{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell.FromCabal
( HaskellResolver, NixpkgsResolver
, fromGenericPackageDescription , finalizeGenericPackageDescription , fromPackageDescription
) where
import Control.Lens
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set ( Set )
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Distribution.Compiler
import Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell
import qualified Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell as Nix
import Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell.Constraint
import Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell.FromCabal.License
import Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell.FromCabal.Name
import Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell.FromCabal.Normalize
import Distribution.Nixpkgs.Haskell.FromCabal.PostProcess (postProcess)
import qualified Distribution.Nixpkgs.License as Nix
import qualified Distribution.Nixpkgs.Meta as Nix
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as Cabal
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration as Cabal
import Distribution.System
import Distribution.Text ( display )
import Distribution.Types.ComponentRequestedSpec as Cabal
import Distribution.Types.ExeDependency as Cabal
import Distribution.Types.LegacyExeDependency as Cabal
import Distribution.Types.PkgconfigDependency as Cabal
import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName as Cabal
import Distribution.Version
import Language.Nix
type HaskellResolver = Dependency -> Bool
type NixpkgsResolver = Identifier -> Maybe Binding
fromGenericPackageDescription :: HaskellResolver -> NixpkgsResolver -> Platform -> CompilerInfo -> FlagAssignment -> [Constraint] -> GenericPackageDescription -> Derivation
fromGenericPackageDescription haskellResolver nixpkgsResolver arch compiler flags constraints genDesc =
fromPackageDescription haskellResolver nixpkgsResolver missingDeps flags descr
(descr, missingDeps) = finalizeGenericPackageDescription haskellResolver arch compiler flags constraints genDesc
finalizeGenericPackageDescription :: HaskellResolver -> Platform -> CompilerInfo -> FlagAssignment -> [Constraint] -> GenericPackageDescription -> (PackageDescription, [Dependency])
finalizeGenericPackageDescription haskellResolver arch compiler flags constraints genDesc =
finalize :: HaskellResolver -> Either [Dependency] (PackageDescription,FlagAssignment)
finalize resolver = finalizePD flags requestedComponents resolver arch compiler constraints genDesc
requestedComponents :: ComponentRequestedSpec
requestedComponents = ComponentRequestedSpec
{ testsRequested = True
, benchmarksRequested = True
jailbroken :: HaskellResolver -> HaskellResolver
jailbroken resolver (Dependency pkg _) = resolver (Dependency pkg anyVersion)
withInternalLibs :: HaskellResolver -> HaskellResolver
withInternalLibs resolver d = depPkgName d `elem` internalNames || resolver d
internalNames :: [PackageName]
internalNames = [ unqualComponentNameToPackageName n | (n,_) <- condSubLibraries genDesc ]
++ [ unqualComponentNameToPackageName n | Just n <- libName <$> subLibraries (packageDescription genDesc) ]
in case finalize (jailbroken (withInternalLibs haskellResolver)) of
Left m -> case finalize (const True) of
Left _ -> error ("Cabal cannot finalize " ++ display (packageId genDesc))
Right (d,_) -> (d,m)
Right (d,_) -> (d,[])
fromPackageDescription :: HaskellResolver -> NixpkgsResolver -> [Dependency] -> FlagAssignment -> PackageDescription -> Derivation
fromPackageDescription haskellResolver nixpkgsResolver missingDeps flags PackageDescription {..} = normalize $ postProcess $ nullDerivation
& isLibrary .~ isJust library
& pkgid .~ package
& revision .~ xrev
& isLibrary .~ isJust library
& isExecutable .~ not (null executables)
& extraFunctionArgs .~ mempty
& libraryDepends .~ foldMap (convertBuildInfo . libBuildInfo) (maybeToList library ++ subLibraries)
& executableDepends .~ mconcat (map (convertBuildInfo . buildInfo) executables)
& testDepends .~ mconcat (map (convertBuildInfo . testBuildInfo) testSuites)
& benchmarkDepends .~ mconcat (map (convertBuildInfo . benchmarkBuildInfo) benchmarks)
& Nix.setupDepends .~ maybe mempty convertSetupBuildInfo setupBuildInfo
& configureFlags .~ mempty
& cabalFlags .~ flags
& runHaddock .~ doHaddockPhase
& jailbreak .~ False
& doCheck .~ True
& doBenchmark .~ False
& testTarget .~ mempty
& hyperlinkSource .~ True
& enableSplitObjs .~ True
& enableLibraryProfiling .~ False
& enableExecutableProfiling .~ False
& enableSeparateDataOutput .~ not (null dataFiles)
& subpath .~ "."
& phaseOverrides .~ mempty
& editedCabalFile .~ (if xrev > 0
then fromMaybe (error (display package ++ ": X-Cabal-File-Hash field is missing")) (lookup "X-Cabal-File-Hash" customFieldsPD)
else "")
& metaSection .~ ( Nix.nullMeta
& Nix.homepage .~ homepage
& Nix.description .~ synopsis
& Nix.license .~ nixLicense
& Nix.platforms .~ Nix.allKnownPlatforms
& Nix.hydraPlatforms .~ (if isFreeLicense nixLicense then Nix.allKnownPlatforms else Set.empty)
& Nix.maintainers .~ mempty
& Nix.broken .~ not (null missingDeps)
xrev = maybe 0 read (lookup "x-revision" customFieldsPD)
nixLicense :: Nix.License
nixLicense = either fromSPDXLicense fromCabalLicense licenseRaw
resolveInHackage :: Identifier -> Binding
resolveInHackage i | (i^.ident) `elem` [ unPackageName n | (Dependency n _) <- missingDeps ] = bindNull i
| otherwise = binding # (i, path # ["self",i])
goodScopes :: Set [Identifier]
goodScopes = Set.fromList (map ("pkgs":) [[], ["xorg"], ["xlibs"], ["gnome2"], ["gnome"], ["gnome3"], ["kde4"]])
resolveInNixpkgs :: Identifier -> Binding
resolveInNixpkgs i
| i `elem` ["clang","lldb","llvm"] = binding # (i, path # ["self","llvmPackages",i])
| i == "gtk2" = binding # (i, path # ["pkgs","gnome2","gtk"])
| i == "gtk3" = binding # (i, path # ["pkgs","gnome3","gtk"])
| i == "gtksourceview3" = binding # (i, path # ["pkgs","gnome3","gtksourceview"])
| i == "vte_291" = binding # (i, path # ["pkgs","gnome3","vte"])
| Just p <- nixpkgsResolver i, init (view (reference . path) p) `Set.member` goodScopes = p
| otherwise = bindNull i
resolveInHackageThenNixpkgs :: Identifier -> Binding
resolveInHackageThenNixpkgs i | haskellResolver (Dependency (mkPackageName (i^.ident)) anyVersion) = resolveInHackage i
| otherwise = resolveInNixpkgs i
internalLibNames :: [PackageName]
internalLibNames = fmap unqualComponentNameToPackageName . catMaybes $ libName <$> subLibraries
doHaddockPhase :: Bool
doHaddockPhase | not (null internalLibNames) = False
| Just l <- library = not (null (exposedModules l))
| otherwise = True
convertBuildInfo :: Cabal.BuildInfo -> Nix.BuildInfo
convertBuildInfo Cabal.BuildInfo {..} | not buildable = mempty
convertBuildInfo Cabal.BuildInfo {..} = mempty
& haskell .~ Set.fromList [ resolveInHackage (toNixName x) | (Dependency x _) <- targetBuildDepends, x `notElem` internalLibNames ]
& system .~ Set.fromList [ resolveInNixpkgs y | x <- extraLibs, y <- libNixName x ]
& pkgconfig .~ Set.fromList [ resolveInNixpkgs y | PkgconfigDependency x _ <- pkgconfigDepends, y <- libNixName (unPkgconfigName x) ]
& tool .~ Set.fromList (map resolveInHackageThenNixpkgs . concatMap buildToolNixName
$ [ unPackageName x | ExeDependency x _ _ <- buildToolDepends ] ++ [ x | LegacyExeDependency x _ <- buildTools ])
convertSetupBuildInfo :: Cabal.SetupBuildInfo -> Nix.BuildInfo
convertSetupBuildInfo bi = mempty
& haskell .~ Set.fromList [ resolveInHackage (toNixName x) | (Dependency x _) <- Cabal.setupDepends bi ]
bindNull :: Identifier -> Binding
bindNull i = binding # (i, path # ["null"])