNat) (n2 :: HNat) :: Either HNat HNat
- class HLookupByHNatUS1 (r :: Either HNat HNat) (n :: HNat) (u :: [*]) (us :: [*]) (e :: *) | r n u us -> e
- class HLookupByHNatUS (n :: HNat) (us :: [*]) (e :: *) | n us -> e
- class SortForRecordUS x x' | x -> x' where
- sortForRecordUS :: Record x -> Record x'
- type family GetElemTy (x :: [*]) :: *
- data RecordU l
- class HMapUnboxF (xs :: [*]) (us :: [*]) | xs -> us, us -> xs
- data EqTagValue
- class RecordUSCxt (x :: [*]) (u :: [*]) | x -> u, u -> x
- data RecordUS (x :: [*])
- unboxedS :: forall (g1 :: [Type]) (u1 :: [Type]) (g2 :: [Type]) (u2 :: [Type]) (x1 :: [Type]) (x2 :: [Type]) p f. (HMapUnboxF g1 u1, HMapUnboxF g2 u2, HGroupBy EqTagValue x1 g1, HGroupBy EqTagValue x2 g2, Profunctor p, Functor f, HConcatFD g1 x1, SameLength' u2 g2, SameLength' g2 u2, SameLength' u1 g1, SameLength' g1 u1, HMapAux HList UnboxF g2 u2, HMapAux HList BoxF u1 g1) => p (RecordUS x2) (f (RecordUS x1)) -> p (Record x2) (f (Record x1))
- unboxedS' :: forall (g :: [Type]) (u :: [Type]) (x :: [Type]) p f. (HMapUnboxF g u, HGroupBy EqTagValue x g, Profunctor p, Functor f, HConcatFD g x, SameLength' u g, SameLength' g u, HMapAux HList UnboxF g u, HMapAux HList BoxF u g) => p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x)) -> p (Record x) (f (Record x))
- hMapRU :: HMapCxt RecordU f x y => f -> RecordU x -> RecordU y
- unboxed :: forall x y f p. (Profunctor p, Functor f, RecordToRecordU x, RecordUToRecord y) => (RecordU x `p` f (RecordU y)) -> Record x `p` f (Record y)
- unboxed' :: forall p f (y :: [Type]) (n :: HNat). (Profunctor p, Functor f, RecordValues y, HList2List (RecordValuesR y) (GetElemTy y), KnownNat (HNat2Nat n), HLengthEq1 y n, HLengthEq2 y n, IArray UArray (GetElemTy y), SameLength' (HReplicateR n ()) y, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR y) y) => p (RecordU y) (f (RecordU y)) -> p (Record y) (f (Record y))
- makeLabels :: [String] -> Q [Dec]
- makeLabels3 :: String -> [String] -> Q [Dec]
- makeLabels6 :: [String] -> Q [Dec]
- makeLabelable :: String -> Q [Dec]
- class HasFieldPath (needJust :: Bool) (ls :: [*]) r v | needJust ls r -> v
- dredge :: forall k1 k2 (vs1 :: [Type]) (ns1 :: [[Type]]) (vs :: [Type]) (ns :: [[Type]]) (xs :: [Type]) p v (fb :: k1) r (rft :: k1) (l :: k2) (ns2 :: [[Type]]) x. (SameLength' vs1 ns1, SameLength' vs ns, SameLength' ns1 vs1, SameLength' ns vs, LabelablePath xs (p v fb) (p r rft), MapFieldTree (TryCollectionListTF r) ns, MapFieldTreeVal r (TryCollectionListTF r) vs, FilterLastEq (Label l) ns ns ns1, FilterLastEq (Label l) ns vs vs1, FilterVEq1 v vs1 ns1 ns2, HGuardNonNull (NamesDontMatch r ns l) ns1, HSingleton (NonUnique r v l) (TypesDontMatch r ns1 vs1 v) ns2 xs, EnsureLabel x (Label l)) => x -> p v fb -> p r rft
- dredge' :: forall k2 k (vs1 :: [Type]) (ns1 :: [[Type]]) (vs :: [Type]) (ns :: [[Type]]) (xs :: [Type]) p a (f :: Type -> k2) s (l :: k) (ns2 :: [[Type]]) x. (SameLength' vs1 ns1, SameLength' vs ns, SameLength' ns1 vs1, SameLength' ns vs, LabelablePath xs (p a (f a)) (p s (f s)), MapFieldTree (TryCollectionListTF s) ns, MapFieldTreeVal s (TryCollectionListTF s) vs, FilterLastEq (Label l) ns ns ns1, FilterLastEq (Label l) ns vs vs1, FilterVEq1 a vs1 ns1 ns2, HGuardNonNull (NamesDontMatch s ns l) ns1, HSingleton (NonUnique s a l) (TypesDontMatch s ns1 vs1 a) ns2 xs, EnsureLabel x (Label l)) => x -> p a (f a) -> p s (f s)
- dredgeND :: forall k1 k2 (xs :: [Type]) p a (fb :: k1) r (rft :: k1) (ns :: [[Type]]) (l :: k2) (ns' :: [[Type]]) x. (LabelablePath xs (p a fb) (p r rft), MapFieldTree (TryCollectionListTF r) ns, FilterLastEq (Label l) ns ns ns', HSingleton (NonUnique' r l) (NamesDontMatch r ns l) ns' xs, EnsureLabel x (Label l)) => x -> p a fb -> p r rft
- dredgeND' :: forall k2 k (xs :: [Type]) p a (f :: Type -> k2) s (ns :: [[Type]]) (l :: k) (ns' :: [[Type]]) x. (LabelablePath xs (p a (f a)) (p s (f s)), MapFieldTree (TryCollectionListTF s) ns, FilterLastEq (Label l) ns ns ns', HSingleton (NonUnique' s l) (NamesDontMatch s ns l) ns' xs, EnsureLabel x (Label l)) => x -> p a (f a) -> p s (f s)
- dredgeTI' :: forall k2 (xs :: [Type]) p a (f :: Type -> k2) s (ns :: [[Type]]) (ns' :: [[Type]]) q. (LabelablePath xs (p a (f a)) (p s (f s)), MapFieldTree (TryCollectionListTF s) ns, FilterLastEq (Label a) ns ns ns', HSingleton (NonUnique' s a) (NamesDontMatch s ns a) ns' xs) => q a -> p a (f a) -> p s (f s)
- hLookupByLabelDredge :: forall k (ls :: [Type]) r1 r2 v (ns :: [[Type]]) (l :: k) (ns' :: [[Type]]). (HasFieldPath 'False ls (r1 r2) v, MapFieldTree (TryCollectionListTF r2) ns, FilterLastEq (Label l) ns ns ns', HSingleton (NonUnique' r2 l) (NamesDontMatch r2 ns l) ns' ls) => Label l -> r1 r2 -> v
- module Data.STRef
- module Data.IORef
- module Data.Typeable
- module Control.Monad
- module Control.Monad.ST
- module Control.Monad.Fix
- concrete :: MonadFix m => (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
- (#) :: HasField l r v => r -> Label l -> v
class Semigroup a => Monoid a where #
The class of monoids (types with an associative binary operation that has an identity). Instances should satisfy the following:
- Right identity
= x- Left identity
x = x- Associativity
z) = (x<>
law)- Concatenation
The method names refer to the monoid of lists under concatenation, but there are many other instances.
Some types can be viewed as a monoid in more than one way,
e.g. both addition and multiplication on numbers.
In such cases we often define newtype
s and make those instances
of Monoid
, e.g. Sum
and Product
NOTE: Semigroup
is a superclass of Monoid
since base-
Minimal complete definition
Identity of mappend
"Hello world" <> mempty
"Hello world"
An associative operation
NOTE: This method is redundant and has the default
since base-
Should it be implemented manually, since mappend
= (<>
is a synonym for
), it is expected that the two functions are defined the same
way. In a future GHC release mappend
will be removed from Monoid
Fold a list using the monoid.
For most types, the default definition for mconcat
will be
used, but the function is included in the class definition so
that an optimized version can be provided for specific types.
mconcat ["Hello", " ", "Haskell", "!"]
"Hello Haskell!"
Monoid Ordering | Since: base-2.1 |
Monoid () | Since: base-2.1 |
Monoid All | Since: base-2.1 |
Monoid Any | Since: base-2.1 |
Monoid Doc | |
Monoid [a] | Since: base-2.1 |
Semigroup a => Monoid (Maybe a) | Lift a semigroup into Since 4.11.0: constraint on inner Since: base-2.1 |
Monoid a => Monoid (IO a) | Since: base- |
Monoid p => Monoid (Par1 p) | Since: base- |
Monoid (Predicate a) | |
Monoid (Comparison a) | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Contravariant Methods mempty :: Comparison a # mappend :: Comparison a -> Comparison a -> Comparison a # mconcat :: [Comparison a] -> Comparison a # | |
Monoid (Equivalence a) | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Contravariant Methods mempty :: Equivalence a # mappend :: Equivalence a -> Equivalence a -> Equivalence a # mconcat :: [Equivalence a] -> Equivalence a # | |
(Ord a, Bounded a) => Monoid (Min a) | Since: base- |
(Ord a, Bounded a) => Monoid (Max a) | Since: base- |
Monoid m => Monoid (WrappedMonoid m) | Since: base- |
Defined in Data.Semigroup Methods mempty :: WrappedMonoid m # mappend :: WrappedMonoid m -> WrappedMonoid m -> WrappedMonoid m # mconcat :: [WrappedMonoid m] -> WrappedMonoid m # | |
Semigroup a => Monoid (Option a) | Since: base- |
Monoid a => Monoid (Identity a) | Since: base- |
Monoid (First a) | Since: base-2.1 |
Monoid (Last a) | Since: base-2.1 |
Monoid a => Monoid (Dual a) | Since: base-2.1 |
Monoid (Endo a) | Since: base-2.1 |
Num a => Monoid (Sum a) | Since: base-2.1 |
Num a => Monoid (Product a) | Since: base-2.1 |
Monoid a => Monoid (Down a) | Since: base- |
Monoid (Seq a) | |
Monoid (Doc a) | |
(HProxies a, HMapCxt HList ConstMempty (AddProxy a) a, HZip HList a a aa, HMapCxt HList UncurryMappend aa a) => Monoid (HList a) Source # | Analogous to the Monoid instance for tuples
Monoid (HList r) => Monoid (Record r) Source # | |
(Monoid x, Monoid (Variant (a ': b))) => Monoid (Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b))) Source # | |
(Unvariant '[Tagged t x] x, Monoid x) => Monoid (Variant '[Tagged t x]) Source # | |
Monoid (HList a) => Monoid (TIP a) Source # | |
Monoid (Variant l) => Monoid (TIC l) Source # | |
Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b) | Since: base-2.1 |
Monoid (U1 p) | Since: base- |
(Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (a, b) | Since: base-2.1 |
Monoid a => Monoid (ST s a) | Since: base- |
Monoid a => Monoid (Op a b) | |
Monoid (Proxy s) | Since: base- |
Monoid (f p) => Monoid (Rec1 f p) | Since: base- |
(Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c) => Monoid (a, b, c) | Since: base-2.1 |
Monoid a => Monoid (Const a b) | Since: base- |
(Applicative f, Monoid a) => Monoid (Ap f a) | Since: base- |
Alternative f => Monoid (Alt f a) | Since: base- |
(Profunctor p, Arrow p, Semigroup b, Monoid b) => Monoid (Closure p a b) | |
ArrowPlus p => Monoid (Tambara p a b) | |
(Semigroup a, Monoid a) => Monoid (Tagged s a) | |
Monoid c => Monoid (K1 i c p) | Since: base- |
(Monoid (f p), Monoid (g p)) => Monoid ((f :*: g) p) | Since: base- |
(Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c, Monoid d) => Monoid (a, b, c, d) | Since: base-2.1 |
Monoid r => Monoid (Forget r a b) | Via Since: profunctors-5.6.2 |
Monoid (f p) => Monoid (M1 i c f p) | Since: base- |
Monoid (f (g p)) => Monoid ((f :.: g) p) | Since: base- |
(Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c, Monoid d, Monoid e) => Monoid (a, b, c, d, e) | Since: base-2.1 |
type family Any :: k where ... #
The type constructor Any
is type to which you can unsafely coerce any
lifted type, and back. More concretely, for a lifted type t
value x :: t
, -- unsafeCoerce (unsafeCoerce x :: Any) :: t
is equivalent
to x
data ErrorMessage #
A description of a custom type error.
ErrorMessage :<>: ErrorMessage infixl 6 | Put two pieces of error message next to each other. |
ErrorMessage :$$: ErrorMessage infixl 5 | Stack two pieces of error message on top of each other. |
(TypeError x :: Constraint) => Fail (x :: ErrorMessage) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude |
asProxyTypeOf :: a -> proxy a -> a #
is a type-restricted version of const
It is usually used as an infix operator, and its typing forces its first
argument (which is usually overloaded) to have the same type as the tag
of the second.
import Data.Word
:type asProxyTypeOf 123 (Proxy :: Proxy Word8)
asProxyTypeOf 123 (Proxy :: Proxy Word8) :: Word8
Note the lower-case proxy
in the definition. This allows any type
constructor with just one argument to be passed to the function, for example
we could also write
import Data.Word
:type asProxyTypeOf 123 (Just (undefined :: Word8))
asProxyTypeOf 123 (Just (undefined :: Word8)) :: Word8
is a type that holds no data, but has a phantom parameter of
arbitrary type (or even kind). Its use is to provide type information, even
though there is no value available of that type (or it may be too costly to
create one).
is a safer alternative to the
:: Proxy
:: a
Proxy :: Proxy (Void, Int -> Int)
Proxy can even hold types of higher kinds,
Proxy :: Proxy Either
Proxy :: Proxy Functor
Proxy :: Proxy complicatedStructure
Proxy |
Fail "Unvariant applied to empty variant" => Unvariant1 (b :: k) ('[] :: [Type]) (Proxy "Unvariant applied to empty variant") Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
Generic1 (Proxy :: k -> Type) | Since: base- |
(HRevAppR l ('[] :: [Type]) ~ lRev, HExtendRs lRev (Proxy ('[] :: [Type])) ~ Proxy l1, l' ~ l1) => HBuild' l (Proxy l') Source # | see |
(y ~ ReadP x, Read x) => ApplyAB ReadElement (Proxy x) y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Methods applyAB :: ReadElement -> Proxy x -> y Source # | |
(Read v, ShowLabel l, x ~ Tagged l v, ReadP x ~ y) => ApplyAB ReadComponent (Proxy x) y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods applyAB :: ReadComponent -> Proxy x -> y Source # | |
Monad (Proxy :: Type -> Type) | Since: base- |
Functor (Proxy :: Type -> Type) | Since: base- |
Applicative (Proxy :: Type -> Type) | Since: base- |
Foldable (Proxy :: Type -> Type) | Since: base- |
Defined in Data.Foldable Methods fold :: Monoid m => Proxy m -> m # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Proxy a -> m # foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Proxy a -> m # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Proxy a -> b # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Proxy a -> b # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Proxy a -> b # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Proxy a -> b # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Proxy a -> a # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Proxy a -> a # elem :: Eq a => a -> Proxy a -> Bool # maximum :: Ord a => Proxy a -> a # minimum :: Ord a => Proxy a -> a # | |
Traversable (Proxy :: Type -> Type) | Since: base- |
Contravariant (Proxy :: Type -> Type) | |
Eq1 (Proxy :: Type -> Type) | Since: base- |
Ord1 (Proxy :: Type -> Type) | Since: base- |
Defined in Data.Functor.Classes | |
Read1 (Proxy :: Type -> Type) | Since: base- |
Defined in Data.Functor.Classes | |
Show1 (Proxy :: Type -> Type) | Since: base- |
Alternative (Proxy :: Type -> Type) | Since: base- |
MonadPlus (Proxy :: Type -> Type) | Since: base- |
HUnzip (Proxy :: [Type] -> Type) ls vs lvs => HZip (Proxy :: [Type] -> Type) ls vs lvs Source # | Missing from GHC-7.6.3 due to a bug: let r = hEnd $ hBuild 1 2 3 *Data.HList> hZipList r r H[(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)] *Data.HList> hZip r r <interactive>:30:1: Couldn't match type `Label k l' with `Integer' When using functional dependencies to combine HUnzip (Proxy [*]) ((':) * (Label k l) ls) ((':) * v vs) ((':) * lv lvs), arising from the dependency `xy -> x y' in the instance declaration at Data/HList/HListPrelude.hs:96:10 HUnzip HList ((':) * Integer ((':) * Integer ((':) * Integer ('[] *)))) ((':) * Integer ((':) * Integer ((':) * Integer ('[] *)))) ((':) * (Integer, Integer) ((':) * (Integer, Integer) ((':) * (Integer, Integer) ('[] *)))), arising from a use of `hZip' at <interactive>:30:1-4 In the expression: hZip r r In an equation for `it': it = hZip r r |
HEqBy HLeFn x y b => HEqBy HLeFn (Proxy x :: Type) (Proxy y :: Type) b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
HUnzip (Proxy :: [Type] -> Type) ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
HLookupByHNat n l => Apply (FHLookupByHNat l) (Proxy n) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HArray Associated Types type ApplyR (FHLookupByHNat l) (Proxy n) Source # Methods apply :: FHLookupByHNat l -> Proxy n -> ApplyR (FHLookupByHNat l) (Proxy n) Source # | |
(lv ~ Tagged l v, HUnzip (Proxy :: [Type] -> Type) ls vs lvs) => HUnzip (Proxy :: [Type] -> Type) (Label l ': ls) (v ': vs) (lv ': lvs) Source # | |
Bounded (Proxy t) | Since: base- |
Enum (Proxy s) | Since: base- |
Eq (Proxy s) | Since: base- |
Data t => Data (Proxy t) | Since: base- |
Defined in Data.Data Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Proxy t -> c (Proxy t) # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (Proxy t) # toConstr :: Proxy t -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: Proxy t -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t0 => (forall d. Data d => c (t0 d)) -> Maybe (c (Proxy t)) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t0 => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t0 d e)) -> Maybe (c (Proxy t)) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Proxy t -> Proxy t # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Proxy t -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Proxy t -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Proxy t -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Proxy t -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Proxy t -> m (Proxy t) # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Proxy t -> m (Proxy t) # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Proxy t -> m (Proxy t) # | |
Ord (Proxy s) | Since: base- |
Read (Proxy t) | Since: base- |
Show (Proxy 'False) Source # | |
Show (Proxy 'True) Source # | |
Show (Proxy s) | Since: base- |
HNat2Integral n => Show (Proxy n) Source # | |
Ix (Proxy s) | Since: base- |
Defined in Data.Proxy | |
Generic (Proxy t) | Since: base- |
Semigroup (Proxy s) | Since: base- |
Monoid (Proxy s) | Since: base- |
Apply (FHUProj sel ns) (HList l, Proxy ('HSucc n)) => Apply (Proxy 'False, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
Apply (Proxy 'True, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
(ch ~ Proxy (HBoolEQ sel (KMember n ns)), Apply (ch, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n)) => Apply (FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
(to ~ LabeledTo x, ToSym (to p q) x) => HExtend (to p q) (Proxy (Lbl n ns desc ': xs)) Source # | if the proxy has Data.HList.Label3.Lbl, then everything has to be wrapped in Label to make the kinds match up. |
(to ~ LabeledTo x, ToSym (to p q) x) => HExtend (to p q) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
(to ~ LabeledTo x, ToSym (to p q) x) => HExtend (to p q) (Proxy ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | Together with the instance below, this allows writing
Or with HListPP p = `x .*. `y .*. `z .*. emptyProxy instead of p = Proxy :: Proxy ["x","y","z"] |
HExtend (Label (Lbl n ns desc)) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | Mixing two label kinds means we have to include
HExtend (Label (Lbl n ns desc)) (Proxy (Lbl n' ns' desc' ': xs)) Source # | If possible, Label is left off:
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | Mixing two label kinds means we have to include
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # |
HExtend (Label x) (Proxy ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | to keep types shorter, ghc-7.6 does not accept |
EnsureLabel (Proxy x) (Label x) Source # | |
HSplit l => HSplit ((e, Proxy 'False) ': l) Source # | |
HSplit l => HSplit ((e, Proxy 'True) ': l) Source # | |
HProxiesFD xs pxs => HProxiesFD (x ': xs) (Proxy x ': pxs) Source # | |
type HMemberP' pred e1 l (Proxy 'False) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type HMemberP' pred e1 l (Proxy 'True) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type Rep1 (Proxy :: k -> Type) | |
type ApplyR (FHLookupByHNat l) (Proxy n) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HArray | |
type DropProxy (Proxy x :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type Rep (Proxy t) | |
type ApplyR (Proxy 'False, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
type ApplyR (Proxy 'True, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
type ApplyR (FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
type HExtendR (to p q) (Proxy (Lbl n ns desc ': xs)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable | |
type HExtendR (to p q) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable | |
type HExtendR (to p q) (Proxy ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable | |
type HExtendR (Label (Lbl n ns desc)) (Proxy (Lbl n' ns' desc' ': xs)) Source # | |
type HExtendR (Label (Lbl n ns desc)) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
type HExtendR (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
type HExtendR (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
type HExtendR (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Label6 | |
type HExtendR (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
type HExtendR (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
type HExtendR (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Label6 | |
type HExtendR (Label x) (Proxy ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | |
type HSplitT ((e, Proxy 'False) ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type HSplitT ((e, Proxy 'True) ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type HSplitF ((e, Proxy 'False) ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type HSplitF ((e, Proxy 'True) ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type HNats (Proxy n ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
A concrete, promotable proxy type, for use at the kind level. There are no instances for this because it is intended at the kind level only
KProxy |
tagWith :: forall k proxy (s :: k) a. proxy s -> a -> Tagged s a #
Another way to convert a proxy to a tag.
asTaggedTypeOf :: forall k s tagged (b :: k). s -> tagged s b -> s #
is a type-restricted version of const
. It is usually used as an infix operator, and its typing forces its first argument (which is usually overloaded) to have the same type as the tag of the second.
value is a value Tagged
s bb
with an attached phantom type s
This can be used in place of the more traditional but less safe idiom of
passing in an undefined value with the type, because unlike an (s -> b)
can't try to use the argument Tagged
s bs
as a real value.
Moreover, you don't have to rely on the compiler to inline away the extra argument, because the newtype is "free"
has kind k -> * -> *
if the compiler supports PolyKinds
, therefore
there is an extra k
showing in the instance haddocks that may cause confusion.
HasField' 'True (l :: k) (Tagged l v ': r) v Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(HEqK l l1 b, HasField' b l (Tagged l1 v1 ': r) v) => HasField (l :: k1) (Record (Tagged l1 v1 ': r)) v Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(HRearrange3 ls rout r', r'' ~ (Tagged l v ': r'), ll ~ Label l) => HRearrange4 ll ls '[Tagged l v] rout r'' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(MapFieldTreeVal r ('Just xs) out2, FieldTreeVal v out1, (v ': HAppendListR out1 out2) ~ out) => MapFieldTreeVal r ('Just (Tagged n v ': xs)) out Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Dredge | |
(HMemberLabel l r1 b, UnionSymRec' b r1 (Tagged l v) r2' ru) => UnionSymRec r1 (Tagged l v ': r2') ru Source # | |
(HMember (Label l) ks b, HCond b (Record r2) (Record (Tagged l v ': r2)) (Record r3), HDeleteLabels ks r1 r2) => HDeleteLabels ks (Tagged l v ': r1) r3 Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(Bounded x, Bounded z, HRevAppR (Tagged s x ': xs) ('[] :: [Type]) ~ (Tagged t z ': sx), MkVariant t z (Tagged s x ': xs)) => Bounded (Variant (Tagged s x ': xs)) Source # | |
Enum x => Enum (Variant '[Tagged s x]) Source # | While the instances could be written Enum (Variant '[])
Eq/Ord which cannot produce values, so they have instances for
empty variants ( |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods succ :: Variant '[Tagged s x] -> Variant '[Tagged s x] # pred :: Variant '[Tagged s x] -> Variant '[Tagged s x] # toEnum :: Int -> Variant '[Tagged s x] # fromEnum :: Variant '[Tagged s x] -> Int # enumFrom :: Variant '[Tagged s x] -> [Variant '[Tagged s x]] # enumFromThen :: Variant '[Tagged s x] -> Variant '[Tagged s x] -> [Variant '[Tagged s x]] # enumFromTo :: Variant '[Tagged s x] -> Variant '[Tagged s x] -> [Variant '[Tagged s x]] # enumFromThenTo :: Variant '[Tagged s x] -> Variant '[Tagged s x] -> Variant '[Tagged s x] -> [Variant '[Tagged s x]] # | |
(Enum x, Bounded x, Enum (Variant (y ': z))) => Enum (Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z))) Source # |
The last type in the Variant does not need to be Bounded. This
means that
This is a "feature" because it allows an Another difficult choice is that the lower bound is
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods succ :: Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) # pred :: Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) # toEnum :: Int -> Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) # fromEnum :: Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> Int # enumFrom :: Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> [Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z))] # enumFromThen :: Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> [Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z))] # enumFromTo :: Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> [Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z))] # enumFromThenTo :: Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> [Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z))] # | |
(Semigroup x, Semigroup (Variant (a ': b))) => Semigroup (Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b))) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods (<>) :: Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b)) -> Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b)) -> Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b)) # sconcat :: NonEmpty (Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b))) -> Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b)) # stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b)) -> Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b)) # | |
(Unvariant '[Tagged t x] x, Semigroup x) => Semigroup (Variant '[Tagged t x]) Source # | |
(Monoid x, Monoid (Variant (a ': b))) => Monoid (Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b))) Source # | |
(Unvariant '[Tagged t x] x, Monoid x) => Monoid (Variant '[Tagged t x]) Source # | |
Bitraversable (Tagged :: Type -> Type -> Type) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged Methods bitraverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f c) -> (b -> f d) -> Tagged a b -> f (Tagged c d) # | |
Bifoldable (Tagged :: Type -> Type -> Type) | |
Bifunctor (Tagged :: Type -> Type -> Type) | |
Eq2 (Tagged :: Type -> Type -> Type) | |
Ord2 (Tagged :: Type -> Type -> Type) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged | |
Read2 (Tagged :: Type -> Type -> Type) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged Methods liftReadsPrec2 :: (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> (Int -> ReadS b) -> ReadS [b] -> Int -> ReadS (Tagged a b) # liftReadList2 :: (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> (Int -> ReadS b) -> ReadS [b] -> ReadS [Tagged a b] # liftReadPrec2 :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> ReadPrec b -> ReadPrec [b] -> ReadPrec (Tagged a b) # liftReadListPrec2 :: ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec [a] -> ReadPrec b -> ReadPrec [b] -> ReadPrec [Tagged a b] # | |
Show2 (Tagged :: Type -> Type -> Type) | |
Choice (Tagged :: Type -> Type -> Type) | |
Closed (Tagged :: Type -> Type -> Type) | |
Defined in Data.Profunctor.Closed | |
Costrong (Tagged :: Type -> Type -> Type) | |
Profunctor (Tagged :: Type -> Type -> Type) | |
Defined in Data.Profunctor.Unsafe Methods dimap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Tagged b c -> Tagged a d # lmap :: (a -> b) -> Tagged b c -> Tagged a c # rmap :: (b -> c) -> Tagged a b -> Tagged a c # (#.) :: forall a b c q. Coercible c b => q b c -> Tagged a b -> Tagged a c # (.#) :: forall a b c q. Coercible b a => Tagged b c -> q a b -> Tagged a c # | |
SameLabels (Label t) s => SameLabels (Tagged t a :: Type) (s :: m) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
HEqBy HLeFn x y b => HEqBy HLeFn (Tagged x v :: Type) (Tagged y w :: Type) b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
Label t ~ Label t' => SameLabels (Label t :: Type) (Tagged t' a :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
Generic1 (Tagged s :: Type -> Type) | |
Fail (ExtraField l) => HRearrange3 ('[] :: [Type]) (Tagged l v ': a) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | For improved error messages |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
Monad (Tagged s) | |
Functor (Tagged s) | |
Applicative (Tagged s) | |
Foldable (Tagged s) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged Methods fold :: Monoid m => Tagged s m -> m # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Tagged s a -> m # foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Tagged s a -> m # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tagged s a -> b # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tagged s a -> b # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Tagged s a -> b # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Tagged s a -> b # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Tagged s a -> a # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Tagged s a -> a # elem :: Eq a => a -> Tagged s a -> Bool # maximum :: Ord a => Tagged s a -> a # minimum :: Ord a => Tagged s a -> a # | |
Traversable (Tagged s) | |
Eq1 (Tagged s) | |
Ord1 (Tagged s) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged | |
Read1 (Tagged s) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged | |
Show1 (Tagged s) | |
Comonad (Tagged s) | |
(MapFieldTree ('Just xs) vs3, FieldTree v vs1, MapCons (Label n) (('[] :: [Type]) ': vs1) vs2, HAppendListR vs2 vs3 ~ vs) => MapFieldTree ('Just (Tagged n v ': xs)) vs Source # | recursive case |
Defined in Data.HList.Dredge | |
Bounded b => Bounded (Tagged s b) | |
Enum a => Enum (Tagged s a) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged Methods succ :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # pred :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # fromEnum :: Tagged s a -> Int # enumFrom :: Tagged s a -> [Tagged s a] # enumFromThen :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> [Tagged s a] # enumFromTo :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> [Tagged s a] # enumFromThenTo :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> [Tagged s a] # | |
Eq b => Eq (Tagged s b) | |
Floating a => Floating (Tagged s a) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged Methods exp :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # log :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # sqrt :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # (**) :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # logBase :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # sin :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # cos :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # tan :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # asin :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # acos :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # atan :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # sinh :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # cosh :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # tanh :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # asinh :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # acosh :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # atanh :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # log1p :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # expm1 :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # | |
Fractional a => Fractional (Tagged s a) | |
Integral a => Integral (Tagged s a) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged Methods quot :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # rem :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # div :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # mod :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # quotRem :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> (Tagged s a, Tagged s a) # divMod :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> (Tagged s a, Tagged s a) # | |
(Data s, Data b) => Data (Tagged s b) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b0. Data d => c (d -> b0) -> d -> c b0) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Tagged s b -> c (Tagged s b) # gunfold :: (forall b0 r. Data b0 => c (b0 -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (Tagged s b) # toConstr :: Tagged s b -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: Tagged s b -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (Tagged s b)) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (Tagged s b)) # gmapT :: (forall b0. Data b0 => b0 -> b0) -> Tagged s b -> Tagged s b # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Tagged s b -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Tagged s b -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Tagged s b -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Tagged s b -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Tagged s b -> m (Tagged s b) # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Tagged s b -> m (Tagged s b) # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Tagged s b -> m (Tagged s b) # | |
Num a => Num (Tagged s a) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged | |
Ord b => Ord (Tagged s b) | |
Read b => Read (Tagged s b) | |
Real a => Real (Tagged s a) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged Methods toRational :: Tagged s a -> Rational # | |
RealFloat a => RealFloat (Tagged s a) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged Methods floatRadix :: Tagged s a -> Integer # floatDigits :: Tagged s a -> Int # floatRange :: Tagged s a -> (Int, Int) # decodeFloat :: Tagged s a -> (Integer, Int) # encodeFloat :: Integer -> Int -> Tagged s a # exponent :: Tagged s a -> Int # significand :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # scaleFloat :: Int -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # isInfinite :: Tagged s a -> Bool # isDenormalized :: Tagged s a -> Bool # isNegativeZero :: Tagged s a -> Bool # | |
RealFrac a => RealFrac (Tagged s a) | |
Show b => Show (Tagged s b) | |
Ix b => Ix (Tagged s b) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged Methods range :: (Tagged s b, Tagged s b) -> [Tagged s b] # index :: (Tagged s b, Tagged s b) -> Tagged s b -> Int # unsafeIndex :: (Tagged s b, Tagged s b) -> Tagged s b -> Int # inRange :: (Tagged s b, Tagged s b) -> Tagged s b -> Bool # rangeSize :: (Tagged s b, Tagged s b) -> Int # unsafeRangeSize :: (Tagged s b, Tagged s b) -> Int # | |
IsString a => IsString (Tagged s a) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged Methods fromString :: String -> Tagged s a # | |
Generic (Tagged s b) | |
Semigroup a => Semigroup (Tagged s a) | |
(Semigroup a, Monoid a) => Monoid (Tagged s a) | |
Storable a => Storable (Tagged s a) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged Methods alignment :: Tagged s a -> Int # peekElemOff :: Ptr (Tagged s a) -> Int -> IO (Tagged s a) # pokeElemOff :: Ptr (Tagged s a) -> Int -> Tagged s a -> IO () # peekByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> IO (Tagged s a) # pokeByteOff :: Ptr b -> Int -> Tagged s a -> IO () # | |
Bits a => Bits (Tagged s a) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged Methods (.&.) :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # (.|.) :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # xor :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # complement :: Tagged s a -> Tagged s a # shift :: Tagged s a -> Int -> Tagged s a # rotate :: Tagged s a -> Int -> Tagged s a # setBit :: Tagged s a -> Int -> Tagged s a # clearBit :: Tagged s a -> Int -> Tagged s a # complementBit :: Tagged s a -> Int -> Tagged s a # testBit :: Tagged s a -> Int -> Bool # bitSizeMaybe :: Tagged s a -> Maybe Int # bitSize :: Tagged s a -> Int # isSigned :: Tagged s a -> Bool # shiftL :: Tagged s a -> Int -> Tagged s a # unsafeShiftL :: Tagged s a -> Int -> Tagged s a # shiftR :: Tagged s a -> Int -> Tagged s a # unsafeShiftR :: Tagged s a -> Int -> Tagged s a # rotateL :: Tagged s a -> Int -> Tagged s a # | |
FiniteBits a => FiniteBits (Tagged s a) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged Methods finiteBitSize :: Tagged s a -> Int # countLeadingZeros :: Tagged s a -> Int # countTrailingZeros :: Tagged s a -> Int # | |
NFData b => NFData (Tagged s b) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged | |
HSplit l => HSplit (Tagged 'False e ': l) Source # | |
HSplit l => HSplit (Tagged 'True e ': l) Source # | |
(ShowLabel l, Show v, ShowComponents r) => ShowComponents (Tagged l v ': r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(SameLength' r (RecordValuesR r), SameLength' (RecordValuesR r) r, RecordValues r) => RecordValues (Tagged l v ': r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Associated Types type RecordValuesR (Tagged l v ': r) :: [Type] Source # Methods recordValues' :: HList (Tagged l v ': r) -> HList (RecordValuesR (Tagged l v ': r)) Source # | |
(ShowLabel l, VariantConstrs xs) => VariantConstrs (Tagged l e ': xs) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
(ShowLabel l, Read v, ReadVariant vs, HOccursNot (Label l) (LabelsOf vs)) => ReadVariant (Tagged l v ': vs) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
(ShowLabel l, Show v, ShowVariant (w ': ws)) => ShowVariant (Tagged l v ': (w ': ws)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
(RecordLabelsStr xs, ShowLabel x) => RecordLabelsStr (Tagged x t ': xs) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Data | |
(HEq a a' b, HAllEqVal (Tagged t a' ': xs) b2, HAnd b b2 ~ b3) => HAllEqVal (Tagged s a ': (Tagged t a' ': xs)) b3 Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
(MkVariant l e v, Data e, GunfoldVariant (b ': bs) v) => GunfoldVariant (Tagged l e ': (b ': bs)) v Source # | |
(MkVariant l e v, Data e) => GunfoldVariant '[Tagged l e] v Source # | |
(HMemberM (Label l1) (l ': ls) b, H2ProjectByLabels' b (l ': ls) (Tagged l1 v1 ': r1) rin rout) => H2ProjectByLabels (l ': ls) (Tagged l1 v1 ': r1) rin rout Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
HZipRecord as bs abss => HZipRecord (Tagged x a ': as) (Tagged x b ': bs) (Tagged x (a, b) ': abss) Source # | |
type Rep1 (Tagged s :: Type -> Type) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged | |
type Rep (Tagged s b) | |
Defined in Data.Tagged | |
type HSplitT (Tagged 'False e ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type HSplitT (Tagged 'True e ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type HSplitF (Tagged 'False e ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type HSplitF (Tagged 'True e ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type RecordValuesR (Tagged l v ': r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
type LabelsOf (Tagged l v ': r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
type UnMaybe (Tagged l (Maybe e)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
type Untag1 (Tagged k2 x) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP | |
type UntagR (Tagged y y ': ys) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP | |
type GetElemTy (Tagged label v ': rest) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU | |
type HMapOutV_gety (Tagged s x ': xs) z Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
type ZipVRCxt (Tagged s f ': fs) (Tagged s x ': xs) (Tagged s y ': ys) Source # | |
type family ZipTagged (ts :: [k]) (vs :: [*]) :: [*] Source #
see Data.HList.Record.zipTagged
type ZipTagged ('[] :: [k]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
type ZipTagged (t ': ts :: [Symbol]) (v ': vs) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
type ZipTagged (Label t ': ts :: [Type]) (v ': vs) Source # | |
type ZipTagged (Lbl ix ns n ': ts :: [Type]) (v ': vs) Source # | |
class HAllTaggedLV (ps :: [*]) Source #
The Record
, Variant
type constructors only make
sense when they are applied to an instance of this class
HAllTaggedLV ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
(HAllTaggedLV xs, x ~ Tagged t v) => HAllTaggedLV (x ': xs) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude |
class SameLabels (x :: k) (y :: m) Source #
type family SameLengths (xs :: [[k]]) :: Constraint Source #
type SameLengths ('[] :: [[k]]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude type SameLengths ('[] :: [[k]]) = () | |
type SameLengths ('[x] :: [[k]]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude type SameLengths ('[x] :: [[k]]) = () | |
type SameLengths (x ': (y ': ys) :: [[k]]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude |
class (SameLength' x y, SameLength' y x) => SameLength (x :: [k]) (y :: [m]) where Source #
symmetrical version of SameLength'
. Written as a class instead of
type SameLength a b = (SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a)
since ghc expands type synonyms, but not classes (and it seems to have the same result)
Minimal complete definition
sameLength :: (r x `p` f (q y)) -> r x `p` f (q y) Source #
SameLength x y => Equality (r x) (q y) (r x) (q y)
used like simple
, except it restricts
the type-level lists involved to have the same length,
without fixing the type of container or the elements
in the list.
(SameLength' x y, SameLength' y x) => SameLength (x :: [k]) (y :: [m]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude Methods sameLength :: forall k0 k1 k2 p (r :: [k3] -> k0) (f :: k2 -> k1) (q :: [m0] -> k2). p (r x) (f (q y)) -> p (r x) (f (q y)) Source # |
class SameLength' (es1 :: [k]) (es2 :: [m]) Source #
Ensure two lists have the same length. We do case analysis on the first one (hence the type must be known to the type checker). In contrast, the second list may be a type variable.
es2 ~ ('[] :: [m]) => SameLength' ('[] :: [k]) (es2 :: [m]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
(SameLength' xs ys, es2 ~ (y ': ys)) => SameLength' (x ': xs :: [k]) (es2 :: [m]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude |
type TypeablePolyK (a :: k) = Typeable a Source #
type ExtraField x = ErrText "extra field" :<>: ErrShowType x Source #
type HNatIndexTooLarge (nat :: HNat) (r :: [k] -> *) (xs :: [k]) = ((ErrText "0-based index" :<>: ErrShowType (HNat2Nat nat)) :<>: ErrText "is too large for collection") :$$: ErrShowType (r xs) Source #
type ExcessFieldFound key collection = (ErrText "found field" :<>: ErrShowType key) :$$: (ErrText "when it should be absent from" :<>: ErrShowType collection) Source #
type FieldNotFound key collection = (ErrText "key" :<>: ErrShowType key) :$$: (ErrText "could not be found in" :<>: ErrShowType collection) Source #
type ErrShowType x = ShowType x Source #
type ErrText x = Text x Source #
use the alias ErrText to prevent conflicts with Data.Text
GHC.TypeLits.:<>: and GHC.TypeLits.:$$: are re-exported
A class without instances for explicit failure.
Note that with ghc>=8.0, `x :: TypeError` which is formatted properly.
Otherwise x
is made of nested (left-associated) promoted tuples.
For example:
(x ~ '( '( '("the", Int), "is wrong") ) ) :: ((,) Symbol *, Symbol)
Therefore code that works across ghc-7.6 through ghc-8.0 needs to use ErrText, ErrShowType, :<>:, :$$: to construct the type x.
(TypeError x :: Constraint) => Fail (x :: ErrorMessage) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude |
class ArityRev (f :: *) (n :: HNat) Source #
given the number of arguments a function can take, make sure the function type actually matches
class ArityFwd (f :: *) (n :: HNat) | f -> n Source #
calculate the number of arguments a function can take
Every instance of this class should have an instance of HEqBy
HEqByFn HLeFn Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
HEqByFn EqTagValue Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU | |
HEqByFn a => HEqByFn (HNeq a :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
HEqByFn a => HEqByFn (HDown a :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort |
class HEqByFn f => HEqBy (f :: t) (x :: k) (y :: k) (b :: Bool) | f x y -> b Source #
this class generalizes HEq by allowing the choice of f
to allow
equating only part of x and y
(x <=? y) ~ b => HEqBy HLeFn (x :: Nat) (y :: Nat) b Source # | only in ghc >= 7.7 |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
(HEq (CmpSymbol x y) 'GT nb, HNot nb ~ b) => HEqBy HLeFn (x :: Symbol) (y :: Symbol) b Source # | only in ghc >= 7.7
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
HLe x y ~ b => HEqBy HLeFn (x :: HNat) (y :: HNat) b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
HEqBy f y x b => HEqBy (HDown f :: Type) (x :: k2) (y :: k2) b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
(HEqBy le y x b1, HNot b1 ~ b2) => HEqBy (HNeq le :: Type) (x :: k2) (y :: k2) b2 Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
(txv ~ Tagged x v, tyw ~ Tagged y w, HEq v w b) => HEqBy EqTagValue (txv :: Type) (tyw :: Type) b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU | |
HEqBy HLeFn x y b => HEqBy HLeFn (Proxy x :: Type) (Proxy y :: Type) b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
HEqBy HLeFn x y b => HEqBy HLeFn (Label x :: Type) (Label y :: Type) b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
HEqBy HLeFn x y b => HEqBy HLeFn (Tagged x v :: Type) (Tagged y w :: Type) b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
(HEqBy HLeFn n m b, ns ~ ns') => HEqBy HLeFn (Lbl n ns desc :: Type) (Lbl m ns' desc' :: Type) b Source # | Data.HList.Label3 labels can only be compared if they belong to the same namespace. |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort |
type HEqK (x :: k1) (y :: k2) (b :: Bool) = HEq (Proxy x) (Proxy y) b Source #
Equality for types that may have different kinds. This definition
allows operations on Record [Tagged "x" a, Tagged 2 b]
to work
as expected.
class HEq (x :: k) (y :: k) (b :: Bool) | x y -> b Source #
We have to use Functional dependencies for now, for the sake of the generic equality.
'False ~ b => HEq (x :: k) (y :: k) b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TypeEqO | |
HEq (x :: k) (x :: k) 'True Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TypeEqO |
HJust x |
(Apply p s, HUnfoldFD p (ApplyR p s) z) => HUnfoldFD p (HJust (e, s)) (e ': z) Source # | |
Show x => Show (HJust x) Source # | |
hJustA ~ HJust a => ApplyAB (HJust t) a hJustA Source # |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
FromHJust l => FromHJust (HJust e ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Associated Types type FromHJustR (HJust e ': l) :: [Type] Source # | |
type HUnfoldR p (HJust (e, s)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type FromHJustR (HJust e ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
HNothing |
Show HNothing Source # | |
HUnfoldFD p HNothing ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
FromHJust l => FromHJust (HNothing ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Associated Types type FromHJustR (HNothing ': l) :: [Type] Source # | |
type HUnfoldR p HNothing Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type FromHJustR (HNothing ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
type family HDiv2 (x :: HNat) :: HNat Source #
HDiv2 x
behaves like x
type family HLt (x :: HNat) (y :: HNat) :: Bool Source #
Less than
type family HNatEq (t1 :: HNat) (t2 :: HNat) :: Bool Source #
Equality on natural numbers (eventually to be subsumed by the universal polykinded HEq)
class HNats2Integrals (ns :: [HNat]) where Source #
hNats2Integrals :: Integral i => Proxy ns -> [i] Source #
HNats2Integrals ('[] :: [HNat]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude Methods hNats2Integrals :: Integral i => Proxy '[] -> [i] Source # | |
(HNats2Integrals ns, HNat2Integral n) => HNats2Integrals (n ': ns) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude Methods hNats2Integrals :: Integral i => Proxy (n ': ns) -> [i] Source # |
class HNat2Integral (n :: HNat) where Source #
hNat2Integral :: Integral i => Proxy n -> i Source #
KnownNat (HNat2Nat n) => HNat2Integral n Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude Methods hNat2Integral :: Integral i => Proxy n -> i Source # |
The data type to be lifted to the type level
type family HBoolEQ (t1 :: Bool) (t2 :: Bool) :: Bool Source #
class HNotFD (b :: Bool) (nb :: Bool) | b -> nb, nb -> b Source #
as compared with HNot
this version is injective
class ShowLabel l where Source #
A special Proxy
for record labels, polykinded
Label |
(HasField l (Record r) u, HasFieldPath needJust ls u v) => HasFieldPath needJust (Label l ': ls) (Record r) v Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Dredge | |
(HasField l (Variant r) (Maybe u), HasFieldPath 'True ls u (Maybe v)) => HasFieldPath needJust (Label l ': ls) (Variant r) (Maybe v) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Dredge | |
Label t ~ Label t' => SameLabels (Label t :: Type) (t' :: Symbol) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
HEqBy HLeFn x y b => HEqBy HLeFn (Label x :: Type) (Label y :: Type) b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
Label t ~ Label t' => SameLabels (Label t :: Type) (Label t' :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
Label t ~ Label t' => SameLabels (Label t :: Type) (Tagged t' a :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
Label t ~ Label (Lbl ix ns n) => SameLabels (Label t :: Type) (Lbl ix ns n :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Label3 | |
(lv ~ Tagged l v, HUnzip (Proxy :: [Type] -> Type) ls vs lvs) => HUnzip (Proxy :: [Type] -> Type) (Label l ': ls) (v ': vs) (lv ': lvs) Source # | |
Show desc => Show (Label (Lbl x ns desc)) Source # | |
IsKeyFN (Label s -> a -> b) 'True Source # | labels that impose no restriction on the type of the (single) argument which follows
Defined in Data.HList.Keyword | |
HExtend (Label (Lbl n ns desc)) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | Mixing two label kinds means we have to include
HExtend (Label (Lbl n ns desc)) (Proxy (Lbl n' ns' desc' ': xs)) Source # | If possible, Label is left off:
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | Mixing two label kinds means we have to include
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # |
HExtend (Label x) (Proxy ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | to keep types shorter, ghc-7.6 does not accept |
ToSym (a b c) x => EnsureLabel (a b c) (Label x) Source # | get the Label out of a |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable | |
EnsureLabel (Proxy x) (Label x) Source # | |
EnsureLabel (Label x) (Label x) Source # | |
(Labelable x r s t a b, j ~ p a (f b), k2 ~ p (r s) (f (r t)), ty ~ LabelableTy r, LabeledOpticP ty p, LabeledOpticF ty f, LabeledOpticTo ty x ((->) :: Type -> Type -> Type), LabelablePath xs i j) => LabelablePath (Label x ': xs) i k2 Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Dredge Methods hLens'Path :: Label (Label x ': xs) -> i -> k2 Source # | |
type UnLabel (proxy :: a) (Label x ': xs) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
type ZipTagged (Label t ': ts :: [Type]) (v ': vs) Source # | |
type HExtendR (Label (Lbl n ns desc)) (Proxy (Lbl n' ns' desc' ': xs)) Source # | |
type HExtendR (Label (Lbl n ns desc)) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
type HExtendR (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
type HExtendR (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
type HExtendR (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Label6 | |
type HExtendR (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
type HExtendR (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
type HExtendR (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Label6 | |
type HExtendR (Label x) (Proxy ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | |
type LabelsOf (Label l ': r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record |
HUntag |
LiftA2 f |
HFmap f |
HFlip |
((a,b) -> f a >> b)
HSeq x |
app Comp (f,g) = g . f
. Works like:
applyAB Comp (succ, pred) 'a'
applyAB Comp (toEnum :: Int -> Char, fromEnum) 10
Note that defaulting will sometimes give you the wrong thing
used to work (with associated types calculating result/argument types) >>> applyAB Comp (fromEnum, toEnum) 'a' *** Exception: Prelude.Enum.().toEnum: bad argument
Comp |
Compose two instances of ApplyAB
applyAB (HComp HRead HShow) (5::Double) :: Double
HComp g f | g . f |
HShow |
applyAB HRead "5.0" :: Double
HRead |
print. An alternative implementation could be:
let hPrint = Fun print :: Fun Show (IO ())
This produces:
:t applyAB hPrint
applyAB hPrint :: Show a => a -> IO ()
HPrint |
type family FunCxt (cxts :: k) a :: Constraint Source #
type FunCxt (cxt :: ()) a Source # | should there be so many ways to write no constraint? |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude type FunCxt (cxt :: ()) a = () | |
type FunCxt (cxt :: Type) a Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
type FunCxt ('[] :: [k]) a Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude type FunCxt ('[] :: [k]) a = () | |
type FunCxt (x ': xs :: [Type -> Constraint]) a Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
type FunCxt (cxt :: Type -> Constraint) a Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude |
data Fun' (cxt :: k1) (geta :: k2) Source #
see Fun
. The only difference here is that the argument
type is calculated from the result type.
let rd = Fun' read :: Fun' Read String
:t applyAB rd
applyAB rd :: Read b => [Char] -> b
let fromJust' = Fun' (\(Just a) -> a) :: Fun' '[] Maybe
:t applyAB fromJust'
applyAB fromJust' :: Maybe b -> b
Note this use of Fun' means we don't have to get the b out of Maybe b
class ApplyAB f a b where Source #
No constraints on result and argument types
Tagged t x ~ tx => ApplyAB HUntag tx x Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
(f1 ~ (a -> b -> c), f2 ~ (b -> a -> c)) => ApplyAB HFlip f1 f2 Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
(y ~ y', fg ~ (x -> y, y' -> z), r ~ (x -> z)) => ApplyAB Comp fg r Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
(String ~ string, Show a) => ApplyAB HShow a string Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
(String ~ string, Read a) => ApplyAB HRead string a Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
(io ~ IO (), Show x) => ApplyAB HPrint x io Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
(aa ~ (a, a), Semigroup a) => ApplyAB UncurrySappend aa a Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Methods applyAB :: UncurrySappend -> aa -> a Source # | |
(aa ~ (a, a), Monoid a) => ApplyAB UncurryMappend aa a Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Methods applyAB :: UncurryMappend -> aa -> a Source # | |
(x ~ Proxy y, Monoid y) => ApplyAB ConstMempty x y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Methods applyAB :: ConstMempty -> x -> y Source # | |
hJustA ~ HJust a => ApplyAB HFromJust hJustA a Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
(x ~ (e, HList l), y ~ HList (e ': l)) => ApplyAB FHCons x y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
tx ~ Tagged t x => ApplyAB TaggedFn x tx Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(x ~ Tagged l v, y ~ HList '[Label l, v]) => ApplyAB TaggedToKW x y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Keyword Methods applyAB :: TaggedToKW -> x -> y Source # | |
(HZip3 a b c, x ~ (HList a, HList b), y ~ HList c) => ApplyAB HZipF x y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HZip | |
(x ~ (Tagged t (Maybe e), [Variant v]), y ~ [Variant (Tagged t e ': v)], MkVariant t e (Tagged t e ': v)) => ApplyAB HMaybiedToVariantFs x y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods applyAB :: HMaybiedToVariantFs -> x -> y Source # | |
y ~ Tagged t (Maybe e) => ApplyAB ConstTaggedNothing x y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods applyAB :: ConstTaggedNothing -> x -> y Source # | |
(mx ~ Maybe x, my ~ Maybe y, HCast y x) => ApplyAB HCastF mx my Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
(ee ~ (e, e), Eq e, bool ~ Bool) => ApplyAB UncurryEq ee bool Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
(ux ~ RecordU x, hx ~ HList x, RecordUToRecord x) => ApplyAB BoxF ux hx Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU | |
(hx ~ HList x, ux ~ RecordU x, RecordToRecordU x) => ApplyAB UnboxF hx ux Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU | |
e' ~ e => ApplyAB HRmTag (e, t) e' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
(y ~ ReadP x, Read x) => ApplyAB ReadElement (Proxy x) y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Methods applyAB :: ReadElement -> Proxy x -> y Source # | |
(Read v, ShowLabel l, x ~ Tagged l v, ReadP x ~ y) => ApplyAB ReadComponent (Proxy x) y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods applyAB :: ReadComponent -> Proxy x -> y Source # | |
hJustA ~ HJust a => ApplyAB (HJust t) a hJustA Source # |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
(ApplyAB f (x, y) z, mz ~ m z, mxy ~ (m x, m y), Applicative m) => ApplyAB (LiftA2 f) mxy mz Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
(x ~ t a, y ~ t b, Functor t, ApplyAB f a b) => ApplyAB (HFmap f) x y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
(Monad m, ApplyAB f x fx, fx ~ m (), pair ~ (x, m ()), ApplyAB f x (m ())) => ApplyAB (HSeq f) pair fx Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
(hxs ~ HList xs, hxxs ~ HList (x ': xs)) => ApplyAB (FHCons2 x) hxs hxxs Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
et ~ (e, t) => ApplyAB (HAddTag t) e et Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
(l ~ [e'], ApplyAB f e e', el ~ (e, l)) => ApplyAB (Mapcar f) el l Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
(HMapCxt HList f a b, as ~ HList a, bs ~ HList b) => ApplyAB (HMapL f) as bs Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
(HMapCxt r f a b, as ~ r a, bs ~ r b) => ApplyAB (HMap f) as bs Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
(HMapCxt Record f x y, rx ~ Record x, ry ~ Record y) => ApplyAB (HMapR f) rx ry Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(vx ~ Variant x, vy ~ Variant y, HMapAux Variant (HFmap f) x y, SameLength x y) => ApplyAB (HMapV f) vx vy Source # | apply a function to all values that could be in the variant. |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
(Data b, x ~ (t, c (b -> r)), y ~ c r) => ApplyAB (GunfoldK c) x y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Data | |
(Data d, (c (d -> b), d) ~ x, c b ~ y) => ApplyAB (GfoldlK c) x y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Data | |
ApplyAB f e e' => ApplyAB (MapCar f) (e, HList l) (HList (e' ': l)) Source # | |
(x' ~ x, y' ~ y) => ApplyAB (x' -> y') x y Source # | note this function will only be available at a single type
(that is, |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
(ApplyAB f a b, ApplyAB g b c) => ApplyAB (HComp g f) a c Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
(FunCxt cxt b, FunApp geta b ~ a) => ApplyAB (Fun' cxt geta) a b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude | |
(FunCxt cxt a, FunApp getb a ~ b) => ApplyAB (Fun cxt getb) a b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.FakePrelude |
class Apply f a where Source #
simpler/weaker version where type information only propagates forward
with this one. applyAB
defined below, is more complicated / verbose to define,
but it offers better type inference. Most uses have been converted to
, so there is not much that can be done with Apply
HLookupByHNat n l => Apply (FHLookupByHNat l) (Proxy n) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HArray Associated Types type ApplyR (FHLookupByHNat l) (Proxy n) Source # Methods apply :: FHLookupByHNat l -> Proxy n -> ApplyR (FHLookupByHNat l) (Proxy n) Source # | |
Apply (FHUProj sel ns) (HList l, Proxy ('HSucc n)) => Apply (Proxy 'False, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
Apply (Proxy 'True, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
(ch ~ Proxy (HBoolEQ sel (KMember n ns)), Apply (ch, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n)) => Apply (FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
Apply (FHUProj sel ns) (HList ('[] :: [Type]), n) Source # | |
labelToProxy :: Label l -> Proxy l Source #
asLengthOf :: SameLength x y => r x -> s y -> r x Source #
sameLabels :: SameLabels x y => p (r x) (f (q y)) -> p (r x) (f (q y)) Source #
constrains the type of an optic, such that the labels
in Tagged t a
) are the same. x
or y
may have more elements
than the other, in which case the elements at the end
of the longer list do not have their labels constrained.
see also sameLength
class HUnzip r x y xy => HZip (r :: [*] -> *) x y xy where Source #
. Variant supports hUnzip, but not hZip (hZipVariant
returns a Maybe)
(SameLengths '[x, y, xy], HZipList x y xy) => HZip HList x y xy Source # | |
(HZipRecord x y xy, SameLengths '[x, y, xy]) => HZip Record x y xy Source # |
(HUnzip TIP x y xy, HZipList xL yL xyL, lty ~ (HList xL -> HList yL -> HList xyL), Coercible lty (TIP x -> TIP y -> TIP xy), UntagR x ~ xL, UntagR y ~ yL, UntagR xy ~ xyL, UntagTag x, UntagTag y, UntagTag xy) => HZip TIP x y xy Source # | |
HUnzip (Proxy :: [Type] -> Type) ls vs lvs => HZip (Proxy :: [Type] -> Type) ls vs lvs Source # | Missing from GHC-7.6.3 due to a bug: let r = hEnd $ hBuild 1 2 3 *Data.HList> hZipList r r H[(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)] *Data.HList> hZip r r <interactive>:30:1: Couldn't match type `Label k l' with `Integer' When using functional dependencies to combine HUnzip (Proxy [*]) ((':) * (Label k l) ls) ((':) * v vs) ((':) * lv lvs), arising from the dependency `xy -> x y' in the instance declaration at Data/HList/HListPrelude.hs:96:10 HUnzip HList ((':) * Integer ((':) * Integer ((':) * Integer ('[] *)))) ((':) * Integer ((':) * Integer ((':) * Integer ('[] *)))) ((':) * (Integer, Integer) ((':) * (Integer, Integer) ((':) * (Integer, Integer) ('[] *)))), arising from a use of `hZip' at <interactive>:30:1-4 In the expression: hZip r r In an equation for `it': it = hZip r r |
class SameLengths [x, y, xy] => HUnzip (r :: [*] -> *) x y xy | x y -> xy, xy -> x y where Source #
(SameLengths '[x, y, xy], HZipList x y xy) => HUnzip HList x y xy Source # | |
(HZipRecord x y xy, SameLengths '[x, y, xy]) => HUnzip Record x y xy Source # | |
(HZipList xL yL xyL, lty ~ (HList xyL -> (HList xL, HList yL)), Coercible lty (TIP xy -> (TIP x, TIP y)), UntagR x ~ xL, TagR xL ~ x, UntagR y ~ yL, TagR yL ~ y, UntagR xy ~ xyL, TagR xyL ~ xy, SameLengths '[x, y, xy], UntagTag x, UntagTag y, UntagTag xy) => HUnzip TIP x y xy Source # | |
(Unvariant '[txy] txy, tx ~ Tagged t x, ty ~ Tagged t y, txy ~ Tagged t (x, y)) => HUnzip Variant '[tx] '[ty] '[txy] Source # | |
(HUnzip Variant (x2 ': xs) (y2 ': ys) (xy2 ': xys), SameLength xs ys, SameLength ys xys, tx ~ Tagged t x, ty ~ Tagged t y, txy ~ Tagged t (x, y)) => HUnzip Variant (tx ': (x2 ': xs)) (ty ': (y2 ': ys)) (txy ': (xy2 ': xys)) Source # | |
HUnzip (Proxy :: [Type] -> Type) ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
(lv ~ Tagged l v, HUnzip (Proxy :: [Type] -> Type) ls vs lvs) => HUnzip (Proxy :: [Type] -> Type) (Label l ': ls) (v ': vs) (lv ': lvs) Source # | |
class HDeleteAtLabel (r :: [*] -> *) (l :: k) v v' | l v -> v' where Source #
hDeleteAtLabel :: Label l -> r v -> r v' Source #
H2ProjectByLabels '[Label l] v t1 v' => HDeleteAtLabel Record (l :: k) v v' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(HDeleteAtLabel Record e v v', HTypeIndexed v') => HDeleteAtLabel TIP (e :: k) v v' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP | |
(HDeleteAtHNat n l, HType2HNat e l n, l' ~ HDeleteAtHNatR n l) => HDeleteAtLabel HList (e :: Type) l l' Source # | should this instead delete the first element of that type? |
Defined in Data.HList.HTypeIndexed |
class HTypes2HNats es l (ns :: [HNat]) | es l -> ns Source #
HTypes2HNats ('[] :: [Type]) (l :: [Type]) ('[] :: [HNat]) Source # | And lift to the list of types |
Defined in Data.HList.HTypeIndexed | |
(HType2HNat e l n, HTypes2HNats es l ns) => HTypes2HNats (e ': es :: [Type]) (l :: [Type]) (n ': ns) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HTypeIndexed |
class HType2HNat (e :: k) (l :: [k]) (n :: HNat) | e l -> n Source #
Map a type (key) to a natural (index) within the collection This is a purely type-level computation
(HEq e1 e b, HType2HNatCase b e1 l n) => HType2HNat (e1 :: Type) (e ': l :: [Type]) n Source # | Map a type to a natural (index within the collection) This is a purely type-level computation |
Defined in Data.HList.HTypeIndexed |
class HOccursNot (e :: k) (l :: [k]) Source #
HOccursNot1 e xs xs => HOccursNot (e :: k) (xs :: [k]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs |
class HOccurs e l where Source #
(HOccurrence e (x ': y) l', HOccurs' e l' (x ': y)) => HOccurs e (HList (x ': y)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs | |
HasField e (Record (x ': (y ': l))) e => HOccurs e (TIP (x ': (y ': l))) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP | |
tee ~ Tagged e e => HOccurs e (TIP '[tee]) Source # | One occurrence and nothing is left This variation provides an extra feature for singleton lists. That is, the result type is unified with the element in the list. Hence the explicit provision of a result type can be omitted. |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP | |
(HasField o (TIC l) mo, mo ~ Maybe o) => HOccurs mo (TIC l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIC |
class HAppend l1 l2 where Source #
HAppendList l1 l2 => HAppend (HList l1) (HList l2) Source # | |
(HRLabelSet (HAppendListR r1 r2), HAppend (HList r1) (HList r2)) => HAppend (Record r1) (Record r2) Source # |
record .*. field1 .*. field2 |
(HAppend (HList l) (HList l'), HTypeIndexed (HAppendListR l l')) => HAppend (TIP l) (TIP l') Source # | |
H2ProjectByLabels (LabelsOf r2) r1 r2 rout => SubType (Record r1 :: Type) (Record r2 :: Type) Source # | Subtyping for records |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(HOccurs e (TIP l1), SubType (TIP l1) (TIP l2)) => SubType (TIP l1 :: Type) (TIP (e ': l2) :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP | |
SubType (TIP l :: Type) (TIP ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | Subtyping for TIPs |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP |
class HExtend e l where Source #
HExtend e (HList l) Source # | |
HRLabelSet (t ': r) => HExtend t (Record r) Source # | |
(le ~ Tagged l (Maybe e), HOccursNot (Label l) (LabelsOf v)) => HExtend le (Variant v) Source # | Extension for Variants prefers the first value (l .=. Nothing) .*. v = v (l .=. Just e) .*. _ = mkVariant l e Proxy |
(HRLabelSet (Tagged e e ': l), HTypeIndexed l) => HExtend e (TIP l) Source # | |
(me ~ Maybe e, HOccursNot (Tagged e e) l) => HExtend me (TIC l) Source # | Nothing .*. x = x Just a .*. y = mkTIC a |
(to ~ LabeledTo x, ToSym (to p q) x) => HExtend (to p q) (Proxy (Lbl n ns desc ': xs)) Source # | if the proxy has Data.HList.Label3.Lbl, then everything has to be wrapped in Label to make the kinds match up. |
(to ~ LabeledTo x, ToSym (to p q) x) => HExtend (to p q) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
(to ~ LabeledTo x, ToSym (to p q) x) => HExtend (to p q) (Proxy ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | Together with the instance below, this allows writing
Or with HListPP p = `x .*. `y .*. `z .*. emptyProxy instead of p = Proxy :: Proxy ["x","y","z"] |
HExtend (Label (Lbl n ns desc)) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | Mixing two label kinds means we have to include
HExtend (Label (Lbl n ns desc)) (Proxy (Lbl n' ns' desc' ': xs)) Source # | If possible, Label is left off:
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | Mixing two label kinds means we have to include
HExtend (Label y) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # |
HExtend (Label x) (Proxy ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | to keep types shorter, ghc-7.6 does not accept |
emptyProxy :: Proxy ('[] :: [Type]) Source #
similar to emptyRecord
, emptyTIP
, emptyHList (actually called HNil
except emptyProxy is the rightmost argument to .*.
data Lbl (x :: HNat) (ns :: *) (desc :: *) Source #
(HEqBy HLeFn n m b, ns ~ ns') => HEqBy HLeFn (Lbl n ns desc :: Type) (Lbl m ns' desc' :: Type) b Source # | Data.HList.Label3 labels can only be compared if they belong to the same namespace. |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
Label t ~ Label (Lbl ix ns n) => SameLabels (Label t :: Type) (Lbl ix ns n :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Label3 | |
Show desc => ShowLabel (Lbl x ns desc :: Type) Source # | Equality on labels (descriptions are ignored) Use generic instance Show label |
Show desc => Show (Label (Lbl x ns desc)) Source # | |
(to ~ LabeledTo x, ToSym (to p q) x) => HExtend (to p q) (Proxy (Lbl n ns desc ': xs)) Source # | if the proxy has Data.HList.Label3.Lbl, then everything has to be wrapped in Label to make the kinds match up. |
HExtend (Label (Lbl n ns desc)) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | Mixing two label kinds means we have to include
HExtend (Label (Lbl n ns desc)) (Proxy (Lbl n' ns' desc' ': xs)) Source # | If possible, Label is left off:
type ZipTagged (Lbl ix ns n ': ts :: [Type]) (v ': vs) Source # | |
type HExtendR (to p q) (Proxy (Lbl n ns desc ': xs)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable | |
type HExtendR (Label (Lbl n ns desc)) (Proxy (Lbl n' ns' desc' ': xs)) Source # | |
type HExtendR (Label (Lbl n ns desc)) (Proxy (x ': xs)) Source # | |
nextLabel :: Label (Lbl x ns desc) -> desc' -> Label (Lbl (HSucc x) ns desc') Source #
Construct the next label
class IsKeyFN (t :: *) (flag :: Bool) | t -> flag Source #
All our keywords must be registered
'False ~ flag => IsKeyFN t flag Source # | overlapping/fallback case |
Defined in Data.HList.TypeEqO | |
IsKeyFN (Label s -> a -> b) 'True Source # | labels that impose no restriction on the type of the (single) argument which follows
Defined in Data.HList.Keyword | |
r ~ (c -> b) => IsKeyFN (K s c -> r) 'True Source # | The purpose of this instance is to be able to use the same Symbol
(type-level string) at different types. If they are supposed to be the same,
then use
therefore the following options works:
But you cannot leave off all |
Defined in Data.HList.Keyword |
class TupleType (t :: *) (b :: Bool) | t -> b Source #
TupleType () 'True Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TypeEqO | |
'False ~ b => TupleType x b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TypeEqO | |
TupleType (x, y) 'True Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TypeEqO | |
TupleType (x, y, z) 'True Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TypeEqO |
data UncurrySappend Source #
UncurrySappend |
(aa ~ (a, a), Semigroup a) => ApplyAB UncurrySappend aa a Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Methods applyAB :: UncurrySappend -> aa -> a Source # |
data UncurryMappend Source #
UncurryMappend |
(aa ~ (a, a), Monoid a) => ApplyAB UncurryMappend aa a Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Methods applyAB :: UncurryMappend -> aa -> a Source # |
data ConstMempty Source #
ConstMempty |
(x ~ Proxy y, Monoid y) => ApplyAB ConstMempty x y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Methods applyAB :: ConstMempty -> x -> y Source # |
class HSpanEqBy2 (b :: Bool) (f :: t) (x :: *) (y :: *) (ys :: [*]) (i :: [*]) (o :: [*]) | b f x y ys -> i o where Source #
HSpanEqBy2 'False (f :: t) x y ys ('[] :: [Type]) (y ': ys) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
HSpanEqBy1 f x zs i o => HSpanEqBy2 'True (f :: t) x y zs (y ': i) o Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
class HSpanEqBy1 (f :: t) (x :: *) (y :: [*]) (i :: [*]) (o :: [*]) | f x y -> i o where Source #
HSpanEqBy1 (f :: t) x ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
(HEqBy f x y b, HSpanEqBy2 b f x y ys i o) => HSpanEqBy1 (f :: t) x (y ': ys) i o Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
class HSpanEqBy (f :: t) (x :: *) (y :: [*]) (fst :: [*]) (snd :: [*]) | f x y -> fst snd, fst snd -> y where Source #
HSpanEq x y fst snd
is analogous to (fst,snd) =
(== x) y
(HSpanEqBy1 f x y fst snd, HAppendListR fst snd ~ y) => HSpanEqBy (f :: t) x y fst snd Source # | |
class HGroupBy (f :: t) (as :: [*]) (gs :: [*]) | f as -> gs, gs -> as where Source #
class HPartitionEq1 (b :: Bool) f x1 x xs xi xo | b f x1 x xs -> xi xo where Source #
hPartitionEq1 :: Proxy b -> Proxy f -> Proxy x1 -> x -> HList xs -> (HList xi, HList xo) Source #
HPartitionEq f x1 xs xi xo => HPartitionEq1 'False (f :: k1) (x1 :: k2) x xs xi (x ': xo) Source # | |
HPartitionEq f x1 xs xi xo => HPartitionEq1 'True (f :: k1) (x1 :: k2) x xs (x ': xi) xo Source # | |
class HPartitionEq f x1 xs xi xo | f x1 xs -> xi xo where Source #
HPartitionEq f x1 xs xi xo
is analogous to
(xi,xo) = partition (f x1) xs
where f
is a "function" passed in using it's instance of HEqBy
HPartitionEq (f :: k1) (x1 :: k2) ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
(HEqBy f x1 x b, HPartitionEq1 b f x1 x xs xi xo) => HPartitionEq (f :: k) (x1 :: Type) (x ': xs) xi xo Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
class HInits1 a b | a -> b, b -> a where Source #
behaves like tail . inits
class HTuple v t | v -> t, t -> v where Source #
hToTuple :: HList v -> t Source #
alternatively: hUncurry (,,,)
hFromTuple :: t -> HList v Source #
HTuple ('[] :: [Type]) () Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
HTuple '[a, b] (a, b) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
HTuple '[a, b, c] (a, b, c) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
HTuple '[a, b, c, d] (a, b, c, d) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
HTuple '[a, b, c, d, e] (a, b, c, d, e) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
HTuple '[a, b, c, d, e, f] (a, b, c, d, e, f) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
class HStripPrefix xs xsys ys | xs xsys -> ys Source #
analog of stripPrefix
HStripPrefix ('[] :: [k2]) (ys :: k1) (ys :: k1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
(x' ~ x, HStripPrefix xs xsys ys) => HStripPrefix (x' ': xs :: [a]) (x ': xsys :: [a]) (ys :: k) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
class HStripPrefix xs xsys ys => HAppendList1 (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) (xsys :: [k]) | xs ys -> xsys, xs xsys -> ys Source #
HAppendList1 xs ys xsys
is the type-level way of saying xs ++ ys == xsys
used by HSplitAt
HAppendList1 ('[] :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
HAppendList1 xs ys zs => HAppendList1 (x ': xs :: [a]) (ys :: [a]) (x ': zs :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
class HLengthGe (xs :: [*]) (n :: HNat) Source #
HLengthGe xs n
says that HLength xs >= n
unlike the expression with a type family HLength,
ghc assumes xs ~ (aFresh ': bFresh)
when given a
constraint HLengthGe xs (HSucc HZero)
class HLengthEq2 (xs :: [*]) n | xs -> n Source #
zero ~ 'HZero => HLengthEq2 ('[] :: [Type]) (zero :: HNat) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
(HLengthEq xs n, sn ~ 'HSucc n) => HLengthEq2 (x ': xs) (sn :: HNat) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
class HLengthEq1 (xs :: [*]) n Source #
xxs ~ ('[] :: [Type]) => HLengthEq1 xxs 'HZero Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
(HLengthEq xs n, xxs ~ (x ': xs)) => HLengthEq1 xxs ('HSucc n :: HNat) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
class (SameLength' (HReplicateR n ()) xs, HLengthEq1 xs n, HLengthEq2 xs n) => HLengthEq (xs :: [*]) (n :: HNat) | xs -> n Source #
a better way to write HLength xs ~ n
- it works properly with ghc-7.10 (probably another example of ghc bug #10009)
- it works backwards a bit in that if
is known, thenxs
can be refined:
undefined :: HLengthEq xs HZero => HList xs
(SameLength' (HReplicateR n ()) xs, HLengthEq1 xs n, HLengthEq2 xs n) => HLengthEq xs n Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
class HSplitAt1 accum (n :: HNat) xsys xs ys | accum n xsys -> xs ys where Source #
helper for HSplitAt
class (HLengthEq xs n, HAppendList1 xs ys xsys) => HSplitAt (n :: HNat) xsys xs ys | n xsys -> xs ys, xs ys -> xsys, xs -> n where Source #
let two = hSucc (hSucc hZero)
let xsys = hEnd $ hBuild 1 2 3 4
If a length is explicitly provided, the resulting lists are inferred
hSplitAt two xsys
let sameLength_ :: SameLength a b => r a -> r b -> r a; sameLength_ = const
let len2 x = x `sameLength_` HCons () (HCons () HNil)
If the first chunk of the list (a) has to be a certain length, the type of the Proxy argument can be inferred.
case hSplitAt Proxy xsys of (a,b) -> (len2 a, b)
Analogus to Data.List.partition
. See also HPartition
let (.=.) :: p x -> y -> Tagged x y; _ .=. y = Tagged y
hSplit $ hTrue .=. 2 .*. hTrue .=. 3 .*. hFalse .=. 1 .*. HNil
it might make more sense to instead have LVPair Bool e
instead of (e, Proxy Bool)
since the former has the same
runtime representation as e
HSplit ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
HSplit l => HSplit ((e, Proxy 'False) ': l) Source # | |
HSplit l => HSplit ((e, Proxy 'True) ': l) Source # | |
HSplit l => HSplit (Tagged 'False e ': l) Source # | |
HSplit l => HSplit (Tagged 'True e ': l) Source # | |
HRmTag |
HAddTag t |
HFromJust |
class FromHJustR (ToHJustR l) ~ l => FromHJust l where Source #
Associated Types
type FromHJustR l :: [*] Source #
FromHJust ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Associated Types type FromHJustR '[] :: [Type] Source # | |
FromHJust l => FromHJust (HJust e ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Associated Types type FromHJustR (HJust e ': l) :: [Type] Source # | |
FromHJust l => FromHJust (HNothing ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Associated Types type FromHJustR (HNothing ': l) :: [Type] Source # |
class FromHJustR (ToHJustR l) ~ l => ToHJust l where Source #
the same as map Just
toHJust (2 .*. 'a' .*. HNil)
H[HJust 2,HJust 'a']
toHJust2 (2 .*. 'a' .*. HNil)
H[HJust 2,HJust 'a']
class HList2List l e | l -> e where Source #
hMapOut id
is similar, except this function is restricted
to HLists that actually contain a value (so the list produced
will be nonempty). This restriction allows adding a functional
dependency, which means that less type annotations can be necessary.
hList2List :: HList l -> [e] Source #
list2HListSuffix :: [e] -> Maybe (HList l, [e]) Source #
HList2List (e' ': l) e => HList2List (e ': (e' ': l)) e Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Methods hList2List :: HList (e ': (e' ': l)) -> [e] Source # list2HListSuffix :: [e] -> Maybe (HList (e ': (e' ': l)), [e]) Source # | |
HList2List '[e] e Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Methods hList2List :: HList '[e] -> [e] Source # list2HListSuffix :: [e] -> Maybe (HList '[e], [e]) Source # |
class HTIntersectBool (b :: Bool) h t l1 l2 | b h t l1 -> l2 where Source #
HTIntersect t l1 l2 => HTIntersectBool 'False h t l1 l2 Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
HTIntersect t l1 l2 => HTIntersectBool 'True h t l1 (h ': l2) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
class HTIntersect l1 l2 l3 | l1 l2 -> l3 where Source #
HTIntersect ('[] :: [Type]) l ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
(HTMember h l1 b, HTIntersectBool b h t l1 l2) => HTIntersect (h ': t) l1 l2 Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
class HTMember e (l :: [*]) (b :: Bool) | e l -> b Source #
could be an associated type if HEq had one
class HFind1 (e :: k) (l :: [k]) (l0 :: [k]) (n :: HNat) | e l -> n Source #
Fail (FieldNotFound e1 l0) => HFind1 (e1 :: k) ('[] :: [k]) (l0 :: [k]) 'HZero Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
(HEq e1 e2 b, HFind2 b e1 l l0 n) => HFind1 (e1 :: a) (e2 ': l :: [a]) (l0 :: [a]) n Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
class HFind1 e l l n => HFind (e :: k) (l :: [k]) (n :: HNat) | e l -> n Source #
It is a pure type-level operation
HFind1 e l l n => HFind (e :: k) (l :: [k]) n Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
class HMemberM (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (r :: Maybe [k]) | e1 l -> r Source #
Check to see if an element e occurs in a list l If not, return 'Nothing If the element does occur, return 'Just l1 where l1 is a type-level list without e
type family HMemberP pred e1 (l :: [*]) :: Bool Source #
The following is a similar type-only membership test It uses the user-supplied curried type equality predicate pred
class HMember (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (b :: Bool) | e1 l -> b Source #
Check to see if an HList contains an element with a given type This is a type-level only test
type family HNats (l :: [*]) :: [HNat] Source #
We do so constructively, converting the HList whose elements are Proxy HNat to [HNat]. The latter kind is unpopulated and is present only at the type level.
Mapcar f |
class (Applicative m, SameLength a b) => HSequence m a b | a -> b, m b -> a where Source #
A heterogeneous version of
sequenceA :: (Applicative m) => [m a] -> m [a]
Only now we operate on heterogeneous lists, where different elements
may have different types a
In the argument list of monadic values (m a_i),
although a_i may differ, the monad m
must be the same for all
elements. That's why we needed Data.HList.TypeCastGeneric2 (currently (~)).
The typechecker will complain
if we attempt to use hSequence on a HList of monadic values with different
The hSequence
problem was posed by Matthias Fischmann
in his message on the Haskell-Cafe list on Oct 8, 2006
hSequence $ Just (1 :: Integer) `HCons` (Just 'c') `HCons` HNil
Just H[1,'c']
hSequence $ return 1 `HCons` Just 'c' `HCons` HNil
Just H[1,'c']
hSequence $ [1] `HCons` ['c'] `HCons` HNil
class HMapAux (r :: [*] -> *) f (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]) Source #
Minimal complete definition
HMapAux HList (HFmap f) x y => HMapAux Record f x y Source # | |
HMapAux Variant f xs ys => HMapAux TIC f xs ys Source # | |
(ApplyAB f (GetElemTy x) (GetElemTy y), IArray UArray (GetElemTy y), IArray UArray (GetElemTy x)) => HMapAux RecordU f x y Source # | |
HMapAux HList f ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
(ApplyAB f e e', HMapAux HList f l l', SameLength l l') => HMapAux HList f (e ': l) (e' ': l') Source # | |
(ApplyAB f te te', HMapCxt Variant f (l ': ls) (l' ': ls')) => HMapAux Variant f (te ': (l ': ls)) (te' ': (l' ': ls')) Source # | |
ApplyAB f te te' => HMapAux Variant f '[te] '[te'] Source # | |
class (SameLength a b, HMapAux r f a b) => HMapCxt r f a b Source #
(SameLength a b, HMapAux r f a b) => HMapCxt r f a b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
HMapL f |
hMap is written such that the length of the result list can be determined from the length of the argument list (and the other way around). Similarly, the type of the elements of the list is propagated in both directions too.
:set -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
let xs = 1 .*. 'c' .*. HNil
:t hMap (HJust ()) xs
hMap (HJust ()) xs :: Num y => HList '[HJust y, HJust Char]
These 4 examples show that the constraint on the length (2 in this case)
can be applied before or after the hMap
. That inference is independent of the
direction that type information is propagated for the individual elements.
let asLen2 xs = xs `asTypeOf` (undefined :: HList '[a,b])
let lr xs = asLen2 (applyAB (HMap HRead) xs)
let ls xs = asLen2 (applyAB (HMap HShow) xs)
let rl xs = applyAB (HMap HRead) (asLen2 xs)
let sl xs = applyAB (HMap HShow) (asLen2 xs)
:t lr
lr :: (Read ..., Read ...) => HList '[String, String] -> HList '[..., ...]
:t rl
rl :: (Read ..., Read ...) => HList '[String, String] -> HList '[..., ...]
:t ls
ls :: (Show ..., Show ...) => HList '[..., ...] -> HList '[String, String]
:t sl
sl :: (Show ..., Show ...) => HList '[..., ...] -> HList '[String, String]
HMap f |
type HConcat xs = HConcatFD xs (HConcatR xs) Source #
Like concat
but for HLists of HLists.
Works in ghci... puzzling as what is different in doctest (it isn't
let a = hEnd $ hBuild 1 2 3
let b = hEnd $ hBuild 'a' "abc"
hConcat $ hBuild a b
class HLengthEq r n => HIterate n f z r where Source #
This function behaves like iterate
, with an extra
argument to help figure out the result length
let three = hSucc (hSucc (hSucc hZero))
let f = Fun Just :: Fun '() Maybe
:t applyAB f
applyAB f :: a -> Maybe a
f is applied to different types:
hIterate three f ()
H[(),Just (),Just (Just ())]
It is also possible to specify the length later on,
as done with Prelude.iterate
let take3 x | _ <- hLength x `asTypeOf` three = x
take3 $ hIterate Proxy f ()
H[(),Just (),Just (Just ())]
class HLengthEq r n => HReplicateF (n :: HNat) f z r | r -> n where Source #
HReplicate produces lists that can be converted to ordinary lists
let two = hSucc (hSucc hZero)
let f = Fun' fromInteger :: Fun' Num Integer
:t applyAB f
applyAB f :: Num b => Integer -> b
hReplicateF two f 3
hReplicateF Proxy f 3 :: HList [Int, Double, Integer]
HReplicateF 'HZero f z ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
(ApplyAB f z fz, HReplicateF n f z r') => HReplicateF ('HSucc n) f z (fz ': r') Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
type family HReplicateR (n :: HNat) (e :: k) :: [k] Source #
would be associated with HReplicate
except we want
it to work with e
of any kind, not just *
that you can
put into a HList. An "inverse" of HLength
type HReplicateR 'HZero (e :: k) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type HReplicateR ('HSucc n) (e :: k) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
type HReplicate n e = HReplicateFD n e (HReplicateR n e) Source #
class HLengthEq es n => HReplicateFD (n :: HNat) e es | n e -> es, es -> n where Source #
Sometimes the result type can fix the type of the first argument:
hReplicate Proxy () :: HList '[ (), (), () ]
However, with HReplicate all elements must have the same type, so it may be
easier to use HList2List
list2HList (repeat 3) :: Maybe (HList [Int, Int, Int])
Just H[3,3,3]
hReplicate :: Proxy n -> e -> HList es Source #
HReplicateFD 'HZero e ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
(HReplicateFD n e es, e ~ e') => HReplicateFD ('HSucc n) e (e' ': es) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
class HFoldl f (z :: *) xs (r :: *) where Source #
like foldl
hFoldl (uncurry $ flip (:)) [] (1 `HCons` 2 `HCons` HNil)
class HFoldr1 f (l :: [*]) r where Source #
(ApplyAB f (e, r) r', HFoldr1 f (e' ': l) r) => HFoldr1 f (e ': (e' ': l)) r' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
v ~ v' => HFoldr1 f '[v] v' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
class HBuild' l r where Source #
HReverse l l' => HBuild' l (HList l') Source # | |
(HReverse l lRev, HMapTaggedFn lRev l') => HBuild' l (Record l') Source # | This instance allows creating a Record with hBuild 3 |
HBuild' (a ': l) r => HBuild' l (a -> r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
(HRevAppR l ('[] :: [Type]) ~ lRev, HExtendRs lRev (Proxy ('[] :: [Type])) ~ Proxy l1, l' ~ l1) => HBuild' l (Proxy l') Source # | see |
class HAppendList l1 l2 where Source #
hAppendList :: HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList (HAppendListR l1 l2) Source #
the same as hAppend
HAppendList ('[] :: [Type]) l2 Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Methods hAppendList :: HList '[] -> HList l2 -> HList (HAppendListR '[] l2) Source # | |
HAppendList l l' => HAppendList (x ': l) l' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Methods hAppendList :: HList (x ': l) -> HList l' -> HList (HAppendListR (x ': l) l') Source # |
type family HAppendListR (l1 :: [k]) (l2 :: [k]) :: [k] Source #
type HAppendListR ('[] :: [k]) (l :: [k]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList type HAppendListR ('[] :: [k]) (l :: [k]) = l | |
type HAppendListR (e ': l :: [k]) (l' :: [k]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
data ReadElement Source #
ReadElement |
(y ~ ReadP x, Read x) => ApplyAB ReadElement (Proxy x) y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Methods applyAB :: ReadElement -> Proxy x -> y Source # |
type family DropProxy (xs :: k) :: k Source #
inverse of AddProxy
type DropProxy ('[] :: [k]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList type DropProxy ('[] :: [k]) = '[] :: [k] | |
type DropProxy (Proxy x :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type DropProxy (x ': xs :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
type family AddProxy (xs :: k) :: k Source #
Add Proxy
to a type
let x = undefined :: HList (AddProxy [Char,Int])
:t x
x :: HList '[Proxy Char, Proxy Int]
type AddProxy (x :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type AddProxy ('[] :: [k]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList type AddProxy ('[] :: [k]) = '[] :: [k] | |
type AddProxy (x ': xs :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
type HProxies xs = HProxiesFD xs (AddProxy xs) Source #
class HProxiesFD (xs :: [*]) pxs | pxs -> xs, xs -> pxs where Source #
creates a HList of Proxies
HProxiesFD ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
HProxiesFD xs pxs => HProxiesFD (x ': xs) (Proxy x ': pxs) Source # | |
data family HList (l :: [*]) infixr 2 Source #
(SameLengths '[x, y, xy], HZipList x y xy) => HZip HList x y xy Source # | |
(SameLengths '[x, y, xy], HZipList x y xy) => HUnzip HList x y xy Source # | |
HDeleteMany (e :: k) (HList ('[] :: [Type])) (HList ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HTypeIndexed | |
HMapAux HList f ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
(HSpanEqBy f a as fst snd, HGroupBy f snd gs) => HGroupBy (f :: t) (a ': as) (HList (a ': fst) ': gs) Source # | |
(ApplyAB f e e', HMapAux HList f l l', SameLength l l') => HMapAux HList f (e ': l) (e' ': l') Source # | |
(HOccurs e l, HProject l (HList l')) => HProject l (HList (e ': l')) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs | |
(HOccurrence e (x ': y) l', HOccurs' e l' (x ': y)) => HOccurs e (HList (x ': y)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs | |
HExtend e (HList l) Source # | |
HReverse l l' => HBuild' l (HList l') Source # | |
HInits1 a b => HInits a (HList ('[] :: [Type]) ': b) Source # | |
(Bounded x, Bounded (HList xs)) => Bounded (HList (x ': xs)) Source # | |
Bounded (HList ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | |
(Eq x, Eq (HList xs)) => Eq (HList (x ': xs)) Source # | |
Eq (HList ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | |
(Data x, Data (HList xs), TypeablePolyK (x ': xs), Typeable (HList (x ': xs))) => Data (HList (x ': xs)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Data Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> HList (x ': xs) -> c (HList (x ': xs)) # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (HList (x ': xs)) # toConstr :: HList (x ': xs) -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: HList (x ': xs) -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (HList (x ': xs))) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (HList (x ': xs))) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> HList (x ': xs) -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> HList (x ': xs) -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> HList (x ': xs) -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> HList (x ': xs) -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> HList (x ': xs) -> m (HList (x ': xs)) # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> HList (x ': xs) -> m (HList (x ': xs)) # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> HList (x ': xs) -> m (HList (x ': xs)) # | |
Typeable (HList ('[] :: [Type])) => Data (HList ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Data Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> HList '[] -> c (HList '[]) # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (HList '[]) # toConstr :: HList '[] -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: HList '[] -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (HList '[])) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (HList '[])) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> HList '[] -> HList '[] # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> HList '[] -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> HList '[] -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> HList '[] -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> HList '[] -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> HList '[] -> m (HList '[]) # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> HList '[] -> m (HList '[]) # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> HList '[] -> m (HList '[]) # | |
(Ord x, Ord (HList xs)) => Ord (HList (x ': xs)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Methods compare :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Ordering # (<) :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Bool # (<=) :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Bool # (>) :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Bool # (>=) :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Bool # max :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) # min :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) # | |
Ord (HList ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | |
(HProxies l, Read e, HSequence ReadP (ReadP e ': readP_l) (e ': l), HMapCxt HList ReadElement (AddProxy l) readP_l) => Read (HList (e ': l)) Source # | |
Read (HList ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | |
(Show e, Show (HList l)) => Show (HList (e ': l)) Source # | |
Show (HList ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | |
(Ix x, Ix (HList xs)) => Ix (HList (x ': xs)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Methods range :: (HList (x ': xs), HList (x ': xs)) -> [HList (x ': xs)] # index :: (HList (x ': xs), HList (x ': xs)) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Int # unsafeIndex :: (HList (x ': xs), HList (x ': xs)) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Int # inRange :: (HList (x ': xs), HList (x ': xs)) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Bool # rangeSize :: (HList (x ': xs), HList (x ': xs)) -> Int # unsafeRangeSize :: (HList (x ': xs), HList (x ': xs)) -> Int # | |
Ix (HList ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList Methods range :: (HList '[], HList '[]) -> [HList '[]] # index :: (HList '[], HList '[]) -> HList '[] -> Int # unsafeIndex :: (HList '[], HList '[]) -> HList '[] -> Int # inRange :: (HList '[], HList '[]) -> HList '[] -> Bool # rangeSize :: (HList '[], HList '[]) -> Int # unsafeRangeSize :: (HList '[], HList '[]) -> Int # | |
(HZip HList a a aa, HMapCxt HList UncurryMappend aa a) => Semigroup (HList a) Source # | |
(HProxies a, HMapCxt HList ConstMempty (AddProxy a) a, HZip HList a a aa, HMapCxt HList UncurryMappend aa a) => Monoid (HList a) Source # | Analogous to the Monoid instance for tuples
(TypeRepsList (HList xs), Typeable x) => TypeRepsList (HList (x ': xs)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Data Methods typeRepsList :: HList (x ': xs) -> [TypeRep] Source # | |
TypeRepsList (HList ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Data Methods typeRepsList :: HList '[] -> [TypeRep] Source # | |
(HDeleteAtHNat n l, HType2HNat e l n, l' ~ HDeleteAtHNatR n l) => HDeleteAtLabel HList (e :: Type) l l' Source # | should this instead delete the first element of that type? |
Defined in Data.HList.HTypeIndexed | |
(HEq e1 e b, HDeleteManyCase b e1 e l l1) => HDeleteMany (e1 :: Type) (HList (e ': l)) (HList l1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HTypeIndexed | |
HProject (HList l) (HList ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | |
HAppendList l1 l2 => HAppend (HList l1) (HList l2) Source # | |
ApplyAB f e e' => ApplyAB (MapCar f) (e, HList l) (HList (e' ': l)) Source # | |
HInits1 ('[] :: [Type]) '[HList ('[] :: [Type])] Source # | |
HTails ('[] :: [Type]) '[HList ('[] :: [Type])] Source # | |
Apply (FHUProj sel ns) (HList l, Proxy ('HSucc n)) => Apply (Proxy 'False, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
Apply (Proxy 'True, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
(ch ~ Proxy (HBoolEQ sel (KMember n ns)), Apply (ch, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n)) => Apply (FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
Apply (FHUProj sel ns) (HList ('[] :: [Type]), n) Source # | |
(HConcatFD as bs, HAppendFD a bs cs) => HConcatFD (HList a ': as) cs Source # | |
(HInits1 xs ys, HMapCxt HList (FHCons2 x) ys ys', HMapCons x ys ~ ys', HMapTail ys' ~ ys) => HInits1 (x ': xs) (HList '[x] ': ys') Source # | |
HTails xs ys => HTails (x ': xs) (HList (x ': xs) ': ys) Source # | |
HMapUnboxF xs us => HMapUnboxF (HList x ': xs) (RecordU x ': us) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU | |
(HList (x ': y) ~ z, HZip3 xs ys zs) => HZip3 (x ': xs) (HList y ': ys) (z ': zs) Source # | |
type HExtendR e (HList l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type HMapCons x (HList a ': b) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type UnHList (HList a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
data HList ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type HAppendR (HList l1 :: Type) (HList l2 :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
type ApplyR (Proxy 'False, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
type ApplyR (Proxy 'True, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
type ApplyR (FHUProj sel ns) (HList ('[] :: [Type]), n) Source # | |
type ApplyR (FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
type HMapTail (HList (a ': as) ': bs) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList | |
data HList (x ': xs) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HList |
hLast :: forall (l1 :: [Type]) e (l :: [Type]). HRevApp l1 ('[] :: [Type]) (e ': l) => HList l1 -> e Source #
hReverse_ :: forall (l1 :: [Type]) (l3 :: [Type]). HRevApp l1 ('[] :: [Type]) l3 => HList l1 -> HList l3 Source #
a version of hReverse
that does not allow the type
information to flow backwards
hEnd :: HList l -> HList l Source #
x :: HList a
- means:
forall a. x :: HList a
hEnd x
- means:
exists a. x :: HList a
List termination
hUnfold :: forall f a (z :: [Type]). (HUnfoldFD f (ApplyR f a) z, Apply f a) => f -> a -> HList z Source #
hMap :: forall (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) r f. (SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r f a b) => f -> r a -> r b Source #
hMapL :: forall (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) f. (SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux HList f a b) => f -> HList a -> HList b Source #
hMap constrained to HList
hComposeList :: HFoldr Comp (a -> a) l (t -> a) => HList l -> t -> a Source #
let xs = length .*. (+1) .*. (*2) .*. HNil
hComposeList xs "abc"
hMapOut :: forall f e l. HMapOut f l e => f -> HList l -> [e] Source #
compare hMapOut f
with hList2List
. hMap
hMapM_ :: (Monad m, HMapOut f l (m ())) => f -> HList l -> m () Source #
GHC doesn't like its own type.
hMapM_ :: forall m a f e. (Monad m, HMapOut f a (m e)) => f -> a -> m ()
Without explicit type signature, it's Ok. Sigh. Anyway, Hugs does insist on a better type. So we restrict as follows:
list2HList :: HList2List l e => [e] -> Maybe (HList l) Source #
listAsHList :: forall (l1 :: [Type]) e1 (l2 :: [Type]) e2 p f. (HList2List l1 e1, HList2List l2 e2, Choice p, Applicative f) => p (HList l2) (f (HList l1)) -> p [e2] (f [e1]) Source #
Prism [s] [t] (HList s) (HList t)
listAsHList' :: forall (l :: [Type]) e p f. (HList2List l e, Choice p, Applicative f) => p (HList l) (f (HList l)) -> p [e] (f [e]) Source #
Prism' [a] (HList s)
where s ~ HReplicateR n a
toHJust2 :: (HMapCxt r (HJust ()) a b, ToHJust a, b ~ ToHJustR a) => r a -> r b Source #
alternative implementation. The Apply instance is in Data.HList.FakePrelude. A longer type could be inferred.
fromHJust2 :: HMapCxt r HFromJust a b => r a -> r b Source #
This implementation is shorter.
hAddTag :: forall (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) r t. (SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r (HAddTag t) a b) => t -> r a -> r b Source #
hRmTag :: forall (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) r. (SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r HRmTag a b) => r a -> r b Source #
hFlag :: forall (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) r. (SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r (HAddTag (Proxy 'True)) a b) => r a -> r b Source #
Annotate list with a type-level Boolean
hFlag :: HMapCxt (HAddTag (Proxy True)) l r => HList l -> HList r
hTuple :: forall p f (v1 :: [Type]) a (v2 :: [Type]) t. (Profunctor p, Functor f, HTuple v1 a, HTuple v2 t) => p a (f t) -> p (HList v1) (f (HList v2)) Source #
Iso (HList v) (HList v') a b
hTuple' :: forall p f (v :: [Type]) a. (Profunctor p, Functor f, HTuple v a) => p a (f a) -> p (HList v) (f (HList v)) Source #
Iso' (HList v) a
class HZipRecord x y xy | x y -> xy, xy -> x y where Source #
HZipRecord ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
HZipRecord as bs abss => HZipRecord (Tagged x a ': as) (Tagged x b ': bs) (Tagged x (a, b) ': abss) Source # | |
HMapR f |
class HLensCxt x r s t a b => HLens x r s t a b | x s b -> t, x t a -> s, x s -> a, x t -> b where Source #
type HLensCxt x r s t a b = (HasField x (r s) a, HUpdateAtLabel r x b s t, HasField x (r t) b, HUpdateAtLabel r x a t s, SameLength s t, SameLabels s t) Source #
constraints needed to implement HLens
class HRearrange4 (l :: *) (ls :: [*]) rin rout r' | l ls rin rout -> r' where Source #
Helper class 2 for hRearrange
Fail (FieldNotFound l ()) => HRearrange4 l ls ('[] :: [Type]) rout ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | For improved error messages. XXX FieldNotFound |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(HRearrange3 ls rout r', r'' ~ (Tagged l v ': r'), ll ~ Label l) => HRearrange4 ll ls '[Tagged l v] rout r'' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record |
class HRearrange3 (ls :: [*]) r r' | ls r -> r' where Source #
same as HRearrange, except no backwards FD
hRearrange3 :: proxy ls -> HList r -> HList r' Source #
HRearrange3 ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods hRearrange3 :: proxy '[] -> HList '[] -> HList '[] Source # | |
Fail (ExtraField l) => HRearrange3 ('[] :: [Type]) (Tagged l v ': a) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | For improved error messages |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(H2ProjectByLabels '[l] r rin rout, HRearrange4 l ls rin rout r', l ~ Label ll) => HRearrange3 (l ': ls) r r' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods hRearrange3 :: proxy (l ': ls) -> HList r -> HList r' Source # |
class (HRearrange3 ls r r', LabelsOf r' ~ ls, SameLength ls r, SameLength r r') => HRearrange (ls :: [*]) r r' | ls r -> r', r' -> ls where Source #
Helper class for hRearrange
hRearrange2 :: proxy ls -> HList r -> HList r' Source #
(HRearrange3 ls r r', LabelsOf r' ~ ls, SameLength ls r, SameLength r r') => HRearrange ls r r' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods hRearrange2 :: proxy ls -> HList r -> HList r' Source # |
class Rearranged r s t a b where Source #
rearranged :: (Profunctor p, Functor f) => (r a `p` f (r b)) -> r s `p` f (r t) Source #
(la ~ LabelsOf a, lt ~ LabelsOf t, HRearrange la s a, HRearrange lt b t, HLabelSet la, HLabelSet lt) => Rearranged Record (s :: [Type]) (t :: [Type]) (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) Source # | Iso (Record s) (Record t) (Record a) (Record b) where An alternative implementation: rearranged x = iso hRearrange' hRearrange' x |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods rearranged :: (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Record a) (f (Record b)) -> p (Record s) (f (Record t)) Source # | |
(SameLength s a, ExtendsVariant s a, SameLength b t, ExtendsVariant b t) => Rearranged Variant (s :: [Type]) (t :: [Type]) (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods rearranged :: (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Variant a) (f (Variant b)) -> p (Variant s) (f (Variant t)) Source # |
class UnionSymRec' (b :: Bool) r1 f2 r2' ru | b r1 f2 r2' -> ru where Source #
(UnionSymRec r1 r2' ru, HExtend f2 (Record ru), Record f2ru ~ HExtendR f2 (Record ru)) => UnionSymRec' 'False r1 f2 r2' f2ru Source # | |
(UnionSymRec r1 r2' ru, HTPupdateAtLabel Record l2 v2 ru, f2 ~ Tagged l2 v2) => UnionSymRec' 'True r1 f2 r2' ru Source # | Field f2 is already in r1, so it will be in the union of r1 with the rest of r2. To inject (HCons f2 r2) in that union, we should replace the field f2 |
class UnionSymRec r1 r2 ru | r1 r2 -> ru where Source #
r1 ~ r1' => UnionSymRec r1 ('[] :: [Type]) r1' Source # | |
(HMemberLabel l r1 b, UnionSymRec' b r1 (Tagged l v) r2' ru) => UnionSymRec r1 (Tagged l v ': r2') ru Source # | |
class HLeftUnion r r' r'' | r r' -> r'' where Source #
(HDeleteLabels (LabelsOf l) r r', HAppend (Record l) (Record r'), HAppendR (Record l) (Record r') ~ Record lr) => HLeftUnion l r lr Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record |
class HDeleteLabels ks r r' | ks r -> r' where Source #
HDeleteLabels ks ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods hDeleteLabels :: proxy ks -> Record '[] -> Record '[] Source # | |
(HMember (Label l) ks b, HCond b (Record r2) (Record (Tagged l v ': r2)) (Record r3), HDeleteLabels ks r1 r2) => HDeleteLabels ks (Tagged l v ': r1) r3 Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record |
type HTPupdateAtLabel record l v r = (HUpdateAtLabel record l v r r, SameLength' r r) Source #
class H2ProjectByLabels' (b :: Maybe [*]) (ls :: [*]) r rin rout | b ls r -> rin rout where Source #
H2ProjectByLabels ls r rin rout => H2ProjectByLabels' ('Nothing :: Maybe [Type]) ls (f ': r) rin (f ': rout) Source # | if ls above has labels not in the record,
we get labels (rin |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
H2ProjectByLabels ls1 r rin rout => H2ProjectByLabels' ('Just ls1) ls (f ': r) (f ': rin) rout Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record |
class H2ProjectByLabels (ls :: [*]) r rin rout | ls r -> rin rout where Source #
r === rin `disjoint-union` rout labels rin === ls where (rin,rout) = hProjectByLabels ls r
H2ProjectByLabels ('[] :: [Type]) r ('[] :: [Type]) r Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
H2ProjectByLabels (l ': ls) ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(HMemberM (Label l1) (l ': ls) b, H2ProjectByLabels' b (l ': ls) (Tagged l1 v1 ': r1) rin rout) => H2ProjectByLabels (l ': ls) (Tagged l1 v1 ': r1) rin rout Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record |
type family Labels (xs :: [k]) :: * Source #
A helper to make the Proxy needed by hProjectByLabels, and similar functions which accept a list of kind [*].
For example:
(rin,rout) = hProjectByLabels2
(Proxy :: Labels ["x","y"]) r
behaves like
rin = r .!. (Label :: Label "x") .*. r .!. (Label :: Label "y") .*. emptyRecord rout = r .-. (Label :: Label "x") .-. (Label :: Label "y")
type Labels (xs :: [k]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record type Labels (xs :: [k]) |
class HUpdateAtLabel record (l :: k) (v :: *) (r :: [*]) (r' :: [*]) | l v r -> r', l r' -> v where Source #
label value record
hUpdateAtLabel :: SameLength r r' => Label l -> v -> record r -> record r' Source #
(HUpdateAtLabel2 l v r r', HasField l (Record r') v) => HUpdateAtLabel Record (l :: k) v r r' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
HUpdateVariantAtLabelCxt l e v v' n _e => HUpdateAtLabel Variant (l :: k) e v v' Source # | hUpdateAtLabel x e' (mkVariant x e proxy) == mkVariant x e' proxy hUpdateAtLabel y e' (mkVariant x e proxy) == mkVariant x e proxy |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
(r ~ r', v ~ GetElemTy r, HFindLabel l r n, HNat2Integral n, IArray UArray v, HasField l (Record r') v) => HUpdateAtLabel RecordU (l :: k) v r r' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU | |
(HUpdateAtLabel Record e' e r r', HTypeIndexed r', e ~ e') => HUpdateAtLabel TIP (e' :: Type) e r r' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP |
class HasField' (b :: Bool) (l :: k) (r :: [*]) v | b l r -> v where Source #
class HasFieldM1 (b :: Maybe [*]) (l :: k) r v | b l r -> v where Source #
hLookupByLabelM1 :: Proxy b -> Label l -> r -> t -> DemoteMaybe t v Source #
HasFieldM1 ('Nothing :: Maybe [Type]) (l :: k) r ('Nothing :: Maybe Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods hLookupByLabelM1 :: Proxy 'Nothing -> Label l -> r -> t -> DemoteMaybe t 'Nothing Source # | |
HasField l r v => HasFieldM1 ('Just b) (l :: k) r ('Just v) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods hLookupByLabelM1 :: Proxy ('Just b) -> Label l -> r -> t -> DemoteMaybe t ('Just v) Source # |
type family DemoteMaybe (d :: *) (v :: Maybe *) :: * Source #
type DemoteMaybe d ('Nothing :: Maybe Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
type DemoteMaybe d ('Just a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record |
class HasFieldM (l :: k) r (v :: Maybe *) | l r -> v where Source #
a version of HasField
returns a default value when the label is not in the record:
let r = x .=. "the x value" .*. emptyRecord
hLookupByLabelM y r ()
hLookupByLabelM x r ()
"the x value"
:: Label l | |
-> r | Record (or Variant,TIP,TIC) |
-> t | default value |
-> DemoteMaybe t v |
(HMemberM (Label l) (LabelsOf xs) b, HasFieldM1 b l (r xs) v) => HasFieldM (l :: k) (r xs) v Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods hLookupByLabelM :: Label l -> r xs -> t -> DemoteMaybe t v Source # |
class HasField (l :: k) r v | l r -> v where Source #
This is a baseline implementation. We use a helper class, HasField, to abstract from the implementation.
Because hLookupByLabel
is so frequent and important, we implement
it separately, more efficiently. The algorithm is familiar assq, only
the comparison operation is done at compile-time
hLookupByLabel :: Label l -> r -> v Source #
(t ~ (Any :: Type), Fail (FieldNotFound l ())) => HasField (l :: k) (Record ('[] :: [Type])) t Source # | XXX |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods hLookupByLabel :: Label l -> Record '[] -> t Source # | |
(HEqK l l1 b, HasField' b l (Tagged l1 v1 ': r) v) => HasField (l :: k1) (Record (Tagged l1 v1 ': r)) v Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(IArray UArray v, v ~ GetElemTy ls, HFindLabel l ls n, HNat2Integral n) => HasField (l :: k) (RecordU ls) v Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU Methods hLookupByLabel :: Label l -> RecordU ls -> v Source # | |
(HFindLabel l r n, HLookupByHNatUS n u (Tagged l v), HasField l (Record r) v, RecordUSCxt r u) => HasField (l :: k) (RecordUS r) v Source # | works expected. See examples attached to |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU Methods hLookupByLabel :: Label l -> RecordUS r -> v Source # | |
(HasField x (Record vs) a, HFindLabel x vs n, HNat2Integral n) => HasField (x :: k) (Variant vs) (Maybe a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
(e ~ e', HasField e (Record l) e') => HasField (e :: Type) (TIP l) e' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP Methods hLookupByLabel :: Label e -> TIP l -> e' Source # | |
HasField o (Variant l) (Maybe o) => HasField (o :: Type) (TIC l) (Maybe o) Source # | Public destructor (or, open union's projection function) |
Defined in Data.HList.TIC |
data ReadComponent Source #
(Read v, ShowLabel l, x ~ Tagged l v, ReadP x ~ y) => ApplyAB ReadComponent (Proxy x) y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods applyAB :: ReadComponent -> Proxy x -> y Source # |
class ShowComponents l where Source #
ShowComponents ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(ShowLabel l, Show v, ShowComponents r) => ShowComponents (Tagged l v ': r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record |
class SameLength r (RecordValuesR r) => RecordValues (r :: [*]) where Source #
Construct the HList of values of the record.
Associated Types
type RecordValuesR r :: [*] Source #
recordValues' :: HList r -> HList (RecordValuesR r) Source #
RecordValues ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Associated Types type RecordValuesR '[] :: [Type] Source # Methods recordValues' :: HList '[] -> HList (RecordValuesR '[]) Source # | |
(SameLength' r (RecordValuesR r), SameLength' (RecordValuesR r) r, RecordValues r) => RecordValues (Tagged l v ': r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Associated Types type RecordValuesR (Tagged l v ': r) :: [Type] Source # Methods recordValues' :: HList (Tagged l v ': r) -> HList (RecordValuesR (Tagged l v ': r)) Source # |
type family UnLabel (proxy :: k) (ls :: [*]) :: [k] Source #
remove the Label type constructor. The proxy
argument is
supplied to make it easier to fix the kind variable k
type family LabelsOf (ls :: [*]) :: [*] Source #
Construct the (phantom) list of labels of a record, or list of Label.
type LabelsOf ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
type LabelsOf (Tagged l v ': r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
type LabelsOf (Label l ': r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record |
class HLabelSet' l1 l2 (leq :: Bool) r Source #
Fail (DuplicatedLabel l1) => HLabelSet' (l1 :: k1) (l2 :: k2) 'True (r :: k3) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(HLabelSet (l2 ': r), HLabelSet (l1 ': r)) => HLabelSet' (l1 :: k) (l2 :: k) 'False (r :: [k]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record |
Relation between HLabelSet and HRLabelSet
instance HLabelSet (LabelsOf ps) => HRLabelSet ps
see also HSet
HLabelSet ('[] :: [k]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
HLabelSet ('[x] :: [k]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(HEqK l1 l2 leq, HLabelSet' l1 l2 leq r) => HLabelSet (l1 ': (l2 ': r) :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record |
class (HLabelSet (LabelsOf ps), HAllTaggedLV ps) => HRLabelSet (ps :: [*]) Source #
(HLabelSet (LabelsOf ps), HAllTaggedLV ps) => HRLabelSet ps Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record |
data DuplicatedLabel l Source #
Property of a proper label set for a record: no duplication of labels,
and every element of the list is Tagged label value
type HMapTaggedFn l r = (HMapCxt HList TaggedFn l r, RecordValuesR r ~ l, RecordValues r) Source #
TaggedFn |
class Relabeled r where Source #
Iso (Record s) (Record t) (Record a) (Record b)
, such that
relabeled = unlabeled . from unlabeled
in other words, pretend a record has different labels, but the same values.
relabeled :: forall p f s t a b. (HMapTaggedFn (RecordValuesR s) a, HMapTaggedFn (RecordValuesR b) t, SameLengths '[s, a, t, b], RecordValuesR t ~ RecordValuesR b, RecordValuesR s ~ RecordValuesR a, RecordValues b, RecordValues s, Profunctor p, Functor f) => (r a `p` f (r b)) -> r s `p` f (r t) Source #
Relabeled Record Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods relabeled :: forall p f (s :: [Type]) (t :: [Type]) (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]). (HMapTaggedFn (RecordValuesR s) a, HMapTaggedFn (RecordValuesR b) t, SameLengths '[s, a, t, b], RecordValuesR t ~ RecordValuesR b, RecordValuesR s ~ RecordValuesR a, RecordValues b, RecordValues s, Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Record a) (f (Record b)) -> p (Record s) (f (Record t)) Source # | |
Relabeled Variant Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods relabeled :: forall p f (s :: [Type]) (t :: [Type]) (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]). (HMapTaggedFn (RecordValuesR s) a, HMapTaggedFn (RecordValuesR b) t, SameLengths '[s, a, t, b], RecordValuesR t ~ RecordValuesR b, RecordValuesR s ~ RecordValuesR a, RecordValues b, RecordValues s, Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Variant a) (f (Variant b)) -> p (Variant s) (f (Variant t)) Source # |
type Unlabeled' x = Unlabeled x x Source #
type Unlabeled x y = (HMapCxt HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR y) y, RecordValues x, RecordValues y, SameLength (RecordValuesR x) (RecordValuesR y), SameLength x y, SameLabels x y, HAllTaggedLV x, HAllTaggedLV y) Source #
newtype Record (r :: [*]) Source #
Relabeled Record Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods relabeled :: forall p f (s :: [Type]) (t :: [Type]) (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]). (HMapTaggedFn (RecordValuesR s) a, HMapTaggedFn (RecordValuesR b) t, SameLengths '[s, a, t, b], RecordValuesR t ~ RecordValuesR b, RecordValuesR s ~ RecordValuesR a, RecordValues b, RecordValues s, Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Record a) (f (Record b)) -> p (Record s) (f (Record t)) Source # | |
TypeIndexed Record TIP Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIC | |
(HZipRecord x y xy, SameLengths '[x, y, xy]) => HZip Record x y xy Source # |
(HZipRecord x y xy, SameLengths '[x, y, xy]) => HUnzip Record x y xy Source # | |
HMapAux HList (HFmap f) x y => HMapAux Record f x y Source # | |
H2ProjectByLabels '[Label l] v t1 v' => HDeleteAtLabel Record (l :: k) v v' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(H2ProjectByLabels (LabelsOf a) s a_ _s_minus_a, HRLabelSet a_, HRLabelSet a, HRearrange (LabelsOf a) a_ a, HLeftUnion b s bs, HRLabelSet bs, HRearrange (LabelsOf t) bs t, HRLabelSet t) => Projected Record s t a b Source # | Lens rs rt ra rb where |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable Methods projected :: forall (ty :: LabeledOpticType) p f. (ty ~ LabelableTy Record, LabeledOpticP ty p, LabeledOpticF ty f) => p (Record a) (f (Record b)) -> p (Record s) (f (Record t)) Source # | |
(HUpdateAtLabel2 l v r r', HasField l (Record r') v) => HUpdateAtLabel Record (l :: k) v r r' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
HLens x Record s t a b => Labelable (x :: k) Record s t a b Source # | make a |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable Associated Types type LabelableTy Record :: LabeledOpticType Source # | |
(t ~ (Any :: Type), Fail (FieldNotFound l ())) => HasField (l :: k) (Record ('[] :: [Type])) t Source # | XXX |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods hLookupByLabel :: Label l -> Record '[] -> t Source # | |
(HEqK l l1 b, HasField' b l (Tagged l1 v1 ': r) v) => HasField (l :: k1) (Record (Tagged l1 v1 ': r)) v Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
HRLabelSet (t ': r) => HExtend t (Record r) Source # | |
(HReverse l lRev, HMapTaggedFn lRev l') => HBuild' l (Record l') Source # | This instance allows creating a Record with hBuild 3 |
(HLeftUnion lv x lvx, HRLabelSet x, HLabelSet (LabelsOf x), HRearrange (LabelsOf x) lvx x) => HUpdateMany lv (Record x) Source # | implementation in terms of |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU | |
(HasField l (Record r) u, HasFieldPath needJust ls u v) => HasFieldPath needJust (Label l ': ls) (Record r) v Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Dredge | |
Bounded (HList r) => Bounded (Record r) Source # | |
Eq (HList r) => Eq (Record r) Source # | |
DataRecordCxt a => Data (Record a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Data Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Record a -> c (Record a) # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (Record a) # toConstr :: Record a -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: Record a -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (Record a)) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (Record a)) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Record a -> Record a # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Record a -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Record a -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Record a -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Record a -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Record a -> m (Record a) # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Record a -> m (Record a) # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Record a -> m (Record a) # | |
Ord (HList r) => Ord (Record r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
(HMapCxt HList ReadComponent (AddProxy rs) bs, ApplyAB ReadComponent (Proxy r) readP_r, HProxies rs, HSequence ReadP (readP_r ': bs) (r ': rs), r ~ Tagged l v, ShowLabel l, Read v, HSequence ReadP bs rs) => Read (Record (r ': rs)) Source # | |
ShowComponents r => Show (Record r) Source # | |
Ix (HList r) => Ix (Record r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods range :: (Record r, Record r) -> [Record r] # index :: (Record r, Record r) -> Record r -> Int # unsafeIndex :: (Record r, Record r) -> Record r -> Int # inRange :: (Record r, Record r) -> Record r -> Bool # rangeSize :: (Record r, Record r) -> Int # unsafeRangeSize :: (Record r, Record r) -> Int # | |
Semigroup (HList r) => Semigroup (Record r) Source # | |
Monoid (HList r) => Monoid (Record r) Source # | |
TypeRepsList (HList xs) => TypeRepsList (Record xs) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Data Methods typeRepsList :: Record xs -> [TypeRep] Source # | |
(la ~ LabelsOf a, lt ~ LabelsOf t, HRearrange la s a, HRearrange lt b t, HLabelSet la, HLabelSet lt) => Rearranged Record (s :: [Type]) (t :: [Type]) (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) Source # | Iso (Record s) (Record t) (Record a) (Record b) where An alternative implementation: rearranged x = iso hRearrange' hRearrange' x |
Defined in Data.HList.Record Methods rearranged :: (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Record a) (f (Record b)) -> p (Record s) (f (Record t)) Source # | |
(HRLabelSet (HAppendListR r1 r2), HAppend (HList r1) (HList r2)) => HAppend (Record r1) (Record r2) Source # |
record .*. field1 .*. field2 |
H2ProjectByLabels (LabelsOf r2) r1 r2 rout => SubType (Record r1 :: Type) (Record r2 :: Type) Source # | Subtyping for records |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
type LabelableTy Record Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable | |
type HExtendR t (Record r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record | |
type HAppendR (Record r1 :: Type) (Record r2 :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Record |
labelLVPair :: Tagged l v -> Label l Source #
Label accessor
hListRecord :: forall p f (r1 :: [Type]) (r2 :: [Type]). (Profunctor p, Functor f, HLabelSet (LabelsOf r1), HAllTaggedLV r1) => p (Record r1) (f (Record r2)) -> p (HList r1) (f (HList r2)) Source #
HRLabelSet t => Iso (HList s) (HList t) (Record s) (Record t)
hListRecord' :: forall p f (r :: [Type]). (Profunctor p, Functor f, HLabelSet (LabelsOf r), HAllTaggedLV r) => p (Record r) (f (Record r)) -> p (HList r) (f (HList r)) Source #
Iso' (HList s) (Record s)
emptyRecord :: Record '[] Source #
Build an empty record
unlabeled0 :: forall f p (x :: [Type]) (y :: [Type]). (Functor f, Profunctor p, SameLabels x y, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR y) y, RecordValues x, RecordValues y) => p (HList (RecordValuesR x)) (f (HList (RecordValuesR y))) -> p (Record x) (f (Record y)) Source #
Iso (Record s) (Record t) (HList a) (HList b)
view unlabeled == recordValues
unlabeled :: (Unlabeled x y, Profunctor p, Functor f) => (HList (RecordValuesR x) `p` f (HList (RecordValuesR y))) -> Record x `p` f (Record y) Source #
unlabeled' :: (Unlabeled' x, Profunctor p, Functor f) => (HList (RecordValuesR x) `p` f (HList (RecordValuesR x))) -> Record x `p` f (Record x) Source #
Unlabeled' x => Iso' (Record x) (HList (RecordValuesR x))
relabeled' :: forall r (t :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) p f. (Relabeled r, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR t) b, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR b) t, RecordValues b, RecordValues t, SameLength' (RecordValuesR t) b, SameLength' (RecordValuesR b) t, SameLength' t (RecordValuesR b), SameLength' t b, SameLength' b (RecordValuesR t), SameLength' b t, Profunctor p, Functor f, RecordValuesR t ~ RecordValuesR b) => p (r b) (f (r b)) -> p (r t) (f (r t)) Source #
Iso' (Record s) (Record a)
such that RecordValuesR s ~ RecordValuesR a
hMapTaggedFn :: HMapTaggedFn a b => HList a -> Record b Source #
"inverse" to recordValues
recordValues :: RecordValues r => Record r -> HList (RecordValuesR r) Source #
(.!.) :: HasField l r v => r -> Label l -> v infixr 9 Source #
Lookup a value in a record by its label. Analagous to (!!), the
list indexing operation. Highest fixity, like (!!
let record1 = x .=. 3 .*. y .=. 'y' .*. emptyRecord :}
record1 .!. x
record1 .!. y
let r2 = y .=. record1 .!. x .*. z .=. record1 .!. y .*. emptyRecord :}
Note that labels made following Data.HList.Labelable allow using "Control.Lens.^." instead.
(.-.) :: HDeleteAtLabel r l xs xs' => r xs -> Label l -> r xs' infixl 2 Source #
Remove a field from a record. At the same
level as other record modification options (.*.
). Analagous
to (\\
) in lists.
record1 .-. label1
label1 .=. value1 .*. label2 .=. value2 .-. label2 .*. emptyRecord
label1 .=. value1 .-. label1 .*. label2 .=. value2 .*. emptyRecord
record1 .*. label1 .=. record2 .!. label1 .*. label2 .=. record2 .!. label2 .-. label1
(.@.) :: forall k record (l :: k) v (r :: [Type]) (r' :: [Type]). (HUpdateAtLabel record l v r r', SameLength' r r', SameLength' r' r) => Tagged l v -> record r -> record r' infixr 2 Source #
Update a field with a particular value. Same fixity as (.*.) so that extensions and updates can be chained. There is no real list analogue, since there is no Prelude defined update.
label1 .=. value1 .@. record1
hProjectByLabels :: (HRLabelSet a, H2ProjectByLabels ls t a b) => proxy ls -> Record t -> Record a Source #
hProjectByLabels ls r
returns r
with only the labels in ls
hProjectByLabels2 :: (H2ProjectByLabels ls t t1 t2, HRLabelSet t1, HRLabelSet t2) => Proxy ls -> Record t -> (Record t1, Record t2) Source #
hProjectByLabels' :: forall (l :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]) (t :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]). (HRearrange3 (LabelsOf l) r l, SameLength' (LabelsOf l) r, SameLength' r (LabelsOf l), SameLength' r l, SameLength' l r, HLabelSet (LabelsOf l), HLabelSet (LabelsOf r), HAllTaggedLV r, H2ProjectByLabels (LabelsOf l) t r b) => Record t -> Record l Source #
hRenameLabel :: forall k1 k2 r (l1 :: k1) (v1 :: [Type]) (v' :: [Type]) v2 (l2 :: k2). (HDeleteAtLabel r l1 v1 v', HasField l1 (r v1) v2, HExtend (Tagged l2 v2) (r v')) => Label l1 -> Label l2 -> r v1 -> HExtendR (Tagged l2 v2) (r v') Source #
Rename the label of record
hRenameLabel x y (x .=. () .*. emptyRecord)
hTPupdateAtLabel :: HTPupdateAtLabel record l v r => Label l -> v -> record r -> record r Source #
We could also say:
hTPupdateAtLabel l v r = hUpdateAtLabel l v r `asTypeOf` r
Then we were taking a dependency on Haskell's type equivalence. This would also constrain the actual implementation of hUpdateAtLabel.
A variation on hUpdateAtLabel
: type-preserving update.
(.<.) :: forall k record (l :: k) v (r :: [Type]). (HUpdateAtLabel record l v r r, SameLength' r r) => Tagged l v -> record r -> record r infixr 2 Source #
The same as .@.
, except type preserving. It has the same fixity as (.@.).
(.<++.) :: HLeftUnion r r' r'' => Record r -> Record r' -> Record r'' infixl 1 Source #
Similar to list append, so give this slightly lower fixity than (.*.), so we can write:
field1 .=. value .*. record1 .<++. record2
hRearrange :: (HLabelSet ls, HRearrange ls r r') => Proxy ls -> Record r -> Record r' Source #
Rearranges a record by labels. Returns the record r, rearranged such that the labels are in the order given by ls. (LabelsOf r) must be a permutation of ls.
hRearrange' :: forall (l :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]). (HLabelSet (LabelsOf l), HRearrange3 (LabelsOf l) r l, SameLength' (LabelsOf l) r, SameLength' r (LabelsOf l), SameLength' r l, SameLength' l r) => Record r -> Record l Source #
is hRearrange
where ordering specified by the Proxy
argument is determined by the result type.
With built-in haskell records, these e1
and e2
have the same type:
data R = R { x, y :: Int } e1 = R{ x = 1, y = 2} e2 = R{ y = 2, x = 1}
can be used to allow either ordering to be accepted:
h1, h2 :: Record [ Tagged "x" Int, Tagged "y" Int ] h1 = hRearrange' $ x .=. 1 .*. y .=. 2 .*. emptyRecord h2 = hRearrange' $ y .=. 2 .*. x .=. 1 .*. emptyRecord
rearranged' :: forall k r (t :: k) (b :: k) p f. (Rearranged r t t b b, Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (r b) (f (r b)) -> p (r t) (f (r t)) Source #
Iso' (r s) (r a)
where s
is a permutation of a
hMapR :: forall (x :: [Type]) (y :: [Type]) f. (SameLength' x y, SameLength' y x, HMapAux HList (HFmap f) x y) => f -> Record x -> Record y Source #
map over the values of a record. This is a shortcut for
\ f (Record a) -> Record (hMap (HFmap f) a)
suppose we have a function that should be applied to every element of a record:
let circSucc_ x | x == maxBound = minBound | otherwise = succ x
:t circSucc_
circSucc_ :: (Bounded a, Enum a, Eq a) => a -> a
Use a shortcut (Fun
) to create a value that has an appropriate ApplyAB
let circSucc = Fun circSucc_ :: Fun '[Eq,Enum,Bounded] '()
Confirm that we got Fun right:
:t applyAB circSucc
applyAB circSucc :: (Bounded b, Enum b, Eq b) => b -> b
applyAB circSucc True
define the actual record:
let r = x .=. 'a' .*. y .=. False .*. emptyRecord
hMapR circSucc r
hEndP :: Proxy (xs :: [k]) -> Proxy xs Source #
label1 label2
is one way to make a Proxy of labels (for use with asLabelsOf
for example). Another way is
label1 .*. label2 .*. emptyProxy
zipTagged :: (MapLabel ts ~ lts, HZip Proxy lts vs tvs) => Proxy ts -> proxy vs -> Proxy tvs Source #
Missing from ghc-7.6, because HZip Proxy instances interfere with HZip HList instances.
a variation on hZip
for Proxy
, where
the list of labels does not have to include Label
(as in ts'
let ts = Proxy :: Proxy ["x","y"]
let ts' = Proxy :: Proxy [Label "x",Label "y"]
let vs = Proxy :: Proxy [Int,Char]
:t zipTagged ts Proxy
zipTagged ts Proxy :: Proxy '[Tagged "x" y, Tagged "y" y1]
:t zipTagged ts vs
zipTagged ts vs :: Proxy '[Tagged "x" Int, Tagged "y" Char]
And and the case when hZip does the same thing:
:t zipTagged ts' vs
zipTagged ts' vs :: Proxy '[Tagged "x" Int, Tagged "y" Char]
:t hZip ts' vs
hZip ts' vs :: Proxy '[Tagged "x" Int, Tagged "y" Char]
hZipRecord2 :: forall (x :: [Type]) (y1 :: [Type]) (y2 :: [Type]). (SameLabels x y1, SameLabels x y2, HAllTaggedLV x, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR x) x, HZipList (RecordValuesR y1) (RecordValuesR y2) (RecordValuesR x), RecordValues x, RecordValues y1, RecordValues y2, SameLength' x y1, SameLength' x y2, SameLength' y2 x, SameLength' y1 x) => Record y1 -> Record y2 -> Record x Source #
hUnzipRecord2 :: forall (x1 :: [Type]) (y :: [Type]) (x2 :: [Type]). (SameLabels x1 y, SameLabels x2 y, HAllTaggedLV x1, HAllTaggedLV x2, HZipList (RecordValuesR x2) (RecordValuesR x1) (RecordValuesR y), HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR x2) x2, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR x1) x1, RecordValues x2, RecordValues y, RecordValues x1, SameLength' x2 y, SameLength' x1 y, SameLength' y x1, SameLength' y x2) => Record y -> (Record x2, Record x1) Source #
asLabelsOf :: (HAllTaggedLV x, SameLabels x y, SameLength x y) => r x -> s y -> r x Source #
similar to asTypeOf
let s0 = Proxy :: Proxy '["x", "y"]
let s1 = Proxy :: Proxy '[Label "x", Label "y"]
let s2 = Proxy :: Proxy '[Tagged "x" Int, Tagged "y" Char]
let f0 r = () where _ = r `asLabelsOf` s0
let f1 r = () where _ = r `asLabelsOf` s1
let f2 r = () where _ = r `asLabelsOf` s2
:t f0
f0 :: r '[Tagged "x" v, Tagged "y" v1] -> ()
:t f1
f1 :: r '[Tagged "x" v, Tagged "y" v1] -> ()
:t f2
f2 :: r '[Tagged "x" v, Tagged "y" v1] -> ()
pun :: QuasiQuoter Source #
requires labels to be promoted strings (kind Symbol), as provided by
Data.HList.Label6 (ie. the label for foo is Label :: Label "foo"
or Data.HList.Labelable
class Kw (fn :: *) (arg_def :: [*]) r where Source #
takes a HList
whose first element is a function, and the rest
of the elements are default values.
A useful trick is to have a final argument ()
which is not
eaten up by a label (A only takes 1 argument). That way when you supply
the () it knows there are no more arguments (?).
data A = A
instance IsKeyFN (A -> a -> b) True
let f A a () = a + 1
let f' = f .*. A .*. 1 .*. HNil
kw f' A 0 ()
kw f' ()
r ~ (c -> b) => IsKeyFN (K s c -> r) 'True Source # | The purpose of this instance is to be able to use the same Symbol
(type-level string) at different types. If they are supposed to be the same,
then use
therefore the following options works:
But you cannot leave off all |
Defined in Data.HList.Keyword |
data ErrUnexpectedKW x Source #
data ErrReqdArgNotFound x Source #
recToKW :: forall a b. (HMapCxt HList TaggedToKW a b, HConcat b) => Record a -> HList (HConcatR b) Source #
convert a Record
into a list that can supply
default arguments for kw
A bit of setup:
:set -XQuasiQuotes
import Data.HList.RecordPuns
let f (_ :: Label "a") a (_ :: Label "b") b () = a `div` b
let a = 2; b = 1; f' = f .*. recToKW [pun| a b |]
kw f' ()
kw f' (Label :: Label "a") 10 ()
HZipF |
class HZip3 x y l | x y -> l, l -> x y where Source #
same as HZip
but HCons the elements of x onto y. This might be doable as
a hMap f (hZip x y)
, but that one doesn't propagate types as easily it
type Snd (a, b) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HZip type Snd (a, b) = b |
type Fst (a, b) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HZip type Fst (a, b) = a |
type family HZipR (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]) :: [*] Source #
calculates something like:
[a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
can be used to give another type for hZip2
hZip2 :: HList a -> HList b -> HList (HZipR a b)
class HZipR (MapFst z) (MapSnd z) ~ z => HUnZip z where Source #
HZipR in the superclass constraint doesn't hurt, but it doesn't seem to be necessary
hZip2 :: HList (MapFst z) -> HList (MapSnd z) -> HList z Source #
hUnzip2 :: HList z -> (HList (MapFst z), HList (MapSnd z)) Source #
hTranspose :: forall (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) (c :: [Type]) (es :: [Type]) (l :: [Type]) (n :: HNat). (HZip3 a b c, HFoldr HZipF (HList es) l (HList b), HReplicateFD n (HList ('[] :: [Type])) es, SameLength' (HReplicateR n ()) a, HLengthEq1 a n, HLengthEq2 a n) => HList (HList a ': l) -> HList c Source #
this transpose requires equal-length HLists inside a HList:
import Data.HList.HListPrelude
let ex = (1 .*. 2 .*. HNil) .*. ('a' .*. 'b' .*. HNil) .*. ( 3 .*. 5 .*. HNil) .*. HNil
The original list:
And transposed:
hTranspose ex
class HEqByFn le => HAscList le (ps :: [*]) Source #
HAscList le xs
confirms that xs is in ascending order,
and reports which element is duplicated otherwise.
class HEqByFn lt => HIsSetBy lt (ps :: [*]) (b :: Bool) | lt ps -> b Source #
(HEqByFn lt, HSortBy lt ps ps', HIsAscList lt ps' b) => HIsSetBy (lt :: k) ps b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort |
class HIsSet (ps :: [*]) (b :: Bool) | ps -> b Source #
let xx = Proxy :: HIsSet [Label "x", Label "x"] b => Proxy b
:t xx
xx :: Proxy 'False
let xy = Proxy :: HIsSet [Label "x", Label "y"] b => Proxy b
:t xy
xy :: Proxy 'True
class HEqByFn lt => HSetBy lt (ps :: [*]) Source #
Provided the labels involved have an appropriate instance of HEqByFn, it would be possible to use the following definitions:
type HRLabelSet = HSet type HLabelSet = HSet
class (SameLength a b, HEqByFn le) => HSortBy le (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]) | le a -> b where Source #
quick sort with a special case for sorted lists
(SameLength a b, HIsAscList le a ok, HSortBy1 ok le a b, HEqByFn le) => HSortBy (le :: k) a b Source # | |
class HEqByFn le => HIsAscList le (xs :: [*]) (b :: Bool) | le xs -> b Source #
HIsAscList le xs b
is analogous to
b = all (\(x,y) -> x `le` y) (xs `zip` tail xs)
HEqByFn le => HIsAscList (le :: k) ('[] :: [Type]) 'True Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
(HEqBy le x y b1, HIsAscList le (y ': ys) b2, HAnd b1 b2 ~ b3) => HIsAscList (le :: k) (x ': (y ': ys)) b3 Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
HEqByFn le => HIsAscList (le :: k) '[x] 'True Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort |
analogous to Down
the "standard" <=
for types. Reuses HEqBy
Note that ghc-7.6 is missing instances for Symbol and Nat, so that
sorting only works HNat
(as used by Data.HList.Label3).
HEqByFn HLeFn Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
(x <=? y) ~ b => HEqBy HLeFn (x :: Nat) (y :: Nat) b Source # | only in ghc >= 7.7 |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
(HEq (CmpSymbol x y) 'GT nb, HNot nb ~ b) => HEqBy HLeFn (x :: Symbol) (y :: Symbol) b Source # | only in ghc >= 7.7
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
HLe x y ~ b => HEqBy HLeFn (x :: HNat) (y :: HNat) b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
HEqBy HLeFn x y b => HEqBy HLeFn (Proxy x :: Type) (Proxy y :: Type) b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
HEqBy HLeFn x y b => HEqBy HLeFn (Label x :: Type) (Label y :: Type) b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
HEqBy HLeFn x y b => HEqBy HLeFn (Tagged x v :: Type) (Tagged y w :: Type) b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort | |
(HEqBy HLeFn n m b, ns ~ ns') => HEqBy HLeFn (Lbl n ns desc :: Type) (Lbl m ns' desc' :: Type) b Source # | Data.HList.Label3 labels can only be compared if they belong to the same namespace. |
Defined in Data.HList.HSort |
class HOccursNot2 (b :: Bool) e (l :: [k]) (l0 :: [k]) Source #
HOccursNot1 e l l0 => HOccursNot2 'False (e :: k) (l :: [k]) (l0 :: [k]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs | |
Fail (ExcessFieldFound e l0) => HOccursNot2 'True (e :: k1) (l :: [k2]) (l0 :: [k2]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs |
class HOccursNot1 (e :: k) (xs :: [k]) (xs0 :: [k]) Source #
HOccursNot1 (e :: k) ('[] :: [k]) (l0 :: [k]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs | |
(HEq e e1 b, HOccursNot2 b e l l0) => HOccursNot1 (e :: a) (e1 ': l :: [a]) (l0 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs |
class HOccursOpt' e l where Source #
hOccursOpt' :: HList l -> Maybe e Source #
HOccursOpt' e ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs Methods hOccursOpt' :: HList '[] -> Maybe e Source # | |
e ~ e1 => HOccursOpt' e (e1 ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs Methods hOccursOpt' :: HList (e1 ': l) -> Maybe e Source # |
class HOccurs' e l (l0 :: [*]) where Source #
l0 is the original list so that when we reach the end of l without finding an e, we can report an error that gives an idea about what the original list was.
data TypeNotFound e Source #
class HOccursMany' e l where Source #
hOccursMany' :: HList l -> [e] Source #
HOccursMany' e ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs Methods hOccursMany' :: HList '[] -> [e] Source # | |
(e ~ e1, HOccursMany e l) => HOccursMany' e (e1 ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs Methods hOccursMany' :: HList (e1 ': l) -> [e] Source # |
class HOccursMany e (l :: [*]) where Source #
hOccursMany :: HList l -> [e] Source #
(HOccurrence e l l', HOccursMany' e l') => HOccursMany e l Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs Methods hOccursMany :: HList l -> [e] Source # |
class HOccurrence' (b :: Bool) (e1 :: *) (l :: [*]) (l' :: [*]) | b e1 l -> l' where Source #
HOccurrence e1 l l' => HOccurrence' 'False e1 (e ': l) l' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs | |
HOccurrence' 'True e1 (e ': l) (e ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs |
class HOccurrence (e1 :: *) (l :: [*]) (l' :: [*]) | e1 l -> l' where Source #
HOccurrence e1 ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs | |
(HEq e1 e b, HOccurrence' b e1 (e ': l) l') => HOccurrence e1 (e ': l) l' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HOccurs |
hOccursMany1 :: forall e l l'. (HOccurrence e l (e ': l'), HOccursMany e l') => HList l -> (e, [e]) Source #
hOccursFst :: forall e l l'. HOccurrence e l (e ': l') => HList l -> e Source #
hOccursRest :: forall l r (v :: [Type]) (v' :: [Type]). (HOccurs l (r v), HDeleteAtLabel r l v v') => r v -> (l, r v') Source #
lookup a value in the collection (TIP usually) and return the TIP with that
element deleted. Used to implement tipyTuple
hOccursOpt :: forall e l l'. (HOccurrence e l l', HOccursOpt' e l') => HList l -> Maybe e Source #
tipyTuple :: forall b r (v1 :: [Type]) (v2 :: [Type]) a (v3 :: [Type]) (v'1 :: [Type]) (v'2 :: [Type]). (HOccurs b (r v1), HOccurs b (r v2), HOccurs a (r v2), HOccurs a (r v3), HDeleteAtLabel r b v1 v'1, HDeleteAtLabel r b v2 v3, HDeleteAtLabel r a v2 v1, HDeleteAtLabel r a v3 v'2) => r v2 -> (a, b) Source #
project a TIP (or HList) into a tuple
tipyTuple' x = (hOccurs
x, hOccurs x)
behaves similarly, except tipyTuple
the possibility of looking up the same element
twice, which allows inferring a concrete type
in more situations. For example
(\x y z -> tipyTuple (x .*. y .*. emptyTIP) `asTypeOf` (x, z)) () 'x'
has type Char -> ((), Char)
. tipyTuple' would
need a type annotation to decide whether the type
should be Char -> ((), Char)
or () -> ((), ())
tipyTuple3 :: forall b r (v1 :: [Type]) (v2 :: [Type]) (v3 :: [Type]) c (v4 :: [Type]) (v5 :: [Type]) a (v6 :: [Type]) (v7 :: [Type]) (v'1 :: [Type]) (v'2 :: [Type]) (v'3 :: [Type]). (HOccurs b (r v1), HOccurs b (r v2), HOccurs b (r v3), HOccurs c (r v4), HOccurs c (r v3), HOccurs c (r v5), HOccurs a (r v3), HOccurs a (r v6), HOccurs a (r v7), HDeleteAtLabel r b v1 v4, HDeleteAtLabel r b v2 v'1, HDeleteAtLabel r b v3 v5, HDeleteAtLabel r c v4 v'2, HDeleteAtLabel r c v3 v6, HDeleteAtLabel r c v5 v7, HDeleteAtLabel r a v3 v1, HDeleteAtLabel r a v6 v2, HDeleteAtLabel r a v7 v'3) => r v3 -> (a, b, c) Source #
tipyTuple4 :: forall b r (v1 :: [Type]) (v2 :: [Type]) (v3 :: [Type]) (v4 :: [Type]) c (v5 :: [Type]) (v6 :: [Type]) (v7 :: [Type]) d (v8 :: [Type]) (v9 :: [Type]) (v10 :: [Type]) a (v11 :: [Type]) (v12 :: [Type]) (v13 :: [Type]) (v'1 :: [Type]) (v'2 :: [Type]) (v'3 :: [Type]) (v'4 :: [Type]). (HOccurs b (r v1), HOccurs b (r v2), HOccurs b (r v3), HOccurs b (r v4), HOccurs c (r v5), HOccurs c (r v6), HOccurs c (r v4), HOccurs c (r v7), HOccurs d (r v8), HOccurs d (r v4), HOccurs d (r v9), HOccurs d (r v10), HOccurs a (r v4), HOccurs a (r v11), HOccurs a (r v12), HOccurs a (r v13), HDeleteAtLabel r b v1 v5, HDeleteAtLabel r b v2 v6, HDeleteAtLabel r b v3 v'1, HDeleteAtLabel r b v4 v7, HDeleteAtLabel r c v5 v8, HDeleteAtLabel r c v6 v'2, HDeleteAtLabel r c v4 v9, HDeleteAtLabel r c v7 v10, HDeleteAtLabel r d v8 v'3, HDeleteAtLabel r d v4 v11, HDeleteAtLabel r d v9 v12, HDeleteAtLabel r d v10 v13, HDeleteAtLabel r a v4 v1, HDeleteAtLabel r a v11 v2, HDeleteAtLabel r a v12 v3, HDeleteAtLabel r a v13 v'4) => r v4 -> (a, b, c, d) Source #
tipyTuple5 :: forall b r (v1 :: [Type]) (v2 :: [Type]) (v3 :: [Type]) (v4 :: [Type]) (v5 :: [Type]) c (v6 :: [Type]) (v7 :: [Type]) (v8 :: [Type]) (v9 :: [Type]) d (v10 :: [Type]) (v11 :: [Type]) (v12 :: [Type]) (v13 :: [Type]) e (v14 :: [Type]) (v15 :: [Type]) (v16 :: [Type]) (v17 :: [Type]) a (v18 :: [Type]) (v19 :: [Type]) (v20 :: [Type]) (v21 :: [Type]) (v'1 :: [Type]) (v'2 :: [Type]) (v'3 :: [Type]) (v'4 :: [Type]) (v'5 :: [Type]). (HOccurs b (r v1), HOccurs b (r v2), HOccurs b (r v3), HOccurs b (r v4), HOccurs b (r v5), HOccurs c (r v6), HOccurs c (r v7), HOccurs c (r v8), HOccurs c (r v5), HOccurs c (r v9), HOccurs d (r v10), HOccurs d (r v11), HOccurs d (r v5), HOccurs d (r v12), HOccurs d (r v13), HOccurs e (r v14), HOccurs e (r v5), HOccurs e (r v15), HOccurs e (r v16), HOccurs e (r v17), HOccurs a (r v5), HOccurs a (r v18), HOccurs a (r v19), HOccurs a (r v20), HOccurs a (r v21), HDeleteAtLabel r b v1 v6, HDeleteAtLabel r b v2 v7, HDeleteAtLabel r b v3 v8, HDeleteAtLabel r b v4 v'1, HDeleteAtLabel r b v5 v9, HDeleteAtLabel r c v6 v10, HDeleteAtLabel r c v7 v11, HDeleteAtLabel r c v8 v'2, HDeleteAtLabel r c v5 v12, HDeleteAtLabel r c v9 v13, HDeleteAtLabel r d v10 v14, HDeleteAtLabel r d v11 v'3, HDeleteAtLabel r d v5 v15, HDeleteAtLabel r d v12 v16, HDeleteAtLabel r d v13 v17, HDeleteAtLabel r e v14 v'4, HDeleteAtLabel r e v5 v18, HDeleteAtLabel r e v15 v19, HDeleteAtLabel r e v16 v20, HDeleteAtLabel r e v17 v21, HDeleteAtLabel r a v5 v1, HDeleteAtLabel r a v18 v2, HDeleteAtLabel r a v19 v3, HDeleteAtLabel r a v20 v4, HDeleteAtLabel r a v21 v'5) => r v5 -> (a, b, c, d, e) Source #
class HLengthEq xs n => HCurry' (n :: HNat) f xs r | f xs -> r, r xs -> f, n f -> xs, xs -> n where Source #
for many arguments and HLists instead of tuples
XXX the last FD xs -> n
is needed to make hCompose infer the right types:
arguably it shouldn't be needed
hUncurry :: forall (n :: HNat) f (xs :: [Type]) r. (HCurry' n f xs r, ArityFwd f n, ArityRev f n) => f -> HList xs -> r Source #
hCurry :: forall (n :: HNat) f (xs :: [Type]) r. (HCurry' n f xs r, ArityFwd f n, ArityRev f n) => (HList xs -> r) -> f Source #
Note: with ghc-7.10 the Arity constraint added here does not work
properly with hCompose, so it is possible that other uses of hCurry
are better served by hCurry' Proxy
hCompose :: forall (xs1 :: [Type]) (xs2 :: [Type]) (xsys :: [Type]) (n1 :: HNat) f1 r (n2 :: HNat) b (n3 :: HNat) f2 x. (HAppendList1 xs1 xs2 xsys, HCurry' n1 f1 xsys r, HCurry' n2 b xs2 r, HCurry' n3 f2 xs1 x, ArityFwd b n2, ArityFwd f2 n3, ArityRev b n2, ArityRev f2 n3, HSplitAt1 ('[] :: [Type]) n3 xsys xs1 xs2) => (x -> b) -> f2 -> f1 Source #
compose two functions that take multiple arguments. The result of the second function is the first argument to the first function. An example is probably clearer:
let f = hCompose (,,) (,)
:t f
f :: ... -> ... -> ... -> ... -> ((..., ...), ..., ...)
f 1 2 3 4
Note: polymorphism can make it confusing as to how many parameters a function
actually takes. For example, the first two ids are id :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
(.) id id id 'y'
hCompose id id id 'y'
still typechecks, but in that case hCompose i1 i2 i3 x == i1 ((i2 i3) x)
has id with different types than @(.) i1 i2 i3 x == (i1 (i2 i3)) x
Prompted by
type HProjectAwayByHNatsCtx ns l = (Apply (FHUProj False ns) (HList l, Proxy 'HZero), HUnfold' (FHUProj False ns) (HList l, Proxy 'HZero)) Source #
type HProjectAwayByHNatsR (ns :: [HNat]) (l :: [*]) = HUnfold (FHUProj False ns) (HList l, Proxy 'HZero) Source #
type HProjectByHNatsCtx ns l = (Apply (FHUProj True ns) (HList l, Proxy 'HZero), HUnfold' (FHUProj True ns) (HList l, Proxy 'HZero)) Source #
type HProjectByHNatsR (ns :: [HNat]) (l :: [*]) = HUnfold (FHUProj True ns) (HList l, Proxy 'HZero) Source #
data FHUProj (sel :: Bool) (ns :: [HNat]) Source #
FHUProj |
Apply (FHUProj sel ns) (HList l, Proxy ('HSucc n)) => Apply (Proxy 'False, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
Apply (Proxy 'True, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
(ch ~ Proxy (HBoolEQ sel (KMember n ns)), Apply (ch, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n)) => Apply (FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
Apply (FHUProj sel ns) (HList ('[] :: [Type]), n) Source # | |
type ApplyR (Proxy 'False, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
type ApplyR (Proxy 'True, FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
type ApplyR (FHUProj sel ns) (HList ('[] :: [Type]), n) Source # | |
type ApplyR (FHUProj sel ns) (HList (e ': l), Proxy n) Source # | |
newtype FHLookupByHNat (l :: [*]) Source #
FHLookupByHNat (HList l) |
HLookupByHNat n l => Apply (FHLookupByHNat l) (Proxy n) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HArray Associated Types type ApplyR (FHLookupByHNat l) (Proxy n) Source # Methods apply :: FHLookupByHNat l -> Proxy n -> ApplyR (FHLookupByHNat l) (Proxy n) Source # | |
type ApplyR (FHLookupByHNat l) (Proxy n) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HArray |
class HUpdateAtHNat' (n :: HNat) e (l :: [*]) (l0 :: [*]) where Source #
Associated Types
type HUpdateAtHNatR (n :: HNat) e (l :: [*]) :: [*] Source #
hUpdateAtHNat' :: Proxy l0 -> Proxy n -> e -> HList l -> HList (HUpdateAtHNatR n e l) Source #
Fail (HNatIndexTooLarge n HList l0) => HUpdateAtHNat' n e1 ('[] :: [Type]) l0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HArray Associated Types type HUpdateAtHNatR n e1 '[] :: [Type] Source # Methods hUpdateAtHNat' :: Proxy l0 -> Proxy n -> e1 -> HList '[] -> HList (HUpdateAtHNatR n e1 '[]) Source # | |
HUpdateAtHNat' 'HZero e1 (e ': l) l0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HArray Associated Types type HUpdateAtHNatR 'HZero e1 (e ': l) :: [Type] Source # Methods hUpdateAtHNat' :: Proxy l0 -> Proxy 'HZero -> e1 -> HList (e ': l) -> HList (HUpdateAtHNatR 'HZero e1 (e ': l)) Source # | |
HUpdateAtHNat' n e1 l l0 => HUpdateAtHNat' ('HSucc n) e1 (e ': l) l0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HArray Associated Types type HUpdateAtHNatR ('HSucc n) e1 (e ': l) :: [Type] Source # Methods hUpdateAtHNat' :: Proxy l0 -> Proxy ('HSucc n) -> e1 -> HList (e ': l) -> HList (HUpdateAtHNatR ('HSucc n) e1 (e ': l)) Source # |
class HUpdateAtHNat' n e l l => HUpdateAtHNat n e l where Source #
hUpdateAtHNat :: Proxy n -> e -> HList l -> HList (HUpdateAtHNatR n e l) Source #
HUpdateAtHNat' n e l l => HUpdateAtHNat n e l Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HArray Methods hUpdateAtHNat :: Proxy n -> e -> HList l -> HList (HUpdateAtHNatR n e l) Source # |
class HDeleteAtHNat (n :: HNat) (l :: [*]) where Source #
Associated Types
type HDeleteAtHNatR (n :: HNat) (l :: [*]) :: [*] Source #
hDeleteAtHNat :: Proxy n -> HList l -> HList (HDeleteAtHNatR n l) Source #
HDeleteAtHNat 'HZero (e ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HArray Associated Types type HDeleteAtHNatR 'HZero (e ': l) :: [Type] Source # Methods hDeleteAtHNat :: Proxy 'HZero -> HList (e ': l) -> HList (HDeleteAtHNatR 'HZero (e ': l)) Source # | |
HDeleteAtHNat n l => HDeleteAtHNat ('HSucc n) (e ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HArray Associated Types type HDeleteAtHNatR ('HSucc n) (e ': l) :: [Type] Source # Methods hDeleteAtHNat :: Proxy ('HSucc n) -> HList (e ': l) -> HList (HDeleteAtHNatR ('HSucc n) (e ': l)) Source # |
class HLookupByHNat (n :: HNat) (l :: [*]) where Source #
Associated Types
type HLookupByHNatR (n :: HNat) (l :: [*]) :: * Source #
hLookupByHNat :: Proxy n -> HList l -> HLookupByHNatR n l Source #
HLookupByHNat 'HZero (e ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HArray Associated Types type HLookupByHNatR 'HZero (e ': l) Source # Methods hLookupByHNat :: Proxy 'HZero -> HList (e ': l) -> HLookupByHNatR 'HZero (e ': l) Source # | |
HLookupByHNat n l => HLookupByHNat ('HSucc n) (e ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HArray Associated Types type HLookupByHNatR ('HSucc n) (e ': l) Source # Methods hLookupByHNat :: Proxy ('HSucc n) -> HList (e ': l) -> HLookupByHNatR ('HSucc n) (e ': l) Source # |
hProjectByHNats' :: forall (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) r (l :: [Type]). (SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r (FHLookupByHNat l) a b) => r a -> HList l -> r b Source #
hProjectByHNats :: forall (ns :: [HNat]) a (z :: [Type]). (HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'True ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'True ns) (a, Proxy 'HZero)) z, Apply (FHUProj 'True ns) (a, Proxy 'HZero)) => Proxy ns -> a -> HList z Source #
hProjectAwayByHNats :: forall (ns :: [HNat]) a (z :: [Type]). (HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'False ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'False ns) (a, Proxy 'HZero)) z, Apply (FHUProj 'False ns) (a, Proxy 'HZero)) => Proxy ns -> a -> HList z Source #
hSplitByHNats :: forall (ns :: [HNat]) a (z1 :: [Type]) (z2 :: [Type]). (HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'True ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'True ns) (a, Proxy 'HZero)) z1, HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'False ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'False ns) (a, Proxy 'HZero)) z2, Apply (FHUProj 'True ns) (a, Proxy 'HZero), Apply (FHUProj 'False ns) (a, Proxy 'HZero)) => Proxy ns -> a -> (HList z1, HList z2) Source #
Splitting an array according to indices
data HMaybiedToVariantFs Source #
class VariantToHMaybied v r | v -> r, r -> v where Source #
variantToHMaybied :: Variant v -> Record r Source #
VariantToHMaybied ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods variantToHMaybied :: Variant '[] -> Record '[] Source # | |
(VariantToHMaybied v r, HReplicateF nr ConstTaggedNothing () r, tx ~ Tagged t x, tmx ~ Tagged t (Maybe x)) => VariantToHMaybied (tx ': v) (tmx ': r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods variantToHMaybied :: Variant (tx ': v) -> Record (tmx ': r) Source # |
class (HAllTaggedLV y, HAllTaggedLV x) => ExtendsVariant x y where Source #
projectVariant . extendsVariant = Just
(when the types match up)
is a special case
extendsVariant :: Variant x -> Variant y Source #
(HAllTaggedLV x, Unvariant '[le] e, MkVariant l e x, le ~ Tagged l e) => ExtendsVariant '[le] x Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods extendsVariant :: Variant '[le] -> Variant x Source # | |
(MkVariant l e y, le ~ Tagged l e, ExtendsVariant (b ': bs) y) => ExtendsVariant (le ': (b ': bs)) y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods extendsVariant :: Variant (le ': (b ': bs)) -> Variant y Source # |
class (ProjectVariant x yin, ProjectVariant x yout) => SplitVariant x yin yout where Source #
(ProjectVariant x yin, ProjectVariant x yout, H2ProjectByLabels (LabelsOf yin) x xi xo, HRearrange (LabelsOf yin) xi yin, HRearrange (LabelsOf yout) xo yout, HLeftUnion xi xo xixo, HRearrange (LabelsOf x) xixo x, HAllTaggedLV x, HAllTaggedLV yin, HAllTaggedLV yout) => SplitVariant x yin yout Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant |
class HAllTaggedLV y => ProjectExtendVariant x y where Source #
projectExtendVariant = fmapextendVariant
where intermediate variant is as large as possible. Used to implement
Note that:
let r = projectExtendVariant (mkVariant1 Label 1 :: Variant '[Tagged "x" Int])
r :: Maybe (Variant '[Tagged "x" Integer])
HAllTaggedLV y => ProjectExtendVariant ('[] :: [Type]) y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
(lv ~ Tagged l v, HMemberM lv y inY, ProjectExtendVariant' inY lv y, ProjectExtendVariant xs y) => ProjectExtendVariant (lv ': xs) y Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant |
class ProjectVariant x y where Source #
convert a variant with more fields into one with fewer (or the same) fields.
let ty = Proxy :: Proxy [Tagged "left" Int, Tagged "right" Int]
let l = mkVariant _left 1 ty
let r = mkVariant _right 2 ty
map projectVariant [l, r] :: [Maybe (Variant '[Tagged "left" Int])]
[Just V{left=1},Nothing]
is one implementation
of rearrangeVariant
= fromJust
. projectVariant
, since the result can have the same fields with
a different order:
let yt = Proxy :: Proxy [Tagged "right" Int, Tagged "left" Int]
map projectVariant [l, r] `asTypeOf` [Just (mkVariant _left 0 yt)]
[Just V{left=1},Just V{right=2}]
ProjectVariant x ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
(ProjectVariant x ys, HasField t (Variant x) (Maybe y), HOccursNot (Label t) (LabelsOf ys), ty ~ Tagged t y) => ProjectVariant x (ty ': ys) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant |
class (SameLength v v', SameLabels v v') => ZipVR fs v v' | fs v -> v' where Source #
Apply a record of functions to a variant of values. The functions are selected based on those having the same label as the value.
zipVR_ :: Record fs -> Variant v -> Variant v' Source #
is probably a better choice in most
situations, since it requires that fs
has one function for every
element of v
class ZipVariant x y xy | x y -> xy, xy -> x y where Source #
Applies to variants that have the same labels in the same order. A generalization of
zipEither :: Either a b -> Either a b -> Maybe (Either (a,a) (b,b)) zipEither (Left a) (Left a') = Just (Left (a,a')) zipEither (Right a) (Right a') = Just (Right (a,a')) zipEither _ _ = Nothing
see HZip
for zipping other collections
ZipVariant ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
(tx ~ Tagged t x, ty ~ Tagged t y, txy ~ Tagged t (x, y), ZipVariant xs ys zs, MkVariant t (x, y) (txy ': zs)) => ZipVariant (tx ': xs) (ty ': ys) (txy ': zs) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant |
class Unvariant v e | v -> e where Source #
Convert a Variant which has all possibilities having the same type
into a value of that type. Analogous to either id id
See also unvariant'
class Unvariant' v e | v -> e where Source #
Similar to unvariant
, except type variables in v
will be made equal to e
if possible. That allows the type
of Nothing
to be inferred as Maybe Char
unvariant' $ x .=. Nothing .*. mkVariant1 y 'y'
However, this difference leads to more local error messages
(Couldn't match type ‘()’ with ‘Char’
), rather than the following
with unvariant
Fail '("Variant", '[Tagged "left" Char, Tagged "right" ()], "must have all values equal to ", e))
unvariant' :: Variant v -> e Source #
(HAllEqVal' (Tagged () e ': v), Unvariant v e) => Unvariant' v e Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods unvariant' :: Variant v -> e Source # |
Apply a function to all possible elements of the variant
HMapV f |
class (SameLength s t, SameLabels s t) => HPrism x s t a b | x s -> a, x t -> b, x s b -> t, x t a -> s where Source #
Make a Prism (Variant s) (Variant t) a b
out of a Label.
See Data.HList.Labelable.hLens'
is a more overloaded version.
Few type annotations are necessary because of the restriction
that s
and t
have the same labels in the same order, and to
get "t" the "a" in "s" is replaced with "b".
hPrism :: (Choice p, Applicative f) => Label x -> p a (f b) -> p (Variant s) (f (Variant t)) Source #
(MkVariant x b t, HasField x (Variant s) (Maybe a), SameLength s t, SameLabels s t, H2ProjectByLabels '[Label x] s si so, H2ProjectByLabels '[Label x] t ti to, so ~ to, HUpdateAtLabel Variant x b s t, HUpdateAtLabel Variant x a t s) => HPrism (x :: k) s t a b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant |
data Variant (vs :: [*]) Source #
Variant vs
has an implementation similar to Dynamic
, except the
contained value is one of the elements of the vs
list, rather than
being one particular instance of Typeable
v .!. _right
v .!. _left
Just 'x'
In some cases the pun
quasiquote works with variants,
let f [pun| left right |] = (left,right)
f v
(Just 'x',Nothing)
f w
(Nothing,Just 5)
let add1 v = hMapV (Fun succ :: Fun '[Enum] '()) v
f (add1 v)
(Just 'y',Nothing)
f (add1 w)
(Nothing,Just 6)
Relabeled Variant Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods relabeled :: forall p f (s :: [Type]) (t :: [Type]) (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]). (HMapTaggedFn (RecordValuesR s) a, HMapTaggedFn (RecordValuesR b) t, SameLengths '[s, a, t, b], RecordValuesR t ~ RecordValuesR b, RecordValuesR s ~ RecordValuesR a, RecordValues b, RecordValues s, Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Variant a) (f (Variant b)) -> p (Variant s) (f (Variant t)) Source # | |
TypeIndexed Variant TIC Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIC | |
(ExtendsVariant b t, ProjectVariant s a, ProjectExtendVariant s t, HLeftUnion b s bs, HRLabelSet bs, HRearrange (LabelsOf t) bs t) => Projected Variant s t a b Source # | Prism (Variant s) (Variant t) (Variant a) (Variant b) |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable Methods projected :: forall (ty :: LabeledOpticType) p f. (ty ~ LabelableTy Variant, LabeledOpticP ty p, LabeledOpticF ty f) => p (Variant a) (f (Variant b)) -> p (Variant s) (f (Variant t)) Source # | |
HUpdateVariantAtLabelCxt l e v v' n _e => HUpdateAtLabel Variant (l :: k) e v v' Source # | hUpdateAtLabel x e' (mkVariant x e proxy) == mkVariant x e' proxy hUpdateAtLabel y e' (mkVariant x e proxy) == mkVariant x e proxy |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
(HPrism x s t a b, to ~ ((->) :: Type -> Type -> Type)) => Labelable (x :: k) Variant s t a b Source # | make a |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable Associated Types type LabelableTy Variant :: LabeledOpticType Source # | |
(HasField x (Record vs) a, HFindLabel x vs n, HNat2Integral n) => HasField (x :: k) (Variant vs) (Maybe a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
(ApplyAB f te te', HMapCxt Variant f (l ': ls) (l' ': ls')) => HMapAux Variant f (te ': (l ': ls)) (te' ': (l' ': ls')) Source # | |
ApplyAB f te te' => HMapAux Variant f '[te] '[te'] Source # | |
(le ~ Tagged l (Maybe e), HOccursNot (Label l) (LabelsOf v)) => HExtend le (Variant v) Source # | Extension for Variants prefers the first value (l .=. Nothing) .*. v = v (l .=. Just e) .*. _ = mkVariant l e Proxy |
(HasField l (Variant r) (Maybe u), HasFieldPath 'True ls u (Maybe v)) => HasFieldPath needJust (Label l ': ls) (Variant r) (Maybe v) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Dredge | |
(Unvariant '[txy] txy, tx ~ Tagged t x, ty ~ Tagged t y, txy ~ Tagged t (x, y)) => HUnzip Variant '[tx] '[ty] '[txy] Source # | |
(HUnzip Variant (x2 ': xs) (y2 ': ys) (xy2 ': xys), SameLength xs ys, SameLength ys xys, tx ~ Tagged t x, ty ~ Tagged t y, txy ~ Tagged t (x, y)) => HUnzip Variant (tx ': (x2 ': xs)) (ty ': (y2 ': ys)) (txy ': (xy2 ': xys)) Source # | |
(Bounded x, Bounded z, HRevAppR (Tagged s x ': xs) ('[] :: [Type]) ~ (Tagged t z ': sx), MkVariant t z (Tagged s x ': xs)) => Bounded (Variant (Tagged s x ': xs)) Source # | |
Enum x => Enum (Variant '[Tagged s x]) Source # | While the instances could be written Enum (Variant '[])
Eq/Ord which cannot produce values, so they have instances for
empty variants ( |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods succ :: Variant '[Tagged s x] -> Variant '[Tagged s x] # pred :: Variant '[Tagged s x] -> Variant '[Tagged s x] # toEnum :: Int -> Variant '[Tagged s x] # fromEnum :: Variant '[Tagged s x] -> Int # enumFrom :: Variant '[Tagged s x] -> [Variant '[Tagged s x]] # enumFromThen :: Variant '[Tagged s x] -> Variant '[Tagged s x] -> [Variant '[Tagged s x]] # enumFromTo :: Variant '[Tagged s x] -> Variant '[Tagged s x] -> [Variant '[Tagged s x]] # enumFromThenTo :: Variant '[Tagged s x] -> Variant '[Tagged s x] -> Variant '[Tagged s x] -> [Variant '[Tagged s x]] # | |
(Enum x, Bounded x, Enum (Variant (y ': z))) => Enum (Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z))) Source # |
The last type in the Variant does not need to be Bounded. This
means that
This is a "feature" because it allows an Another difficult choice is that the lower bound is
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods succ :: Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) # pred :: Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) # toEnum :: Int -> Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) # fromEnum :: Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> Int # enumFrom :: Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> [Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z))] # enumFromThen :: Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> [Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z))] # enumFromTo :: Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> [Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z))] # enumFromThenTo :: Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z)) -> [Variant (Tagged s x ': (y ': z))] # | |
(Eq (Variant xs), Eq x) => Eq (Variant (x ': xs)) Source # | |
Eq (Variant ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | |
(Typeable (Variant v), GfoldlVariant v v, GunfoldVariant v v, VariantConstrs v) => Data (Variant v) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> Variant v -> c (Variant v) # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (Variant v) # toConstr :: Variant v -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: Variant v -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (Variant v)) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (Variant v)) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> Variant v -> Variant v # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Variant v -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> Variant v -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Variant v -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> Variant v -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Variant v -> m (Variant v) # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Variant v -> m (Variant v) # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> Variant v -> m (Variant v) # | |
(Ord x, Ord (Variant xs)) => Ord (Variant (x ': xs)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods compare :: Variant (x ': xs) -> Variant (x ': xs) -> Ordering # (<) :: Variant (x ': xs) -> Variant (x ': xs) -> Bool # (<=) :: Variant (x ': xs) -> Variant (x ': xs) -> Bool # (>) :: Variant (x ': xs) -> Variant (x ': xs) -> Bool # (>=) :: Variant (x ': xs) -> Variant (x ': xs) -> Bool # max :: Variant (x ': xs) -> Variant (x ': xs) -> Variant (x ': xs) # min :: Variant (x ': xs) -> Variant (x ': xs) -> Variant (x ': xs) # | |
Ord (Variant ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant | |
ReadVariant v => Read (Variant v) Source # | A corresponding read instance |
ShowVariant vs => Show (Variant vs) Source # | Variants are not opaque |
(Semigroup x, Semigroup (Variant (a ': b))) => Semigroup (Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b))) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods (<>) :: Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b)) -> Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b)) -> Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b)) # sconcat :: NonEmpty (Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b))) -> Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b)) # stimes :: Integral b0 => b0 -> Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b)) -> Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b)) # | |
(Unvariant '[Tagged t x] x, Semigroup x) => Semigroup (Variant '[Tagged t x]) Source # | |
(Monoid x, Monoid (Variant (a ': b))) => Monoid (Variant (Tagged t x ': (a ': b))) Source # | |
(Unvariant '[Tagged t x] x, Monoid x) => Monoid (Variant '[Tagged t x]) Source # | |
(SameLength s a, ExtendsVariant s a, SameLength b t, ExtendsVariant b t) => Rearranged Variant (s :: [Type]) (t :: [Type]) (a :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant Methods rearranged :: (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Variant a) (f (Variant b)) -> p (Variant s) (f (Variant t)) Source # | |
type LabelableTy Variant Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable | |
type HExtendR le (Variant v) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Variant |
castVariant :: (RecordValuesR v ~ RecordValuesR v', SameLength v v') => Variant v -> Variant v' Source #
in ghc>=7.8, coerce
is probably a better choice
extendVariant :: Variant l -> Variant (e ': l) Source #
hMapV :: forall f (x :: [Type]) (y :: [Type]). (HMapAux Variant (HFmap f) x y, SameLength' x y, SameLength' y x) => f -> Variant x -> Variant y Source #
shortcut for applyAB . HMapV
. hMap
is more general
hMapOutV :: forall x y z f. (SameLength x y, HMapAux Variant (HFmap f) x y, Unvariant y z, HMapOutV_gety x z ~ y) => f -> Variant x -> z Source #
hMapOutV f = unvariant . hMapV f
, except an ambiguous type
variable is resolved by HMapOutV_gety
unvarianted :: (Unvariant' s a, Unvariant' t b, SameLabels s t, SameLength s t, Functor f) => (a -> f b) -> Variant s -> f (Variant t) Source #
Lens (Variant s) (Variant t) a b
Analogue of Control.Lens.chosen :: Lens (Either a a) (Either b b) a b
unvarianted' :: forall (b :: Bool) (t :: [Type]) a f. (Unvariant1 b t a, HAllEqVal' (Tagged () a ': t), HAllEqVal t b, HAllEqVal (Tagged () a ': t) b, SameLabels t t, SameLength' t t, Functor f) => (a -> f a) -> Variant t -> f (Variant t) Source #
Lens' (Variant s) a
where we might have s ~ '[Tagged t1 a, Tagged t2 a]
zipVR :: (SameLabels fs v, SameLength fs v, ZipVR fs v v', ZipVRCxt fs v v') => Record fs -> Variant v -> Variant v' Source #
let xy = x .*. y .*. emptyProxy
let p = Proxy `asLabelsOf` xy
let vs = [ mkVariant x 1.0 p, mkVariant y () p ]
zipVR (hBuild (+1) id) `map` vs
hMaybied :: forall (x :: [Type]) (v1 :: [Type]) (v2 :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]) p f. (HFoldr HMaybiedToVariantFs [Variant ('[] :: [Type])] x [Variant v1], VariantToHMaybied v2 r, VariantToHMaybied v1 x, SameLength' x r, SameLength' r x, HMapAux HList (HFmap HCastF) x r, Choice p, Applicative f) => p (Variant v1) (f (Variant v2)) -> p (Record x) (f (Record r)) Source #
Prism (Record tma) (Record tmb) (Variant ta) (Variant tb)
see hMaybied'
hMaybied' :: forall (x :: [Type]) (v :: [Type]) p f. (HFoldr HMaybiedToVariantFs [Variant ('[] :: [Type])] x [Variant v], VariantToHMaybied v x, SameLength' x x, HMapAux HList (HFmap HCastF) x x, Choice p, Applicative f) => p (Variant v) (f (Variant v)) -> p (Record x) (f (Record x)) Source #
Prism' (Record tma) (Variant ta)
where tma
and tmb
are lists like
tma ~ '[Tagged x (Maybe a), Tagged y (Maybe b)] ta ~ '[Tagged x a , Tagged y b ]
If one element of the record is Just, the Variant will contain that element. Otherwise, the prism fails.
The types work out to define a prism:
l =prism'
but the law: s^?l ≡ Just a ==> l # a ≡ s
is not followed,
because we could have:
s, s2 :: Record '[Tagged "x" (Maybe Int), Tagged "y" (Maybe Char)] s = hBuild (Just 1) (Just '2') s2 = hBuild (Just 1) Nothing v :: Variant '[Tagged "x" Int, Tagged "y" Char] v = mkVariant (Label :: Label "x") 1 Proxy
So that s^?l == Just v
. But l#v == s2 /= s
, while the law
requires l#v == s
. hMaybied avoids this problem by only
producing a value when there is only one present.
hMaybiedToVariants :: (HFoldr HMaybiedToVariantFs [Variant '[]] r [Variant v], VariantToHMaybied v r) => Record r -> [Variant v] Source #
Every element of the record that is Just becomes one element
in the resulting list. See hMaybied'
example types that r
and v
can take.
class HDeleteManyCase (b :: Bool) e1 e l l1 | b e1 e l -> l1 where Source #
HDeleteMany e1 (HList l) (HList l1) => HDeleteManyCase 'False (e1 :: k) e l (e ': l1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HTypeIndexed | |
HDeleteMany e (HList l) (HList l1) => HDeleteManyCase 'True (e :: Type) e l l1 Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HTypeIndexed |
class HType2HNatCase (b :: Bool) (e :: *) (l :: [*]) (n :: HNat) | b e l -> n Source #
Helper class
HOccursNot e l => HType2HNatCase 'True e l 'HZero Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HTypeIndexed | |
HType2HNat e l n => HType2HNatCase 'False e l ('HSucc n) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.HTypeIndexed |
hType2HNat :: HType2HNat e l n => proxy1 e -> proxy l -> Proxy n Source #
hTypes2HNats :: HTypes2HNats es l ns => Proxy (es :: [*]) -> hlist l -> Proxy (ns :: [HNat]) Source #
hDeleteAt :: forall (n :: HNat) (l :: [Type]) e proxy1. (HDeleteAtHNat n l, HType2HNat e l n) => proxy1 e -> HList l -> HList (HDeleteAtHNatR n l) Source #
hUpdateAt :: forall (n :: HNat) e (l :: [Type]). (HUpdateAtHNat' n e l l, HType2HNat e l n) => e -> HList l -> HList (HUpdateAtHNatR n e l) Source #
hProjectBy :: forall k (ns :: [HNat]) hlist (l :: k) (z :: [Type]) (es :: [Type]). (HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'True ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'True ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero)) z, Apply (FHUProj 'True ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero), HTypes2HNats es l ns) => Proxy es -> hlist l -> HList z Source #
hSplitBy :: forall k (ns :: [HNat]) hlist (l :: k) (z1 :: [Type]) (z2 :: [Type]) (es :: [Type]). (HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'True ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'True ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero)) z1, HUnfoldFD (FHUProj 'False ns) (ApplyR (FHUProj 'False ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero)) z2, Apply (FHUProj 'True ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero), Apply (FHUProj 'False ns) (hlist l, Proxy 'HZero), HTypes2HNats es l ns) => Proxy es -> hlist l -> (HList z1, HList z2) Source #
class Monad m => TransTIPM m op db where Source #
In March 2010, Andrew Frank extended the problem for monadic operations.
This is the monadic version of TIPTransform.hs
in the present directory.
This is the TF implementation. When specifying the operation to perform over a TIP, we can leave it polymorphic over the monad. The type checker will instantiate the monad based on the context.
class TransTIP op db where Source #
Transforming a TIP: applying to a TIP a (polyvariadic) function that takes arguments from a TIP and updates the TIP with the result.
In more detail: we have a typed-indexed collection TIP and we would like to apply a transformation function to it, whose argument types and the result type are all in the TIP. The function should locate its arguments based on their types, and update the TIP with the result. The function may have any number of arguments, including zero; the order of arguments should not matter.
The problem was posed by Andrew U. Frank on Haskell-Cafe, Sep 10, 2009. The problem is an interesting variation of the keyword argument problem.
Examples can be found in examples/TIPTransform.hs
and examples/TIPTransformM.hs
type TagUntag xs = TagUntagFD xs (TagR xs) Source #
class SameLength a ta => TagUntagFD a ta | a -> ta, ta -> a where Source #
can also be used to avoid redundancy when defining types for TIC and TIP.
type XShort = TagR [A,B,C,D]
type XLong = [Tagged A A, Tagged B B, Tagged C C, Tagged D D]
an equivalent FD version, which is slightly better with respect to simplifying types containing type variables (in ghc-7.8 and 7.6):
With ghc-7.10 ( the FD version is superior to the TF version:
class (UntagR (TagR a) ~ a) => TagUntag a where type TagR a :: [*] hTagSelf :: HList a -> HList (TagR a) hUntagSelf :: HList (TagR a) -> HList a instance TagUntag '[] where type TagR '[] = '[] hTagSelf _ = HNil hUntagSelf _ = HNil instance TagUntag xs => TagUntag (x ': xs) where type TagR (x ': xs) = Tagged x x ': TagR xs hTagSelf (HCons x xs) = Tagged xHCons
hTagSelf xs hUntagSelf (HCons (Tagged x) xs) = xHCons
hUntagSelf xs type family UntagR (xs :: [*]) :: [*] type instance UntagR '[] = '[] type instance UntagR (x ': xs) = Untag1 x ': UntagR xs
Length information should flow backwards
let len2 x = x `asTypeOf` (undefined :: HList '[a,b])
let f = len2 $ hTagSelf (hReplicate Proxy ())
:t f
f :: HList '[Tagged () (), Tagged () ()]
TagUntagFD ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
(TagUntagFD xs ys, txx ~ Tagged x x) => TagUntagFD (x ': xs) (txx ': ys) Source # | |
class HAllTaggedEq (l :: [*]) Source #
HAllTaggedEq ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP | |
(HAllTaggedEq l, tee ~ Tagged e e') => HAllTaggedEq (tee ': l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP |
TIPs are like Record
, except element "i" of the list "l"
has type Tagged e_i e_i
TypeIndexed Record TIP Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIC | |
(HUnzip TIP x y xy, HZipList xL yL xyL, lty ~ (HList xL -> HList yL -> HList xyL), Coercible lty (TIP x -> TIP y -> TIP xy), UntagR x ~ xL, UntagR y ~ yL, UntagR xy ~ xyL, UntagTag x, UntagTag y, UntagTag xy) => HZip TIP x y xy Source # | |
(HZipList xL yL xyL, lty ~ (HList xyL -> (HList xL, HList yL)), Coercible lty (TIP xy -> (TIP x, TIP y)), UntagR x ~ xL, TagR xL ~ x, UntagR y ~ yL, TagR yL ~ y, UntagR xy ~ xyL, TagR xyL ~ xy, SameLengths '[x, y, xy], UntagTag x, UntagTag y, UntagTag xy) => HUnzip TIP x y xy Source # | |
(HDeleteAtLabel Record e v v', HTypeIndexed v') => HDeleteAtLabel TIP (e :: k) v v' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP | |
LabelableTIPCxt x s t a b => Labelable (x :: k) TIP s t a b Source # | make a
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable Associated Types type LabelableTy TIP :: LabeledOpticType Source # | |
HasField e (Record (x ': (y ': l))) e => HOccurs e (TIP (x ': (y ': l))) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP | |
tee ~ Tagged e e => HOccurs e (TIP '[tee]) Source # | One occurrence and nothing is left This variation provides an extra feature for singleton lists. That is, the result type is unified with the element in the list. Hence the explicit provision of a result type can be omitted. |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP | |
(HRLabelSet (Tagged e e ': l), HTypeIndexed l) => HExtend e (TIP l) Source # | |
Bounded (HList r) => Bounded (TIP r) Source # | |
Eq (HList a) => Eq (TIP a) Source # | |
(TypeablePolyK xs, Typeable (HList xs), Data (HList xs)) => Data (TIP xs) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Data Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> TIP xs -> c (TIP xs) # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (TIP xs) # toConstr :: TIP xs -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: TIP xs -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (TIP xs)) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (TIP xs)) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> TIP xs -> TIP xs # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> TIP xs -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> TIP xs -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> TIP xs -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> TIP xs -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> TIP xs -> m (TIP xs) # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> TIP xs -> m (TIP xs) # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> TIP xs -> m (TIP xs) # | |
Ord (HList r) => Ord (TIP r) Source # | |
HMapOut (HComp HShow HUntag) l String => Show (TIP l) Source # | |
Ix (HList r) => Ix (TIP r) Source # | |
Semigroup (HList a) => Semigroup (TIP a) Source # | |
Monoid (HList a) => Monoid (TIP a) Source # | |
(HUpdateAtLabel Record e' e r r', HTypeIndexed r', e ~ e') => HUpdateAtLabel TIP (e' :: Type) e r r' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP | |
(e ~ e', HasField e (Record l) e') => HasField (e :: Type) (TIP l) e' Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP Methods hLookupByLabel :: Label e -> TIP l -> e' Source # | |
(HAppend (HList l) (HList l'), HTypeIndexed (HAppendListR l l')) => HAppend (TIP l) (TIP l') Source # | |
(HOccurs e (TIP l1), SubType (TIP l1) (TIP l2)) => SubType (TIP l1 :: Type) (TIP (e ': l2) :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP | |
SubType (TIP l :: Type) (TIP ('[] :: [Type])) Source # | Subtyping for TIPs |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP | |
type LabelableTy TIP Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable | |
type HExtendR e (TIP l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP | |
type HAppendR (TIP l :: Type) (TIP l' :: Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIP |
tipyUpdate :: forall record v (r :: [Type]). (HUpdateAtLabel record v v r r, SameLength' r r) => v -> record r -> record r Source #
tipyProject :: forall (l :: [Type]) (ls :: [Type]) (t :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]) proxy. (HAllTaggedEq l, HLabelSet (LabelsOf l), HAllTaggedLV l, H2ProjectByLabels ls t l b) => proxy ls -> TIP t -> TIP l Source #
Use Labels
to specify the first argument
tipyLens' :: forall a (t :: [Type]) f. (HasField a (Record t) a, HUpdateAtLabel2 a a t t, HAllTaggedEq t, HLabelSet (LabelsOf t), HAllTaggedLV t, SameLength' t t, SameLabels t t, Functor f) => (a -> f a) -> TIP t -> f (TIP t) Source #
provides a Lens' (TIP s) a
. hLens'
:: Label a -> Lens' (TIP s) a
is another option.
tipyLens :: forall (n :: HNat) x (xs1 :: [Type]) (l1 :: [Type]) a1 (xs2 :: [Type]) (b :: Bool) a2 f. (HSplitAt1 ('[] :: [Type]) n (Tagged x x ': xs1) l1 (Tagged a1 a1 ': xs2), HAppendList1 l1 (Tagged a1 a1 ': xs2) (Tagged x x ': xs1), SameLength' (HReplicateR n ()) l1, HLengthEq1 l1 n, HLengthEq2 l1 n, HEq (Label a1) (Label x) b, HFind2 b (Label a1) (LabelsOf xs1) (Label x ': LabelsOf xs1) n, HAllTaggedEq (HAppendListR l1 (Tagged a2 a2 ': xs2)), HLabelSet (LabelsOf (HAppendListR l1 (Tagged a2 a2 ': xs2))), HAllTaggedLV (HAppendListR l1 (Tagged a2 a2 ': xs2)), HAppendList l1 (Tagged a2 a2 ': xs2), Functor f) => (a1 -> f a2) -> TIP (Tagged x x ': xs1) -> f (TIP (HAppendListR l1 (Tagged a2 a2 ': xs2))) Source #
provides a Lens (TIP s) (TIP t) a b
When using set
(also known as .~
), tipyLens'
can address the
ambiguity as to which field "a" should actually be updated.
tipyProject2 :: forall (ls :: [Type]) (r :: [Type]) (l1 :: [Type]) (l2 :: [Type]) proxy. (H2ProjectByLabels ls r l1 l2, HAllTaggedEq l1, HAllTaggedEq l2, HLabelSet (LabelsOf l1), HLabelSet (LabelsOf l2), HAllTaggedLV l1, HAllTaggedLV l2) => proxy ls -> TIP r -> (TIP l1, TIP l2) Source #
The same as tipyProject
, except also return the
types not requested in the proxy
tipHList :: forall p f (a1 :: [Type]) (ta :: [Type]) (a2 :: [Type]) (l :: [Type]). (Profunctor p, Functor f, TagUntagFD a1 ta, TagUntagFD a2 l) => p (HList a1) (f (HList a2)) -> p (TIP ta) (f (TIP l)) Source #
Iso (TIP (TagR a)) (TIP (TagR b)) (HList a) (HList b)
tipHList' :: forall p f (a :: [Type]) (l :: [Type]). (Profunctor p, Functor f, TagUntagFD a l) => p (HList a) (f (HList a)) -> p (TIP l) (f (TIP l)) Source #
Iso' (TIP (TagR s)) (HList a)
tipRecord :: forall p f (r :: [Type]) (l :: [Type]). (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Record r) (f (Record l)) -> p (TIP r) (f (TIP l)) Source #
Iso (TIP s) (TIP t) (Record s) (Record t)
may be more appropriate
tipRecord' :: forall p f (l :: [Type]). (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Record l) (f (Record l)) -> p (TIP l) (f (TIP l)) Source #
Iso' (TIP (TagR s)) (Record a)
ticPrism :: (TICPrism s t a b, SameLength s t, Choice p, Applicative f) => (a `p` f b) -> TIC s `p` f (TIC t) Source #
class TypeIndexed r tr | r -> tr, tr -> r where Source #
Conversion between type indexed collections (TIC
and TIP
and the corresponding collection that has other label types (Variant
and Record
See typeIndexed'
typeIndexed :: forall p f s t a b. (TypeIndexedCxt s t a b, Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (tr (TagR a)) (f (tr (TagR b))) -> p (r s) (f (r t)) Source #
Iso (r s) (r t) (tr a) (tr b)
TypeIndexed Record TIP Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIC | |
TypeIndexed Variant TIC Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIC |
A datatype for type-indexed co-products. A TIC
is just a Variant
where the elements of the type-level list "l"
are in the form
Tagged x x
TypeIndexed Variant TIC Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIC | |
HMapAux Variant f xs ys => HMapAux TIC f xs ys Source # | |
(TICPrism s t a b, Label x ~ Label a, a ~ b, s ~ t, SameLength s t) => Labelable (x :: k) TIC s t a b Source # | hLens' :: Label a -> Prism' (TIC s) a note that a more general function Note: `x :: k` according to the instance head, but the instance body forces the kind variable to be * later on. IE. (k ~ *) |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable Associated Types type LabelableTy TIC :: LabeledOpticType Source # | |
(HasField o (TIC l) mo, mo ~ Maybe o) => HOccurs mo (TIC l) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.TIC | |
(me ~ Maybe e, HOccursNot (Tagged e e) l) => HExtend me (TIC l) Source # | Nothing .*. x = x Just a .*. y = mkTIC a |
Bounded (Variant l) => Bounded (TIC l) Source # | |
Enum (Variant l) => Enum (TIC l) Source # | |
Eq (Variant l) => Eq (TIC l) Source # | |
(TypeablePolyK xs, Typeable (Variant xs), Data (Variant xs)) => Data (TIC xs) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Data Methods gfoldl :: (forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> (forall g. g -> c g) -> TIC xs -> c (TIC xs) # gunfold :: (forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c (TIC xs) # toConstr :: TIC xs -> Constr # dataTypeOf :: TIC xs -> DataType # dataCast1 :: Typeable t => (forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c (TIC xs)) # dataCast2 :: Typeable t => (forall d e. (Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c (TIC xs)) # gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> TIC xs -> TIC xs # gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> TIC xs -> r # gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> (forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> TIC xs -> r # gmapQ :: (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> TIC xs -> [u] # gmapQi :: Int -> (forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> TIC xs -> u # gmapM :: Monad m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> TIC xs -> m (TIC xs) # gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> TIC xs -> m (TIC xs) # gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => (forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> TIC xs -> m (TIC xs) # | |
Ord (Variant l) => Ord (TIC l) Source # | |
(ReadVariant l, HAllTaggedEq l, HRLabelSet l) => Read (TIC l) Source # | |
ShowVariant l => Show (TIC l) Source # | TICs are not opaque |
Ix (Variant l) => Ix (TIC l) Source # | |
Semigroup (Variant l) => Semigroup (TIC l) Source # | |
Monoid (Variant l) => Monoid (TIC l) Source # | |
HasField o (Variant l) (Maybe o) => HasField (o :: Type) (TIC l) (Maybe o) Source # | Public destructor (or, open union's projection function) |
Defined in Data.HList.TIC | |
type LabelableTy TIC Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable | |
type HExtendR me (TIC l) Source # | |
ticVariant :: forall p f (l1 :: [Type]) (l2 :: [Type]). (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Variant l1) (f (Variant l2)) -> p (TIC l1) (f (TIC l2)) Source #
Iso (TIC s) (TIC t) (Variant s) (Variant t)
may be more appropriate
ticVariant' :: forall p f (l :: [Type]). (Profunctor p, Functor f) => p (Variant l) (f (Variant l)) -> p (TIC l) (f (TIC l)) Source #
Iso' (TIC s) (Variant s)
typeIndexed' :: forall r tr (t :: [Type]) p f. (TypeIndexed r tr, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR t) t, RecordValues t, SameLabels t t, HAllTaggedLV t, HLabelSet (LabelsOf t), TagUntagFD (RecordValuesR t) (TagR (RecordValuesR t)), Profunctor p, Functor f, SameLength' t t, SameLength' (RecordValuesR t) (RecordValuesR t), Coercible (TagR (RecordValuesR t)) t) => p (tr (TagR (RecordValuesR t))) (f (tr (TagR (RecordValuesR t)))) -> p (r t) (f (r t)) Source #
:: forall i l proxy. (HTypeIndexed l, MkVariant i i l) | |
=> i | |
-> proxy l | the ordering of types in the |
-> TIC l |
Public constructor (or, open union's injection function)
mkTIC1 :: forall i. MkVariant i i '[Tagged i i] => i -> TIC '[Tagged i i] Source #
make a TIC that contains one element
mkTIC :: forall i (l :: [Type]) (n :: HNat). (HFind1 i (UnLabel i (LabelsOf l)) (UnLabel i (LabelsOf l)) n, HasField i (Record l) i, KnownNat (HNat2Nat n), HAllTaggedLV l, HLabelSet (LabelsOf l), HAllTaggedEq l) => i -> TIC l Source #
make a TIC for use in contexts where the result type is fixed
ticPrism' :: forall s t a b. (HPrism a s t a b, a ~ b, s ~ t) => forall f p. (Applicative f, Choice p) => (a `p` f b) -> TIC s `p` f (TIC t) Source #
Prism' (TIC s) a
class Projected r s t a b where Source #
Sometimes it may be more convenient to operate on a record/variant
that only contains the fields of interest. projected
can then be used
to apply that function to a record that contains additional elements.
:set -XViewPatterns
import Data.HList.RecordPuns
let f [pun| (x y) |] = case x+y of z -> [pun| z |]
:t f
f :: Num v => Record '[Tagged "x" v, Tagged "y" v] -> Record '[Tagged "z" v]
let r = (let x = 1; y = 2; z = () in [pun| x y z |])
r & sameLabels . projected %~ f
projected :: (ty ~ LabelableTy r, LabeledOpticP ty p, LabeledOpticF ty f) => (r a `p` f (r b)) -> r s `p` f (r t) Source #
(H2ProjectByLabels (LabelsOf a) s a_ _s_minus_a, HRLabelSet a_, HRLabelSet a, HRearrange (LabelsOf a) a_ a, HLeftUnion b s bs, HRLabelSet bs, HRearrange (LabelsOf t) bs t, HRLabelSet t) => Projected Record s t a b Source # | Lens rs rt ra rb where |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable Methods projected :: forall (ty :: LabeledOpticType) p f. (ty ~ LabelableTy Record, LabeledOpticP ty p, LabeledOpticF ty f) => p (Record a) (f (Record b)) -> p (Record s) (f (Record t)) Source # | |
(ExtendsVariant b t, ProjectVariant s a, ProjectExtendVariant s t, HLeftUnion b s bs, HRLabelSet bs, HRearrange (LabelsOf t) bs t) => Projected Variant s t a b Source # | Prism (Variant s) (Variant t) (Variant a) (Variant b) |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable Methods projected :: forall (ty :: LabeledOpticType) p f. (ty ~ LabelableTy Variant, LabeledOpticP ty p, LabeledOpticF ty f) => p (Variant a) (f (Variant b)) -> p (Variant s) (f (Variant t)) Source # |
toLabel :: EnsureLabel x y => x -> y Source #
class SameLength s t => Labelable (x :: k) (r :: [*] -> *) s t a b | x s -> a, x t -> b, x s b -> t, x t a -> s where Source #
Associated Types
type LabelableTy r :: LabeledOpticType Source #
hLens' :: Label x -> LabeledOptic x r s t a b Source #
LabelableTIPCxt x s t a b => Labelable (x :: k) TIP s t a b Source # | make a
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable Associated Types type LabelableTy TIP :: LabeledOpticType Source # | |
(TICPrism s t a b, Label x ~ Label a, a ~ b, s ~ t, SameLength s t) => Labelable (x :: k) TIC s t a b Source # | hLens' :: Label a -> Prism' (TIC s) a note that a more general function Note: `x :: k` according to the instance head, but the instance body forces the kind variable to be * later on. IE. (k ~ *) |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable Associated Types type LabelableTy TIC :: LabeledOpticType Source # | |
(HPrism x s t a b, to ~ ((->) :: Type -> Type -> Type)) => Labelable (x :: k) Variant s t a b Source # | make a |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable Associated Types type LabelableTy Variant :: LabeledOpticType Source # | |
HLens x Record s t a b => Labelable (x :: k) Record s t a b Source # | make a |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable Associated Types type LabelableTy Record :: LabeledOpticType Source # | |
LabeledCxt1 s t a b => Labelable (x :: k) LabeledR s t a b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Labelable Associated Types type LabelableTy LabeledR :: LabeledOpticType Source # | |
(s ~ t, a ~ b, IArray UArray a, a ~ GetElemTy s, HLensCxt x RecordU s t a b) => Labelable (x :: k) RecordU s t a b Source # | make a |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU Associated Types type LabelableTy RecordU :: LabeledOpticType Source # |
type LabeledOptic (x :: k) (r :: [*] -> *) (s :: [*]) (t :: [*]) (a :: *) (b :: *) = forall ty to p f. (ty ~ LabelableTy r, LabeledOpticF ty f, LabeledOpticP ty p, LabeledOpticTo ty x to) => (a `p` f b) `to` (r s `p` f (r t)) Source #
This alias is the same as Control.Lens.Optic, except the (->) in Optic
is a type parameter to
in LabeledOptic.
Depending on the collection type (see instances of LabelableTy
the type variables to, p, f
are constrained such that the resulting
type is a Lens (r s) (r t) a b
, Prism (r s) (r t) a b
or a
LabeledTo x _ _
. The latter can be used to recover the label (x
) when
used as an argument to .==.
or equivalently toLabel
(.==.) :: forall k x (l :: k) v. EnsureLabel x (Label l) => x -> v -> Tagged l v infixr 4 Source #
modification of .=.
which works with the labels from this module,
and those from Data.HList.Label6. Note that this is not strictly a
generalization of .=.
, since it does not work with labels like
Data.HList.Label3 which have the wrong kind.
projected' :: forall r p f (t :: [Type]) (b :: [Type]). (LabeledOpticP (LabelableTy r) p, LabeledOpticF (LabelableTy r) f, Projected r t t b b) => p (r b) (f (r b)) -> p (r t) (f (r t)) Source #
Lens' (Record s) (Record a)
Prism' (Variant s) (Variant a)
class RecordUToRecord x Source #
Minimal complete definition
(HMapCxt HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR x) x, IArray UArray (GetElemTy x), HList2List (RecordValuesR x) (GetElemTy x)) => RecordUToRecord x Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU Methods recordUToRecord :: RecordU x -> Record x Source # |
class RecordToRecordU x Source #
Minimal complete definition
(RecordValues x, HList2List (RecordValuesR x) (GetElemTy x), HNat2Integral n, HLengthEq x n, IArray UArray (GetElemTy x)) => RecordToRecordU x Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU Methods recordToRecordU :: Record x -> RecordU x Source # |
class HUpdateMany lv rx where Source #
analogous flip //
. Similar to .<++.
, except it is restricted
to cases where the left argument holds a subset of elements.
hUpdateMany :: Record lv -> rx -> rx Source #
(HLeftUnion lv x lvx, HRLabelSet x, HLabelSet (LabelsOf x), HRearrange (LabelsOf x) lvx x) => HUpdateMany lv (Record x) Source # | implementation in terms of |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU | |
(RecordValues lv, HList2List (RecordValuesR lv) v, HFindMany (LabelsOf lv) (LabelsOf r) ixs, IArray UArray v, v ~ GetElemTy r, HNats2Integrals ixs) => HUpdateMany lv (RecordU r) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU |
type family HSubtract (n1 :: HNat) (n2 :: HNat) :: Either HNat HNat Source #
HSubtract a b
is Left (a-b)
, Right (b-a)
or Right HZero
class HLookupByHNatUS1 (r :: Either HNat HNat) (n :: HNat) (u :: [*]) (us :: [*]) (e :: *) | r n u us -> e Source #
Minimal complete definition
(HNat2Integral n, HLookupByHNatR n u ~ le, le ~ Tagged l e, IArray UArray e, e ~ GetElemTy u) => HLookupByHNatUS1 ('Left t :: Either HNat HNat) n u us le Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU | |
HLookupByHNatUS t us e => HLookupByHNatUS1 ('Right t :: Either HNat HNat) n u us e Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU |
class HLookupByHNatUS (n :: HNat) (us :: [*]) (e :: *) | n us -> e Source #
Minimal complete definition
(r ~ HSubtract (HLength u) n, RecordU u ~ ru, HLookupByHNatUS1 r n u us e) => HLookupByHNatUS n (ru ': us) e Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU Methods hLookupByHNatUS :: Proxy n -> HList (ru ': us) -> e Source # |
class SortForRecordUS x x' | x -> x' where Source #
Reorders a Record
such that the RecordUS
made from it takes up
less space
has alternating Double and Int fields
4 arrays containing one element each are needed when this Record is stored as a RecordUS
recordToRecordUS bad
RecordUS H[RecordU (array (0,0) [(0,1.0)]),RecordU (array (0,0) [(0,2)]),RecordU (array (0,0) [(0,3.0)]),RecordU (array (0,0) [(0,4)])]
It is possible to sort the record
sortForRecordUS bad
This allows the same content to be stored in two unboxed arrays
recordToRecordUS (sortForRecordUS bad)
RecordUS H[RecordU (array (0,1) [(0,1.0),(1,3.0)]),RecordU (array (0,1) [(0,2),(1,4)])]
sortForRecordUS :: Record x -> Record x' Source #
SortForRecordUS ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU Methods sortForRecordUS :: Record '[] -> Record '[] Source # | |
(HPartitionEq EqTagValue x (x ': xs) xi xo, SortForRecordUS xo xo', sorted ~ HAppendListR xi xo', HAppendList xi xo') => SortForRecordUS (x ': xs) sorted Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU Methods sortForRecordUS :: Record (x ': xs) -> Record sorted Source # |
A type which behaves similarly to Record
, except
all elements must fit in the same UArray
. A consequence of
this is that RecordU
has the following properties:
- it is strict in the element types
- it cannot do type-changing updates of
, except if the function applies to all elements - it probably is slower to update the very first elements
of the
The benefit is that lookups should be faster and records
should take up less space. However benchmarks done with
a slow HNat2Integral
do not suggest that RecordU is
faster than Record.
class HMapUnboxF (xs :: [*]) (us :: [*]) | xs -> us, us -> xs Source #
HMapUnboxF ('[] :: [Type]) ('[] :: [Type]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU | |
HMapUnboxF xs us => HMapUnboxF (HList x ': xs) (RecordU x ': us) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU |
data EqTagValue Source #
HEqByFn EqTagValue Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU | |
(txv ~ Tagged x v, tyw ~ Tagged y w, HEq v w b) => HEqBy EqTagValue (txv :: Type) (tyw :: Type) b Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU |
class RecordUSCxt (x :: [*]) (u :: [*]) | x -> u, u -> x Source #
connect the unpacked x
representation with the
corresponding list of RecordU u
(HGroupBy EqTagValue x g, HMapUnboxF g u) => RecordUSCxt x u Source # | the only instance |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU Methods recordUSToHList :: RecordUS x -> HList u Source # hListToRecordUS :: HList u -> RecordUS x Source # |
data RecordUS (x :: [*]) Source #
is stored as a HList
of RecordU
to allow the RecordUS
to contain elements of different
types, so long all of the types can be put into an unboxed
array (UArray
It is advantageous (at least space-wise) to sort the record to keep
elements with the same types elements adjacent. See SortForRecordUS
for more details.
(HFindLabel l r n, HLookupByHNatUS n u (Tagged l v), HasField l (Record r) v, RecordUSCxt r u) => HasField (l :: k) (RecordUS r) v Source # | works expected. See examples attached to |
Defined in Data.HList.RecordU Methods hLookupByLabel :: Label l -> RecordUS r -> v Source # | |
(RecordUSCxt x u, Show (HList u)) => Show (RecordUS x) Source # | |
unboxedS :: forall (g1 :: [Type]) (u1 :: [Type]) (g2 :: [Type]) (u2 :: [Type]) (x1 :: [Type]) (x2 :: [Type]) p f. (HMapUnboxF g1 u1, HMapUnboxF g2 u2, HGroupBy EqTagValue x1 g1, HGroupBy EqTagValue x2 g2, Profunctor p, Functor f, HConcatFD g1 x1, SameLength' u2 g2, SameLength' g2 u2, SameLength' u1 g1, SameLength' g1 u1, HMapAux HList UnboxF g2 u2, HMapAux HList BoxF u1 g1) => p (RecordUS x2) (f (RecordUS x1)) -> p (Record x2) (f (Record x1)) Source #
Iso (Record x) (Record y) (RecordUS x) (RecordUS y)
unboxedS' :: forall (g :: [Type]) (u :: [Type]) (x :: [Type]) p f. (HMapUnboxF g u, HGroupBy EqTagValue x g, Profunctor p, Functor f, HConcatFD g x, SameLength' u g, SameLength' g u, HMapAux HList UnboxF g u, HMapAux HList BoxF u g) => p (RecordUS x) (f (RecordUS x)) -> p (Record x) (f (Record x)) Source #
Iso' (Record x) (RecordUS x)
unboxed :: forall x y f p. (Profunctor p, Functor f, RecordToRecordU x, RecordUToRecord y) => (RecordU x `p` f (RecordU y)) -> Record x `p` f (Record y) Source #
Iso (Record x) (Record y) (RecordU x) (RecordU y)
unboxed' :: forall p f (y :: [Type]) (n :: HNat). (Profunctor p, Functor f, RecordValues y, HList2List (RecordValuesR y) (GetElemTy y), KnownNat (HNat2Nat n), HLengthEq1 y n, HLengthEq2 y n, IArray UArray (GetElemTy y), SameLength' (HReplicateR n ()) y, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR y) y) => p (RecordU y) (f (RecordU y)) -> p (Record y) (f (Record y)) Source #
Iso' (Record x) (RecordU x)
makeLabels :: [String] -> Q [Dec] Source #
Labels like Data.HList.Label5.
The following TH declaration splice should be placed at top-level, before the
created values are used. Enable -XTemplateHaskell
makeLabels ["getX","getY","draw","X"]
should expand into the following declarations
data LabelGetX deriving Typeable data LabelGetY deriving Typeable data LabelDraw deriving Typeable data LabelX deriving Typeable
getX = Label :: Label LabelGetX getY = Label :: Label LabelGetY draw = Label :: Label LabelDraw x = Label :: Label LabelX
makeLabels6 :: [String] -> Q [Dec] Source #
makeLabels6 ["x","y"]
is a shortcut for
x = Label :: Label "x" y = Label :: Label "y"
makeLabelable :: String -> Q [Dec] Source #
makeLabelable "x y z"
expands out to
x = hLens' (Label :: Label "x") y = hLens' (Label :: Label "y") z = hLens' (Label :: Label "z")
Refer to Data.HList.Labelable for usage.
class HasFieldPath (needJust :: Bool) (ls :: [*]) r v | needJust ls r -> v Source #
Minimal complete definition
HasFieldPath 'False ('[] :: [Type]) v v Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Dredge | |
HasFieldPath 'True ('[] :: [Type]) v (Maybe v) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Dredge | |
(HasField l (Record r) u, HasFieldPath needJust ls u v) => HasFieldPath needJust (Label l ': ls) (Record r) v Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Dredge | |
(HasField l (Variant r) (Maybe u), HasFieldPath 'True ls u (Maybe v)) => HasFieldPath needJust (Label l ': ls) (Variant r) (Maybe v) Source # | |
Defined in Data.HList.Dredge |
dredge :: forall k1 k2 (vs1 :: [Type]) (ns1 :: [[Type]]) (vs :: [Type]) (ns :: [[Type]]) (xs :: [Type]) p v (fb :: k1) r (rft :: k1) (l :: k2) (ns2 :: [[Type]]) x. (SameLength' vs1 ns1, SameLength' vs ns, SameLength' ns1 vs1, SameLength' ns vs, LabelablePath xs (p v fb) (p r rft), MapFieldTree (TryCollectionListTF r) ns, MapFieldTreeVal r (TryCollectionListTF r) vs, FilterLastEq (Label l) ns ns ns1, FilterLastEq (Label l) ns vs vs1, FilterVEq1 v vs1 ns1 ns2, HGuardNonNull (NamesDontMatch r ns l) ns1, HSingleton (NonUnique r v l) (TypesDontMatch r ns1 vs1 v) ns2 xs, EnsureLabel x (Label l)) => x -> p v fb -> p r rft Source #
Using HListPP syntax for short hand, dredge `foo
expands out to
something like `path . `to . `foo
, with the restriction that
there is only one possible `path . `to
which leads to the
label foo
For example, if we have the following definitions,
type BVal a = Record '[Tagged "x" a, Tagged "a" Char] type R a = Record [Tagged "a" Int, Tagged "b" (BVal a)] type V a = Variant [Tagged "a" Int, Tagged "b" (BVal a)] lx = Label :: Label "x"
Then we have:
dredge `x :: Lens (R a) (R b) a b dredge lx :: Lens (R a) (R b) a b
dredge `x :: Traversal (V a) (V b) a b -- there were only variants along the path we'd get a Prism dredge lx :: Traversal (V a) (V b) a b
result-type directed operations are supported
There are two ways to access a field with tag a
in the R type
defined above, but they result in fields with different types
being looked up:
`a :: Lens' (R a) Char `b . `a :: Lens' (R a) Int
so provided that the result type is disambiguated by the context, the following two types can happen
dredge `a :: Lens' (R a) Char dredge `a :: Lens' (R a) Int
type indexed collections are allowed along those paths, but
as explained in the Labelable
instances, only simple optics
(Lens' Prism' Traversal' ) are produced. dredgeTI'
works better if the target is a TIP or TIC
dredge' :: forall k2 k (vs1 :: [Type]) (ns1 :: [[Type]]) (vs :: [Type]) (ns :: [[Type]]) (xs :: [Type]) p a (f :: Type -> k2) s (l :: k) (ns2 :: [[Type]]) x. (SameLength' vs1 ns1, SameLength' vs ns, SameLength' ns1 vs1, SameLength' ns vs, LabelablePath xs (p a (f a)) (p s (f s)), MapFieldTree (TryCollectionListTF s) ns, MapFieldTreeVal s (TryCollectionListTF s) vs, FilterLastEq (Label l) ns ns ns1, FilterLastEq (Label l) ns vs vs1, FilterVEq1 a vs1 ns1 ns2, HGuardNonNull (NamesDontMatch s ns l) ns1, HSingleton (NonUnique s a l) (TypesDontMatch s ns1 vs1 a) ns2 xs, EnsureLabel x (Label l)) => x -> p a (f a) -> p s (f s) Source #
except a simple (s ~ t, a ~ b) optic is produced
dredgeND :: forall k1 k2 (xs :: [Type]) p a (fb :: k1) r (rft :: k1) (ns :: [[Type]]) (l :: k2) (ns' :: [[Type]]) x. (LabelablePath xs (p a fb) (p r rft), MapFieldTree (TryCollectionListTF r) ns, FilterLastEq (Label l) ns ns ns', HSingleton (NonUnique' r l) (NamesDontMatch r ns l) ns' xs, EnsureLabel x (Label l)) => x -> p a fb -> p r rft Source #
dredgeND (named directed only) is the same as dredge
, except the
result type (a
) is not used when the label would otherwise
be ambiguous. dredgeND might give better type errors, but otherwise
there should be no reason to pick it over dredge
dredgeND' :: forall k2 k (xs :: [Type]) p a (f :: Type -> k2) s (ns :: [[Type]]) (l :: k) (ns' :: [[Type]]) x. (LabelablePath xs (p a (f a)) (p s (f s)), MapFieldTree (TryCollectionListTF s) ns, FilterLastEq (Label l) ns ns ns', HSingleton (NonUnique' s l) (NamesDontMatch s ns l) ns' xs, EnsureLabel x (Label l)) => x -> p a (f a) -> p s (f s) Source #
except a simple (s ~ t, a ~ b) optic is produced
dredgeTI' :: forall k2 (xs :: [Type]) p a (f :: Type -> k2) s (ns :: [[Type]]) (ns' :: [[Type]]) q. (LabelablePath xs (p a (f a)) (p s (f s)), MapFieldTree (TryCollectionListTF s) ns, FilterLastEq (Label a) ns ns ns', HSingleton (NonUnique' s a) (NamesDontMatch s ns a) ns' xs) => q a -> p a (f a) -> p s (f s) Source #
The same as dredgeND', except intended for TIP/TICs because
the assumption is made that l ~ v
for the Tagged l v
In other words, ticPrism' and tipyLens'
could usually
be replaced by
dredgeTI' :: _ => Label a -> Lens' (TIP s) a dredgeTI' :: _ => Label a -> Prism' (TIC s) a
where we might have s ~ '[Tagged a a, Tagged b b]
hLookupByLabelDredge :: forall k (ls :: [Type]) r1 r2 v (ns :: [[Type]]) (l :: k) (ns' :: [[Type]]). (HasFieldPath 'False ls (r1 r2) v, MapFieldTree (TryCollectionListTF r2) ns, FilterLastEq (Label l) ns ns ns', HSingleton (NonUnique' r2 l) (NamesDontMatch r2 ns l) ns' ls) => Label l -> r1 r2 -> v Source #
module Data.STRef
module Data.IORef
module Data.Typeable
module Control.Monad
module Control.Monad.ST
module Control.Monad.Fix