module Network.AMQP.Protocol where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL

import Network.AMQP.Types
import Network.AMQP.Generated

--True if a content (contentheader and possibly contentbody) will follow the method
hasContent :: FramePayload -> Bool
hasContent (MethodPayload (Basic_get_ok _ _ _ _ _)) = True
hasContent (MethodPayload (Basic_deliver _ _ _ _ _)) = True
hasContent (MethodPayload (Basic_return _ _ _ _)) = True
hasContent _ = False

data Frame = Frame ChannelID FramePayload --channel, payload
    deriving Show
instance Binary Frame where
    get = do
        fType <- getWord8
        channel <- get :: Get ChannelID
        payloadSize <- get :: Get PayloadSize
        payload <- getPayload fType payloadSize :: Get FramePayload
        0xCE <- getWord8 --frame end
        return $ Frame channel payload

    put (Frame chan payload) = do
        putWord8 $ frameType payload
        put chan
        let buf = runPut $ putPayload payload
        put ((fromIntegral $ BL.length buf)::PayloadSize)
        putLazyByteString buf
        putWord8 0xCE

-- gets the size of the frame
-- the bytestring should be at least 7 bytes long, otherwise this method will fail
peekFrameSize :: BL.ByteString -> PayloadSize
peekFrameSize = runGet f
    f = do
      void $ getWord8 -- 1 byte
      void $ (get :: Get ChannelID) -- 2 bytes
      get :: Get PayloadSize -- 4 bytes

data FramePayload =
               MethodPayload MethodPayload
             | ContentHeaderPayload ShortInt ShortInt LongLongInt ContentHeaderProperties --classID, weight, bodySize, propertyFields
             | ContentBodyPayload BL.ByteString
             | HeartbeatPayload
    deriving Show

frameType :: FramePayload -> Word8
frameType (MethodPayload _) = 1
frameType (ContentHeaderPayload _ _ _ _) = 2
frameType (ContentBodyPayload _) = 3
frameType HeartbeatPayload = 8

getPayload :: Word8 -> PayloadSize -> Get FramePayload
getPayload 1 _ = do --METHOD FRAME
    payLoad <- get :: Get MethodPayload
    return (MethodPayload payLoad)
getPayload 2 _ = do --content header frame
    classID <- get :: Get ShortInt
    weight <- get :: Get ShortInt
    bodySize <- get :: Get LongLongInt
    props <- getContentHeaderProperties classID
    return (ContentHeaderPayload classID weight bodySize props)
getPayload 3 payloadSize = do --content body frame
    payload <- getLazyByteString $ fromIntegral payloadSize
    return (ContentBodyPayload payload)
getPayload 8 payloadSize = do
    -- ignoring the actual payload, but still need to read the bytes from the network buffer
    _ <- getLazyByteString $ fromIntegral payloadSize
    return HeartbeatPayload
getPayload n _ = error ("Unknown frame payload: " ++ show n)

putPayload :: FramePayload -> Put
putPayload (MethodPayload payload) = put payload
putPayload (ContentHeaderPayload classID weight bodySize p) = do
    put classID
    put weight
    put bodySize
    putContentHeaderProperties p
putPayload (ContentBodyPayload payload) = putLazyByteString payload
putPayload HeartbeatPayload = putLazyByteString BL.empty