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Synchronizer circuits for safe clock domain crossings



dualFlipFlopSynchronizer Source #


:: (NFDataX a, KnownDomain dom1, KnownDomain dom2) 
=> Clock dom1

Clock to which the incoming data is synchronized

-> Clock dom2

Clock to which the outgoing data is synchronized

-> Reset dom2

Reset for registers on the outgoing domain

-> Enable dom2

Enable for registers on the outgoing domain

-> a

Initial value of the two synchronization registers

-> Signal dom1 a

Incoming data

-> Signal dom2 a

Outgoing, synchronized, data

Synchronizer based on two sequentially connected flip-flops.

  • NB: This synchronizer can be used for bit-synchronization.
  • NB: Although this synchronizer does reduce metastability, it does not guarantee the proper synchronization of a whole word. For example, given that the output is sampled twice as fast as the input is running, and we have two samples in the input stream that look like:


    But the circuit driving the input stream has a longer propagation delay on msb compared to the lsbs. What can happen is an output stream that looks like this:


    Where the level-change of the msb was not captured, but the level change of the lsbs were.

    If you want to have safe word-synchronization use asyncFIFOSynchronizer.


asyncFIFOSynchronizer Source #


:: (KnownDomain wdom, KnownDomain rdom, 2 <= addrSize, NFDataX a) 
=> SNat addrSize

Size of the internally used addresses, the FIFO contains 2^addrSize elements.

-> Clock wdom

Clock to which the write port is synchronized

-> Clock rdom

Clock to which the read port is synchronized

-> Reset wdom 
-> Reset rdom 
-> Enable wdom 
-> Enable rdom 
-> Signal rdom Bool

Read request

-> Signal wdom (Maybe a)

Element to insert

-> (Signal rdom a, Signal rdom Bool, Signal wdom Bool)

(Oldest element in the FIFO, empty flag, full flag)

Synchronizer implemented as a FIFO around a synchronous RAM. Based on the design described in Clash.Tutorial, which is itself based on the design described in However, this FIFO uses a synchronous dual-ported RAM which, unlike those designs using RAM with an asynchronous read port, is nearly guaranteed to actually synthesize into one of the dual-ported RAMs found on most FPGAs.

NB: This synchronizer can be used for word-synchronization. NB: This synchronizer will only work safely when you set up the proper bus skew and maximum delay constraints inside your synthesis tool for the clock domain crossings of the gray pointers.