Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
- data Status
- type State a = (Status, [a])
- complete :: State a -> Bool
- data CSP a = CSP {
- pnm :: PackageNameMap a
- relations :: Relations
- depFunction :: a -> Relations
- conflicts :: a -> Relations
- packageVersion :: a -> (BinPkgName, DebianVersion)
- controlCSP :: Control -> Relations -> (Paragraph -> Relations) -> CSP Paragraph
- testCSP :: FilePath -> (Paragraph -> Relations) -> String -> (CSP Paragraph -> IO a) -> IO a
- depF :: Paragraph -> Relations
- sidPackages :: [Char]
- gutsyPackages :: [Char]
- test :: FilePath -> String -> Labeler Paragraph -> IO ()
- packageVersionParagraph :: Paragraph -> (BinPkgName, DebianVersion)
- conflict :: CSP p -> p -> p -> Bool
- conflict' :: (BinPkgName, DebianVersion) -> Relation -> Bool
- mkTree :: a -> [Tree a] -> Tree a
- label :: Tree a -> a
- initTree :: (a -> [a]) -> a -> Tree a
- mapTree :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
- foldTree :: (a -> [b] -> b) -> Tree a -> b
- zipTreesWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Tree a -> Tree b -> Tree c
- prune :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Tree a
- leaves :: Tree a -> [a]
- inhTree :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> Tree b
- distrTree :: (a -> [b]) -> b -> Tree a -> Tree b
- mkSearchTree :: forall a. CSP a -> Tree (State a)
- earliestInconsistency :: CSP a -> State a -> Maybe ((BinPkgName, DebianVersion), (BinPkgName, DebianVersion))
- type ConflictSet = ([(BinPkgName, DebianVersion)], [Relation])
- isConflict :: ConflictSet -> Bool
- solutions :: Tree (State a, ConflictSet) -> [State a]
- type Labeler a = CSP a -> Tree (State a) -> Tree (State a, ConflictSet)
- search :: Labeler a -> CSP a -> [State a]
- bt :: Labeler a
- bj :: CSP p -> Tree (State p, ConflictSet) -> Tree (State p, ConflictSet)
- unionCS :: [ConflictSet] -> ConflictSet
- combine :: CSP p -> [(State p, ConflictSet)] -> [ConflictSet] -> ConflictSet
Basic CSP Types and Functions
Remaining AndRelation | |
MissingDep Relation | |
Complete |
CSP | |
Test CSP
controlCSP :: Control -> Relations -> (Paragraph -> Relations) -> CSP Paragraph Source #
TODO addProvides -- see DQL.Exec
testCSP :: FilePath -> (Paragraph -> Relations) -> String -> (CSP Paragraph -> IO a) -> IO a Source #
sidPackages :: [Char] Source #
gutsyPackages :: [Char] Source #
conflict' :: (BinPkgName, DebianVersion) -> Relation -> Bool Source #
JAS: deal with Provides
(can a package provide more than one package?)
Tree Helper Functions
earliestInconsistency :: CSP a -> State a -> Maybe ((BinPkgName, DebianVersion), (BinPkgName, DebianVersion)) Source #
earliestInconsistency does what it sounds like the 'reverse as' is because the vars are order high to low, but we want to find the lowest numbered (aka, eariest) inconsistency ??
Conflict Set
type ConflictSet = ([(BinPkgName, DebianVersion)], [Relation]) Source #
conflicting packages and relations that require non-existant packages
isConflict :: ConflictSet -> Bool Source #
Backtracking Labeler
BackJumping Solver
bj :: CSP p -> Tree (State p, ConflictSet) -> Tree (State p, ConflictSet) Source #
bj - backjumping labeler
If the node already has a conflict set, then leave it alone.
Otherwise, the conflictset for the node is the combination of the conflict sets of its direct children.
unionCS :: [ConflictSet] -> ConflictSet Source #
combine :: CSP p -> [(State p, ConflictSet)] -> [ConflictSet] -> ConflictSet Source #