{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Data.Encoding.BootString
,punycode) where
import Data.Encoding.Base
import Data.Encoding.Exception
import Data.Encoding.ByteSource
import Data.Encoding.ByteSink
import Control.Throws
import Data.Word
import Data.List (unfoldr,partition,find)
import Data.Char (ord,chr)
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Monad (when)
data BootString = BootString
{base :: Int
,tmin :: Int
,tmax :: Int
,skew :: Int
,damp :: Int
,init_bias :: Int
,init_n :: Int
deriving (Show,Eq,Typeable)
punycode :: BootString
punycode = BootString
{base = 36
,tmin = 1
,tmax = 26
,skew = 38
,damp = 700
,init_bias = 72
,init_n = 0x80
punyValue :: ByteSource m => Word8 -> m Int
punyValue c
| n < 0x30 = norep
| n <= 0x39 = return $ n-0x30+26
| n < 0x41 = norep
| n <= 0x5A = return $ n-0x41
| n < 0x61 = norep
| n <= 0x7A = return $ n-0x61
| otherwise = norep
n = fromIntegral c
norep = throwException (IllegalCharacter c)
punyChar :: ByteSink m => Int -> m Word8
punyChar c
| c < 0 = norep
| c < 26 = return $ fromIntegral $ 0x61+c
| c < 36 = return $ fromIntegral $ 0x30+c-26
| otherwise = norep
norep = throwException (HasNoRepresentation (chr c))
getT :: BootString -> Int -> Int -> Int
getT bs k bias
| k <= bias + (tmin bs) = tmin bs
| k >= bias + (tmax bs) = tmax bs
| otherwise = k-bias
adapt :: BootString -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> Int
adapt bs delta numpoints firsttime = let
delta1 = if firsttime
then delta `div` (damp bs)
else delta `div` 2
delta2 = delta1 + (delta1 `div` numpoints)
(rd,rk) = head
$ filter ((<=((base bs - tmin bs) * (tmax bs)) `div` 2).fst)
$ iterate (\(d,k) -> (d `div` (base bs - tmin bs),k+(base bs))) (delta2,0)
in rk + (((base bs - tmin bs +1) * rd) `div` (rd + skew bs))
decodeValue :: ByteSource m => BootString -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> m (Int,[Int])
decodeValue bs bias i k w (x:xs)
| x >= base bs = throwException OutOfRange
| x > (maxBound - i) `div` w = throwException OutOfRange
| x < t = return (ni,xs)
| w > maxBound `div` (base bs - t) = throwException OutOfRange
| null xs = throwException OutOfRange
| otherwise = decodeValue bs bias ni (k+base bs) (w*(base bs - t)) xs
ni = i + x*w
t = getT bs k bias
decodeValues :: ByteSource m => BootString -> Int -> [Int] -> m [(Char,Int)]
decodeValues bs len xs = decodeValues' bs (init_n bs) 0 (init_bias bs) len xs
decodeValues' :: ByteSource m => BootString -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> m [(Char,Int)]
decodeValues' bs n i bias len [] = return []
decodeValues' bs n i bias len xs = do
(ni,rst) <- decodeValue bs bias i (base bs) 1 xs
let (dn,nni) = ni `divMod` (len+1)
let nn = n+dn
if dn > maxBound - n
then throwException OutOfRange
else (do
rest <- decodeValues' bs nn (nni+1) (adapt bs (ni-i) (len+1) (i==0)) (len+1) rst
return $ (chr $ nn,nni):rest
insertDeltas :: [(a,Int)] -> [a] -> [a]
insertDeltas [] str = str
insertDeltas ((c,p):xs) str = let
(l,r) = splitAt p str
in insertDeltas xs (l++[c]++r)
punyDecode :: ByteSource m => [Word8] -> [Word8] -> m String
punyDecode base ext = do
pvals <- mapM punyValue ext
vals <- decodeValues punycode (length base) pvals
return $ insertDeltas vals (map (chr.fromIntegral) base)
encodeValue :: BootString -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int]
encodeValue bs bias delta n c = unfoldr (\(q,k,out) -> let
t = getT bs k bias
(nq,dc) = (q-t) `divMod` (base bs - t)
in if out
then Nothing
else (if q < t
then Just (q,(q,k+base bs,True))
else Just (t + dc,(nq,k+base bs,False)))
) (delta,base bs,False)
encodeValues' :: BootString -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> (Int,Int,Int,[Int])
encodeValues' _ _ h bias delta _ [] = (delta,h,bias,[])
encodeValues' bs b h bias delta n (c:cs) = case compare c n of
LT -> encodeValues' bs b h bias (delta+1) n cs
GT -> encodeValues' bs b h bias delta n cs
EQ -> let
(ndelta,nh,nbias,rest) = encodeValues' bs b (h+1) (adapt bs delta (h+1) (h==b)) 0 n cs
xs = encodeValue bs bias delta n c
in (ndelta,nh,nbias,xs++rest)
encodeValues :: BootString -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
encodeValues bs b l h bias delta n cps
| h == l = []
| otherwise = outp++encodeValues bs b l nh nbias (ndelta+1) (m+1) cps
m = minimum (filter (>=n) cps)
(ndelta,nh,nbias,outp) = encodeValues' bs b h bias (delta + (m - n)*(h + 1)) m cps
breakLast :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe ([a],[a])
breakLast p xs = do
(bf,af,ind) <- breakLast' 0 Nothing p xs
return (bf,af)
breakLast' n r p [] = do
v <- r
return ([],[],v)
breakLast' n r p (x:xs) = let res = if p x
then breakLast' (n+1) (Just n) p xs
else breakLast' (n+1) r p xs
in do
(bf,af,v) <- res
return $ if n<v then (x:bf,af,v) else (bf,x:af,v)
instance Encoding BootString where
encodeChar _ c = error "Data.Encoding.BootString.encodeChar: Please use 'encode' for encoding BootStrings"
decodeChar _ = error "Data.Encoding.BootString.decodeChar: Please use 'decode' for decoding BootStrings"
encode bs str = let (base,nbase) = partition (\c -> ord c < init_n bs) str
b = length base
in do
res <- mapM punyChar $ encodeValues bs b (length str) b (init_bias bs) 0 (init_n bs) (map ord str)
when (not $ null base) $ do
mapM_ (pushWord8.fromIntegral.ord) base
pushWord8 (fromIntegral $ ord '-')
mapM_ pushWord8 res
decode bs = do
wrds <- untilM sourceEmpty fetchWord8
let m = fromIntegral $ ord '-'
case breakLast (==m) wrds of
Just ([],_) -> throwException (IllegalCharacter m)
Just (base,_:nbase) -> case find (\w -> fromIntegral w > init_n bs) base of
Nothing -> punyDecode base nbase
Just ww -> throwException (IllegalCharacter ww)
Nothing -> punyDecode [] wrds
encodeable bs c = True