api-rpc-accumulate: JSON-RPC API client for Accumulate blockchain

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JSON-RPC API client for Accumulate blockchain. Contains basic models and api calls.

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  • Accumulate
    • RPC
      • Accumulate.RPC.Api
      • Accumulate.RPC.Types


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Dependencies aeson, aeson-casing, api-rpc-accumulate, base (>=4.7 && <5), bytestring, http-client, http-client-tls, http-conduit, json-alt, network, remote-json, remote-json-client, remote-monad, stm, text, time, transformers, unordered-containers [details]
License MIT
Copyright Copyright: (c) 2021-2022 Sergey Bushnyak, Kelecorix, Inc
Author Sergey Bushnyak
Maintainer sergey.bushnyak@sigrlami.eu
Category Web
Home page https://github.com/kelecorix/accumulate-haskell-client#readme
Bug tracker https://github.com/kelecorix/accumulate-haskell-client/issues
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/kelecorix/accumulate-haskell-client
Uploaded by sigrlami at 2022-02-19T09:48:47Z
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Readme for api-rpc-accumulate-

[back to package description]

Haskell client for Accumulate

build Hackage License

A JSON-RPC Haskell client for the Factom protocol. Each response has special ADT(algebraic data type) that automatically converted from JSON response. Using Remote Monad pattern multiple request can be batched and executed simulatenously, following more robust approach and reducing usage of expensive RPC calls.

Choosing a batching strategy. There are two strategies:

  • Weak - a single command or a single procedure, or
  • Strong - a sequence of commands, optionally terminated by a procedure


You can install package from Hackage and build with Cabal, but we recommend to use Stack tool. Add to you dependencies in stack.yaml and cabal file dependency - api-rpc-accumulate.

To run and test from repository

  1. Build with stack
$ stack build
  1. Load REPL with stack for evaluation
$ stack repl
  1. execute required methods



The Library developed by Kelecorix, Inc. If you're an active user or find it useful we strongly encourage you to support our efforts and ensure long maintenance by contributing a small donation to one of the following cryptocurrency addresses:

  • BTC: 39oVXpsgsyW8ZgzsnX3sV7HLdtXWfT96qN
  • ETH: 0x9cDBA6bb44772259B3A3fb89cf233A147a720f34
  • FCT: FA38cwer93mmPw1HxjScLmK1yF9iJTu5P87T2vdkbuLovm2YXyss