aeson-jsonpath: Parse and run JSONPath queries on Aeson documents

[ json, library, mit, text, web ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]

RFC 9535 compliant JSONPath parsing and querying package. JSONPath is similar to XPath for querying XML documents.

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Dependencies aeson (>=2.0.3 && <2.3), base (>=4.9 && <4.22), parsec (>=3.1.11 && <3.2), scientific (>=0.3.4 && <0.4), template-haskell (>=2.12 && <2.24), text (>=1.2.2 && <2.2), vector (>=0.11 && <0.14) [details]
Tested with ghc ==9.4.8, ghc ==9.6.6, ghc ==9.8.4, ghc ==9.10.1
License MIT
Author Taimoor Zaeem
Maintainer Taimoor Zaeem <>
Category JSON, Text, Web
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Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by taimoorzaeem at 2025-02-19T11:21:07Z
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Readme for aeson-jsonpath-

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Run RFC 9535 compliant JSONPath queries on Data.Aeson.


  • Selectors
    • Name Selector
    • Index Selector
    • Slice Selector
    • Wildcard Selector
    • Filter Selector
  • Segments
    • Child Segment
    • Descendant Segment
  • Normalized Paths
  • Function Extensions

I have decided not to implement Function Extension yet. Please open an issue or discussion if you'd like to see them implemented.

Quick Start

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
import Data.Aeson           (Value (..))
import Data.Aeson.QQ.Simple (aesonQQ)
import Data.Aeson.JSONPath  (query, queryLocated, jsonPath)

track = [aesonQQ| { "artist": "Duster", "title": "Earth Moon Transit" } |]

ghci> query "$.artist" track -- child member shorthand
Right [String "Duster"]

ghci> queryLocated "$.*" track -- child wildcard segment
Right [
  ("$['artist']", String "Duster"),
  ("$['title']", String "Earth Moon Transit")

More Examples

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
import Data.Aeson           (Value (..))
import Data.Aeson.QQ.Simple (aesonQQ)
import Data.Aeson.JSONPath  (query, queryLocated, jsonPath)

json = [aesonQQ| {
  "shop": {
    "movies": [
        "title": "Mandy",
        "director": "Panos Cosmatos",
        "year": 2018
        "title": "Laurence Anyways",
        "director": "Xavier Dolan",
        "year": 2012

Child Segment

ghci> query "$.shop.movies[0].title" json
Right [String "Mandy"]

ghci> query "$.shop.movies[0].*" json
Right [
  String "Mandy",
  String "Panos Cosmatos",
  Number 2018.0

ghci> query "$['shop']['new-movies']" json
Right []

Descendant Segment

-- get all values with key "director", recursively
ghci> query "$..director" json
Right [
  String "Panos Cosmatos",
  String "Xavier Dolan"

Slice Selector

ghci> query "$[2:5]" [aesonQQ| [1,2,3,4,5,6] |]
Right [
  Number 3.0,
  Number 4.0,
  Number 5.0

Filter Selector

ghci> query "$.shop.movies[?@.year < 2015]" json
Right [
  Object (fromList [
    ("director",String "Xavier Dolan"),
    ("title",String "Laurence Anyways"),
    ("year",Number 2012.0)

ghci> queryLocated "$.shop.movies[?@.director == 'Panos Cosmatos']" json
Right [
    Object (fromList [
      ("director",String "Panos Cosmatos"),
      ("title",String "Mandy"),
      ("year",Number 2018.0)


The functions queryQQ and queryLocatedQQ can be used with the jsonPath quasi quoter.

queryQQ [jsonPath|$.shop.movies|] json -- compiles successfully

queryQQ [jsonPath|$.shop$$movies|] json -- compilation error, doesn't parse


It is tested using 10000+ lines test suite given by jsonpath-compliance-test-suite 🚀.

Note: All tests pass except tests related to function extensions which we have not implemented yet.


Please report any bugs you encounter by opening an issue.