module Checks.TypeCheck (typeCheck) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804
import Prelude hiding ((<>))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad.Extra ( (&&^), allM, filterM, foldM
, liftM, notM, replicateM, unless
, unlessM )
import qualified Control.Monad.State as S (State, runState, gets, modify)
import Data.List (nub, nubBy, partition, sortBy)
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.Map as Map (Map, empty, insert, lookup)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust)
import qualified Data.Set.Extra as Set ( Set, concatMap, deleteMin, empty
, fromList, insert, member
, notMember, partition, singleton
, toList, union, unions )
import Curry.Base.Ident
import Curry.Base.Position
import Curry.Base.Pretty
import Curry.Base.SpanInfo
import Curry.Syntax
import Curry.Syntax.Pretty
import Base.CurryTypes
import Base.Expr
import Base.Kinds
import Base.Messages (Message, posMessage, internalError)
import Base.SCC
import Base.TopEnv
import Base.TypeExpansion
import Base.Types
import Base.TypeSubst
import Base.Utils (foldr2, fst3, snd3, thd3, uncurry3, mapAccumM)
import Env.Class
import Env.Instance
import Env.TypeConstructor
import Env.Value
typeCheck :: ModuleIdent -> TCEnv -> ValueEnv -> ClassEnv -> InstEnv -> [Decl a]
-> ([Decl PredType], ValueEnv, [Message])
typeCheck m tcEnv vEnv clsEnv inEnv ds = runTCM (checkDecls ds) initState
where initState = TcState m tcEnv vEnv clsEnv (inEnv, Map.empty)
[intType, floatType] idSubst emptySigEnv 1 []
checkDecls :: [Decl a] -> TCM [Decl PredType]
checkDecls ds = do
mapM_ checkFieldLabel (filter isTypeDecl ds) &&> bindLabels
mapM_ setDefaults $ filter isDefaultDecl ds
(_, bpds') <- tcPDecls bpds
tpds' <- mapM tcTopPDecl tpds
theta <- getTypeSubst
return $ map (fmap $ subst theta) $ fromPDecls $ tpds' ++ bpds'
where (bpds, tpds) = partition (isBlockDecl . snd) $ toPDecls ds
type TCM = S.State TcState
type InstEnv' = (InstEnv, Map.Map QualIdent [Type])
data TcState = TcState
{ moduleIdent :: ModuleIdent
, tyConsEnv :: TCEnv
, valueEnv :: ValueEnv
, classEnv :: ClassEnv
, instEnv :: InstEnv'
, defaultTypes :: [Type]
, typeSubst :: TypeSubst
, sigEnv :: SigEnv
, nextId :: Int
, errors :: [Message]
(&&>) :: TCM () -> TCM () -> TCM ()
pre &&> suf = do
errs <- pre >> S.gets errors
if null errs then suf else return ()
(>>-) :: TCM (a, b, c) -> (a -> b -> TCM a) -> TCM (a, c)
m >>- f = do
(u, v, w) <- m
u' <- f u v
return (u', w)
(>>=-) :: TCM (a, b, d) -> (b -> TCM c) -> TCM (a, c, d)
m >>=- f = do
(u, v, x) <- m
w <- f v
return (u, w, x)
runTCM :: TCM a -> TcState -> (a, ValueEnv, [Message])
runTCM tcm s = let (a, s') = S.runState tcm s
in (a, typeSubst s' `subst` valueEnv s', reverse $ errors s')
getModuleIdent :: TCM ModuleIdent
getModuleIdent = S.gets moduleIdent
getTyConsEnv :: TCM TCEnv
getTyConsEnv = S.gets tyConsEnv
getValueEnv :: TCM ValueEnv
getValueEnv = S.gets valueEnv
modifyValueEnv :: (ValueEnv -> ValueEnv) -> TCM ()
modifyValueEnv f = S.modify $ \s -> s { valueEnv = f $ valueEnv s }
withLocalValueEnv :: TCM a -> TCM a
withLocalValueEnv act = do
oldEnv <- getValueEnv
res <- act
modifyValueEnv $ const oldEnv
return res
getClassEnv :: TCM ClassEnv
getClassEnv = S.gets classEnv
getInstEnv :: TCM InstEnv'
getInstEnv = S.gets instEnv
modifyInstEnv :: (InstEnv' -> InstEnv') -> TCM ()
modifyInstEnv f = S.modify $ \s -> s { instEnv = f $ instEnv s }
getDefaultTypes :: TCM [Type]
getDefaultTypes = S.gets defaultTypes
setDefaultTypes :: [Type] -> TCM ()
setDefaultTypes tys = S.modify $ \s -> s { defaultTypes = tys }
getTypeSubst :: TCM TypeSubst
getTypeSubst = S.gets typeSubst
modifyTypeSubst :: (TypeSubst -> TypeSubst) -> TCM ()
modifyTypeSubst f = S.modify $ \s -> s { typeSubst = f $ typeSubst s }
getSigEnv :: TCM SigEnv
getSigEnv = S.gets sigEnv
setSigEnv :: SigEnv -> TCM ()
setSigEnv sigs = S.modify $ \s -> s { sigEnv = sigs }
withLocalSigEnv :: TCM a -> TCM a
withLocalSigEnv act = do
oldSigs <- getSigEnv
res <- act
setSigEnv oldSigs
return res
getNextId :: TCM Int
getNextId = do
nid <- S.gets nextId
S.modify $ \s -> s { nextId = succ nid }
return nid
report :: Message -> TCM ()
report err = S.modify $ \s -> s { errors = err : errors s }
ok :: TCM ()
ok = return ()
type PDecl a = (Int, Decl a)
toPDecls :: [Decl a] -> [PDecl a]
toPDecls = zip [0 ..]
fromPDecls :: [PDecl a] -> [Decl a]
fromPDecls = map snd . sortBy (compare `on` fst)
untyped :: PDecl a -> PDecl b
untyped = fmap $ fmap $ internalError "TypeCheck.untyped"
bindConstrs :: TCM ()
bindConstrs = do
m <- getModuleIdent
tcEnv <- getTyConsEnv
modifyValueEnv $ bindConstrs' m tcEnv
bindConstrs' :: ModuleIdent -> TCEnv -> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
bindConstrs' m tcEnv vEnv = foldr (bindData . snd) vEnv $ localBindings tcEnv
bindData (DataType tc k cs) vEnv' =
let n = kindArity k in foldr (bindConstr m n (constrType' tc n)) vEnv' cs
bindData (RenamingType tc k c) vEnv' =
let n = kindArity k in bindNewConstr m n (constrType' tc n) c vEnv'
bindData _ vEnv' = vEnv'
bindConstr :: ModuleIdent -> Int -> Type -> DataConstr -> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
bindConstr m n ty (DataConstr c tys) =
bindGlobalInfo (\qc tyScheme -> DataConstructor qc arity ls tyScheme) m c
(ForAll n (PredType emptyPredSet (foldr TypeArrow ty tys)))
where arity = length tys
ls = replicate arity anonId
bindConstr m n ty (RecordConstr c ls tys) =
bindGlobalInfo (\qc tyScheme -> DataConstructor qc arity ls tyScheme) m c
(ForAll n (PredType emptyPredSet (foldr TypeArrow ty tys)))
where arity = length tys
bindNewConstr :: ModuleIdent -> Int -> Type -> DataConstr -> ValueEnv
-> ValueEnv
bindNewConstr m n cty (DataConstr c [lty]) =
bindGlobalInfo (\qc tyScheme -> NewtypeConstructor qc anonId tyScheme) m c
(ForAll n (predType (TypeArrow lty cty)))
bindNewConstr m n cty (RecordConstr c [l] [lty]) =
bindGlobalInfo (\qc tyScheme -> NewtypeConstructor qc l tyScheme) m c
(ForAll n (predType (TypeArrow lty cty)))
bindNewConstr _ _ _ _ = internalError
"TypeCheck.bindConstrs'.bindNewConstr: newtype with illegal constructors"
constrType' :: QualIdent -> Int -> Type
constrType' tc n =
applyType (TypeConstructor tc) $ map TypeVariable [0 .. n - 1]
checkFieldLabel :: Decl a -> TCM ()
checkFieldLabel (DataDecl _ _ tvs cs _) = do
ls' <- mapM (tcFieldLabel tvs) labels
mapM_ tcFieldLabels (groupLabels ls')
where labels = [(l, p, ty) | RecordDecl _ _ fs <- cs,
FieldDecl p ls ty <- fs, l <- ls]
checkFieldLabel (NewtypeDecl _ _ tvs (NewRecordDecl p _ (l, ty)) _) = do
_ <- tcFieldLabel tvs (l, p, ty)
checkFieldLabel _ = ok
tcFieldLabel :: HasPosition p => [Ident] -> (Ident, p, TypeExpr)
-> TCM (Ident, p, Type)
tcFieldLabel tvs (l, p, ty) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
tcEnv <- getTyConsEnv
let ForAll n (PredType _ ty') = polyType $ expandMonoType m tcEnv tvs ty
unless (n <= length tvs) $ report $ errSkolemFieldLabel p l
return (l, p, ty')
groupLabels :: Eq a => [(a, b, c)] -> [(a, b, [c])]
groupLabels [] = []
groupLabels ((x, y, z):xyzs) =
(x, y, z : map thd3 xyzs') : groupLabels xyzs''
where (xyzs', xyzs'') = partition ((x ==) . fst3) xyzs
tcFieldLabels :: HasPosition p => (Ident, p, [Type]) -> TCM ()
tcFieldLabels (_, _, []) = return ()
tcFieldLabels (l, p, ty:tys) = unless (not (any (ty /=) tys)) $ do
m <- getModuleIdent
report $ errIncompatibleLabelTypes p m l ty (head tys)
bindLabels :: TCM ()
bindLabels = do
m <- getModuleIdent
tcEnv <- getTyConsEnv
modifyValueEnv $ bindLabels' m tcEnv
bindLabels' :: ModuleIdent -> TCEnv -> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
bindLabels' m tcEnv vEnv = foldr (bindData . snd) vEnv $ localBindings tcEnv
bindData (DataType tc k cs) vEnv' =
foldr (bindLabel m n (constrType' tc n)) vEnv' $ nubBy sameLabel clabels
n = kindArity k
labels = zip (concatMap recLabels cs) (concatMap recLabelTypes cs)
clabels = [(l, constr l, ty) | (l, ty) <- labels]
constr l = map (qualifyLike tc) $
[constrIdent c | c <- cs, l `elem` recLabels c]
sameLabel (l1,_,_) (l2,_,_) = l1 == l2
bindData (RenamingType tc k (RecordConstr c [l] [lty])) vEnv' =
bindLabel m n (constrType' tc n) (l, [qc], lty) vEnv'
n = kindArity k
qc = qualifyLike tc c
bindData (RenamingType _ _ (RecordConstr _ _ _)) _ =
internalError $ "Checks.TypeCheck.bindLabels'.bindData: " ++
"RenamingType with more than one record label"
bindData _ vEnv' = vEnv'
bindLabel :: ModuleIdent -> Int -> Type -> (Ident, [QualIdent], Type)
-> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
bindLabel m n ty (l, lcs, lty) =
bindGlobalInfo (\qc tyScheme -> Label qc lcs tyScheme) m l
(ForAll n (predType (TypeArrow ty lty)))
bindClassMethods :: TCM ()
bindClassMethods = do
m <- getModuleIdent
tcEnv <- getTyConsEnv
modifyValueEnv $ bindClassMethods' m tcEnv
bindClassMethods' :: ModuleIdent -> TCEnv -> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
bindClassMethods' m tcEnv vEnv =
foldr (bindMethods . snd) vEnv $ localBindings tcEnv
bindMethods (TypeClass _ _ ms) vEnv' =
foldr (bindClassMethod m) vEnv' ms
bindMethods _ vEnv' = vEnv'
bindClassMethod :: ModuleIdent -> ClassMethod -> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
bindClassMethod m (ClassMethod f _ pty) =
bindGlobalInfo (\qc tySc -> Value qc True 0 tySc) m f (typeScheme pty)
setDefaults :: Decl a -> TCM ()
setDefaults (DefaultDecl _ tys) = mapM toDefaultType tys >>= setDefaultTypes
toDefaultType =
liftM snd . (inst =<<) . liftM typeScheme
. expandPoly . QualTypeExpr NoSpanInfo []
setDefaults _ = ok
type SigEnv = Map.Map Ident QualTypeExpr
emptySigEnv :: SigEnv
emptySigEnv = Map.empty
bindTypeSig :: Ident -> QualTypeExpr -> SigEnv -> SigEnv
bindTypeSig = Map.insert
bindTypeSigs :: Decl a -> SigEnv -> SigEnv
bindTypeSigs (TypeSig _ vs qty) env =
foldr (flip bindTypeSig qty) env vs
bindTypeSigs _ env = env
lookupTypeSig :: Ident -> SigEnv -> Maybe QualTypeExpr
lookupTypeSig = Map.lookup
tcDecls :: [Decl a] -> TCM (PredSet, [Decl PredType])
tcDecls = liftM (fmap fromPDecls) . tcPDecls . toPDecls
tcPDecls :: [PDecl a] -> TCM (PredSet, [PDecl PredType])
tcPDecls pds = withLocalSigEnv $ do
let (vpds, opds) = partition (isValueDecl . snd) pds
setSigEnv $ foldr (bindTypeSigs . snd) emptySigEnv $ opds
m <- getModuleIdent
(ps, vpdss') <-
mapAccumM tcPDeclGroup emptyPredSet $ scc (bv . snd) (qfv m . snd) vpds
return (ps, map untyped opds ++ concat (vpdss' :: [[PDecl PredType]]))
tcPDeclGroup :: PredSet -> [PDecl a] -> TCM (PredSet, [PDecl PredType])
tcPDeclGroup ps [(i, ExternalDecl p fs)] = do
tys <- mapM (tcExternal . varIdent) fs
return (ps, [(i, ExternalDecl p (zipWith (fmap . const . predType) tys fs))])
tcPDeclGroup ps [(i, FreeDecl p fvs)] = do
vs <- mapM (tcDeclVar False) (bv fvs)
m <- getModuleIdent
modifyValueEnv $ flip (bindVars m) vs
return (ps, [(i, FreeDecl p (map (\(v, _, ForAll _ pty) -> Var pty v) vs))])
tcPDeclGroup ps pds = do
vEnv <- getValueEnv
vss <- mapM (tcDeclVars . snd) pds
m <- getModuleIdent
modifyValueEnv $ flip (bindVars m) $ concat vss
sigs <- getSigEnv
let (impPds, expPds) = partitionPDecls sigs pds
(ps', impPds') <- mapAccumM tcPDecl ps impPds
theta <- getTypeSubst
tvs <- liftM (concatMap $ typeVars . subst theta . fst) $
filterM (notM . isNonExpansive . snd . snd) impPds'
let fvs = foldr Set.insert (fvEnv (subst theta vEnv)) tvs
(gps, lps) = splitPredSet fvs ps'
lps' <- foldM (uncurry . defaultPDecl fvs) lps impPds'
theta' <- getTypeSubst
let impPds'' = map (uncurry (fixType . gen fvs lps' . subst theta')) impPds'
modifyValueEnv $ flip (rebindVars m) (concatMap (declVars . snd) impPds'')
(ps'', expPds') <- mapAccumM (uncurry . tcCheckPDecl) gps expPds
return (ps'', impPds'' ++ expPds')
partitionPDecls :: SigEnv -> [PDecl a] -> ([PDecl a], [(QualTypeExpr, PDecl a)])
partitionPDecls sigs =
foldr (\pd -> maybe (implicit pd) (explicit pd) (typeSig $ snd pd)) ([], [])
where implicit pd ~(impPds, expPds) = (pd : impPds, expPds)
explicit pd qty ~(impPds, expPds) = (impPds, (qty, pd) : expPds)
typeSig (FunctionDecl _ _ f _) = lookupTypeSig f sigs
typeSig (PatternDecl _ (VariablePattern _ _ v) _) = lookupTypeSig v sigs
typeSig _ = Nothing
bindVars :: ModuleIdent -> ValueEnv -> [(Ident, Int, TypeScheme)] -> ValueEnv
bindVars m = foldr $ uncurry3 $ flip (bindFun m) False
rebindVars :: ModuleIdent -> ValueEnv -> [(Ident, Int, TypeScheme)] -> ValueEnv
rebindVars m = foldr $ uncurry3 $ flip (rebindFun m) False
tcDeclVars :: Decl a -> TCM [(Ident, Int, TypeScheme)]
tcDeclVars (FunctionDecl _ _ f eqs) = do
sigs <- getSigEnv
let n = eqnArity $ head eqs
case lookupTypeSig f sigs of
Just qty -> do
pty <- expandPoly qty
return [(f, n, typeScheme pty)]
Nothing -> do
tys <- replicateM (n + 1) freshTypeVar
return [(f, n, monoType $ foldr1 TypeArrow tys)]
tcDeclVars (PatternDecl _ t _) = case t of
VariablePattern _ _ v -> return <$> tcDeclVar True v
_ -> mapM (tcDeclVar False) (bv t)
tcDeclVars _ = internalError "TypeCheck.tcDeclVars"
tcDeclVar :: Bool -> Ident -> TCM (Ident, Int, TypeScheme)
tcDeclVar poly v = do
sigs <- getSigEnv
case lookupTypeSig v sigs of
Just qty
| poly || null (fv qty) -> do
pty <- expandPoly qty
return (v, 0, typeScheme pty)
| otherwise -> do
report $ errPolymorphicVar v
lambdaVar v
Nothing -> lambdaVar v
tcPDecl :: PredSet -> PDecl a -> TCM (PredSet, (Type, PDecl PredType))
tcPDecl ps (i, FunctionDecl p _ f eqs) = do
vEnv <- getValueEnv
tcFunctionPDecl i ps (varType f vEnv) p f eqs
tcPDecl ps (i, d@(PatternDecl p t rhs)) = do
(ps', ty', t') <- tcPattern p t
(ps'', rhs') <- tcRhs rhs >>-
unifyDecl p "pattern declaration" (ppDecl d) (ps `Set.union` ps') ty'
return (ps'', (ty', (i, PatternDecl p t' rhs')))
tcPDecl _ _ = internalError "TypeCheck.tcPDecl"
tcFunctionPDecl :: Int -> PredSet -> TypeScheme -> SpanInfo -> Ident
-> [Equation a] -> TCM (PredSet, (Type, PDecl PredType))
tcFunctionPDecl i ps tySc@(ForAll _ pty) p f eqs = do
(_, ty) <- inst tySc
(ps', eqs') <- mapAccumM (tcEquation ty) ps eqs
return (ps', (ty, (i, FunctionDecl p pty f eqs')))
tcEquation :: Type -> PredSet -> Equation a
-> TCM (PredSet, Equation PredType)
tcEquation ty ps eqn@(Equation p lhs rhs) =
tcEqn p lhs rhs >>- unifyDecl p "equation" (ppEquation eqn) ps ty
tcEqn :: SpanInfo -> Lhs a -> Rhs a
-> TCM (PredSet, Type, Equation PredType)
tcEqn p lhs rhs = do
(ps, tys, lhs', ps', ty, rhs') <- withLocalValueEnv $ do
bindLambdaVars lhs
(ps, tys, lhs') <- tcLhs p lhs
(ps', ty, rhs') <- tcRhs rhs
return (ps, tys, lhs', ps', ty, rhs')
ps'' <- reducePredSet p "equation" (ppEquation (Equation p lhs' rhs'))
(ps `Set.union` ps')
return (ps'', foldr TypeArrow ty tys, Equation p lhs' rhs')
bindLambdaVars :: QuantExpr t => t -> TCM ()
bindLambdaVars t = do
m <- getModuleIdent
vs <- mapM lambdaVar (nub $ bv t)
modifyValueEnv $ flip (bindVars m) vs
lambdaVar :: Ident -> TCM (Ident, Int, TypeScheme)
lambdaVar v = do
ty <- freshTypeVar
return (v, 0, monoType ty)
unifyDecl :: HasPosition p => p -> String -> Doc -> PredSet -> Type -> PredSet
-> Type
-> TCM PredSet
unifyDecl p what doc psLhs tyLhs psRhs tyRhs = do
ps <- unify p what doc psLhs tyLhs psRhs tyRhs
fvs <- computeFvEnv
applyDefaultsDecl p what doc fvs ps tyLhs
defaultPDecl :: Set.Set Int -> PredSet -> Type -> PDecl a -> TCM PredSet
defaultPDecl fvs ps ty (_, FunctionDecl p _ f _) =
applyDefaultsDecl p ("function " ++ escName f) empty fvs ps ty
defaultPDecl fvs ps ty (_, PatternDecl p t _) = case t of
VariablePattern _ _ v ->
applyDefaultsDecl p ("variable " ++ escName v) empty fvs ps ty
_ -> return ps
defaultPDecl _ _ _ _ = internalError "TypeCheck.defaultPDecl"
applyDefaultsDecl :: HasPosition p => p -> String -> Doc -> Set.Set Int
-> PredSet -> Type -> TCM PredSet
applyDefaultsDecl p what doc fvs ps ty = do
theta <- getTypeSubst
let ty' = subst theta ty
fvs' = foldr Set.insert fvs $ typeVars ty'
applyDefaults p what doc fvs' ps ty'
fixType :: TypeScheme -> PDecl PredType -> PDecl PredType
fixType ~(ForAll _ pty) (i, FunctionDecl p _ f eqs) =
(i, FunctionDecl p pty f eqs)
fixType ~(ForAll _ pty) pd@(i, PatternDecl p t rhs) = case t of
VariablePattern spi _ v
-> (i, PatternDecl p (VariablePattern spi pty v) rhs)
_ -> pd
fixType _ _ = internalError "TypeCheck.fixType"
declVars :: Decl PredType -> [(Ident, Int, TypeScheme)]
declVars (FunctionDecl _ pty f eqs) = [(f, eqnArity $ head eqs, typeScheme pty)]
declVars (PatternDecl _ t _) = case t of
VariablePattern _ pty v -> [(v, 0, typeScheme pty)]
_ -> []
declVars _ = internalError "TypeCheck.declVars"
tcCheckPDecl :: PredSet -> QualTypeExpr -> PDecl a
-> TCM (PredSet, PDecl PredType)
tcCheckPDecl ps qty pd = do
(ps', (ty, pd')) <- tcPDecl ps pd
fvs <- computeFvEnv
theta <- getTypeSubst
poly <- isNonExpansive $ snd pd
let (gps, lps) = splitPredSet fvs ps'
ty' = subst theta ty
tySc = if poly then gen fvs lps ty' else monoType ty'
checkPDeclType qty gps tySc pd'
checkPDeclType :: QualTypeExpr -> PredSet -> TypeScheme -> PDecl PredType
-> TCM (PredSet, PDecl PredType)
checkPDeclType qty ps tySc (i, FunctionDecl p _ f eqs) = do
pty <- expandPoly qty
unlessM (checkTypeSig pty tySc) $ do
m <- getModuleIdent
report $ errTypeSigTooGeneral p m (text "Function:" <+> ppIdent f) qty tySc
return (ps, (i, FunctionDecl p pty f eqs))
checkPDeclType qty ps tySc (i, PatternDecl p (VariablePattern spi _ v) rhs) = do
pty <- expandPoly qty
unlessM (checkTypeSig pty tySc) $ do
m <- getModuleIdent
report $ errTypeSigTooGeneral p m (text "Variable:" <+> ppIdent v) qty tySc
return (ps, (i, PatternDecl p (VariablePattern spi pty v) rhs))
checkPDeclType _ _ _ _ = internalError "TypeCheck.checkPDeclType"
checkTypeSig :: PredType -> TypeScheme -> TCM Bool
checkTypeSig (PredType sigPs sigTy) (ForAll _ (PredType ps ty)) = do
clsEnv <- getClassEnv
return $
ty `eqTypes` sigTy &&
all (`Set.member` maxPredSet clsEnv sigPs) (Set.toList ps)
eqTypes :: Type -> Type -> Bool
eqTypes t1 t2 = fst (eq [] t1 t2)
eq is (TypeConstructor qid1) (TypeConstructor qid2) = (qid1 == qid2, is)
eq is (TypeVariable i1) (TypeVariable i2)
| i1 < 0 = (False, is)
| otherwise = eqVar is i1 i2
eq is (TypeConstrained ts1 i1) (TypeConstrained ts2 i2)
= let (res1, is1) = eqs is ts1 ts2
(res2, is2) = eqVar is1 i1 i2
in (res1 && res2, is2)
eq is (TypeApply ta1 tb1) (TypeApply ta2 tb2)
= let (res1, is1) = eq is ta1 ta2
(res2, is2) = eq is1 tb1 tb2
in (res1 && res2, is2)
eq is (TypeArrow tf1 tt1) (TypeArrow tf2 tt2)
= let (res1, is1) = eq is tf1 tf2
(res2, is2) = eq is1 tt1 tt2
in (res1 && res2, is2)
eq is (TypeForall is1 t1') (TypeForall is2 t2')
= let (res1, is') = eqs [] (map TypeVariable is1) (map TypeVariable is2)
(res2, _ ) = eq is' t1' t2'
in (res1 && res2, is)
eq is _ _ = (False, is)
eqVar is i1 i2 = case lookup i1 is of
Nothing -> (True, (i1, i2) : is)
Just i2' -> (i2 == i2', is)
eqs is [] [] = (True , is)
eqs is (t1':ts1) (t2':ts2)
= let (res1, is1) = eq is t1' t2'
(res2, is2) = eqs is1 ts1 ts2
in (res1 && res2, is2)
eqs is _ _ = (False, is)
class Binding a where
isNonExpansive :: a -> TCM Bool
instance Binding a => Binding [a] where
isNonExpansive = allM isNonExpansive
instance Binding (Decl a) where
isNonExpansive (InfixDecl _ _ _ _) = return True
isNonExpansive (TypeSig _ _ _) = return True
isNonExpansive (FunctionDecl _ _ _ _) = return True
isNonExpansive (ExternalDecl _ _) = return True
isNonExpansive (PatternDecl _ _ _) = return False
isNonExpansive (FreeDecl _ _) = return False
isNonExpansive _ =
internalError "TypeCheck.isNonExpansive: declaration"
instance Binding (Rhs a) where
isNonExpansive (SimpleRhs _ e ds) = withLocalValueEnv $ do
m <- getModuleIdent
tcEnv <- getTyConsEnv
clsEnv <- getClassEnv
sigs <- getSigEnv
modifyValueEnv $ flip (foldr (bindDeclArity m tcEnv clsEnv sigs)) ds
isNonExpansive e &&^ isNonExpansive ds
isNonExpansive (GuardedRhs _ _ _) = return False
instance Binding (Expression a) where
isNonExpansive = isNonExpansive' 0
isNonExpansive' :: Int -> Expression a -> TCM Bool
isNonExpansive' _ (Literal _ _ _) = return True
isNonExpansive' n (Variable _ _ v)
| v' == anonId = return False
| isRenamed v' = do
vEnv <- getValueEnv
return $ n == 0 || n < varArity v vEnv
| otherwise = do
vEnv <- getValueEnv
return $ n < varArity v vEnv
where v' = unqualify v
isNonExpansive' _ (Constructor _ _ _) = return True
isNonExpansive' n (Paren _ e) = isNonExpansive' n e
isNonExpansive' n (Typed _ e _) = isNonExpansive' n e
isNonExpansive' _ (Record _ _ c fs) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
vEnv <- getValueEnv
liftM ((length (constrLabels m c vEnv) == length fs) &&) (isNonExpansive fs)
isNonExpansive' _ (Tuple _ es) = isNonExpansive es
isNonExpansive' _ (List _ _ es) = isNonExpansive es
isNonExpansive' n (Apply _ f e) =
isNonExpansive' (n + 1) f &&^ isNonExpansive e
isNonExpansive' n (InfixApply _ e1 op e2) =
isNonExpansive' (n + 2) (infixOp op) &&^ isNonExpansive e1 &&^
isNonExpansive e2
isNonExpansive' n (LeftSection _ e op) =
isNonExpansive' (n + 1) (infixOp op) &&^ isNonExpansive e
isNonExpansive' n (Lambda _ ts e) = withLocalValueEnv $ do
modifyValueEnv $ flip (foldr bindVarArity) (bv ts)
liftM ((n < length ts) ||)
(liftM ((all isVariablePattern ts) &&) (isNonExpansive' (n - length ts) e))
isNonExpansive' n (Let _ ds e) = withLocalValueEnv $ do
m <- getModuleIdent
tcEnv <- getTyConsEnv
clsEnv <- getClassEnv
sigs <- getSigEnv
modifyValueEnv $ flip (foldr (bindDeclArity m tcEnv clsEnv sigs)) ds
isNonExpansive ds &&^ isNonExpansive' n e
isNonExpansive' _ _ = return False
instance Binding a => Binding (Field a) where
isNonExpansive (Field _ _ e) = isNonExpansive e
bindDeclArity :: ModuleIdent -> TCEnv -> ClassEnv -> SigEnv -> Decl a
-> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
bindDeclArity _ _ _ _ (InfixDecl _ _ _ _) = id
bindDeclArity _ _ _ _ (TypeSig _ _ _) = id
bindDeclArity _ _ _ _ (FunctionDecl _ _ f eqs) =
bindArity f (eqnArity $ head eqs)
bindDeclArity m tcEnv clsEnv sigs (ExternalDecl _ fs) =
flip (foldr $ \(Var _ f) -> bindArity f $ arrowArity $ ty f) fs
where ty = unpredType . expandPolyType m tcEnv clsEnv . fromJust .
flip lookupTypeSig sigs
bindDeclArity _ _ _ _ (PatternDecl _ t _) =
flip (foldr bindVarArity) (bv t)
bindDeclArity _ _ _ _ (FreeDecl _ vs) =
flip (foldr bindVarArity) (bv vs)
bindDeclArity _ _ _ _ _ =
internalError "TypeCheck.bindDeclArity"
bindVarArity :: Ident -> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
bindVarArity v = bindArity v 0
bindArity :: Ident -> Int -> ValueEnv -> ValueEnv
bindArity v n = bindTopEnv v (Value (qualify v) False n undefined)
tcTopPDecl :: PDecl a -> TCM (PDecl PredType)
tcTopPDecl (i, DataDecl p tc tvs cs clss) =
return (i, DataDecl p tc tvs cs clss)
tcTopPDecl (i, ExternalDataDecl p tc tvs) =
return (i, ExternalDataDecl p tc tvs)
tcTopPDecl (i, NewtypeDecl p tc tvs nc clss) =
return (i, NewtypeDecl p tc tvs nc clss)
tcTopPDecl (i, TypeDecl p tc tvs ty) = return (i, TypeDecl p tc tvs ty)
tcTopPDecl (i, DefaultDecl p tys) = return (i, DefaultDecl p tys)
tcTopPDecl (i, ClassDecl p cx cls tv ds) = withLocalSigEnv $ do
setSigEnv $ foldr (bindTypeSigs . snd) emptySigEnv opds
vpds' <- mapM (tcClassMethodPDecl (qualify cls) tv) vpds
return (i, ClassDecl p cx cls tv $ fromPDecls $ map untyped opds ++ vpds')
where (vpds, opds) = partition (isValueDecl . snd) $ toPDecls ds
tcTopPDecl (i, InstanceDecl p cx qcls ty ds) = do
tcEnv <- getTyConsEnv
pty <- expandPoly $ QualTypeExpr NoSpanInfo cx ty
mid <- getModuleIdent
let origCls = getOrigName mid qcls tcEnv
clsQual = head $ filter isQualified $ reverseLookupByOrigName origCls tcEnv
qQualCls = qualQualify (fromJust $ qidModule clsQual) qcls
vpds' <- mapM (tcInstanceMethodPDecl qQualCls pty) vpds
return (i, InstanceDecl p cx qcls ty $ fromPDecls $ map untyped opds ++ vpds')
where (vpds, opds) = partition (isValueDecl . snd) $ toPDecls ds
tcTopPDecl _ = internalError "Checks.TypeCheck.tcTopDecl"
tcClassMethodPDecl :: QualIdent -> Ident -> PDecl a -> TCM (PDecl PredType)
tcClassMethodPDecl qcls tv pd@(_, FunctionDecl _ _ f _) = do
methTy <- classMethodType qualify f
(tySc, pd') <- tcMethodPDecl methTy pd
sigs <- getSigEnv
let QualTypeExpr spi cx ty = fromJust $ lookupTypeSig f sigs
qty = QualTypeExpr spi
(Constraint NoSpanInfo qcls (VariableType NoSpanInfo tv) : cx) ty
checkClassMethodType qty tySc pd'
tcClassMethodPDecl _ _ _ = internalError "TypeCheck.tcClassMethodPDecl"
tcInstanceMethodPDecl :: QualIdent -> PredType -> PDecl a
-> TCM (PDecl PredType)
tcInstanceMethodPDecl qcls pty pd@(_, FunctionDecl _ _ f _) = do
methTy <- instMethodType (qualifyLike qcls) pty f
(tySc, pd') <- tcMethodPDecl (typeScheme methTy) pd
checkInstMethodType (normalize 0 methTy) tySc pd'
tcInstanceMethodPDecl _ _ _ = internalError "TypeCheck.tcInstanceMethodPDecl"
tcMethodPDecl :: TypeScheme -> PDecl a -> TCM (TypeScheme, PDecl PredType)
tcMethodPDecl tySc (i, FunctionDecl p _ f eqs) = withLocalValueEnv $ do
m <- getModuleIdent
modifyValueEnv $ bindFun m f True (eqnArity $ head eqs) tySc
(ps, (ty, pd)) <- tcFunctionPDecl i emptyPredSet tySc p f eqs
theta <- getTypeSubst
return (gen Set.empty ps $ subst theta ty, pd)
tcMethodPDecl _ _ = internalError "TypeCheck.tcMethodPDecl"
checkClassMethodType :: QualTypeExpr -> TypeScheme -> PDecl PredType
-> TCM (PDecl PredType)
checkClassMethodType qty tySc pd@(_, FunctionDecl p _ f _) = do
pty <- expandPoly qty
unlessM (checkTypeSig pty tySc) $ do
m <- getModuleIdent
report $ errTypeSigTooGeneral p m (text "Method:" <+> ppIdent f) qty tySc
return pd
checkClassMethodType _ _ _ = internalError "TypeCheck.checkClassMethodType"
checkInstMethodType :: PredType -> TypeScheme -> PDecl PredType
-> TCM (PDecl PredType)
checkInstMethodType pty tySc pd@(_, FunctionDecl p _ f _) = do
unlessM (checkTypeSig pty tySc) $ do
m <- getModuleIdent
report $
errMethodTypeTooSpecific p m (text "Method:" <+> ppIdent f) pty tySc
return pd
checkInstMethodType _ _ _ = internalError "TypeCheck.checkInstMethodType"
classMethodType :: (Ident -> QualIdent) -> Ident -> TCM TypeScheme
classMethodType qual f = do
m <- getModuleIdent
vEnv <- getValueEnv
return $ funType m (qual $ unRenameIdent f) vEnv
instMethodType :: (Ident -> QualIdent) -> PredType -> Ident -> TCM PredType
instMethodType qual (PredType ps ty) f = do
ForAll _ (PredType ps' ty') <- classMethodType qual f
let PredType ps'' ty'' = instanceType ty (PredType (Set.deleteMin ps') ty')
return $ PredType (ps `Set.union` ps'') ty''
tcExternal :: Ident -> TCM Type
tcExternal f = do
sigs <- getSigEnv
case lookupTypeSig f sigs of
Nothing -> internalError "TypeCheck.tcExternal: type signature not found"
Just (QualTypeExpr _ _ ty) -> do
m <- getModuleIdent
PredType _ ty' <- expandPoly $ QualTypeExpr NoSpanInfo [] ty
modifyValueEnv $ bindFun m f False (arrowArity ty') (polyType ty')
return ty'
tcLiteral :: Bool -> Literal -> TCM (PredSet, Type)
tcLiteral _ (Char _) = return (emptyPredSet, charType)
tcLiteral poly (Int _)
| poly = freshNumType
| otherwise = liftM ((,) emptyPredSet) (freshConstrained numTypes)
tcLiteral poly (Float _)
| poly = freshFractionalType
| otherwise = liftM ((,) emptyPredSet) (freshConstrained fractionalTypes)
tcLiteral _ (String _) = return (emptyPredSet, stringType)
tcLhs :: HasPosition p => p -> Lhs a -> TCM (PredSet, [Type], Lhs PredType)
tcLhs p (FunLhs spi f ts) = do
(pss, tys, ts') <- liftM unzip3 $ mapM (tcPattern p) ts
return (Set.unions pss, tys, FunLhs spi f ts')
tcLhs p (OpLhs spi t1 op t2) = do
(ps1, ty1, t1') <- tcPattern p t1
(ps2, ty2, t2') <- tcPattern p t2
return (ps1 `Set.union` ps2, [ty1, ty2], OpLhs spi t1' op t2')
tcLhs p (ApLhs spi lhs ts) = do
(ps, tys1, lhs') <- tcLhs p lhs
(pss, tys2, ts') <- liftM unzip3 $ mapM (tcPattern p) ts
return (Set.unions (ps:pss), tys1 ++ tys2, ApLhs spi lhs' ts')
tcPattern :: HasPosition p => p -> Pattern a
-> TCM (PredSet, Type, Pattern PredType)
tcPattern _ (LiteralPattern spi _ l) = do
(ps, ty) <- tcLiteral False l
return (ps, ty, LiteralPattern spi (predType ty) l)
tcPattern _ (NegativePattern spi _ l) = do
(ps, ty) <- tcLiteral False l
return (ps, ty, NegativePattern spi (predType ty) l)
tcPattern _ (VariablePattern spi _ v) = do
vEnv <- getValueEnv
(_, ty) <- inst (varType v vEnv)
return (emptyPredSet, ty, VariablePattern spi (predType ty) v)
tcPattern p t@(ConstructorPattern spi _ c ts) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
vEnv <- getValueEnv
(ps, (tys, ty')) <- liftM (fmap arrowUnapply) (skol (constrType m c vEnv))
(ps', ts') <- mapAccumM (uncurry . tcPatternArg p "pattern" (ppPattern 0 t))
ps (zip tys ts)
return (ps', ty', ConstructorPattern spi (predType ty') c ts')
tcPattern p (InfixPattern spi a t1 op t2) = do
(ps, ty, t') <- tcPattern p (ConstructorPattern NoSpanInfo a op [t1, t2])
let ConstructorPattern _ a' op' [t1', t2'] = t'
return (ps, ty, InfixPattern spi a' t1' op' t2')
tcPattern p (ParenPattern spi t) = do
(ps, ty, t') <- tcPattern p t
return (ps, ty, ParenPattern spi t')
tcPattern _ t@(RecordPattern spi _ c fs) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
vEnv <- getValueEnv
(ps, ty) <- liftM (fmap arrowBase) (skol (constrType m c vEnv))
(ps', fs') <- mapAccumM (tcField tcPattern "pattern"
(\t' -> ppPattern 0 t $-$ text "Term:" <+> ppPattern 0 t') ty) ps fs
return (ps', ty, RecordPattern spi (predType ty) c fs')
tcPattern p (TuplePattern spi ts) = do
(pss, tys, ts') <- liftM unzip3 $ mapM (tcPattern p) ts
return (Set.unions pss, tupleType tys, TuplePattern spi ts')
tcPattern p t@(ListPattern spi _ ts) = do
ty <- freshTypeVar
(ps, ts') <- mapAccumM (flip (tcPatternArg p "pattern" (ppPattern 0 t)) ty)
emptyPredSet ts
return (ps, listType ty, ListPattern spi (predType $ listType ty) ts')
tcPattern p t@(AsPattern spi v t') = do
vEnv <- getValueEnv
(_, ty) <- inst (varType v vEnv)
(ps, t'') <- tcPattern p t' >>-
unify p "pattern" (ppPattern 0 t) emptyPredSet ty
return (ps, ty, AsPattern spi v t'')
tcPattern p (LazyPattern spi t) = do
(ps, ty, t') <- tcPattern p t
return (ps, ty, LazyPattern spi t')
tcPattern p t@(FunctionPattern spi _ f ts) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
vEnv <- getValueEnv
(ps, ty) <- inst (funType m f vEnv)
tcFuncPattern p spi (ppPattern 0 t) f id ps ty ts
tcPattern p (InfixFuncPattern spi a t1 op t2) = do
(ps, ty, t') <- tcPattern p (FunctionPattern spi a op [t1, t2])
let FunctionPattern _ a' op' [t1', t2'] = t'
return (ps, ty, InfixFuncPattern spi a' t1' op' t2')
tcFuncPattern :: HasPosition p => p -> SpanInfo -> Doc -> QualIdent
-> ([Pattern PredType] -> [Pattern PredType])
-> PredSet -> Type -> [Pattern a]
-> TCM (PredSet, Type, Pattern PredType)
tcFuncPattern _ spi _ f ts ps ty [] =
return (ps, ty, FunctionPattern spi (predType ty) f (ts []))
tcFuncPattern p spi doc f ts ps ty (t':ts') = do
(alpha, beta) <-
tcArrow p "functional pattern" (doc $-$ text "Term:" <+> ppPattern 0 t) ty
(ps', t'') <- tcPatternArg p "functional pattern" doc ps alpha t'
tcFuncPattern p spi doc f (ts . (t'' :)) ps' beta ts'
where t = FunctionPattern spi (predType ty) f (ts [])
tcPatternArg :: HasPosition p => p -> String -> Doc -> PredSet -> Type
-> Pattern a -> TCM (PredSet, Pattern PredType)
tcPatternArg p what doc ps ty t =
tcPattern p t >>-
unify p what (doc $-$ text "Term:" <+> ppPattern 0 t) ps ty
tcRhs :: Rhs a -> TCM (PredSet, Type, Rhs PredType)
tcRhs (SimpleRhs p e ds) = do
(ps, ds', ps', ty, e') <- withLocalValueEnv $ do
(ps, ds') <- tcDecls ds
(ps', ty, e') <- tcExpr p e
return (ps, ds', ps', ty, e')
ps'' <- reducePredSet p "expression" (ppExpr 0 e') (ps `Set.union` ps')
return (ps'', ty, SimpleRhs p e' ds')
tcRhs (GuardedRhs spi es ds) = withLocalValueEnv $ do
(ps, ds') <- tcDecls ds
ty <- freshTypeVar
(ps', es') <- mapAccumM (tcCondExpr ty) ps es
return (ps', ty, GuardedRhs spi es' ds')
tcCondExpr :: Type -> PredSet -> CondExpr a -> TCM (PredSet, CondExpr PredType)
tcCondExpr ty ps (CondExpr p g e) = do
(ps', g') <- tcExpr p g >>- unify p "guard" (ppExpr 0 g) ps boolType
(ps'', e') <- tcExpr p e >>- unify p "guarded expression" (ppExpr 0 e) ps' ty
return (ps'', CondExpr p g' e')
tcExpr :: HasPosition p => p -> Expression a
-> TCM (PredSet, Type, Expression PredType)
tcExpr _ (Literal spi _ l) = do
(ps, ty) <- tcLiteral True l
return (ps, ty, Literal spi (predType ty) l)
tcExpr _ (Variable spi _ v) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
vEnv <- getValueEnv
(ps, ty) <- if isAnonId (unqualify v) then freshPredType []
else inst (funType m v vEnv)
return (ps, ty, Variable spi (predType ty) v)
tcExpr _ (Constructor spi _ c) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
vEnv <- getValueEnv
(ps, ty) <- inst (constrType m c vEnv)
return (ps, ty, Constructor spi (predType ty) c)
tcExpr p (Paren spi e) = do
(ps, ty, e') <- tcExpr p e
return (ps, ty, Paren spi e')
tcExpr p (Typed spi e qty) = do
pty <- expandPoly qty
(ps, ty) <- inst (typeScheme pty)
(ps', e') <- tcExpr p e >>-
unifyDecl p "explicitly typed expression" (ppExpr 0 e) emptyPredSet ty
fvs <- computeFvEnv
theta <- getTypeSubst
let (gps, lps) = splitPredSet fvs ps'
tySc = gen fvs lps (subst theta ty)
unlessM (checkTypeSig pty tySc) $ do
m <- getModuleIdent
report $
errTypeSigTooGeneral p m (text "Expression:" <+> ppExpr 0 e) qty tySc
return (ps `Set.union` gps, ty, Typed spi e' qty)
tcExpr _ e@(Record spi _ c fs) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
vEnv <- getValueEnv
(ps, ty) <- liftM (fmap arrowBase) (inst (constrType m c vEnv))
(ps', fs') <- mapAccumM (tcField tcExpr "construction"
(\e' -> ppExpr 0 e $-$ text "Term:" <+> ppExpr 0 e') ty) ps fs
return (ps', ty, Record spi (predType ty) c fs')
tcExpr p e@(RecordUpdate spi e1 fs) = do
(ps, ty, e1') <- tcExpr p e1
(ps', fs') <- mapAccumM (tcField tcExpr "update"
(\e' -> ppExpr 0 e $-$ text "Term:" <+> ppExpr 0 e') ty) ps fs
return (ps', ty, RecordUpdate spi e1' fs')
tcExpr p (Tuple spi es) = do
(pss, tys, es') <- liftM unzip3 $ mapM (tcExpr p) es
return (Set.unions pss, tupleType tys, Tuple spi es')
tcExpr p e@(List spi _ es) = do
ty <- freshTypeVar
(ps, es') <-
mapAccumM (flip (tcArg p "expression" (ppExpr 0 e)) ty) emptyPredSet es
return (ps, listType ty, List spi (predType $ listType ty) es')
tcExpr p (ListCompr spi e qs) = do
(ps, qs', ps', ty, e') <- withLocalValueEnv $ do
(ps, qs') <- mapAccumM (tcQual p) emptyPredSet qs
(ps', ty, e') <- tcExpr p e
return (ps, qs', ps', ty, e')
ps'' <- reducePredSet p "expression" (ppExpr 0 e') (ps `Set.union` ps')
return (ps'', listType ty, ListCompr spi e' qs')
tcExpr p e@(EnumFrom spi e1) = do
(ps, ty) <- freshEnumType
(ps', e1') <- tcArg p "arithmetic sequence" (ppExpr 0 e) ps ty e1
return (ps', listType ty, EnumFrom spi e1')
tcExpr p e@(EnumFromThen spi e1 e2) = do
(ps, ty) <- freshEnumType
(ps', e1') <- tcArg p "arithmetic sequence" (ppExpr 0 e) ps ty e1
(ps'', e2') <- tcArg p "arithmetic sequence" (ppExpr 0 e) ps' ty e2
return (ps'', listType ty, EnumFromThen spi e1' e2')
tcExpr p e@(EnumFromTo spi e1 e2) = do
(ps, ty) <- freshEnumType
(ps', e1') <- tcArg p "arithmetic sequence" (ppExpr 0 e) ps ty e1
(ps'', e2') <- tcArg p "arithmetic sequence" (ppExpr 0 e) ps' ty e2
return (ps'', listType ty, EnumFromTo spi e1' e2')
tcExpr p e@(EnumFromThenTo spi e1 e2 e3) = do
(ps, ty) <- freshEnumType
(ps', e1') <- tcArg p "arithmetic sequence" (ppExpr 0 e) ps ty e1
(ps'', e2') <- tcArg p "arithmetic sequence" (ppExpr 0 e) ps' ty e2
(ps''', e3') <- tcArg p "arithmetic sequence" (ppExpr 0 e) ps'' ty e3
return (ps''', listType ty, EnumFromThenTo spi e1' e2' e3')
tcExpr p e@(UnaryMinus spi e1) = do
(ps, ty) <- freshNumType
(ps', e1') <- tcArg p "unary negation" (ppExpr 0 e) ps ty e1
return (ps', ty, UnaryMinus spi e1')
tcExpr p e@(Apply spi e1 e2) = do
(ps, (alpha, beta), e1') <- tcExpr p e1 >>=-
tcArrow p "application" (ppExpr 0 e $-$ text "Term:" <+> ppExpr 0 e1)
(ps', e2') <- tcArg p "application" (ppExpr 0 e) ps alpha e2
return (ps', beta, Apply spi e1' e2')
tcExpr p e@(InfixApply spi e1 op e2) = do
(ps, (alpha, beta, gamma), op') <- tcInfixOp op >>=-
tcBinary p "infix application" (ppExpr 0 e $-$ text "Operator:" <+> ppOp op)
(ps', e1') <- tcArg p "infix application" (ppExpr 0 e) ps alpha e1
(ps'', e2') <- tcArg p "infix application" (ppExpr 0 e) ps' beta e2
return (ps'', gamma, InfixApply spi e1' op' e2')
tcExpr p e@(LeftSection spi e1 op) = do
(ps, (alpha, beta), op') <- tcInfixOp op >>=-
tcArrow p "left section" (ppExpr 0 e $-$ text "Operator:" <+> ppOp op)
(ps', e1') <- tcArg p "left section" (ppExpr 0 e) ps alpha e1
return (ps', beta, LeftSection spi e1' op')
tcExpr p e@(RightSection spi op e1) = do
(ps, (alpha, beta, gamma), op') <- tcInfixOp op >>=-
tcBinary p "right section" (ppExpr 0 e $-$ text "Operator:" <+> ppOp op)
(ps', e1') <- tcArg p "right section" (ppExpr 0 e) ps beta e1
return (ps', TypeArrow alpha gamma, RightSection spi op' e1')
tcExpr p (Lambda spi ts e) = do
(pss, tys, ts', ps, ty, e')<- withLocalValueEnv $ do
bindLambdaVars ts
(pss, tys, ts') <- liftM unzip3 $ mapM (tcPattern p) ts
(ps, ty, e') <- tcExpr p e
return (pss, tys, ts', ps, ty, e')
ps' <- reducePredSet p "expression" (ppExpr 0 e') (Set.unions $ ps : pss)
return (ps', foldr TypeArrow ty tys, Lambda spi ts' e')
tcExpr p (Let spi ds e) = do
(ps, ds', ps', ty, e') <- withLocalValueEnv $ do
(ps, ds') <- tcDecls ds
(ps', ty, e') <- tcExpr p e
return (ps, ds', ps', ty, e')
ps'' <- reducePredSet p "expression" (ppExpr 0 e') (ps `Set.union` ps')
return (ps'', ty, Let spi ds' e')
tcExpr p (Do spi sts e) = do
(sts', ty, ps', e') <- withLocalValueEnv $ do
((ps, mTy), sts') <-
mapAccumM (uncurry (tcStmt p)) (emptyPredSet, Nothing) sts
ty <- liftM (maybe id TypeApply mTy) freshTypeVar
(ps', e') <- tcExpr p e >>- unify p "statement" (ppExpr 0 e) ps ty
return (sts', ty, ps', e')
return (ps', ty, Do spi sts' e')
tcExpr p e@(IfThenElse spi e1 e2 e3) = do
(ps, e1') <- tcArg p "expression" (ppExpr 0 e) emptyPredSet boolType e1
(ps', ty, e2') <- tcExpr p e2
(ps'', e3') <- tcArg p "expression" (ppExpr 0 e) (ps `Set.union` ps') ty e3
return (ps'', ty, IfThenElse spi e1' e2' e3')
tcExpr p (Case spi ct e as) = do
(ps, tyLhs, e') <- tcExpr p e
tyRhs <- freshTypeVar
(ps', as') <- mapAccumM (tcAlt tyLhs tyRhs) ps as
return (ps', tyRhs, Case spi ct e' as')
tcArg :: HasPosition p => p -> String -> Doc -> PredSet -> Type -> Expression a
-> TCM (PredSet, Expression PredType)
tcArg p what doc ps ty e =
tcExpr p e >>- unify p what (doc $-$ text "Term:" <+> ppExpr 0 e) ps ty
tcAlt :: Type -> Type -> PredSet -> Alt a
-> TCM (PredSet, Alt PredType)
tcAlt tyLhs tyRhs ps a@(Alt p t rhs) =
tcAltern tyLhs p t rhs >>-
unify p "case alternative" (ppAlt a) ps tyRhs
tcAltern :: Type -> SpanInfo -> Pattern a
-> Rhs a -> TCM (PredSet, Type, Alt PredType)
tcAltern tyLhs p t rhs = do
(ps, t', ps', ty', rhs') <- withLocalValueEnv $ do
bindLambdaVars t
(ps, t') <-
tcPatternArg p "case pattern" (ppAlt (Alt p t rhs)) emptyPredSet tyLhs t
(ps', ty', rhs') <- tcRhs rhs
return (ps, t', ps', ty', rhs')
ps'' <- reducePredSet p "alternative" (ppAlt (Alt p t' rhs'))
(ps `Set.union` ps')
return (ps'', ty', Alt p t' rhs')
tcQual :: HasPosition p => p -> PredSet -> Statement a
-> TCM (PredSet, Statement PredType)
tcQual p ps (StmtExpr spi e) = do
(ps', e') <- tcExpr p e >>- unify p "guard" (ppExpr 0 e) ps boolType
return (ps', StmtExpr spi e')
tcQual _ ps (StmtDecl spi ds) = do
(ps', ds') <- tcDecls ds
return (ps `Set.union` ps', StmtDecl spi ds')
tcQual p ps q@(StmtBind spi t e) = do
alpha <- freshTypeVar
(ps', e') <- tcArg p "generator" (ppStmt q) ps (listType alpha) e
bindLambdaVars t
(ps'', t') <- tcPatternArg p "generator" (ppStmt q) ps' alpha t
return (ps'', StmtBind spi t' e')
tcStmt :: HasPosition p => p -> PredSet -> Maybe Type -> Statement a
-> TCM ((PredSet, Maybe Type), Statement PredType)
tcStmt p ps mTy (StmtExpr spi e) = do
(ps', ty) <- maybe freshMonadType (return . (,) emptyPredSet) mTy
alpha <- freshTypeVar
(ps'', e') <- tcExpr p e >>-
unify p "statement" (ppExpr 0 e) (ps `Set.union` ps') (applyType ty [alpha])
return ((ps'', Just ty), StmtExpr spi e')
tcStmt _ ps mTy (StmtDecl spi ds) = do
(ps', ds') <- tcDecls ds
return ((ps `Set.union` ps', mTy), StmtDecl spi ds')
tcStmt p ps mTy st@(StmtBind spi t e) = do
(ps', ty) <- maybe freshMonadType (return . (,) emptyPredSet) mTy
alpha <- freshTypeVar
(ps'', e') <-
tcArg p "statement" (ppStmt st) (ps `Set.union` ps') (applyType ty [alpha]) e
bindLambdaVars t
(ps''', t') <- tcPatternArg p "statement" (ppStmt st) ps'' alpha t
return ((ps''', Just ty), StmtBind spi t' e')
tcInfixOp :: InfixOp a -> TCM (PredSet, Type, InfixOp PredType)
tcInfixOp (InfixOp _ op) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
vEnv <- getValueEnv
(ps, ty) <- inst (funType m op vEnv)
return (ps, ty, InfixOp (predType ty) op)
tcInfixOp (InfixConstr _ op) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
vEnv <- getValueEnv
(ps, ty) <- inst (constrType m op vEnv)
return (ps, ty, InfixConstr (predType ty) op)
tcField :: (Position -> a b -> TCM (PredSet, Type, a PredType))
-> String -> (a b -> Doc) -> Type -> PredSet -> Field (a b)
-> TCM (PredSet, Field (a PredType))
tcField check what doc ty ps (Field p l x) = do
m <- getModuleIdent
vEnv <- getValueEnv
(ps', ty') <- inst (labelType m l vEnv)
let TypeArrow ty1 ty2 = ty'
_ <- unify p "field label" empty emptyPredSet ty emptyPredSet ty1
(ps'', x') <- check (spanInfo2Pos p) x >>-
unify p ("record " ++ what) (doc x) (ps `Set.union` ps') ty2
return (ps'', Field p l x')
tcArrow :: HasPosition p => p -> String -> Doc -> Type -> TCM (Type, Type)
tcArrow p what doc ty = do
theta <- getTypeSubst
unaryArrow (subst theta ty)
unaryArrow (TypeArrow ty1 ty2) = return (ty1, ty2)
unaryArrow (TypeVariable tv) = do
alpha <- freshTypeVar
beta <- freshTypeVar
modifyTypeSubst $ bindVar tv $ TypeArrow alpha beta
return (alpha, beta)
unaryArrow ty' = do
m <- getModuleIdent
report $ errNonFunctionType p what doc m ty'
(,) <$> freshTypeVar <*> freshTypeVar
tcBinary :: HasPosition p => p -> String -> Doc -> Type
-> TCM (Type, Type, Type)
tcBinary p what doc ty = tcArrow p what doc ty >>= uncurry binaryArrow
binaryArrow ty1 (TypeArrow ty2 ty3) = return (ty1, ty2, ty3)
binaryArrow ty1 (TypeVariable tv) = do
beta <- freshTypeVar
gamma <- freshTypeVar
modifyTypeSubst $ bindVar tv $ TypeArrow beta gamma
return (ty1, beta, gamma)
binaryArrow ty1 ty2 = do
m <- getModuleIdent
report $ errNonBinaryOp p what doc m (TypeArrow ty1 ty2)
(,,) <$> return ty1 <*> freshTypeVar <*> freshTypeVar
unify :: HasPosition p => p -> String -> Doc -> PredSet -> Type -> PredSet
-> Type -> TCM PredSet
unify p what doc ps1 ty1 ps2 ty2 = do
theta <- getTypeSubst
let ty1' = subst theta ty1
ty2' = subst theta ty2
m <- getModuleIdent
case unifyTypes m ty1' ty2' of
Left reason -> report $ errTypeMismatch p what doc m ty1' ty2' reason
Right sigma -> modifyTypeSubst (compose sigma)
reducePredSet p what doc $ ps1 `Set.union` ps2
unifyTypes :: ModuleIdent -> Type -> Type -> Either Doc TypeSubst
unifyTypes _ (TypeVariable tv1) (TypeVariable tv2)
| tv1 == tv2 = Right idSubst
| otherwise = Right (singleSubst tv1 (TypeVariable tv2))
unifyTypes m (TypeVariable tv) ty
| tv `elem` typeVars ty = Left (errRecursiveType m tv ty)
| otherwise = Right (singleSubst tv ty)
unifyTypes m ty (TypeVariable tv)
| tv `elem` typeVars ty = Left (errRecursiveType m tv ty)
| otherwise = Right (singleSubst tv ty)
unifyTypes _ (TypeConstrained tys1 tv1) (TypeConstrained tys2 tv2)
| tv1 == tv2 = Right idSubst
| tys1 == tys2 = Right (singleSubst tv1 (TypeConstrained tys2 tv2))
unifyTypes m (TypeConstrained tys tv) ty =
foldr (choose . unifyTypes m ty) (Left (errIncompatibleTypes m ty (head tys)))
where choose (Left _) theta' = theta'
choose (Right theta) _ = Right (bindSubst tv ty theta)
unifyTypes m ty (TypeConstrained tys tv) =
foldr (choose . unifyTypes m ty) (Left (errIncompatibleTypes m ty (head tys)))
where choose (Left _) theta' = theta'
choose (Right theta) _ = Right (bindSubst tv ty theta)
unifyTypes _ (TypeConstructor tc1) (TypeConstructor tc2)
| tc1 == tc2 = Right idSubst
unifyTypes m (TypeApply ty11 ty12) (TypeApply ty21 ty22) =
unifyTypeLists m [ty11, ty12] [ty21, ty22]
unifyTypes m ty1@(TypeApply _ _) (TypeArrow ty21 ty22) =
unifyTypes m ty1 (TypeApply (TypeApply (TypeConstructor qArrowId) ty21) ty22)
unifyTypes m (TypeArrow ty11 ty12) ty2@(TypeApply _ _) =
unifyTypes m (TypeApply (TypeApply (TypeConstructor qArrowId) ty11) ty12) ty2
unifyTypes m (TypeArrow ty11 ty12) (TypeArrow ty21 ty22) =
unifyTypeLists m [ty11, ty12] [ty21, ty22]
unifyTypes m ty1 ty2 = Left (errIncompatibleTypes m ty1 ty2)
unifyTypeLists :: ModuleIdent -> [Type] -> [Type] -> Either Doc TypeSubst
unifyTypeLists _ [] _ = Right idSubst
unifyTypeLists _ _ [] = Right idSubst
unifyTypeLists m (ty1 : tys1) (ty2 : tys2) =
either Left unifyTypesTheta (unifyTypeLists m tys1 tys2)
unifyTypesTheta theta =
either Left (Right . flip compose theta)
(unifyTypes m (subst theta ty1) (subst theta ty2))
reducePredSet :: HasPosition p => p -> String -> Doc -> PredSet -> TCM PredSet
reducePredSet p what doc ps = do
m <- getModuleIdent
clsEnv <- getClassEnv
theta <- getTypeSubst
inEnv <- (fmap $ fmap $ subst theta) <$> getInstEnv
let ps' = subst theta ps
(ps1, ps2) = partitionPredSet $ minPredSet clsEnv $ reducePreds inEnv ps'
theta' <-
foldM (reportMissingInstance m p what doc inEnv) idSubst $ Set.toList ps2
modifyTypeSubst $ compose theta'
return ps1
reducePreds inEnv = Set.concatMap $ reducePred inEnv
reducePred inEnv pr@(Pred qcls ty) =
maybe (Set.singleton pr) (reducePreds inEnv) (instPredSet inEnv qcls ty)
instPredSet :: InstEnv' -> QualIdent -> Type -> Maybe PredSet
instPredSet inEnv qcls ty = case Map.lookup qcls $ snd inEnv of
Just tys | ty `elem` tys -> Just emptyPredSet
_ -> case unapplyType False ty of
(TypeConstructor tc, tys) ->
fmap (expandAliasType tys . snd3) (lookupInstInfo (qcls, tc) $ fst inEnv)
_ -> Nothing
reportMissingInstance :: HasPosition p => ModuleIdent -> p -> String -> Doc
-> InstEnv' -> TypeSubst -> Pred -> TCM TypeSubst
reportMissingInstance m p what doc inEnv theta (Pred qcls ty) =
case subst theta ty of
ty'@(TypeConstrained tys tv) ->
case filter (hasInstance inEnv qcls) tys of
[] -> do
report $ errMissingInstance m p what doc (Pred qcls ty')
return theta
[ty''] -> return (bindSubst tv ty'' theta)
| length tys == length tys' -> return theta
| otherwise ->
liftM (flip (bindSubst tv) theta) (freshConstrained tys')
| hasInstance inEnv qcls ty' -> return theta
| otherwise -> do
report $ errMissingInstance m p what doc (Pred qcls ty')
return theta
hasInstance :: InstEnv' -> QualIdent -> Type -> Bool
hasInstance inEnv qcls = isJust . instPredSet inEnv qcls
applyDefaults :: HasPosition p => p -> String -> Doc -> Set.Set Int -> PredSet
-> Type -> TCM PredSet
applyDefaults p what doc fvs ps ty = do
m <- getModuleIdent
clsEnv <- getClassEnv
inEnv <- getInstEnv
defs <- getDefaultTypes
let theta = foldr (bindDefault defs inEnv ps) idSubst $ nub
[ tv | Pred qcls (TypeVariable tv) <- Set.toList ps
, tv `Set.notMember` fvs, isNumClass clsEnv qcls ]
ps' = fst (partitionPredSet (subst theta ps))
ty' = subst theta ty
tvs' = nub $ filter (`Set.notMember` fvs) (typeVars ps')
mapM_ (report . errAmbiguousTypeVariable m p what doc ps' ty') tvs'
modifyTypeSubst $ compose theta
return ps'
bindDefault :: [Type] -> InstEnv' -> PredSet -> Int -> TypeSubst -> TypeSubst
bindDefault defs inEnv ps tv =
case foldr (defaultType inEnv tv) defs (Set.toList ps) of
[] -> id
ty:_ -> bindSubst tv ty
defaultType :: InstEnv' -> Int -> Pred -> [Type] -> [Type]
defaultType inEnv tv (Pred qcls (TypeVariable tv'))
| tv == tv' = filter (hasInstance inEnv qcls)
| otherwise = id
defaultType _ _ _ = id
isNumClass :: ClassEnv -> QualIdent -> Bool
isNumClass = (elem qNumId .) . flip allSuperClasses
fresh :: (Int -> a) -> TCM a
fresh f = f <$> getNextId
freshVar :: (Int -> a) -> TCM a
freshVar f = fresh $ \n -> f (- n)
freshTypeVar :: TCM Type
freshTypeVar = freshVar TypeVariable
freshPredType :: [QualIdent] -> TCM (PredSet, Type)
freshPredType qclss = do
ty <- freshTypeVar
return (foldr (\qcls -> Set.insert $ Pred qcls ty) emptyPredSet qclss, ty)
freshEnumType :: TCM (PredSet, Type)
freshEnumType = freshPredType [qEnumId]
freshNumType :: TCM (PredSet, Type)
freshNumType = freshPredType [qNumId]
freshFractionalType :: TCM (PredSet, Type)
freshFractionalType = freshPredType [qFractionalId]
freshMonadType :: TCM (PredSet, Type)
freshMonadType = freshPredType [qMonadId]
freshConstrained :: [Type] -> TCM Type
freshConstrained = freshVar . TypeConstrained
inst :: TypeScheme -> TCM (PredSet, Type)
inst (ForAll n (PredType ps ty)) = do
tys <- replicateM n freshTypeVar
return (expandAliasType tys ps, expandAliasType tys ty)
skol :: TypeScheme -> TCM (PredSet, Type)
skol (ForAll n (PredType ps ty)) = do
tys <- replicateM n freshTypeVar
clsEnv <- getClassEnv
modifyInstEnv $
fmap $ bindSkolemInsts $ expandAliasType tys $ maxPredSet clsEnv ps
return (emptyPredSet, expandAliasType tys ty)
where bindSkolemInsts = flip (foldr bindSkolemInst) . Set.toList
bindSkolemInst (Pred qcls ty') dInEnv =
Map.insert qcls (ty' : fromMaybe [] (Map.lookup qcls dInEnv)) dInEnv
gen :: Set.Set Int -> PredSet -> Type -> TypeScheme
gen gvs ps ty = ForAll (length tvs) (subst theta (PredType ps ty))
where tvs = [tv | tv <- nub (typeVars ty), tv `Set.notMember` gvs]
tvs' = map TypeVariable [0 ..]
theta = foldr2 bindSubst idSubst tvs tvs'
constrType :: ModuleIdent -> QualIdent -> ValueEnv -> TypeScheme
constrType m c vEnv = case qualLookupValue c vEnv of
[DataConstructor _ _ _ tySc] -> tySc
[NewtypeConstructor _ _ tySc] -> tySc
_ -> case qualLookupValue (qualQualify m c) vEnv of
[DataConstructor _ _ _ tySc] -> tySc
[NewtypeConstructor _ _ tySc] -> tySc
_ -> internalError $ "TypeCheck.constrType: " ++ show c
constrLabels :: ModuleIdent -> QualIdent -> ValueEnv -> [Ident]
constrLabels m c vEnv = case qualLookupValue c vEnv of
[DataConstructor _ _ ls _] -> ls
[NewtypeConstructor _ l _] -> [l]
_ -> case qualLookupValue (qualQualify m c) vEnv of
[DataConstructor _ _ ls _] -> ls
[NewtypeConstructor _ l _] -> [l]
_ -> internalError $ "TypeCheck.constrLabels: " ++ show c
varType :: Ident -> ValueEnv -> TypeScheme
varType v vEnv = case lookupValue v vEnv of
Value _ _ _ tySc : _ -> tySc
_ -> internalError $ "TypeCheck.varType: " ++ show v
varArity :: QualIdent -> ValueEnv -> Int
varArity v vEnv = case qualLookupValue v vEnv of
Value _ _ n _ : _ -> n
Label _ _ _ : _ -> 1
_ -> internalError $ "TypeCheck.varArity: " ++ show v
funType :: ModuleIdent -> QualIdent -> ValueEnv -> TypeScheme
funType m f vEnv = case qualLookupValue f vEnv of
[Value _ _ _ tySc] -> tySc
[Label _ _ tySc] -> tySc
_ -> case qualLookupValue (qualQualify m f) vEnv of
[Value _ _ _ tySc] -> tySc
[Label _ _ tySc] -> tySc
_ -> internalError $ "TypeCheck.funType: " ++ show f
labelType :: ModuleIdent -> QualIdent -> ValueEnv -> TypeScheme
labelType m l vEnv = case qualLookupValue l vEnv of
[Label _ _ tySc] -> tySc
_ -> case qualLookupValue (qualQualify m l) vEnv of
[Label _ _ tySc] -> tySc
_ -> internalError $ "TypeCheck.labelType: " ++ show l
expandPoly :: QualTypeExpr -> TCM PredType
expandPoly qty = do
m <- getModuleIdent
tcEnv <- getTyConsEnv
clsEnv <- getClassEnv
return $ expandPolyType m tcEnv clsEnv qty
splitPredSet :: Set.Set Int -> PredSet -> (PredSet, PredSet)
splitPredSet fvs = Set.partition (all (`Set.member` fvs) . typeVars)
fvEnv :: ValueEnv -> Set.Set Int
fvEnv vEnv =
Set.fromList [tv | tySc <- localTypes vEnv, tv <- typeVars tySc, tv < 0]
computeFvEnv :: TCM (Set.Set Int)
computeFvEnv = do
theta <- getTypeSubst
vEnv <- getValueEnv
return $ fvEnv (subst theta vEnv)
localTypes :: ValueEnv -> [TypeScheme]
localTypes vEnv = [tySc | (_, Value _ _ _ tySc) <- localBindings vEnv]
errPolymorphicVar :: Ident -> Message
errPolymorphicVar v = posMessage v $ hsep $ map text
["Variable", idName v, "has a polymorphic type"]
errTypeSigTooGeneral :: HasPosition a => a -> ModuleIdent -> Doc -> QualTypeExpr
-> TypeScheme -> Message
errTypeSigTooGeneral p m what qty tySc = posMessage p $ vcat
[ text "Type signature too general", what
, text "Inferred type:" <+> ppTypeScheme m tySc
, text "Type signature:" <+> ppQualTypeExpr qty
errMethodTypeTooSpecific :: HasPosition a => a -> ModuleIdent -> Doc -> PredType
-> TypeScheme -> Message
errMethodTypeTooSpecific p m what pty tySc = posMessage p $ vcat
[ text "Method type too specific", what
, text "Inferred type:" <+> ppTypeScheme m tySc
, text "Expected type:" <+> ppPredType m pty
errNonFunctionType :: HasPosition a => a -> String -> Doc -> ModuleIdent -> Type
-> Message
errNonFunctionType p what doc m ty = posMessage p $ vcat
[ text "Type error in" <+> text what, doc
, text "Type:" <+> ppType m ty
, text "Cannot be applied"
errNonBinaryOp :: HasPosition a => a -> String -> Doc -> ModuleIdent -> Type
-> Message
errNonBinaryOp p what doc m ty = posMessage p $ vcat
[ text "Type error in" <+> text what, doc
, text "Type:" <+> ppType m ty
, text "Cannot be used as binary operator"
errTypeMismatch :: HasPosition a => a -> String -> Doc -> ModuleIdent -> Type
-> Type -> Doc -> Message
errTypeMismatch p what doc m ty1 ty2 reason = posMessage p $ vcat
[ text "Type error in" <+> text what, doc
, text "Inferred type:" <+> ppType m ty2
, text "Expected type:" <+> ppType m ty1
, reason
errSkolemFieldLabel :: HasPosition a => a -> Ident -> Message
errSkolemFieldLabel p l = posMessage p $ hsep $ map text
["Existential type escapes with type of record selector", escName l]
errRecursiveType :: ModuleIdent -> Int -> Type -> Doc
errRecursiveType m tv ty = errIncompatibleTypes m (TypeVariable tv) ty
errIncompatibleTypes :: ModuleIdent -> Type -> Type -> Doc
errIncompatibleTypes m ty1 ty2 = sep
[ text "Types" <+> ppType m ty1
, nest 2 $ text "and" <+> ppType m ty2
, text "are incompatible"
errIncompatibleLabelTypes :: HasPosition a => a -> ModuleIdent -> Ident -> Type
-> Type -> Message
errIncompatibleLabelTypes p m l ty1 ty2 = posMessage p $ sep
[ text "Labeled types" <+> ppIdent l <+> text "::" <+> ppType m ty1
, nest 10 $ text "and" <+> ppIdent l <+> text "::" <+> ppType m ty2
, text "are incompatible"
errMissingInstance :: HasPosition a => ModuleIdent -> a -> String -> Doc -> Pred
-> Message
errMissingInstance m p what doc pr = posMessage p $ vcat
[ text "Missing instance for" <+> ppPred m pr
, text "in" <+> text what
, doc
errAmbiguousTypeVariable :: HasPosition a => ModuleIdent -> a -> String -> Doc
-> PredSet -> Type -> Int -> Message
errAmbiguousTypeVariable m p what doc ps ty tv = posMessage p $ vcat
[ text "Ambiguous type variable" <+> ppType m (TypeVariable tv)
, text "in type" <+> ppPredType m (PredType ps ty)
, text "inferred for" <+> text what
, doc