module Z.Data.Parser.Base
, ParseError
, ParseStep
, Parser(..)
, (<?>)
, parse, parse_, parseChunk, parseChunks, finishParsing
, runAndKeepTrack, match
, ensureN, endOfInput, atEnd
, decodePrim, decodePrimLE, decodePrimBE
, scan, scanChunks, peekMaybe, peek, satisfy, satisfyWith
, word8, char8, skipWord8, endOfLine, skip, skipWhile, skipSpaces
, take, takeTill, takeWhile, takeWhile1, bytes, bytesCI
, text
, isSpace
, fail'
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Primitive.PrimArray as A
import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import GHC.Types
import Prelude hiding (take, takeWhile)
import Z.Data.Array.Unaligned
import qualified Z.Data.Text.Base as T
import qualified Z.Data.Vector.Base as V
import qualified Z.Data.Vector.Extra as V
data Result a
= Success a !V.Bytes
| Failure ParseError !V.Bytes
| Partial (ParseStep a)
type ParseStep r = V.Bytes -> Result r
type ParseError = [T.Text]
instance Functor Result where
fmap f (Success a s) = Success (f a) s
fmap f (Partial k) = Partial (fmap f . k)
fmap _ (Failure e v) = Failure e v
instance Show a => Show (Result a) where
show (Success a _) = "Success " ++ show a
show (Partial _) = "Partial _"
show (Failure errs _) = "Failure: " ++ show errs
newtype Parser a = Parser {
runParser :: forall r . (ParseError -> ParseStep r) -> (a -> ParseStep r) -> ParseStep r
instance Functor Parser where
fmap f (Parser pa) = Parser (\ kf k inp -> pa kf (k . f) inp)
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
a <$ Parser pb = Parser (\ kf k inp -> pb kf (\ _ -> k a) inp)
{-# INLINE (<$) #-}
instance Applicative Parser where
pure x = Parser (\ _ k inp -> k x inp)
{-# INLINE pure #-}
Parser pf <*> Parser pa = Parser (\ kf k inp -> pf kf (\ f -> pa kf (k . f)) inp)
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
Parser pa *> Parser pb = Parser (\ kf k inp -> pa kf (\ _ inp' -> pb kf k inp') inp)
{-# INLINE (*>) #-}
Parser pa <* Parser pb = Parser (\ kf k inp -> pa kf (\ x inp' -> pb kf (\ _ -> k x) inp') inp)
{-# INLINE (<*) #-}
instance Monad Parser where
return = pure
{-# INLINE return #-}
Parser pa >>= f = Parser (\ kf k inp -> pa kf (\ a -> runParser (f a) kf k) inp)
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
(>>) = (*>)
{-# INLINE (>>) #-}
instance Fail.MonadFail Parser where
fail = fail' . T.pack
{-# INLINE fail #-}
instance MonadPlus Parser where
mzero = empty
{-# INLINE mzero #-}
mplus = (<|>)
{-# INLINE mplus #-}
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = fail' "Z.Data.Parser.Base(Alternative).empty"
{-# INLINE empty #-}
f <|> g = do
(r, bss) <- runAndKeepTrack f
case r of
Success x inp -> Parser (\ _ k _ -> k x inp)
Failure _ _ -> let !bs = V.concat (reverse bss)
in Parser (\ kf k _ -> runParser g kf k bs)
_ -> error "Z.Data.Parser.Base: impossible"
{-# INLINE (<|>) #-}
fail' :: T.Text -> Parser a
{-# INLINE fail' #-}
fail' msg = Parser (\ kf _ inp -> kf [msg] inp)
parse_ :: Parser a -> V.Bytes -> Either ParseError a
{-# INLINE parse_ #-}
parse_ (Parser p) inp = snd $ finishParsing (p Failure Success inp)
parse :: Parser a -> V.Bytes -> (V.Bytes, Either ParseError a)
{-# INLINE parse #-}
parse (Parser p) inp = finishParsing (p Failure Success inp)
parseChunk :: Parser a -> V.Bytes -> Result a
{-# INLINE parseChunk #-}
parseChunk (Parser p) = p Failure Success
finishParsing :: Result a -> (V.Bytes, Either ParseError a)
{-# INLINABLE finishParsing #-}
finishParsing r = case r of
Success a rest -> (rest, Right a)
Failure errs rest -> (rest, Left errs)
Partial f -> finishParsing (f V.empty)
parseChunks :: Monad m => Parser a -> m V.Bytes -> V.Bytes -> m (V.Bytes, Either ParseError a)
{-# INLINABLE parseChunks #-}
parseChunks (Parser p) m0 inp = go m0 (p Failure Success inp)
go m r = case r of
Partial f -> do
inp' <- m
if V.null inp'
then go (pure V.empty) (f V.empty)
else go m (f inp')
Success a rest -> pure (rest, Right a)
Failure errs rest -> pure (rest, Left errs)
(<?>) :: T.Text -> Parser a -> Parser a
{-# INLINE (<?>) #-}
msg <?> (Parser p) = Parser (\ kf k inp -> p (kf . (msg:)) k inp)
infixr 0 <?>
runAndKeepTrack :: Parser a -> Parser (Result a, [V.Bytes])
{-# INLINE runAndKeepTrack #-}
runAndKeepTrack (Parser pa) = Parser $ \ _ k0 inp ->
let go !acc r k = case r of
Partial k' -> Partial (\ inp' -> go (inp':acc) (k' inp') k)
Success _ inp' -> k (r, reverse acc) inp'
Failure _ inp' -> k (r, reverse acc) inp'
r0 = pa Failure Success inp
in go [inp] r0 k0
match :: Parser a -> Parser (V.Bytes, a)
{-# INLINE match #-}
match p = do
(r, bss) <- runAndKeepTrack p
Parser (\ _ k _ ->
case r of
Success r' inp' -> let !consumed = V.dropR (V.length inp') (V.concat (reverse bss))
in k (consumed , r') inp'
Failure err inp' -> Failure err inp'
Partial _ -> error "Z.Data.Parser.Base.match: impossible")
ensureN :: Int -> ParseError -> Parser ()
{-# INLINE ensureN #-}
ensureN n0 err = Parser $ \ kf k inp -> do
let l = V.length inp
if l >= n0
then k () inp
else Partial (ensureNPartial l inp kf k)
{-# INLINABLE ensureNPartial #-}
ensureNPartial :: forall r. Int -> V.PrimVector Word8 -> (ParseError -> ParseStep r) -> (() -> ParseStep r) -> ParseStep r
ensureNPartial l0 inp0 kf k =
let go acc !l = \ inp -> do
let l' = V.length inp
if l' == 0
then kf err (V.concat (reverse (inp:acc)))
else do
let l'' = l + l'
if l'' < n0
then Partial (go (inp:acc) l'')
let !inp' = V.concat (reverse (inp:acc))
in k () inp'
in go [inp0] l0
endOfInput :: Parser ()
{-# INLINE endOfInput #-}
endOfInput = Parser $ \ kf k inp ->
if V.null inp
then Partial (\ inp' ->
if (V.null inp')
then k () inp'
else kf ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.endOfInput: end not reached yet"] inp)
else kf ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.endOfInput: end not reached yet"] inp
atEnd :: Parser Bool
{-# INLINE atEnd #-}
atEnd = Parser $ \ _ k inp ->
if V.null inp
then Partial (\ inp' -> k (V.null inp') inp')
else k False inp
decodePrim :: forall a. (Unaligned a) => Parser a
{-# INLINE decodePrim #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrim :: Parser Word #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrim :: Parser Word64 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrim :: Parser Word32 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrim :: Parser Word16 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrim :: Parser Word8 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrim :: Parser Int #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrim :: Parser Int64 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrim :: Parser Int32 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrim :: Parser Int16 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrim :: Parser Int8 #-}
decodePrim = do
ensureN n ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.decodePrim: not enough bytes"]
Parser (\ _ k (V.PrimVector ba i len) ->
let !r = indexPrimWord8ArrayAs ba i
in k r (V.PrimVector ba (i+n) (len-n)))
n = unalignedSize (undefined :: a)
decodePrimLE :: forall a. (Unaligned (LE a)) => Parser a
{-# INLINE decodePrimLE #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrimLE :: Parser Word #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrimLE :: Parser Word64 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrimLE :: Parser Word32 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrimLE :: Parser Word16 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrimLE :: Parser Int #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrimLE :: Parser Int64 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrimLE :: Parser Int32 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrimLE :: Parser Int16 #-}
decodePrimLE = do
ensureN n ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.decodePrimLE: not enough bytes"]
Parser (\ _ k (V.PrimVector ba i len) ->
let !r = indexPrimWord8ArrayAs ba i
in k (getLE r) (V.PrimVector ba (i+n) (len-n)))
n = unalignedSize (undefined :: (LE a))
decodePrimBE :: forall a. (Unaligned (BE a)) => Parser a
{-# INLINE decodePrimBE #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrimBE :: Parser Word #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrimBE :: Parser Word64 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrimBE :: Parser Word32 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrimBE :: Parser Word16 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrimBE :: Parser Int #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrimBE :: Parser Int64 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrimBE :: Parser Int32 #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE INLINE decodePrimBE :: Parser Int16 #-}
decodePrimBE = do
ensureN n ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.decodePrimBE: not enough bytes"]
Parser (\ _ k (V.PrimVector ba i len) ->
let !r = indexPrimWord8ArrayAs ba i
in k (getBE r) (V.PrimVector ba (i+n) (len-n)))
n = unalignedSize (undefined :: (BE a))
scan :: s -> (s -> Word8 -> Maybe s) -> Parser (V.Bytes, s)
{-# INLINE scan #-}
scan s0 f = scanChunks s0 f'
f' s0' (V.PrimVector arr off l) =
let !end = off + l
go !st !i
| i < end = do
let !w = A.indexPrimArray arr i
case f st w of
Just st' -> go st' (i+1)
_ ->
let !len1 = i - off
!len2 = end - off
in Right (V.PrimVector arr off len1, V.PrimVector arr i len2, st)
| otherwise = Left st
in go s0' off
scanChunks :: forall s. s -> (s -> V.Bytes -> Either s (V.Bytes, V.Bytes, s)) -> Parser (V.Bytes, s)
{-# INLINE scanChunks #-}
scanChunks s0 consume = Parser (\ _ k inp ->
case consume s0 inp of
Right (want, rest, s') -> k (want, s') rest
Left s' -> Partial (scanChunksPartial s' k inp))
{-# INLINABLE scanChunksPartial #-}
scanChunksPartial :: forall r. s -> ((V.PrimVector Word8, s) -> ParseStep r) -> V.PrimVector Word8 -> ParseStep r
scanChunksPartial s0' k inp0 =
let go s acc = \ inp ->
if V.null inp
then k (V.concat (reverse acc), s) inp
else case consume s inp of
Left s' -> do
let acc' = inp : acc
Partial (go s' acc')
Right (want,rest,s') ->
let !r = V.concat (reverse (want:acc)) in k (r, s') rest
in go s0' [inp0]
peekMaybe :: Parser (Maybe Word8)
{-# INLINE peekMaybe #-}
peekMaybe =
Parser $ \ _ k inp ->
if V.null inp
then Partial (\ inp' -> k (if V.null inp'
then Nothing
else Just (V.unsafeHead inp)) inp')
else k (Just (V.unsafeHead inp)) inp
peek :: Parser Word8
{-# INLINE peek #-}
peek =
Parser $ \ kf k inp ->
if V.null inp
then Partial (\ inp' ->
if V.null inp'
then kf ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.peek: not enough bytes"] inp'
else k (V.unsafeHead inp') inp')
else k (V.unsafeHead inp) inp
satisfy :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Parser Word8
{-# INLINE satisfy #-}
satisfy p = do
ensureN 1 ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.satisfy: not enough bytes"]
Parser $ \ kf k inp ->
let w = V.unsafeHead inp
in if p w
then k w (V.unsafeTail inp)
else kf ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.satisfy: unsatisfied byte"] (V.unsafeTail inp)
satisfyWith :: (Word8 -> a) -> (a -> Bool) -> Parser a
{-# INLINE satisfyWith #-}
satisfyWith f p = do
ensureN 1 ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.satisfyWith: not enough bytes"]
Parser $ \ kf k inp ->
let a = f (V.unsafeHead inp)
in if p a
then k a (V.unsafeTail inp)
else kf ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.satisfyWith: unsatisfied byte"] (V.unsafeTail inp)
word8 :: Word8 -> Parser ()
{-# INLINE word8 #-}
word8 w' = do
ensureN 1 ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.word8: not enough bytes"]
Parser (\ kf k inp ->
let w = V.unsafeHead inp
in if w == w'
then k () (V.unsafeTail inp)
else kf ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.word8: mismatch byte"] inp)
char8 :: Char -> Parser ()
{-# INLINE char8 #-}
char8 = word8 . V.c2w
endOfLine :: Parser ()
{-# INLINE endOfLine #-}
endOfLine = do
w <- decodePrim :: Parser Word8
case w of
10 -> return ()
13 -> word8 10
_ -> fail' "Z.Data.Parser.Base.endOfLine: mismatch byte"
skip :: Int -> Parser ()
{-# INLINE skip #-}
skip n =
Parser (\ kf k inp ->
let l = V.length inp
!n' = max n 0
in if l >= n'
then k () $! V.unsafeDrop n' inp
else Partial (skipPartial (n'-l) kf k))
skipPartial :: Int -> (ParseError -> ParseStep r) -> (() -> ParseStep r) -> ParseStep r
{-# INLINABLE skipPartial #-}
skipPartial n kf k =
let go !n' = \ inp ->
let l = V.length inp
in if l >= n'
then k () $! V.unsafeDrop n' inp
else if l == 0
then kf ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.skip: not enough bytes"] inp
else Partial (go (n'-l))
in go n
skipWord8 :: Parser ()
{-# INLINE skipWord8 #-}
skipWord8 =
Parser $ \ kf k inp ->
if V.null inp
then Partial (\ inp' ->
if V.null inp'
then kf ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.skipWord8: not enough bytes"] inp'
else k () (V.unsafeTail inp'))
else k () (V.unsafeTail inp)
skipWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Parser ()
{-# INLINE skipWhile #-}
skipWhile p =
Parser (\ _ k inp ->
let rest = V.dropWhile p inp
in if V.null rest
then Partial (skipWhilePartial k)
else k () rest)
{-# INLINABLE skipWhilePartial #-}
skipWhilePartial :: forall r. (() -> ParseStep r) -> ParseStep r
skipWhilePartial k =
let go = \ inp ->
if V.null inp
then k () inp
let !rest = V.dropWhile p inp
in if V.null rest then Partial go else k () rest
in go
skipSpaces :: Parser ()
{-# INLINE skipSpaces #-}
skipSpaces = skipWhile isSpace
isSpace :: Word8 -> Bool
{-# INLINE isSpace #-}
isSpace w = w == 32 || w - 9 <= 4 || w == 0xA0
take :: Int -> Parser V.Bytes
{-# INLINE take #-}
take n = do
ensureN n' ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.take: not enough bytes"]
Parser (\ _ k inp ->
let !r = V.unsafeTake n' inp
!inp' = V.unsafeDrop n' inp
in k r inp')
where !n' = max 0 n
takeTill :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Parser V.Bytes
{-# INLINE takeTill #-}
takeTill p = Parser (\ _ k inp ->
let (want, rest) = V.break p inp
in if V.null rest
then Partial (takeTillPartial k want)
else k want rest)
{-# INLINABLE takeTillPartial #-}
takeTillPartial :: forall r. (V.PrimVector Word8 -> ParseStep r) -> V.PrimVector Word8 -> ParseStep r
takeTillPartial k want =
let go acc = \ inp ->
if V.null inp
then let !r = V.concat (reverse acc) in k r inp
let (want', rest) = V.break p inp
acc' = want' : acc
in if V.null rest
then Partial (go acc')
else let !r = V.concat (reverse acc') in k r rest
in go [want]
takeWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Parser V.Bytes
{-# INLINE takeWhile #-}
takeWhile p = Parser (\ _ k inp ->
let (want, rest) = V.span p inp
in if V.null rest
then Partial (takeWhilePartial k want)
else k want rest)
{-# INLINABLE takeWhilePartial #-}
takeWhilePartial :: forall r. (V.PrimVector Word8 -> ParseStep r) -> V.PrimVector Word8 -> ParseStep r
takeWhilePartial k want =
let go acc = \ inp ->
if V.null inp
then let !r = V.concat (reverse acc) in k r inp
let (want', rest) = V.span p inp
acc' = want' : acc
in if V.null rest
then Partial (go acc')
else let !r = V.concat (reverse acc') in k r rest
in go [want]
takeWhile1 :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Parser V.Bytes
{-# INLINE takeWhile1 #-}
takeWhile1 p = do
bs <- takeWhile p
if V.null bs
then fail' "Z.Data.Parser.Base.takeWhile1: no satisfied byte"
else return bs
bytes :: V.Bytes -> Parser ()
{-# INLINE bytes #-}
bytes bs = do
let n = V.length bs
ensureN n ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.bytes: not enough bytes"]
Parser (\ kf k inp ->
if bs == V.unsafeTake n inp
then k () $! V.unsafeDrop n inp
else kf ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.bytes: mismatch bytes"] inp)
bytesCI :: V.Bytes -> Parser ()
{-# INLINE bytesCI #-}
bytesCI bs = do
let n = V.length bs
ensureN n ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.bytesCI: not enough bytes"]
Parser (\ kf k inp ->
if bs' == CI.foldCase (V.unsafeTake n inp)
then k () $! V.unsafeDrop n inp
else kf ["Z.Data.Parser.Base.bytesCI: mismatch bytes"] inp)
bs' = CI.foldCase bs
text :: T.Text -> Parser ()
{-# INLINE text #-}
text (T.Text bs) = bytes bs