module Data.HList.HList where
import Data.HList.FakePrelude
import Data.HList.HListPrelude
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Data.List
import LensDefs
import Data.Array (Ix)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 906
import Data.Semigroup
data family HList (l::[*])
data instance HList '[] = HNil
data instance HList (x ': xs) = x `HCons` HList xs
deriving instance Eq (HList '[])
deriving instance (Eq x, Eq (HList xs)) => Eq (HList (x ': xs))
deriving instance Ord (HList '[])
deriving instance (Ord x, Ord (HList xs)) => Ord (HList (x ': xs))
deriving instance Ix (HList '[])
deriving instance (Ix x, Ix (HList xs)) => Ix (HList (x ': xs))
deriving instance Bounded (HList '[])
deriving instance (Bounded x, Bounded (HList xs)) => Bounded (HList (x ': xs))
class HProxiesFD (xs :: [*]) pxs | pxs -> xs
, xs -> pxs
where hProxies :: HList pxs
type HProxies xs = HProxiesFD xs (AddProxy xs)
type family AddProxy (xs :: k) :: k
type instance AddProxy '[] = '[]
type instance AddProxy (x ': xs) = AddProxy x ': AddProxy xs
type instance AddProxy (x :: *) = Proxy x
type family DropProxy (xs :: k) :: k
type instance DropProxy (x ': xs) = DropProxy x ': DropProxy xs
type instance DropProxy '[] = '[]
type instance DropProxy (Proxy x) = x
instance HProxiesFD '[] '[] where
hProxies :: HList '[]
hProxies = HList '[]
instance (HProxiesFD xs pxs) => HProxiesFD (x ': xs) (Proxy x ': pxs) where
hProxies :: HList (Proxy x : pxs)
hProxies = Proxy x
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy Proxy x -> HList pxs -> HList (Proxy x : pxs)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList pxs
forall (xs :: [*]) (pxs :: [*]). HProxiesFD xs pxs => HList pxs
instance Show (HList '[]) where
show :: HList '[] -> String
show HList '[]
_ = String
instance (Show e, Show (HList l)) => Show (HList (e ': l)) where
show :: HList (e : l) -> String
show (HCons e
x HList l
l) =
case HList l -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show HList l
l of
s -> String
"H[" String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ e -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show e
x String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ (if String
s String -> String -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== String
"]" then String
s else String
"," String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
s -> ShowS
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error ShowS -> ShowS
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
"unreachable branch: " String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ e -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show e
x String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
" " String -> ShowS
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
instance Read (HList '[]) where
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS (HList '[])
readsPrec Int
_ String
str = case String -> String -> Maybe String
forall a. Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
stripPrefix String
"H[]" String
str of
Maybe String
Nothing -> []
Just String
rest -> [(HList '[]
HNil, String
(HProxies l, Read e,
HSequence ReadP (ReadP e ': readP_l) (e ': l),
HMapCxt HList ReadElement (AddProxy l) readP_l) =>
Read (HList (e ': l)) where
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS (HList (e : l))
readsPrec Int
_ = ReadP (HList (e : l)) -> ReadS (HList (e : l))
forall a. ReadP a -> ReadS a
readP_to_S (ReadP (HList (e : l)) -> ReadS (HList (e : l)))
-> ReadP (HList (e : l)) -> ReadS (HList (e : l))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
_ <- String -> ReadP String
string String
HList (AddProxy l)
l <- HList (AddProxy l) -> ReadP (HList (AddProxy l))
forall a. a -> ReadP a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (HList (AddProxy l)
forall (xs :: [*]) (pxs :: [*]). HProxiesFD xs pxs => HList pxs
hProxies :: HList (AddProxy l))
let parsers :: HList (ReadP e : readP_l)
parsers = ReadS e -> ReadP e
forall a. ReadS a -> ReadP a
readS_to_P ReadS e
forall a. Read a => ReadS a
reads ReadP e -> HList readP_l -> HList (ReadP e : readP_l)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` ReadElement -> HList (AddProxy l) -> HList readP_l
forall {a :: [*]} {b :: [*]} {r :: [*] -> *} {f}.
(SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r f a b) =>
f -> r a -> r b
hMap ReadElement
ReadElement HList (AddProxy l)
HList (e : l)
hlist <- HList (ReadP e : readP_l) -> ReadP (HList (e : l))
forall (m :: * -> *) (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]).
HSequence m a b =>
HList a -> m (HList b)
hSequence HList (ReadP e : readP_l)
_ <- String -> ReadP String
string String
HList (e : l) -> ReadP (HList (e : l))
forall a. a -> ReadP a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return HList (e : l)
data ReadElement = ReadElement
instance (y ~ ReadP x, Read x) => ApplyAB ReadElement (Proxy x) y where
applyAB :: ReadElement -> Proxy x -> y
applyAB ReadElement
ReadElement Proxy x
_ = do
_ <- String -> ReadP String
string String
ReadS x -> ReadP x
forall a. ReadS a -> ReadP a
readS_to_P ReadS x
forall a. Read a => ReadS a
infixr 2 `HCons`
hHead :: HList (e ': l) -> e
hHead :: forall e (l :: [*]). HList (e : l) -> e
hHead (HCons e
x HList l
_) = e
hTail :: HList (e ': l) -> HList l
hTail :: forall e (l :: [*]). HList (e : l) -> HList l
hTail (HCons e
_ HList l
l) = HList l
hLast :: HList l1 -> e
hLast HList l1
xs = HList (e : l) -> e
forall e (l :: [*]). HList (e : l) -> e
hHead (HList l1 -> HList (e : l)
forall {l1 :: [*]} {l3 :: [*]}.
HRevApp l1 '[] l3 =>
HList l1 -> HList l3
hReverse_ HList l1
class HInit xs where
type HInitR xs :: [*]
hInit :: HList xs -> HList (HInitR xs)
instance HInit '[x] where
type HInitR '[x] = '[]
hInit :: HList '[x] -> HList (HInitR '[x])
hInit HList '[x]
_ = HList '[]
HList (HInitR '[x])
instance HInit (b ': c) => HInit (a ': b ': c) where
type HInitR (a ': b ': c) = a ': HInitR (b ': c)
hInit :: HList (a : b : c) -> HList (HInitR (a : b : c))
hInit (a
a `HCons` HList (b : c)
bc) = a
a a -> HList (HInitR (b : c)) -> HList (a : HInitR (b : c))
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList (b : c) -> HList (HInitR (b : c))
forall (xs :: [*]). HInit xs => HList xs -> HList (HInitR xs)
hInit HList (b : c)
type family HLength (x :: [k]) :: HNat
type instance HLength '[] = HZero
type instance HLength (x ': xs) = HSucc (HLength xs)
hLength :: HLengthEq l n => HList l -> Proxy n
hLength :: forall (l :: [*]) (n :: HNat). HLengthEq l n => HList l -> Proxy n
hLength HList l
_ = Proxy n
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
instance HExtend e (HList l) where
type HExtendR e (HList l) = HList (e ': l)
.*. :: e -> HList l -> HExtendR e (HList l)
(.*.) = e -> HList l -> HExtendR e (HList l)
e -> HList l -> HList (e : l)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
instance HAppendList l1 l2 => HAppend (HList l1) (HList l2) where
hAppend :: HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HAppendR (HList l1) (HList l2)
hAppend = HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HAppendR (HList l1) (HList l2)
HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList (HAppendListR l1 l2)
forall (l1 :: [*]) (l2 :: [*]).
HAppendList l1 l2 =>
HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList (HAppendListR l1 l2)
type instance HAppendR (HList l1) (HList l2) = HList (HAppendListR l1 l2)
type family HAppendListR (l1 :: [k]) (l2 :: [k]) :: [k]
type instance HAppendListR '[] l = l
type instance HAppendListR (e ': l) l' = e ': HAppendListR l l'
class HAppendList l1 l2 where
hAppendList :: HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList (HAppendListR l1 l2)
instance HAppendList '[] l2 where
hAppendList :: HList '[] -> HList l2 -> HList (HAppendListR '[] l2)
hAppendList HList '[]
HNil HList l2
l = HList l2
HList (HAppendListR '[] l2)
instance HAppendList l l' => HAppendList (x ': l) l' where
hAppendList :: HList (x : l) -> HList l' -> HList (HAppendListR (x : l) l')
hAppendList (HCons x
x HList l
l) HList l'
l' = x -> HList (HAppendListR l l') -> HList (x : HAppendListR l l')
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons x
x (HList l -> HList l' -> HList (HAppendListR l l')
forall (l1 :: [*]) (l2 :: [*]).
HAppendList l1 l2 =>
HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList (HAppendListR l1 l2)
hAppendList HList l
l HList l'
append' :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
append' :: forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
append' [a]
l [a]
l' = (a -> [a] -> [a]) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
forall (t :: * -> *) a b.
Foldable t =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldr (:) [a]
l' [a]
hAppend' :: (HFoldr FHCons v l r) => HList l -> v -> r
hAppend' :: forall v (l :: [*]) r. HFoldr FHCons v l r => HList l -> v -> r
hAppend' HList l
l v
l' = FHCons -> v -> HList l -> r
forall f v (l :: [*]) r. HFoldr f v l r => f -> v -> HList l -> r
hFoldr FHCons
FHCons v
l' HList l
data FHCons = FHCons
instance ( x ~ (e,HList l), y ~ (HList (e ': l))) => ApplyAB FHCons x y where
applyAB :: FHCons -> x -> y
applyAB FHCons
_ (e
e,HList l
l) = e -> HList l -> HList (e : l)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons e
e HList l
type family HRevAppR (l1 :: [k]) (l2 :: [k]) :: [k]
type instance HRevAppR '[] l = l
type instance HRevAppR (e ': l) l' = HRevAppR l (e ': l')
class HRevApp l1 l2 l3 | l1 l2 -> l3 where
hRevApp :: HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList l3
instance HRevApp '[] l2 l2 where
hRevApp :: HList '[] -> HList l2 -> HList l2
hRevApp HList '[]
_ HList l2
l = HList l2
instance HRevApp l (x ': l') z => HRevApp (x ': l) l' z where
hRevApp :: HList (x : l) -> HList l' -> HList z
hRevApp (HCons x
x HList l
l) HList l'
l' = HList l -> HList (x : l') -> HList z
forall (l1 :: [*]) (l2 :: [*]) (l3 :: [*]).
HRevApp l1 l2 l3 =>
HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList l3
hRevApp HList l
l (x -> HList l' -> HList (x : l')
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons x
x HList l'
class HReverse xs sx | xs -> sx, sx -> xs where
hReverse :: HList xs -> HList sx
instance (HRevApp xs '[] sx,
HRevApp sx '[] xs) => HReverse xs sx where
hReverse :: HList xs -> HList sx
hReverse HList xs
l = HList xs -> HList '[] -> HList sx
forall (l1 :: [*]) (l2 :: [*]) (l3 :: [*]).
HRevApp l1 l2 l3 =>
HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList l3
hRevApp HList xs
l HList '[]
hReverse_ :: HList l1 -> HList l3
hReverse_ HList l1
l = HList l1 -> HList '[] -> HList l3
forall (l1 :: [*]) (l2 :: [*]) (l3 :: [*]).
HRevApp l1 l2 l3 =>
HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList l3
hRevApp HList l1
l HList '[]
hEnd :: HList l -> HList l
hEnd :: forall (l :: [*]). HList l -> HList l
hEnd = HList l -> HList l
forall a. a -> a
hBuild :: (HBuild' '[] r) => r
hBuild :: forall r. HBuild' '[] r => r
hBuild = HList '[] -> r
forall (l :: [*]) r. HBuild' l r => HList l -> r
hBuild' HList '[]
class HBuild' l r where
hBuild' :: HList l -> r
instance HReverse l l'
=> HBuild' l (HList l') where
hBuild' :: HList l -> HList l'
hBuild' HList l
l = HList l -> HList l'
forall (l :: [*]) (l' :: [*]). HReverse l l' => HList l -> HList l'
hReverse HList l
instance HBuild' (a ': l) r
=> HBuild' l (a->r) where
hBuild' :: HList l -> a -> r
hBuild' HList l
l a
x = HList (a : l) -> r
forall (l :: [*]) r. HBuild' l r => HList l -> r
hBuild' (a -> HList l -> HList (a : l)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons a
x HList l
class HFoldr f v (l :: [*]) r where
hFoldr :: f -> v -> HList l -> r
instance (v ~ v') => HFoldr f v '[] v' where
hFoldr :: f -> v -> HList '[] -> v'
hFoldr f
_ v
v HList '[]
_ = v
instance (ApplyAB f (e, r) r', HFoldr f v l r)
=> HFoldr f v (e ': l) r' where
hFoldr :: f -> v -> HList (e : l) -> r'
hFoldr f
f v
v (HCons e
x HList l
l) = f -> (e, r) -> r'
forall f a b. ApplyAB f a b => f -> a -> b
applyAB f
f (e
x, f -> v -> HList l -> r
forall f v (l :: [*]) r. HFoldr f v l r => f -> v -> HList l -> r
hFoldr f
f v
v HList l
l :: r)
class HScanr f z ls rs where
hScanr :: f -> z -> HList ls -> HList rs
instance lz ~ '[z] => HScanr f z '[] lz where
hScanr :: f -> z -> HList '[] -> HList lz
hScanr f
_ z
z HList '[]
_ = z -> HList '[] -> HList '[z]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons z
z HList '[]
instance (ApplyAB f (x,r) s, HScanr f z xs (r ': rs),
srrs ~ (s ': r ': rs)) => HScanr f z (x ': xs) srrs where
hScanr :: f -> z -> HList (x : xs) -> HList srrs
hScanr f
f z
z (HCons x
x HList xs
xs) =
case f -> z -> HList xs -> HList (r : rs)
forall f z (ls :: [*]) (rs :: [*]).
HScanr f z ls rs =>
f -> z -> HList ls -> HList rs
hScanr f
f z
z HList xs
xs :: HList (r ': rs) of
HCons r
r HList rs
rs -> (f -> (x, r) -> s
forall f a b. ApplyAB f a b => f -> a -> b
applyAB f
f (x
r) :: s) s -> HList (r : rs) -> HList (s : r : rs)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` r
r r -> HList rs -> HList (r : rs)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList rs
class HFoldr1 f (l :: [*]) r where
hFoldr1 :: f -> HList l -> r
instance (v ~ v') => HFoldr1 f '[v] v' where
hFoldr1 :: f -> HList '[v] -> v'
hFoldr1 f
_ (HCons v
v HList '[]
_) = v
instance (ApplyAB f (e, r) r', HFoldr1 f (e' ': l) r)
=> HFoldr1 f (e ': e' ': l) r' where
hFoldr1 :: f -> HList (e : e' : l) -> r'
hFoldr1 f
f (HCons e
x HList (e' : l)
l) = f -> (e, r) -> r'
forall f a b. ApplyAB f a b => f -> a -> b
applyAB f
f (e
x, f -> HList (e' : l) -> r
forall f (l :: [*]) r. HFoldr1 f l r => f -> HList l -> r
hFoldr1 f
f HList (e' : l)
l :: r)
class HFoldl f (z :: *) xs (r :: *) where
hFoldl :: f -> z -> HList xs -> r
instance (zx ~ (z,x), ApplyAB f zx z', HFoldl f z' xs r)
=> HFoldl f z (x ': xs) r where
hFoldl :: f -> z -> HList (x : xs) -> r
hFoldl f
f z
z (x
x `HCons` HList xs
xs) = f -> z' -> HList xs -> r
forall f z (xs :: [*]) r.
HFoldl f z xs r =>
f -> z -> HList xs -> r
hFoldl f
f (f -> (z, x) -> z'
forall f a b. ApplyAB f a b => f -> a -> b
applyAB f
f (z
x) :: z') HList xs
instance (z ~ z') => HFoldl f z '[] z' where
hFoldl :: f -> z -> HList '[] -> z'
hFoldl f
_ z
z HList '[]
_ = z
hUnfold :: f -> a -> HList z
hUnfold f
p a
s = f -> ApplyR f a -> HList z
forall p res (z :: [*]). HUnfoldFD p res z => p -> res -> HList z
hUnfold' f
p (f -> a -> ApplyR f a
forall f a. Apply f a => f -> a -> ApplyR f a
apply f
p a
type HUnfold p s = HUnfoldR p (ApplyR p s)
type family HUnfoldR p res :: [*]
type instance HUnfoldR p HNothing = '[]
type instance HUnfoldR p (HJust (e,s)) = e ': HUnfoldR p (ApplyR p s)
type HUnfold' p res = HUnfoldFD p (ApplyR p res) (HUnfold p res)
class HUnfoldFD p res z | p res -> z where
hUnfold' :: p -> res -> HList z
instance HUnfoldFD p HNothing '[] where
hUnfold' :: p -> HNothing -> HList '[]
hUnfold' p
_ HNothing
_ = HList '[]
instance (Apply p s, HUnfoldFD p (ApplyR p s) z) => HUnfoldFD p (HJust (e,s)) (e ': z) where
hUnfold' :: p -> HJust (e, s) -> HList (e : z)
hUnfold' p
p (HJust (e
s)) = e -> HList z -> HList (e : z)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons e
e (p -> s -> HList z
forall {f} {a} {z :: [*]}.
(HUnfoldFD f (ApplyR f a) z, Apply f a) =>
f -> a -> HList z
hUnfold p
p s
class HLengthEq es n => HReplicateFD (n :: HNat) e es
| n e -> es, es -> n where
hReplicate :: Proxy n -> e -> HList es
instance HReplicateFD HZero e '[] where
hReplicate :: Proxy 'HZero -> e -> HList '[]
hReplicate Proxy 'HZero
_ e
_ = HList '[]
instance (HReplicateFD n e es, e ~ e') => HReplicateFD (HSucc n) e (e' ': es) where
hReplicate :: Proxy ('HSucc n) -> e -> HList (e' : es)
hReplicate Proxy ('HSucc n)
n e
e = e
e e' -> HList es -> HList (e' : es)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` Proxy n -> e -> HList es
forall (n :: HNat) e (es :: [*]).
HReplicateFD n e es =>
Proxy n -> e -> HList es
hReplicate (Proxy ('HSucc n) -> Proxy n
forall (n :: HNat). Proxy ('HSucc n) -> Proxy n
hPred Proxy ('HSucc n)
n) e
type HReplicate n e = HReplicateFD n e (HReplicateR n e)
type family HReplicateR (n :: HNat) (e :: k) :: [k]
type instance HReplicateR HZero e = '[]
type instance HReplicateR (HSucc n) e = e ': HReplicateR n e
class HLengthEq r n => HReplicateF (n :: HNat) f z r | r -> n where
hReplicateF :: HLengthEq r n => Proxy n -> f -> z -> HList r
instance HReplicateF HZero f z '[] where
hReplicateF :: HLengthEq '[] 'HZero => Proxy 'HZero -> f -> z -> HList '[]
hReplicateF Proxy 'HZero
_ f
_ z
_ = HList '[]
instance (ApplyAB f z fz,
HReplicateF n f z r')
=> HReplicateF (HSucc n) f z (fz ': r') where
hReplicateF :: HLengthEq (fz : r') ('HSucc n) =>
Proxy ('HSucc n) -> f -> z -> HList (fz : r')
hReplicateF Proxy ('HSucc n)
n f
f z
z = f -> z -> fz
forall f a b. ApplyAB f a b => f -> a -> b
applyAB f
f z
z fz -> HList r' -> HList (fz : r')
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` Proxy n -> f -> z -> HList r'
forall (n :: HNat) f z (r :: [*]).
(HReplicateF n f z r, HLengthEq r n) =>
Proxy n -> f -> z -> HList r
hReplicateF (Proxy ('HSucc n) -> Proxy n
forall (n :: HNat). Proxy ('HSucc n) -> Proxy n
hPred Proxy ('HSucc n)
n) f
f z
class HLengthEq r n => HIterate n f z r where
hIterate :: HLengthEq r n => Proxy n -> f -> z -> HList r
instance HIterate HZero f z '[] where
hIterate :: HLengthEq '[] 'HZero => Proxy 'HZero -> f -> z -> HList '[]
hIterate Proxy 'HZero
_ f
_ z
_ = HList '[]
instance (ApplyAB f z z',
HIterate n f z' r',
z ~ z_)
=> HIterate (HSucc n) f z (z_ ': r') where
hIterate :: HLengthEq (z_ : r') ('HSucc n) =>
Proxy ('HSucc n) -> f -> z -> HList (z_ : r')
hIterate Proxy ('HSucc n)
n f
f z
z = z
z z_ -> HList r' -> HList (z_ : r')
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` Proxy n -> f -> z' -> HList r'
forall (n :: HNat) f z (r :: [*]).
(HIterate n f z r, HLengthEq r n) =>
Proxy n -> f -> z -> HList r
hIterate (Proxy ('HSucc n) -> Proxy n
forall (n :: HNat). Proxy ('HSucc n) -> Proxy n
hPred Proxy ('HSucc n)
n) f
f (f -> z -> z'
forall f a b. ApplyAB f a b => f -> a -> b
applyAB f
f z
z :: z')
type HConcat xs = HConcatFD xs (HConcatR xs)
hConcat :: HConcat xs => HList xs -> HList (HConcatR xs)
hConcat :: forall (xs :: [*]). HConcat xs => HList xs -> HList (HConcatR xs)
hConcat HList xs
x = HList xs -> HList (HConcatR xs)
forall (xxs :: [*]) (xs :: [*]).
HConcatFD xxs xs =>
HList xxs -> HList xs
hConcatFD HList xs
type family HConcatR (a :: [*]) :: [*]
type instance HConcatR '[] = '[]
type instance HConcatR (x ': xs) = HAppendListR (UnHList x) (HConcatR xs)
type family UnHList a :: [*]
type instance UnHList (HList a) = a
class HConcatFD xxs xs | xxs -> xs
where hConcatFD :: HList xxs -> HList xs
instance HConcatFD '[] '[] where
hConcatFD :: HList '[] -> HList '[]
hConcatFD HList '[]
_ = HList '[]
instance (HConcatFD as bs, HAppendFD a bs cs) => HConcatFD (HList a ': as) cs where
hConcatFD :: HList (HList a : as) -> HList cs
hConcatFD (HCons HList a
x HList as
xs) = HList a
x HList a -> HList bs -> HList cs
forall (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]) (ab :: [*]).
HAppendFD a b ab =>
HList a -> HList b -> HList ab
`hAppendFD` HList as -> HList bs
forall (xxs :: [*]) (xs :: [*]).
HConcatFD xxs xs =>
HList xxs -> HList xs
hConcatFD HList as
class HAppendFD a b ab | a b -> ab where
hAppendFD :: HList a -> HList b -> HList ab
instance HAppendFD '[] b b where
hAppendFD :: HList '[] -> HList b -> HList b
hAppendFD HList '[]
_ HList b
b = HList b
instance HAppendFD as bs cs => HAppendFD (a ': as) bs (a ': cs) where
hAppendFD :: HList (a : as) -> HList bs -> HList (a : cs)
hAppendFD (HCons a
a HList as
as) HList bs
bs = a
a a -> HList cs -> HList (a : cs)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList as -> HList bs -> HList cs
forall (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]) (ab :: [*]).
HAppendFD a b ab =>
HList a -> HList b -> HList ab
hAppendFD HList as
as HList bs
newtype HMap f = HMap f
hMap :: f -> r a -> r b
hMap f
f r a
xs = HMap f -> r a -> r b
forall f a b. ApplyAB f a b => f -> a -> b
applyAB (f -> HMap f
forall f. f -> HMap f
HMap f
f) r a
instance (HMapCxt r f a b, as ~ r a, bs ~ r b)
=> ApplyAB (HMap f) as bs where
applyAB :: HMap f -> as -> bs
applyAB (HMap f
f) = f -> r a -> r b
forall (r :: [*] -> *) f (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]).
(HMapAux r f x y, SameLength x y) =>
f -> r x -> r y
hMapAux f
hMapL :: f -> HList a -> HList b
hMapL f
f HList a
xs = HMapL f -> HList a -> HList b
forall f a b. ApplyAB f a b => f -> a -> b
applyAB (f -> HMapL f
forall f. f -> HMapL f
HMapL f
f) HList a
newtype HMapL f = HMapL f
instance (HMapCxt HList f a b, as ~ HList a, bs ~ HList b) => ApplyAB (HMapL f) as bs where
applyAB :: HMapL f -> as -> bs
applyAB (HMapL f
f) = f -> HList a -> HList b
forall (r :: [*] -> *) f (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]).
(HMapAux r f x y, SameLength x y) =>
f -> r x -> r y
hMapAux f
class (SameLength a b, HMapAux r f a b) => HMapCxt r f a b
instance (SameLength a b, HMapAux r f a b) => HMapCxt r f a b
class HMapAux (r :: [*] -> *) f (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]) where
hMapAux :: SameLength x y => f -> r x -> r y
instance HMapAux HList f '[] '[] where
hMapAux :: SameLength '[] '[] => f -> HList '[] -> HList '[]
hMapAux f
_ HList '[]
_ = HList '[]
instance (ApplyAB f e e', HMapAux HList f l l', SameLength l l')
=> HMapAux HList f (e ': l) (e' ': l') where
hMapAux :: SameLength (e : l) (e' : l') =>
f -> HList (e : l) -> HList (e' : l')
hMapAux f
f (HCons e
x HList l
l) = f -> e -> e'
forall f a b. ApplyAB f a b => f -> a -> b
applyAB f
f e
x e' -> HList l' -> HList (e' : l')
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` f -> HList l -> HList l'
forall (r :: [*] -> *) f (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]).
(HMapAux r f x y, SameLength x y) =>
f -> r x -> r y
hMapAux f
f HList l
newtype MapCar f = MapCar f
hMapMapCar :: (HFoldr (MapCar f) (HList '[]) l l') =>
f -> HList l -> l'
hMapMapCar :: forall f (l :: [*]) l'.
HFoldr (MapCar f) (HList '[]) l l' =>
f -> HList l -> l'
hMapMapCar f
f = MapCar f -> HList '[] -> HList l -> l'
forall f v (l :: [*]) r. HFoldr f v l r => f -> v -> HList l -> r
hFoldr (f -> MapCar f
forall f. f -> MapCar f
MapCar f
f) HList '[]
instance ApplyAB f e e' => ApplyAB (MapCar f) (e,HList l) (HList (e' ': l)) where
applyAB :: MapCar f -> (e, HList l) -> HList (e' : l)
applyAB (MapCar f
f) (e
e,HList l
l) = e' -> HList l -> HList (e' : l)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons (f -> e -> e'
forall f a b. ApplyAB f a b => f -> a -> b
applyAB f
f e
e) HList l
:: (HFoldr Comp (a -> a) l (t -> a)) => HList l -> t -> a
hComposeList :: forall a (l :: [*]) t.
HFoldr Comp (a -> a) l (t -> a) =>
HList l -> t -> a
hComposeList HList l
fs t
v0 = let r :: a
r = Comp -> (a -> a) -> HList l -> t -> a
forall f v (l :: [*]) r. HFoldr f v l r => f -> v -> HList l -> r
hFoldr (Comp
Comp :: Comp) (\a
x -> a
x a -> a -> a
forall a. a -> a -> a
`asTypeOf` a
r) HList l
fs t
v0 in a
class (Applicative m, SameLength a b) => HSequence m a b | a -> b, m b -> a where
hSequence :: HList a -> m (HList b)
instance Applicative m => HSequence m '[] '[] where
hSequence :: HList '[] -> m (HList '[])
hSequence HList '[]
_ = HList '[] -> m (HList '[])
forall a. a -> m a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure HList '[]
instance (m1 ~ m, Applicative m, HSequence m as bs) =>
HSequence m (m1 a ': as) (a ': bs) where
hSequence :: HList (m1 a : as) -> m (HList (a : bs))
hSequence (HCons m1 a
a HList as
b) = (a -> HList bs -> HList (a : bs))
-> m a -> m (HList bs) -> m (HList (a : bs))
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
forall (f :: * -> *) a b c.
Applicative f =>
(a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 a -> HList bs -> HList (a : bs)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons m1 a
m a
a (HList as -> m (HList bs)
forall (m :: * -> *) (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]).
HSequence m a b =>
HList a -> m (HList b)
hSequence HList as
hSequence2 :: HList l -> f a
hSequence2 HList l
l =
let rHNil :: f (HList '[])
rHNil = HList '[] -> f (HList '[])
forall a. a -> f a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure HList '[]
HNil f (HList '[]) -> f (HList '[]) -> f (HList '[])
forall a. a -> a -> a
`asTypeOf` ((a -> HList '[]) -> f a -> f (HList '[])
forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap a -> HList '[]
forall a. HasCallStack => a
undefined f a
x :: f a
x = LiftA2 FHCons -> f (HList '[]) -> HList l -> f a
forall f v (l :: [*]) r. HFoldr f v l r => f -> v -> HList l -> r
hFoldr (FHCons -> LiftA2 FHCons
forall f. f -> LiftA2 f
LiftA2 FHCons
FHCons) f (HList '[])
rHNil HList l
in f a
newtype Mapcar f = Mapcar f
instance (l ~ [e'], ApplyAB f e e', el ~ (e,l)) => ApplyAB (Mapcar f) el l where
applyAB :: Mapcar f -> el -> l
applyAB (Mapcar f
f) (e
e, [e']
l) = f -> e -> e'
forall f a b. ApplyAB f a b => f -> a -> b
applyAB f
f e
e e' -> [e'] -> [e']
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [e']
type HMapOut f l e = (HFoldr (Mapcar f) [e] l [e])
hMapOut :: forall f e l. HMapOut f l e => f -> HList l -> [e]
hMapOut :: forall f e (l :: [*]). HMapOut f l e => f -> HList l -> [e]
hMapOut f
f HList l
l = Mapcar f -> [e] -> HList l -> [e]
forall f v (l :: [*]) r. HFoldr f v l r => f -> v -> HList l -> r
hFoldr (f -> Mapcar f
forall f. f -> Mapcar f
Mapcar f
f) ([] :: [e]) HList l
hMapM :: (Monad m, HMapOut f l (m e)) => f -> HList l -> [m e]
hMapM :: forall (m :: * -> *) f (l :: [*]) e.
(Monad m, HMapOut f l (m e)) =>
f -> HList l -> [m e]
hMapM f
f = f -> HList l -> [m e]
forall f e (l :: [*]). HMapOut f l e => f -> HList l -> [e]
hMapOut f
hMapM_ :: (Monad m, HMapOut f l (m ())) => f -> HList l -> m ()
hMapM_ :: forall (m :: * -> *) f (l :: [*]).
(Monad m, HMapOut f l (m ())) =>
f -> HList l -> m ()
hMapM_ f
f = [m ()] -> m ()
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Foldable t, Monad m) =>
t (m a) -> m ()
sequence_ ([m ()] -> m ()) -> (HList l -> [m ()]) -> HList l -> m ()
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. [m ()] -> [m ()]
forall (q :: * -> *). [q ()] -> [q ()]
disambiguate ([m ()] -> [m ()]) -> (HList l -> [m ()]) -> HList l -> [m ()]
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. f -> HList l -> [m ()]
forall (m :: * -> *) f (l :: [*]) e.
(Monad m, HMapOut f l (m e)) =>
f -> HList l -> [m e]
hMapM f
disambiguate :: [q ()] -> [q ()]
disambiguate :: forall (q :: * -> *). [q ()] -> [q ()]
disambiguate = [q ()] -> [q ()]
forall a. a -> a
type family HNats (l :: [*]) :: [HNat]
type instance HNats '[] = '[]
type instance HNats (Proxy n ': l) = n ': HNats l
hNats :: HList l -> Proxy (HNats l)
hNats :: forall (l :: [*]). HList l -> Proxy (HNats l)
hNats HList l
_ = Proxy (HNats l)
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
class HMember (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (b :: Bool) | e1 l -> b
instance HMember e1 '[] False
instance (HEq e1 e b, HMember' b e1 l br) => HMember e1 (e ': l) br
class HMember' (b0 :: Bool) (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (b :: Bool) | b0 e1 l -> b
instance HMember' True e1 l True
instance (HMember e1 l br) => HMember' False e1 l br
type family HMemberP pred e1 (l :: [*]) :: Bool
type instance HMemberP pred e1 '[] = False
type instance HMemberP pred e1 (e ': l) = HMemberP' pred e1 l (ApplyR pred (e1,e))
type family HMemberP' pred e1 (l :: [*]) pb :: Bool
type instance HMemberP' pred e1 l (Proxy True) = True
type instance HMemberP' pred e1 l (Proxy False) = HMemberP pred e1 l
hMember :: HMember e l b => Proxy e -> Proxy l -> Proxy b
hMember :: forall {k} (e :: k) (l :: [k]) (b :: Bool).
HMember e l b =>
Proxy e -> Proxy l -> Proxy b
hMember Proxy e
_ Proxy l
_ = Proxy b
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
class HMemberM (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (r :: Maybe [k]) | e1 l -> r
instance HMemberM e1 '[] 'Nothing
instance (HEq e1 e b, HMemberM1 b e1 (e ': l) res)
=> HMemberM e1 (e ': l) res
class HMemberM1 (b::Bool) (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (r::Maybe [k]) | b e1 l -> r
instance HMemberM1 True e1 (e ': l) ('Just l)
instance (HMemberM e1 l r, HMemberM2 r e1 (e ': l) res)
=> HMemberM1 False e1 (e ': l) res
class HMemberM2 (b::Maybe [k]) (e1 :: k) (l :: [k]) (r::Maybe [k]) | b e1 l -> r
instance HMemberM2 Nothing e1 l Nothing
instance HMemberM2 (Just l1) e1 (e ': l) (Just (e ': l1))
class HFind1 e l l n => HFind (e :: k) (l :: [k]) (n :: HNat) | e l -> n
instance HFind1 e l l n => HFind e l n
class HFind1 (e :: k) (l :: [k]) (l0 :: [k]) (n :: HNat) | e l -> n
instance (HEq e1 e2 b, HFind2 b e1 l l0 n) => HFind1 e1 (e2 ': l) l0 n
instance Fail (FieldNotFound e1 l0) => HFind1 e1 '[] l0 HZero
class HFind2 (b::Bool) (e :: k) (l::[k]) (l0::[k]) (n:: HNat) | b e l -> n
instance HFind2 True e l l0 HZero
instance HFind1 e l l0 n => HFind2 False e l l0 (HSucc n)
class HTMember e (l :: [*]) (b :: Bool) | e l -> b
instance HTMember e '[] False
instance (HEq e e' b, HTMember e l b', HOr b b' ~ b'')
=> HTMember e (e' ': l) b''
hTMember :: HTMember e l b => e -> HList l -> Proxy b
hTMember :: forall e (l :: [*]) (b :: Bool).
HTMember e l b =>
e -> HList l -> Proxy b
hTMember e
_ HList l
_ = Proxy b
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
class HTIntersect l1 l2 l3 | l1 l2 -> l3
hTIntersect :: HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList l3
instance HTIntersect '[] l '[]
hTIntersect :: HList '[] -> HList l -> HList '[]
hTIntersect HList '[]
_ HList l
_ = HList '[]
instance ( HTMember h l1 b
, HTIntersectBool b h t l1 l2
=> HTIntersect (h ': t) l1 l2
hTIntersect :: HList (h : t) -> HList l1 -> HList l2
hTIntersect (HCons h
h HList t
t) HList l1
l1 = Proxy b -> h -> HList t -> HList l1 -> HList l2
forall (b :: Bool) h (t :: [*]) (l1 :: [*]) (l2 :: [*]).
HTIntersectBool b h t l1 l2 =>
Proxy b -> h -> HList t -> HList l1 -> HList l2
hTIntersectBool Proxy b
b h
h HList t
t HList l1
b :: Proxy b
b = h -> HList l1 -> Proxy b
forall e (l :: [*]) (b :: Bool).
HTMember e l b =>
e -> HList l -> Proxy b
hTMember h
h HList l1
class HTIntersectBool (b :: Bool) h t l1 l2 | b h t l1 -> l2
hTIntersectBool :: Proxy b -> h -> HList t -> HList l1 -> HList l2
instance HTIntersect t l1 l2
=> HTIntersectBool True h t l1 (h ': l2)
hTIntersectBool :: Proxy 'True -> h -> HList t -> HList l1 -> HList (h : l2)
hTIntersectBool Proxy 'True
_ h
h HList t
t HList l1
l1 = h -> HList l2 -> HList (h : l2)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons h
h (HList t -> HList l1 -> HList l2
forall (l1 :: [*]) (l2 :: [*]) (l3 :: [*]).
HTIntersect l1 l2 l3 =>
HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList l3
hTIntersect HList t
t HList l1
instance HTIntersect t l1 l2
=> HTIntersectBool False h t l1 l2
hTIntersectBool :: Proxy 'False -> h -> HList t -> HList l1 -> HList l2
hTIntersectBool Proxy 'False
_ h
_ HList t
t HList l1
l1 = HList t -> HList l1 -> HList l2
forall (l1 :: [*]) (l2 :: [*]) (l3 :: [*]).
HTIntersect l1 l2 l3 =>
HList l1 -> HList l2 -> HList l3
hTIntersect HList t
t HList l1
class HList2List l e | l -> e
hList2List :: HList l -> [e]
list2HListSuffix :: [e] -> Maybe (HList l, [e])
list2HList :: HList2List l e => [e] -> Maybe (HList l)
list2HList :: forall (l :: [*]) e. HList2List l e => [e] -> Maybe (HList l)
list2HList = ((HList l, [e]) -> HList l)
-> Maybe (HList l, [e]) -> Maybe (HList l)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (HList l, [e]) -> HList l
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst (Maybe (HList l, [e]) -> Maybe (HList l))
-> ([e] -> Maybe (HList l, [e])) -> [e] -> Maybe (HList l)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. [e] -> Maybe (HList l, [e])
forall (l :: [*]) e. HList2List l e => [e] -> Maybe (HList l, [e])
instance HList2List '[e] e
hList2List :: HList '[e] -> [e]
hList2List (HCons e
e HList '[]
HNil) = [e
list2HListSuffix :: [e] -> Maybe (HList '[e], [e])
list2HListSuffix (e
e : [e]
es) = (HList '[e], [e]) -> Maybe (HList '[e], [e])
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (e -> HList '[] -> HList '[e]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons e
e HList '[]
HNil, [e]
list2HListSuffix [] = Maybe (HList '[e], [e])
forall a. Maybe a
instance HList2List (e' ': l) e
=> HList2List (e ': e' ': l) e
hList2List :: HList (e : e' : l) -> [e]
hList2List (HCons e
e HList (e' : l)
l) = e
ee -> [e] -> [e]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
:HList (e' : l) -> [e]
forall (l :: [*]) e. HList2List l e => HList l -> [e]
hList2List HList (e' : l)
list2HListSuffix :: [e] -> Maybe (HList (e : e' : l), [e])
list2HListSuffix (e
e : [e]
es) = (\(HList (e' : l)
rest) -> (e -> HList (e' : l) -> HList (e : e' : l)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons e
e HList (e' : l)
hl, [e]
((HList (e' : l), [e]) -> (HList (e : e' : l), [e]))
-> Maybe (HList (e' : l), [e]) -> Maybe (HList (e : e' : l), [e])
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [e] -> Maybe (HList (e' : l), [e])
forall (l :: [*]) e. HList2List l e => [e] -> Maybe (HList l, [e])
list2HListSuffix [e]
list2HListSuffix [] = Maybe (HList (e : e' : l), [e])
forall a. Maybe a
listAsHList :: p (HList l) (f (HList l)) -> p [e] (f [e])
listAsHList p (HList l) (f (HList l))
x = (HList l -> [e])
-> ([e] -> Either [e] (HList l))
-> forall (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p (HList l) (f (HList l)) -> p [e] (f [e])
forall b t s a.
(b -> t)
-> (s -> Either t a)
-> forall (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *).
(Choice p, Applicative f) =>
p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
prism HList l -> [e]
forall (l :: [*]) e. HList2List l e => HList l -> [e]
hList2List (\[e]
l -> case [e] -> Maybe (HList l, [e])
forall (l :: [*]) e. HList2List l e => [e] -> Maybe (HList l, [e])
list2HListSuffix [e]
l of
Just (HList l
hl,[]) -> HList l -> Either [e] (HList l)
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right HList l
Maybe (HList l, [e])
_ -> [e] -> Either [e] (HList l)
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left []) p (HList l) (f (HList l))
listAsHList' :: p (HList l) (f (HList l)) -> p [e] (f [e])
listAsHList' p (HList l) (f (HList l))
x = (p (HList l) (f (HList l)) -> p [e] (f [e]))
-> p (HList l) (f (HList l)) -> p [e] (f [e])
forall {k1} {k2} optic (p :: k1 -> k2 -> *) (a :: k1)
(f :: k1 -> k2) (s :: k1).
(optic ~ (p a (f a) -> p s (f s))) =>
optic -> optic
isSimple p (HList l) (f (HList l)) -> p [e] (f [e])
forall {p :: * -> * -> *} {f :: * -> *} {l :: [*]} {e} {l :: [*]}
(Choice p, Applicative f, HList2List l e, HList2List l e) =>
p (HList l) (f (HList l)) -> p [e] (f [e])
listAsHList p (HList l) (f (HList l))
class FromHJustR (ToHJustR l) ~ l => ToHJust l
type ToHJustR l :: [*]
toHJust :: HList l -> HList (ToHJustR l)
instance ToHJust '[]
type ToHJustR '[] = '[]
toHJust :: HList '[] -> HList (ToHJustR '[])
toHJust HList '[]
HNil = HList '[]
HList (ToHJustR '[])
instance ToHJust l => ToHJust (e ': l)
type ToHJustR (e ': l) = HJust e ': ToHJustR l
toHJust :: HList (e : l) -> HList (ToHJustR (e : l))
toHJust (HCons e
e HList l
l) = HJust e -> HList (ToHJustR l) -> HList (HJust e : ToHJustR l)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons (e -> HJust e
forall x. x -> HJust x
HJust e
e) (HList l -> HList (ToHJustR l)
forall (l :: [*]). ToHJust l => HList l -> HList (ToHJustR l)
toHJust HList l
toHJust2 :: (HMapCxt r (HJust ()) a b,
ToHJust a, b ~ ToHJustR a
) => r a -> r b
toHJust2 :: forall (r :: [*] -> *) (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]).
(HMapCxt r (HJust ()) a b, ToHJust a, b ~ ToHJustR a) =>
r a -> r b
toHJust2 r a
xs = HJust () -> r a -> r b
forall {a :: [*]} {b :: [*]} {r :: [*] -> *} {f}.
(SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r f a b) =>
f -> r a -> r b
hMap (() -> HJust ()
forall x. x -> HJust x
HJust ()) r a
class (FromHJustR (ToHJustR l) ~ l) => FromHJust l
type FromHJustR l :: [*]
fromHJust :: HList l -> HList (FromHJustR l)
instance FromHJust '[]
type FromHJustR '[] = '[]
fromHJust :: HList '[] -> HList (FromHJustR '[])
fromHJust HList '[]
HNil = HList '[]
HList (FromHJustR '[])
instance FromHJust l => FromHJust (HNothing ': l)
type FromHJustR (HNothing ': l) = FromHJustR l
fromHJust :: HList (HNothing : l) -> HList (FromHJustR (HNothing : l))
fromHJust (HCons HNothing
_ HList l
l) = HList l -> HList (FromHJustR l)
forall (l :: [*]). FromHJust l => HList l -> HList (FromHJustR l)
fromHJust HList l
instance FromHJust l => FromHJust (HJust e ': l)
type FromHJustR (HJust e ': l) = e ': FromHJustR l
fromHJust :: HList (HJust e : l) -> HList (FromHJustR (HJust e : l))
fromHJust (HCons (HJust e
e) HList l
l) = e -> HList (FromHJustR l) -> HList (e : FromHJustR l)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons e
e (HList l -> HList (FromHJustR l)
forall (l :: [*]). FromHJust l => HList l -> HList (FromHJustR l)
fromHJust HList l
fromHJust2 :: (HMapCxt r HFromJust a b) => r a -> r b
fromHJust2 :: forall (r :: [*] -> *) (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]).
HMapCxt r HFromJust a b =>
r a -> r b
fromHJust2 r a
xs = HFromJust -> r a -> r b
forall {a :: [*]} {b :: [*]} {r :: [*] -> *} {f}.
(SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r f a b) =>
f -> r a -> r b
hMap HFromJust
HFromJust r a
data HFromJust = HFromJust
instance (hJustA ~ HJust a) => ApplyAB HFromJust hJustA a where
applyAB :: HFromJust -> hJustA -> a
applyAB HFromJust
_ (HJust a
a) = a
data HAddTag t = HAddTag t
data HRmTag = HRmTag
hAddTag :: t -> r a -> r b
hAddTag t
t r a
l = HAddTag t -> r a -> r b
forall {a :: [*]} {b :: [*]} {r :: [*] -> *} {f}.
(SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r f a b) =>
f -> r a -> r b
hMap (t -> HAddTag t
forall t. t -> HAddTag t
HAddTag t
t) r a
hRmTag :: r a -> r b
hRmTag r a
l = HRmTag -> r a -> r b
forall {a :: [*]} {b :: [*]} {r :: [*] -> *} {f}.
(SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r f a b) =>
f -> r a -> r b
hMap HRmTag
HRmTag r a
instance (et ~ (e,t)) => ApplyAB (HAddTag t) e et
applyAB :: HAddTag t -> e -> et
applyAB (HAddTag t
t) e
e = (e
instance (e' ~ e) => ApplyAB HRmTag (e,t) e'
applyAB :: HRmTag -> (e, t) -> e'
applyAB HRmTag
_ (e
_) = e'
hFlag :: r a -> r b
hFlag r a
l = Proxy 'True -> r a -> r b
forall {a :: [*]} {b :: [*]} {r :: [*] -> *} {t}.
(SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r (HAddTag t) a b) =>
t -> r a -> r b
hAddTag Proxy 'True
hTrue r a
class HSplit l
type HSplitT l :: [*]
type HSplitF l :: [*]
hSplit :: HList l -> (HList (HSplitT l), HList (HSplitF l))
instance HSplit '[]
type HSplitT '[] = '[]
type HSplitF '[] = '[]
hSplit :: HList '[] -> (HList (HSplitT '[]), HList (HSplitF '[]))
hSplit HList '[]
HNil = (HList '[]
HList (HSplitT '[])
HNil,HList '[]
HList (HSplitF '[])
instance HSplit l => HSplit ((e, Proxy True) ': l)
type HSplitT ((e,Proxy True) ': l) = e ': HSplitT l
type HSplitF ((e,Proxy True) ': l) = HSplitF l
hSplit :: HList ((e, Proxy 'True) : l)
-> (HList (HSplitT ((e, Proxy 'True) : l)),
HList (HSplitF ((e, Proxy 'True) : l)))
hSplit (HCons (e
e,Proxy 'True
_) HList l
l) = (e -> HList (HSplitT l) -> HList (e : HSplitT l)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons e
e HList (HSplitT l)
l',HList (HSplitF l)
HList (HSplitF ((e, Proxy 'True) : l))
(HList (HSplitT l)
l',HList (HSplitF l)
l'') = HList l -> (HList (HSplitT l), HList (HSplitF l))
forall (l :: [*]).
HSplit l =>
HList l -> (HList (HSplitT l), HList (HSplitF l))
hSplit HList l
instance HSplit l => HSplit ((e,Proxy False) ': l)
type HSplitT ((e,Proxy False) ': l) = HSplitT l
type HSplitF ((e,Proxy False) ': l) = e ': HSplitF l
hSplit :: HList ((e, Proxy 'False) : l)
-> (HList (HSplitT ((e, Proxy 'False) : l)),
HList (HSplitF ((e, Proxy 'False) : l)))
hSplit (HCons (e
e,Proxy 'False
_) HList l
l) = (HList (HSplitT l)
HList (HSplitT ((e, Proxy 'False) : l))
l',e -> HList (HSplitF l) -> HList (e : HSplitF l)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons e
e HList (HSplitF l)
(HList (HSplitT l)
l',HList (HSplitF l)
l'') = HList l -> (HList (HSplitT l), HList (HSplitF l))
forall (l :: [*]).
HSplit l =>
HList l -> (HList (HSplitT l), HList (HSplitF l))
hSplit HList l
instance HSplit l => HSplit (Tagged True e ': l)
type HSplitT (Tagged True e ': l) = e ': HSplitT l
type HSplitF (Tagged True e ': l) = HSplitF l
hSplit :: HList (Tagged 'True e : l)
-> (HList (HSplitT (Tagged 'True e : l)),
HList (HSplitF (Tagged 'True e : l)))
hSplit (HCons (Tagged e
e) HList l
l) = (e -> HList (HSplitT l) -> HList (e : HSplitT l)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons e
e HList (HSplitT l)
l',HList (HSplitF l)
HList (HSplitF (Tagged 'True e : l))
(HList (HSplitT l)
l',HList (HSplitF l)
l'') = HList l -> (HList (HSplitT l), HList (HSplitF l))
forall (l :: [*]).
HSplit l =>
HList l -> (HList (HSplitT l), HList (HSplitF l))
hSplit HList l
instance HSplit l => HSplit (Tagged False e ': l)
type HSplitT (Tagged False e ': l) = HSplitT l
type HSplitF (Tagged False e ': l) = e ': HSplitF l
hSplit :: HList (Tagged 'False e : l)
-> (HList (HSplitT (Tagged 'False e : l)),
HList (HSplitF (Tagged 'False e : l)))
hSplit (HCons (Tagged e
e) HList l
l) = (HList (HSplitT l)
HList (HSplitT (Tagged 'False e : l))
l',e -> HList (HSplitF l) -> HList (e : HSplitF l)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons e
e HList (HSplitF l)
(HList (HSplitT l)
l',HList (HSplitF l)
l'') = HList l -> (HList (HSplitT l), HList (HSplitF l))
forall (l :: [*]).
HSplit l =>
HList l -> (HList (HSplitT l), HList (HSplitF l))
hSplit HList l
class (HLengthEq xs n,
HAppendList1 xs ys xsys
=> HSplitAt (n :: HNat) xsys xs ys
| n xsys -> xs ys
, xs ys -> xsys
, xs -> n
hSplitAt :: Proxy n -> HList xsys -> (HList xs, HList ys)
instance (HSplitAt1 '[] n xsys xs ys,
HAppendList1 xs ys xsys,
HLengthEq xs n) =>
HSplitAt n xsys xs ys where
hSplitAt :: Proxy n -> HList xsys -> (HList xs, HList ys)
hSplitAt Proxy n
n HList xsys
xsys = HList '[] -> Proxy n -> HList xsys -> (HList xs, HList ys)
forall (accum :: [*]) (n :: HNat) (xsys :: [*]) (xs :: [*])
(ys :: [*]).
HSplitAt1 accum n xsys xs ys =>
HList accum -> Proxy n -> HList xsys -> (HList xs, HList ys)
hSplitAt1 HList '[]
HNil Proxy n
n HList xsys
class HSplitAt1 accum (n :: HNat) xsys xs ys | accum n xsys -> xs ys where
hSplitAt1 :: HList accum -> Proxy n -> HList xsys -> (HList xs, HList ys)
instance HRevApp accum '[] xs => HSplitAt1 accum HZero ys xs ys where
hSplitAt1 :: HList accum -> Proxy 'HZero -> HList ys -> (HList xs, HList ys)
hSplitAt1 HList accum
xs Proxy 'HZero
_zero HList ys
ys = (HList accum -> HList xs
forall {l1 :: [*]} {l3 :: [*]}.
HRevApp l1 '[] l3 =>
HList l1 -> HList l3
hReverse_ HList accum
xs, HList ys
instance HSplitAt1 (b ': accum) n bs xs ys
=> HSplitAt1 accum (HSucc n) (b ': bs) xs ys where
hSplitAt1 :: HList accum
-> Proxy ('HSucc n) -> HList (b : bs) -> (HList xs, HList ys)
hSplitAt1 HList accum
accum Proxy ('HSucc n)
n (HCons b
b HList bs
bs) = HList (b : accum) -> Proxy n -> HList bs -> (HList xs, HList ys)
forall (accum :: [*]) (n :: HNat) (xsys :: [*]) (xs :: [*])
(ys :: [*]).
HSplitAt1 accum n xsys xs ys =>
HList accum -> Proxy n -> HList xsys -> (HList xs, HList ys)
hSplitAt1 (b -> HList accum -> HList (b : accum)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons b
b HList accum
accum) (Proxy ('HSucc n) -> Proxy n
forall (n :: HNat). Proxy ('HSucc n) -> Proxy n
hPred Proxy ('HSucc n)
n) HList bs
class (SameLength' (HReplicateR n ()) xs,
HLengthEq1 xs n, HLengthEq2 xs n) => HLengthEq (xs :: [*]) (n :: HNat) | xs -> n
instance (SameLength' (HReplicateR n ()) xs,
HLengthEq1 xs n, HLengthEq2 xs n) => HLengthEq xs n
class HLengthEq1 (xs :: [*]) n
instance (HLengthEq xs n, xxs ~ (x ': xs)) => HLengthEq1 xxs (HSucc n)
instance (xxs ~ '[]) => HLengthEq1 xxs HZero
class HLengthEq2 (xs :: [*]) n | xs -> n
instance (HLengthEq xs n, sn ~ HSucc n) => HLengthEq2 (x ': xs) sn
instance zero ~ HZero => HLengthEq2 '[] zero
class HLengthGe (xs :: [*]) (n :: HNat)
instance (HLengthGe xs n, xxs ~ (x ': xs)) => HLengthGe xxs (HSucc n)
instance HLengthGe xxs HZero
class HStripPrefix xs xsys ys
=> HAppendList1 (xs :: [k]) (ys :: [k]) (xsys :: [k])
| xs ys -> xsys,
xs xsys -> ys
instance HAppendList1 '[] ys ys
instance (HAppendList1 xs ys zs) => HAppendList1 (x ': xs) ys (x ': zs)
class HStripPrefix xs xsys ys | xs xsys -> ys
instance (x' ~ x, HStripPrefix xs xsys ys) => HStripPrefix (x' ': xs) (x ': xsys) ys
instance HStripPrefix '[] ys ys
class HTake (n :: HNat) xs ys | n xs -> ys where
hTake :: (HLengthEq ys n, HLengthGe xs n) => Proxy n -> HList xs -> HList ys
instance HTake HZero xs '[] where
hTake :: (HLengthEq '[] 'HZero, HLengthGe xs 'HZero) =>
Proxy 'HZero -> HList xs -> HList '[]
hTake Proxy 'HZero
_ HList xs
_ = HList '[]
instance (HLengthEq ys n, HLengthGe xs n, HTake n xs ys)
=> HTake (HSucc n) (x ': xs) (x ': ys) where
hTake :: (HLengthEq (x : ys) ('HSucc n), HLengthGe (x : xs) ('HSucc n)) =>
Proxy ('HSucc n) -> HList (x : xs) -> HList (x : ys)
hTake Proxy ('HSucc n)
sn (HCons x
x HList xs
xs) = x -> HList ys -> HList (x : ys)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons x
x (Proxy n -> HList xs -> HList ys
forall (n :: HNat) (xs :: [*]) (ys :: [*]).
(HTake n xs ys, HLengthEq ys n, HLengthGe xs n) =>
Proxy n -> HList xs -> HList ys
hTake (Proxy ('HSucc n) -> Proxy n
forall (n :: HNat). Proxy ('HSucc n) -> Proxy n
hPred Proxy ('HSucc n)
sn) HList xs
class HDrop (n :: HNat) xs ys | n xs -> ys where
hDrop :: HLengthGe xs n => Proxy n -> HList xs -> HList ys
instance HDrop HZero xs xs where
hDrop :: HLengthGe xs 'HZero => Proxy 'HZero -> HList xs -> HList xs
hDrop Proxy 'HZero
_ HList xs
xs = HList xs
instance (HLengthGe xs n, HDrop n xs ys) => HDrop (HSucc n) (x ': xs) ys where
hDrop :: HLengthGe (x : xs) ('HSucc n) =>
Proxy ('HSucc n) -> HList (x : xs) -> HList ys
hDrop Proxy ('HSucc n)
sn (HCons x
_ HList xs
xs) = Proxy n -> HList xs -> HList ys
forall (n :: HNat) (xs :: [*]) (ys :: [*]).
(HDrop n xs ys, HLengthGe xs n) =>
Proxy n -> HList xs -> HList ys
hDrop (Proxy ('HSucc n) -> Proxy n
forall (n :: HNat). Proxy ('HSucc n) -> Proxy n
hPred Proxy ('HSucc n)
sn) HList xs
class HTuple v t | v -> t, t -> v where
hToTuple :: HList v -> t
hFromTuple :: t -> HList v
hTuple :: p a (f b) -> p (HList v) (f (HList v))
hTuple p a (f b)
x = (HList v -> a)
-> (b -> HList v) -> p a (f b) -> p (HList v) (f (HList v))
forall (p :: * -> * -> *) (f :: * -> *) s a b t.
(Profunctor p, Functor f) =>
(s -> a) -> (b -> t) -> p a (f b) -> p s (f t)
iso HList v -> a
forall (v :: [*]) t. HTuple v t => HList v -> t
hToTuple b -> HList v
forall (v :: [*]) t. HTuple v t => t -> HList v
hFromTuple p a (f b)
hTuple' :: p a (f a) -> p (HList v) (f (HList v))
hTuple' p a (f a)
x = (p a (f a) -> p (HList v) (f (HList v)))
-> p a (f a) -> p (HList v) (f (HList v))
forall {k1} {k2} optic (p :: k1 -> k2 -> *) (a :: k1)
(f :: k1 -> k2) (s :: k1).
(optic ~ (p a (f a) -> p s (f s))) =>
optic -> optic
isSimple p a (f a) -> p (HList v) (f (HList v))
forall {p :: * -> * -> *} {f :: * -> *} {v :: [*]} {a} {v :: [*]}
(Profunctor p, Functor f, HTuple v a, HTuple v b) =>
p a (f b) -> p (HList v) (f (HList v))
hTuple p a (f a)
instance HTuple '[] () where
hToTuple :: HList '[] -> ()
hToTuple HList '[]
HNil = ()
hFromTuple :: () -> HList '[]
hFromTuple () = HList '[]
instance HTuple '[a,b] (a,b) where
hToTuple :: HList '[a, b] -> (a, b)
hToTuple (a
a `HCons` b
b `HCons` HList '[]
HNil) = (a
hFromTuple :: (a, b) -> HList '[a, b]
hFromTuple (a
b) = (a
a a -> HList '[b] -> HList '[a, b]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` b
b b -> HList '[] -> HList '[b]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList '[]
instance HTuple '[a,b,c] (a,b,c) where
hToTuple :: HList '[a, b, c] -> (a, b, c)
hToTuple (a
a `HCons` b
b `HCons` c
c `HCons` HList '[]
HNil) = (a
hFromTuple :: (a, b, c) -> HList '[a, b, c]
hFromTuple (a
c) = (a
a a -> HList '[b, c] -> HList '[a, b, c]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` b
b b -> HList '[c] -> HList '[b, c]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` c
c c -> HList '[] -> HList '[c]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList '[]
instance HTuple '[a,b,c,d] (a,b,c,d) where
hToTuple :: HList '[a, b, c, d] -> (a, b, c, d)
hToTuple (a
a `HCons` b
b `HCons` c
c `HCons` d
d `HCons` HList '[]
HNil) = (a
hFromTuple :: (a, b, c, d) -> HList '[a, b, c, d]
hFromTuple (a
d) = (a
a a -> HList '[b, c, d] -> HList '[a, b, c, d]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` b
b b -> HList '[c, d] -> HList '[b, c, d]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` c
c c -> HList '[d] -> HList '[c, d]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` d
d d -> HList '[] -> HList '[d]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList '[]
instance HTuple '[a,b,c,d,e] (a,b,c,d,e) where
hToTuple :: HList '[a, b, c, d, e] -> (a, b, c, d, e)
hToTuple (a
a `HCons` b
b `HCons` c
c `HCons` d
d `HCons` e
e `HCons` HList '[]
HNil) = (a
hFromTuple :: (a, b, c, d, e) -> HList '[a, b, c, d, e]
hFromTuple (a
e) = (a
a a -> HList '[b, c, d, e] -> HList '[a, b, c, d, e]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` b
b b -> HList '[c, d, e] -> HList '[b, c, d, e]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` c
c c -> HList '[d, e] -> HList '[c, d, e]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` d
d d -> HList '[e] -> HList '[d, e]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` e
e e -> HList '[] -> HList '[e]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList '[]
instance HTuple '[a,b,c,d,e,f] (a,b,c,d,e,f) where
hToTuple :: HList '[a, b, c, d, e, f] -> (a, b, c, d, e, f)
hToTuple (a
a `HCons` b
b `HCons` c
c `HCons` d
d `HCons` e
e `HCons` f
f `HCons` HList '[]
HNil) = (a
hFromTuple :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) -> HList '[a, b, c, d, e, f]
hFromTuple (a
f) = (a
a a -> HList '[b, c, d, e, f] -> HList '[a, b, c, d, e, f]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` b
b b -> HList '[c, d, e, f] -> HList '[b, c, d, e, f]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` c
c c -> HList '[d, e, f] -> HList '[c, d, e, f]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` d
d d -> HList '[e, f] -> HList '[d, e, f]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` e
e e -> HList '[f] -> HList '[e, f]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` f
f f -> HList '[] -> HList '[f]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList '[]
class HTails a b | a -> b, b -> a where
hTails :: HList a -> HList b
instance HTails '[] '[HList '[]] where
hTails :: HList '[] -> HList '[HList '[]]
hTails HList '[]
_ = HList '[] -> HList '[] -> HList '[HList '[]]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons HList '[]
HNil HList '[]
instance (HTails xs ys) => HTails (x ': xs) (HList (x ': xs) ': ys) where
hTails :: HList (x : xs) -> HList (HList (x : xs) : ys)
hTails xxs :: HList (x : xs)
xxs@(HCons x
_x HList xs
xs) = HList (x : xs)
xxs HList (x : xs) -> HList ys -> HList (HList (x : xs) : ys)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList xs -> HList ys
forall (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]). HTails a b => HList a -> HList b
hTails HList xs
class HInits a b | a -> b, b -> a where
hInits :: HList a -> HList b
instance HInits1 a b => HInits a (HList '[] ': b) where
hInits :: HList a -> HList (HList '[] : b)
hInits HList a
xs = HList '[]
HNil HList '[] -> HList b -> HList (HList '[] : b)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList a -> HList b
forall (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]). HInits1 a b => HList a -> HList b
hInits1 HList a
class HInits1 a b | a -> b, b -> a where
hInits1 :: HList a -> HList b
instance HInits1 '[] '[HList '[]] where
hInits1 :: HList '[] -> HList '[HList '[]]
hInits1 HList '[]
_ = HList '[] -> HList '[] -> HList '[HList '[]]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons HList '[]
HNil HList '[]
instance (HInits1 xs ys,
HMapCxt HList (FHCons2 x) ys ys',
HMapCons x ys ~ ys',
HMapTail ys' ~ ys)
=> HInits1 (x ': xs) (HList '[x] ': ys') where
hInits1 :: HList (x : xs) -> HList (HList '[x] : ys')
hInits1 (HCons x
x HList xs
xs) = x -> HList '[] -> HList '[x]
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons x
x HList '[]
HNil HList '[x] -> HList ys' -> HList (HList '[x] : ys')
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` FHCons2 x -> HList ys -> HList ys'
forall {a :: [*]} {b :: [*]} {r :: [*] -> *} {f}.
(SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r f a b) =>
f -> r a -> r b
hMap (x -> FHCons2 x
forall x. x -> FHCons2 x
FHCons2 x
x) (HList xs -> HList ys
forall (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]). HInits1 a b => HList a -> HList b
hInits1 HList xs
data FHCons2 x = FHCons2 x
instance (hxs ~ HList xs,
hxxs ~ HList (x ': xs))
=> ApplyAB (FHCons2 x) hxs hxxs where
applyAB :: FHCons2 x -> hxs -> hxxs
applyAB (FHCons2 x
x) hxs
xs = x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons x
x hxs
HList xs
type family HMapCons (x :: *) (xxs :: [*]) :: [*]
type instance HMapCons x (HList a ': b) = HList (x ': a) ': HMapCons x b
type instance HMapCons x '[] = '[]
type family HMapTail (xxs :: [*]) :: [*]
type instance HMapTail ( HList (a ': as) ': bs) = HList as ': HMapTail bs
type instance HMapTail '[] = '[]
class HPartitionEq f x1 xs xi xo | f x1 xs -> xi xo where
hPartitionEq :: Proxy f -> Proxy x1 -> HList xs -> (HList xi, HList xo)
instance HPartitionEq f x1 '[] '[] '[] where
hPartitionEq :: Proxy f -> Proxy x1 -> HList '[] -> (HList '[], HList '[])
hPartitionEq Proxy f
_ Proxy x1
_ HList '[]
_ = (HList '[]
HNil, HList '[]
(HEqBy f x1 x b,
HPartitionEq1 b f x1 x xs xi xo) => HPartitionEq f x1 (x ': xs) xi xo where
hPartitionEq :: Proxy f -> Proxy x1 -> HList (x : xs) -> (HList xi, HList xo)
hPartitionEq Proxy f
f Proxy x1
x1 (HCons x
x HList xs
xs) = Proxy b
-> Proxy f -> Proxy x1 -> x -> HList xs -> (HList xi, HList xo)
forall {k} {k} (b :: Bool) (f :: k) (x1 :: k) x (xs :: [*])
(xi :: [*]) (xo :: [*]).
HPartitionEq1 b f x1 x xs xi xo =>
Proxy b
-> Proxy f -> Proxy x1 -> x -> HList xs -> (HList xi, HList xo)
hPartitionEq1 (Proxy b
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy b) Proxy f
f Proxy x1
x1 x
x HList xs
class HPartitionEq1 (b :: Bool) f x1 x xs xi xo | b f x1 x xs -> xi xo where
hPartitionEq1 :: Proxy b -> Proxy f -> Proxy x1 -> x -> HList xs -> (HList xi, HList xo)
instance HPartitionEq f x1 xs xi xo =>
HPartitionEq1 True f x1 x xs (x ': xi) xo where
hPartitionEq1 :: Proxy 'True
-> Proxy f
-> Proxy x1
-> x
-> HList xs
-> (HList (x : xi), HList xo)
hPartitionEq1 Proxy 'True
_ Proxy f
f Proxy x1
x1 x
x HList xs
xs = case Proxy f -> Proxy x1 -> HList xs -> (HList xi, HList xo)
forall {k} {k} (f :: k) (x1 :: k) (xs :: [*]) (xi :: [*])
(xo :: [*]).
HPartitionEq f x1 xs xi xo =>
Proxy f -> Proxy x1 -> HList xs -> (HList xi, HList xo)
hPartitionEq Proxy f
f Proxy x1
x1 HList xs
xs of
(HList xi
xi, HList xo
xo) -> (x
x x -> HList xi -> HList (x : xi)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList xi
xi, HList xo
instance HPartitionEq f x1 xs xi xo =>
HPartitionEq1 False f x1 x xs xi (x ': xo) where
hPartitionEq1 :: Proxy 'False
-> Proxy f
-> Proxy x1
-> x
-> HList xs
-> (HList xi, HList (x : xo))
hPartitionEq1 Proxy 'False
_ Proxy f
f Proxy x1
x1 x
x HList xs
xs = case Proxy f -> Proxy x1 -> HList xs -> (HList xi, HList xo)
forall {k} {k} (f :: k) (x1 :: k) (xs :: [*]) (xi :: [*])
(xo :: [*]).
HPartitionEq f x1 xs xi xo =>
Proxy f -> Proxy x1 -> HList xs -> (HList xi, HList xo)
hPartitionEq Proxy f
f Proxy x1
x1 HList xs
xs of
(HList xi
xi, HList xo
xo) -> (HList xi
xi, x
x x -> HList xo -> HList (x : xo)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList xo
class HGroupBy (f :: t) (as :: [*]) (gs :: [*]) | f as -> gs, gs -> as where
hGroupBy :: Proxy f -> HList as -> HList gs
instance (HSpanEqBy f a as fst snd,
HGroupBy f snd gs) => HGroupBy f (a ': as) (HList (a ': fst) ': gs) where
hGroupBy :: Proxy f -> HList (a : as) -> HList (HList (a : fst) : gs)
hGroupBy Proxy f
f (HCons a
x HList as
xs) = case Proxy f -> a -> HList as -> (HList fst, HList snd)
forall t (f :: t) x (y :: [*]) (fst :: [*]) (snd :: [*]).
HSpanEqBy f x y fst snd =>
Proxy f -> x -> HList y -> (HList fst, HList snd)
hSpanEqBy Proxy f
f a
x HList as
xs of
(HList fst
first, HList snd
second) -> (a
x a -> HList fst -> HList (a : fst)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList fst
first) HList (a : fst) -> HList gs -> HList (HList (a : fst) : gs)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` Proxy f -> HList snd -> HList gs
forall t (f :: t) (as :: [*]) (gs :: [*]).
HGroupBy f as gs =>
Proxy f -> HList as -> HList gs
hGroupBy Proxy f
f HList snd
instance HGroupBy f '[] '[] where
hGroupBy :: Proxy f -> HList '[] -> HList '[]
hGroupBy Proxy f
_f HList '[]
HNil = HList '[]
class HSpanEqBy (f :: t) (x :: *) (y :: [*]) (fst :: [*]) (snd :: [*])
| f x y -> fst snd, fst snd -> y where
hSpanEqBy :: Proxy f -> x -> HList y -> (HList fst, HList snd)
instance (HSpanEqBy1 f x y fst snd,
HAppendListR fst snd ~ y)
=> HSpanEqBy f x y fst snd where
hSpanEqBy :: Proxy f -> x -> HList y -> (HList fst, HList snd)
hSpanEqBy Proxy f
f x
x HList y
y = Proxy f -> x -> HList y -> (HList fst, HList snd)
forall t (f :: t) x (y :: [*]) (i :: [*]) (o :: [*]).
HSpanEqBy1 f x y i o =>
Proxy f -> x -> HList y -> (HList i, HList o)
hSpanEqBy1 Proxy f
f x
x HList y
class HSpanEqBy1 (f :: t) (x :: *) (y :: [*]) (i :: [*]) (o :: [*])
| f x y -> i o where
hSpanEqBy1 :: Proxy f -> x -> HList y -> (HList i, HList o)
class HSpanEqBy2 (b :: Bool) (f :: t) (x :: *) (y :: *) (ys :: [*]) (i :: [*]) (o :: [*])
| b f x y ys -> i o where
hSpanEqBy2 :: Proxy b -> Proxy f -> x -> y -> HList ys -> (HList i, HList o)
instance (HEqBy f x y b,
HSpanEqBy2 b f x y ys i o) => HSpanEqBy1 f x (y ': ys) i o where
hSpanEqBy1 :: Proxy f -> x -> HList (y : ys) -> (HList i, HList o)
hSpanEqBy1 Proxy f
f x
x (HCons y
y HList ys
ys) = Proxy b -> Proxy f -> x -> y -> HList ys -> (HList i, HList o)
forall t (b :: Bool) (f :: t) x y (ys :: [*]) (i :: [*])
(o :: [*]).
HSpanEqBy2 b f x y ys i o =>
Proxy b -> Proxy f -> x -> y -> HList ys -> (HList i, HList o)
hSpanEqBy2 (Proxy b
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy :: Proxy b) Proxy f
f x
x (y
y :: y) (HList ys
ys :: HList ys)
instance HSpanEqBy1 f x '[] '[] '[] where
hSpanEqBy1 :: Proxy f -> x -> HList '[] -> (HList '[], HList '[])
hSpanEqBy1 Proxy f
_f x
_x HList '[]
_xs = (HList '[]
HNil, HList '[]
instance HSpanEqBy1 f x zs i o
=> HSpanEqBy2 True f x y zs (y ': i) o where
hSpanEqBy2 :: Proxy 'True
-> Proxy f -> x -> y -> HList zs -> (HList (y : i), HList o)
hSpanEqBy2 Proxy 'True
_ Proxy f
f x
x y
y HList zs
zs = case Proxy f -> x -> HList zs -> (HList i, HList o)
forall t (f :: t) x (y :: [*]) (i :: [*]) (o :: [*]).
HSpanEqBy1 f x y i o =>
Proxy f -> x -> HList y -> (HList i, HList o)
hSpanEqBy1 Proxy f
f x
x HList zs
zs of
(HList i
i, HList o
o) -> (y -> HList i -> HList (y : i)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons y
y HList i
i, HList o
instance HSpanEqBy2 False f x y ys '[] (y ': ys) where
hSpanEqBy2 :: Proxy 'False
-> Proxy f -> x -> y -> HList ys -> (HList '[], HList (y : ys))
hSpanEqBy2 Proxy 'False
_b Proxy f
_f x
_x y
y HList ys
ys = (HList '[]
HNil, y -> HList ys -> HList (y : ys)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
HCons y
y HList ys
instance (SameLengths [x,y,xy], HZipList x y xy) => HUnzip HList x y xy where
hUnzip :: HList xy -> (HList x, HList y)
hUnzip = HList xy -> (HList x, HList y)
forall (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]) (l :: [*]).
HZipList x y l =>
HList l -> (HList x, HList y)
instance (SameLengths [x,y,xy], HZipList x y xy) => HZip HList x y xy where
hZip :: HList x -> HList y -> HList xy
hZip = HList x -> HList y -> HList xy
forall (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]) (l :: [*]).
HZipList x y l =>
HList x -> HList y -> HList l
class HZipList x y l | x y -> l, l -> x y where
hZipList :: HList x -> HList y -> HList l
hUnzipList :: HList l -> (HList x, HList y)
instance HZipList '[] '[] '[] where
hZipList :: HList '[] -> HList '[] -> HList '[]
hZipList HList '[]
_ HList '[]
_ = HList '[]
hUnzipList :: HList '[] -> (HList '[], HList '[])
hUnzipList HList '[]
_ = (HList '[]
HNil, HList '[]
instance ((x,y)~z, HZipList xs ys zs) => HZipList (x ': xs) (y ': ys) (z ': zs) where
hZipList :: HList (x : xs) -> HList (y : ys) -> HList (z : zs)
hZipList (HCons x
x HList xs
xs) (HCons y
y HList ys
ys) = (x
y) z -> HList zs -> HList (z : zs)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList xs -> HList ys -> HList zs
forall (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]) (l :: [*]).
HZipList x y l =>
HList x -> HList y -> HList l
hZipList HList xs
xs HList ys
hUnzipList :: HList (z : zs) -> (HList (x : xs), HList (y : ys))
hUnzipList (HCons ~(x
y) HList zs
zs) = let ~(HList xs
xs,HList ys
ys) = HList zs -> (HList xs, HList ys)
forall (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]) (l :: [*]).
HZipList x y l =>
HList l -> (HList x, HList y)
hUnzipList HList zs
zs in (x
x x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList xs
xs, y
y y -> HList ys -> HList (y : ys)
forall x (xs :: [*]). x -> HList xs -> HList (x : xs)
`HCons` HList ys
(HProxies a,
HMapCxt HList ConstMempty (AddProxy a) a,
HZip HList a a aa,
HMapCxt HList UncurryMappend aa a) => Monoid (HList a) where
mempty :: HList a
mempty = ConstMempty -> HList (AddProxy a) -> HList a
forall {a :: [*]} {b :: [*]} {r :: [*] -> *} {f}.
(SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r f a b) =>
f -> r a -> r b
hMap ConstMempty
(HList (AddProxy a) -> HList a) -> HList (AddProxy a) -> HList a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (HList (AddProxy a)
forall (xs :: [*]) (pxs :: [*]). HProxiesFD xs pxs => HList pxs
hProxies :: HList (AddProxy a))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 906
mappend :: HList a -> HList a -> HList a
mappend HList a
a HList a
b = UncurryMappend -> HList aa -> HList a
forall {a :: [*]} {b :: [*]} {r :: [*] -> *} {f}.
(SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r f a b) =>
f -> r a -> r b
hMap UncurryMappend
UncurryMappend (HList aa -> HList a) -> HList aa -> HList a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HList a -> HList a -> HList aa
forall (r :: [*] -> *) (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]) (xy :: [*]).
HZip r x y xy =>
r x -> r y -> r xy
hZip HList a
a HList a
(HZip HList a a aa,
HMapCxt HList UncurryMappend aa a) => Semigroup (HList a) where
HList a
a <> :: HList a -> HList a -> HList a
<> HList a
b = UncurryMappend -> HList aa -> HList a
forall {a :: [*]} {b :: [*]} {r :: [*] -> *} {f}.
(SameLength' a b, SameLength' b a, HMapAux r f a b) =>
f -> r a -> r b
hMap UncurryMappend
UncurryMappend (HList aa -> HList a) -> HList aa -> HList a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ HList a -> HList a -> HList aa
forall (r :: [*] -> *) (x :: [*]) (y :: [*]) (xy :: [*]).
HZip r x y xy =>
r x -> r y -> r xy
hZip HList a
a HList a
data ConstMempty = ConstMempty
instance (x ~ Proxy y, Monoid y) => ApplyAB ConstMempty x y where
applyAB :: ConstMempty -> x -> y
applyAB ConstMempty
_ x
_ = y
forall a. Monoid a => a
data UncurryMappend = UncurryMappend
instance (aa ~ (a,a), Monoid a) => ApplyAB UncurryMappend aa a where
applyAB :: UncurryMappend -> aa -> a
applyAB UncurryMappend
_ = (a -> a -> a) -> (a, a) -> a
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
uncurry a -> a -> a
forall a. Monoid a => a -> a -> a
data UncurrySappend = UncurrySappend
instance (aa ~ (a,a), Semigroup a) => ApplyAB UncurrySappend aa a where
applyAB :: UncurrySappend -> aa -> a
applyAB UncurrySappend
_ = (a -> a -> a) -> (a, a) -> a
forall a b c. (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c
uncurry a -> a -> a
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a