module Base.Typing
( Typeable (..)
, withType, matchType
, bindDecls, bindDecl, bindPatterns, bindPattern, declVars, patternVars
) where
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Curry.Base.Ident
import Curry.Syntax
import Base.Messages (internalError)
import Base.Types
import Base.TypeSubst
import Base.Utils (fst3)
import Env.Value
class Typeable a where
typeOf :: a -> Type
instance Typeable Type where
typeOf = id
instance Typeable PredType where
typeOf = unpredType
instance Typeable a => Typeable (Rhs a) where
typeOf (SimpleRhs _ e _ ) = typeOf e
typeOf (GuardedRhs _ es _) = head [typeOf e | CondExpr _ _ e <- es]
instance Typeable a => Typeable (Pattern a) where
typeOf (LiteralPattern _ a _) = typeOf a
typeOf (NegativePattern _ a _) = typeOf a
typeOf (VariablePattern _ a _) = typeOf a
typeOf (ConstructorPattern _ a _ _) = typeOf a
typeOf (InfixPattern _ a _ _ _) = typeOf a
typeOf (ParenPattern _ t) = typeOf t
typeOf (RecordPattern _ a _ _) = typeOf a
typeOf (TuplePattern _ ts) = tupleType $ map typeOf ts
typeOf (ListPattern _ a _) = typeOf a
typeOf (AsPattern _ _ t) = typeOf t
typeOf (LazyPattern _ t) = typeOf t
typeOf (FunctionPattern _ a _ _) = typeOf a
typeOf (InfixFuncPattern _ a _ _ _) = typeOf a
instance Typeable a => Typeable (Expression a) where
typeOf (Literal _ a _) = typeOf a
typeOf (Variable _ a _) = typeOf a
typeOf (Constructor _ a _) = typeOf a
typeOf (Paren _ e) = typeOf e
typeOf (Typed _ e _) = typeOf e
typeOf (Record _ a _ _) = typeOf a
typeOf (RecordUpdate _ e _) = typeOf e
typeOf (Tuple _ es) = tupleType (map typeOf es)
typeOf (List _ a _) = typeOf a
typeOf (ListCompr _ e _) = listType (typeOf e)
typeOf (EnumFrom _ e) = listType (typeOf e)
typeOf (EnumFromThen _ e _) = listType (typeOf e)
typeOf (EnumFromTo _ e _) = listType (typeOf e)
typeOf (EnumFromThenTo _ e _ _) = listType (typeOf e)
typeOf (UnaryMinus _ e) = typeOf e
typeOf (Apply _ e _) = case typeOf e of
TypeArrow _ ty -> ty
_ -> internalError "Base.Typing.typeOf: application"
typeOf (InfixApply _ _ op _) = case typeOf (infixOp op) of
TypeArrow _ (TypeArrow _ ty) -> ty
_ -> internalError "Base.Typing.typeOf: infix application"
typeOf (LeftSection _ _ op) = case typeOf (infixOp op) of
TypeArrow _ ty -> ty
_ -> internalError "Base.Typing.typeOf: left section"
typeOf (RightSection _ op _) = case typeOf (infixOp op) of
TypeArrow ty1 (TypeArrow _ ty2) -> TypeArrow ty1 ty2
_ -> internalError "Base.Typing.typeOf: right section"
typeOf (Lambda _ ts e) = foldr (TypeArrow . typeOf) (typeOf e) ts
typeOf (Let _ _ e) = typeOf e
typeOf (Do _ _ e) = typeOf e
typeOf (IfThenElse _ _ e _) = typeOf e
typeOf (Case _ _ _ as) = typeOf $ head as
instance Typeable a => Typeable (Alt a) where
typeOf (Alt _ _ rhs) = typeOf rhs
withType :: (Functor f, Typeable (f Type)) => Type -> f Type -> f Type
withType ty e = fmap (subst (matchType (typeOf e) ty idSubst)) e
matchType :: Type -> Type -> TypeSubst -> TypeSubst
matchType ty1 ty2 = fromMaybe noMatch (matchType' ty1 ty2)
noMatch = internalError $ "Base.Typing.matchType: " ++
showsPrec 11 ty1 " " ++ showsPrec 11 ty2 ""
matchType' :: Type -> Type -> Maybe (TypeSubst -> TypeSubst)
matchType' (TypeVariable tv) ty
| ty == TypeVariable tv = Just id
| otherwise = Just (bindSubst tv ty)
matchType' (TypeConstructor tc1) (TypeConstructor tc2)
| tc1 == tc2 = Just id
matchType' (TypeConstrained _ tv1) (TypeConstrained _ tv2)
| tv1 == tv2 = Just id
matchType' (TypeApply ty11 ty12) (TypeApply ty21 ty22) =
fmap (. matchType ty12 ty22) (matchType' ty11 ty21)
matchType' (TypeArrow ty11 ty12) (TypeArrow ty21 ty22) =
Just (matchType ty11 ty21 . matchType ty12 ty22)
matchType' (TypeApply ty11 ty12) (TypeArrow ty21 ty22) =
fmap (. matchType ty12 ty22)
(matchType' ty11 (TypeApply (TypeConstructor qArrowId) ty21))
matchType' (TypeArrow ty11 ty12) (TypeApply ty21 ty22) =
fmap (. matchType ty12 ty22)
(matchType' (TypeApply (TypeConstructor qArrowId) ty11) ty21)
matchType' (TypeForall _ ty1) (TypeForall _ ty2) = matchType' ty1 ty2
matchType' (TypeForall _ ty1) ty2 = matchType' ty1 ty2
matchType' ty1 (TypeForall _ ty2) = matchType' ty1 ty2
matchType' _ _ = Nothing
bindDecls :: (Eq t, Typeable t, ValueType t) => [Decl t] -> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
bindDecls = flip $ foldr bindDecl
bindDecl :: (Eq t, Typeable t, ValueType t) => Decl t -> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
bindDecl d vEnv = bindLocalVars (filter unbound $ declVars d) vEnv
where unbound v = null $ lookupValue (fst3 v) vEnv
bindPatterns :: (Eq t, Typeable t, ValueType t) => [Pattern t] -> ValueEnv
-> ValueEnv
bindPatterns = flip $ foldr bindPattern
bindPattern :: (Eq t, Typeable t, ValueType t) => Pattern t -> ValueEnv
-> ValueEnv
bindPattern t vEnv = bindLocalVars (filter unbound $ patternVars t) vEnv
where unbound v = null $ lookupValue (fst3 v) vEnv
declVars :: (Eq t, Typeable t, ValueType t) => Decl t -> [(Ident, Int, t)]
declVars (InfixDecl _ _ _ _) = []
declVars (TypeSig _ _ _) = []
declVars (FunctionDecl _ ty f eqs) = [(f, eqnArity $ head eqs, ty)]
declVars (PatternDecl _ t _) = patternVars t
declVars (FreeDecl _ vs) = [(v, 0, ty) | Var ty v <- vs]
declVars _ = internalError "Base.Typing.declVars"
patternVars :: (Eq t, Typeable t, ValueType t) => Pattern t -> [(Ident, Int, t)]
patternVars (LiteralPattern _ _ _) = []
patternVars (NegativePattern _ _ _) = []
patternVars (VariablePattern _ ty v) = [(v, 0, ty)]
patternVars (ConstructorPattern _ _ _ ts) = concatMap patternVars ts
patternVars (InfixPattern _ _ t1 _ t2) = patternVars t1 ++ patternVars t2
patternVars (ParenPattern _ t) = patternVars t
patternVars (RecordPattern _ _ _ fs) =
concat [patternVars t | Field _ _ t <- fs]
patternVars (TuplePattern _ ts) = concatMap patternVars ts
patternVars (ListPattern _ _ ts) = concatMap patternVars ts
patternVars (AsPattern _ v t) =
(v, 0, toValueType $ typeOf t) : patternVars t
patternVars (LazyPattern _ t) = patternVars t
patternVars (FunctionPattern _ _ _ ts) = nub $ concatMap patternVars ts
patternVars (InfixFuncPattern _ _ t1 _ t2) =
nub $ patternVars t1 ++ patternVars t2